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tv   [untitled]    February 15, 2024 2:00am-2:30am EET

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conference, the head of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense, mr. kyril budanov, for some reason informed the speaker of the parliament , ruslan stefanchuk, that immediately after crossing the ukraine-poland border, and especially in munich. i, as the fifth president and the leader of the opposition, am in mortal danger, and as a bodyguard, neither the state security department, nor the entire security system of germany are able to protect me, and the only way to save poroshenko, or not to release him, is such a story in... it is
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repeated regularly, then poroshenko had to meet with orban, and this, not this , was what the russian propaganda resources wanted in order to speculate on it later, now they are talking about the fact that poroshenko is in danger abroad, not in ukraine, and this is also an explanation like you, gentlemen do you perceive such a selective attitude of the authorities towards the one who should represent? ukraine at international conferences, on international platforms, who doesn't, and when in the end there is a division, who is one's own, who is someone else's, who can speak, who cannot speak, and suddenly he is something there will say what does not need to be said, and president zelensky will be there, it will probably be very uncomfortable for him when president poroshenko or people's deputy of ukraine poroshenko will be there, how do you perceive all these stories, why do they repeat themselves with such regularity, sir? i perceive as a farce, as in general
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, the possibility of permission for deputies to leave, not to leave abroad by the administration, that is, the administrative staff, the leadership of the verkhovna rada. in my opinion, this is generally shameful, as a principle. the fact that mr. budanov, in the words of petro poroshenko and mr stefanchuk, care about pyotr oleksiyovych's life more than pyotr oleksiyovych himself, and can decide whether he should risk his own life. or not , of course, kudanov and stefanchuk deserve respect, but still, i think that petro oleksiyovych himself is able to assess how much he is ready to risk his own life by going abroad or not. it is clear that this will be perceived in the west and internationally as another reason to say that in ukraine the opposition is being restricted, and in ukraine it is not all is well with democracy and it will be used. russian propaganda
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, our enemies abroad, and accordingly, in this way, ukraine itself provides the basis for a lot of insinuations and, accordingly, manipulations of enemy propaganda around this, whether there really is a threat or not, whether such a letter really takes place or not, we, unfortunately, they were not seen and we do not know confirmation of this, but the fact remains that peter oleksiiovich will not be released abroad, and here it is not so important that this is the fifth president, what is it, peter oleksiyovych by surname, here is yours... that this is a people's deputy who is restricted in his activities, and parliamentary diplomacy for us today is no less important than all other diplomatic tracks, it helps both in obtaining weapons, and lobbying, and obtaining money , and the representation of the ukrainian position, and in particular the opposition that goes abroad, it can communicate with the opposition political forces in those countries where everything is not well in our country and where the government cannot reach, where it is toxic for it, that is why we see , that on international platforms... be
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it a pariah, be it any other collective international bodies, where ukrainian parliamentarians are represented, our deputies, both in power and opposition, from completely different political forces work hand in hand, internally they would learn so to support each other , it would be very good, but abroad we need everyone, both the government and the opposition, and absolutely different calibers, especially if we are talking about one of the presidents of ukraine, he is definitely not an average figure, despite that. what is a serious level of tension, let's say , between the authorities and poroshenko, we know all this resentment that remained from before the war, before the war, nevertheless, it should not cast a shadow on the state of ukraine today, and all the resources of ukraine have now powerful, opposition parties can also be used for victory, so this situation is a farce bordering on tragicomedy. thank you, mr. oleg, mr. igor, is this a consequence of this...
