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tv   [untitled]    February 16, 2024 4:00am-4:30am EET

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magura v5, and the second thing is that the caesar kunikov itself is practically the second ship of this size after moscow, and which the russians have there at all, and well, this is a big enough target, a good target, it was most likely used for the transportation of ammunition, because now these ships are amphibious, they are used mainly, as you know, such an auxiliary to the crimean bridge for... various carts, well, such, well, as if the bridge is still such a sea, well, it is very good , in fact, very good, it is already in berdyansk on march 25, 22- th year was damaged and now he was so affected , you see, he exploded brightly, so i hope that he had such things on him. a lot
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of ammunition, in principle a very successful, good operation, well , let’s move on to the conversation, we are talking to mykola mykola volokhov, the commander of the tera air reconnaissance unit as part of the third separate assault brigade, congratulations mr. mykola, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, and actually if we talk about the destruction of this ship, then we literally have the success of our, we can say, unmanned systems that are being developed and this... actually a drone strike, besides , a separate command has now been created, well, such forces are unmanned, unmanned there, you can say so, within the armed forces of ukraine, the announcement of their creation, and i wanted to ask you about it right away, maybe you have already somehow seen or heard what exactly should happen, because we see that drone units are in all defense forces, and even the sbu is there. gur
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in each unit, there is more or less in each brigade, this is the general command, it must somehow unite them, well, something is audible about this in general, but look, of course, it’s very nice that such a thing is being created, drones are very different, they fly and drive on land, and swim on water and swim under water, and the most important thing is that they replace people, yes, that is, we can save human lives. we can save human lives using unmanned technologies, if we talk about such things, you know, right now, let's do it differently, first of all, i want to say that the creation of such forces is very good, they do not have a project yet, as i understand it, the president gave the order to the cabinet of ministers and the general staff to create a project, and the project will be developed for now, and then it will be presented, i don't know if it will be a public presentation or not, but it is a movement in the right direction. and about this, you know, there is a lot
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of talk about it now in various units, whether there will be and whether it is necessary to take away drones from battalions of brigades, ground forces, yes, from paratroopers, from special forces, of course there is no need, and i sincerely believe that this no one will do it, well, it is simply contrary to health logically, it is necessary to build up unmanned vehicles, not test them, and... i am sure that this is exactly the way ukraine will go. what are your thoughts on this topic? well, i will be honest, my friends and i discussed it a lot, since this is our profile, and there are several main opinions: at the stage of the formation of this project, the formation of the project and the project will be successful depending on whether those specialists who in the first two years of the war, they showed results by working directly with unmanned means at the front, and to understand which teams these are. you can
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very simply, whoever has a lot of impressions, who has hit the enemy a lot effectively , is effective, it is worth consulting with that, at the second stage of team formation, whether such people will be involved in the team and who will be in this team in general, well, you know at the third stage , here is how this whole team will work , but i am sure that if the first two stages are carried out correctly, then the probability of success will be extremely high, the unmanned forces must be increased, and i repeat... in no case do not take these means from those units , in which they are already effectively used, well, there is hope that it will be taken into account, because the newly appointed deputy commander-in-chief of the armed forces is colonel vadym sukharevskyi, who will actually be responsible for unmanned systems, and he himself was the commander of the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade.
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it included one of the most famous units that specialized in madira bird drones, so he probably has experience and understands the subject in general. let's hope. that being considered, we will come back to this conversation, i want you i would still like to ask a little about the situation under the time gap, since i understand that it is at least close to you, and there appeared an assessment of such a deepstate group, who said that actually under the time gap, well, such an advance of russian troops took place to a large extent thanks to the very... effective use of drones, and it also revealed the weakness of our, well, let's say, our defensive positions, well, firstly, do you share somewhere that this is thanks to drones and that, and secondly, do
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you share you opinion about what is really there weak or insufficiently equipped positions , and here as an assessment and... what as a result, you know, if the position could not withstand the onslaught of the enemy, accordingly, it was weak, weak relative to this onslaught, everything in this world is relative, in war everything is also relatively, i was weak in relation to the onslaught, from any , you know, you need to be able to recognize some of your shortcomings and shortcomings, draw conclusions from this and improve, i know that in this direction. the armed forces of ukraine, my unit, for which i can confidently say, is actively working on the implementation, yes procurement, search, purchase and implementation of electronic warfare equipment , we recently purchased 10
