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tv   [untitled]    February 15, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EET

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the fact is that he also found out from the mass media that there are such, there are such, let's say, umon plans, but in general, the situation looks a little, well , to put it mildly, unclear, because uh, if there are some complaints against the university, communication in ukraine is not the strongest place, let's be honest, a friend of false pronunciation, as they say, is normal between people. i don't have much time , but i would like to summarize, at least for a certain period, tnu is not in danger? well, for our part, we will also join on february 15, the first a meeting will be held, the center of reintegration , which, after all, on the initiative of the rector was created under tan, and precisely the goal of these experts... and civil society and
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scientists who will be involved in this meeting, will be to develop a certain vision regarding the strategy of reintegration, first , in general development and university strategies and in general strategies in the field of education and recommendations to authorities, because we are necessary, we, we have to create incentives for children from the occupied territories to enter ukrainian universities, and not like this was earlier sorry well... 200-300 people a year is nothing, this is at a time when every year 8-9 thousand students enter crimean, well from crimea enter various universities, here i personally know some people who they still wanted to enroll, but of course there is a full-scale war here , it helped a little, but what did they do, they enrolled in local universities, well, what kind of education will the occupier give our children in the first place, well... we focus on
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increasing the effectiveness of the work of ukrainian universities in the crimea in general origin. thank you sergey. serhiy kovalsky, co-coordinator of the civil movement euromaidan crimea 2013-14. a public activist was in touch with us. so. and we didn't have time to say much, but next time then. yes, let's talk about important things. stay with the beraber project. together, the espresso tv channel and the atp tv channel work together for you. be with us, congratulations, i ask for a few minutes of your attention and help in the search for this boy, this is 13-year-old mykyta sadovy, he went missing at the end of 2023 in the temporarily occupied city of gola prystan in the kherson region. with
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on december 26, nothing is known about the boy. of course, the fact that he disappeared during the occupation greatly complicates the search process, so there is really a great hope for witnesses, in particular for the help of the residents of the temporarily occupied bare pier. ukrainian tebe is not broadcast there, it is possible that this video will be seen on youtube or in social networks. so please look carefully at the photo of nikita sadovoy, and if you know where he is, or if you know anything about him, even... less information, immediately report to the hotline by number 11630. and it is very important, if you are under occupation and you do not have the opportunity to call, write to us on the website or in the chat box of the child tracing service in telegram. anonymity, of course, we guarantee. also in the kherson region, also in the occupation , this girl disappeared, her name is horishnya kateryna, she is 16 years old, and she disappeared on december 26, 2023.
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this year in the village of nova zbruivka in the livoberzh region of the kherson region, where she is now unknown, as well as in the previous one history, due to the occupation, the search for the girl is much more difficult, than in the territories under the control of ukraine, the reasons are objective and understandable, however, if there is even the slightest chance to find a missing child, you and i must use them, and the least you can do is to spread the search video on your social media networks, it is very important that the information is seen as it is... more people, in this way, the chances of finding a missing child become much greater, so i thank you in advance for your concern, attention and help. also, of course, i ask you to look carefully into the face of the above executioner, if you have any idea about her information, do not delay and immediately report to the hotline of the child tracing service at the number 116 30. in fact, finding children from temporarily occupied territories is very difficult and usually. a long process, but our experience
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shows that the search must be continued even in the most difficult or sometimes seemingly hopeless situations, so, for example, we were able to find the boy, by the way, also in the occupied part of the kherson region at the time. nothing was known about ihor since february 24, 2022. we only knew that he lived he is in the village of sonyachne, kherson region, which was under occupation. in our programs, we called on the residents of this village, if they do see us on the internet, to let us know, if possible, whether 17-year-old ihor is still living in sonyachny and whether everything is okay with him. and it worked for us... they sent me this video with igor: my name is igor, today is march 31 , 2022, i live in sechny, kherson region, with my grandfather and grandmother. everything is fine in the winter, i have no ukrainian connection, as i live on the edge of the occupied territory.