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a consequence of the confrontation we saw 5 years ago, i suddenly caught myself thinking that it was 5 years ago, and we, we, we understand that... in principle, during this time, first of all, both petro oleksiyovych and volodymyr oleksandrovich have already experienced a lot, and all of us together with them have experienced a lot, but we see again some eyes, returning to the past, when it is necessary to take and humiliate the fifth president of ukraine, not to release him abroad, well, it looks trivial, i would say so, trivial, as for ... volodymyr zelenskyi, as for a person who, in one way or another, is known all over the world, and it is unlikely that poroshenko will compete there on the same ground in munich, well, it is absolutely obvious, these are different figures, different
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times, and these figures can complement each other in order to achieve the result we are counting on, that is, tell about , what ukraine wants and what ukraine offers at the munich security conference, because it is a serious enough meeting, where poroshenko would perhaps strengthen zelensky, what do you say about this? well, this, by the way, would definitely be positively perceived by everyone else countries that would be our partners there, because for them this, you know, the heredity of power, or the unity of the power and the opposition in countering russian aggression in this case, is a very important marker, including a marker that determines their decisions regarding future support. well, pay attention , unfortunately, some statements made by our partners recently, they already contained certain political elements, that is, they mentioned pluralism, pluralism of opinions, different political parties, about increasing the efficiency of parliamentarism, returning
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in general, the subjectivity of the ukrainian parliament, non-persecution of the opposition, adherence to the right position and many other things, that is, they are already starting to pay attention to this again, considering that there will be almost two years of a large-scale war, but they are starting to remember the stories that were very relevant there until the 22nd year, and it is clear that such participation there is not joint, but simply participation in the same conference of the president and the former president, well, it was clearly perceived as a positive signal, everyone is responsible for something, to the extent of their strength and capabilities does something and accordingly helps ukraine, and yes, this position of the government looks, well, i would say so, you know, infantile, and it is actually a big problem... a big problem, 5 years have really passed, but there will literally be, yes, presidential elections there , which were in the 19th year, all the same, many things come down to such a personal confrontation, although, if you look at the ratings, well, it does not make any sense now, because the elections are not soon, and
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there are some things to worry about, including the incumbent the president is not worth it, he needs it to solve a completely different issue, maybe someone just thinks there in the environment of the acting president that... such things can distract attention, including society , from some other problems that exist, so that society discusses these issues, and does not pay attention to some other problems and scandals that arise in us, for example , how we discussed for a couple of days the story of the non-allocation of funds for the construction of fortifications in the zaporizhzhia region, today the cabinet of ministers seems to have settled this situation and said that the money has already been found and so on, but well she is there was, indeed, money was not allocated and the problem... it basically arose, that is why it creates such informational pretexts that do not give the opportunity to focus on really important topics that are important for the country, and here i would probably add there is a certain kind of political fear, but political fear in what sense, that the authorities may not
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feel very confident now, especially against the background of all the personnel rotations with which we started our conversation today with you there in the military leadership, and feels very vulnerable, afraid... that the opposition there will begin to increase its support , the ratings there will begin to grow, well, trust in this case, because as a rule, they are not measured there until the elections directly to the parliament or the presidential elections there, but none the less, and in order for this not to happen, it is necessary to somehow put sticks in the wheels, and not to give the opportunity to get some kind of informational excuse and, well, to create an otaku situation, well, of a really humiliating nature, but you understand, this is a shot in the foot, because instead of being rude speaking of poroshenko at... a conference where he could talk about something there, i don't know, make one or two approaches to the mass media there, give out some comments, well, i don't rule out that now to the ukrainian delegation, it's not a fact that the president , well, the delegations will definitely ask questions, and what is going on with you there again, why can't your people's deputies leave,
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especially when they have an invitation, and why do you create any obstacles in the way of their usual political activities, including from the representative office as minimum part of the ukrainian people. thank you sir. igor, thank you for the conversation, thank you, mr. oleg, also for participating in the program, oleg sahakyan and igor reiterovych were guests of our program today, thank you for what you said, and about... what was articulated about current events in ukraine and the world, friends, i would like to remind you , that during our broadcast we conducted a survey, we asked you about the following: do you support the idea from line to line of mobilization for an additional tax, please show the results of the vote on tv, 24% yes, 76% no, on youtube 23% yes, 77%. no, there is approximately the same ratio of those who are in favor of the idea of ​​postponing mobilization
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for an additional tax and those who are against it. that's it, friends, let's put an end to it, it was the verdict program of sergei rudenko, i 'm saying goodbye to you, see you tomorrow until 8:00 p.m., take care of yourself and your loved ones, goodbye. on the evening of february 8 , the same photo appeared on the official pages of volodymyr zelenskyi and valery zaluzhnyi in social networks: in his office, the supreme leader shakes hands with the leader, zaluzhnyi shows the signature gesture of victory, both are smiling. it was the final information campaign on the change of leadership of the armed forces of ukraine. starting today , a new management team will take over the leadership of the armed forces of ukraine. i want our vision of war to be the same. soldiers in a robot or avdiivka and at the general staff and adjuncts. information about the possible
