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tv   [untitled]    February 18, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EET

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in the so-called speaker, of course, and ayder , i give you the floor, well, i remember it , the blockade of crimea began on the 20th, i think it was september 15th, before that trade was flourishing there, about 700 wagons, i imagined crossing for a day the demarcation line in chongar , there were three points working there then, and the crimeans... at the call of the midjlis and led by leonur slyamomov, the general director of the tv channel, and now the commander of the 48th oshb, they announced a blockade, there was a press conference, then the blockade physically began , many did not believe, including the domestic oligarchs, offered money, hinted at different methods of how they would fight the blockade with us, but... in the end nothing succeeded and
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then there was an explosion of a power supply line somewhere near chaplinka, it was quite far from the headquarters of the blockade, but when it became known, lena roslyamov and public activists and activists went there and there kept a defense against, as it will not be surprising now it will sound. from the ukrainian special forces of the ministry of internal affairs, and this is not surprising, led by zelya kyiva, who has already received his award for all my merits to ukraine, but not only i have not forgotten this story, and you, probably , and the russians have not forgotten, they have already, it seems, you should ask lenur, the case
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is over with him, the case is over, and there is also a verdict, i don't remember, it's been there for many years, more than 10 to be exact, precisely because of the blockade that took place entirely on the territory of ukraine, but russia doesn't care about it, it's actually, i think it's such a trolling of world justice, they're just delaying time , they pay attention, well, they create fake fake cases in order to somehow kill ukrainian summons well, in courts, etc., in international organizations, yes, but why is it exactly so , why did they mention it now, and how did the blockade affect ukraine, on the further course of events, we will ask the commander of the 48th, 48- th separate tribal battalion named after namana cherzhikhan, the only large crimean unit in the armed forces of ukraine in... actually lenur
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isalyamov. salam aleikum. aleikum asalayam. it is very interesting to see your broadcast. interesting. thank you for your time, commander. the question is well, you remember those events best. i was there, i wasn't there, but you were there all the time. and it was at this time, at this time, when the assault, under the command of kiva, was taking place, that i could not. i want to call kiva, kiva, i want to call it kiwi, i’m sorry, so why now, first of all, what sentence did russia give you for this, i just forgot, and he’s absentee, it’s clear , yes, it’s clear that he’s absentee, and why did they now remember these events in the middle of a great war, when it had been seven years there, more than 7 years, what, what happened to them?
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russia has an echeloned approach to everything. this is yes, in my language, they don't hit targets there, but they hit squares. it's the same story here. and here is the previous court, which was a sutoon, where ukraine, in principle, did not appear in a better world. the same story can happen here, if you don't take it very seriously. as for my court, at first they gave 19 years, this is because of the blockade, then 18 years, they removed a year, they changed something there, gave 18 years, and confiscated part of the property i have in crimea. that's enough, in
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principle, it's more or less clear to me, i'll return to crimea, and i'll take everything back. ukraine must now take very seriously those things that... that are happening on international platforms in court, and cannot be put on any regime, there are no solutions, it must be taken very seriously, if it concerns these judicial matters, it is clear that the moral side of the issue, exactly what the activists did at the civil blockade, were citizens of ukraine, natives of crimea, citizens of ukraine did all this in order to wash away this shame in terms of trade with the occupation of the territory. in crimea , all this was stopped, it was stopped altogether, that's why this one it was a shame for all citizens of ukraine who lived, wherever they lived, to trade blood with the occupied crimea, when so many captured territories and so many ruined lives, no one had the moral right,
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especially those politicians who were at that time. what i said about the court, about the blockade, there is a lot to talk about, in principle, we did not even exhaust a tenth of what we said. well, all the boys are there, all serhii stroy is also in the zsu, who is in the car, there they shot him through the windows, if you saw, inver, who was there, he disappeared literally in the first days, he was on blackboard and went missing, these guys who are there, they are all
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basically with me, we lost the usual part of people, it is very significant that we are now able to to return to these frames again and we are able to get your comment regarding the fate of the people who are in these frames, because sometimes, sometimes there is some strange stereotype that people who are residents of crimea who left the territory of crimea after 2014 or later , everyone has a destiny. differently, they are somehow minimally involved in the defense forces of ukraine, now, well, it is obvious that the words of linur slyamov refute this thesis, and it must be refuted simply on a regular basis. i would like to remind you that, er, i cannot imagine how the russian federation can achieve
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its rightness at all in any international court, considering that according to international law , the provision of everything necessary, in particular, as we understand, in the energy sector... sector and in the humanitarian sector of the occupier, it is the tiger of the occupier, yes, it should be carried out by the occupiers, it is prescribed the relevant conventions, so i just have no idea what they're counting on, but they emphasize the power blockade, that 's what bothered them the most, and ayder and you, mr. lenoure, talk there mainly about trade, yes, about the trucks that continued to run and so on , and if we are talking about energy and the events related to the power line. well, it was the last, the last point in history, because there it was the last step, regarding the termination of any economic relations with the occupiers, and it was the blockade of crimea, it was public,
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it was political, it was ideological, and whatever the blockade, lenore won't say that, because he is directly the leader of the blockade, and i can say, i saw all this, if i hadn't stopped then. this shameful trade with crimea, i do not know in which country we would live now, and whether we would have such solidarity now, and whether ukrainians would go to the ranks together with crimeans, with others, with citizens of even other countries, now of the 48th separate assault battalion named after nomanachalijikhan, whose commander and which was actually created by lenur islyamov, i wish him to thank for this, firstly, and secondly to ask about the urgent needs of the battalion here... it has been hanging since the beginning of the program, and we are collecting fpv night drones with thermal imaging cameras, i have already said everything about this, about something else, about what can be said about this unit, it is really big enough and a unit that
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was created as a crimean one for the crimean direction, well, it is superior in the first place, what can one say, it is not often that there is such an opportunity to see mr. commander in person. please, tell me, first, let's talk about the blockade, let's talk about the blockade first, then we will move on to the battalion.
