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tv   [untitled]    February 16, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EET

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we have enough, well, such classic ammunition , artillery, well, it is very problematic to contain the enemy, because it is precisely the advantage in artillery, the advantage in aviation and the impossibility of shooting down this aviation, in fact, well, that causes the rollback there to be very, very strong, it’s just that they really they are doing the most destruction with this, well, a little bit , let's talk about another topic now, mykola volokhov and i have already discussed a little about... about the creation of this unmanned forces, which is the command itself, this is also the appointment of sukharevskyi to this position , and you know i would like such a separate one, well, as if how to discuss how much of my, well, let's say, i had such a conversation with one of the deputies, just servants of the people, for whom, well, of this? communication, i came to the conclusion that
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this is enough for them, well, seriously, why are they talking about such a centralization of all this, that it seems as if very often there is no coordination between different groups and there is no dust , let's say, drones in different brigades there, in different forces, and they would like it to be, well, for example, the way it is now there is, when the artillery works, there is a system of blood. with which they work, and what do you think, is it somehow possible to really have some kind of centralized management of all these unmanned efforts, for example, such a system like nettles so that, well, at least different groups from different brigades do not aim at the same target, and there, well, don't rush to the place where someone is already taking her, ugh, yes, well, before answering the question, i'll say that my phone hangs, i'm a little even in a pleasant shock from the don.
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people, thank you very, very much, from us as always there will be a report, the best report is a video report, and i would, olya, i would suggest to you and to the espresso channel in general some, a few videos that we will impress with these drones that we are currently collecting, these donations, and here, i think that the viewers it would be nice if it was them who conditionally got 100 hryvnias as a share. participated in the burning of some kind of enemy equipment, so , returning to your question, the idea is very correct, the creation of such a separate type of troops, moreover, the commander, sukharevsky, who was assigned there, with the call sign barsuk, is, i would say so, one of the best brigade commanders, who directly combat... cambrich,
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directly, who was in a significant part of his, his service, and there, i think, for almost two years directly on the battlefield. his last direction is the direction, by the way, including avdiivka. ah, i repeatedly encountered him and his, his guys, believe me, everything was organized there, just in the best way, this is one of the most... the best brigades, they perfectly chose places for themselves for command posts there, firing positions, very carefully thought out the operation, i have repeatedly crossed paths with their pilots , who are one of the professional pilots, so why am i saying all this, the person who headed the direction is professional, i have no doubts about his professional abilities, he is one of the best , there are other ... questions, what will happen next
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, because sukharevsky, no matter how cool a military manager he is, he will not be able to provide us with drones, because these are some other, let's say, directions, including , first of all, this is the government, as far as i know, for example, now very a difficult situation, for example, orders by the state fpv drones, as if there was a bid there for a million, what will we get. but well, as you can see, i am currently on your broadcast collecting money for our unit for drones, although our unit, well, it will almost be a year, how we work, how we give results, and for some reason it is not enough, very, very little received from the state, 90% of all, let's say, drones, these are directly donated, businessmen there help volonte. they help, we
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conduct such broadcasts and collect them, but i think that everyone will understand what it is like to be without drones in general, when you can hit this tank, in you have the strength, people with... skills, but the drones themselves are not there, and here the story is that not everything depends on sukharevsky, may he be a thousand times the best cameras, here everything will depend on the coordination of the system, i really hope and it hurts for this, like no one, that the system will improve, that we will soon stop this, i would even say, well, not that there is not a shameful practice, yes, but a practice that is exhausting. regarding fees for drones and we will finally start receiving these drones from the state, and the last point, you are right that you referred to the deputy, they said that the deputy says that there is certain inconsistencies between units and so on, i am even pleasantly surprised that we have
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such deputies who understand a little what is happening at the front, there are inconsistencies, there are even often conflicts between air reconnaissance. not even so, between the attack uavs and the artillery , there is a struggle for aerodevelopment, who, for example, will correct us, the drone, as a rule, will be used by gunners, and they will remain for the attack uavs according to the final principle, sometimes it also happens, that is why there are such internal inconsistencies, there are many of them, they need a solution, i... am convinced that sukharevskyi will deal with this in the near future, he understands the situation well, but here is the story about security, these are of course huge issues, i really hope that the government will also do the same here, well, let's put it this way , conclusions about their mistakes in the past, well
