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tv   [untitled]    February 16, 2024 6:30am-7:00am EET

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the situation, by the way, again, now they had a situation with the shelling of the russians in selidovo, and here it is interesting to see what started there when selidovo was shelled, even i would say a little earlier, because it happened on february 13, such a message appeared on russian tv channels. according to yet unconfirmed official information, the russian army... delivered a successful missile strike with ballistic iskanders on the training ground of the armed forces of ukraine in selidovo, where the enemy was preparing reinforcements to be sent in the donetsk direction. on the training ground there could be up to 1,500 fighters. perhaps we are talking about the largest one-time losses from the ssu since the beginning of the conflict. and here, you know, it is enough to have such an interesting story in general . well, let's first take a look at these
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fighters in order to remove all questions at once. they slept, it rained. we were sleeping, suddenly there was a bang. now we have neither a home nor a car. a man fell from the fifth floor to the first floor and was pulled out from under the slabs. and secondly, it is interesting here that all this was reported somewhere at 5 p.m. on the day of february 13, and the blow about which popov just said in reality in general it was at 20, 20 o'clock on the same day on february 13, that is, the message came earlier than the strike itself took place, and now in more detail about the strikes, well, it must be said that the occupiers fired twice from lydova in donetsk region, a five-story residential building there ... the house
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was damaged, the hospital, a 38-year-old pregnant woman and a 36-year-old mother with a nine-month-old son were among the dead, that's all the dead that were there, a total of 12 people were injured, and now let's figure out what's there in general, regarding this shelling of selidovoy, everything was perfectly explained by the operational-strategic spokesman tavriy's group, dmytro lykhova, and he said that this is the matter: the selidos. a mining town a little more than 20 km west of the current battle line . it is not the first day that the enemy has been hitting him. and there with rockets, in general, with everything he can get his hands on. formally believing that they are hitting there because there are ukrainian military in the city, but in fact they are just hitting the city itself, because this city is in the pokrovsky district, which is a little further west of avdiyivka. and what exactly... was
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the sequence on february 8, the herring died one and seven civilians were injured, including a boy in 2017, schools, a kindergarten, and residential buildings were damaged there , 15 private residential buildings were damaged by night shelling on february 12 in selidov, three people were injured, including two children, again, this again, children, on the morning of february 13 , in... the shelling of hurricanes, in the neighboring village, and two multi-apartment two-story houses were damaged there. and at the same time, on february 13 at 11:30 p.m., initially at 8:00 p.m. , they struck somewhere behind selidov, where it was in a field somewhere there, there were no victims or injured, already at 11:30 p.m....
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there was a new shelling of the same selidova, there were flights to a nine-story and a five-story residential building, and enough had already died there , well, there are at least six wounded, er, and two of them are children. the pharmacy caught fire, for the first time on the night of february 14, again after this rocket hit the three-story building of the therapeutic department of the selidovsky center, the central city hospital. destruction, behind, that is, rubble, fire, and from under the rubble they got the murdered boy in 2015, and there were already two more women there, that is, look how the story turns out: popov so and so and this statement that you heard, at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, even before all the destruction took place, after that at 20 o'clock they strike somewhere that they then declare a training ground where... there was nothing at all
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, no destruction, no victims, nothing, but twice a night they strike at 11 o'clock in the first nights, walk around residential buildings, i'll tell you later. in general, there was such a, you know, rather strange situation, there, well, all these people suffered, everything, that is, it turned out, that this information was released by russia, this entire information machine, the propaganda machine, before these shellings actually happened, and now, when it all became clear, an eight-month-old child died, two women, one of them pregnant. that it was a hospital, now they say that it was all a training ground, and the next day they already tell this whole beautiful story about how we don't know what it was, we can't confirm for sure, but we know for sure that it was there were soldiers, let's see, let
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's start with the attack on selydov, then it happened, then it didn't was whether the ukrainians confirm this information or deny it officially. kyiv is silent, deputies of the verkhovna rada, opposition former deputies, for example, moiseichuk , say that they hit, we are talking about 1,500 soldiers in the ssu, not that all were destroyed, many died, tell me where it is, what it is, is there any information from the russian military department, also silence for now, i think a little later we will find out in general what really happened there, that's how accurate they are. the arrivals that our scouts provide for the vksrp undermines the morale of the whole of ukraine not only to military personnel, but also to the local population, we are waiting for information from our scouts in words, here we are waiting for the results of poselydov, whether the ukrainian country will confirm or not, no, we
