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tv   [untitled]    February 16, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EET

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as of today, i have everything, you watched judicial control, i am tetyana shustrova. tell us about the facts of corruption in the judicial system that you know. write to the email you see on the screen or to me on facebook. see you in exactly one week. good bye. my name is igor. i am a serviceman of the national guard of ukraine, i joined the service in the 19th year, my civilian profession is paramedic, which i received in one of the colleges, i served as a rifleman. after it started in full swing. war, my
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unit was ordered to defend mariupol, my unit was engaged, if it were, in reconnaissance , but well, our main task was as a drg group, we went close to and identified them, came into contact with them, coordinated the actions of our artillery, passed on their positions so that our guys could. to pull up and we could pile on them. our eyes informed us that another group of drgs was moving in our direction. we were the first to open fire on them. then they wounded my commander, that evening, we repelled their, their attack. how close we work. it was 50 m long, it must have been like that somewhere,
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it could be enough somewhere, it was a dark night, and this it was very strong, i even ran out of ammunition then, i shot everything, everything i had, and my friend was not a hunter, don't forget about you, the battle was going on, i... i just heard my commander shouting, commander wounded, the commander is wounded, i immediately ran to the side at the screams, through the landing, he was there 50 meters from me, and i already ran up, already one of my comrades, who, unfortunately, is now missing in the count, he was already imposing the commander put a tourniquet on his leg, i remember it well, there was a lot of blood, we had to remove it from... the commander's bulletproof vest, and so
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we dragged him by his things, by his jacket, grabbed him, dragged him through that landing , dragged him to the nearest shelter, stabbed him in the cheek, because we had nothing else, and quickly drowned him during the battle, i and my comrades were still there, loaded him onto a truck that we had, and... evacuated him then to a checkpoint, the commander was very cool, you know, when, when all this movement started, he told us that guys, we will fight to the last and said, i will not leave you under any circumstances, he, unfortunately, died during the evacuation from mariupol, the helicopter in which he was flying was shot down, the battle began until we were completely surrounded, the command to break through the encirclement came.
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and we carried out the order, left mariupol and ran into russian and dnieper soldiers, and that's how they took us prisoner, they interrogated us, eh. they put us in a cell, some detainees were still sitting in the cell, i can smoke a cigarette, because i can’t remember it calmly, then somewhere in the middle of the night , some people came to us, introduced themselves as representatives of the chechen people’s republic, and immediately started asking questions, who knows , who knows what... akhmat, well, of course we
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were silent, because this is the first time i've heard such a thing, i know that akhmat is tea, and they simply started us because of this . with sticks, they smashed our heads with blood, there was generally blood all over the face , the whole head was covered in blood, they then left, the employees came to bob's, put us in some kind of bed, took us away, well, we started going to the hospital, they put a pm on my head and they said that if you complain about your health, you won't be allowed back in the hospital, they took you away we were taken to some kind of hospital... the doctor on duty there didn't want to sew up my colleague's head, because he said that i wouldn't sew dill, but he was ordered to sew it
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up, he sewed it up, then they took us to obop, with obop us later after a few days they took him to olenivka. with colony number 102. they beat us all the time, their reception is generally sacred, they just destroy you there, the guys pissed blood there, just some, they really just wore them out. i remember one such moment, when they brought our... boys, a new stage arrived, and when they were running through the hot corridor , one of our soldiers shouted: glory to ukraine, after which he was immediately shot on the spot, you can tell a lot about being captured, well, it’s unpleasant to remember, they survived
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there as best they could, but at first they slept on a baton, just on the baton, in the insulator. then later they gave us pallets, you can see how they are standing, we slept on those pallets, well, the conditions were simply unsanitary, for 50 people in the cell, a bucket of water per day, that bucket might not reach you. after how i came all the horrors of captivity, thank god i was exchanged, i thank all my relatives, friends who prayed for me, who believed that i would get through it, i received, well, after the exchange, medical assistance, i
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weighed 45 kg in captivity, and now i have already recovered a little, but i decided to continue serving, but now i am serving in one of the... volyn units of the national guard of ukraine. i am currently serving in my specialty, i am a company sanitary instructor. having combat experience, i can say that the success of the task depends not only on how to conduct combat actions, but also from the way in which medical aid is provided to the wounded in a timely manner, their evacuation, the combat medic must have considerable training and physical strength, therefore. that sometimes it happens that you have to push a much bigger person behind you, it is very difficult, especially when a person is injured, he is weakened, he is just like a log, and there are very stressful situations in which it is very difficult to make such decisions, because
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the battle - this is a non-standard situation, it is not at all what you are taught in the unit or in educational institutions where they are taught at all civilian medicine, or even military medicine, our battle is not over yet, it continues, we must hold on, study and do everything for our victory. a separate set of unmanned aircraft complexes sapsan of the state special service of transport. the viewers of the espresso tv channel are asked to join the collection of crowns and technical equipment for our division. thank you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes.
