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tv   [untitled]    February 15, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EET

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to the maximum with the greatest coefficient of useful action in place, then yes , of course, labor or economic mobilization or reservation is necessary for ukraine, because one way or another we now need to build a system of struggle in the long run, and the one who turns out to be better organized, the one in this can win the war. there are significantly more russians, and we should be better organized and, accordingly, have a higher coefficient of useful action from each citizen. thank you, mr. oleg, sir. igor, what do you think, can there be a postponement from mobilization for an additional tax that will need to be paid to the budget. no, i do not support such an idea, because it has nothing to do with social justice, and we must remember that, in general, the bill on mobilization and the law on mobilization are primarily about justice, and it must be observed as in the social sphere, as well as in all others that exist in the country today, in that formulation. which
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is really proposed to make a committee, well , there is a certain discussion of this topic, it is on today it started, this idea looks, well, in general, as a certain kind of, you know, anarchism, and what took place there in the 19th or the beginning of the 20th century in some countries, and partly even in the same russian empire, so now in it cannot work in the 21st century , here we need to talk about new principles, approaches and standards of booking as such, which should be... well, open, which should be as transparent as possible, and which should answer all the questions that will arise citizens. thank you sir igor, gentlemen, we are witnessing a large personnel reshuffle by zelenskyi, perhaps not for the first time since the restoration of ukraine's independence, 19 or 16 generals commanding different directions were dismissed at the same time. led by the head of the armed forces
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of ukraine, valery zaluzhny, is this a mass dismissal, can it be considered personnel rotation, a large personnel rotation, let's say this, can it be considered volodymyr zelensky's strength or weakness, mr. olezh? i would say that this is the result of certain chronic processes that have been launched, in the 23rd year of what they did not solve a significant part of the problems that accumulated. both managerial , and ultimately political, the tension and irritation that accumulated within the military-political leadership, and in the end all this led to a crisis of military-political, military-political unity, which, thank god, did not develop into either managerial or political crisis, and we saw that it was at least resolved in a civilized way at the finish line, but nevertheless it became the consequences of certain systemic processes and...
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subjective, let's say, political and other games that also took place. i would share the issue of replacing mr. zaluzhn, since mr. zaluzhn is still a very unusual person, and in fact we had two characters of the ukrainian epic against russia, this is the supreme commander, this is the commander-in-chief, zelensky, who exceeded the expectations of a large part of society on in the first couple of years and demonstrated a completely different behavior than was expected of him, and mr. zaluzhnyi, who was able to organize the defense of ukraine, relying on the potential self-organization, it is clear that this is primarily a ukrainian society, but nevertheless under the command of mr. zaluzhny, who stood at a time when no one expected that ukraine would be able to oppose the russian federation from the outside, and ukrainians who believed in this defense saw in to the commander who was able to organize it, and accordingly, this figure is legendary, and with his departure from power , the bulletproof vest, this teflon-likeness of zaluzhnyi himself, was removed. she always protected
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the military-political leadership from any troubles that could come from the front. currently it is not available. further , all personnel changes should be considered here as the arrival of a new team, as a result of a change in the head committee. and there are several surnames that may raise questions. first of all, one last name - the former head of the internal troops. it is clear that the times of the maidan mean that this is an extremely unsuccessful personnel decision at the moment from the point of view. political risks against the background of quite serious tension in society, which is connected with the change of the head, the society, which is already thin-skinned, reacts very sharply to any ambiguities and irritants, and this is a serious irritant, there is definitely a negative political decision, administrative and military, i cannot evaluate it, because i do not know to what extent mr. llahuta is really in his place, he does not have enough. competencies for this information,
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but according to the majority of commanders here and from military and profile experts , it is reported that there are really quite good personnel decisions and, for the most part, this rotation for today. day is justified from the point of view of those surnames and their functional and other personnel and personal qualities, which these people, which these people have already demonstrated in a number of months and years of fighting with russia, because a significant part of them grew up inside since the 14th year, precisely from the moment when the russian-ukrainian war began. well, but in this situation it is obviously necessary to remember those people who were released, because these people are also the basis of the ukrainian army, they are human beings. who have unique experience, who fought during the last 10 years of the russian-ukrainian war, but they were not treated very politely either, there general nayev publicly said that he learned about his resignation from of the press, although i think that naev understood that he
