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tv   [untitled]    February 15, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EET

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so, we continue our broadcast on espresso, we come back after commercials, we are discussing such rather difficult things today, but it seems to me that it has already hurt, as they say, and somehow there are no other options, because we we really understand that all the optimistic scenarios that we have been dreaming of since the beginning of the full-scale invasion are not as realistic as we would like them to be, we dream so, we are unequivocally convinced that our ukrainian victory will come sooner or later will come, but we understand that it is necessary to travel to it on a very difficult path and this path is completely unpredictable, we need to work, we need to work with our partners, hope for help.
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these partners and in particular these difficult things today we discuss in our studio. mykola golomshchyk wanted a word, we give it to you. how about more truth for the people in these trying times? well, i just wanted to finish the thesis, about our partners, right? and the people should know that truth. let's say, the united states of america talks a lot about trump, what trump says, trump talks and talks a lot. and many others say, but america is not a country where one person decides anything, you remember what hopes putin once had for trump, and what trump did, trump did not deviated from the policy, the position that was chosen in relation to ukraine, provided assistance, support and so on, i would rather be here, it is necessary for our powerful people, it is necessary for our politicians to speak to trump, call on... about that
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, that he should not say what i will say, i will give , i will advise, here we are talking about values, we are talking about the un charter, we are talking about international legislation and principles of law, because under such a condition that when he says: i will collect , i will say, they will consult, negotiate, this right does not exist then, because when principles are lost, the principle of right does not exist as far as the voted vote is concerned. questions regarding ukraine, i see full optimism here, unlike the pessimists, why? because you need to know this legislation, yes, if, for example, the speaker does not put an issue on the agenda, by a simple majority, they oblige him to put this issue on the agenda, and i, for example, have this majority, i have, yes , most of them are representatives, and for some reason i am convinced that we will get help. despite,
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friends, let's remember how we are helped by other partners from europe, in particular germany , they scored more than 30 billion for this year, more than 30 billion, let's say about finland, let's say about ireland, small countries that give quite serious contributions to for ukraine to persevere, and i am convinced , as are many... experts, that this thesis that we will be left alone is not wrong, it is incorrect, and you cannot, for example, take information from the public, because today russia extremely powerful stands in information policy, exceptionally, what is being done in poland, do you think it is without the participation of russia? what, what hamas is doing, it is without the participation of russia, do we not remember that he, that russia was planning to help. to make
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a coup in germany, germany realized and understood what it is, and of course, now the information policy will be intensified, which will incite the relevant ones. doubts, fears, i believe here that we have no right, you know, really we all understand everything, we are mature politicians, we are mature people, but when there in by the way, the people of avdiiv are our fellow citizens, our brothers, our parents, so we have no right to sit and think from our own point of view, i would like to draw attention to the fact that in ukraine on... of course, post-truth is working powerfully today, which such is the post-truth, this is what i think, a question from a person from the very top, and what is in that head, how much experience is there, what kind of science and so on, knowledge, so i think that
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one should speak carefully, and information policy in a state that is at war according to the law must be in the hands of the military, and that is without it doubts, you remember... the information policy in the hands of the military, but of course this information policy should be objective, here we can say that azerbaijan is still an authoritarian country, and well, that is, that is how it is, and still one thing, although he lives well, i agree, yes, one more thing, here... touched on a very valid topic, and it does not apply to today's president , regardless of surnames. today we have such a situation that the president is the general secretary of the central committee of the communist party of ukraine, who, according to the constitution, has no powers, but actually runs the country and bears no
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responsibility. therefore, in my opinion, it is necessary to simply translate everything today into the framework of the constitution, laws, and of course, that... the military must engage in military policy or strategy, and civilians have no right. i would like to say now to all politicians and statesmen in ukraine. war has three components. the first component, this is a positional war, this is the enemy, these are our troops, and none of the civilians have the right, sorry, to stick their nose in there. supreme commander-in-chief, he is the political commander-in-chief. he is not a military man, and he has no right to enter into a conflict with the military. the second component is a war of managements, the management of russia and the management of ukraine. this is where everyone has to fully express themselves, both in relation to information policy, in relation
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to diplomacy, in relation to the same lawsuits that are in the courts today, and in relation to information policy, in each case, if we are talking about what is wrong with the soviets. we cannot call, because russia is there, so who forbids us to turn to russia the un general assembly, where even ordinary citizens have the right to address, and they do not have the right to ignore what they should consider, if every time questions about explosions, questions about murders, questions about attacks on civilian objects are asked, as they are today around lviv, i am convinced that this site is the un. would turn into an effective platform. and the last issue, which concerns the third component, is the resource struggle. and here, friends, well, no matter how cool it is, well, in our country, if we can change generals, then there is no war will change, the generals won't change anything in
