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tv   [untitled]    February 15, 2024 9:30pm-10:00pm EET

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few people can remember those times, it was still in the last century, when we met in my native city of luhansk, i want to note the following thing: it is always easy to give up, you can always get rid of your own, but you must understand that you must fight to our borders in 1991, i am categorically against these positions, which begin to say that something must be given to russia, so let her take it... keep in mind that a small piece of land will remain and it is not known in which region, i am categorically against such positions yes, now is difficult, now is difficult, these are very difficult times for our country, but we must hold on and in no case give up, if we give up, we will lose the whole country.
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made a very simple statement, he wants the destruction of our country, our nation, he does not recognize us, he says: there is no such people, he says that we are artificial, that we were invented at one time , either by lenin or by some other disease, understand what they are talking about, they will not be satisfied with any result, and if we give way now, the question only a matter of time, but when they go again, let's say, on the offensive and they will destroy us again. we need to understand this, we need to start from this position with this, we will win this war, and it will be necessary, because the geopolitical situation in the world has changed in general, and those countries that did not support us, they are already standing today is on our side, this is a very, very important thing, mykola golomsha too, has a question for you, i just wanted a reply. and everyone came to a conclusion: to ask
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putin the question, do you understand the essence of the situation, are you ready, russia, are you ready to fight with ukraine to the end, will it have enough resources, with ukraine, which is supported by the whole world. i think there could be different options here, you know. because now the information war started by russia is very powerful, but they know how to speak very well, but the objective question is whether russia will have enough resources and means against ukraine, which is supported by the whole world, then i just wanted to say this and that's all, the main thing here is that the whole world supported us, because we are even considering some option, and what if ukraine will be left alone, so this is such a very sad, difficult scenario. a scenario for
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understanding, but probably we should still have this plan, mr. danilov, do we have a plan if ukraine remains alone with putin? we were alone, i want to remind all of us that in the month of february, in the month of march, in the month of april of the 22nd year, we fought alone , they sympathized with us , they sent us some blankets, they sent us some boots, here we were from they sent some rifles, for the partisan movement, that was all, that's all already passed i want to remind and thank my colleague who suggested, let's say, now my next thesis: if everything was fine in russia, they would not have turned to authoritarian korea for help, they would not have turned to iran for help, keep in mind, what is this, let's put it this way, here is a clay mare, which stands on already worn hooves and sooner or later it will collapse, there is no great russia, and this must be understood and we must not go with these theses... there is nothing to be afraid of, and also
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once i emphasize, the resources that are there are being depleted, depleted and depleted every day, yes, they are harming us, it is a pity that today there was an attack on the city of leva, but keep in mind that other cities suffer the same way, from those blows, in fact every day, but everyone is holding on, we must understand that no in any case, you can't go into some kind of dispute now, you can't, you can't go into clarifying some kind of relationship. because the russian federation cannot defeat our country militarily, the only way they will deploy is internal destabilization, which they will try to deploy very actively now taking into account the events that will take place , including on the territory of russia, the so-called elections , and certain deadlines are suitable for us, they will use this and will definitely shake up the situation, we need to have a cold mind here in order to somehow. .. if you don't want to take
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part in this, don't get involved in these things, mr. shiratsin, thank you, i would ask. i asked him to give an answer to a very good question that was asked, you did not give an answer, mr. oleksiy, and i will paraphrase a little , please tell me whether the council of national security and defense, is considering options for the strategy of national stability, in that case, we will remain alone, we will not remain, in that case, if we still have to... we have to take on future challenges and do it on our own. you are well aware of the fact that our foreign partners repeatedly ask us how ukraine will cope without our help, what
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it is already doing today to restore its economy. and here in this context, i would like just... for you to say whether there was an appeal to the ministry of economy, not their statement that they switched to military rails, but about when they will transfer our national economy to war rails, when we can become independent in this process? here we have to ask a counter question, what do you mean by the transition of our economy to military rails. i want to note that we entered this state on february 24 at 8:00 a.m. in the verkhovna rada, when martial law was voted on, and we continue to move towards this state, and all citizens of ukraine participate in this, who are able to volunteer, who able to take up
