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tv   [untitled]    February 15, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EET

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okay, i would also like to discuss with you the situation in general in the region and in the city of zaporizhzhia, yes, if we are talking about certain actions of the enemy, then what does life in general look like now, has it changed, or now after these recent arrivals, people have started something, well no , shall we say, to panic, but worried that the enemy has become more active? well, the fact is that recently the enemy has become more active not only in the military. plan, and all the various ipso, that is, the enemy became more active on the front line and through useful, let’s say, through the means of mass information, anonymous telegram channels , useful idiots, for example, rumors began to spread through the city that the city would soon be captured, surrendered, etc., and this caused certain, so yes, let's say so, not that, not that panic, certain anxiety people, there many began to gather alarmed again. suitcases to think about leaving,
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that is, such a situation of panic is created in the city, but not to say that it is a mass panic, no, and shelling on the demarcation line has increased a little recently, but compared to what, compared to the counteroffensive, they, they, they are even less, compared to the 22nd year, well , much more, so the situation is more or less under control, in my opinion, mr. sergey, i would like, if you have... the opportunity to ask carefully like that about what is happening right now on the battlefield near the robot leg, this is actually the so-called surovikin line, ours were able to recapture part of the territory, but now we also know that the enemy is actively trying to take them back, if you can describe the situation that is happening right now, very carefully near of these areas of the front, what is life like in pro-frontline cities, in principle, does it exist there? and in general, what is the report to hear?
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well, the enemy makes daily attempts to attack, these are not significant attacks there, there are one or two attempts, but globally the enemy is still aiming to capture this territory, the artillery, the enemy’s work on this territory, there are aviation, fabs have been activated , aerial bombs, their number also increased, which indicates the possibility of preparing a more thorough offensive, there was information about an increase in the number military, but in more detail , unfortunately, it is not yet known, the occupiers are meant in this territory, that is, the possible preparation for the assault of this robotic appearance, let's say so, and we are waiting to see how the situation will develop and what it will lead to. mr.
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serhiu, i would like to clarify something with you, but do you know where the enemy is transferring these reserves from, whether they are some newly arrived russian occupiers, or are they some russian soldiers who have been in certain directions and are now trying to transfer them there from some directions, well, according to the available information, let's put it this way, completely new units do not arrive there, the enemy replenishes those units that have already been in battles, had... losses were taken out for recovery, they are replenished with manpower, equipment, and ammunition and are returned again to fight, therefore, it is a kind of mixed form, where soldiers who have been fighting there for several months or years, together with those who have just arrived at post-training centers, including mr. serhiu, would like to clarify what happened in energodar, we know what happened there something it was burning, do you know what... in the occupied
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power plant and what, in principle, is the possible situation at the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, because we know that just last week grosi was supposed to visit the power plant, yes , the director of magate, and is there any news from there? well, balovna managed to get an energy donation there in the premises of the energodar city council, which was taken over by the occupier, where their headquarters work was established, the number of these victims is currently unknown, but the propagandists were quite loud about the fact that it was a terrible terrorist attack or the like, this the object is quite far from nuclear power plant, well, according to local standards, energy standards , and there was no threat to the nuclear plant from this shelling, and accordingly it is safe, today the operation of the nuclear power plant is maintained in a conditionally regular mode, of course, this is not the mode that was before occupation of the city, but
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there was no information about any threatening situation there, possible explosions, etc. understood, thank you serhii lyshenko, a deputy of the zaporizhia regional council, was on the air of espresso itself. talked about the consequences of the attack on zaporozhye, we know what this one is at night, not only zaporizhzhia, but also other cities of ukraine were under active rocket fire from the russian occupiers, and the infrastructure object actually suffered some damage, which, of course, for security reasons, no one is saying, but we understand what mr. serhii said, that even when there were the last mass alarms in ukraine, there were none in zaporizhzhia, but here... recently, air alarms have also become more frequent in zaporizhzhia, now i suggest watching the story of my colleagues about knowing how to use weapons, to provide medical aid, and the main thing is to be ready for national resistance, everyone needs to be able to, and this is a fact,
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this is how we live in such realities, the young men of the white church, by the way, study military art under the guidance of instructors and the supervision of veterans. our colleague daria ru has also returned from school. so let's watch her plot together. ukraine! ukraine! holy mother hero! holy mother of a hero! come down to my heart! come down to my heart! a stormy wind will pour in the caucasus! a stormy wind will pour in the caucasus! the noise of the carpathian streams! carpathian noise! exactly this is how these young belarusians start every lesson! the prayer of the ukrainian nationalist sounds bravely, proudly and unitedly! each of those present joined this training with goals, but they have a common desire: to be ready to repel the enemy. shooting with a stress test, mastering weapons, controlling quadcopters, providing medical aid, dealing with explosive ordnance, and more. here at centuria, everyone can
