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tv   [untitled]    February 16, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EET

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the sea of ​​the other, thereby, has created a favorable position for negotiations, so he can now press. there is only one problem: if the west did not give in to this pressure, putin would achieve nothing, nothing. this is solely due to the weakness of the west caused by the elections, which are even democratic. the current administration is forced to maneuver and not make sudden moves in order to pass the election period relatively well. the voters' calm attitude towards themselves, without giving reasons for intensifying criticism from trump and the republicans. so, negotiations will resume only under a new administration, there is no chance for this under the previous one. how do you think it will fit into putin's russian self-reappointment agenda, this is the story with the war, and to what extent they will be ready, so to speak, to go to the end in what is called. for putin, the votes
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of voters are not important, he himself determines how many votes he will receive, moods are important to him, it is important to him that people do not rebel, do not be indignant, agree, recognize and behave quietly, this is really important to putin, denying it is pointless, and he monitors public sentiments, they have nothing to do with the election results, even if you imagine that 90% are against putin. putin would not give up power, he secured the result with bayonets and defended it, he would write that he has 90%, and he would not let people come out and be outraged by this violation, substitution or falsification of the results, but sentiments are still important. he must control them, they must correspond to his wishes, his intentions, that is, so that in no case a serious irreconcilable contradiction arises. can not replace the real picture only with a virtual one. invented elections
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and their results, you can’t, people still have to remain loyal, he keeps an eye on it , the war is definitely a stimulus, people began to live worse, someone is sent to the front, someone is in the army, someone got scared and left, relocated outside of russia and wants to return, etc., i.e. a lot of problems related to the war, and in other words, putin cannot take a break, he is now, as forbes writes, i read this article, preparing for an offensive. in the kharkiv region, it is possible that it is a throw-in and a dog, perhaps the actions of the kremlin's russian army are precisely such as to provoke expectations of an invasion from the belgorod region, for example, to kharkiv or kupyansk, it doesn't matter, they say that 500 tanks have been concentrated in kupyansk, the tank army is there, armored vehicles, armored vehicles, in the same number, and 40,000 troops, that is , the situation here looks like putin would naturally want more success, to take. or avdiivka,
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which he did not take, by the way, what was not prophesied about avdiivka, that she had two weeks left, and everything else, but putin did not take her, it is important for him to get this result, but he will not risk too much until march 17th, six weeks, not much. it is better to live out these six weeks until march 17, and then start some new efforts in a new situation. with a new government , new powers, perhaps established in the new government by their successors, daughters, close people who are really children, descendants, which is what putin wants, of course, then, it seems to me, the option of some kind of offensive is more realistic, in my opinion, there is still time left until the elections small time, let's imagine that they will go to kupyansk tomorrow, i was there in kupyansk, many people say, what are you talking about all the time, i can testify, i saw a splinter below
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kupyansk, i don't know how to overcome it without huge losses, probably everything is possible in the world, they have a lot of shells, the north koreans are supplying them, they will bombard the whole city with them, but i repeat, it is impossible to overcome this obstacle just like that, the river is small, but the banks are not elevated, then the forest, terekons, the officers showed me that they were stationed there. not very well visible from the position even in binoculars, because the distance is great. i mean, i don't see how it can be done in six weeks. but avdiivka, there are no such problems, the terrain is flat, but they have not reached it either. therefore, i think that this is a more long-term plan, and not such that he wants to show the russian voters the result before the elections. look, i took kupliansk. i don't think there will be enough time for that. thank you very much mark for this extremely interesting conversation, i want to remind our viewers. that
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mark fegin, a figure of the russian opposition in exile, was currently working on the air of spress, former state duma deputy and well-known blogger.
