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tv   [untitled]    February 15, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EET

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carefully care for your heart. kratal improves blood supply and the functional state of the myocardium, normalizes the heart rate , and increases physical and mental performance. kratal is a natural force for your heart there are discounts on helpex. 20% in pharmacies plantain, memory and savings. and what to do when there is a liver? alohol, but what for bile? alohol, with care and respect for the liver and bile. good evening, we are from ukraine. we continue this great ater, my name is vasyl zema, and now we have an important topic to discuss: the mood of our citizens and their answers to certain questions that were proposed to them by the correspondents of the kyiv international institute of sociology , who conducted the survey, in fact. so, 15 february results. to
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the sociological survey were presented to the public and now we will talk about these results with oleksiy haran, professor of political science at the kyiv-mohyla academy. mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you, long time no see, glad to see and hear too. i am also glad, invite more often. so , i'm sure you've researched the results of this sociological study, i'll just tell our listeners and readers, oh my goodness, our viewers that... that there were a few questions and, well, the most publicized now in social networks and so on , it is usually a survey about the trust of ukrainians in certain persons, i am not saying politicians, because there are not only politicians, but leaders, these are zulazhnyi, budanov, zelenskyi , prytula, syrskyi, razumkov, klitschko, yarmak, poroshenko, bezugla, boyko, tymoshenko, aristovych are listed here, and this is for the period. december, february,
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well, but there were also questions about and about the direction, the direction of the state's development in the right or wrong direction, we will start with the direction of the state's development, because here if we compare may 22 and february 24, so here is the total, definitely the right direction and rather the right one, in total it was 60-68% in may 22nd, and... the total definitely right, rather the right one, in february the 24th, it was only 44%, i.e. -24, please explain such a metamorphosis, well, look, i want to make a few caveats first, first, the survey was conducted by kmis, as sociologists, yes, so i think it would be appropriate for you to invite them to talk exactly as sociologists, how they interpret this data, i will interpret. these data as a political scientist, and i
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i want to say that, in principle, the kmis survey , well, it does not exist, it does not fall out of those surveys that we, the democratic initiatives foundation, and the sociological service, the sociological service of the center, the center are reasonable, except that they have just inserted these ratings of trust in the diligent sirsky, that is, they have completed. survey on february 10, 10, that is, another 300 respondents, are they from or 350 respondents, they answered already knowing that the resignation had taken place, if we talk about this traditional question, in which direction are the development of affairs in ukraine, well, now i recall our data that, let's say, before the start of full-scale aggression, there were
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only 20% of such people in ukraine, that is, 20% before the great war believed that things were going in the right direction, then sharply immediately with the beginning of tuesday . in russia , the ukrainians changed their opinion diametrically oppositely, and it jumped up to how much you are doing here, 68% give in may 22nd, well, somewhere like that, yes, then it even, well, we had indicators in march, it reached, for example, the maximum indicator in march of this year, well, this is according to our data, again, they may differ slightly, but the trends are clear, that is... those who believe that things are going in the right direction, they jumped sharply, and then gradually, gradually, a gradual decline began, and so let's say , in december it was, well, those who believe that
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things are going in the right direction prevailed, and already in january it was a survey of the center of intelligence. it actually ended up within the margin of error and now it even decreased a little bit, although also within the margin of error, yes, that is, now a little more believe that things are moving in the wrong direction, but this is within the margin of error, there is an error of about two 2%, yes, but the trend is really obvious, the number of these ukrainians is falling, what is the reason for this, but first of all, i understand ... that when we ask if things are going in the right direction or in the wrong direction, everyone answers as they understand it, but i think that overall, look, year 22, it ended very optimistically for us, with the liberation of the territories of the east and kherson, and there were
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high hopes for our counteroffensive on the 23rd year, these expectations, they were obviously... a little overheated and , unfortunately, they were overheated, unfortunately, due to, i think, a not very successful information campaign on the part of the authorities, so i mean people like arestovych already left, but he got involved in it, too, and they talked about it and other things, that is, it was heated up, heated expectations, now, when we see that the war is moving into an aggravating phase, we have achieved great things this year, last year. .. success at sea and literally yesterday was another confirmation of this, but on land, well, in fact, in fact, now we have gone on the defensive, right? so, here the hope for the quick liberation of ukrainian