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here i will give you one example, a sufficiently old man came from zaporizhzhia, he was 50 years old without a leg. he was one of the first to arrive and brought with him six people who were patriots in zaporozhye, a flag. he said, here you crimeans have started, and we will be together with you, i say, how without a leg, everything is very difficult there , he answers, you don’t worry about us, you and the crimeans will be with us until the end, unfortunately, he later died, he had a call sign, and these people gave me strength, provided me to all crimeans, we are not many, it turns out that we are not many, we were exterminated, we are not many.
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ukraine, who trusting us as crimean and then a lot of tatar citizens joined us, i have said about this more than once that we are like the key to crimea. and this is really like the divine role of the ukrainian tatars, because as an indigenous people, they have the right to our land. and if we go in the lead, if we go there, it means that ukraine is going there. this means that ukraine is going there legitimately, and not just because some people don't quite understand why crimea is needed? here we are talking about it that is, we say why crimea is needed, so that without crimea there would be no ukraine. there cannot be a state of ukraine without crimea, so we set up a blockade without weapons for a patriotic purpose. and the battalion is doing it now with weapons in hand. thank you lenure. lenure slyamov, commander of noman chilibikhan's 48, joined the live broadcast
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of razom braber, a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the atp tv channel. and i would like to make a short announcement about our next program. this is extremely important. lenour began his speech with the fact that ukraine it is very important to follow the various legal proceedings that take place, particularly in international venues, and we will. to fight for you with ayder muzhdabaev already next saturday, especially since on february 20 we are waiting for consideration of the case against the ex-head of sevastopol, already occupied dmytro ovsyannikov, in great britain. we will remind you that he was detained in great britain for violating sanctions legislation, but in 2022, and this is just some nonsense, the eu court actually removed him from sanctions. the practice is so strange, i hope it will return to health reason i thank everyone who watches
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this program on saturdays, i thank christ and the entire espresso team and the atp tv channel, the director of which is now the commander of the 48th shb, i appeal to you sincerely, and how, how, how much more, how much you can donate to the armed forces of ukraine, in particular for the 48th separate assault battalion named after noman chelbijakhan. thank you. that's all, see you next saturday. thank you. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to catch up economic news and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours.
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vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening.
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don't want to study, it's normal, work, i take 12, everyone who doesn't want to study, the first to give up, die, clean, on exit two, storming is difficult, but it's real, clean, guilt is the art of deception, if you can deceive
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your opponent, then you will survive, these are actually unique... wow, if you don't improve, then there is no point in fighting. mass training of recruits and already active military personnel, exchange of combat experience and
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work on mistakes. this is realia donbas, i am yaroslav krechko, and today we will talk about... how ukraine prepares its reserves, what needs to be changed in the training of soldiers and officers in order to win the war of attrition. here is our road, here is our bush, we slowly enter near the bush, take positions, you go in, guys, stand here 6 m further, and you guys are ready, rush here! this is how the conditional begins storming the enemy's trenches, soldiers practice movement in twos, fours, attack as part of a unit, 2200, go to the left,
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take the left, hold 12. normal work , i take 12 in this group, all servicemen with serious combat experience in various areas of the front. from the first days of the great war, yeger took part in battles in the kharkiv region, passed bakhmud, came to the training center straight from the front line in the srebyansk forest, just for exit two. you must constantly learn, if you do not improve, then there is no point in fighting. they are improving, they are preparing for us, they also need it, there are just people who come who need to be taught, but they don't want to learn, right? everything is fine, but how do you explain to them that they need to learn, from experience, all those who do not want to learn are the first to give up, die, purely to survive and complete
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the task, the work of an attack aircraft must be brought to automaticity, moving step by step, cleaning everyone dugout, practice, let's go, let's go, assault, you understand, during an assault there may be losses, because an assault is difficult, but it is real, grenade , it is repulsed instantly, it is planned in advance, a very important role is played by the commander, who carries out the plan, and then, of course, implements it, the assault must be dynamic, you must be fast, there must not be any big pauses, the most important thing is the communication of the assault group , they must act clearly, communicate, the appropriate teams must be, this assault is the final exercise of the group as
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a whole unit, before that the instructors worked with each pair, again one against the left wall, and the other is pressed against the right, stop, stop, let me show you how the second number works, let's go, it's important to constantly learn, because war, it does not stand still, something is constantly changing, and whoever learns best wins, because guilt is the art of deception, if you can deceive your opponent, then you will survive, these are actually unique methods of training, that is... uh, imperceptibly approaching, imperceptibly leaving, working in coordination with the guys, and interaction is a very, very big advantage, that is, if each of these fighters
