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tv   [untitled]    February 18, 2024 2:00am-2:30am EET

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should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's have a good time, they help us understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. love, passion, physicality. sexuality, provocation, every dress of ours is about it, sex can be dangerous, without responsibility and without knowledge, yes, including regarding will, there is a rule: n = n, no determined, which means it is not transmitted, a person from the oxen, who takes modern antiretroviral therapy regularly and continuously for several months, cannot... infect anyone,
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modern medicine allows you not to limit your sexuality, your sexuality is limited only by your imagination. knowing the complexities is important, knowing the tricks saves lives. congratulations, this is a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the atp tv channel together. beraber is a program in which we talk about the currently occupied crimea and the prospects for its liberation, of course. my name is khrystyna yatskiv and i congratulate. ayder muzhdabaev. salam aleikum. alaykum salaam. well, we will probably start by announcing that throughout the program with our viewers there will be a qr code on the screens that you can use, and now ayder will explain a little more. it's very simple. collection
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is in progress, it is quite urgent, because the conditions there are not very good in the south for war now, and we need fpv night drones with thermal imaging cameras, so this collection is for 50 such drones, as if it is not much, but it is very necessary and must be collected as soon as possible , i i ask you to join this gathering if you have any relation to crimea, any sentiment towards crimea. i think that everyone who sees us, they would like to support, the only one in the armed forces, such a large crimean unit , the 48th separate assault battalion named after naman chilybelzhikhanov, where crimeans, ukrainians and even people from various other countries serve together, join us, help, let's go, christ, yes, well, let's start with probably one of the most large-scale news of this week, not only for crimea, but also for all of ukraine, moreover, even nato noted its success. defense on the black sea. we will remind that
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on february 14, the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine reported that ukrainian magura v5 naval attack drones destroyed the russian large amphibious assault ship caesar kunikov near the coast of occupied crimea. it happened near alupka. katzivelli, as well as simeis and mishar, could hear these loud explosions. the ship has sunk, and that's just the same... an extremely important feature of this operation. previously, we could only hit russian ships with maguras and damage them quite a bit critically, this one just went to the bottom. we hope that together with the crew, since the training of russian sailors is also our enemy in this war. we will necessarily talk about the consequences of the destruction of a large landing ship and how many of them have already been destroyed in total on the account of the defense forces, what is left? in the context of the combat capability of
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the black sea fleet, which, by the way, just recently changed its commander. i would just like to remind you that after the defense forces hit the headquarters of the black sea fleet of the russian federation in sevastopol, under the physical existence of such an admiral viktor sokolov, who was the commander of the black sea fleet of the russian federation, remained a big question , we do not know whether he was nominally or...really, because there is not much evidence of his life in general, that he is alive in the last time, so there was information that he was retired the other day, and now another person named serhiy pinchuk will fulfill his powers, you, christ, humiliated the so-called black sea the russian fleet, you named a warship with a ship, this... you deliberately did, yes, a ship,
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yes, this, that's not all, earlier, look at what is happening, the events, earlier. the black sea fleet in the soviet union, it was always considered so secondary, well, it is almost a flotilla like the caspian, only a little bigger, and in such a sea, well, what is the strait and everything, yes, that is, it is kept there, it was not kept during soviet times there are a lot of ships, submarines, so what, but then russia occupied the crimea, including a bet on the fleet of bases there. after all, and another thing, and now this fleet is turning into a submarine flotilla right before our eyes and, by the way, the eyes of the whole world, the very surprised, very impressed eyes of the whole world, and this is no longer a joke, it absolutely sounds serious, and it is clear that it is quite clear that
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the rest of the black sea so-called fleet , it will turn into a submarine, and it will be soon, and this is not optimism, there is some kind of non -romanticism, not rose-colored glasses, my glasses are normal, this is absolutely persistent and creative , i would not dare to say so, work of our armed forces, both sea and air, well, it’s just fantastic, in fact it’s this fyodor kunikov, caesar, caesar, and this one i linked with, you know who with fyodor konyukhov, this certain traveler katsapsky, i’m sorry, they are all for me in principle, one face, a strange name, a strange fate, that is, fate is not strange, it is strange that he sailed this ship for so long, if only for some reason, and for the public information that i , in particular, managed to find, as well as my colleagues, this ship participated in operations in kosovo in
