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tv   [untitled]    February 15, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EET

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[000:00:00;00] according to john bolton, the us national security advisor, in 2018, the ex-president, who has a good chance of sitting in the country's most important seat once again, was already close to this, that is, to the withdrawal of the usa from nato, and he is confident in every statement he makes. before this. well, then, mr. bolton's resume. quote: i believe it would be a disaster for us authority in the world. if we want to leave nato behind, no alliance with the us participation will be reliable. well, but donald trump understands that too, but, well, he just plays his game, continues play your game just stop giving weapons to ukraine. it was such a simple, in his opinion, scenario, according to the representative of china in the security council of the united nations, zhang jun, who expressed during the meeting, according to him
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, continuing to deliver. to us , the united states of america and other western countries simply continue the war, while he called on the american leadership to stop adding fuel to the fire and waste, because it frustrates all diplomatic attempts to find options for a peaceful end to the war in ukraine. moreover, he called on all parties to the conflict in ukraine, the conflict, he emphasizes this word, to observe the minsk agreements, most of the provisions of which have not yet been fulfilled. it seems to him that the minsk agreements are still valid and that they can still be fulfilled, but such statements, well, it’s simple, just fold your hands and wait, maybe russia will have mercy, it’s a horror to just stop, well, yes, we’ve seen by the way, this is not an isolated case when we saw in the zaporozhye direction, when ukrainian paratroopers ran out of ammunition, they came out of hiding, they were simply shot, well that is, it is not peace, it is murder and it is a violation
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of the geneva convention, but it is not peace at all. can simply stop giving money to russia, can simply stop selling components to russia, and secretly through north korea, and then everything can be significant, why won’t such an option be considered in the ministry of foreign affairs of china, well, it’s real, they would also say that this we offered vasyl an option for them, so maybe just take your territories from russia, also a good option, it’s a bomb in general, absolutely, yes, and finally, russia has once again taken matters into its own hands, so estonia can close. borders with a terrorist country, it is stated in the press release of the estonian police department. the reason for such a possible step is that moscow continues to deliberately send groups of foreigners, particularly from african and asian countries, who do not have the legal right to enter the european union to the estonian border. it is also known that russians who enter the territory of estonia through the narva checkpoint are issued a special ticket. it warns that
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those who... cross the border to the side estonia may not be able to return by the same route. well, the same route is just a bridge over the narva river, which is built between narva, the city of narva and ivangorod, it is already on the russian side, so if you want to go there, know that you may not return through this bridge. well, but that's what you should do with people who don't . affect the interests of other countries, simply close their access to the civilized world. well, for today i have everything in the world section about ukraine, everything only for today, as tomorrow there will be more and more will be in our further broadcast, so do not switch. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following
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frames can you. shocking news from the scene live, drone attacks, kamikaze, political analysis, objective and meaningful, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. svobodalai is frank and impartial, you draw your own conclusions. we continue our big ether and now it's time to talk. about economy and economic topics and problems, for this we invited oleg penzyn, a member of the economic discussion club, mr. oleg, i congratulate you, i welcome you too, we will start with such a protocol question, as they say, the mission of the international monetary fund, what we came with, about what was said, what can be the first conclusions about the report, first of all , the inspection that took place and advice or
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warnings from our couples. from the imf, listen, i will start with very unpleasant information, probably not everyone knows very well, the program. with the international monetary fund, which was adopted last year and according to which last year we received somewhere around 4.5 billion, this year also somewhere around the same figure is planned, but in addition to the beacons set by the international monetary fund regarding ukraine's fulfillment of its reform obligations, there is another very interesting thing, it says that this program is valid'. provided that ukraine receives macro-financial assistance from our largest partners, that is, to be clear, if there is no macro-financial assistance from the united states of america,
