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tv   [untitled]    February 15, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EET

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was concluded in january of this year, it seems to me not very useful for ukraine. and i would like to ask, mr. valery, your vision is related to the zircon missile, because , relatively speaking, we were the first to write about it, then there were confirmations of a number of institutions that russia uses, churches in ukraine used it for the first time, and then i myself started began to doubt the expediency of the party. is refined to the point that it uses zirconium and whether this rocket is actually capable of performing the tasks that are declared, here is your vision of this story with matches and strikes on ukraine? well, i take my hat off to the guys from defense express, who really identified one detail at a time, which means they identified this 3m22 missile. i sense sarcasm in these assessments, well, on the contrary.
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very qualified, so they, well , you have to remember all the game indexes, yes, it means that it's simple really, it's just yes, well, no, i don't know, my memory is worse, yes, so, but after that there was a conclusion of our institute of forensic examination that it is real, there is a large part of the details similar, similar technological ones , well inscriptions, yes there with... the letter 22 there m22 yes it seems that this is a cerkon and most likely that it is still a purely test launch, there was such a tradition in the soviet union, military tests, they were called , yes, and single samples were used somewhere in the military, apparently, in this case it was actually some kind of test launch, especially since the gur intelligence says that the launch was from carried out from
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a land battery, not from a ship, so the whole, well, the meaning of using this missile in ukraine, i don’t see it, because it didn’t hit anywhere, it fell, it fell there, if not in a field, then near a populated place, it caused damage, well , a big chasm, somewhere it interrupted some local power supply lines, well, it's clearly a rocket of a dozen. dollars - this is not what the russians expected from it, but this launch, i do not think, yes, it was carried out from a land battery, and i do not understand how the russians hoped to use it with high accuracy, because if it is hypersonic, then it is a missile flies in such a plasmin shell that does not pass radio waves, and will it arrive in time.
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means, where will it fly, where will it fly, and whether it will have time in this area to aim with high precision at the target it was hoped to hit, that is, there are many technical issues here, i think that a mass bombardment with zircons will simply not happen in the near future due to the unproven nature of this missile and the lack of such a real serial production. mr. valery, thank you very much for the time you found for our viewers, for your expertise. and extremely interesting comments, i will remind our viewers that it was valery romanenko, aviation expert, leading researcher of the state aviation museum. and finally, i will mention that today the facts have become known confirming that ukraine did receive these long-range rocket bombs, given the wreckage that the russians themselves are currently showing there, that is, in fact, the exploitation of these new means of impressing the russian troops has already begun.
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ammunition with a range of 150 km, you can read more about it on our website defense express, and you will now hear more international and economic news on vasyl zima's big broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. well, they were military summaries of the day, thank you serhiy zhorets, thank you to his guest. good evening, we are from ukraine, hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda, top guests every day, this is the shipping district, kherson, live broadcast, we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut.
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we tell you the main thing on weekdays at 9:00 an unusual look at the news, good health ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, a sharp presentation of facts and competent... a special look at events in ukraine on the border of kyiv, there will be some katsaps and behind it the limits of what the world is about dreams, mr. norman, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola in september, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. at espresso. well, the second hour of the great ether is ahead, a lot of interesting and important information awaits you, the world about ukraine. we will talk about the economic topic, as well as sports news, and the weather from natalka didenko, now i will tell you in detail about the most important news at this hour. unfortunately, two women died as a result of the shelling of mykolaivka in donetsk region, another person was seriously injured, it was reported
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head of the regional military administration , vadym filashkin. the russians hit a residential quarter of the city, the consequences of the attack are currently being established. a 33-year-old man was seriously injured as a result of the shelling of nikopol in the dnipropetrovsk region, the russians hit the city with artillery, the wounded man was hospitalized, doctors are fighting for his life. this was reported by the head of the region, serhii lysak. as a result of the attack, private houses were destroyed, farm buildings and a gas pipeline were also damaged. well, explosives engineers discovered a minefield nearby object infrastructure in the izyum district of the kharkiv region, this was reported to the national police. the field is mined with various types of ammunition. the found enemy arsenal is destroyed in separately designated areas, and specialists continue to inspect potentially dangerous settlements and forest areas.