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99, somehow involved, then provision of syrian troops in 2015 , well, syrian-russian troops, we understand, in 2015. and the russian-georgian war of 2008 is the same there, that is, it is quite the award he deserves, this is caesar, excuse me , caesar, i mean caesar, no, never i thought there was some kind of marten, especially in such a rusty iron form, but now it is generally beautiful, the loss of which will be difficult for the russians to recover from, at least so. believe military analysts, in particular, captain of the first rank of reserve of the navy of ukraine andriy ryzhenko. with we are currently in touch with ivan stupak, a military expert and employee of the security service of ukraine from 2004 to 2015. mr. ivan, we welcome you to our project together beraber we talk about
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crimea and everything related to it. glory to ukraine. thank you for the message. glory. salam aleikum. cheers, can't repeat what you said. sorry. we will teach you. that's what we exist for, actually, ivan, well, a short remark, as if from a military expert, in particular, this loss, this loss, and not just a loss, the sinking by five magura v5 drones. by the way, literally for a few days before that, it was reported that these drones had been improved somewhat, and it was they who would bring, in general, a lot of trouble to the forces, or rather, to the russian military . in the sea, well, no matter how they looked at the water, they were not mistaken, in particular, our developers, the ship went to the bottom, it happened in the area of ​​the southern coast of crimea, that is, well, let's put it this way, it does not often happen precisely in such a resort
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environment, rather it always concerns the western, northwestern part of the black sea, here you just know, well, let’s go see beautiful mountains, well, for... the future is this was done for the future so that the divers would have the ability to examine these wrecks, then take a look, maybe minkund worked, let's go right here, i don't know what's wrong with the whitefish, well, of course, this is a joke with you , of course, look, well, what i can say , what i know from this situation, come on , i don't know any insiders, that's all, we're only from open sources, so as not to harm anything, we're talking to you, it's important that your viewers understand , that what you are doing right now... here is the work from me, it's so-so tactic, a reincarnation of tactics from the second world war, in english it is called the wolf pack, that is, a pack of wolves, and it was used by german submariners during the second world war, when they attacked convoys going from
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the united states to great britain, when five or six submarines boats followed a ship in the atlantic that was lost or fought off its flock and attacked it, well, sent it away. to the bottom, now the same tactics, when from four to five unmanned surface vehicles, when they hunt for a one a single boat of boys on... there's a boy in panties, what sailors, and i 'm sure this happened with the support of our western friends, who gave us intelligence from their drones, which are in neutral waters, or rather, well, over neutral waters are flying, or nato surveillance planes, these avax relayed the information that there is a ship that crashed in izgrai, it can be attacked, and gur together with the navy organized such a with... the game was attacked, what i saw, the first damage was for the russians, it was not
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imperceptible, not expected, only , it seems, the second or third attack, they see, there is a flash, well, on the water, splashes, they began to attack, shoot small arms, maybe even one of the drones was destroyed in in close proximity to the ship, but nevertheless, the ship went to the bottom and it's just like, you know, a raisin, or i don't know, a drunken cherry on this cake. one of the drones, this is just such cynicism, but beautiful from the guru and from the navy, one of the drones, this one, he stayed for to film how it will end, so that you and i can talk about this moment and not give the opportunity to russian propaganda , to say that everything is going to lie, everything is fine there , ivan, mr. ivan, i am sorry, but maybe you know whether this the drone operator... i was wondering, maybe you can take an interview with him there, i don't know, show him there, give him
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some kind of journalistic prize there, well, i would give a pespatron like this, maybe for myself, drone drone-patron, drone - the cartridge may be, but really, really, the operation was cool, and i see and feel that it is not something that happens every week maybe, right away, we need to set up an ambush, guard this ship, which will move far away somewhere far into the zone... of our drones, and in fact , the russians don’t have that many options left for the black sea fleet, that’s how many options they have left , if large amphibious ships have recently been used mainly to transport something interesting, and we also know about this that destroyers were destroyed along with the ship, forgive the words that should have arrived somewhere in sevastopol, here bdk in order for something transfer, instead of... excuse me, land, so patrol the black sea and transfer some cargo, well, what