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the program of the international monetary fund will automatically be put on pause, so that you and i understand what we are talking about, this is an extremely specific negative moment, actually an international monetary one. the fund says that only under the conditions of macroeconomic financing, which is available, financial stability in ukraine will be achieved, if not, then there will be no financial stability, and they will not participate in the program, expanded financing, so we are quite seriously dependent on funds , which will be given to us by the united states of america, the senate, thank god it was passed, but with the house of representatives there are... a lot of difficult issues, eh , look, what is it that you and i understand, what is the nuance, the nuance is that the international monetary fund does not have its own money, well you understand it, yes, it does not collect taxes, it is not a state entity, it
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is an international financial organization that exists at the expense of donors, the largest donor of the international monetary fund is the united states of america, and the decision on macroeconomic, macro-financial assistance to ukraine corresponds to those money, which provided by the americans to the international monetary fund, which accordingly lends to ukraine. so those things are interconnected, and here it is indisputable that if ukraine did not implement beacons, well, you can always find moments that are not implemented, we understand that with you too. we had cases with you when ukraine was granted loans from the international monetary fund despite the fact that we did not fulfill 2/3 of the beacons, well, we understand, there were such events in history, that is, those tranches, even at the level of the international monetary fund it was said, that they are politically motivated, the americans wanted to help, they helped, so this is
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the first point that must be clearly understood, and will any lifelines still be left for ukraine, well, suddenly, well, everything happens, for example, unvoted aid to ukraine, at least in... .. in the foreseeable future and the imf says: well then, we are also slowing down for the time being, and as then, we counted on the european union and their help. the imf will say, the imf will say something differently. he will say: wait, we told you that you need to increase your own revenues to the state budget. so we laid the lighthouses that you you should have, first of all, removed the simplified taxation system, you should have introduced increased business tax rates, you should have... brought back not only tax, but also customs checks, very active, you should have fought the shadow economy effectively, you there is a shadow economy, which makes up 40% of domestic production, well, let's increase it,
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similarly, look for other opportunities, well , look, there is a lot to tell you about what can be said when you do not give money simply enough. which are possible, by the way, the program, actually there are beacons, they are extremely powerful, these are the issues of energy security, the issue of judicial reform, the issue of tax policy, the issue of finally bringing the prices and tariffs for energy carriers to the market level for the population, we brought, no, so i will always find a reason why i i don't give that money. somewhere behind the brackets, realizing that , well, they are simply not there from our largest sponsor, so this is roughly how it looks, well, after all, if there is money from the sponsor, then the monitoring mission of the international monetary fund will agree with
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all the positions that were adopted, the more so, as far as i understand , the ministry of finance is currently actively working with the international monetary fund, actively working with... the national bank of ukraine, that is, everything is being worked out there, and that is, they are all working within the existing protocol, and this must be clearly understood. they will do their own thing, but why the actual decision regarding the allocation of money, this is a political decision, it is not a socio-economic decision, if you want socio-economic decisions, go to the international financial markets, print eurobonds and sell them there, no one there sets any conditions regarding any political demands there, but you and i are in debt restructuring, we canceled payments on all eurobonds and to us for any... no one on the international will not give a single penny to the financial market
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, that is, we can receive money either from our partners or from donors, and we owe the imf, i think, 12 billion dollars, no, if i'm not mistaken, yes, and we, too, i don't mind, to things, the imf is the only organization that very conscientiously received everything from us payments in the 22nd and 23rd years, and the total... payments were, well, corresponded with the money they gave us, that is, they don't count there, let's say according to the hebrews in the 22nd in the 23rd year, we carried out restructuring , on the debts of ukraine as a sovereign, we postponed both there and on japan and canada, we faithfully paid every penny to the imf within the terms determined by the cooperation agreement, that is , there are no questions here, i don't... we will have time to discuss two topics, but we will definitely
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manage one, it is the work of the government, i understand that now we are talking about the office of the president, who gives many advisers and about the government, as the second such link, on how to conduct the so-called economic, economic mobilization, well armor, economic armor during mobilization, that formula, that formula that i heard today, well, i read about her, it's called one. four are working and there is a question of what amounts should be paid, taxes and well the work is going on, but there is a certain direction, let 's talk about it, one is working, look, look, very briefly so that we understand, this a very simplified approach, and four workers will not provide full-fledged equipment and weapons for that one fighter, i want to remind you that the figure at the reporting conference... and at the reporting press conference of the president sounded somewhat