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would go after the hard-working, here, it seems, there is no secret, there was no secret for naev, but still we see this big one. personnel reassignment, one way or another , this personnel reassignment is political, because well, or with expediency, political, because this big change of generals and commanders of these forces, i repeat once again, there was nothing like this in the history of the ukrainian state, well, at least i i don't remember that just 16... leaders in the army were dismissed during that time for a day or two, it happened somewhere , mr. igor, what political consequences will it have, that is, now everything that will happen in the armed forces, and everything that will happen at the front,
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will somehow be associated not only with the syrian, and with zelenskyi, that’s right, well , it will definitely hit the president directly, why because... he carried out such personnel rotation, you asked about strength or weakness, the strength lies in the fact that we have this personnel resource , that is, there are people who can come to certain positions, and the attitude towards who are in the armed forces, well, in principle , it is positive, that is, everyone said that these are normal appointments, these people can perform the tasks that will be set before them, on the other hand, there is a certain weakness here, why, because when another big one is released the number of people who... were also very effective in their positions, let's not forget that and for the sake of justice, comparing the situation, for example, in the 22nd and in the 24th year, well, not very well, correctly, it is clear that it was more difficult before and they persevered in the most difficult period, the situation is now is much more controlled, and we have much more of everything than we did at
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the beginning of the large-scale invasion of russia, so accordingly, when such a rotation occurs, certain explanations must be given as to why it is happening and what it will manifest itself in. whether to manifest or new approaches of those who came to these positions, or, for example, some kind of greater high efficiency, well, a higher coefficient of effectiveness, many other things that hr managers like to talk about, yes, that is, those who are looking for people on one or the other positions another very important point, by the way, we have not received an answer to it to date, we can most likely get this answer from the mouth of only one person, this person's surname is syrskyi, that is, to what extent all these appointments were agreed upon. with him and to what extent they are directly initiated by him, that is, it is clear that when a new commander-in-chief appears, he wants to appoint some other people, to come, roughly speaking, with his team, this is a normal , absolute story, and there is no reason to to be surprised, but it is usually the case,
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especially in the army, it is a fairly conservative structure, we are talking about such point changes, there may be two or three generals, there, well , directly some subordinates who are responsible for directions. or there for groups of troops, families of troops, well, depending on what we are talking about, when we see such a rotation, well, here is the question: how many were in this rotation directly of syrsky, of him, of his people, of representatives of his team, or is it was an initiative of the president's office, which informed and possibly even consulted with as the new commander-in-chief, but she still appointed the people she saw fit to appoint, and that's a very big challenge, including for the commander-in-chief, because we don't know, maybe... there are people there that he's not very good with wanted to work , of course he will not say about it, and he will be absolutely right, and we respect and support him, let's say, for such a position, but well , purely psychologically, he may have certain problems working with those whom he did not want to see at that or another position, and this question, it remains open, why i said that
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only the commander-in-chief can say about it, because if he gives an interview or at least a small press conference for a possibly small amount of media, and if the growth... these two dots, well, he will allow this situation to be resolved, if he doesn't do it, and with a high probability he will, because he's not that public a person, but a little more public than a good person, but well , we've seen that before... when he wasn't under the commander-in-chief yet, but there some hand of the president's office was visible that they they really liked to shoot some videos there and you tried to bring him somewhere to the fore, well, now he has a completely different situation, he will have to explain it one way or another, if there are no such explanations, everything would not have happened, and you and i this was said on previous programs, it will automatically hit the president very hard, including the president , he took it to a certain extent, whether he wanted it or not, well, it looks like this, he took on... this responsibility, and accordingly, well, he will live with it and will accept all that