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the war if you don't have resources, if you don't have weapons, well, let there be seven stars in your head, you won't change anything, but here i am supporting my colleagues. the work of our economy must be very powerful today, which must all work for the war, you pay attention to russia, they actually say that they do not have a war, they have, as it is called, a special operation, but they are 24 hours a day, a day they work for the war, and one more issue, which is very important, the prime minister stated that our countryman has allocated 30 billion outside... 30 billion for drones, but where are those drones, and how did they go, where did the funds go, this is where i believe that the verkhovna rada should create permanent, permanent investigative commissions, check every penny, where everything went, and so on committees , the cabinet of ministers
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, a commission should be created and check, where are the drones ? made for the war, why no ammunition, why no weapons, why tomorrow trust, this is what we talked about, about which... will increase tenfold, and i believe that i believe that this is where unity should begin, and we can look precisely at trust precisely for personalities, there is also volodymyr zelenskyi , this survey, it should be said, was conducted in two parts, one part at the beginning of february before the decision on valery zaluzhnyi to replace the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine nasyrskyi, and then people were questioned, and this is the trust in valery zaluzhnyi as a condition of... now the general 94% of ukrainians support, only five are against
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in second place is the head of the main intelligence department kyrylo budanov, 66 trust, 19 do not trust, president volodymyr zelensky is trusted by 64%, 35 do not trust, and compared to december, this trust indicator has fallen from 77%. and then there he still goes to us, and oleksandr syrskyi is there, he trusts him. 40% do not trust 21, another 4% have an uncertain attitude , there is a list of many people, there are also those who are not trusted at all, well, this is the story in ukraine, ms. oksana savchuk, i have the floor, then mykola veresen, well, first of all, i i want to say about the fact that it is very important that this year we draw all the conclusions we had, look at our strengths and weaknesses. because this is the beginning of the year, we understood that we can
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, first of all, how we can close critical things on our own, at the state level, and there will not be such a story that everyone will quickly give us everything this year, this the fact is, it will really be more difficult for us to receive aid, it will be more difficult for us to receive even the promises given to us by the countries and europe. of america, britain, relating to the united states, the process of allocation of funds will be delayed, this is my personal opinion, it will simply be delayed, and i think that it will not even be a question of february, it will be delayed until march, after all, the worst is the story that we have become a part of politics, namely aid to ukraine is part of the political debate. between two presidents and two parties, and this is today, and
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it is not even a question in ukraine, and here already in the package not only ukraine, but israel, a pacific country, are included, but this is politics, and this is all that is happening, it often associated with of course, what with the elections, this year there will be elections in a number of other european countries, so we have to understand this for ourselves. internal search. resource, where we can get more, as they say, where we can tighten some belts in order to get basic funds for the maintenance of the army, and believe me, we will be forced this year, and it is right, to raise the salaries of the military, and about it is necessary to start talking about it already, because those military personnel who are standing at ground zero today, who are actively ... that storm events, etc., are already even quiet 100,000, but believe me, it is not really 1,000
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on hand, it is a much smaller amount, and when we do analyzes, and especially when an analysis of declarations was made for the society, uh, and some of the individuals, including the power bloc , will receive the same 100,000 per month, and they are incomprehensible to society, so it is necessary to talk about it, not only about what it is. there should be an increase in the number of people who will go to the front, it should be a question including wages, and these are primarily our things that we have to earn internally, what resources we have to find, i agree with the thesis that mr. danilov said, that finally we started talking about it, we need to give as much green light as possible to all those private companies that are ready to come in, that are ready to invest their... personal financial resources in order to buy at least cartridges and the minimum weapons that they
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can buy at their level, because this big machine of ukroboron prom is an extremely complicated, wildly bureaucratic machine that still does not satisfy everyone who works in in the field of defense industry, and it is not necessary to go far here, everyone is talking about it, give the green light as much as possible to those who are ready to cooperate with... firms, large enterprises, abroad, and do everything to supply, as they say, cartridges from what we can, and in principle, these people exist, they are ready to come to us. our task, as states, once we were told about some conditional investment nannies, then here it is simply to give as much good as possible so that it happens faster. and what is also very important is internal stability not to start this year unnecessary reforms that divide society. the last one, for example, is the story,