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differently, he said that behind his back one warrior should be six taxpayers, and so it is in reality, why? because i also watched this material, they slightly reduce the actual amounts, well, that is, look, without weapons, without weapons, without er, let's say ammunition and all the latter, only ... clothes, food, training, each mobilized costs about uah 800,000 to 850,000 per year. if with weapons, then the figure is about 1,200,250, and in order to ensure such an amount for, well, conditionally there, let's say, half a million, conditionally half a million mobilized
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, 3 million taxpayers are needed, that is, there should be six, four - that's right for each one, let's be frank to speak very, very economically, and this is conditional on the military and technical assistance of our partners, because the americans, for example, give us weapons for free in the form of grants, and we we order weapons only in the european union and... only from manufacturers, and for the first time not even weapons, but ammunition, because we are very dependent on the amount of ammunition we use, eh, that is, in principle, the number, well, let it be four men, and there are really two completely different approaches, uh, no matter how unpopular it is in society, no matter how people in power are accused of wanting to paint a system where the rich will buy off... the poor will die ,
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er, i would not simplify this question, here is the question in fact, not only in social justice, the issue here is , uh, firstly, the monetary payments to our soldiers who are fighting today, they are less than they have a right to expect, that is, even the monetary payments that are being paid today, they are too small, and there is still not enough money for them, and any... additional mobilization, by the way, we must understand with you that any additional mobilization is additional spending of money, so at least it is possible, you can change those people who... have been on the front lines for a long time, but i i also understand that after replacing these people, they will not be dismissed from the ranks of the armed forces, and they will still receive money, even if it is at zero, it is us too, even, please excuse me, it is very ugly, even a dead person has the right to 15 million hryvnias paid to his relatives, and 15 million hryvnias, excuse me, please, so
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that we understand, it's 10 years on the front line, well, in any case, i think that some fair solution will be worked out. of course, the most fair and the most, i don't believe in justice, i don't believe in justice the most efficient, let's say yes, yes, effective , which will definitely be hated in society, but this is one of those ways that are unpopular, which in any case, well, we always talk with you about labor armies, well, they, by the way, they are active, in our country 88 thousand people are in the labor armies, but the truth is that the salary there is uah 10,000, yes, so look, despite all the things, i think so. that in the near future we are parallel with the adoption of the law on changes to mobilization, we will see the law on paid reservations, the numbers that are there, they are extremely high, that is, according to the same approaches there you have to pay 20 thousand per month to the employer for a person, it is necessary to have 100, hryvnias
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of wages, find me many employers who pay their employees such money at the moment, there is another option, wages at the level of 35'. hryvnia , it is much less, and here the real income to the budget will probably be less than the expected one, but even this income is calculated to add an additional approximately 300 billion hryvnias to the budget, just so that we understand the budget for the rearmament of the armed forces of ukraine in 204 it is uah 270 billion, it is possible to double this budget, is it worth it or not, that is , every person... who says bad or good should understand those things as well. actually, there was one more thing, but the time has almost run out, so i won’t, i’m sure, so as not to interrupt you in mid-sentence, mr. olezh, thank you very much , thank you very much for joining, thank you for your professional comments, we were with oleg penzyn, a member of the economic discussion club, these are
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important questions, again everything here should be as efficient as possible, as well as provided for those people who want, can minimally motivated, minimally, but they can be. e armed forces and the maximum payments are honestly in the budget, and not in the hands of a military officer there on probation or some other employee of the vlk, where you buy off the fact that you do not want to serve or cannot serve there or otherwise, well , let it be honest, and here there will be direct payouts and there will be everything, well again, justice hardly exists in this world, but maximum efficiency and work to win must again be done, well now i have information that i will voice for you i will announce that a woman was rescued from the rubble of a house destroyed by the russians in a large borluka in... kharkiv oblast on wednesday, the head of the kharkiv oval, oleg snigubov, reported this in a telegram, ukrinform reports. the demolition of the rubble of a two-story building in the village of velikiy burluk and the rescue of people who are under the rubble are ongoing. the newly rescued woman is given the necessary medical assistance. according to the data, sorry siniohobov,