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the guy confirmed that he still lives in the village of sonyachne with his grandparents, but all this time he could not report himself, because there was no ukrainian mobile phone service during the occupation. i really hope that the story of the search for nikita sadovoy and katya horishnaya, which i told at the beginning, will end with the same happy ending, so once again i ask you not to remain indifferent and join the search, i also urge you to go to the website of the children's search service, there is a photo here all the boys and girls we're trying to find, take just a few minutes of your time, look at the photos of the children, look at their faces, maybe you recognize one of them? and will help you find them, if you suddenly have any information about one of these children, call the hotline of the child tracing service at number 11630. calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free.
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there are discounts on helpex - 20% in travel fam and savings pharmacies. there are discounts on psyk - 10% in podorozhnyk fam and oschad pharmacies. there are 15% discounts on urulessan in psyllanyk fam and oskad pharmacies. according to the results of january, the tv channel espresso continues to hold the first position among information broadcasting channels. we are the first for the 10th month in a row. i congratulate chas news on the espresso tv channel. this november we turned 10 years old, we updated the design, the sound, we continue the saturday political club of khrystyna yatskiv and vitaly portnikov. our values ​​and ukrainian point of view remain unchanged. stay tuned for espresso updates and thank you for your trust. a separate platoon
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of the sapsan unmanned aerial systems of the state special service of transport. addresses the viewers of the tv channel. with with a request to join the collection of funds and technical equipment for our unit, thank you, glory to ukraine, to the heroes, glory, hello, this is... svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. i'm here
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temporarily, i'll be back home soon. live now where you are. greetings, this is olga len, the chronicles of the hostilities for a week, and, well, first, in the kupyan direction, the fighters of the 25th syacheslavskaya, of the airborne assault brigade, they are asking us
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to join the gathering for a car, and i also urge you to do so, this is the sicheslav brigade, which is always in the forefront, they need a car now, so here it is. and in order to carry out combat tasks, we ask everyone who cares to add all the data, you see, card number, qr code, please, every hryvnia of yours is very important. and helps our fighters a lot, and if we talk about the situation in general, here is josep barel, the high representative of the european union for foreign affairs affairs and security policy, said that a major offensive of the russian occupation forces is expected in the summer, but you know, general sirsky, who has now become the commander-in-chief, just the other day gave an interview and said that a major offensive operation by the occupation forces has been underway since october 3. of russia , and it is taking place along the entire front line, the defense forces have switched to a defensive operation,
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the purpose of which is to exhaust and destroy its offensive forces of the russians as much as possible, the goal of the russian offensive is clear - it is the capture of kupyansk, the exit to the oskil river, the capture avdiyivka, chasovoy yar , the coal miner, these are all their goals, and so far we can say that... but within five months, the price of this for the russians is literally thousands of destroyed units of equipment and several dozen destroyed russian fighters , so that's the story, but it must be said that now there is an advance of russian forces on almost all areas of the front and the situation is very, very tense. let's see on the map how it happened in recent days. map of hostilities for the period of february 8-14, 2024,
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the situation at the front is deteriorating, in avdiivki the last chance for salvation. in avdiivka, the zone of urban battles is rapidly expanding, the russians have advanced in the bakhmut and ughledar directions, on the other hand, the ammunition shortage of the armed forces is becoming more and more critical. avdiivka - counterattack or withdrawal. the racists have thrown all possible resources into action, because time and putin are pressing, if last month an average of 150 cabs fell on the city per week, now it is an average of 50 per day. it may be inaccurate, but at the point of fall they totally destroy the landscape. during the week, the occupiers succeeded in two places critically close to the main logistics artery. so they managed to break through the tsar's will through a one-story building further west to get to the railway and approach. to the road through which the main supply of our zenith position is secured. in fact, now the soldiers in this