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dismissal of the commander-in-chief first appeared in the media in the autumn of a year ago. the authorities chose a strategy of uncertainty. officials neither confirmed nor denied the rumors. later, a people's deputy from the servant of the people attacked zaluzhny maryana is cornerless. from criticizing the activities of the head committee, she quickly turned to humiliating personal reproaches. and when colleagues began to demand bezugla's release, the leadership of the parliament and the "servant of the people" faction came to her defense. during this time, society came to terms with the idea that the resignation of the popular general is possible and even probable. and when it took place, the president did not dare to say: "i decided to fire the headman." i offered general zaluzhny to be in the team of the ukrainian state in the future. i will grateful for his consent. today i decided. the decision to renew the leadership of the armed forces of ukraine. in an evening address on the day
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of the dismissal of the head of state, the president spoke about the need for a realistic war plan for 2024, rotation on the front lines, and improving the quality of training of military personnel. zelenskyi gave the reasons for the dismissal of the employee only to a small group of journalists at a closed meeting. the lack of explanations gave scope for a wide variety of interpretations in both ukrainian and foreign media. there are two versions in total. the first: the commander-in-chief had serious disagreements with the president regarding mobilization and the strategy of the war, which, according to zaluzhnyi, has reached a dead end. some media reported that the pentagon was not satisfied with the actions of the commander during the summer counteroffensive. the second version: the bankers were allegedly irritated by the too high level of support for the industrious among ukrainians, as evidenced by the closed data of opinion polls, and were afraid of his decision to enter politics. be that as it may, zelensky and zaluzhny decided to part ways gently and without scandals. goodbye
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the president presented the dismissed leader with the title of hero of ukraine. i am grateful to everyone who is close to me, to the team of the general staff of the ministry of defense, to the president of ukraine. i am proud of everyone in the armed forces of ukraine who protect the future of our children. as all soldiers, sergeants and officers, i bow my head to all those who gave. our lives for ukraine and freedom, we remember and take revenge for everyone. as the new head of the armed forces, the president appointed the commander of the ground forces , colonel-general oleksandr syrskyi, an officer with an ambiguous image among military behind him is the successful defense of kyiv and a brilliant counteroffensive operation in the kharkiv region, as well as the defense of bakhmut, which raises many questions for many servicemen about the justification of high losses. syrsky is bringing a new team with him. according to the official notification of the ministry of defense, he has already
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discussed the detailed action plan of the armed forces of ukraine for 2024 with minister rustem umyerov. maintaining a balance between the performance of combat tasks and the restoration of units and units with the intensification of training and personnel training remains more relevant than ever. introduction of new technical solutions and scaling of successful experience. for example, the use of unmanned systems, modern means of radio-electronic warfare is one of the future vectors of building victory in our war of liberation. changes in the leadership of the armed forces of ukraine took place on the eve of the second anniversary of russia's full-scale invasion of ukraine. the situation at the front is difficult. the army lacks ammunition and its commanders publicly admit this. and not publicly told the publication the washington times about a critical staffing situation. there is an acute shortage of soldiers on the front lines. in comments
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to an american newspaper, some commanders suggested that at some point the front might simply collapse. despite such sentiments, the verkhovna rada is in no hurry to adopt a new law on mobilization. the president removed himself from the process, because you cannot gain popularity on this topic. the servant of the people faction claims that it is difficult to find a balance. we have to balance the interests of the military command, business and citizens. the task is not easy, there will be work many. the majority of observers are of the same opinion. a change in the leadership of the armed forces is unlikely. will lead to decisive changes on the battlefield in the near future, this requires systemic reforms in the army, effective mobilization, an increase in western aid and an increase in its own production of weapons, but the risks of interference by the presidential office in the operational activities of the military have increased significantly, after all, the president is the supreme commander, and appoint and dismissing the head of the armed
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forces of ukraine is his constitutional right, as and personal responsibility. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics causing resonance in our society: drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attack on moscow. and other cities of russia, analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us, the country should get the right to start negotiations simply. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: us boring, because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent, they help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think.
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political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine. the large landing ship caesar kunikov is already at the bottom of the black sea. ramstein started, which is promised for ukraine, and the enemy shelled donetsk region and kherson region, unfortunately, there are casualties. we will talk about this and other things today for the next hour and 45 minutes. the program is with you big ether, my name is vasyl zema and we start with the announcement of the collection. please come down. clean up and help us raise the necessary funds to purchase, again, necessary things for our soldiers. so, to move quickly and perform combat tasks. the legendary 25th separate airborne sicheslav brigade needs a car. they are constantly under the gun. the occupiers try to storm every day, but despite everything, our defenders firmly hold their formation in the eastern direction.