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arms, who is able to teach, who is able to treat, we all take part in this process, this is a very, very important thing, what concerns the situation that we are offered today independently. to solve our economic issues is a very difficult issue, a very difficult issue, something that directly concerns the apparatus of the national security and defense council, we are the products that we were asked to make jointly with the american-british companies regarding the insurance of military risks in order for them to understand, where, in which territories, what is happening in our country, where you can already start a business, here we are doing this work made and this product is, and this product is used by a huge number of companies. with the understanding that there are cities on our territories where there is no war going on in any way. these are able to completely restore our economy today. let's be honest, during the war, this never happened anywhere, will large investments come to
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the country during the war? no, it is simply impossible, you should not deceive yourself. what concerns the situation related to our business, to our climate, this is a separate issue, it is separate question. to some bodies that, in my opinion , are not doing quite correct things at this time, when i would definitely advise them to do it, but each body has its own, let's say, parish, its own institution, and they deal in their own way direction, what concerns the situation related to the economic condition, i understand for sure that for the 24th year we have our issue, our provision has been resolved, what will the situation be for the 25th? year depends not only on the apparatus, it depends on all of us, on our joint work, i apologize, that is, i definitely i understood that you do not consider the strategies of national stability, look , you do not change them, we have more
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than enough strategies in the country, the question is who will implement these strategies, in what way they will be installed, that is the main question, what are there in the territory of our country, if further... such parts will take money and then some artists, let's say so or female artists, bring it up, it's one thing, but if everyone will jointly deal with the country, a statesman's position, then these are completely different matters, you can to have 10, 20, 100 strategies, but once again , they must be viable, mr. danilov, another question about poland and the blockade of our carriers, which is now right on the border of the lviv region and... is there any effective mechanism for a solution to this problem, because this is already such a problem that lasts more than one month, and we are coming back to it again, but i would like it to be solved, to find some options, what
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can you say about it? a very difficult situation, a difficult situation, we had certain expectations, that a change of government in this country will bring relief in this matter. to our great regret, we see that even with the maximum support of our country from the leadership of poland, we still have these problems today, they have not been finally resolved. moreover, the cases when, our, our grain is on the floor, well, in general , you know, these are cases that go beyond certain limits, i would not like to screw something up now, negotiations with the polish side continue almost every day, every day people take part in this, unfortunately, on today i cannot say that tomorrow or the day after tomorrow this issue will be put to an end and we will solve this issue. we will
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follow. thank you oleksiy danilov, secretary of the national security and defense council. he was in direct contact with our studio. thank you for taking the time. in fact, we touched on such, you know, an important topic, and natalya spoke about it, and mr. sharaskin spoke about it, but really, well, it’s hanging in the air that the west will definitely not help, maybe ... it definitely won’t help at the level as it was, in general, as we see the situation in in the united states, it’s generally difficult there, although today trump already started talking about the fact that ukraine should be given aid, but how to give it, well , with the condition that ukraine will return it if it can , well, that’s it, you know, if it can, and gave an example professional athletes whom he helped. taras betenko, here is your position, we can be left alone with the russian federation, with putin, this is, you know, a sharp question, but an important one. well, with regard to america, of course, we cannot guess who will be the president, but i would warn the authorities and
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a ukrainian politician, well, criticizing , let's say, one or the other side of a candidate from one or another party, because we don't know for sure who will win, and then it can be inconvenient twice, it's the same rake, only you are on the side, once we're already on it became, for me the indicator was linzi graham's statements, what a congress this is. i am a republican who , as you know, came to ukraine in august of last year and categorically beat himself in the chest about the unrestrained support of america, er, and demanded elections from us during martial law and not only that, but now he actually does not stand for the position of support, financial support in the congress, changed his opinion, just after the conversations, as i saw it, heard it or heard it. saw meetings with the presidential candidate from the republican party, we do not know what trump's position will be, the question is that we
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still have to live before, well live, fight, until the presidential elections in the united states of america, it is still almost a year away, because the new president, as you know, takes office in january of the 25th year, that's almost a year away, the current president will be the president, but the current president is imprisoned by the congress, because what the senate decided, it does not decide anything, if there is no bipartisan support or a majority in the house of representatives, we will not see this demand, it will become very difficult for us today it is difficult to understand this assistance , as far as i am concerned, we, as a parliamentary group for the future, said this as early as last year, when we adopted the budget for the 24th year, and we addressed the government that you have a hole in the budget of 24 billion dollars, a social enterprise of 24 billion dollars. these are unprotected articles that are related to with an unconfirmed 50 billion loan,