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, you know, i got the general impression from this communication that the political leadership believes that there are a lot of drones. is lost incorrectly, the losses are too great, and if you develop such a system, it seems like how less will be lost, accordingly, there will be less need, and this even bothers me, but it seems to me that this, unfortunately, is the most important thing for them now, the direction in general of what direction they are thinking, does this mean that there will also be a direction of production , well, i hope, well , al-jazeera writes there that we... we, we are already a drone manufacturer that produces 90% of drones of our own production, and we are developing it, but this is the situation at the moment, and look how much in general, really, if we talk about the costs of drones, well, objectively, these
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claims that the costs of drones are large, small, how justified they are, well, because how many drones are lost there per day, listen, well, i invite any military ... will be able to see, it is no secret that one group, group , it is conventionally there four to six fighters, per day on average they are able to use 10-20 drones for one day, conventionally speaking, a brigade fighting in the avdiiv direction can easily use... 100 drones per day, most of these drones will fly directly to targets, i say most, of course not all, and who would be here i didn’t lead, let the best commander lead there, or i don’t know, some elon musk will lead this unit, there will still be some
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losses, because there is rap, there is a malfunction of the board, initiations, there is a very bad, banal sometimes you fly into the branches there, because... i saw them only 2 m from my camera, different things happen, but most drones fly to their targets. a drone is expensive, these are lazy people, they probably already know that a drone costs about 2,000 hryvnias, even now it is less, and there are 15 and 16, but which one is capable of disabling a howitzer, a tank, and an armored personnel carrier, and apcs and anything else, and it seems to me that the style of thoughts, that is, how to... make it so that drones are used less there, this is a wrong style, it is necessary to increase production, this million declared is a very subjective point of view, sub an objective figure, why, but imagine if the enemy makes 5 million, 5 million, can they
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afford it this year, i think it is easy, china is open to them, they are already starting factories, buying even in china factories. on the production of components for these drones, so this million may be a tiny drop in the ocean if the enemy will do much more, so we need to improve efficiency. of course, we need to improve the ability of the fighters to use drones, this is a continuous process, but we should set ourselves the ultimate goal that we should provide ourselves, at least ourselves with drones, so that there is enough for everyone, we still need to have these drones to begin with, and that's all, so get involved, here is another collection, and we hope from mr. yehor that there will also be some interesting for us from this, we will see the result of our own. of this meeting, i thank yehor firsov very much, he is a military serviceman
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armed forces, and he is actually in the company of attack uavs. well, we will see you in this format in a week, and in the meantime, watch the news on the spresso tv channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. a powerful morning attack on ukraine by the russian federation, what kind of missiles were fired, what kind of combined attack was it, how was it possible to fight back and the consequences of this failure in belgorod, because of the ammunition drop, or what happened in the russian city, and also heavy battles for avdiivka, what is the situation there as of now, and are there any real chances to either contain the situation or successfully withdraw the troops. we will talk about this and other things during the next hour and 45 minutes, this is the big ether program, my name is vasyl zema, and we
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will start with the announcement of the gathering, by the way, you are very actively involved in this gathering, and if we gather our strength a little more, we we will be able to close it, and what will we do, we will buy a car for our soldiers from the 25th separate semi-airborne syacheslav brigade, they need a car, they are constantly under the gun, the occupiers try to storm every day, but despite everything, the soldiers are strong keep in line to the east, we ask everyone who cares to join the fundraising for the car, don't stay away , every hryvnia brings us closer to victory, our goal is uah 300,000, please donate according to the details you see on the screen, well, i updated today, we have already managed to collect most of this amount , well, you were able to collect with our direct participation, so let 's make a record donation today, well, everyone has their own amount, i understand now that everyone has their own capabilities, i absolutely agree with this, but what we can give, let's give today
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a little more, i think we can close this issue and help our army, our army will protect our us and defeat the enemy. we start from zaporizhia, alisa sesoeva is with us, deputy of the zaporizhia district council, mrs. alisa, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, mr. vasyl, today there are many topics in zaporizhia, but first we will talk about the fact that the enemy struck. an enterprise, a high-rise building was damaged in the city, it was still in the morning, there was a large-scale fire in the central market, you will now tell me whether it was connected with the enemy attacks, well, actually, we will start with this , precisely from zaporizhzhia, but i know that there were also flights in the zaporizhzhia region . the situation in the zaporizhia region, indeed today around 6:40 in the morning, everyone woke up to very loud explosions, they were heard in almost every district of the city, and as it turned out, our