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and in kyiv, they said goodbye to diana wagner, a combat medic with the call sign snake, who served in the karpatsky battalion. she died at the end of january in the luhansk region , in the direction of the matchmaker. buried on the walk of fame of the lukyaniv cemetery. diana wagner was born in germany, moved to ukraine even before the beginning of the invasion, who loved ukrainian culture and traditions, studied the language, was waiting to receive ukrainian citizenship. she spent more than two years at the front, eternal respect and thanks for the protection of ukraine. the secretary of the ministry of foreign affairs of the federal republic of germany, thomas bagger, and the secretary of the ministry of economic cooperation, johan flasbart, came to kyiv as guests from germany. this was reported by the officials on your page in social networks. during the visit, the german partners want
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to discuss cooperation on the restoration of the territory, as well as ukraine's accession to the european union. from words to action, the blockade in response to the yagodin dorogusk checkpoint, ukrainian transporters plan to block traffic for polish trucks, the head of the public organization transporters of the western region vitaly kotsenko told about it, the action is announced for tomorrow at 9 o'clock in the morning, and we will monitor it and tell you about it in our morning ethers more than 2 million hryvnias were stolen. from the budget , detectives reported the suspicion to the director of one of the educational institutions of the national academy of pedagogical sciences and the general director of a private enterprise. the officials, abusing their official position, deliberately issued fake documents about the completed repair work in the building in kyiv. in this way
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, they deliberately took over budget funds, the pre-trial investigation in this case is ongoing. a man and a woman who... were injured in chernihiv as a result of a car explosion , died, unfortunately, in the hospital. about this was reported to the regional police. let me remind you, the incident happened yesterday in one of the city's neighborhoods. two people were in the car at that time. according to preliminary information , a grenade exploded in the interior of the car. the investigation continues. well, i promised you that we will have a live broadcast from a rather interesting event. about which now, about which i will now tell you in detail, so i don’t see, but i see, everything, now a second, a train with such a name left for you, a romantic express for our defenders in love in lviv to on valentine
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's day, a special gift was given to the patients of the nezlamni center and their loved ones , our correspondent natalya stareprava is now arriving, natalya, we are waiting for more details from you, good evening, please, congratulations, i must note that the train has not actually left yet, it is delayed , here behind me you can see how ukrzaliznytsia is still standing... and waiting for all passengers, together with the nezlamni center, they made a gift for the patients of the center itself for the military and their loved ones, half of the seats are free allocated for the soldiers with prostheses and their second halves, they made such a gift on valentine's day that, so that they could spend their romantic evening together, each carriage
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was filled with a couple, this is yevhen and elena, yevhen is a patient of the nezlamnyi center, who lost a leg in the war and met his wife today, also during his treatment, so let's listen to their impressions and expectations from this trip, after being injured , he underwent treatment at the indomitable and precisely, they offered me this train for lovers, and today is this... day, my love, it 's my birthday, i'm very happy, i'm glad that
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i'm spending this day, this evening, with yevgeny, with my beloved boy. well , i would like to point out that such a romantic express train will run to you today, february 16 and 18, for all willing lviv residents and guests of the city... for today, all tickets are already sold out, there are no free seats, everyone wanted to make such a gift for their lovers, and therefore bought all the tickets as soon as possible, but saw the footage of how everything was actually beautifully and romantically arranged, for now here's the news, we can see that the train will leave in a moment, and i'm passing the word to the studio, thank you very much natalia, nataliya starapravo was in touch with us from... lviv station, i wish you good emotions, impressions, first of all everything from communication
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with each other, beloved couples, secondly, from serhiy zhadan’s poetry, and of course from klopotenko’s culinary creations, let this evening be wonderful for them, it means for our defenders, and now the plot is for your attention: portraits of sisterhood, this is the name of the first prize of the international sisterhood online magazine, the award ceremony was held in warsaw, 12 women were recognized at the event. these are polish and ukrainian women who, with the beginning of the great war , helped ukrainians, saved them, fought for democratic values ​​and freedom in the world. maria chernyakhivska will tell who became the nominees and winners. the names of these women are known both in ukraine and in poland. they voluntarily became protectors of ukrainians and mainly after the start of the full-scale invasion devoted their lives to it. among the nominees of ukrainian volunteers, dad kapler, lesya lytvyn. oksana necheporenko, victoria batryn and halyna andrushkov. six polish women were also nominated, for example, agnieszka deja, from the first