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well, there is a loan of various european union money for several years, some of it is for the 24th year, and it is worth 12 billion as part of a large package of the united states of america, we were not particularly listened to, this is this hole, it is significant to a certain extent , it remained so, because the first funds to cover social expenses of the budget of ukraine will arrive only in march or april, god forbid . union, but we can get rid of the united states of america already, we can already forget about these funds, i think, which make up the order 10 billion for the social sphere, we can be right away, the most successful thing we can expect is the financial package that will go to armaments, that is, to the renewal of armaments, to warehouses of new weapons, because we take weapons from warehouses, not new ones weapons, replenishment of warehouses, so i believe that everything is difficult enough with american help, and we may have great difficulties. we need to understand how to win this year, obviously, if we talk, well, you and i
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are on a reality show, and we want to talk about real politics and about real war, and it looks like we've been largely over the last year, what we 've been broadcasting, we're not really talking about real war, we've been talking a lot about non-real war when we've been talking about counteroffensive, and now we we beat ourselves , they say, we sprinkle ashes on our heads when we say, maybe we don't need to... publicly declare so much about the directions and the fact that we will already defeat everyone and so on and so forth, and i also call today more rationally and more, let's say so... scrupulously treats the situation that exists today front and evaluate from the point of view of what resources we have, we can include the military and listen to what resources we have, yes, i understand that the secretary of the national security council cannot say everything, and he , as a public person, cannot say more than he can to say for the whole country, yes, but i believe that the situation in the country is, well, very
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complicated, very complicated, and the processes in avdiivka, they show how complicated the situation is. we are at the front today, we will not assess the situation at the front now, i am not saying that the country will be left alone, confirmation of security guarantees and financial support from the european union, obviously the munich conference should add guarantees to us from the point of view of finances, from the point of view of weapons, i believe that now the president's visit to several countries of the european union will strengthen ukraine's position to withstand this year, i am talking about this year, not about the 25th year, about this year, and obviously we need to talk separately with norway, we need to... talk separately with japan in order to increase the financial component of this support, without which we will not live, we simply will not live, because we have to to include a machine to cover social expenses, to buy weapons, we don't know where to get the funds to, well we know, they are financed and which goes to the army that is fighting today, to the million army, but if we
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increase the mobilization resource, what does the commander-in-chief, past or present, and the president say. of ukraine agrees with this, and after we adopt a new law on mobilization, it is obvious that these are additional funds, and we know how much money this is, so it is obvious for now today, well, there are a lot of questions and a lot of challenges before ukraine, but i am more than convinced that ukraine will not be left alone with all the troubles, and the fact that the situation is not easy is clearly understood by people, our viewers, who write about it in the comments, and how their opinion, for example, has changed there from the end of last year to now, which it is even more so somewhere. aggressive, people do not understand what we are going to, what awaits us, and here too, we need to look for obvious reasons, and they are, let's look at sociology, which made public this week by kmis, at the beginning of february they conducted this survey, and there is a very revealing moment, as for us, the share of those who believe that things are developing in the right
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direction continues to decrease in ukraine, and also compared to december 2023 , now in... for the first time there are more people who think that the direction of things is wrong, in december 23rd 54% thought that everything is fine, now the indicator has decreased to 44%, well, these are the numbers, you can see them on the screens now, i am convinced that mr. danilov saw them, that the authorities are watching them, no our task here in the studio is to kind of, you know, drive him into a corner with questions, what he could say, what he wanted to say, he said, the rest, i think our audience is... smart, they understand too, sir shiraskin, what is the reason for this decline in the understanding that things are going well with us? what do you think? first of all, this is a deception, a total deception, a distrust of one's own people, starting with the fact that when on february 24, men
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went, recorded, organized groups, created de... and so on, then they were contracted and many of them were not even asking, they were transferred to the front line, even if they themselves went, and instead of territorial defense we got a type of army that is easy to use, the potential of territorial defense and the entire potential of national resistance turned out to be jump-started, stop, but what about us then and everything? since that time, we have had a gap between those who consider themselves, who consider themselves to have the right to manage the destinies of ukrainians, and it rolls on, rolls on until the last law there on mobilization, which completely reshapes social relations in the country, that's