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a purpose, look, in fact it was made for what, to transfer there about 300 people, a dozen pieces of equipment, and here under during this war, the rear ships, they were supposed to take part in the amphibious assault in odesa, but they still have these plans, by the way, they did not cancel them, so they adapt them, change them, in accordance with the current situation. but with each sunken landing craft the probability naval landing in odessa, it approaches zero, well, within the limits of statistical error. now it is well known about five amphibious ships, large amphibious ships , which were sent to this starfish patrick , who lives there, who lives at the bottom of the sea, the whole story is there, they are there now, in general, the russians had, if i am not mistaken, 13 of such ships, well, almost half have been destroyed, this is important to note, the options remain with the black sea fleet of the russian federation, just think about it, yes, we have several times with
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i'll talk to you, but i have to say it again , so maybe it will sound offensive, but compared to the russian fleet, the ukrainian fleet, well, it's like almost homeless people, well , we don't have anything, well, in order to oppose the russian fleet, you also need large ships , submarines, a lot of missiles , we don’t have this, we lost it during the annexation of crimea, we lost it during the full-scale attack, and no one could imagine at all... that this is a small, if i would say obscenely small apparatus, by and large this is a jet ski, a jet ski in odessa, in the summer they ride in turkey, it can sink a large ship worth 350 million us dollars, well, if you measure it there now, and so on to the option that remains, the russian federation can, of course, enter in the format either i iodine in zaks, or she will introduce it to the prosecutor's office, well, there may be such an option that this is what you should do... take either all the ships from the black sea through the basford canals, the mediterranean
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sea and into the baltic sea, into the baltic sea, and hide them somewhere there, or all of them, or some of the most interesting assets, but well it looks it is very humiliating for russia, and everyone will make fun of it, well , it is not such an option, the second varik is something like that, i apologize, this option is for health, it is permissible or not the russian language and not any other, because it is from the national council let's get a little, leave. hide these ships, well , as many as possible in the ports of novorossiysk, abkhazia, where , by the way, they had plans to build something there, but i don't know how many there are, whether they can implement them or not. and don't go out there unnecessarily, but that's also an option, well , not very attractive, because the fleet is an exile, is hiding, it’s somehow not very sophisticated , and the third option is to surround each ship with, i don’t know, escort ships, some small boats that can even be ferried over land, i don’t know, from the caspian, from the baltic, from the northern fleet, so that they would be
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so bodyguards for themselves, and in the case of, for example, a ukrainian attack, they set up their own... you, according to the classics , die yourself, help your comrades to save large ships, it seems to me that this is one of such options, this is despite the fact that they are now actively testing the russians, first of all, there are various technical features of patrolling the sea to see ukrainian drones, raising helicopters into the air to shoot down approaching drones, and even such exotic things as fpv drones, which we have to fly from the ship. and to attack the attacking ukrainian unmanned surface vehicles, that is , to destroy them in this way, mr. ivan, well, in principle, we paid a lot of attention to maritime affairs there, and to land affairs in crimea, what can you say, what is your current review of the concentration of troops, review of their possible intentions there
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in the south, in our southern direction, well, this is it once again... the base, well, everything is clear, there is no secret, it is a base, a logistics hub, everything that could be militarized in crimea was militarized, unfortunately, geography works for the russians , because the peninsula is limited, you can enter through only two points, everything is controlled, everything is checked, for our sabotage squads, well, the situation is limited for, well, very limited for a... well, sabotage okay, and the squads, plus people who, well i will understand that there are not so many of them left in the crimea, who still hope that crimea will one day be ukrainian, well, in the near future, the options for action are very limited for them, because the punitive machine works very efficiently, it should be noted, the technical capabilities of the russians in counterintelligence, the police,
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they are serious, they check traffic on the content of some coordinates that come out. from crimea or some photos or some other data, and in this way they can calculate people who help ukraine, well, plus , of course, this is recruiting people to look around there and report if someone said something imprudent there that he was waiting for ukraine, well, within a few days , the fsb officers would come to him, then. mr. ivan, another question about crimea, there was information, well at least i read it, that there are about a thousand burials there in crimea, those salt. i don’t know wagmerians there, or rather russian terrorists who were killed in the war against ukraine, and somehow this number seemed very strange to me, very small, well, for example, i think there are already thousands, thousands, tens of thousands ordlo territory, yes, and, well, every day there,