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yesterday i spent the whole day dealing with the fact that we cannot find logic in things. of the ministry of education, which also decided to take on higher education, so that higher education takes care of itself . that now it is not even about that, but when we talk about some source of stability for each city, and this is in including higher educational institutions, these are certain basic enterprises, these are... we haven't gone anywhere, these are doctors, and the idea, for example, in ivano-frankivsk, to combine the carpathian university, which educates teachers there, with the medical university, which trains doctors , you see, this is complete nonsense, and therefore, when such things happen, society begins to be internally dissatisfied, what is it doing, that everything has already been decided in our
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country and there is nothing more to do, so something really needs to be optimized, but if this optimization. will be explained if we to see that it is fair, then it will be a completely different attitude than it is today, it is a misunderstanding, i would like to add that it is very important, regarding the parliament, now we will enter such a stage that will concern, including the mobilization of amendments, because until the 20th , we have, well, until the end, in fact, until february 21st , the deadline for submitting amendments expires, and then there will be a review. it is very critically important that the servant of the people party does not do it again in such a way that the people 's elected representatives do not yet understand that the national security committee has also considered there, because it is sitting, in fact, we don't see how he sits, they do it internally, we haven't fully understood what amendments have been adopted, and here we have to quickly yes, that's it, let's quickly
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vote on it, because it has to be done right here in february, it cannot be done there in early march. i.e. these things don't need to be chased because it all leads to what? to internal instability , including political instability, everyone has their own version of what is written there, although in reality nothing has been adopted yet, but everyone already has their own version that it will be accepted there, so i conclude that it is not, because we have an inclusion, if everything is balanced and reasonable, it means that we will be able to calm down a little all this, all those movements that are today. very dangerous appears at every step. oleksandr borodin, spokesman for the third separate assault brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, you understand, today we will talk about the situation in avdiivka, it is not easy. even the secretary of the national security and defense council oleksiy danilov said about this in our broadcast at the beginning, that in fact everything is there
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based on the heroic efforts of our soldiers, what is the current situation against whom is relevant. eventually the russian occupation war machine has to be resisted to hold avdiivka. good evening , let me tell you right away, the connection may be a little lost , the connection is bad, but look, it's a complicated, very complicated situation, the fact is that two russian combined arms are currently fighting against us at the same time, that is, well, to put it that way , which is in battle, it is about seven brigades. i.e. the ratio is one to seven, well , i'm almost saying now, not counting there they still add people, we have something different, but this plus-minus ratio is realistic, with equipment, that is, for example, we had large assault, well, defensive operations against the wagners in bakhmut, there was also a very large number of infantry, but here
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- first of all, there are no non-convicts, not so untrained fighters, that is, they are all regular forces in one way or another, and... from us, the gru, ah, and compared to bakhmut, a large number of armored vehicles, a large number of cops, a very large number of cops , and fpv, and all this, that is, we have now untied two brigades, but they are constantly, new units are constantly being added to them, and they work and work further and press and press and press, it is felt that for them this is the main fist, the most important one, in which they throw the maximum amount of resources at which they can... not calculate at all, and thanks to which, taking into account such an advantage of the occupier, they manage to hold avdiivka, not for the first month, we remember how many goals were set there. the russians want to occupy it, it is obvious now, they probably have a new goal before the elections, re-elections, well, or simply the re-election of their tsar putin, to seize avdiivka, thanks to which
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we hold on, well, we hold on to soldiers, we hold on to soldiers, sergeants and officers, we must understand that, well, the quality is all on our side 100%, because our fighters 1:10 go, and it's not only there conditionally some dreamers. words, this is a real dry fact, if you count, but you understand, it sounds good, but if it were not for such a ratio, if it were not for such a number of armored vehicles, and with all this and plus with aviation, unfortunately, yes the situation is quite dangerous, critical in the sense that they press and press and press and the scale is very large, and what is the spirit of the adjustment of the fighters now, because if... read what people write about on social networks, then you know, well there are such people even there, people write that we need to leave, leave this place, that they can take us into a ring there,
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well, that is, it is being heated, maybe it is also working and someone is against us, we can also understand this, they can come there from russia , specially to aggravate this situation, so that people felt fear, tell me how it is from the inside what you can say, that is, what are the fighters thinking, or are they not thinking about it, but just follow the... order what they have to do? well, i, as a military man, we carry out orders , you understand, that is, to give any assessment or any forecasts, i will not, and it is not my task, the guys, the guys are fighting, holding on, that is, they are carrying out orders, you know, that ’s all other such moments in the majority, these are people who have time, unfortunately, we do not have time to reflect on this matter, we do have time only and... only for carrying out orders, that is, such a dense and dynamic battle with changes from here and there to 360°