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lands was not fulfilled, plus we can say that there were problems with the supply of weapons, we do not have enough shells, and there were scandals, both corruption scandals and pressure on the media, the latest scandal, and there is pressure on business, well, and finally the resignation of the employee, yes, that is, again , all the experts, they emphasize that this is a legitimate right of the president, but in conditions when for many, for many ukrainians, the worker turned into a symbol, into such a myth. it certainly also somewhat led to led to the downfall of those who believe that the country is moving in the right direction. having said that, i want to emphasize that even the current cmis poll, it shows that in fact,
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the number of those who believe that the country is going in the wrong direction, they are concentrated in the pro, they are outnumbered in the west, others. regions, still most believe that the country is still moving in the right direction, yes, but again, the trend, the trend, the trend is obvious, so, you know, i just i wanted to make such a remark, well, not to you , but to our viewers, because now someone might think that there was no such war in the west of ukraine, so people think, well, i want to tell you that the most mobilized people were in lviv region and rivne region, the most losses. what to count, it was, let's say, also , well, by the number of the population, this is also western ukraine, this leads me to the conclusion that western ukraine feels very well, well, here in some villages there are simply no men left, this is a fact, this it's just a fact, that's why the question here is not what someone feels, someone i don’t feel it, it’s a war here, there are no tanks here, thank god, but the fact that there are a lot of
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dead people here and a lot of people in the war, everyone here also feels it, but it’s a question of perception for me too, well, it’s a bit of a mystery, i i don't know why, i don't know, maybe you know , because... western ukraine, it has traditionally been more critical, let's say, more critical of zelenskyi, maybe because western ukraine reacts more sensitively. for some violations, yes in the sphere of democracy, maybe yes, but again well, we understand that i'm saying again that we see a general trend in all countries, all over the country, and i was just trying to give a rational explanation for this, you understand, well, again, if we are still these indicators are better than this was before the start of full-scale aggression. where this indicator of those who believed that the country is moving in the right direction was only 20%. that is
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, i think it is worth paying attention to the fact that ukrainians still, er, despite all the problems, er, we are not saying that everything is lost. moreover, i would like to quote from ours poll data, ah, it was in december, and 88% of ukrainians continue to believe in victory, this is very high. an optimistic indicator in fact, and the fact that ukrainians have obviously now become more pragmatic about what is happening, among those who believe in victory has increased, the share of those who say that this victory may take three to five years has increased, and , that is, that it will be a long-term war, so i would say that... ukrainians have become, well, maybe more realistically, to look
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at the things that affect the course of the war, after all , we had hopes, you know, i think that in we had hopes at the beginning of the war that when putin suffered these great defeats near kiev, yes, when they withdrew the troops from kyiv region, from chernihiv region, iron to kharkiv region, and it seemed to us that maybe putin would go to these... to the peace talks - he will still go to the withdrawal of troops, because it is obvious that in a democratic country, well, such a leader would simply be demolished after such losses suffered by the russian army, but putin continues to throw his troops, mr. oleksiy, we have literally three minutes, but i am now short, two minutes, i will announce, based on the trust in certain leaders, diligent, here is december, february, 92%. it became 94, bugdanov 60-66 grew, zelensky was 77, became 64, well
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, there is syrsky 33, it became 40, yermak’s ratings fell, poroshenko’s height increased a little, and so on, let’s focus on these three, here is zaluzhny, budanov , zelenskyi, why is it increasing in the first two, but volodymyr zelenskyi ’s rating has decreased from 64, what are the prospects, if you can in two minutes, please invest, thank you, well listen, 64% is a big rating, just a trend, yes, there is a trend , yes, there is a trend, but you know, i was in davos and the prime ministers of western european countries, foreign ministers spoke there, they said, we would like such a rating, i.e. actually for me the drop in the ratings, you know, the drop in the ratings of the president, well, it doesn't make me happy at all , actually, yes, that is, we obviously would like the military... and the political leadership to act as one, to be united, that's why, i think, now