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es soy porqué. greetings, dear tv viewers, on the espresso tv channel, studio zahid program, we will analyze the most important events of this. which will undoubtedly determine the events of the coming months. our guests today
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are matthew bryza and mark fagin. mark feigin, a figure of the russian opposition in emigration, former state duma deputy, iconic video blogger, will be working on the air of the tv channel. glory to ukraine, mark, congratulations. glory, greetings anton, greetings to all viewers. well, carlson landed in moscow. so we understand that none of the journalists probably received similar honors, they were literally carried away as written off tor. and the key story is not even what putin said in the carlson interview, the key story is why this representative of bourgeois imperialist journalism was so gently perceived in moscow and what he could bring. so we understand that carlson is not carlson by himself. carlson is a person extremely close to one of the candidates, the main candidates for the position of president of the united states, so it is possible that he ... could even occupy a very high position in the event of trump's victory. what's here
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to say: the visit is apparently unexpected, a photo of him in the big theater appeared in the kremlin public in a telegram. you know, it has been a tradition since soviet times to honor guests with space, ballet, and the like. so it is no coincidence that he was there with fsb operatives. i think. he may or may not have known, but he was certainly being escorted. there was an escort in the big theater. and even then it was clear that he had arrived. putin gave this interview, as if sending a message to trump that it sounds publicly that we are ready negotiate, we cannot agree with this administration, they do not hear us, we want to negotiate with someone new, who will become the master of the oval office in january 2025, that we are ready to cooperate with america, and that there is mutual understanding with america, it is also possible to achieve with the next administration and etc., but the price of the question is ukraine. then we are ready to negotiate. this is, if briefly and succinctly, the main leip-motif of the interview that
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carlson showed. now regarding the personality of carlson himself. you know what happens in the american press here and there reports that trump is considering him as one of the candidates for the republican vice presidential nomination. desantis was also called there, although it seems that trump himself did not have a relationship with desantis, others were called. so, to claim that carlson cannot. to end up in the post of vice president, i personally do not believe that he will become a candidate for vice presidents and vice president under trump, but besides that, if the american press writes about it, it is not accidental. especially since the connections of carlson, which is a favorite among journalists, even since the days of fox news, trump has quite obvious, and what he could then secretly convey to trump, all the same, that moscow is ready to cooperate, i think trump and his entourage, and without there being anything specifically news, i think there is an important public element, on the other hand
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, there are opportunities for sharing, for sure, but here is the weight of this carlson, he has a youtube account, he has already left fox news, he has 800 or 900 thousand subscribers there, i'm afraid to lie, yes of course some of his videos have views of 2-3 million, and with putin it will be a huge view, you can. it is expected that the teaser with the performance, which he showed for free with free access to the interview with putin, has already been viewed by almost 10 million. that is, the interview with putin will also have as many views. and as carlson articulates, he says: we have the right to know, we must find out what is happening. mark, look, well, the key story is what was in the pockets of carlson, who was going to putin, and what did he stuff, some kind of information baggage or some kind of information parcel, he stuffed in his bosom when he returned to trump,
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here is the key story, here are the signals that are silent, not articulated publicly. he has this kind of psychology, the psychology of a businessman, in addition to being semi-criminal, semi-eccentric, a person who is either casino, or women, or beauty contests, not some warren buffett, who is always about one thing. lyuberetsk developer, whether there is luzhnikivskyi or sonzevskyi. great business, you get a bare 20%, it's territories and all the preferences related to access to the sea, some new geopolitical situation for you. putin does not want 20%, he wants 100%, this is important to understand. and
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here is this hope that even if trump wins the election, they will not come to an agreement. because 20% is not enough for putin. moreover, 100% of ukraine is not enough for him. his goal is what was stated in his memorandum in december 2021. the entire former eastern bloc, its demilitarization from the borders in may 1997 , preceded the nato membership of these countries. he will pursue exactly this. and the hope that they will not come to an agreement in the end, because for trump. it was a concession for nothing trade for air. i think that putin can now maneuver without revealing all his cards. he wants to simply change the atmosphere in the united states, in the political establishment or in the power in which trump can come in order to start talking to him at all. secondly, there are sanctions, and
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oil, and an embargo, and the removal of his status as a war criminal, all this putin wants, of course. and will make these demands, it goes without saying, we understand it, but it is only a derivative of the main demand that he wants all of ukraine, he will never be satisfied with the fact that he kept 20%, and 80% will go to nato, its european union, this is important to understand, they will never agree on this, even with such a convenient negotiating partner for him as trump. in my personal opinion, trump knows where to stop, also because... such surrender of positions is unacceptable for the american elite, for the american doctrine, for everything that the united states has done in the last 30-35 years after the fall of communism, victory in the cold war, etc. therefore, in fact, carlson can only make some sort of framework offer, an invitation to the so-called ceremony, behind which, without even hiding, even in this