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hundreds, the occupiers are destroyed by the armed forces. forces of ukraine, there are a thousand burials in crimea. what can you say about this, whether they really do not carry out such mobilization and encouragement work there, or they simply do not trust the crimeans, or are there any other reasons, or is this information false and in fact everything is different there, understand the question, see how first, they recruit and mobilize everyone, well, they recruit for money those who want it, and those who don't want it, they start moving it by force. in order to send to this war about a thousand, the number is really underestimated, i have the explanation is as follows: first of all, crimea is a pearl for the kremlin dictator, he probably does not want to spoil the general appearance so badly, if everything is in these, i don't know , burials there, it will not look very pleasant, well, somehow not very cool, crimea
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should remain in putin's imagination, that it is something so bright, it's summer, i don't know, it's ice cream there. people rest, wash their charms, in such a spirit, and as an option, all, all those who died, they will be buried, or somewhere on the mainland of the reef, somewhere very far away, in some mass graves, so as not to be identified, now look at the strategy of the russians, it began to work, i remember in the 22nd year, sometime in the summer, what they began to do, and i saw these documents, interception from our special purposes. heroes, but also the burials of those who died in this war, so that it should not be there, i don’t know, there is a kilometer-long avenue like that, it is all in russian flags, there my husband will be buried, my son’s brother, my father died there, this should not be, and by
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the way, they, remember, they had such a competition for the best arrangement of the grave, all of us they also joked that they were doing it, but in reality it was a planned action, what they were doing, they went there under this guide , let's say volunteers or full time. important people, and they removed everything that could be removed from these burials so that it did not resemble a military burial, that is, there were some medals, i don’t know, there were some medals or i don’t know , some beret, they cleaned it, ennobled it, and even those people who tried to give their relatives and loved ones these hugs, and what about the military theme, they were warned at the beginning of this action, that this cannot be done, we will remove this obelisk for you, do something... well , of course, the companies that manufactured these tombstones, monuments, warned them so that there would be less vivid references to the military past of the deceased , plus stretch
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all over the cemetery, there are three graves, there are two graves, there are five graves, so that there are not these alleys again, that is, it is possible that this is an explanation of what you said, mr. ivan, was, well, in my opinion, interesting a message that... are there moscow curators to the fsb officers in crimea, but the fsb is allegedly there has paid off solidly since the 14th year, and in principle , well, why is this, yes, that is, all faithful people put many ukrainians, crimeans in prisons, what could this be related to, in your opinion, as a former employee of the sbu , did not manage when they arrive. from moscow to the regions, they come there not just to drink tea and coffee, they come there for serious showdowns, this means that in moscow they are dissatisfied with what is happening in crimea,
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dissatisfied with the work of the local branch, it is clear that the ukrainians there are already traitors left, probably there are several units, perhaps there are dozens, everyone who could be sent to murumansk, to arkhangelsk as far away as possible, because traitors are not trusted, or they were transferred, there were such cases, reasons... they started importing drugs, and they were detained, and then with it turned out that he was an fsb officer, well, how is the courier delayed, he has an fsb certificate, and then it turned out that he was also a ukrainian sbu officer who escaped, or rather, stayed on the territory of russia and defected there. i think that this is the sinking of ships and hitting the black sea, the headquarters of the black sea fleet, they all showed in moscow that there is a large, well, okay, not large, some... there are people in the territory of crimea who give coordinates, there are traitors, collaborators, these varangians, military movements, and ukraine has the opportunity
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to cause there strikes, that is, the local fsb cannot cope with this threat, so they were sent to strengthen some kind of inspection, which must now check how the local fsb worked, if shortcomings are found, then personnel decisions will be made and some new head of the fsb will arrive. and finally, mr. ivan, we we see what dramatic events are currently developing in general in the south, in the southeast of our country, this applies in general to usuftavria, from avdiyivka, a rather ticklish situation may unfold in the soledar area, there are reports that the russians have concentrated in the tokmat direction and will try to take the heights robot, we are not saying anything about the krynyk so far, because, well , it is a very... very, very delicate situation, how all this affects and will affect the situation in crimea in the future, because we understand that without release and without processes in these territories of metric