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it's very important for us not to loose information the situation, you understand, well , dysyrskyi's trust ratings appeared, they seem to be higher, they are certainly much lower than before than for zaluzhnyi, but this is connected with the fact that syrskyi is not a public figure at all so far and has little to do with it. at home, that is, of course i would, well, of course, if building an information strategy, in general a real strategy, it seems to me that it would be very important for the authorities and for president zelensky to keep those generals who were dismissed from their posts, to keep them after all in the army and that they continued to carry out their duties, maybe in new positions, it would be very important if these people remained in ... this team, and the second point, i think that
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we don't need now, we don't need to disperse treason, yes, because even watching some of our patriotic channels and the speeches of people in patriotism, which i do not doubt, but when it goes on the channels that treason, treason, treason, but i am not talking about social media, well believe me, it does not help the country, absolutely i agree with you, mr. oleksiyu. but we have to make a point, thank you very much for joining, thank you for yours professional comments, oleksiy haran , professor of political science at the kyiv-myhylya academy, was with us, we discussed the latest ratings of trust , distrust of politicians and the right or wrong movement... the state from the kyiv international institute of sociology, this is the current average temperature, as they say in the country. well, serhii rudenko is already with us, the verdict program will start at 8 p.m., and serhii will tell you what will be discussed right now. serhii, please have a word, good evening. congratulations vasyl, we will start in 15 minutes hour program verdict. today we will have three guests, they are veteran of the russian-ukrainian
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war, yevhen dykiy, former head of the security service of ukraine, people's deputy of ukraine, valentin. livaychenko and oleg rybachuk, the former head of president yushchenko's secretariat. let's talk about today's combined strike by the russian invaders on the territory of the ukrainian state. russia launched 26 missiles, and it was a combined strike from the sea and land from the air. what, what we witnessed today is different from what usually attacks, as russia attacks ukrainians, let's talk with yevgeny dyky, and of course, let's talk about what is happening in avdiivka, because the situation around this city is already characterized as the avdiivka hell, the third separate assault brigade
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reports on an extremely critical situation in the city , and defense operation three... let's talk with nalivatchenko and rybachuk about the so-called peace initiatives that the russian federation seems to be promoting, their theory is simple enough, and their conditions are simple enough, the world must recognize what has already become reality, they mean the occupied and annexed territories of the russian federation and granting them the status of russian khersonsk. zaporizhzhia, donetsk, luhansk oblasts and crimea, that is, they say that they are ready to negotiate with regard to peace in ukraine, but the world must admit that putin had the right to take these regions, and of course, a lot of discussions are taking place both in the west and and in ukraine, regarding how to actually perceive this,
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let's hear what nalyvaichenko and rybachuk think about it, and... of course we'll talk about trump, because trump is now one of the nukers eh, well, at least in the united states of america on the subject of the ukrainian-russian war, about what he thinks, in what way this war can be stopped, and it is interesting from the point of view that, in principle, trump may well become the next president of the united states of america and in ... we in ukraine have to understand what to expect from trump and what will happen when donald trump can be elected as the new president in november 2024, in short, there are a lot of topics for conversation, let's meet in 12 minutes, we'll talk about it all with our guests, the big broadcast of winter
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continues, and the verdict will begin at exactly 8 p.m. thank you very much serhii rudenko, we are waiting for him at 20. now there will be cultural news from lina chechenina, which will be discussed today. so, a film that polish politicians have recently mercilessly criticized and compared to nazi propaganda, but it has become one of the most popular at the local polish box office. on march 21, the tape "green corridor of agneska holland" will be released in ukraine. this work tells about the migration crisis on the borders of poland and belarus in 2021. criticism from politicians quite understandable, because the author accuses them of the fact that... they spread propaganda, and this led to the death of many refugees. lena chechenina saw the picture and will tell us more. it will be extremely interesting to see the green border box office, because in poland the film has become one of