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position were blocked. especially since the russians are also advancing east of the test site, trying to surround this strategically important defense point of avdiyivka. therefore, a counterattack is required to unblock. in addition, the invaders expanded the zone in the north of avdiivka of his control near the sand pit and lake's helmet also wedged in even more. in the development in the garden society, they managed not only to cross the railway track, but also to cut the key road for logistics on a stretch of almost a kilometer. cutting the specified path threatens to collapse the entire defense of the city to the south of this place, which is practically the entire avdiivka, with the exception of the positions near the coke-chemical plant. in addition, in a week, the invaders advanced several hundred meters in the direction of pervomaisk, which is south of avdiivka. responds on critical situation, the general staff introduced new reserves to avdiivka, in particular reinforcements for the 101st
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brigade, as well as a part of the battalion of the third assault brigade, which showed itself very well in this war, especially during the counteroffensive south of bakhmut. there they released several forces, including a strategically important pincer. now the assault brigade can be the last chance for a counteroffensive in avdiivka or to unblock their defenders and lead them to controlled sects. cities from bakhmut to the temporal ravine. during january and early february, the russians did not could break through our defenses neither in ivanivsk nor in bohdanivka. however, their offensive at the time of yar did not slow down, on the contrary, it intensified. this week, thanks to massive strikes by fpv drones and artillery, the rashists managed to push back the zsu to a distance of about 3 km from the position between bohdanivka and ivanovsky to the outskirts of chasovoy yar from the nearest enemy position . 2.5 km, the city is preparing for defense, because as it turned out, it did not have
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a properly prepared line of defense. the coal-mining area is the second most important after vdyivka, here the occupiers want to go to the rear defense forces in the area and significantly collapse the front line in this part of donetsk region. currently , the fighting is going on around the village of novomykhaivka, which the enemy is storming from three sides, these days the rashists managed to enter the eastern outskirts of the village and also get closer again. to it from the south , in addition, they were able to break through several hundred meters along the road between the villages of solodke and vodyane, and also expanded the zone of their control to the north of this road in order to be able to attack. defenders of novomykhaivka also from the rear. another group of the armed forces of the russian federation is making its way from the northern side, where they continue to attack the village of pabeda from the occupied maryanka. delineating in this way the beginning of the formation of a large ring around the villages stretching to the west of novomykhaivka. southern front, zaporizhzhia. the armed forces of ukraine had
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unexpected successes on the southern front. there, according to general ternavskyi , the russians lost 645 soldiers in just one day. and in a week , almost 3,000, although the front line here did not undergo significant changes, however, the defense forces occupied a gray area south of the kamiansky area bloody battles continue in robotino, the front line swings in one direction, then in the other. on the western flank of the operation, the armed forces of ukraine managed to significantly push back the invaders in the direction of the village of kopani. destruction of the russian military economy. during the week, our drones struck ilski and afa. oil refineries in the krasnodar territory, located not far from each other. in addition, as the russians themselves say, planned work caused a fire at an oil refinery in moscow. thanks to attacks on oil depots and oil refineries in january-february ukraine managed to reduce the january export of russian gasoline by 37% and add fuel to 23. and this is only the beginning.