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master these knowledge and skills. we conduct training, classes, lectures, fighters of the third separate assault unit come to us brigades, veterans of the azov movement and veterans. russian-ukrainian war. young people from the age of 14 actively participate in the class, but there are boys and girls who do everything at the same level as them, trying to keep up with the results. what motivates us to come here is that there is a war in the country, and we need to defend our state and our nation. our common goal is what the strong prays for - the future of the nation. i really like it here, we have a very good company that we do. in recent years, the organization has been constantly engaged in... education and training of the civilian population to the resistance, the military must be involved in training, because they have seen the realities of war with their own eyes and have considerable combat experience. there is a little mistake, but we are learning, a higher turnstile, then yes, and so everything is fine,
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excellent. alex deals with organizational issues of the school, as the young woman emphasizes. everyone's opportunities here depend on the desire and level of training, but still some are the most difficult for beginners. well, physically, people who haven't done this seem static to me, because their hands get tired very quickly when a person just stands in one position, well , works out in one position, a lot of physical exertion, so that people prepare faster, gain strength faster, it was easier and easier for them with each training session. they are all patriots. against our state, their greatest desire is to expel the russians from the territory of ukraine as soon as possible. centuria trained a lot of soldiers even before the war, for example, we had a large campaign to train the civilian population, even before the full-scale invasion, don't panic, i'm getting ready, thanks to this
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training, we were able to prepare the same territorial defense, and we hold promotions almost every week to support the holiday, the holiday of moguy, the cathedral, the cathedral, the hero glory, tingling, numbness or crawling of ants in the limbs arise spontaneously and disturb you. a special complex of active substances of dolgita antineuralgia helps to normalize the functioning of the nervous system. dolgit antineuralgia helps to return to usual activities without subjugation and numbness in the limbs. capsules dolgit antineuralgia - help to your nervous system. nothing has happened yet, not yet. constipation. oh, normolact. honey, take normolact. normolact eliminates constipation. normalizes intestinal function, restores the amount of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. everything worked out. normolact and everything will work out. there are 10% discounts on paracitamdarnytsia in travel and savings pharmacies. turn on
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, maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm, the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine, pawel kowal. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what they say about ukraine in the eu. how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like? in projects. every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in cooperation with eu sisters. the war created many challenges for us ukrainians, and even more so for ukrainians with disabilities. but we know that only together, united, we can be stronger. meet the friendly online community enable me ukraine. this is the first
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platform in ukraine for people with disabilities to communicate. here you get all the information about disability, medical services and relocation. free consultations of a lawyer, psychologist, doctor, employment specialist, volunteers from all over europe. here you get support, advice and real friends. together we support each other, share useful information and learn new things. together we grow. join us, become part of our enable me ukraine family. with the support of the national assembly of persons with disabilities of ukraine, enable me ucraine. so, in the midst of the information day of the press , the news came to us from germany, the general. the inspector of the armed forces of germany, general carsten breuer, promised the new head of the armed forces, oleksandr syrskyi
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short-term support to ukraine in the amount of over 100 million euros. german defense minister boris pistorios said about it. according to him , breuer visited ukraine last week and met with syrsky personally. boris pistorius also called the connection with syrsky a very important contact and says that in general we are very close to what is happening in ukraine and what ukraine needs. pistorius emphasized that breuer was able to promise his ukrainian colleague short-term support, which included anti-minimachines with protection against ambushes, bombs for arming small drones, trucks, medical supplies and complexes of spare parts for various weapons systems, now we will talk in more detail about the situation that is happening in the bakhmut direction, we understand that all directions are important now on our front, but now we will actually talk about the situation... near bakhmut, near tempovoy yar, the enemy is also actively trying to advance there now. oleg kalashnikov, from
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the bahamian direction, is already in touch with us. mr. oleg, we congratulate you. good day mr. olezh, we would like to ask you about the operational situation in the bakhmud direction, what is happening there now, from which sides the enemy is now trying to advance more actively and what the enemy has started to use more actively now. in our direction. assault actions continue, and very assault, active assault actions of the enemy, he is trying to advance, this is of course already such a direction for us, this is really the times, they are also fighting... battles where kleschivka, khromov, ivanovski, by the way, right near khromova , one of our ukrainian artillery was stopped his counterattack, part of the personnel that stormed was destroyed, as well as four armored vehicles, he constantly uses artillery, and the most diverse artillery, such as mortars, mortars,