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electronic warfare complexes, they have not yet arrived, we only have one so far, but they will arrive soon and we will feel much safer against enemy kamikaze fpv drones . again there is the question: are we weak or are the russians strong, certainly russia is a serious enemy, and if anyone thought that they can, if we have had some success recently, then this is a victory, the end of the war, and russia will not show us anything new, these people were wrong, reality shows this, we must be prepared for the fact that russia will still try to break ours. our task is to hold on and not let her do it, that's how i see it all, i think that there is no catastrophe yet, but we have to very actively draw conclusions from what is happening on the front and we have to adapt very actively, we have
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the right to mistake, and tell me, well, you know, a simple logical question arises, if such a uav application was successful there, well, yes ours is active... advancing uavs, it means that now the russians, at least in this aspect, prevail, or were there simply some other additional factors, something additional that made this job easier for them? you know, there is such a thing as the initiative on the battlefield, sometimes the one who takes the initiative gets an operational advantage, the one who goes on the offensive, because the one who works as the first number, who exercises the initiative, can get an advantage from the effect is not unexpected, yes, but then it all evens out, here, let’s say, it is necessary not only to break through somewhere the enemy's defense, and knocking out the enemy's positions , whether it is necessary to occupy them, it is necessary to consolidate, i
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have observed many times, both from our side and from the enemy's side, when operational success is achieved, but it cannot be recorded and... the losses that then are incurred, or the losses that are then incurred when this success is recorded, they are not commensurate with what the battle is actually for, so, for example, they jumped into the landing quickly, knocked out a small, small contingent there with fp buckets, jumped into the landing, and then you have to occupy it, yes, and then already, when the logistics for taking the landings take place, the enemy's fpv drones start working, it all crumbles, it is impossible to hold the landing and asks... questions, damn, we did it at all, so time will tell, i think that it is necessary to observe and so far it is too early to draw conclusions, in general, you have to be quite balanced in your judgments in war, well, because there is a lot at stake in cannes , i will repeat again, in my opinion, it is still too early to say that
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the russians are achieving any success there, the front is dynamic, everything is constantly moving , it's like a living organism, it's clear, and we 'll have an advertisement after this, after the advertisement we 'll return to drones and actually talk about the audio direction, so wait for us to return from the advertisements. and one more guest and the actual conversation about avdiivka. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of our favorite presenters, presenters who have become familiar to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl's big broadcast. in winter, a project for smart and caring people in the evenings with espresso. events events that are happening
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right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 1:10 p.m., with a repeat on sunday at 10:10 a.m. in the studio. an espresso event with anton borkovsky. yes, we continue the conversation, our previous guest was forced to disconnect, you know, the war is going on and it is impossible to keep people for a long time. yehor firsov joined us for that, he is a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, and he was in avdiivka in a company of attack uavs for quite a long time. congratulations yehor. i wish everyone good health, and actually , i will say this, that we strongly encourage you to join
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the collection for fpv strike drones, just for mr. yegor's unit, the card number, i will ask them to bring it out, so that it stays with us here, no, no it's not that please find me the right collection and well that's also very important because... here please look, it will also be broadcast here, i hope for sure, and please join, because drones are needed, without them, well, no way, you already heard from our previous conversation how important it is in general, well, actually, let's immediately talk about the situation near avdiivka, as much as you can talk about it, because we all see that there was an exit of the russians to our own logistical routes. how critical is it in general, and how do you assess,
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you know, the possibility, i would say counterattack and move them out of there, with those forces that we have there now, i understand, it's quite such a difficult question, well, as much as you can estimate it, yes. yes, yes, let's go, let's probably re-recruit, because you see , there are some problems, i'll remind you once again just about this collection, which is precisely for fpv drones for yegor firsov's unit near avdiivka for his uav company. please take a look at this card number, and actually i will tell you a little about the situation there, well, in addition to what was
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on our card, something else happened there, as if they are talking about it, but no they announce it officially, but i won't announce it either, and also at night when the defense forces burned an enemy column near avdiivka, there the russians were preparing to transfer the equipment to avdiivka, but between verkhnyoturetsky and kamianka it was destroyed, well, that's also quite good, so... that is, it did not reach avdiyivka, but in general, as you saw for yourself, the artillery is working quite actively there, the russians have stepped up, they are constantly working with aviation, this greatly complicates the situation, well, that is, in principle, now we can say that avdiyivka - it is, you know, the center where a lot of russian forces have been drawn up, so it is quite, quite difficult there, well, actually. well, that's the story, i don't know if there is, there is already a connection, yes
