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tv   [untitled]    February 16, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EET

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and received as a result the number of 800 people who died or died from events related to the war, that is, this is the minimum limit from which you can start when estimating the number of victims of the townspeople during the eight-week siege of mariupol, that is, these are only those facts, those numbers , which we can confirm documentary, and everything contained in the report can already be taken as a basis and transformed. it is for the evidence base for criminal proceedings within ukraine or in international institutions. on february 15, education celebrates the day of children with cancer. in ukraine, from with the onset of full-scale war, families with such children experience a double struggle. many of the minor patients have to continue their treatment to the sounds of explosions, descending with drips into hospital bomb shelters. added to this is the fear of not getting vitally necessary medicines. how small ukrainians with cancer live. in the conditions of war and
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how the needs of children and doctors changed in the story of iryna shinkarenko. when, at the beginning of the full-scale war, seriously ill ukrainian children had to escape from shelling in bomb shelters sashko from lubotyn in the kharkiv region could not even go down to the basement. he was lying at home, as the doctors believed at the time, with spinal fractures. all these windows were closed, the child was on the floor. all the windows were closed, the child was on the floor on a mattress. with pain, we all slept dressed, because the windows were ringing, and the doors of the rooms were opening from the explosions, the roof was moving, it was impossible to lower sasha even into the basement, we live in a private house, he could not move. sashko's condition worsened, and due to constant shelling, he had to leave it was risky to go to the regional hospital, when in the end it was possible to examine, it was found that the child had blood cancer, so in the conditions of constant shelling and anxiety, the boy began to fight with... a serious illness, first in the
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kharkiv hospital, then in kyiv khmadity. together with other patients, he had to go down to the basements of hospitals under drips. they often spent several days there without a constant power supply. hospitals had large generators, and when the world was turned off, we simply saved it more. and so that there are no big problems. about problems 13-year-old sashko does not like to talk, on the contrary, he supports his mother, who is worried about him and his husband, who has been in the armed forces of ukraine since the first days of the full-scale war. when my tests are bad, she starts there, well, yes, well, so sad, i tell her, but it’s okay, everything has its own time, there is despair and everything, and every time sasha gets her mother under... sasha’s mother gets sasha’s mother and so on sometimes
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we survive, sometimes we quarrel, as happens with everyone, then we reconcile, and such love will conquer everything. in the spring of 2023, sashka underwent a bone marrow transplant in kyiv, now he lives and is being treated in the capital, dreams of a complete recovery and for dad to return home from the front. just to conquer, probably everyone. hta, to live as before. will you tell teti how you are in america, how are you sitting, do you like it? i learned to speak english at school, how i learned english. seven-year-old khrystyna was undergoing chemotherapy in lviv at the time of the start of the full-scale war. she has been fighting a tumor of the optic nerve since she was two years old. one of her eyes functions partially, the girl cannot see in the other, completely. a large-scale attack by russia,
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except for the fear of alarm signals. another challenge awaited khrystyna's family: the inability to deliver expensive treatment to ukraine. at first it was very difficult, it was the war, there was no access to the drug, that is, we were leaving, we did not know what, where and how, really, it was very difficult. before the full-scale war , benefactors bought expensive medicines abroad for khrystyna and some other children, but they could no longer continue to do so after february 4. during a full-scale invasion, this became impossible, due to the closing of the sky, due to queues at the borders, due to the lack of refrigerators, because many medicines really need to be stored at low temperatures, and it is precisely at such moments that the only way out is to take the child abroad. 1,200 ukrainian children were in active cancer treatment at the time of initiation. full-scale war - says
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the executive director of the pill fund vyacheslav bykov. so -called convoys of life were organized for them. more than 20 countries joined the safer ukraine initiative to save children. khrystyna and her mother were evacuated to poland on the 16th march 2022, from there most of the children received further treatment in european countries, khrystyna and seven other ukrainians were accepted by an american clinic. the girl lived in a hospital in the usa for over a year and has a favorite doctor there. he makes me laugh, he always amuses me when he is in a mask, sometimes i recognize him.' now khrystyna continues her treatment in the usa, thanks to the support of volunteers she lives with her mother in memphis, tennessee. the girl attends school, misses her father and family in ukraine. in general, from