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we ask everyone who cares to join the gathering funds for a car. don't stay away, every hryvnia brings you closer. our victory, our goal - 300 00 hryvnias. please report using the details you see on the screen, together we can close this collection as soon as possible. well, we start by talking about the situation in donetsk region. vadym filashkin, the head of the donetsk regional state administration of the regional vysk administration, is in touch with us. mr. vadim, i congratulate you. i congratulate you. i will not say good evening, because today the enemy again hit the populated areas of donetsk region and, unfortunately, we have casualties and... here is the latest information that i just read literally with reference to the regional military administration that four more people died from russian shelling, this is avdiyivka, two elderly women were victims there , and in the village of bagatyr of the greater novosibirsk community, two men died, in addition to moreover, two more people were wounded, maybe we will start with these last shellings, and you will tell more
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about what happened there, and then we will go to selidovoy, so you said everything correctly. only two more people died in the city mykolaivka it happened this afternoon. the enemy is constantly shelling donetsk region. and unfortunately, these people, as you said, they died today. at night, the enemy cynically bombarded the city of selidova with ballistic missiles. one rocket hit the field, one rocket hit a high-rise building, and at the same time it completely destroyed the entire entrance. six people were injured. unfortunately... among them are three children born in 2006, 2011 and 2016, two more rockets hit the hospital, one, unfortunately, hit the maternity hospital. and at the same time three people died, one pregnant woman and one child during the shelling , there were 149 people in the hospital, all of them were given medical,
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psychological help and absolutely all the help that people need now, nine high-rise buildings, pharmacies, shops and private transport were destroyed and damaged, and more. selidovko, the city of novogrodovko is located near selidovo, one ballistic missile also hit a shop there, and one person was injured, while three people were killed in the city of selidovo and 13 were injured during the night shelling. authorities worked on the spot, the police, the state emergency service and all communal services issued building materials for people to cover their windows and roofs. yes, you just reminded me. about these shellings , also about herrings, unfortunately, a pregnant woman and a child with their mother were killed, while we understand that the situation on
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the front line is changing, again, now, well, there was certain information from the regional military administration the people of avdi, but again she is very careful, the most key, probably , message that should be perceived by society and us, journalists, is that the situation is changing every hour, so anything to say now, i don’t understand if there was... there an hour ago, it’s probably useless, but since the situation is changing and there may be issues of evacuation, the enemy may occupy certain lines there or there may be some movement of troops, forces and means on the front line, it is clear that there are civilians there, they are even in avdiivka, we will talk about this later, but without revealing any details, whether certain decisions are currently being taken by the regional military administration regarding the evacuation of people again, perhaps from those settlements that are now further from the front, but again the situation may change and the enemy will try to... strike further in order to demoralize and destroy cities, settlements here and there east or south of avdiyivka, well, in a word, once again, the situation is not easy now and
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it will not be clear there soon, therefore , once again, certain decisions are being made now, certain steps are being worked out on how to work with people who may need evacuation or some other kind in the near future moments to preserve their life and health? the evacuation of people does not stop, since the beginning of the full-scale war, we have been engaged in one of these directions for almost two years, now 70 thousand people live along the front line, about 70 thousand people and 2100 children. forced evacuation is currently underway in the taretsky community, the ocheretinsk community, and the maryansk community. there are currently two people in the maryansk community in the city of zorin. i hope that tomorrow we will take them out together with their parents. this line of work continues under constant control and constantly with them talking to people, like the authorities,
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the police, the state emergency service, units, the police are white angels, we do everything to protect and help our people. and i would also like to ask about the humanitarian situation, the enemy had targeted the thermal power plant, i... that 's the name of this particular enterprise in kurakhovo , and the point is, somewhere around the time when he was shooting on the dnieper there, the day before that, it was kurakhovo, i am now i'm afraid to make a mistake, but you know for sure and will tell me whether the situation now remains difficult with the provision of thermal energy, electricity, please two weeks ago, the enemy hit a very important node in the kurakhovsk power plant, and unfortunately , it has been two weeks since kurakh. the trotter does not work. we gave light to the residents of kurakhiv and the kurakhiv community. they are now all in the light. i will not say without