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all, and that's why it may not be so obvious because about this... it is not so obvious, maybe they talk and communicate, but lack of understanding of what we are doing, why, i am not talking about ordinary people, banks that were, under the threat of occupation, forced to collect currency on private transport, when values ​​were transported by people, state values. when it suddenly turned out that everything rested on the shoulders, legs, and spine of the citizens, and two years have passed, the state, in fact,... we haven't heard an answer about what we are doing, apart from driving you away, so it's still a very
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good number, in fact, i think it will be is already colossally different, and i once spoke in the council before the next general mobilization law that we are fooling our fellow citizens, this is not a general mobilization, especially since... the mobilization of the human resources of our fellow citizens, the continuation, let's say this, is only a part, general mobilization also includes mobilization plans , for which the authority of the state is responsible, and from the very beginning, it seems to me, two or three oblasts partially fulfilled the mobilization plans, and this, including fuel, in many oblasts, even now, if you ask, vtsa , did you mobilize there
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, for example, fuel is purchased from us in what form in the coupons, there is a dot, so it was obvious to me that the answer was about the sustainability strategy, we did not tell our fellow citizens what we will do, in what way we ... we will continue to fight, because the social relations that have developed obviously cannot be like this anymore, i claim that we have political scientists, and this should be investigated, this can be an interesting discussion, it has already taken place, it has actually taken place , well, this is not a coup, this is a change of the state system from a parliamentary-presidential republic, so we have article five on... it is written in the constitution of the republic, we are turning into a project that has already been announced, as a project to abandon the parliament and create a kind of
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small monarchy, or tyranny, or something else, if, well, all these challenges that are there, so i think here the inertia of the war is still inhibiting these numbers, we can ... have a very, very bad result in numbers, a difficult conversation and you can see it on the faces of our speakers, but we have to talk about it, because well if such processes take place, if we do not discuss them and silence them, then the catastrophe will really approach, mykola veresen, you have 4 minutes before advertising, some restrictions have gone, some restrictions have gone, well, i will start with the previous question, regarding what. .. can stand it, well, i have been an optimist all my life since 1989, and she constantly somehow
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shows me personally that she is stronger than i thought some time ago, and i, when they say about these billions, tens of billions, some already say hundreds, well, yes, it's really under there under 200 billion, ukraine received 180 in various forms, i'm sitting there. i'm thinking about february 25, 2022, when there were no 10 billion and no 5 billion and somehow they managed because there were helmets from germany, somehow i really don't know, maybe i don't know something, i'm not saying that i'm like that know-it-all, we have many people who know everything, i am not one of them, sorry, that's why it seems to me that there are no, there are no such and such threats. and about the threat of the monarchy, i remember from kravchuk's presidency, they talked very actively there that he would now seize
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power and will not let go , kuchmin let go of something, well, as for numbers, well , it seems to me that this is a completely natural process, you cannot, any person and society, as a collection of people, they cannot hold on to some, some tall notes come for months and years, yes, they shouted, talked , gave money, went to the front, and even now, well, if we, i walked around kyiv for the first three weeks during the great war, then came here, a million young people collected money , now there are fewer of them, a fact, and, but bankers say, in the 23rd don's year, they donated for... 40% more than in the 22nd year, so they, they may not walk on the streets, but the state receives money, the army receives, something, i don't know, doctors...
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it seems to me that this is stalinism, i apologize to everyone who is in favor of the transfer to the military rails, this is the 41st year, let’s say, but i think that in front of my eyes is israel, which is at war in the 48th year, but when you have some jew or even an arab... the locals, he says, yes, there is a war there, but their goal, these hamas, is precisely to make us forget about how we we live, and it seems to me that this is the most important thing, in any democratic state, to preserve the style, the way of life, and if we all say no, we will all say gloomily,
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let's get together. and cry, i swear , putin will applaud, he will finally come to the point, oh look, we did scare them, they got together and decided that they did not live the right way, and now they will live the right way, i don't know, maybe i i'm wrong, but that's my opinion, and i hope i put in 4 minutes, exactly 4 minutes, a professional tv person, a short commercial on on the espresso tv channel, we continue to work on youtube, after advertising, it is important for us to switch on oleksandr borodin, the spokesperson of the third. assault brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, we will also talk about avdiivka. problems with the joints limit movement, it is unpleasant and painful. strengthen them with the help of long joints. these are bags with collagen and vitamin c to restore articular cartilage. dolgit joints contributes to the normal
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