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ukraine since the beginning of the full-scale war for 1,600 children with oncology were treated across the border, some of them were saved by volunteers from the occupation. here we have to take responsibility. first of all, to the volunteers of the foundation, who took children out of shelling in chernihiv, who took out children from the already occupied kherson, and there were many complex stories, unfortunately, we cannot talk about all of them, the first winter of a full-scale war, due to russian strikes on energy facilities, became another test for those who were treated at home, nowhere in the world did such reserves make fuel, and accordingly, it what proves... react quickly and treatment has become a matter not of medicine, but simply of diesel for generators. according to vyacheslav, the ukrainian medical system was able to quickly adapt to power outages, many children have already returned home after treatment abroad. now, one of the biggest
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challenges facing cancer patients is increasing medication in a weak economy. there are certain drugs that are not... purchased by the state, the hospital's budget does not allow to buy them, and accordingly, it is precisely here that the need only grows, because again, due to the change in the dollar exchange rate, unfortunately, our entire pharmacology is tied to it, the cost of drugs is increasing, for example, if we talk about instruments or consumables for neurosurgical operations, then over the last year i... if i'm not mistaken, tripled, tripled the number and amount of appeals to the fund from ukrainian hospitals increased, because this is what is needed, well, in fact, for every operation. at a time when the number of appeals to volunteers for help is increasing, the number of donations
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is decreasing. previously, most funds of the pill fund were used to treat children with ordinary ukrainians were listed as having cancer. donations are now absorbing the needs of the front. former president of poland, winner of the nobel peace prize and leader of the anti-communist solidarity movement. oleh valenza says that the world has never been so united against russia. in his opinion, the event, along with aid to ukraine and weapons, should push the russians to change them through the informational struggle. political system. oleh valensa told more about this and other things in an interview with my colleague oleksiy kovalenko. mr. president, during your visit to washington, what message do you want to convey to the american people and congress. the most important issue during this
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visit is ukraine. ukraine is suffering a lot, and the world should help ukraine. this is the issue i stand for. which i want. in 1989 , the solidarity movement defeated the communist regime in poland, was your struggle then different from the struggle that ukraine is waging against the russian invasion today. the world has always been divided, but as the world grows, so do the world's structures. russia and china clung to the old decision. instead, we have organizations that will win. which expand by voluntary choice, for example, nato or the european union. will win, old or new? if we stand
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in solidarity with each other, the new method the question i ask is which of the two approaches we should use less force, more propaganda and information. it is necessary to convince peacefully. two years ago, when russia started a full-scale war against ukraine, you said that you were ready to go to ukraine, what was your vision then, what did you want to do? i was understood too literally, i predicted a bigger conflict and tried to encourage ukrainians to attract new groups of people who could give advice, people like nobel laureates, generals or specialists from other fields, but i was not understood, so such groups were not created, we would have been in a better situation if they understood me then, my proposal was misinterpreted, thought i was proposing to fight with guns, run with guns. let's return to the events of two years ago. at that time , many in the west said that ukraine was not will hold out against the russian army. two
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years later, what can you say about ukraine's response to the russian invasion? ukraine was faced with a challenge. ukrainians are a courageous nation. we know this because we also had to fight with ukrainians. but such conflicts in the past have shown us that such methods are bad. therefore, we act in solidarity with ukraine, as brothers. from the first days of the full-scale war, poland has been one of ukraine's closest allies, from being one of the largest providers of military aid to ukraine to accepting ukrainian refugees. given the farmers' protests in poland and some of the tense political statements of the past year, how do you see ukrainian-polish relations now? you know, it's hard to avoid conflict. poland managed to escape to
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the european union, we in poland realize that if we had not managed to escape to the european union, we would now be at war with russia, and realizing this, we even more support ukraine, which has replaced us in this role. and yet, as far as the question of grain is concerned, is it up to you? i've been talking about the problem for 40 years, because of all the development we're seeing, we have to expand our state structures to pan-continental structures. we must remember that god has given different resources to each nation. ukraine received a large land from god, thanks to fertile soil, ukraine wins in the competition with other nations in terms of agricultural production. we just... have to prepare for it by knowing the facts. in general, do you think