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interview, maybe somewhere out of sight, out of the interview, out of the frame, it was about this, it was important to start a dialogue. no need to negotiate, we can agree on everything, i am inclined to everything, i am ready for everything, it was precisely in such expressions that putin could convey something to trump. we hope that the administration of the current, current president biden will be able to implement what was announced or promised, but we see that everything somehow slips again and again, on your thought that there might be undercurrents, right? well, on the one hand, we understand that the republicans... they are for ukraine, yes, but in fact we see that they cannot come to an agreement, and everyone is starting to shake this unfortunate border with mexico, yes, which has also gained importance, i i don’t know, well, the same taiwan, it turns out like this, but it cannot be considered outside the context of the election, the election in america is a determining factor for which the republicans definitely use
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the situation, maybe the pressure on the democratic administration, biden himself, on his... environment in order to achieve the maximum benefit for themselves in the elections, because the dispute about the border, about illegal migrants, by the way, the biden administration insists, says to let 500 migrants a day, and the republicans say 10, now they go and insist that not a single person at all , which looks quite logical and correct on the part of the same republicans, but the problem is, why is it connected with ukraine, why is it interconnected? precisely with international issues, which, to put it mildly, does not contain inside the american order daytime by no means. the ukrainian issue does not affect taxes, migrants, or security reform. health in the united states, not for anything, just cynical american politics, whether we like it or not, is determined in many ways by the nomination of trump, because if nikki haley were nominated,
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this problem would not exist, she, if she had had a high rating and was the first applicant, then most likely such a situation would not have arisen. us senators, republicans who influence the issue, depend on trump's opinion, they seek their re-election. chairman of the speaker of the house of representatives johnson. six people who can throw their votes into the balance, taking into account the democratic votes, and re-elect speaker johnson. this is not beneficial to him, so he slows down the inclusion of the issue on the agenda. we'll see how it ends, we don't decide in advance, we'll watch, but it's a block. caused precisely by the actions of trump's rabid supporters from among republican congressmen. the fact remains: somehow it turns out that some small group
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sets the record for the republican majority its conditions. so, someone benefits from this deep, perhaps deepstate, and perhaps it also somehow fits, i don't know, into the program regarding ukraine. well, i wouldn't like to be quite so pessimistic a conspiracy theorist, well, but... such a strange coincidence, you know, when americans can't find money and promises, promises, promises for a democratic administration, it's also a very profitable moment, because president biden has beyond the decision of the congress, there is a possibility to help with weapons and military aid, first of all, there is such a possibility, bypassing the congress with his decisions on the budget of the pentagon, etc., but what he declares, he says: no, we will not do this, let all the responsibility be on... we know that
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within the democratic administration there is a line that is aimed at forcing ukraine to negotiations with moscow through concessions , to give this 20% of the territory, to get what it is not yet known, there are even no parameters of possible negotiations with moscow that would be beneficial to ukraine, we do not know, because... the previous conditions for the release of the occupied territories are rejected from the threshold and moscow, and in general the west also calmly responds to this ultimatum from moscow. so yes, it can be assumed that for the democrats, for biden, this is a very convenient position, from which he will say: i am ready to help, i even made concessions on the borders, i am ready for a fence on the mexican border, but they don't want it, you see how republicans behave in the ultimate manner. for some part of biden's entourage, giving him extra points, is it profitable to present it as if only the republicans are the problem? here, of course, there is a more complicated
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picture of the game. and an unequivocal conclusion: ukraine has become hostage to the election campaign in the united states, and until november it will probably continue to do so. we 're already in february, there's at least six months left, but sooner or later it has to end. well, soon anyway . he is going to visit his esteemed partner erdogan, well, we understand that syria, libya, the red sea, these are all understandable stories, but for putin to go personally, it means that he must bring something, hear something and get something. i believe that putin is traveling with two countries to agree. before that he was in saudi arabia, now he will go to turkey to choose or propose the format of negotiations regarding ukraine or istanbul. which already happened, or the summit in jeddah, which took place last august, and which was hosted by saudi arabia, and there were negotiations with trump as the future
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president, it will already be in november, if suddenly the election ends with his victory, then january 20, 2025 year, he will already be inaugurated and will be ready to hold negotiations with him, and possibly a platform, naturally in moscow or no one will go to washington, maybe istanbul, jeddah or riyadh. this is the global south, it can host, not some kind of geneva, as was the case with biden. it seems to me that putin is interested in the support of such an idea from the global south. the initiators of the summit in jeddah were saudi arabia and other countries, and the istanbul format was already in 2022, and putin now appeals to it, says: "you fools, you and we did not agree then." therefore, i can well assume that in addition to other issues related to the relations between turkey and moscow.