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a total of five victims, unfortunately one person died. the police previously informed about the two dead. here unfolds a new new, new thriller season poroshenko is going abroad, poroshenko is not going abroad. why doesn't poroshenko go abroad? so, the new series season munich, yes, no. therefore, petro poroshenko was not allowed to go to munich. stefanchuk received a statement from the fifth president saying that please give us an order, please sign the delegation. but stepanchuk did not sign. why? petro poroshenko asks, you didn't sign me, and here was the answer. head of the main intelligence department kyrylo. told the speaker of the parliament, this is poroshenko's direct speech, for some reason he told the speaker stefanchuk that immediately after crossing the ukraine-poland border, and especially in munich , i, that is, poroshenko, as the fifth president and leader of the opposition, is in mortal danger, and neither the state security department nor the state
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security department are capable of protecting me as a protected person, neither the entire security system, nor the entire security system of germany, the only way to save poroshenko is not to release him, i'm just curious, and if such a serious force is behind... poroshenko, that the entire system of germany cannot protect him, and the state administration security, state security, but then why can't this terrible force threaten poroshenko in ukraine, where there are a lot of people with weapons, where grenades explode in cars, where any, well, some character can, say, passing by the office on lavrsky, throw it there to set up some kind of explosives or just shoot poroshenko's car with a machine gun, that is, there must be logic, i understand very well that it was stefanchuk who said that he was bohdano. that's what he said, it's not, we didn't hear what general budanov said to him, that hero of ukraine, by the way, but well, it just looks, and how then can the state security department ensure the safety of volodymyr zelensky, who is to attend the munich security conference, how can he ensure the safety of colonel-general syrsky, by the way, who is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine in munich, syrskyi in munich , the man who
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today is the leader of the army, the man who today commands the operations, this is sirsky's army, this is his war, he is the chief general in this army, why is this danger not threatening him today, except for the enemies syrsky is now less important than the fifth president petro poroshenko, with all due respect to the fifth president, we understand that general syrsky is now much more dangerous for the enemy, but for some reason he... nothing threatens him as seriously in munich as threatens petro poroshenko. i would really not like it to be another story, i would really not like it, but unfortunately, this drama, poroshenko goes abroad, poroshenko does not go abroad, continues with variable success, which, again, in munich, i think there should be all those people who are ready to do something for at least 0.01% to give us, help, support and so on, maybe 0.01, and i'm not talking about 1.5%, for example, well, we are a team of the national team, we, like, we, the national team, all
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on in its place, yes, and now about sports , not about the national teams, now it will be, but about the club teams that started yesterday in the spring, spring draw of the league, the stage of the champions league, we listen and watch evgeny postakhola, the memorable... evening for andrii lunin. the ukrainian goalkeeper of real madrid made almost the biggest contribution to his team's victory over leipzig. in in the first match of the 1/8 finals of the champions league, lunin made nine saves, which repeated the record of the currently injured goalkeeper of vershkovy thibaut courtois. in some situations, the ukrainian goalkeeper deflected very difficult balls. the result of the match was determined by the only scored goal. at the beginning of the second half , braim diyas scored for real. leipzig despite a number of moments of departure. was not able to catch, first of all, thanks to the excellent game of the ukrainian goalkeeper. lunin received high marks and favorable reviews in
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the media, as well as praise from a mentor madrid's carlo ancelotti. he played beautifully, very motivated and playing with real confidence, performances help him build confidence and he was outstanding today, in all aspects he did a fantastic job. in the return match in madrid. real and leipzig will meet on march 6. in another confrontation of the evening. the current holder of the champions cup, manchester city , coped with danish copenhagen. josep guardiola's team, playing on a foreign field, scored three goals and conceded one. goals for english kevin de bruyne, bernardo silva and phil foden excelled in the team. as part of the home team, magnus matson is active in taking goals. the return match in this pair will also take place for the sixth time. march two more matches of the last 16 of the champions league will be played today. france's paris saint-germain will host spain's
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real sociedad, while german champions bayern munich will play against lazio in the italian capital, rome. both meetings will start at 10 p.m. kyiv time. lesya tsurenko withdrew from the wta1000 tournament in qatar so far. the ukrainian tennis player will not play her third round match against the japanese naomi. osaka due to an elbow injury. the trouble happened after a landmark victory for tsurenko. the day before , for the first time in five years, lesya beat a representative of the top ten of the world ranking. kiyanka knocked out the sixth racket of the planet ons gills from tunisia. 6-3-62. thus, there are still no representatives of ukraine at the tournament. marta kostiuk withdrew from the competition due to illness, and angelina kalinina lost to jelena ostapenko of latvia in the second round match. 06-3-6. ukrainian wrestlers greco-roman style won two awards at the european championship in bucharest - silver and