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our guest is matthew bryza, former adviser to the united states secretary of state. former director of european and eurasian affairs at the us national security council. glory to ukraine, dear mr. ambassador, i congratulate you. glory to the heroes. well, the united states surprised again. we were unpleasantly surprised, and we understand that this could have catastrophic consequences for us. in particular, it is
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about the lack of agreement between republicans and democrats on the ukrainian issue. i'm not even going to take it all in the geopolitical situation and the domestic american situation, it is extremely complex. but did not agree, can they agree? first of all, it is obvious that the lack of agreement goes beyond the issue of aid to ukraine. there is also no agreement on aid to israel and taiwan, as well as on strengthening the protection and administration of the us-mexico border, which republicans have insisted on as a condition for providing aid to ukraine, israel and taiwan. thus, the entire governing structure of the us congress, which covers both houses, begins. disintegrate. in addition to the above problems, there are other weaknesses in congressional leadership. president donald trump is flouting agreements reached by senators and members of the house of representatives to voice his disagreement over legislation or bills as he seeks to create obstacles for
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president biden in the upcoming november election. such defiance further deepens the dysfunction of the us political and legislative systems. unfortunately, ukraine found itself. trapped in this chaotic state of affairs. currently, the political and legislative systems of the usa are disconnected and not the search for solutions for their unification remains determined. the ukrainian issue has become a tool in the hands of donald trump's election headquarters, which he wants to use to publicly destroy the biden administration and biden himself. let's look at it from another angle. i don't believe donald. trump uses ukraine as a political tool against biden. instead, one theory suggests that president trump may not want to help ukraine because he wants to support putin. however, it seems that ukraine has unwittingly become a collateral victim of trump's wishes prevent biden from achieving any
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legislative victories in the united states congress. as i mentioned earlier, the legislation to strengthen the security and administration of the border with... the us with mexico in order to better control the flow of migrants has received widespread support. however , president trump intervened at the last moment, preventing republicans from passing it because he does not want biden to be able to claim certain victories. thus, ukraine was not the center of attention of this political battle, but rather became a victim of this process. which tools remain with president biden now as we talk about aid. for ukraine. in fact, as he does not have such tools, when congress approves the money, it is intended for ukraine, since it is congress that controls budget expenditures. the president cannot spend money without congressional approval. and although congress has already
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allocated a significant amount of funds for ukraine, after using them, biden cannot make any other decisions without the consent of congress. under such a scenario, president biden has rely on their political acumen, particularly in an election year, to convince congress, especially republicans, to allocate more funds for ukraine. however , trump ... seems intent on depriving biden of any victories, whether in foreign policy or in any other area. so he's likely to rally members of the republican party to thwart any such efforts. moreover, this issue concerns not only ukraine, but also the entire united states. unless president biden and congress can find common ground decision, the us government may remain without funding until march 1. it appears that president trump is happy to accept such a scenario because it might
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reflect poorly on president biden, who would appear incompetent. this situation highlights the breakdown of the entire us political system, which makes it difficult for president biden to implement new initiatives. i recently listened to extremely important speeches by timothy snyder, speeches by hillary clinton, they are all in the ... aware of the american intellectual elites are aware of all the threats and all the problems, but the impression is that there is some, perhaps tacit solution, this is not docker, i have the feeling of some kind of double accounting, well, it is really so, as we have already discussed several times in this program, mr. borkovsky, the vast majority of us political leaders at the national level, whether in congress or at the ministerial level, both current and... the consensus is that aid to ukraine is crucial not only for
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ukraine itself, but also for the national interests of the united states of the states they understand that ukraine's struggle against russia has a direct impact on the larger geopolitical context, particularly the nato space. failure to contain russian aggression in ukraine could lead to numerous additional challenges for all members of the north atlantic alliance. it is obvious that ukrainians are afraid. not only for himself, but for all of us. this understanding is widespread among experts and politicians. and in the us there is considerable support for providing more aid to ukraine. however, the main obstacle is one person and that is donald trump. he is motivated by the desire not to allow joe biden's political success before the presidential election. trump is well aware of biden's priorities. in particular, the need to help ukraine, israel and reach... agreements on better management of the us-mexico border, so trump wants to prevent such achievements of biden.
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while figures like hillary clinton and timothy snyder are deeply respected and admired, they lack the political power or ability to force donald trump to behave differently. it remains unclear whether trump will follow this approach of ukraine throughout the election campaign, or even in the event of his... re-election for a second term, an interview with former secretary of state and cia director michael pompeo, with whom i have worked closely in recent years, indicates that trump may eventually to give aid to ukraine and give it the green light, because, despite ukraine's request during obama's presidency, it was trump, not obama, who allowed the sale of javelin anti-tank missile systems to ukraine. this shows that he understands the importance of support defense efforts of ukraine. however, trump's actions
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regarding ukraine are inconsistent, which indicates a lack of strategic planning. he vacillates between wanting to provide more aid to ukraine and undermining efforts to do so. such inconsistency may be due to his desire to harm biden. unresolved feelings towards president putin, as well as a desire for positivity. relations with russia, therefore, trump's approach to ukraine is characterized by a lack of consistency and long-term planning. well, i have one too this feeling, you know, that the world has changed so much that the old political elites can no longer respond in a proper way. do you remember, at one time there was such a beautiful film by the cohens, there is no place for old ones here, and accordingly people, representatives of the old political era can no longer respond to... fundamentally new, cynical, terrible challenges, well, on the other hand, you mentioned now about the former head of the cia,
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the former head of the state department, mike pompeo, and mike pompeo assures that trump will be firm, but the key story here is how much can we believe in this situation mike pompeo, who is a person, basically plus or minus donald trump, right? as i mentioned, secretary of state pompeo expressed his belief. that trump would eventually support aid to ukraine, although i have not personally met donald trump. i worked closely with secretary of state pompeo. from my experience i can attest to the reputation. he speaks frankly and sincerely, drawing on his informed perspective from having served in key positions in president trump's cabinet. pompeo is famous by expressing his true beliefs and not just trying to please someone, even if someone may not like hearing his truth. therefore, when pompeo declares
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his belief in trump's possible support for aid to ukraine, i tend to trust his sincerity and authority in this. issues, however, the urgency of the situation in ukraine cannot be overestimated. ukraine needs immediate help and cannot afford to wait for president trump's decision to provide support. a recent article in the washington post, one of the most influential newspapers in the us, highlights the dire circumstances facing ukrainian troops on the front line, there is an acute shortage of soldiers and artillery shells, and... battalion commanders receive minimal resources to support their units. for example, one battalion commander reported receiving only 10 artillery shells for his guns in the past month, while another said he received only five fresh soldiers for his unit, which needs 200 fighters to be operational.