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putin's visions and proposals, we remember , yes, there were how many throwaways dedicated to the istanbul format, throwaways, i don't know, careless wording and so on and so on and so on, and they tried to make the then prime minister of great britain boris johnson an extreme , although in any case we understand that it was not his decision, not his vision, it's just that the collective event could not accept such a thing, there were original agreements. the deanery in buchi really influenced the readiness of the west at that moment in the spring of 22 to supply weapons in significant quantities for that ukraine could defend itself. and the positions of ukrainian society were taken into account. ukrainian society did not want any agreements through concessions. plus , it was clear that the success against which these negotiations began. moskovskii, when
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they invaded on february 24. to ukraine and approached the kyiv region, it turned out to be imaginary, that is , the opportunity to implement this plan was very small, because in general the kyiv region was protected and moscow's losses were huge, besides, they were not ready , the plan provided for three days or seven days, may a month, that is, a short period of time, a blitz-krieg, it choked and no one was ready for a continuation in the form of a blitz-krieg. it was necessary to retreat, regroup and start a long, long war, which is happening now. you know, i think it wasn't some kind of wrong decision, the refusal to negotiate then. the problem is not that ukraine left the negotiations. the west then had other intentions, and the fact that the west does not fulfill its obligations, let's say, openly, regarding the supply of such weapons that it promised.
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ukraine requested an event within the framework of ramstein, of the big seven, two nato summits already, promised to supply these weapons. i remember when i predicted that the war could be over by 2024, or the beginning of the 24th. it was at the end of 2023. and it happened against the background of the successful kharkiv operation, the liberation of kherson. and there were promises that we would deliver almost tomorrow. planes and the rest to finish this thing on the battlefield, but it was nothing, they provided nothing. then there was pentagon gate, a scandal in the late winter of 2023, when the documents were leaked and it turned out that at all the supply of these promised weapons, and tanks and the rest, is being delivered very slowly, and that the offensive will not begin in march, april, or may at all. untrained
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soldiers of the ukrainian army, as promised in the right number, unprovided weapons, of course, if you do not fulfill your obligations, then what is there to talk about, but at the moment when the istanbul format was to be abandoned on those well-known grounds, the agreements were a different measure and the promises of the event were different, so now this problem cannot be blamed only on ukraine. like, theirs the counteroffensive choked, or rather, did not fulfill the tasks that were set before it. and have you fulfilled all obligations so that ukraine implements all these plans? good question too. therefore, today new negotiations will most likely be on new grounds. and moscow will lead them in a different way. putin was given at least six months to rest, he managed to create
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a notorious line. there is only one problem: if the west did not give in to this pressure, putin would not achieve anything, nothing. this is solely due to the weakness of the west caused by the elections in which even the democratic current administration is forced to maneuver and not do. movements in order to pass the election period with a relatively calm attitude of the voters, without giving reasons for intensifying criticism from trump and the republicans, so the negotiations will resume only under the new administration, there is no chance for this under the previous one, do you think it will fit into the order the day of putin's russian self-appointments, this is the story with the war, and how far they will be
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ready, so to speak... to go to the end in that, which is called:


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