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, please, then bring it out, yes, yehor , please try to tell, yes, well, i was actually talking about the fact that it is very difficult in avdiivka , it's much easier for us, because we work a little bit on a stretcher, here, and we stand, well, in a certain area, where, well , it's much easier, much easier, but everything is visible, you know, for sure, that avdiya. this is one of my native places, because mine lived there grandma, i started my service in avdiivka, so, well, we hear all the cabs that are dumped there... and feel it by the way the ground vibrates, although our positions are located, well, not in avdiivka, further, kilometers away from it, here and there , in fact, every day, of course there are certain, let’s say, lulls, but here, sometimes it is even strange and unusual to feel, but
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nevertheless, then everything begins with new waves, we see aerorosis ... the enemy’s fists and fists , and tightened equipment, and moving permanent equipment, this is our task, here we are, we are now, you are now actually collecting on drones, which interfere with this logistics, because we are looking for the enemy directly on the roads, here they go, sometimes on a tank, sometimes on a bter, on an armored personnel carrier, they deliver something, sometimes they just go in... who delivers or obk, or provisions , or transports personnel, it happens that we even found a sundial, and then they all go, and then bang, with this 7-inch five-inch drone, but first the equipment stops, then the second, third, fourth, fifth drone strike and then the equipment burns, burns, that's about it
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such shots, as you can see now on your... wound, and so actually, well, our, our platoon works every day, directly helping our infantry, it is very, very important, so imagine, i will tell you a few moments, when i set up guys for the operation, i always say that when the command tells us that we need to make an impression, there is a gun, for example, is it a tank of some kind, it is not just a tank, or some kind of gun, it is a gun that gives nightmares to our infantry, and our infantry... it's very, very difficult, i myself sat under a single-shot gun on more than one occasion shelling, and under shelling, when a tank or a howitzer works, it is very, very well, well, it is enough to say that it is very unpleasant, it is sometimes a disaster, and in order to stop enemy onslaughts, enemy attacks, drones are needed, drones are actively used, as from our side,
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so directly from avdiivka, the avdiivka brigade, which is stationed directly in avdiivka. even if you look at the statements of the orcs in their public, they say that drones are now one of the only obstacles that interfere with them directly to advance on a large scale, because drones are very dynamic, it is very easy to take them into the air and hit exactly the target where you saw something , a group of infantry, for example, or a tank, for example, or sometimes there is such a story: that you fly, for example, on one target , and then bang and you see that there are tanks right away, you fly directly at the tank, that is why there are different situations, drones are a significant advantage, now i have to say, for sure, that it is very, very difficult to fly directly from the avdiiv direction, because the enemy is insanely saturated rebom, of course we have it certain secrets, how to deceive this reb, bypass,
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i will not tell in detail, but nevertheless, fly over avdiivka, on a drone. it's extremely difficult, the enemy is probably all gone there, probably rap, what, what does he have at all, well, at all, well, avdiivka is the most like that, you know, our position is strengthened in essence, and of course the fact that they are there at all were able to break through, well, apparently, there is the use of not only rap, well, enhanced, probably there are some other reasons why they succeeded, but... rap is the only, let's say, element of what we just bump into each other, well , let’s talk about it, i know it very well, the guys sometimes show me a picture there during the operation and ask where it is, and i immediately tell them: it’s so and so and so, yes i will tell you that there is not a single high-rise building
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destroyed where a piece has been torn off, or it is simply destroyed, or half of it is not there, there is not a single house. and this, by the way, was a very big city, more than 30,000 people once lived there, and the enemy dropped, well, according to some data, 600 aerial bombs, but i don’t know exact data, but i will definitely say that it is hundreds and hundreds, that is, a lot, every day fap or kap fly there, well now and every day 50 fabs or okabs fly there, that is, in the last week. it happens, it happens in different ways, that is, it sometimes happens conditionally there are several, it happens that more than 70 were dropped on october 10 was like this... the story, that is , they actually, you know, there in my childhood i once saw a formidable one in pictures, yes, and i thought that the era of such wars was over, but no, the style of war, hostile, it has not changed,
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they are simply destroying the city, turning it, well, into ruins, that is, the avdiivka that we all knew there is gone, there are just ruins, there are literally a few intact ones left there, more, well, like whole ones, there are more or less equal. here the story is as follows: they bypassed the widow, realizing that it was practically impossible to take her head-on, there are many very various, let's say, there are basements, defensive structures directly in the city, factories, one of the factories is a coke plant, the largest coke chemical plant in europe for a second and... they bypassed their audio booth from the sides, and when they constantly poured into the positions, that is, they hit the positions, hit the positions , hit the positions, any whoop, rob, just
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the dugout, he, well, he burns, he breaks, and actually turns into that position , on which it is very difficult to hold the defense, and therefore the enemy is gradually advancing by 100 m, by 200 m, by 300 m, bearing huge losses, so we are advancing there. or we just fly around and fly through what is actually a cemetery, a cemetery, there are bodies and equipment, i will even reveal a little secret to you, and fpv pilots orienting is important, that is, you take off and you have to fly there for a few kilometers precisely and orient yourself by some ponds, trees, relatively speaking, and for us very often orientation is... effectively destroyed enemy equipment, because you take off, for example, there a field, a plantation, a field, but it is very, very easy to orientate on burned tanks, even