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are waiting for our policeman, the ukrainian side does not really worry us, they already denied it there, depression, bargaining, acceptance of all this does not concern us. a car near, well, that is, once again, they say that there are from 200 to 1,500 dead ukrainian soldiers, but the same osuf tavria says categorically, there is no such thing there was nothing like that in the district at all, there are flights over the residential sector, there are flights over the hospital, absolutely children and women died there. just specifically children and women, that is , it is definitely an absolutely war crime, just without any, and you know, well, it ’s not just one such lie in one day, and they don’t just tell all these stories
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like that, no, we’re somewhere aim at another place, no, nowhere, they, they are just shelling this city, as they shelled avdiivka, you must also understand that, this is a continuation of all that. everything and this story, that is, simply city ​​after city is being demolished, these are all war crimes, and more than one city was shelled, and on february 14, they shelled the village of burlyuk near kharkiv, where the story is the same, absolutely in terms of residential buildings, this is the kupyan district of the kharkiv region , this big bully, one woman hardly... three dead, five wounded, and i think you know that somehow it's time for our diplomats to strain a little and, after every such russian attack, still invite a special meeting to the un security council , in order to
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to tell all about it, because it can, you know, by now everyone is a little used to the fact that somehow, if something arrives in russia, somewhere in bilharad, it is unknown. that it is even possible that it is russian ammunition, then there is a cry, and everyone is asking, my god, what is going on there, did peaceful russian people die, and when ukrainian civilians die every day, somehow no one notices it, as if it well , you know, the norm of life, but this is not the norm of life, and in general, our ministry of foreign affairs should remember this and should convene these meetings, and should talk about it regularly, all our diplomats should talk about it every time, after every such shelling, after every death of our civilians, so that no one forgets and so that it does not look like the fog of war here is incomprehensible, and there unfortunate
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belgorod is suffering, this is very important, let's finish with that, and i hope our diplomats will finally hear me, see you. 15% in psarynskyk, pam and oskad pharmacies, there are discounts on perfectil original 15% in psyannyk bam and oskad pharmacies. vasyl's big broadcast zymi, this is the big ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting. two hours of air time, two hours of your time, many important topics we will discuss with you today. two hours to learn about the war. now it's about the war. let's talk more serhiy zgurets with us and how the world is going and what has happened in the world
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yuriy fizar will talk in more detail, yuriy, good evening, please, i have two hours to keep up with economic news, time for that , to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchivka with us, oleksandr, welcome, please, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen postukhov, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenii for the information about cultural news, presenters, which have become familiar to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather for the day. as well as distinguished guests of the studio , andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the war created a lot challenges for us ukrainians. and even more so for ukrainians with disabilities. ah... but we know that only together, united, we can be stronger. friends, welcome. friendly online
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see this week in the judicial
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control program with tatyana shustrova. money in the wind, how did judges-figures in criminal cases and state councilors receive a salary of half a billion hryvnias? being in sezo and receiving a referee's fee. but why are the judges of the liquidated judges still dependent on the state? judge oascu, even after liquidation judges receive a considerable salary. greetings, you are watching judicial control, i am tatyana shustrova. it is ongoing in ukraine. a large-scale war: millions of men and women stood up to defend our country. on various fronts, they hold the defense and destroy the enemy. thanks to them, we can work, maintain the country's economy, raise children, and believe in the future. ukrainians in the rear are racing cars, buying drones and donating their last money to help the army. meanwhile, ukraine continues to spend hundreds of millions of hryvnias on the payment of salaries to judges and defendants of criminal cases, judge. liquidated judges who do not fulfill their duties, and even more so, state traitor judges who
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have gone over to the side of the enemy. why, we will tell today, but first to the news. during almost three months of qualification assessment, the higher qualification commission of judges held a meeting for 99 judges and considered the cases of 36 servants of themis, who had negative conclusions of the public integrity council. 15 of them were dismissed, but 17 remain in office. as reported by the dere foundation, in particular the vkks, ignores it exoneration of drunk drivers by judges. thus, judge alina remained in office. charova, who closed almost half of all considered cases for drunken driving after the expiration of the terms. judge pedenko, who was also found relevant by the supreme court of appeals, delayed 21 cases of such drivers until the deadline expired. however , it is impossible to find out the reasons for the decision of the supreme court of appeals according to the judges. of all the decisions taken on unfitness for the position of a judge, none