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well, of course, he also tries to act here also for... aviation, that is these are directly guided high-explosive bombs. mr. oleg, please tell me what is the current story with the use of drones by the enemy, because we understand that, at least according to the latest calculations , they had a fairly significant advantage in such equipment as of now their advantage is felt in fpv drones, these are the most common types of drones, and how massive are they now? they really use this, so to speak, they have quite a lot of good, we observe it like the technicians of insects, but even though it is winter, but nevertheless they buzz, but from time to time you can even observe this when in there are supplies of them, then their number increases, that is , we can say that somewhere there is such
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a centralized supply has arrived, but in general they are constantly present, and present as reconnaissance drones, this is for... close such a short distance, well, of course , kamikaze drones and drones that carry out drops, that is, today, after all, the enemy is trying to use an innovative component in the war, he is still learning, and they are learning in us, so we remember that the armed forces were the first to use fpv drones, which we imported from china, but we see that the enemy is spying on us and trying to copy one or another of ours. uh, trying to outwit them like that. mr. oleg, look, i would also like to clarify what now the east of the temporary ravine is taking place, it is between bohdanivka and ivanivsky, there is information that they continue to deteriorate the conditions there, and actually the enemy is trying to climb the ridge between this ridge and the nezovina , a height difference of almost 100 m. please explain that
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this , what advantage will the enemy have if he succeeds in achieving his goal? in this case. of course, he will then move forward a bit, he will approach our fortified area, that is chasivyar directly, and at the same time he is on high ground, that is, if to take the same bohdanivka, then the difference in height is somewhat greater, somewhere 100-115 m, of course , overcoming this high-altitude mark, it will also make it easier for him to conduct further combat operations. and mr. olezh, i would also like to clarify with you what is currently happening in the directions of klishchiivka, andriivka, and kordyumivka, because before, at least it was known that they were trying to advance there, or is the enemy continuing to actively advance there as well? well, on this southern flank we can also observe permanent ones, indeed theirs
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efforts, to advance, however, how do we, if we analyze, well, at least for... a month such dynamics, then we can observe that he manages to advance somewhere, but still we suck him, that is, it is very ambiguous there the situation is happening, but he still does not stop his efforts to overcome the pincer, because it is again the same dominant height near bakhmut, and of course, these three settlements are his threat to his southern flank. he still has, i would say so, priorities the directions from which he is trying to transfer reserves, and he would like to close the southern flank of bahmudskyi in order to concentrate more on the direction of time, but he certainly does not succeed, the battles here are quite so fierce and bloody. mr.
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oleg, if we are talking now about more urgent needs, yes, what is missing now, because very much now they are actively talking about the fact that we are really lacking certain projectiles and certain equipment and weapons, and the last interview yu syrsky still on being on in his previous position, he spoke about the fact that we really lack a certain amount of ammunition and equipment, how much this scarcity is felt now, so in what is called... what can be used against the enemy and certain such, well technical points that can really have a significant impact on the ability to hold this defense. war is something that destroys, destroys resources, destroys technical resources, so you can say that we need everything, because
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after all technology, it has depreciation, as well as well as consumables, such as shots , of any systems, they are also used up, so for today, of course, what we know is what we already hear, these shells are enough, very necessary for us, although we use them more qualitatively and to the point, thanks to ... russian technology, but the number still matters, and it should be with a reserve, no matter how it turns out, and of course, in terms of weapons, it would also be good if we had more of it , because after all, if we take the resource of our enemy, he can still take out and take out that metallobrokt, which still kills like everyone else, which still supports their assault actions, so our armed forces need, well, anything that will bring our victory closer and of course will cause more losses to our enemy. mr. oleg, what would you like to clarify , what do you think
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the enemy's strategy might be now, not so much as strategic, but as operational? at the beginning of the conversation, you and i talked about time, about this settlement . it has already been repeatedly mentioned that they have such intentions to enter this settlement, but we understand that not only times for them is the point that they are. capture, if we are talking about the bakhmut direction , then is there any information, possibly intelligence , about their strategy, what they are leading all this to and where they plan to reach as a result, well, they still want to advance, make a danger and a threat to our conglomerations, these are kramatorsk, slavyansk, konstantinovka, after all, they are trying, that's why they threw a whole division at... even at ivanovskii, they are trying to level the front line for themselves, after all, and try to reach the borders of the donetsk
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luhansk region, and the first thing they need now is to show at least some result before the elections of their old new president, this is exactly the task they have, precisely this is such a political result, that is why they are trying, despite significant such losses... even though the conditions are unfavorable , they still continue the assault actions, i would say that, after all, first of all, this is their political argument for their actions, and then the military one is connected. mr. olazh, ot we would still like to know about the losses, you said that the losses are significant, how significant are these losses, do you have any approximate figure for how many per day or per week they can lose personnel and... i understand that even if in they have significant losses, this in principle does not stop them. i rely on the data of my command , the salt is being consumed, so we can say that in our