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therefore, ukraine urgently needs additional ones soldiers and artillery shells. already and immediately. fortunately, the european union has found a way around hungarian prime minister orbán's opposition to providing more aid to ukraine, but ukraine still needs significant aid from the united states of america. unfortunately, given the ongoing political upheaval in washington, it is unlikely that this help will come in the near future. president joseph biden reminds me of a president in some ways. states boudreau wilson, who had extremely kind and powerful wishes, who tried to create a new system of relations in the world, but the american political establishment did not support him, so, well, the league of nations without the united states was de facto doomed. now i have a feeling that president joseph biden may
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repeat, to our great regret, the career of president woodrow. wilson. on the other hand , the deputy secretary of state of the united states, victoria nulland, recently visited us. she knows ukraine, she knows how to work with american institutions, and her visit coincided with the rumors about the possible resignation of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, general valery zaluzhny. victoria nulaland has been my friend for over 30 years. i had the honor of working with her in the white house. and in the state department. i well remember her presence on the maidan in the 14th year, where she actively supported the movement, distributing cookies and demonstrating solidarity. however, it is important to note that it has no influence on the decisions that president zelensky will make. as far as i know her character, victoria nuland would never try
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to convince president zelenskyi to keep general zaluzhnyi in office, or to fire him. in general, zaluzhnyi is well regarded in washington, especially for his effectiveness as a commander during the successful counteroffensive on september 22. this counteroffensive led to the liberation of kherson and the expulsion of russian troops from near kharkiv. the apparent disagreements between president zelenskyi and general zaluzhny seem to relate to zaluzhnyi's frank assessment of the situation on the ground, in particular, the impasse on the line delimitation. zaluzhnyi emphasized the need for potentially unpopular measures to strengthen front-line forces and overcome resource shortages, with which president zelensky seems to disagree. although i can't speak to the specific remarks of victoria nuland during her stay in kyiv,
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it is becoming increasingly clear from the journalistic reports with the leading edge that the point of view is false. of the need for more soldiers, ammunition and weapons is most likely true. after all, the dispute between zuluzhny and president zelensky is internal the case of ukraine. as a national leader and supreme commander. president zelenskyy has the authority to make decisions on specific personnel issues. it is he who must exercise his judgments in the best interests of the ukrainian people. so, the opinions about zaluzhny and the perception of the united. states of another war scenario. in washington, there are different views on the current situation. first, the official position of the us government is that there is no interference in the decision of the president... and zelensky regarding the command of general zaludzhny to their competence. it is believed to be the prerogative and responsibility of the ukrainian president to determine whom he trusts,
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especially when it comes to the situation on the battlefield. secondly, general zaluzhnyk enjoys high authority in washington, like all ukrainian military personnel, after all. over the past few years, especially since russia's first invasion of ukraine, in the 14th year, experts in washington, who monitor the progress of the military. events in ukraine were impressed by the evolution and achievements of the ukrainian military, attributed to general zaluzhny important role in this transformation. and thirdly, many in washington perceive president zelensky as a hero, who is considered one of the most significant and effective national leaders in the world. he commands deep respect and admiration in washington circles, so regardless of president zelensky's decision regarding his commander-in-chief, washington is likely. will continue to support him. however, i personally believe that general zaluzhnyi is probably right when he says that ukraine needs more soldiers on the battlefield,
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whether it is 500,000, as tinned or some other quantity is offered. ukraine urgently needs replenishment of human resources at the front, as well as a significant increase in artillery ammunition. we remember from our time, somewhere about a year and a half ago, the so-called istanbul events took place. certain negotiations took place at the meeting, now putin is going to see erdogan personally, not shoigu, not abramovich, and so on. we understand that they will discuss many issues, they are really extremely many: the burning middle east, the prospects of the third world war on the shores of the red sea, but putin will also insist on his agenda, in particular, when we talk about the russian-ukrainian war. i'm not entirely sure about the objectives of president putin's visit to turkey and his meeting with president erdogan, but one issue that i think will be for sure is their negotiations regarding
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a turkish hub for russian natural gas. turkey and russia, in the person of erdogan and putin, respectively, are engaged in long negotiations regarding a new agreement to increase the supply of russian natural gas to turkey, and turkey seeks to obtain discounts on a significant part. gas and intends to transport the remaining gas to europe via bulgaria, serbia and hungary. despite numerous rounds of negotiations, the two sides have still not concluded this agreement. i know that president putin is interested in concluding it, so it will probably be on the agenda. in addition, president putin may want to sway turkey to russia's position on ukraine. however, as we discussed earlier, president erdogan is holding on. consistent and balanced policy towards russia, aimed at countering russian expansion in the black sea region. avoiding unnecessary tension. turkey