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what will happen at the front, already through the prism of these personnel changes, because here is the phrase, you know, the question of what has become better, why was there a change, well, it will arise from time to time, and the answers, judging by everything there is no one, because the decision is very political, and here , first of all, we are talking about the desire to replace all those people who worked with zaluzhny with others before... it is good that they are professional and professionally trained, because in our country they often appoint in general, well, those who have nothing to do with it, this is actually good, but that's all however, it does not look very good from the point of view of personnel policy, well , we will monitor how the new commander, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, or rather the defense forces, as it is now called, how he will manage all the defense forces, and what kind of team it is, of course, because you correctly said that this team went through the war and they were also, let's say, in the second or third roles there, a little further there they were simply pulled up to
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the mountain, they will now lead the ukrainian army. against this background , a scandal unfolds in the west with by donald trump's statements that the countries that are part of the north atlantic alliance and do not pay contributions there, the united states of america will not fight for them and... in principle, this statement of trump simply confused everyone, including the president of the united states of america, joe biden, he criticized trump for encouraging russia to invade countries that do not fulfill their nato obligations, and the american leader said that such comments are a dangerous and shocking signal tantamount to indifference vladimir putin to the point that he would... condemn countries that, well, that, let's say, can fall under this category, let's listen to joe
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biden. you can imagine a former president of the united states saying this: the whole world heard it, and the worst part is that he meant it . no other president in our history has ever bowed to a russian dictator. well, let me say it as plainly as possible, i never did. i won't do that, for god's sake, it's stupid, it's shameful, it's dangerous, it's not in the american way, when america gives its word, it means something, when we make commitments, we keep them, and nato is a sacred commitment, well, frankly speaking, when i listen to trump, i can't understand where is the declaration of intentions, and where is just pre-election rhetoric, because... you can say anything, anything from pre-election rhetoric , as, for example, once in
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1994, leonid kuchma spoke about the fact that the second russian will be the second state, that we we will almost integrate with russia there, that is, there will be economic and political ties connections, then it all changed very quickly, as soon as kuchma entered the presidential office, there is a whole system in the united states of america that will definitely not allow trump... to do what he wants, and even more so, there are international obligations working within the framework of the north atlantic alliance. mr. oleg, this is such a sharp reaction of the leaders of western countries to trump's statements, which shows that you can expect anything from trump. mr. bolton said trump's words should be taken seriously. and there are several here at once sections in which it can be commented. first of all, trump, and now, for example, if american institutions were really as strong as they seem to be, and
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as they have shown themselves before, then even now trump would not be able to block the decision-making in the congress, because his the real weight in the congress is much less, it is marginally eight of him, well, up to 20, which are situationally adjacent, but actually his informal weight today as a candidate for the presidency, from the republicans , is almost without alternative, as a person who is a carrier. cool temperament, let's say, and chaotic , chaotic characters, he has already shown himself before, constantly creating constitutional stalemates in the united states, and because of this he is today... out of proportion to his real weight blackmailing and actually holding american parliamentarism by the throat, let's imagine directly at the end of the election campaign and the post-election period itself, i would not overestimate american institutions, i certainly would not underestimate mr. trump, in the institution the republicans, in particular the trumpian analytical ones, are already preparing personnel
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only to fill political positions, but they are already preparing for functional officials. we would say the positions of heads of departments, state secretaries and other positions that are usually not affected by the political situation at all, which actually exist to protect the state apparatus from a change in political leadership. trump is going to take revenge, he believes that deep stej is right in principle, at one time he did not let him win in the second term, to leave for the second term, because they calibrated him in the first term, very often limited those things in their hands. which he cannot do, and with regard to nato, it should be taken seriously, due to the fact that the very external structures in which the united states has obligations, they may become the institutions that will tie his hands not only from the inside, but also from the outside. and he would like to get rid of them, he would like to clear the field here as well, so that in manual mode it is possible to make