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direction, well, day by day, of course, it is not necessary, but the personnel near the company is about 120 people, it happens that even two companies, they can lose , but not only that the dead, and this is definitely also injuries, and capture and... some deserters, that is , it is what is in them, they can experience some daily, well, of course, the technical component here is also different, they are not it turns out that we directly hit quite a significant number of their artillery systems, as well as heavy weapons, and when there is an opportunity we hit their small warehouses with bc, some control points. and, of course, we should not forget the wheeled equipment, which provides logistical connections directly on the front line, that is, little by little , they still have such a significant number, but
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again every day different numbers. mr. olezh, i would also like to ask you about our needs, so we understand that certain reserves need to be constantly replenished, and we would like to clarify, in particular, in your brigade named after general khorundzhy roman dashkevich, what are the current personnel. more needed, who are you looking for now, and maybe people who have not yet joined the armed forces are also deciding for themselves where they would like to join and what positions would they like to join, having some certain knowledge, yes or desire to master certain titles, knowledge, then they would actually like to ask what is now, well, what is the situation with this in your brigade, who do you need? well, we are an artillery brigade, so we have a nomenclature by state... you can see what exactly is needed in an artillery brigade, if you take the specifics, but of course we need not only artillerymen, but others, but for more details on this issue
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, you need to contact the territorial picking centers, they have everything there information, and those who wish to come to serve with us can receive it there, as well as information about what steps must be taken to get into our brigade. thank you, mr. oleg, oleg kalashnikov, the press officer of the 26th brigade named after general-hurundzhy roman dashkevich from the vakhmut direction was the espresso ater, but i did not just touch the last one. questions about needs, because in lviv the ministry of defense launched such a pilot project together with the city council, it is a recruiting center, and summonses are not distributed there either, there just people who want or think, yes , when they are ready, when the state calls them into service, so that they already know exactly who they want to be, what they can be useful, as much as possible, so that they are used in the war with the maximum, as
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they say, the coefficient of utility. kkd. and for that, there is already such a recruiting center in lviv, i would actually like you and i to see how it works, what you can get there, what information is available there, and actually, why this recruiting center was launched, so let's see together. every one who is preparing to stand up for the defense of the state, has the opportunity to choose a phage and a unit. recruiter iryna lutsyshyn shows a list of vacancies from seven lviv brigades. the ranks of the armed forces are looking for both cooks and clerks, as well as grenade launchers and gunners. as of today, we have open vacancies for all brigades. the list of vacancies is diverse, starting with military positions and beyond. for example, we have open vacancies for dog handlers, we have drivers, we have operators and there is even an open vacancy. to solve problems staff shortages as efficiently as possible,
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the ministry. of ukraine together with the lviv city council opened the first recruiting center of the ukrainian army, it works at 67 kostya levytskogo street. here , specialists tell volunteers about open vacancies in the army, advise candidates and conduct career orientation tests. we emphasize that this is a civilian institution, civilian recruiters work here, all women. this has nothing to do with the activities of tsc tsp. there is an opportunity to ask n questions, to see what vacancies there are, actually chat, and you can go further , you can come on the third, on the fourth, you can leave your data, everyone must have a military specialty, not today, but tomorrow, it awaits everyone, so it is better to consciously understand what you are strong in, prepare and being prepared, to go to defend the state for a certain
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period of time, after a person has chosen a position, recruiters direct his interview to a military unit. with the consent of both parties, a volunteer can conclude a fixed-term contract or a contract before the announcement of demobilization before the service, the future military or military will undergo specialized training. if we have a volunteer who is recruited, who has a document from a part that the part is waiting for him, then the tsc tsp does everything possible to issue this volunteer. precisely for service in the relevant military unit , and training centers, every conscious citizen should not be afraid to go to the recruiting center, because here they do not give out bandages, here every citizen can choose the specialty, the profession in which he can benefit our armed forces. in the ministry defense plans to open such recruiting centers throughout ukraine, in particular in kyiv, zaporizhzhia, dnipro, odesa and poltava. kateryna
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oliiynyk, nazar melnyk, espresso tv channel. well, iryna koval and the news editor, who have already managed to prepare a fresh issue for you, are ready to announce more news. so iro, i give you my word, i'm glad to see you, and tell me what you're going to talk about in this issue. congratulations to you too, marta, in return, well, in this issue i will tell you about the military exercises that will take place very soon in norway, why in latvia? will confiscate cars with russian license plates and what they are asking the minister of foreign affairs of poland and great britain to do. wait for more details in the release.


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