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bronze. in the weight category up to 63 kg , oleksandr grushin lost to the azerbaijani murad mamadov, and zhan beleniuk triumphed in the fight for bronze in the weight category up to 87 kg. the olympic champion of tokyo defeated another representative of azerbaijan, islam abasov. it is cool that lunin is progressing so much, maybe we will see him in goal with the national team already in march, but now we are talking about more urgent and important things, the state, the members of the coalition have completed the signing of the agreement on cooperation, you see, we have not only an air coalition, not only an air defense coalition, but there is also a tank coalition, is there another coalition, or , by the way, it is very important in this war, estonia became a participant, well, in general, it is me i will remind the homeland of skype and in general i was very much there, it is a very informative country and a very it country
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, it's just super super luxembourg is a leader country as well as belgium, denmark, iceland, italy, latvia, lithuania. countries and ukraine, this is the first such agreement within the capacity coalition, the message states, in addition, great britain completed the process of joining the iit coalition by signing a declaration of intent, i represent the minister of defense rustem umyerov, i am sure that we will be able to attract even more partners for the digitalization of our army, this is very important, well, we will wait for other results of ramstein, i will say, that colonel-general oleksandr syrsky went there with his head, well... the president must be there, so we are waiting, and now we have waited for the weather, what it will be like in ukraine tomorrow, natalka didenko will tell us in detail. all synoptic hello, dear ukrainians, today is february 14, almost half of february is already behind us, and
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there is very little left until spring. i, of course , congratulate everyone on today. such a tulip day, and we will talk about the weather that is expected tomorrow, february 15, in the middle of the last month of winter in many european countries, well, of course, we will pay more attention to the capital, so tomorrow , february 15, in warsaw +9 cloudy, in berlin it is cloudy + 12°, in lisbon +17 +19, there may be a shower with a thunderstorm, it is almost summer there... the weather in paris is beautiful +17°, but without precipitation, without goods, that is, for example, in portugal in lisbon, in rome it is +18 sunny, where else can it be sunny, if not in rome, and it is very interesting, in london tomorrow it is expected to rain in places and +16°, it is just very warm here, well we let's go further and talk about magnetic storms and now for your
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attention, as always, a forecast chart , from which it can be seen that tomorrow there will be a small... activation of the earth's magnetic field, however insignificant, so we will come back and see what the weather will be like in ukraine, and in each region, and uh, as we already mentioned about most european countries, we will start now with ukraine from the western regions, as always we traditionally go clockwise, so to speak, so tomorrow it will be cloudy in the west, and the air temperature will be somewhere between one and four. it is quite cold, in the north there is a chance of rain in some places, it is also cool +2 -4°, in the evening this rain may turn into sleet, for example, if the air temperature drops, the weather is expected to be cloudy in the east, sorry, without significant precipitation and the air temperature is also low, although with pluses, a maximum of +1 +4°. in the central
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part of ukraine, rain, wet, cloudy weather is expected tomorrow plus... and +6° in the southern part of ukraine it will be the warmest +7 +11, this applies more to the crimea, a little rain in places and stormy gusts of the east wind up to 15 are possible in the south 20 m/s. well, in kyiv tomorrow the weather is expected to be mostly cloudy, in some places there is a chance of light rain, in the evening with wet snow, the maximum air temperature in the capital is +3-4°. thank you for being with us, thank you, first of all, to natalia didenko, thank you for being with us, we support the armed forces of ukraine, we donate, we support each other, we stick together, i say goodbye to you until tomorrow, take care and stay with espresso, good evening, we are from ukraine. vasyl zima's big broadcast, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to
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learn about the war and what the world is like. two hours to keep abreast of economic and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeable to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day two hours, a big broadcast of vasyl zima, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening for espresso. good evening, congratulations, my name is myroslava barchuk, this is a program. proper names: a joint project of ukrainian foam and espresso tv channel. so, literally in the next few weeks, we will celebrate two such very dramatic anniversaries for our country, for society, it is 10 years since the beginning of the shootings on the maidan and on the institute, during the revolution of dignity, and the second anniversary of the full-scale invasion, this is


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