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tv   [untitled]    February 15, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EET

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[000:00:00;00] after all, ukrainians should know why valery zaluzhnyi was fired, it was still necessary to articulate publicly, because it is still unclear, since one of the versions is that it is some kind of political ambitions, or something else, that is, you know what zaluzhnyi is for fired? no, look, well, first of all, we understand that two years of such an intense war, which ukraine is waging against the russian federation, the state that attacked our territory, is an extremely great psychological pressure on the person who makes the relevant decisions. i am general zaluzhnyi demonstrated effectiveness during the first or second year of the war, but unfortunately, fatigue accumulates, and the president, as you are now demonstrating on the screen, absolutely adequately assessed the merits of general zaluzhnyi, he was awarded the title of hero of ukraine, but i think it is necessary to change some and tactical, strategic approaches to
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fighting. actions, and there is hope that general syrsky will demonstrate that we can fight in a slightly different way and achieve other goals, so let's wait, then we will analyze whether the decisions are correct or not, and by the way, at the next meeting of the committee, we will also listen to the new commander-in-chief of the armed forces, about the tasks that he sees before him, that are set for him by the political leadership and the chief of the general staff, that is, he will be in closed session of the committee on... about precisely about the questions you are asking now, so i think that soon, in a rather short-term perspective, society will be able to assess the effectiveness of such personnel changes. thank you, mr. fedor, it was fedir vienislavskyi, people's deputy of ukraine. friends, we are working live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us there live. please like this video and vote in our poll. today we ask you this,
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do you support? an idea from a line from mobilization for an additional tax. yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube. if you have your opinion, please write in the comments below this video. if you are watching us on tv, pick up your phone or smartphone and vote. if you support the deferral of mobilization for tax additional tax 0800 211 381. no 0.800 211 382 all calls to these numbers are free at the end of the program. we will sum up the results of this vote, then we have igor romanenko, lieutenant general in the reserve, former deputy chief of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, mr. general, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, i congratulate you , mr. general, since during the last week there were many comments and
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some evaluations of the actions of the chief of the armed forces? zaluzhnyi and this big rotation, the general rotation that president zelensky held at the end of last week, i cannot help but ask you how you, as a professional military man, as a person who once led the ukrainian army, one of the people, the people who led the ukrainian army , how do you perceive such personnel rotation during the war as a risky step, but we saw that there was a build-up, let's say, maybe not agreed, and i would say a contradiction, between the commander-in-chief and the commander-in-chief, and it was not in favor, and let's say, mistakes which were from the point of view of the strategic level management last year, they had a basis
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precisely in these actions. eh, well, this is a separate issue in the construction of a strategic management, which would be, according to the legislation, built in such a way that the commander-in-chief forms the political, military-political, performs these tasks at the level of the defense forces of ukraine, i emphasize this, and not only the armed forces , the commander-in-chief in martial law, and general syrskyi, as the commander of... traveling troops, by the way, who is responsible for manning centers are being closed, because of these processes in the armed forces, subordinated to the commander-in-chief, but the further it went, the more it happened that if the commander-in-chief communicated and worked with general syrsky last year in the bahamian direction, general zaluzhnyi performed the tasks of, say,
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zaporizhzhya. the area of ​​action for the counteroffensive on berdyansk in the melitopol direction, but the operation that was planned, most likely, it was the most profitable... kherson direction, but the enemy knew about it, his intelligence, and therefore they crossed it out by blowing up the dam, and , therefore, for a long time until the end of the summer, the resource was accumulated only in one direction, and since this happened, there were different views on the implementation, and therefore the political direction of bakhmut, and therefore two on... we in zaporizhzhia, as early as june, they realized that they did not have the strength and resources to advance further in the first line, and eh, so the rational approach was that it was necessary to stop
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these counteroffensive actions because there were not enough forces to the enemy, not you, moreover such as aviation, as long-range missiles, and a number of... others, but it was very difficult to do, because society was ideologically oriented, overheated for quick success, for a counteroffensive, for achieving results, and all this did not happen, and in under such conditions , all these three military-political officials could form and take responsibility for the fact that even then it was necessary to switch to strategic defense, that resource still remained. some kind of offensive, and the relationship between them did not help this, so they probably did analysis, the conclusions are critical from this, and the supreme commander made a decision that