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has been published so far. the specialized anti-corruption prosecutor's office sent an indictment to the court. to the intermediary of the judge of the kropyvnytskyi court of appeal of volodymyr honchar, suspected of receiving a bribe of 10.5 thousand dollars. according to the case materials, for this money, the judge promised to review the verdict of the court of first instance and change the punishment for committing a traffic accident with fatal consequences. from three years of imprisonment to a conditional term. the judge instructed his intermediary to receive and keep the bribe. detectives of the national anti-corruption bureau and the specialized anti-corruption prosecutor's office reported. about the suspicion of judge gonchar last october. autonomous prosecutor's office the republic of crimea has completed an investigation into the treason of another former ukrainian judge. ex-judge of the court of appeal of crimea ihor radionov, who after the occupation of the peninsula betrayed his oath, transferred to the service of russia and assumed the position of the head of the occupying
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supreme court of the republic of crimea, is facing up to 15 years in prison. in ukraine. a full-scale war is underway. russia continues its massive rocket attacks on cities, killing civilians and destroying infrastructure. millions of ukrainians contribute to the armed forces every day, they volunteer, drive cars from abroad for the military and organize meetings for the purchase of drones. meanwhile, the state continues to spend hundreds of millions on the maintenance of judges who do not do their jobs. from 2021 to mid-2023, ukraine paid more than 430 million hryvnias. servants of themis, who did not carry out justice. out of 374 judges who received a salary, only 110 did not work for reasons beyond their control, some of them are mobilized, some are awaiting transfer, but there are other cases. we conduct an audit of the state judicial administration, during which shocking facts were discovered. for example, some judges continue to receive salaries
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without exercising their powers. even more so, judges who are in custody or have become citizens at all. also receive remuneration from the budget. alla basalayeva - head of the state audit service. the former head of the supreme court of ukraine, vsevolod knyazum, who is suspected of receiving almost 3 million dollars in bribes, received almost 2 million hryvnias in salary while he was in the pre-trial detention center and did not perform his duties. recently, knyazum left sizo on bail, and although the supreme council of justice suspended him from the administration of justice, he will continue to receive a salary. for now, maybe with your permission, i won't elaborate, but... later i will give answers to all questions. almost uah 400,00 was received by another employee of themis under investigation, oleksiy tandyr, judge of the makariv district court of the kyiv region. last year, on may 26, he drove a lexus and ran over national guard soldier vadym bondarenko, who was on duty at the checkpoint at the entrance to kyiv. military serviceman who was from cherkasy and raised three
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children, died. according to the investigation, at the time of the accident, the driver was speeding. 100 km/h, tandyr himself was intoxicated . public indignation, yes, that they are in sizo and receive his judge's reward, and it is large. and most shockingly, almost uah 2.5 million was received by the judge who fled to russia, vitaly snigiryov. he was a judge of bryankiv city court of luhansk region. after the occupation of bryankiv district in 2016, snegyreva temporarily attached to the rubizhan city court. in 2017, the president sent him to the novozavodsk district court of chernihiv for six months, but snigirov did not comply with the president's decree. what the judge did for the next three years is unknown, but in july 2020 he left for russia, where he received citizenship. after acquiring the citizenship of another country, snegyryev automatically lost the authority of a ukrainian judge, but he did not inform ukraine about this. as
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a result, the state judicial administration in luhansk region for more than two years until september 2022. paid snegerov's salary, in general he illegally received almost 2 million hryvnias. vitaly snegerov was informed of the suspicion of fraudulent acquisition of funds in particularly large amounts, he faces up to 12 years in prison with confiscation of property, he was transferred to various courts, sent on business trips, yes, but he did not appear there, once only the head of the court , where he was transferred, reported this to the council of judges of ukraine, later. the council of judges appealed to the vrp with a proposal to prosecute, and as we know, on formal grounds they refused, refused to accept. returned the application because it was signed by an unauthorized person, then in fact there was a failure of the authorities to perform their functions. in december 2017, large-scale
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changes took place in ukraine, the higher economic court of ukraine, the higher administrative court and the higher specialized court of ukraine for consideration of civil and criminal cases were liquidated. their powers passed to the newly created supreme court, and although the liquidation procedure was launched more than five years ago, the process still not finished. judges are registered in the state, they do absolutely nothing, however , they receive a salary, only in the first incomplete year and a half of the war , ukraine spent more than 55 million hryvnias on 45 servants of themis, insufficiently attended courts. a lot of money, millions of taxpayers' hryvnias, is being paid now as a judge's reward to persons who are in pre-trial detention centers, or are suspects in general, and may or may not make it. justice due to some circumstances, these are usually large funds, and the state must react, and the bodies that can react must to do it quickly and efficiently, i.e.