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the most successful in its 23rd year. before that, she won an award at the venice film festival. for example, and when it was already announced that there would be a rental in poland, an incredible scandal occurred, and this scandal, as it turned out later, contributed the popularity of this film is even greater, because andrzej duda and many different ministers and officials came out against it first, they began to severely criticize it, even comparing it to nazi propaganda, saying that it is an anti-polish film, and in general it should be immediately... . you, but still it was released, and it turned out that people watched it, people advised each other to watch it, said that it was a very cool film, and ... in the end, as princess holland said at the only screening so far of this film in critics' week, what a film really became, went to the top and became popular,
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she received an incredible number of positive reviews. why was this film attacked in the first place? this is completely understandable, because in it the director terribly criticizes the authorities of that time in poland, which she actually... blames for the refugee crisis that happened in the 21st year on the border between belarus and poland, i will remind you that lukashenko, together with putin , they invited refugees, people who later became refugees from african countries from the east, they told them come, you are here from belarus, you can easily get to the european union, escaping from troubles in your countries, but it turned out not at all like that, and these people... became simply hostages of the situation, they could not stay in belarus, because the belarusian border guards treated them terribly cruelly, but
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the polish border guards treated them in exactly the same way, and not only them, because as agnieszka holland describes it again, polish propaganda has already created absolute monsters out of them and that it seems that now these refugees will be taken to poland and destroy everything for us here, and there are many people poles... began to treat these people extremely badly, instead of helping them. let's look at the passage. you can't promise them that. there are only a few kilometers. hand and other hand. and now undress to the naked eye. what do you think we are doing there? are we having fun? i will not leave anyone else in that forest. show your hands. stop, stop, back, back. we did it. see, it's like. just an example of a film that criticizes the country, the society there, some upheavals in society, but at the same time finds
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a response in this society, it seems to me that this definitely the skill of the authors , to somehow make this story very, very balanced , in order to reach the people, but not directly accuse them like that, and agniazhka holland, actually, as it seemed to me, as she herself said, she criticized the government and so on. .. and not only the polish one, she generally said that the migration policy in many countries is imperfect, as it were, and italian filmmakers talk about it, for example, where there are also a lot of tragedies with refugees when they swim across and die on the way there in the water, but holland really focuses on the fact that the government was not right-wing at all, the government was cynical, the people were also completely different. us, but for example , she showed one of the border guards, who was able to reach the point that his actions are very wrong, very inhumane, and in the end he repents, well, i
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won't spoil it for you anymore, the film will be released in ukrainian on march 21 , and i hope that ukrainians will also appreciate it. thanks to lina shchenya, by the way, i 'm watching sports news right now, because shakhtar is there today plays with marseille, but ukrainian football players will play for the polish team from sosnowiec, well, you see there is a team of an incomprehensible level, well, they can and i am always asked the question, but what about ukrainian football players, adult, healthy men, go abroad, play there , work in in general, 319 of us male athletes violated the rules of returning to the country, there are no exits from the country, well, that is, and then they say, we should not be unfair. must be fair about the mobilization, it always occurs to me question, why do people who play for some third team of the third league in some championship of albania travel there and play calmly and there are no questions or complaints, well somehow i think
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everyone should be treated fairly, because it is one thing for us, when defense enterprises reserve workers, another it's a matter of football clubs of the third league also booking their employees there or their players, well , well, that's it, now i'll tell you that the munich security conference, which is about to start , has already appeared on the website of the president of ukraine. information that the head of our state will hold talks with olef scholz, chancellor of the federal republic of germany, emmanuel macron, president of the french republic, will also take part in the munich security conference. it starts on february 16, the president will visit germany and france. i have already said that there will be negotiations. on february 17 , the ukrainian head of state will speak on the main stage of the munich security conference, so on saturday he will also hold a number of bilateral meetings, scheduled talks with us vice president kamala garis, czech president petr. pavel, the prime minister of the kingdom of denmark, mette frederiksen, the prime minister of the kingdom of the netherlands, mark rutte, and other leaders of states and big businesses. i want to say right away that the events that will take place in...