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the west is doing enough to ensure that ukraine decisively wins this war and russia decisively loses. the solidarity movement showed how to win. the way to victory is to to use information policy to win disputes rather than war. we have focused too much on force, on the use of weapons, as a solution. solidarity movement. had a more difficult task because the warsaw pact existed then and the soviet union still existed. we got through it without firing a single shot. today's issue of russia and ukraine is easier in comparison. we need to change the methods of struggle. we must continue to provide military aid, because the russians are shooting at ukrainians. therefore, this struggle must be continued, but must be spent relatively more resources to convince people that the peace... to record all the people who are victims of the war on the russian side, and
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we need to send a message directly to the neighbors of the dead and say: look, your neighbor is dead, you will be next, and maybe your son will die the day after tomorrow because your system is bad. even if ukraine wins this time and defeats russia militarily, russia will regain its strength and attack us again in 20 years. the whole world is against russia, so we have the opportunity to win big, but we don't by force, through politics. during the time of gorbachev, you warned the west to be careful in negotiations with russia, and not to allow russia to cheat for... and come back later with neo-imperialist goals, what would you
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say now to those who are pushing ukraine to negotiate with russia, and possibly make territorial concessions. we cannot force ukraine to make such decisions, it will not solve the problem. we had the same case with hitler. we must stop russia. yes, now we have to use force because it is war, but in the long run we have to to allocate this will be a huge mistake. remember, we'll also have to deal with china later, so let's deal with russia first, then china. i am not against russia or china, i am for a good coexistence, a peaceful way with mutual
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security, to coexist and build something, not destroy. our generation. has this opportunity, a chance to restore order in the world, this has never happened before. you have always supported ukrainians, including during a full-scale war. you say that ukrainians should build the world solidarity. how can solidarity in support of ukraine be strengthened today. we must make changes at the continental and global levels. we need to gather wise people from the usa and other countries. we must give these people three tasks. the first task is to make a list of topics that cannot be solved at the level of countries, that is, a list of problems that the world is facing. it is necessary to divide these topics into those that can be considered at the continental level and those that must be considered at the global level. and third,
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to think through programs, structures and funds, necessary to work on all these issues. the idea is that when we talk about these problems, no country can deal with any of these pan-continental or global problems in isolation, but if we don't, we are approaching the end of life on this planet. download the voice of america mobile app. the application allows you to automatically bypass blocking thanks to. built-in vpn service, read news, watch informative programs and videos, and listen to voa ukrainian service podcasts. complete interview with lech valence, watch on our youtube channel and read on our website. with that, we say goodbye, i wish you a peaceful night and a peaceful morning, see you soon.
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vasyl zima's big broadcast, this is a big broadcast, my name is vasyl zima and we are starting two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, many important topics we will discuss with you today, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war talk, serhiy zgurets is with us, and how the world lives, now about what has happened in the world, yuriy fizar will speak in more detail, yuriy dobrecher, please give me the floor, two hours to be aware of the economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchuvka is with us, welcome, and sports news, review of sports events by yevhen postukhov, two hours in the company of favorite presenters. thank you very much, elina chechenna, for the information about cultural news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather for the coming day, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in
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two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. project for smart and caring people. in the evening. on espresso. according to the results of january, the espresso tv channel continues to hold the first position among information broadcasting channels. for the 10th month in a row, we are the first. greetings, it's news time on the tv channel. this november we turned 10 years old. we have updated the design and sound. we continue the saturday political club of khrystyna yatskiv and vitaly portnikov. our values ​​and ukrainian point of view remain unchanged. stay tuned for updates. and thank you for your trust. a separate platoon of unmanned aerial systems sapsan, state special transport service. appeals to the viewers of the espresso tv channel with a request to join the collection of defense funds and technical equipment for our unit. thank you, glory to ukraine! heroes!
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glory! every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and. invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday political club, every saturday on espresso. glory to ukraine, i'm serhii rudenko, this is the verdict program. greetings to all. and i wish everyone good health. today in the program. combo attack. russian terrorists attacked ukraine with 26 missiles of various types.