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ukraine, it will be premature to talk about crimea, you are right, until there is an advance of our troops in the direction of skadovsky, armenian, there is no need to talk about the change in the situation in crimea, the only thing is options for point defeat, i don’t know there is some kind of train, yes, with these, with some kind of rockets or with fuel, hop, some group of russian military has arrived there, there are no commanders, for example, according to the headquarters of the teplin airborne forces commander, he is also constantly going to crimea there for meetings, some possible arrival there that is, the black sea fleet can be decided point by point, the black sea fleet can be continued to be raped in this way and that way, and the genocide of the black sea fleet in this way, especially their headquarters , a new commander was drawn there. by the way, he is a native of sevastopol, but he has no special ties with crimea and sevastopol or with ukraine, he
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was building a military there in the russian federation. oh this person is now allegedly replacing sokolov, the russians themselves call the person who will replace his predecessor in this position a suicide bomber, because the previous one was not managed it, there was also a person before him who didn't manage it, but literally this person, who was just removed from his post, there is a general question whether he was alive or not, he asked, by the way, i don't remember the last name, it is not important in principle, no one signed it, so it was the sokols and sokols. no one knows if he was alive after the last hit in the summer at the base, at the headquarters of the black sea fleet, no one knows what condition he was in, whether alive or half-alive, and as they joke in the network, he was finally released from the connection with disbandment black sea fleet of the russian federation, good, thank you for your jokes, mr. ivan , and for the information, and we will remind you that ivan stupak, a military expert, ex-employee of the security service
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of ukraine, was on the call and in the studio, we will do it now. a short pause, after which we will remind you that the russian federation , and this is not a joke, will be sued, sued against ukraine in international courts for the blockade, the energy blockade of crimea in 2015, and ayder muzhdabaev, together with our next guest, as no one knows, about what is the matter, let's talk, there is such a thing. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda, top guests every day, this is the shipping district, kherson, live broadcast, we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we tell the main thing, on weekdays at 9:00, 10 years of war, the war for freedom, from revolution
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of dignity to... if something happens to me, if it doesn't happen to me, then they know that i died for the truth, 10 years of war, war for our existence, this is the path that changed us. in the conditions of the occupied territories, de-occupied territories , we have losses of the order of potential 7 million hectares of land that have not been cultivated for 2 years. 10 years of war, war for the future, what price do we pay for it? 200 of our... citizens were taken to russia, depopulation is not inevitable. intellectuals, specialists, patriots talk about threats and our future in a special project for the 10th anniversary of the beginning of russia's armed aggression against ukraine, 10 years of the war for independence from february 18 on espresso. and we continue the program razom
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beraber, a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the atp tv channel, in which we talk about everything that concerns our ukrainian crimea, and the russian federation itself in the future continues to consider itself the rightful owner of our peninsula, moreover, believes that in the distant now, as it seems, in 2015 , we should not do. nothing in relation to crimea, but the events of those days, ayder muzhdabaev remembers very well, i will only say that russia plans to file a lawsuit against ukraine by the end of february, and this lawsuit is related of crimea, the speaker of the crimean parliament stated this, volodymyr konstantinov, the so-called speaker, of course, and ayder, i give you the word, well
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, i remember the blockade of crimea. it began on september 20, it seems, in the 15th year, before that , trade was flourishing there, and about 700 trucks, imagine for a day, crossed the demarcation line at chongar, there were three points working there then, and the crimeans, at the call of the midjlis and led by lenur klinmam, general director of the tv channel. and now the commander of the 48th, they announced a blockade, there was a press conference, then the blockade physically began, many, in including for the oligarchs of the country, they did not believe, they offered money, they did not run away to different methods, how they will fight the blockade with us, but for...


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