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days of the great war, spent hundreds of hours at the bus station in warsaw, helping ukrainians who arrived in poland completely confused. now the woman manages the fund under parasola. in fact, i did not expect it, and i am very surprised, because i constantly have the feeling that i am not doing enough or too little, that i should do more, so i am very sorry for the nomination. among the nominees is a teacher from ukraine, who takes care of school education of ukrainians abroad. the woman left for poland from chernihiv. at that time, the city was under threat from the encirclement, and now ms. oksana heads a ukrainian school in warsaw, created for children who left after the full-scale invasion. from the very beginning, it was a short-term project, only for three months, because everyone was sure that the war would not continue and simply, so that the children would not lose their educational progress, support them. school, unfortunately, the war continues, the school has been operating for the second year soon, the nominees were chosen
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opinion leaders of poland and ukraine awards, these are 12 influential women from ukraine and poland, these are journalists, these are volunteers, this is business women, among them dominika kulczyk, henryka bohnyas, myroslava gongadze, bianka zalevska, representatives of our editorial office who gathered together and voted, each for one polish woman and one ukrainian woman, from among them... the sister's action chose 12 nominees from those 24 surnames and the chapter gathered together and voted for two winners. guests of the event could get to know each nominee in more detail thanks to video about their activities. agnieszka deya was the winner of the vote of readers of sestry magazine, which took place the day before. at the end of the event , the names of the winners were announced. the ukrainian women who received the award are a mother and daughter who have been taking care of the uniters foundation for more than 10 years. the most well-known initiative of the foundation is the annual campaign "holiday without a dad", which gives cheer and gifts to the children of fallen soldiers in the new year
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and christmas period. we are very happy to have like-minded people who do the same. as i have already said, they do not compete, but choose among themselves people who are given awards, this extraordinary, this is really a sisterhood, and we want to use this award of 500 € to buy medical backpacks, which we have been completing for a long time and sending to the front, so that as many lives as possible are saved and that this award serves at least a few lives, so that it is possible to save even a few soldiers, it will be a great victory for all of us. the winner was also the mayor of the small polish town of hrubeschiw , marta majewska. at the beginning of a full-scale invasion in his city, which is located near the polish-ukrainian border, mrs. marta created a large center to help ukrainians fleeing the war. more than 100,000 people used it. first of all , the goal was simply to help, no one could
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be left out in this situation. a great tragedy happened in ukraine, it was faced in... a country as a country, women as mothers and wives, i am also a mother and a wife, and i cannot imagine what i could have done differently. we, first of all people, have different responsibilities, professions, roles in life, but we must always remain before everything people and show humanity. sisterhood is the most important thing. people's artist of ukraine maria bormaka created a special atmosphere of the event with her songs. stand, only i pray, come back alive, come back alive, i beg you, only god knows how much i love you, maria chernyakhivska, ihor antonyuk, for espresso tv channel from poland. we continue the world about
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ukraine, yuriy fizar is next to me, yuliy, good evening, please, good evening to you, vasyl, good evening everyone. who joined us today, so about this: help in ukraine, does donald tusk really want to withdraw the united states of america from nato, well, in estonia they are again thinking about closing the borders with russia. my name is yuriy fizar, this is a world about ukraine, and i will start in a moment. well, but today again there is a lot about aid for ukraine, in particular with. of the united states of america, the leader of the republicans in the senate of the us congress, mitch mcconnell called on his fellow republicans, but from the lower house of the american congress, from the house of representatives and personally their leader mike johnson, to approve the draft law sent to him on the allocation of aid to ukraine. he said this in an interview with