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a decision yes or no, to move or not to move. this is roughly the same as what we observe, for example, from the g7 or the euro. of the union or other institutions to which ukraine has made commitments, and which thus get the opportunity to act as a certain balance to internal political processes, when we see that they fly away from a normal flow and normal trajectory, regarding trump himself and his statement, in here, i would say that it is very bad that he can make such a statement, and it is very good that he made it because it says that the american voter, the republican, he has changed very seriously. a number of studies show that up to 40% republican supporters, they have moved away from the core classical republican ideology, no longer correspond to the key markers and dominants of the republican ideology, only about 30%
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today are the core of real republicans, and 40% are already populism and degenerate republican ideology. in fact, those who are the electoral core for trump, and they are ready to hear such words and support them, if they were not ready for this, trump would not have stated this, he very clearly follows populist what they want to hear from him voters, and here's the trouble, it's not about trump , it's about his nuclear electorate, which thinks this way and is ready to share this position, and it's good that he said it, because today it is an opening of the map, for various to the skeptics who think what can happen and therefore already needs an appropriate response, i apologize for the taftology, from european partners and nato members, except for the united states, in order to prepare for the worst-case scenario and ultimately prepare to prevent it, and in particular to influence the united states, calibrating future potential president trump should he win. it is very
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good that such plans of his are being disavowed now, and this is already being taken with complete seriousness. for ukraine. this makes it possible to get more willing partners in the form of european countries and the countries of the pacific region, which, against this background, take more responsibility and determination for preparing for external security challenges and, accordingly , for support in supporting ukraine . and on the other hand trump, in which is strengthening and is hardening, at least good old europe and remembers the need to ensure its security. including himself, mr. igor , and tell me, what trump says about the end of russia's war against ukraine within 24 hours, this statement, it is also directed at his nuclear electorate, who also, well, if he hopes that this war will end, and
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the united states of america will no longer be involved in this war. financially by some certain obligations, or is it trump's attempt in this situation simply to compete with joe biden, who in this situation acts as a partner of ukraine, such a reliable partner and flirting with vladimir putin is enough , that is, such a game for two, it is dangerous enough, but we... know that trump in his first term and with kimchenin tried to flirt there with the leader of china, and well in a word, there was a lot in trump's biography, and now... he is apparently trying to play with putin, or am i wrong, well, it's not that he's trying to play, he really had a lot of similar things in his biography, but
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by the way, they all ended quite a bit successfully, with china, they specifically quarreled and this caused great economic damage, including to the united states, and china, but the states also suffered, it also did not work out with north korea, they continued the development of the nuclear program and now... actively well, let's say it is being demonstrated to the whole world, in fact, blackmailing the countries of the region with the possibility of using nuclear weapons, and with putin , things did not go so well with him, because to talk about some good relations between the united states of trump and putin's russia, well, it probably shouldn't be, especially since trump was very angry at that meeting with putin, where even the media loyal to him wrote that he demanded very palely and by and large did not feel very confident. and this is clearly not the position there of the leader of the united states, but of the united states as the leader of the democratic world. therefore, when today he makes such statements that he will end the war there in 24 hours,
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he is primarily targeting his own populist electorate. he's not that big, it's up to a third of the republicans, but he's important to him considering even the primaries he 's leading today, and i'm deeply convinced that he doesn't have any plan and... he just liked the phrase 24 hours and the phrase that if i were the president, there would be no war at all, they are not verified in any way, they cannot be verified, because he is talking about things that have either already happened, or about things that must happen, and accordingly he in at any moment, he can change this rhetoric, say that some new facts, some new circumstances have appeared, and against the background of these circumstances, i change my position from... there will be 24 hours and the end of the war that russia started against ukraine. but, what is important, this story really resonates with his electorate. plus, he acts here as a certain antagonist of biden and says that we