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a factory that manufactures, repairs and maintains mig aircraft also caught fire in moscow. another. a planned mushroom-shaped explosion occurred in izhevsk at a factory that produces rocket engines, in particular for iskanders, death to enemies. well, i can also add that literally this morning it became known that today such a gur made an unexpected gift, the destruction of the large landing ship caesar kunyakov, we have already talked about him, but the interesting thing is that, well, firstly, it was destroyed by a magura v5 naval drone, and... second, that caesar kunyakov himself is practically the second ship of this size after moscow, and what does the russians actually have there, and well, this is a big enough target, a good target, it was most likely used for the transportation of ammunition, because now these ships are amphibious, they are mainly used, as
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you know, such an auxiliary to the crimean bridge , for the transportation of various e. well, they are like that how is the bridge still so marine, well, it’s very good, in fact, really very good, it was already damaged in berdyansk on march 25, 2022, and now it was so damaged, you see, it exploded brightly, so i hope that there was a lot of ammunition on it. in principle, a very successful, good operation, well, let’s move on to the conversation , we are talking with mykola mykola volokhov , commander of the tera air reconnaissance unit as part of the third separate assault brigade, congratulations mr. mykola, congratulations to you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, well, actually, if we talk about the destruction of this ship, we literally have the success of our, one might say, unmanned
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systems that are being developed, and this is actually a strike by a drone. besides, now a separate command has been created, well, such forces are unmanned, unmanned, so to speak, there is an announcement about their creation within the armed forces of ukraine, and i wanted to ask you about it right away, maybe you can already see it somehow, or heard what exactly should happen, because we see that there are drone units in all defense forces, and even the sbu, gur, in each on the way there is more or less in each brigade, this , this is the general command, it has to somehow unite them, well, something is generally heard about this, look, of course, it is very nice that such a thing is being created, drones are very different, they fly and drive on land, and swim on water, and swim under water, and the most
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important thing is that they replace people, yes, that is, for us, we can save human lives, we can save human lives. using unmanned technologies, if we talk about this , you know, now, yes, let's do it differently, first of all, i want to say that the creation of such forces is very good, they do not yet have a project , as i understand it, the president gave an order to the cabinet of ministers and the general staff to create a project, and the project will be developed for the time being, and then it will be presented, i do not i know whether it will be a public or not a public presentation, but this is a move in the right direction, regarding ... such, you know, a lot of people are talking about it now in various units, and whether drones will and should be taken away from battalions, brigades, ground forces troops, right? in of course , there is no need for paratroopers, special forces, and i sincerely believe that no one will do this, well, it simply contradicts common
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sense, it is necessary to build up unmanned vehicles, not to test them, and i am sure that this is exactly the way ukraine will go, which thoughts on this topic , well, i’ll be honest, a lot of my friends and i, since this is our profile, discussed it, there are several main thoughts on... the formation of this project, the formation of the project and the project will be successful depending on whether they attract those specialists who are for the first two years of war showed results by working directly with unmanned means on the front, and it is very easy to understand which teams these are: those who have a lot of impressions, who hit the enemy a lot effectively, are effective, it is worth consulting with that, at the second stage of forming teams, whether they will such people are involved in the team and who... will be in this team in general, and at the third stage, you know, already here, how this whole team will work, but i am sure that if the first two stages are carried out correctly, then the probability of success will be extremely
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high, unmanned forces must be built up, ah, i repeat, again, under no circumstances should these means be taken away from those units in which they are already effectively used, well , there is hope that this will be taken into account after all, so that the deputy commander -in-chief... of the armed forces of the armed forces of ukraine is the newly appointed colonel vadym sukharevskyi, who will actually be responsible for unmanned systems, and he himself was the commander of the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade, as part of which he was one of the most famous units that specialized in ptaha drones madeira, that's why he probably has experience and understands this in general, well, the topic itself, let's hope that will be taken into account. we will return to this conversation, i want to ask you a little bit about the situation under the time gap, since i understand that it is at least close to you, and there
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appeared an assessment of such a group site, which said that actually under the time yoke of ee in well such an advance happened russian troops, to a large extent thanks to the very effective use of drones and revealed. it is also a weakness of ours, let's say, ours defensive positions, well, firstly, do you somewhere share the fact that it is precisely thanks to drones and such, and secondly, do you share the opinion that there are really weak, well, or insufficiently equipped positions? here as an assessment that according to... the result, you know, if the position could not withstand the onslaught of the enemy, accordingly it was weak, weak relative to this onslaught, everything in this world is relative, in war