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regional center had been shelled beforehand with ballistics, and there are six injured, unfortunately, three in a difficult condition, and two were hospitalized, the others refused to be hospitalized, i apologize, one person is in a serious condition, and in general , the zaporizhia region was shelled 111 times in the region today, this is less than usual, you know that we have somewhere up to 200. well, they were probably preparing for this massive rocket attack, we also had a fire in the city today, they don't connect it with today's shelling, they don't report it, but luckily there were no casualties, well , the garage burned down, the car burned down, in general, it was such a bad morning , but also for everything zaporizhzhia, and for the whole country, well , today i read the posts of the townspeople, they wrote about powerful and somehow very scary explosions, but fortunately these very scary... explosions did not take any lives, and here is the topic that was discussed a few days ago,
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about the fact that the government allegedly does not allocate money for the dragon's teeth, these are such fortifications that make it impossible, say, for the movement of enemy armored vehicles, first of all, of course, they significantly complicate the movement of enemy infantry, but first of all we are talking about armored vehicles, well, now there are many areas, i know that it is rivne region, mykolaiv region, kherson region, kharkiv region and sumy region receive money for the construction of fortifications from one billion. there are up to half a billion hryvnias, different amounts, somewhere someone will announce these amounts, someone will not announce them, in any case, such work is being carried out, and it is good, on the one hand, on the other hand, why am i asking about these dragon teeth, and whether this situation has not been resolved, because today... our colleague, a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, mr. lykhoviy, he is now the spokesman of the operational-strategic grouping of the tavriy troops, wrote that the enemy is preparing an offensive in the direction of orichov and actually not far from orichov, well, it is 62 km from zaporizhzhia, just so that it will be oriented how serious the threat is, it is 62 km, it is not 300, not 400, and
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now the enemy has accumulated more forces and resources there, than in the avdiiv direction, this is simply a real threat, so with these teeth, will there be a question... that's right, this was really such a top news today, in particular, he also talked about robots, we know that as soon as our armed forces forces liberated this settlement, immediately its occupiers did not stop giving reasons for to repel him, in general the topic of defense capability of the zaporizhzhia region, it is very relevant, you know, now we are probably in a turning point, because we have a new head of the military administration, all of them... one of the main claims against the heads of the past regional administrations, it was that, well, not enough efforts are being made to ensure that communication takes place so that increasing the defense capability becomes a priority for the zaporizhzhia region, therefore, of course, when each new head of the military comes administration, everyone expects some new decisions, greater interaction with the central
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government, but unfortunately, some concrete measures. regarding the dragon's teeth, in recent months in the information field we hear more about the fact that the occupiers are producing them in the occupied territories, we hear more news about their defense than about ours, well, let's hope that this situation will somehow change, because if the nuts are 60 km from zaporizhia, then the occupiers are in vasylivka, which is already about 30 km from zaporizhia, but we are very, very close to the russian... yes to the russian army, and all the more so because the enemy in bydgorikhov gathers strike groups, you know, there can be half a brigade there, it can stand somewhere, on the other hand, when there are eight brigades or 10 , and they are deployed in order, they will do , why am i asking about these dragon teeth, please tell me, but the enemy certainly does not bring these dragon teeth from altai, for example, or from
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the urals, i think that they are made in occupied territories zaporizhzhia region or perhaps kherson region, i don't know where it is relevant enterprises that produce this reinforced concrete and reinforced concrete products, but without revealing secrets, there are facilities in the region that allow the production of such reinforced concrete forms, these are dragon's teeth, or should it be carried out somewhere near kyiv or perhaps from sumy oblast? well, unfortunately, i do not have such information, it is probably better, because it goes directly to the representatives of the military administration. or to the military, such information, but the fact that the occupiers produce them is a proven fact, if i am not mistaken, it is in berdyansk that they reformatted enterprises precisely in order to produce these dragon teeth, and they have been doing this since almost the beginning of the full-scale invasion, they have taken very seriously the strengthening of their positions, well, yes, absolutely not criticizing anyone here, but the enemy on our land is engaged in war