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who worked here is transferred to someone else, and if it is accepted, then we will be a big step closer to victory. this group is an instructor group, i.e. the best fighters will leave to work in the training center after the training course, some will return. transfer experience to their divisions already there. 151 educational centers were created from scratch by order of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces already during the great war. here they give a basic course for both newly mobilized and already experienced fighters. whole units come to restore. here, for example, is one of the first days for such a group military personnel the ninth target. the 10th 11th, all the targets were seen, single, on readiness, fire, shot
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, we see, we see, it fell below, yes, i and you made a gap between them before entering the arkosh, 6 7 8 9 9 not bad, so in a unit came to us , there was a case, it came to the unit , probably 80 percent. they would, they refused, they refused to perform tasks, after that they went through one training course with us, then there was still time to reconcile, and then they were like gods in entered the trench, they carried out the landings simply, well, without losses , without anything at all, there are definitely people who simply don't want to, but there they say, i'm a suicidal person there, we say well, we've taught you. how to do it better, not all stormtroopers, yes , not all, relatively speaking, there are some powerful warriors, not all shooters who hit there
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very much, just during a shooting battle , someone must fill stores, for example, in defense, yes, or those uncles who have sore knees, or something else, but they are normal in defense, they are like gods, they just have a hard time bulletproof vests, it is difficult for them to run away, so they do not run away. they stand to the last, and it is almost impossible to bite them, and if they still know how to shoot, if they still know how to control fire, the center conducts not only practical, but also theoretical classes, they study various types of weapons, tactics, the emphasis here is on training infantry, roman donik says, their main feature, they understand, is training military personnel from people who, for the most part, have never even thought about service. was in the army. we have a civilian army, but the entire military leadership is certain level, we have people with a good military education,
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with rich experience. that is, they have it, they set tasks, and they set these tasks in such a way that everyone must understand them down to the very bottom, but we do not have this now, because the officers who have already come from the civil service, who are already so-called jackets, yes, they don’t know this already, when a unit comes to us for recovery, it comes together with its commanders, and they first learn like soldiers, they begin to understand...
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gathered around the launcher of the anti-tank of the metis complex, a short briefing, installation of a missile and a shot. the shot is impressive, frankly speaking, but it rings a bell. for each of them today, this is the first shot in their life from an anti-tank missile system, the specifics of their brother's work. explains dmytro, it was removed and a rocket was placed here, he was mobilized a year ago, at the training center he received a specialty against a tanker, although from metis, an old soviet complex, he also fired for the first time. at the test sites , we simply had the opportunity to disassemble the installation, assemble the installation, and connect it rocket, but the rockets were not combat, that is why there was no shooting. this is important, because this is the first time you do not understand what you are dealing with.
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even thinking that it can be loud, it can be quiet, it can fly like that, and one day it will not be enough, everything comes with practice, with experience. such training near the front line is a standard practice in combat brigades, while some hold the russian army at bay, other servicemen are trained in tactics, medicine, and engineering. ruslan, an infantryman , has also been in the army for almost a year, a basic course trained in germany, in the donbas he already took part in battles in the klishchiivka area. we went, yes, we went to zero a couple of times, we returned, we continue to train. let's train further. well, what stopped the fire going?
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serhiy, who monitors the work of the shooters, one of the most experienced in the brigade, was wounded twice in the avdiyivka area and near the same klishchiivka. he recently completed a one-month training course and became an instructor. what an economy. the case is called working out in pairs in... landings to capture a larger and continuous landing area of fire, that is, covering the enemy so that the enemy could not raise his head, we try to teach what we know, and it happened more than once in our practice, unfortunately...
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what is taught in educational centers. unfortunately, what is taught in training centers is only the base. when a serviceman comes to our unit, we prepare him here for at least two to three weeks so that he learns the entire process, the entire base. when a serviceman is already trained, ready, then he already goes into position. trained, ready, then he already is gets into position. the 22nd brigade in the armed forces of ukraine was created already during the great war. most of the servicemen in the army... got into the army after mobilization and without military experience, since the summer of last year they have been in the direction of bakhmut, people were afraid that people were afraid that in a week or two you would be down to zero, we did not have such a thing, we have been in school for about a month, maybe more, even more, people of march, for almost two months, we had instructors who taught us how to shoot, how to take apart a machine gun, we went to training grounds, there were shooting ranges, grenades were thrown, few of course.


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