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also everything is relative, was weak relative to the onslaught, from any - which, you know, you need to be able to recognize some of your shortcomings and shortcomings, draw conclusions from this and to improve, i know that the armed forces of ukraine are in this direction... my unit, for what i can say with confidence, is actively working on the implementation, yes, the purchase of search, purchase and implementation of electronic warfare equipment, so recently they purchased 10 complexes for conducting radio electronic warfare , they haven't arrived yet, we only have one so far, but they will arrive soon and we will feel much safer against enemy kamikaze fpv drones. again, the question is whether we are weak or the russians are strong, certainly, russia is a serious enemy, and if anyone thought that maybe, if we have had
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some success recently, then this is a victory, the end of the war and russia will not show us anything new, these people were wrong, reality shows this, we must be ready to the fact that russia will still try to break our defenses, and... our task is to hold on and prevent it from doing so, that's how i see it all, i believe that there is no catastrophe yet, but we must very actively draw conclusions from what is happening at the front and we have a lot to actively adapt, we have no right to make a mistake, and tell me, well, you know, a simple logical question arises, if such a use of uavs there is successful, well, so is our active use of uavs, it means... that the russians are now, at least on this the tone prevails, or there were simply some other additional factors, something additional that made this job easier for them. you know,
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there is such a thing as the initiative on the battlefield, sometimes the one who takes the initiative gets the operational advantage, the one who goes on the offensive, because the one who works as number one, who takes the initiative, can gain an advantage from the effect of not surprise, yes, but then it all evens out, here, let's say, it is necessary not only to break through the enemy's defense somewhere. and knock out enemy positions , we still need to occupy them, we need to gain a foothold, i have observed many times, both on our side and on the enemy's side, when operational success is achieved, but it cannot be recorded, and the losses that are incurred afterwards, or those losses , which are then rushed upon fixing this success, they are not commensurate with what the fight is actually for, so, for example, jumped into the landing
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quickly, knocked out there... a small , small contingent of fpv with drones, jumped into the landing, and then you have to occupy it, yes, and then already when the logistics for occupying the landings take place, the fpv starts working , the enemy drones, it all crumbles, hold the landing it is impossible , and the question arises, why did we do it at all, and therefore time will tell, i believe that it is necessary to observe and so far it is too early to draw conclusions, in general, one should be quite balanced in one's judgments in the war, well, because there is a lot at stake in cannes. i will repeat again, as for me, so again it is too early to say that the russians are achieving some kind of success there, the front is dynamic , everything is constantly moving, it is like a living organism, it is clear, well, after now we will have advertising, after advertising we will return to drones, and to the actual let's talk about the audio direction, so wait for us to come back with
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advertising and more. one guest and the actual conversation about avdiivka. there are discounts on quiet soothing 10% in pharmacies, plantain, you and savings. there are discounts on rezzil of 15% in psylsnyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. turn on the investigation, from which cold heart the new chapter of the hbo series is already on me. a real detective. find out what secrets the alaskan ice hides exclusively in the mego subscription. there are discounts on afida max of 10% in psyllium pam and oschad pharmacies. there are discounts on emolium - 25% in psyllany bam and oschad pharmacies. vasyl winter's big broadcast. keter, my
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name is vasyl zemaye, let's start, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, we will discuss many important topics today, two hours to learn about the war, now we will talk more about the war, serhii zgurets is with us, and how the world is going , now he will talk about what happened in the world in more detail, yuriy fizar, yuriy, good evening, please, i have two hours to keep up with economic news, time for to talk about money during the pigs , oleksandr morchyvka is with us, oleksandr, congratulations , please and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen postukhov, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, thank you very much to elina chechenna for information about cultural news, presenters that natalka became familiar to many dyadenko is already ready to tell us about the weather on the day of advent, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio, andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, who was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. see
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this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. money in the wind, as judges-figures in criminal cases and state councilors received a salary of half a billion hryvnias. they are in season and receiving a referee's fee. why judges? liquidated judges are still receiving the state? the judges of oask, even after the liquidation of the court, receive a considerable salary. on thursday, february 15, at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tetyana shustrovu. on the espresso tv channel. great return of great lviv. conversations, discussions, search for solutions. the largest talk format of ukraine in the evening prime time. in general, i think we need two things. money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. the most important thing is every thursday at 21:15 in the project "govorit velikiy lviv" on espresso tv channel.


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