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from morning to evening, well, looting is also something of a war there, by the way , they are engaged in propaganda among young people, now they are there... talking about russian america in the occupied territory of zaporizhzhia, kherson oblast. in particular, i read today about what on of the occupied territory are actively recruiting young people into the youth army in the temporarily occupied territory. at the same time, it should be understood that this is the case with patriotically educated youth, children, but under the pressure of the enemy, listening to his stories, children can be zombified by all this, there is no wonder here, it is simply the work of psychology, fear somewhere, some kind of bribery, and they can shape for themselves. those people who will then be planned to be sent to slaughter, even if they do not reach adulthood, so i say again, the enemy in the occupied territory is actively engaged in war, why not everyone is engaged in war in ukraine, this is a different question, but here i also wanted to ask about so and so in energodar today, not today, this is what they handed over to the enemy, hello, well, this
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valentine flew in, figuratively speaking, there gathered meeting, local collaborators... the occupiers decided there to talk about the elections in the temporarily occupied territories, they will elect putin in the next term in march, and other topics, but something flew in and exploded in this room, maybe there is more information about about the consequences of this ee flying, flying valentine? in fact, it began to appear actively only a few hours ago, there is already a video, but you know, it is more extended than above, no one there officially commented, well... they said that another meeting was taking place, this is the building of the energodarnivska city council, by the way, this is not the first time that greetings from our armed forces or our intelligence have flown there, well, i think that... there will be more detailed information a little later, let's see what's interesting, you know how the occupiers always react in their public places, they have something constantly exploding there, but if
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you look at what they write, then they have either cracks or suffocation, there are no losses, well, but in fact we understand that the resistance movement is working and cotton is constantly happening there, so we are waiting for more detailed information , i hope for good news, they still have it, they still have it... this one is planned work, the lens effect , well, there are other moments, of course there is not much funny here, but i say again, the enemy, of course, despite the presence of certain elements there , who are only engaged in robbery and pleasure own needs, or simply die, there are people who effectively build a system that should work in the occupation, this system will not just be broken later, and therefore, of course, a big thank you to those who are trying to break this system just now, and write about it , that... there is a critical situation in the military, when you read the words critical situation in the military, you understand that this is a huge threat, which, well, this peaceful atom can very quickly become non-peaceful,
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and here, as they say, there is no point d has been passed, even if there is an explosion, it can happen anything, and by the way , can happen uncontrollably, so what is it connected with, is it possible to get any information, well, at least the local regional administration, the military, about what is happening there on..." energy donors , please, well, the most important thing that is being reported is that there is indeed an even greater threat, because this six-year period expires, when the nuclear fuel is in the reactors and something technical must be done with it, but we understand that the russians , they are not at all interested in to operate the nuclear power plant in compliance with all requirements, it is reported that they still continue to mine the perimeters of the state", that a lot of their equipment is stored there, russian soldiers, and that this is such a tool of blackmail for them and, well, they have really turned the nuclear power plant into a
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military base, and we all understand that as long as there is even one armed russian soldier there, it is a huge danger, well, probably for the whole of europe, for the whole world, these are very scary things. thank you very much, ms. alisa, thank you for your work and for your comments, take care, alisa sesoeva, deputy of the zaporizhzhya district council. about the shelling of zaporizhzhia and the zaporizhzhia region, about how the enemy is once again building his russian peace with blood, first of all, with violence, or somewhere with bribery in the occupied territory, and of course , efforts must be made to build defensive structures, enemies, i remind you once again, writes dmytro lykhovii, the spokesman of the osuf-tavria operational-strategic group of troops, that the enemy is gathering forces and wants to attack zaporizhzhia, it's simple, it can be seen from the situation on... well, the second topic we have for discussion today is kharkiv region, where russia, which
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continues to hit with everything it can hit, flies by every day. yevhen bilov, the head of the volunteer organization of the rvh, mr. yevhen, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear, i will start first of all with the fact that the enemy was attacking kharkiv region from aviation, there were flights from drones, there was also before that, well, let's start first let's start with today, morning, day, how has it been, and speaking of enemy attacks, what mischief have they wrought? as far as i know, a night attack the one that was from aviation, it did not affect kharkiv itself, but there were hits in the kharkiv region, even at night there was a hit near kharkiv in chuguyev, unfortunately, there are destroyed houses there, unfortunately there are... uh, what no less than one person who died, so uh, kharkiv and the kharkiv region as a whole suffers from shelling every day, because these are the border