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politico. and then, a quote from the main republican of the senate: "we have heard all kinds of rumors about the support." whether or not the house of representatives supports ukraine or not, it seems to me that a simple way to resolve this issue would be a vote, and i hope that the speaker will find a way to allow the house of representatives to exercise discretion on the issue of aid to ukraine and other parts of this bill, and vote for well, about that mitch mcconnell said, well, as i said, he's the leader of the republicans, the republican minority in the senate, about it. he said yesterday, after the senate passed a bill on allocating aid to ukraine, israel, and southeast asia, in particular, the lion's share of it for taiwan. and even after that , his colleague, the speaker of the house of representatives, heard him. the leader of the republican majority there, mike johnson, and again
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, sorry, new excuses came out of his mouth. the speaker of the chamber is a representative. in the us congress republican mike johnson is not currently going to vote on a bill on continuing aid to ukraine. he said this in an interview with the punch bowl news portal. he motivated this by the fact that the congressmen in the house of representatives have urgent matters, in particular, the reconciliation of the country's budget, which is the most important thing for him and, as he says, for all republicans, when asked if he plans to vote. the question of aid to ukraine, he answered literally yes, quote, of course not, that's the end of the quote, and that's it thus he effectively rejected the call to put the bill to a vote in the house of representatives. so important to us, which his colleague mitch mcconnell, the leader of the senate republicans, asked him
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to do, so that you understand again, there are republicans in the senate, there are republicans in the house of representatives, they are the same republicans, but as we see, they cannot come to an agreement among themselves, there is no bicameral agreement between them, some call for the adoption of a law, others... say, oh, no, no, for us there are more important things that we we will discuss, and ukraine, and ukraine is somewhere far away, and it has nothing to do with us, unfortunately, it is, but i continue to always say, i hope that in the end reason will take its course, the republicans will vote for this bill. nato secretary general jens stoltenberg hopes that after all, the american congressmen will make this important decision for us. that's what he's about. said during a press conference today before the start of the meeting of defense ministers of nato member countries. this press is this the meeting started today at the headquarters
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of the alliance. he emphasized that during his last visit to the us in late january, he held several meetings with republican congressmen, persuading them to support the aid package for ukraine. at the same time, he added that he expects this document to pass through the house of representatives. well , he also said a very interesting thing today, just at this press conference, that donald trump always accused, in particular in 2017 and 2018, his nato allies of being too little money is allocated to nato, in all the united states of america is the only one to carry this yoke on their shoulders, giving very, very much money, money that could be used for example for... the americans had time, so today nato secretary general jen stoltenberg said, that this year 18 nato member countries have pledged to increase their
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spending on the nato budget to 2%, 18 nato member countries, and this is a lot, and this is an answer to donald trump, that he said something, wanted something, this is literally the answer to his request, well... it's also interesting that yen saltonberg said that there is truth in nato and countries that not only cannot rise to these 2%, but also do not want to rise to these percentages, he did not say which countries they are, but i personally have some thoughts on this matter. well, everyone who watches our column with vasyl, in particular the world about ukraine, probably guesses that who, what kind of country this is, the dumb chancellor needs to be convinced... olaf scholz intends to meet once again with representatives of the house of representatives of the us congress, as republicans , as well as democrats, in order to once again try to prove to them
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the necessity of allocating aid to ukraine. this was reported by his press secretary steffen heberstreit, according to the information made public by him, the meeting of the head of the german government with american lawmakers will take place behind the scenes of the munich security conference, which begins at the end of this week, it is known that about 100 american congressmen intend to come there, so mr. scholz will have plenty to talk about with them, given house speaker mike johnson's statement that which i have already told you, and by the way, i will also follow the munich conference itself, as you know, no decisions are made there, but it is such a platform for the exchange of opinions, and i really hope that this year there will be just as much talk about ukraine and the need to help us. the majority of congressmen support the allocation of aid to ukraine.