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it is not normal to continue working in this state, there were personal contradictions earlier, because at the beginning of the year, the commander-in-chief , general zaluzhnyi, said that the military was needed, i... personally heard when the president confirmed , that the military asked him to mobilize, replenish, but at what expense, but how it will affect many things, the economy and easier, and now we are already trying in an accelerated manner, but the accelerated verkhovna rada has its own procedures, it doesn't work, the cabinet of ministers is still trying to improve this situation. picking centers, but it has been accelerated by another six months, there are not enough people to call up, they need to be trained, equipped, everything else, that is , it is a strategic mistake that they have not done this since the beginning of last year, and the consequences are now
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like this, and this is our internal task, if one another reason was the supply of weapons, stretched over six months, during which the russians built a strong defense in zaperizhzhia, and therefore all these actions in all these three... directions, and then they also decided, that is, to connect the direction of kherson , of course, which is the most promising, also dried up , but there was not enough strength for the fourth one, and that is why it is such a very state of affairs now, the conditions for the actions of the commander-in-chief of the general syrskyi are quite difficult, well, it is enough that he enters in such conditions, and for that, in order for it not to be successful , it must be given... but what about plan b, if we do not carry out plan a, that is, the implementation of the tasks of a strategic defensive operation,
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the purpose of which is to stop the advance of the enemy, first of all, to destroy as many forces and means as possible, and then somewhere, if it succeeds, to talk about gaining time in order to... or have a reserve for conducting a counteroffensive operation, so in my opinion, these are the schedules, and that is why there was a replacement, and it was not just commander-in-chief novoosyrskyi, who due to the degree of functional duties yazkam rose because he did not become the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, but the commander-in-chief according to our legislation of the defense forces of ukraine, more broadly, it's not easy either. from that , the risk of further actions remains quite high. well, let's keep an eye on how general syrsky will be to master a new position, and accordingly
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new commanders and individual commanders of individual areas in the ukrainian army. today, the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine confirmed the information about the destruction of the large landing ship of the black sea fleet caesar kunikov in the black sea, it happened on the night of february 14, and of course the russian public. is so modestly silent about this event, but the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine confirms that this impression of this ship was made by the magura naval drone, and already commenting on the destruction of another of a russian military ship in the black sea, nato secretary general jen stoltenberg noted that the expulsion of the black sea fleet of the russian federation from the western part of the black sea is a great achievement and a great victory... for the ukrainians, and according to
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intelligence, most of the crew of this large landing ship, which was destroyed in the black sea, it was not possible to save it, the representative of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense andriy yusov said about it, everything went according to plan, as a result, the armed ship was destroyed and it cannot be restored, together there was ammunition with the cargo, and it is not yet known for sure how many people died there. mr. general, well, here we see another success of ukraine, which has sufficient modest naval capabilities at the moment, and it is clear that russia has always tried to show, demonstrate strength in the black sea, and it is clear that for them what is happening in the black sea can be called such a strategic defeat, because they always thought that chornomorsk... the fleet, this
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would be their advantage in this region, and here are the statements that are being made that let's go there negotiate, depending on ukraine, there with the world, depending on what the actual situation is, that 's what the representatives of the kremlin say, how do you assess the actions at sea and how ukraine actually managed to limit the actions of the russian...occupiers in the black sea? well, we are still far from the final victory, including at sea, but this is a significant achievement, and it must be said, despite the failure of actions in the campaign last year on the dry land of the armed forces and defense forces of ukraine, but there were achievements, this at sea, and results you have discussed, i would like to to add, let's say, thanks to such actions... we established a corridor, very important,
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economic, for us, maritime, agricultural, well , and not only agricultural, we, in the air , ensured the operations of unique weapons of this type of wunderwaffe weapon, as putin tried with his to give out propaganda, like, for example, daggers and skanders and so on, and with a small number of batteries that the allies handed over to us. and in general, despite the fact that this type of air strikes continues, the air force with our other structures, the defense forces, which are responsible for anti-aircraft , anti-missile defense, also successfully performed these tasks, so there is a military aspect here, which you also said about the destruction of this... hell, there is an ideological one, if you want,
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that is, on this day there was an amphibious operation back in 1981 , or when, that means this landing party , which was headed by hunnikov, was actually destroyed, well, in this way, and soviet propaganda was also coming out, i remember it both in the military school and in... in the first academy , where, it was highlighted in schools as a feat, although, although from the point of view the war of these people if it were not for the slaughter, that is, the pozhuk soldier is not to be spared, the russian women are insulting, well, maybe the russians there were insulting four times and more there than not all the russians there, here, but ideologically, that...