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territories, volchan and all the regions that are from the north of the kharkiv region, they constantly suffer, not to mention kupyansk and the kupyan direction, where are permanent shelling and aerial bombs, and anti-aircraft missiles, everything that the enemy can use, everything that... russia is throwing at those directions and the front line, where it now wants to advance and which territories it wants to capture. yes, the enemy, now you see, and we were talking about zaporozhye, the enemy is gathering forces there, wants to attack. kharkiv region is the same story, but in donetsk region it is clear there. but a blow was delivered to the big burluk, today i read about the fact that five bodies of the fifth dead person were retrieved from under the rubble. perhaps the consequences of this attack, if possible. i don’t have all the details, but i simply understand that the great borluk, due to the fact that it is near the border, is not so far away, it is constantly suffering, that is why somewhere... two weeks
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ago we were also there, and there were also hits and in civil infrastructure and medical institutions, we, as a volunteer organization , together with other partners , together with volunteer organizations and with the authorities on the ground, overcame the consequences of these, now today's hits, which were, our own team does not work there , but i am sure that volunteers who have such it is possible, they... there also help to overcome the settlements that, unfortunately, happened there, well, we see kharkiv, kharkiv oblast, some communities come under shelling more, some less, but still they happen, and we see these shots, you are telling us, we were there, we were not there, i understand that it is a big job, because these same people need to be helped to get somewhere there, then treatment, some provision, some recovery, well , delivering humanitarian goods alone, that is not all either simply, whether the state is closing those by volunteers today
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need. these are the urgent military needs that arise in kharkiv oblast, and if not , what percentage can be closed now, moreover, we understand that the enemy is once again gathering forces, and the scale of this trouble may simply increase at some point, what can help here, the evacuation of people, some kind of mass enough from certain areas, so that , well, at least there was no question of helping people, well, there was only a question of, for example, the army, that's all, please, as far as i know, as far as i have information . and we, as a volunteer organization that works from the first days, there is a very strong volunteer movement in kharkiv, and due to the fact that kharkiv and the kharkiv region are constantly under fire, such rapid response councils were created in our region, it was also in kharkiv that the department of emergency situations was created there and volunteer organizations in
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cooperation with... local authorities, with the emergency department, with the state emergency service , with the regional administration, with rapid response services, go to such places where help is needed, volunteers they also help with hot, hot food, give someone fidzavals, if it allows somewhere, also place them there in the centers where they are needed, if people are affected they are homeless, they also provide physical help. and if you need something there , both for food and for clothes, if you know, somewhere there last week there were hits at the oil depot, and a lot of people, almost the entire street burned down, houses just burned down, eh, and people united so much, in the school there was created a headquarters where uh for those people who were affected and they could get there help, food, clothes, something help with the organization of life, how to live without a house.
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and a lot of people responded , a lot of organizations helped a lot, and just so much that the school says that we can no longer accommodate help, a lot of people wanted to join, and er, for such a community, such an organization, er, for the sake of such an organization, such an association, we can respond to such situations that occur, er, there may be more of them, we are ready for these elections, but i hope, i pray, that... there was no such situation, well, here, except that that the enemy is causing humanitarian damage and people, people are being killed, injured , infrastructure is being destroyed, energy infrastructure , critical infrastructure, civilian buildings, the enemy is also causing an ecological disaster, actually we will see it, well, probably the most global disaster, it was the explosion of the kakhovka hydroelectric power station, but disaster has come to kharkiv oblast as well, the environmental issue is this oil depot and
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the oil spilled. along the rivers, which means that now certain barriers are being built on the rivers, well , certain filtration points are being built there in order to stop the oil that flows along the again, along the water arteries, and urge the townspeople not to take water from some underground water there, from wells, because there may be oil, how big is this problem, well, if it can be called only a problem, and is it... to me , how can it be solved, whether and whether again this situation is not getting worse now, is oil not already spilling into the rivers, please, ah, i have also heard about this situation, me me, the way i live also in kharkiv, i observe it, observed it and saw it in our main rivers of the city, unfortunately, there are such loopholes, but also all the measures that must overcome these origins and overcome the consequences of that hit, they are all fulfilled.
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it's not mine, not my direct direction, not...


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