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james o'brien, assistant secretary of state for european and eurasian affairs of the united states of america, said this during a telephone briefing. he expressed hope that eventually this the bill will successfully pass the vote in the house of representatives, then - a quote from an american diplomat. all allies know that we have domestic political affairs, as they do, and they can observe the process in congress, they, as i have seen, that the vast majority of the members of the house of representatives, the senate are ready to support the initiative for additional funding when management will put this issue to a vote. well, in this last sentence, this devil is hidden in the details, that is, the majority representatives... of the republican party in the house of representatives are ready to support, but the speaker is not ready to put this issue to a vote, and how to convince the speaker
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to do it, this is already worse, this is... a really real problem, and about the necessity, as the fastest allocation of aid to ukraine, the official representative of the state department of the united states of america, matthew miller, spoke yesterday during a briefing, and this is what he said about it, quote: we are already seeing the consequences of the inaction of the congress, we are already we see a lack of weapons in the ukrainian resistance forces on the battlefield, we see. depletion of supplies, and this affects the ability of the ukrainian military to respond to attacks from russia, and this, unfortunately, is true. history does not teach, but then history will not forgive mistakes. the president of the united states of america, joe biden, said this in a video address the night before to the members of the house of representatives of the us congress. he once again emphasized the importance of passing the draft law on aid to ukraine and...
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motivated it by the fact that, firstly, it is necessary to continue support, because if putin is not stopped in ukraine, he will go further, and secondly, mr. president once again reminded that the lion's share of this money will settle precisely in the united states of america. whether he convinced the members of the house of representatives and, in particular, mike johnson, we will see later, but donald trump's statement that in case of an attack by russia on allies, he will comment, he will not protect them, joe biden pro. commented exactly how, we are listening to joe biden in direct speech. can you imagine a former president of the united states saying that. all the world heard it, and the worst part is that he meant it. no other president in our history has ever bowed to a russian dictator. well, let me tell you, it's as clear as can be, i never will. for god's sake, it is.
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it's stupid, it's shameful, it's dangerous, it's un-american. when america gives its word, it means something. when we make commitments, we fulfill them, and nato is a sacred commitment. he said that he cut off all those who have any doubts whether it is necessary to help ukraine or whether it is necessary to nurture this unity within nato is needed. because the united states of america makes commitments and keeps them, it's very important, it's just that this is the way it is now, that the fate of the aid, the fate of the actually security component for the united states of america is in the hands of one mike johnson, and he, but he wanted to meet with by biden, i don't know when it will happen there, and the white house gave its answer to this, i think that it's simple, well, even though it's russian, it's just very, you know, there is a saying, take the burden on yourself, что меня падат at modicbe, this
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too big an answer. i think that johnson either does not understand, or he understands, but thinks that somehow later he will be able to remove this responsibility from himself, although on the other hand, i, like yuri , am convinced that he will still be able to convince, well, because one person does not have to to depend on such national-scale, if not global-scale issues, and mike johnson knows this well, he understands, it's just that he has some certain obligations, probably to donald trump, well, why, probably, there is such a thing, that's why he's dragging it out, but wait... we repent, yes, he will take a little longer, but for some reason i am sure that there will be a solution after all. well, in continuation of the topic of donald trump and his attitude to nato, in particular, regarding whether he will defend the allies of the north atlantic alliance. donald trump is trying to lay the groundwork for the withdrawal of the united states of america from this military-political bloc. former national
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security assistant to the 45th us president, john bolton, said this in an interview with politico magazine. according to him, in 2018 , the ex-president has a good chance of being elected the most important chair in the country once again, was already close to this, that is, to the withdrawal of the usa from nato, and with each of his statements he is confidently moving towards this. well then, mr. bolton's resume. quote: i believe it would be a disaster for us authority in the world. if we want to leave nato behind, no alliance with the us will be reliable. well , donald trump understands that, but he just plays his game, continues to play his game. just stop giving weapons to ukraine. such a simple scenario, in his opinion. according the representative of china in the united nations security council, zhang jun, expressed during the meeting, according to him, continuing to deliver.


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