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within the framework of the munich security conference, as well as the speech of our head of state, you will see live, we will invite people to comment, analyze, talk about it, because this is actually an important event, very important , well, it is no less important, of course, to know what the weather will be like tomorrow in ukraine, about it in detail natalka didenko will tell. synoptic greetings to all, our dear viewers, you and i are talking about... the weather of the next day, we happily state that the middle of february has already arrived, half of the last month of winter is behind us, and we are looking ahead closer to march to spring. today we will casually talk about the records that have been observed this month and last, even quite often in many cities and towns of ukraine, well , obviously there is a meteorological observation there, and today i will remind you about the record that is in kyiv
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recorded on tuesday, february 13, according to data from the central geophysical observatory named after boris sreznevsky, on february 13 , the average daily air temperature in the capital was the highest for the entire time of observations of that day and was 6.5°, of course a plus, which exceeded the previous record of 1995, the climatic norm for 9.4°, and what is interesting is that, according to long-term indicators, this... air temperature corresponds to april 2. for 2023, climatologists recorded 47 temperature records in kyiv. mid-year the air temperature in the capital was almost +11°, which is almost 2° 1.8 above the climatic norm. these are the warm climatic times we have now. and we go further and look at the behavior of the earth's magnetic field. now we will bring to your attention a prognostic diagram
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, from which it can be seen that... er, no such special activations, increased activity, or rather , the earth's magnetic field will not be observed, so we calmly move on to the weather forecast for february 16 itself, and start we are traditionally from the western regions, so tomorrow in the western part ukraine will be very warm, from 6 to 11°c, cloudy with clearings, that is, there may even be a little sun in the north... cloudy weather will prevail in ukraine, there is even a chance of sleet with rain in the sumy oblast, and it is quite cold in the north, even during the day from two degrees of frost to 2 degrees of heat. cloudy weather will also prevail in the east of ukraine, in luhansk region and donetsk region without significant precipitation, in kharkiv region there is a possibility of light wet snow and also cold in the east, -3 +2 during the day, at night, maybe even up to -7. in the central part in ukraine, there is a possibility
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of wet snow and rain in poltava oblast and... cherkasy oblast, finally , the territory of the central regions without precipitation and the air temperature is from one frost to 5° warm, in the southern part of ukraine, well , of course it will be warmer, +7 +9°, in the crimea up to +11, but cloudy, but without significant precipitation. and in kyiv, in the capital tomorrow , the weather will be cloudy, er, cool, at night up to 0-2°. during the day it is expected to be within +3°. frankly speaking, this nearest synoptic perspective will not change significantly in the near future, of course, small ones will be observed temperature fluctuations, precipitation will be clarified every day, but one thing i want to say is that no severe frosts are expected in the coming days, the pre-spring weather is so moderate. i will say at the end what the president
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signed. law on the legalization of medical cannabis, the law will now take effect six months after its promulgation. thank you for being with us, i say goodbye to you until tomorrow, well , in just a few moments the verdict program with serhii rudenko, let's watch together. good evening, we are from ukraine. glory to ukraine, i am serhiy rudem. this is the verdict program. i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. today in the program. combo attack. russian terrorists attacked ukraine with 26 missiles of various types. at the same time, the russians complain about the arrival in bielgorod. avdiiv hell. the third separate assault brigade reports an extremely critical situation in the besieged city. the defensive operation continues.
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putin's dramatic defeat, ukraine with...


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