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fire attempts on the part of the enemy, that he does not even have time to think about it, well, from the other side, and i say it again, according to forecasts, i think it's not a big deal, what do you need from ukrainians? i hope so. that in such difficult moments it will give ukrainians even more unity and understanding of what the war is now, and in general to remember to work with reality, so that ukrainians become more and more mature from the point of view, well, as citizens and understood where we live, in what situation we live, and took personal responsibility upon ourselves, this is important, mykola golomsha, please, i want to ask you, father. from the inside, yes, because today the leadership of the armed forces can hear you and draw conclusions about what you would consider necessary to do
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now there at this place, and don't you think that if the closure line were now there for about 5 km, as far as i am oriented, it remains so that it is enough, small enough, is it not worth hitting for the purpose of ... distraction the enemy on the one hand, on the other hand in order to transfer, disrupt their forces, what is your point of view? you see, the thing is, i understand what you're talking about, but it's hard for me to comment, because, well, i'm currently in the execution and we're carrying out orders , that is, it's still the same, but how should, and how so, and how, well type, unfortunately, i cannot comment on such things, then... because i see from my side, from my level, the events that are taking place and i can, in principle, tell them quite well from this level, it is still higher level in order to understand this picture
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, you need to have such information, thank you very much, these are important words, hold on, you and i, well , what can we do, you know, as if in words now, but still i want to believe that everything will be fine and we will succeed, our soldiers fight simply. like titans, well, what we heard, and we know very well how it is, oleksandr borodin was with us the spokesman of the third separate storm brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. now they are near avdiivka on this most difficult direction now. i see mykola in september, but before that, mr. mykola, to you, as a military officer, what should be done in avdiivka in your opinion, well, you have an opinion, i feel it, i believe, yes, i was there recently. and i believe that there are two ways out here, yes, the first way out is to strengthen, of course, and give ammunition, if
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only now... there is also an opportunity for our, our soldiers to prevail innovatively, to have more advanced weapons, but , what he says, alexander, aviation, then i believe that this is a very big strategic advantage, so the only thing is strikes, in our opinion many experts, blows. in order to disrupt the forces, to distract, because today they are already grouped, and they are just pushing, hitting at one point, and i am convinced that i heard the position of the new chief of staff, and i think that they have a plan, i even somewhat i know, but i don't want to go on the air with that, so be it, let this plan be victorious for us and... and
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well, save as many lives as possible of our soldiers, because this is the most important thing. mykola veresen. yes, i was wondering why i paid such attention, maybe not the most, but such a small attention. this is something that i have been doing for two or three months hear, something that i would not like to hear, this comparison is better with them. they have switched everything to round-the-clock production, they have a line of raw materials to the limit. than our line, i'm sitting , i'm thinking: "whoah, my applause to the kremlin, my applause to the kremlin", because i'm researching it, i'm interested in what's going on in russia, i'd 10-15%, sorry for the unpatriotism, look that the ukrainian media there are networks writing, and 90-85, i see that in russia, let's call it media counter-intelligence, and i sit and look, yes,
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the plant works in three shifts. and then people more thin people say, but the number of trains that bring something to that plant has not changed, that is , no more metal gets there, no more spare parts get there, but they work, we forgot that this is a country of total bribes, now everyone is honest there suddenly russia has become, and everything is for the front, everything is for victory, and nobody steals anywhere when there are such opportunities to steal. when everything is fine, when putin's entourage has an official indulgence for theft, and the same at the front: oh, they have a wild sorivikin line, there is such a one, here, i sit, thinking, who is telling this, but there are no such super-duper things in this russia, and the factories work as they have always worked, and they produce crap, not tanks, i produce, all
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the tanks come from siberia, those... which are there have been lying since 1955, everyone here is shouting, oh, well, not all, a certain part, which is exactly what the general secretary of the central committee of the cpsu gorbachev once said, throw up, throw up, somehow throw up, throw up, throw up, i read various ukrainian networks there , oh, they have everything in gold with diamonds, and the army is coming, and everyone wants to fight, but here everyone is running. from that front, there are no weapons, there is no food , there is no medicine, russia has such wonderful medicine, i already think so, well, maybe we need to be a little more critical of our opponents, there is no doubt that ukraine has many of its shortcomings, and it is possible and necessary probably talk about it, but constantly if when we start we start burning, that's how we lose then, they have everything better, then it's very easy to lose,
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we lost. well, then we lost, but how can you win against an enemy who is in everyone components, including the sorovikin line , better than us. i think that here it is necessary to somehow be critical not only of oneself, well, this is such a ukrainian trait, scold yourself first, yes, and forget about the other, and i... i think that they don't, they have and the question of finances is not ideal, and the question of the economy, and the question is pretending, they are pretending well, they are presenting it through the international media, now putin is being interviewed there, well, not official, directly american, but from social networks, a well-known journalist, he is being taken out , i would suggest that everyone like him did it.


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