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could spend the money we spend there on the united states. this thesis of his about america first, it, you know, finds its support among a significant number parts of americans who are actually not very well versed in foreign policy, because this issue is never a battle for them. was not, is not and will not become a priority, who do not really know what amounts are in question, compared to the american budget, it is really within the limits of a statistical error, or really a penny, but because of this rhetoric of trump, for some reason they think , that their pensioners or their poorly protected sections of the population there are missing something, because america almost gets ukraine there, and trump will use this rhetoric to continue in the future, because it is very advantageous from the electoral point of view, it with... forces the biden administration a priori to get , you know, in such a defensive position, almost to make excuses, if they had not yet found an approach to trump, and i am not sure
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what will they find, because he is quite, well, quite a situational politician whose mood changes, approaches, statements and so on change there, and he, as in an old joke, sings about what he sees, and this in to a certain extent there is a problem, because it is difficult to somehow predict, to understand in general what will he bet on, but he will exploit this thesis, because it gives him a result, and since he is a person who came from business, why give up what, what this result brings, and right away there is another important point , again, a business plan of this kind, this is the maximum result with minimal, roughly speaking, capital investments on his part, he does not need to invent anything there, he does not have any serious companies that will calculate all this, he simply has a certain a set of these slogans that he uses and... unfortunately, the american audience perceives this, because unfortunately, today, the american people, they are divided to a large extent, they are disoriented, they have not
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moved away from the events of the 20th year, and trump continues to pour in this direction, there, speaking in simple language, and in principle to drive this people into even more misunderstanding, and on this misunderstanding he makes certain, obtains certain political dividends, so we should prepare that he will mention ukraine often, will mention it himself... in such in the context that it is not a problem for him to solve the issue of the russian-ukrainian war at all, but he will not say a word, well , give any details, how exactly he is going to do it, whether he sent a signal to putin in this way, well, maybe some yes in the plan , if putin there, i don't know, it's not that he didn't criticize him there, but he just understood that if the government there changes, they will be able to solve these issues, but do they currently take these statements seriously even in the same ones. federation, so far the question is open, because to begin with, trump needs to win, it is far from certain that he will succeed. thank you, mr. igor, gentlemen, let's take a short break, we'll be back
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as judges. but why are the judges of the liquidated judges still at the receiving end of the state? even after the liquidation of the court, the judges of huascu receive a considerable salary. watch on thursday, february 15 at 5:45 p.m. the judicial control program with tetyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. a separate set of unmanned aircraft. in the sapsan complexes of the state special service of transport, appeal to the viewers of the espresso tv channel with a request to join the collection of crown funds and technical equipment for our unit. thank you, glory to ukraine! heroes! glory! every week, maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs
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of the polish sejm as a representative. of the polish government on the restoration of ukraine by pawel koval. as we always talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like? in the project close to politics, close to the world with maria gurska. every sunday at 3:30 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. in collaboration with au sisters. friends, this is the verdict program. my name is serhiy rudenko, we continue to work live, besides... we also work on youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live there, please vote in our poll today we're asking you if you support the idea of ​​deferring mobilization for additional tax yes no if you support 0800 211 381 no 0800 211 382 it's by phone if you watch us on youtube on youtube channel, vote with the appropriate button or write
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your comments. under this video, all calls to these numbers are free, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. olek sahakyan and ihor ryterovych, political experts, are our guests today. people who know everything or almost everything about ukrainian politics. well, uh, on the 16th, i wanted to, just because you know everything about politics, i wanted to ask you about the story of how petro poroshenko is once again trying... to go abroad and already to participate in the munich security conference, he received an invitation, one of the three people's deputies of ukraine who received, received an invitation to participate in this serious event, this security conference is to be held from february 16 to 18, let's hear what poroshenko said about why he is not allowed to this conference? head of the main
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intelligence department of the ministry of defense. mr. kyril budanov informed for some reason the speaker of the parliament ruslan stefanchuk that immediately after crossing the ukraine-poland border, and especially in munich, i felt like a heel. therefore , the president and the leader of the opposition are in mortal danger, and they are not able to protect me as a protected person, not the state security department? no, the entire security system of germany, and the only way to save poroshenko is not to let him out. this is the story in...


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