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he was killed then this person, now the ship has perished, it is very important in our struggle, and we wish that this chain, it does not stop. mr. general, russia has started using new zircon missiles against ukraine, and the kyiv research institute of forensic expertise is already talking about it , it says that on february 7... russia used the tserkon missile on the territory of ukraine, which, according to the enemy, is hypersonic. british intelligence has suggested that russia... used the k-300 land-based coastal defense system to launch the cerkon, you, as a person well versed in missile technology and countermeasures to these missile technologies, what can you say about this missile and whether indeed
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, it is so unique, hypersonic and such that it cannot be defeated by modern air defense systems. well , first of all, according to the characteristics, this is really a rocket that is real hypersonic, and that distinguished from daggers , which are quasi-hypersonic, if the sound is hypersonic, because in order to have a greater speed of this dagger missile, it is a missile of the iskander complex, which is modernized and attached to an aircraft, and therefore the speed of the missile becomes, if by... another speed is added aircraft, which means a more difficult target to destroy. zircon has such capabilities by itself without an aircraft, and it was developed as a universal complex, primarily a ship, a ship for use and a ship - land,
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that is, for ground purposes, and taking into account the universalist of this is that if you apply it there, if the bestion about... what you were talking about is a ground complex, then it can be used in this form, the speed is up to 2 km/s, that is, if the previous one was up to nine speeds, the speed is the speed of sound and that means it is up to 9 machs, the criterion that it is a rocket or anything... that is hypersonic, it is from more than five machs, they have all this, er, well , the same ones are suitable, so two years because they are the first putin there, the propagandist tasked the commander of their ship, who was armed precisely with the churchmen, he left
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to the north sea, on duty, and even when we as scientists talked about the need to... work for the future, we need to work on an anti-missile complex with the ability to destroy not only the current ones, which are iskander mobile, which means tam-22 daggers, anti-aircraft missiles, to continue to work on the destruction, means this kind of missiles, the speed of which is about 2 km per second. and the service must be prepared with the means we have, their small number of these batteries, we know, petrius is being studied as far as possible, whether he will have time there or not whether the maintenance of these complexes will have time to react to such actions, at such speeds, there is a question, but there is
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work to be done, it is just a matter of time, and to have and develop the complex. which will be capable, if petriato and this anti-missile complex that we have now do not manage to destroy them, this is the prospect and this state. thank you, mr. general, today was another meeting of the international support group in the ramstein format. in his introductory speech at the beginning of the meeting, the secretary of defense of the united states of america, lloyd austin, emphasized that now ramshtein members are building a coalition aimed at... long-term security guarantee for ukraine. let's hear what loy dostin had to say. today, we will work in accordance with the requests made by ukraine, in particular, regarding the provision of missiles, air
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defense, as well as weapons and ammunition. we want to build the foundations for strengthening the defense forces of ukraine in the future. in case of protracted war. we will consider all requests of ukraine, which are aimed at the short-term and long-term perspective. we have an important task before us today, in particular, strengthening the artillery forces of ukraine and providing the necessary, necessary shells. on the eve of this meeting , she appeared in the press. information that nato is considering the possibility of taking over the coordination of the supply of weapons to ukraine, integrating the ramstein format into the alliance's structures, in order to protect itself from possible changes in the policy of the united states of america. mr. general, why doesn't ramstein keep up with the war and aid to ukraine? because there is
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a history where they lived there for decades since the end of the cold war, organized their life like this, quiet, peaceful, calm and well-fed, with specific approaches, and now we, and they, and the whole world are getting tired. approach and quickly build up, well , what is faster than what they are doing, it is possible, and we are working to ensure that it is our military and political leadership, first of all, so that it happens, but the inertia is quite large, the same germans say that they can 500 -700,000 projectiles per year, and the task there is to provide ukraine with the next 2 million, and of course we need them, but we need these 2 million ammunition. now, not in bright future, you see, because , depending on the situation that exists, it can be quickly
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corrected, the capacity can be increased, first of all , it is possible precisely at the expense of ammunition, because we have such means, well, a limited amount, but there are , and therefore, if you add ammunition there, it will have an effective and powerful effect on the enemy. hopes, all the rest are planes, we are waiting , once again they will, well, now, as far as they can deliver, maybe when they will make a decision, then they will solve this issue with the slytakas, because i deeply i am convinced that according to the method of delivery, i.e. planes on time and so-called long-range missiles, i would be so soft on this. that this is a political decision, and now taking into account what they are creating there in the conditions of our war, but a democratic approach, as it is