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to provide a mechanism for prosecution in case of violation and dismissal. we should not forget about the infamous judges of the liquidated district administrative court of kyiv. more than 40 million hryvnias were spent on their maintenance only in the first six months after the liquidation of the court. today, this amount can already reach about 100 million, which the state could have spent on the army, instead of giving it to those involved in the criminal case of corruption and seizure of power, supporters of yanukovych and the owner of the golden porsche. is a huge problem is that the judges of oascu, even after the liquidation of the court, they continue to remain judges and receive a considerable salary. today , the country's most odious judges from the scandalous oasis not only receive millions in salaries when they are not working, they... sue and demand to pay tens of millions in allegedly moral and material compensation. for example, the deputy chairman of oask, yevhen ablov, involved in the case of attempted seizure of state power
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and interference in the work of judicial bodies, who continues to receive a salary, demands from the state to compensate him another 67 million. but he is going to retire with honor with lifetime payments of about uah 100 per month. but is it possible to stop such a waste of budget funds? now. depriving a judge of a judge's remuneration is of course illegal, but there are other tools that can affect the preservation of state budget funds, for example, bringing judges to disciplinary responsibility, and bringing them to justice in a timely manner, the first priority consideration of such cases, yes, this applies to judges of unfair advantage, the cases that appear, and who are in the temporarily occupied territory and are facts. cooperation, for example, with the russian federation, here are all these cases, that is, there is a mechanism, all these cases can be considered by the supreme council of justice, judges
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can be brought to justice in time, and of course, then it will save money. hopefully, the state will find mechanisms to stop throwing money to the winds in the midst of a full-scale war, when the biggest beneficiaries of budget payments are criminals, state traitors and judges of liquidated judges. we will continue to monitor about this topic and we will certainly tell you more in the following programs. today i have everything. you watched judicial control, i am tetyana shustrova. tell us about the facts of corruption in the judicial system that you know. write to the email you see on the screen or to me on facebook. see you in exactly one week. good bye.
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greetings, please look carefully at the photo of this boy, unfortunately, he disappeared and nothing is known about him for more than six months, his name is vlad lyubichev and he is 12 years old, he disappeared in the city of vovchansk, kharkiv region, if you know anything about him, don't hesitate to let us know. to the hotline at the number 11630, or write to the chatbot of the children's search service in telegram. i emphasize that any, even the smallest details are important for the search. as usual, please share the video on social networks. this really helps a lot in the search and it is possible that one of your friends or acquaintances can recognize the child and provide important information. we are also continuing the search for a 12-year-old. hleba cherepanov, who disappeared in mariupol at the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia. the boy is looking for his mother. still no news.
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i wanted him to become an artist, he studied in the art class, he did everything well , and he had many friends, all his friends worry about him, he is a very good boy, i miss him very much, mrs. victoria told the details of her son's disappearance , so hleb lived
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together with... his mother and grandmother in mariupol and they stayed in the city when there was very fierce fighting there. because of the shelling, hleb, his mother and grandmother left their apartment and hid in the house of their relatives. one day hleb's mother went out on business, and when she returned, she saw that a shell had hit the house where her son and mother were. a man, their neighbor, told me that a shell hit him and that the military ordered everyone to get out. go to the bomb shelter, i started to cry , i say, how am i going to find them now, he says, take them to the bomb shelter, i was in despair, i did not know what to do, where to look for them, are they alive, hleb's mother began to look everywhere for her son and his grandmother, the woman checked all the shelters and bomb shelters, but, unfortunately, did not find the boy it didn't work, on march 13 i was at the apartment
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, i made sure that... they wouldn't come, that they were hiding somewhere, only on april 14, on hleb's birthday, when it was already quiet, i was the leader in their search, but this once, unfortunately, the search did not yield any results, since then nothing is known about the fate of the boy. it is worth noting that there was a version about the death of hleb. when a shell hit the house, but fortunately, the boy was not found among the dead, so gleb's mother assumes that her son could have been wounded, perhaps he received a concussion, partially lost his memory and because of this cannot report anything about himself, and therefore i am asking you, and especially the residents of the temporarily occupied mariupol, who can see this program on the internet, look carefully at the boy's face, the depth of the incision is about 150 cm, he has blond
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hair and brown eyes, on the face... there are three moles in the shape of a triangle near the mouth, hleb's mother really hopes for your help and concern, i am appealing to everyone who can help, if anyone has met hleb or my mother and kotelina palna , please, any the information may be useful, please contact the police or the search service, i'm really asking for help, i'm desperate. if you have any information about hleb cherepanov, do not delay and immediately report to the hotline of the child search service by calling 11630, which is free from all mobile operators. let's not be indifferent and let's try to find the boy together.
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we are starting the information day on the espresso tv channel, the news is on the air, khrystyna parubiy works in the studio. in order not to get into... the encirclement, the ukrainian military withdrew from some positions in avdiivka, as reported by the commander of the operational-strategic grouping of tavriy troops. oleksandr ternavskyi. the defensive operation in the city continues, but the situation is very difficult. the ukrainian command is preparing a new action plan for all possible scenarios. they also allocated an additional resource of ammunition and for...


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