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at the same time, the russians complain about the arrival in belgorod. avdiiv hell. the third separate assault brigade reports an extremely critical situation in the besieged city. the defensive operation continues. putin's strategic defeat. they want to put ukraine at the negotiating table with russia again. why trump suddenly changed the rhetoric regarding the war in ukraine? about this and other things, during the next hour we will talk with our guests, who will be in touch literally in 10-15 minutes. these are oleg hrybachuk, a politician, the former head of the security service of ukraine, valentyn nalyvaichenko and a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, yevhen dykiy. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest you watch a video of what were the consequences of a massive attack by the russian invaders on the territory
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of the ukrainian state, lviv, zaporizhzhia, dnipro, kharkiv region, poltava region and kyiv region. here is footage of the aftermath of the attack in lviv. the first wave blew out this window , the second wave blew out there, then again there , then another blow, another blow, well, it was very scary, the child was taken, the child was taken, the woman and the corridor, we are very badly damaged, near... the offices, school laboratory with spilled reagents, we have about a quarter of all broken windows, structures,
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damaged walls, doors. friends, for those who are currently watching us live on youtube and facebook, please like this video and vote in our survey today we ask you about this. do you allow negotiations between russia and ukraine in the near future? yes no. please vote on youtube, either with the yes or no button. write your comment below this video if you have a personal opinion. well, if you are sitting in front of the tv and watching us on tv, if you allow such negotiations 0800-211-381, no, 0800 211 380. 2 call, all calls to these numbers are free, at the end of the program we will sum up this voting. and we have our first guest yevhen dyky on the line,
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veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, former platoon commander of aidar battalion, mr. yevhen, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. good evening, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. let's start our conversation with another, massive, combined missile attack on ukraine. russia struck today, and used missiles for this, 26 missiles of various types, 13 russian missiles, the defense forces and the air force were shot down, a hit to an infrastructure facility was recorded in lviv, three people were injured, in the buchansky district kyiv region, as a result of the shooting down of a russian missile, a huge ravine was formed. and how, mr. yevgeny, is the current massive strike, which is called a combined strike, how does it differ from similar strikes that
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the russians have already used. and what might be the consequences of such combined strikes, is our air defense and defense forces ready for this. well, i'm a little surprised by the absence of shachets during today's attack, because before that in the last few strikes the russians have already done , well, it's not just a combined strike, but this really a combined blow by all types of long-range means of impression that they have at all, i.e. this is a combination of drones, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles, these are completely three different types of targets from the point of view of our air defense, and combining them in one such wave is really a very difficult task for our air defense, why did they do without a drone component this time , but the missiles are again combined cruise missiles of several types and ballistic missiles, again also of several types, eh, eh, well, we see for ourselves,
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what... the percentage of shooting down is 50%, it is actually high enough, but of course it is not what we would like, here the russians have the impression that they have already studied very well where we have, what is the density of air defense equipment, and if a couple of previous blows, i would say that they actually lost, because they released practically everything for kyiv, well, kyiv is covered the most, and beating after beating in kyiv. and the outskirts of kyiv, it is approaching 100%, but the russians achieve much greater success when they stop hitting kyiv, even now odesa, and when they start looking for those areas in the depths of ukraine that are less densely covered by means of air defense, and this time, unfortunately, they paid quite a lot of attention to , well, you can say, the deep areas of ukraine, which are much less densely covered and
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that's why... the beating percentage is only 50%. literally this morning there was an attack on belgorod, and it is not really known who hit who, or whether the russians themselves simply took and shelled this city, as a result of which five people died, but the day before the legion fighters freedom of russia, fighting on the side of ukraine, promised to strike at belgorod oblast in response to shelling of kharkiv oblast and complete demilitarization. border regions of the belgorod region, let's listen to what the fighters of the legion of freedom of russia said. we responsibly declare that for every attack on kharkiv, we, the legion of freedom of russia, will attack putin's killers in the border regions. we will hunt down anyone who is behind the shelling of peaceful towns and villages. we strike with everything available to us today weapons, exclusively for military facilities not for
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the army. mr. yevgeny, how do you assess the capabilities, first of all, of the legion of freedom of russia and to what extent they can deliver these simultaneous strikes on military facilities. we remember how in the summer of last year they worked quite actively in the bryansk region and in the belgorod region, whole battles were going on there, to the extent that there are opportunities and resources in order to transfer the war to the territory of the enemy, in order to... these objects that are probably not as protected as moscow and other russian cities federations, how vulnerable they are, well, look, actually, as far as the capabilities of the legion of free russia are concerned, although politically it is a completely independent formation, politically it is supposedly like russian anti-putin partisans, but let's be realistic, we perfectly understand that in the military operational ...
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plan, they are completely subordinated to the head of ukraine and actually to kyryll budan, this is the budan project, so to speak, i would say, the project is very successful, very promising, and it also follows from this that what technical they have the capabilities, they have the capabilities that our gur has with the exception of western models, because there is a very strict restriction on the part of our western allies that literally no cartridge provided by them can be used on the territory of the russian federation. and when you actually mentioned the battles for shebekin, during the battles for shebekin , a belgian assault rifle accidentally got into the photo, a small-arms, small-arms weapon, my god, but even that caused a whole international scandal at the time, so this is limitation, that is, they can operate, first of all , within the framework of how many personnel they have, and this is their main limitation today, the guys are very persistent.


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