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irrationally and ineffectively happening in america, an example of how we should build it, that is, so as not to offend the allies , but that this is politicking, that's for sure, and it can be resolved, but let them accept it today, and tomorrow the planes will appear. and we we will use them effectively and the same missiles, tauris, german, and atakams , american, and so on, especially in those conditions, if they see, generals and military analysts tell them, in such conditions, how to prepare and conduct operations, you want the same thing, and something else, you want it openly, like resignations, but the incumbents are talking about it, but politicians are playing their politics, unfortunately. thank you, mr. general, for the conversation, it was retired lieutenant general ihor romanenko. friends, we are working live on the tv channel
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espresso, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. if you're watching us live there, please like this video to help it trend on youtube and facebook. well, take part in our survey. today we ask you about the following: do you support the idea of ​​mobilization for an additional tax? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube. either yes or no, write your comment, what do you think about it, and if you watch us on tv, pick up your phone or smartphone and vote if you do you support the postponement of mobilization for an additional tax (0800-211-381), no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote, then our contact is maksym rozumny, politician, political expert. doctor of political sciences, mr. maksym, i congratulate you and thank you for being with us today. good evening. mr. maksym,
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let's start with the political part of the resignation of the military leadership of ukraine. it is not only about the head of the armed forces of ukraine, and about the resignation of 16 generals who were actually close to valery zaluzhny. from a military point of view, probably. there is some motivation, and president zelenskyy told journalists about this motivation behind closed doors, apparently , when he held a closed meeting with my colleagues. well, what about the political component in the conditions of war, such a large personnel rotation, how appropriate do you think it is and what can it be provoked? well, there is a good version and a bad one. in relation to this question and the answer to
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it, actually, a good one is that the new commander-in-chief. general syrsky received carte blanche to form his team of people with whom he is comfortable working both professionally and personally, he is highly motivated, he is ready, so to speak , to get involved in the work immediately, and actually counts on people who... in him, who he understands each other's consonance, this is a good, good, so to speak, version, good news would be for us, and come on, let's believe that it is so, but of course, keep in mind the worse version, the bad which version in fact, it fits into this political
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context, that is, it consists in the fact that together with the general for... the people who support him resigned, people, relatively speaking, people of merit, and this, so to speak, regardless of their professional competence, regardless of their qualities, as military leaders happened, and in this case we will also see the consequences very quickly, the consequences that will result from a decrease in efficiency, a decrease in professionalism and so on. well, the third version is fantastic for me so far, but we'll see. the third version is that valery zaluzhnyi will become a public politician, and the people who will actually make up his
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team went with him. so far there are no signs of this, but theoretically so. it also happens, yes, it can happen if valery zaluzhnyi articulates some political ambitions, because he has not done it until now. in light of what is happening in ukraine, russia is trying to tell the whole world that they are ready for negotiations, of course, on their own terms. first, putin in an interview with tucker carlson about it spoke, then tucker carlson spoke separately. that putin is ready for a compromise, but today the minister of foreign affairs of russia sergey lavrov said that russia is supposedly ready for a political and diplomatic end to the war against ukraine, but at the same time russia is not going to return the occupied territories to ukraine, let's listen to what lavrov said. we remain open to politico-diplomatic reconciliation based on
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taking into account our legitimate interests, proposals, their reluctance to take into account even those who declared war on us serious our interests, nor the realities on the ground, we will not be able to come to an agreement at the negotiating table yet, such options are not considered. it is a pity that lavrov did not say about the realities on the water, because today... a large russian amphibious ship went to the bottom near the occupied crimea, but who are these messages intended for, mr. maxim, that is, if we enter into negotiations with russia, how if putin and lavrov want it, it means legitimizing the right of the strong to war and to seize foreign territories for
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other participants in world security. right, well, obviously, obviously it's about, so to speak say, a precedent, er, for the entire world public, for all potential aggressors, er, but not only, not only in this, so to speak, context these statements should be considered, well, we read in the american press that there are sources of insider information about what the russians are, putin himself is there. uh, they sent some signals allegedly about their readiness to negotiate and that the americans responded with a refusal, that is, a certain game is being played, and this game, well, it has its own obvious logic in a purely propaganda discourse, i drew attention to the fact that at the beginning of the year, in


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