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when they are washed away by snow, and everything is even, for us it is orientation, because there is a lot of equipment destroyed by the enemy, so , despite this is destruction, they are like that little by little we entered and advanced around avdiyivka, you repeatedly showed this map. so to speak, in a pinch , making logistics difficult for us right now, that is, in avdiivka, well, it's not that it's easy to be there, it's not difficult to be there, it's difficult to get there now, to drive through, because there is a constant reconnaissance drone hanging around, but when the drone noticed a moving target, fpv drones, fpv drones, and here, including those that work at night, take off, so logistics of course. the drive-in to ovdiivka has deteriorated significantly, and now the drive- in is a certain special operation, well, yes,
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well, you know, in general, this, i would say, the whole battle for avdiivka, it shows that, after all, when we don't have enough of such classic ammunition, artillery, well, it 's very problematic. to contain the enemy , because it is precisely the advantage in artillery, the advantage in aviation and the impossibility of shooting down this aviation, in fact, that causes the rollback to be very, very strong, it’s just that they really cause the greatest destruction, well , a little bit, let’s move on to another topic let's talk now, mykola volokhov and i have already discussed a little about the creation of this of unmanned forces, which is there and the command itself and... and the appointment of sukharevskyi to this position, and you know, i would like such a separate one, well, as if how to discuss
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how much of my, well, let's say, i had such a communication ee with one of the deputies, just the servants of the people, for whom, well, from this conversation, i concluded that for them this is enough, well, serious, why they lead. talk about some kind of centralization of all this, as if very often there is no coordination between different groups, and there is no peace, let's say, drones in different places brigades, in different forces, and they would like it to be, well, for example, the way it is now, when the artillery is working, there is a nettle system that they are working with, and what do you think, is it possible that somehow centralized management. with all these unmanned efforts, for example, such a similar system as a nettle so that, well, at least different groups from different brigades do not aim at the same target and do not rush there. to where someone
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is already taking her. ugh. yes, well, before i answer the question, i will say that my phone hangs, i'm a little in a pleasant, even shocks from people's donations, thank you very, very much , there will be a report from us as always, the best report is a video report, and i, olya , would suggest to you and in general to the espresso channel some, a few videos that we will impress with these drones. which we are currently collecting these donations, but i think that the audience would be pleased that it was their conditionally 100 hryvnias that participated in the burning of some kind of enemy equipment, so, returning to your question, the idea of ​​creating such a separate kind is very correct troops, moreover, and the commander, as
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sukharevsky, assigned there by the call sign barsuk, he is, i would say so, one of the best brigade commanders, who is directly a combat cambric, directly who was in a significant part of his, his service, and there i think that almost two years directly in the field of hostilities, his last direction, this direction, by the way, including avdiyivka, and... and i repeatedly encountered him and his guys, believe me, everything was organized there, well, simply in the best way, this is one of the of the best brigades, here, they perfectly chose places for themselves for the team points, firing positions, very carefully thought out the operation, i repeatedly crossed paths with their pilots, who are one of
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the professional pilots. that is why i am saying all this, the person who headed the direction is professional, i do not doubt his professional abilities, he is one of the best, there is another question, what will happen next, because sukharevsky, no matter how cool a military manager he is, he will not be able to provide us with drones, because these are some other, let's say so, directions, including, first of all, this is the government, as far as i know... for example, it is very difficult now the situation, for example, with government orders for fpv drones, as if there was a request for a million, which we will receive, but as you can see, i am now on your broadcast collecting money for our division for drones, although already our division, well, it will almost be a year soon, how we work, how we give results, and
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for some reason, we received very little... very little from the state, 90% of all, let's say, drones, these are directly such donations, businessmen help there, volunteers help, such airs we we conduct, and collect, well, i think that everyone will understand what it is in general to be without drones, when you can hit this tank, you have the strength, people, skills, and the drones themselves are not, and here the story is that not everything depends on dry. here, everything will depend on the coordination of the system, i really hope, and i ache for it like no other, that the system will be adjusted, that we will soon stop this, i would even say, well, not that there is not a shameful practice, yes, but a practice , which is exhausting regarding fees for drones, and finally we will start receiving these drones from the state, and
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here... last point, you are right that you referred to the deputy, they said that the deputy he says that there are certain inconsistencies between units and so on, i am even pleasantly surprised that we have such deputies who understand a little what is happening at the front, there are inconsistencies, there are even often conflicts between air reconnaissance, not even so, between attack uavs and artillery, the struggle for air reconnaissance, who, for example, will correct us.


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