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consistently supports the territorial integrity of ukraine, condemns the annexation of crimea and calls for an end to russia's military actions. however, despite providing military support to ukraine from drones to naval potential, turkey refrains from joining the sanctions against russia, encouraging turkish companies. to continue doing business with russia, such a balanced approach serves the national interests of turkey and it is unlikely that president putin will be able to convince turkey to abandon it in favor of supporting russia against ukraine, as such a move would be against the main interests of the republic of turkey. well, in any case , we understand what happened in terms of various plans for the meeting, formally the national security advisors, the meetings took place on... we understand that a certain process is ongoing, there were signals from switzerland, that is, the swiss minister of foreign affairs also gave
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signals about what to say to feel, so to speak, some formula of peace. i believe that now is not the best time for negotiations, unless ukraine is ready for them. if president zelenskyi does not come to the conclusion that there is no... there is a real way to oust russia from crimea and donbass and does not make a choice in favor of changes, then it is premature to talk about any negotiations. currently, ukraine is aiming to regain its territories, restore its territorial integrity and assert its sovereignty. therefore, support for a peaceful settlement is based on this stage plays into putin's hands. potentially allowing russia to consolidate its territorial gains in ukraine, similar to the situation. in which georgia found itself in 2008, when russia left its occupation troops there, and georgia was forced to withdraw its troops from its own territory. regarding
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putin's potential agenda, it is worth noting that turkey already acted as a mediator between ukraine and russia in march 2022, facilitating negotiations to end the war. then ukraine proposed a cease-fire agreement, according to which russia would have withdraw all its troops that entered ukraine after february 24, 2022. ukraine would declare neutrality, refrain from joining nato and negotiate. the legal status of donbas after 15 years, although this proposal is no longer discussed, it testified to ukraine's readiness to consider diplomatic solutions. however, russia rejected this offer, as putin preferred the continuation of the conflict. therefore, given ukraine's determination to defend and return its territory, external parties, including switzerland, should refrain from putting pressure on ukraine to
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terminate. hostilities, if ukraine is not ready for this. well, unfortunately, i have to end our conversation. thank you, mr. ambassador, for this brilliant analysis. and i want to remind our tv viewers that matthew bryza, ex-adviser of the secretary of state of the united states, former director of european and eurasian affairs at the us national security council, was working for them on espresso. the time of our program has run out, stay tuned to the espresso tv channel. my colleagues will inform you about all the most important events of the day. take care of yourself and your loved ones, see you on the air.
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greetings, i am asking for a few minutes of your attention and help in the search for this boy, he is 13-year-old nikita sadovy, he went missing at the end of 2023 in the temporarily occupied.
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in the city of hola prystan in the kherson region. since december 26, nothing is known about the boy. of course, the fact that he disappeared during the occupation greatly complicates the search process, so there is really a great hope for witnesses, in particular for the help of the residents of the temporarily occupied bare pier. ukrainian tv is not broadcast there, alone or not it is unlikely that this video will be seen on youtube or on social networks. so please take a close look at nikita sadovoy's photo and, if you know, where he is. or you know any, even the slightest information about him, immediately report to the hotline at the number 11630. and it is very important, if you are under occupation and you do not have the opportunity to call, write to us on the website or in the chat box of the child tracing service in telegram anonymity, of course, we guarantee. it also disappeared in the kherson region, also during the occupation here is this girl, her name is horishnya kateryna
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, she is 16 years old, and... she disappeared on december 26 , 2023 in the village of nova zbruivka on the left bank of the kherson region, where she is now unknown, just as in the previous story, due to the occupation, the search for the girl much more difficult than in the territories controlled by ukraine. the reasons are objective and clear. however, if there is even the slightest chance of finding a missing child, you and i must use them. and the least you can do is share the search video on your social networks. it is very important that the information is seen by as many people as possible, thus the chances of finding a missing child become much greater. so i thank you in advance for your concern, attention and help. also, of course, i ask you to look carefully at the face of the poor katya. if you have any information about her, do not delay and immediately call the hotline of the child tracing service at 116.30.


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