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alternative sources, but people in kurakhovo are all light. as for humanitarian aid to the population of donetsk region , it is very difficult to deliver humanitarian aid to such cities as avdeivka, ocheretynska hromad, new york, krasnohorovka. this also applies to the city. savir too, we do it well, it is very difficult, we do it thanks to the support of both the military and our volunteers, in the city of chasiv, our volunteers have been preparing hot food for six months and distributing it to people , at the same time they are persuading people to leave, you know, i will say this, because it is not possible to reveal the details of certain works that may take place and help the enemy, so we will not do this... but are certain works being carried out to secure the settlement of chasivyar, where the enemy is rushing and there is no secret that, in principle,
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this is not the case.. . is also far from the position the enemies that there are, which he has now occupied and equipped up to the city limits, how difficult is the situation here and are the issues that arise, let me say this, before the regional authorities, local authorities, regarding the protection of citizens, first of all, from enemy attacks, resolved , as for the defense of the city, we have been engaged in this direction since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, as well as the evacuation and... we hold back the enemy in all directions. the enemy is trying to break through our defense line, but our defenders hold him back and give a decent fight back. everything related to organs military, administration, authorities, we are doing everything to get the people, first of all, to withdraw, protect, and get our region. you all know what has been reported - this is an outpost of our country. we have restrained this person and will continue to restrain him. together with the military. so. and
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today dmytro lykhova, the spokesman of the operational strategic grouping of the tavriy troops, wrote about the fact that five people managed to evacuate from avdiivka, and i understand that now the issue is not that people do not want to evacuate from avdiivka, but i do think it seems to me, but the question is that it is very difficult to do now, again, what kind of risk do such evacuation measures border on, because we, in principle, have a map, but we also had a map of hostilities at espresso, we looked and understand roughly . what was the situation in the city, at least this morning during the day, i don't know what's there now, but it's very, very difficult, i can't comment on the map of the hostilities, it's not, i mean the evacuation of people, there are five people were evacuated, well, everything related to the evacuation of people from avdeivka is very difficult and responsible the direction of work, in recent days people have been going out on their own, raising white sheets, white white things and trying to...
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on their own, because it is almost unimportant to enter now through the one road that remained, it is completely under the fire control of the enemy, and the military must to go about their business, and they help us evacuate people, this is actually the question, here you know, it is too late to talk now, but we have talked about it many times, the representatives of the donetsk regional military administration said, representatives of district administrations of communities of donetsk region said that there were 1,600 people at first. then there were thousands of people in avdiivka, and you always want to believe that everything will be better, but sometimes there is a lack of shells, sometimes there are many things that do not depend, again , on the armed forces, on the ukrainian authorities, and it does not happen that way, that is why it is still once, i think you will absolutely agree here that those people who understand that there may be certain problems or a threat to their lives, then of course it is better to evacuate in advance, at least in ukraine there are definitely places that are much safer, where you can have shelter, and work, and some
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funding, by the way, well, i’m at the end, is there... some kind of possible cooperation separately with certain areas, which, well, they say, we are ready to accept your people, well at least we will give them a place for the first time and help them to adapt, to find some kind of work in order to be able to feed themselves at least for the first time, and then some perspective for them. i want to thank all regions, since the beginning of the full-scale war, almost the entire state helped donetsk in the shelter of our people. now we are fruitfully working with the zhytomyr region and separately. words of thanks, we take people out of the front line through our two humanitarian headquarters, one located in the city of pokrovsk and one located in the city of kramatorsk. we provide humanitarian, medical, and psychological assistance to people, we help them as necessary, and then we send them by train to the city of zhytomyr. in zhytomyr, our colleagues meet, issue all necessary payments and accommodate our citizens. i want to
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thank you directly once again our zhytomyr region. thank you very much, mr. vadim, take care of yourself and of course we wish you success in the difficult work that you and your assistants are doing. vadym filashkin, the head of the donetsk regional military administration, was in touch with us about enemy attacks on donetsk region, unfortunately, there are casualties in mykolaivka, there are casualties in bagatyr, there are casualties in avdiivka, well , there were also casualties in selidovo, where the enemy went hit a bit earlier, but so... are there any casualties today, but apparently in the kherson region, the enemy is also constantly under fire from the left bank kherson region, and yuriy sobolevskyi is with us, the first deputy chairman of the kherson regional council, mr. yuriy, thank you for joining, i congratulate you.


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