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tv   [untitled]    February 18, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EET

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unfortunately, he died during the evacuation from mariupol, the helicopter in which he was flying was shot down, they engaged in a battle until we were completely surrounded, a command came to break through the encirclement, and we carried out the order, left mariupol and came across russian and dpr troops and thus we were taken prisoner. in our place, they conducted interrogations, put them in a cell, some detainees were still sitting there in the cell, i can smoke a cigarette, because i can't remember it calmly, then somewhere in the middle of the night. some
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people came to us and introduced themselves as representatives of the chechen people's republic, and they immediately began to ask questions, who knows, who knows what akhmat is, well, naturally, we were silent, because this is the first time i have heard such a thing, i know that akhmat is tea, and they started us simply because of this just hit with sticks, they smashed our heads. there was blood there, in general, the whole face was covered in blood, the whole head was covered in blood, they then left, the employees came to bob's, put us in a bus, took us away, well, we started going to the hospital, they presented me to the head of the pm and said that if you will complain about health, then you don't give it back, they took us to a hospital, one of the donetsk hospitals, and recorded us.
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then after a few days we were taken to obop, with obop we were already olenivka, colony number 102. they constantly, constantly beat us, reception is generally sacred, they just destroy you there, the guys pissed blood there, just some , really so simple and worn out, i remember one such moment when our guys were brought in, a new stage arrived... and when they
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were running through a hot corridor, one of of our soldiers shouted: glory to ukraine , after which he was immediately shot on the spot , there is a lot to be said for being captured, well , it is unpleasant to remember, we survived there as best we could, at first we slept on batons just on batons in the isolation cell, then later they gave us pallets like these . you can see how they are standing , they then slept on those pallets, well, the conditions were simply unsanitary, for 50 people in the cell , a bucket of water per day, that bucket might not have reached you, after i went through all the horrors of captivity, thank me god...
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exchanged, thank you to all my relatives , friends who prayed for me, who believed that i would get through it, i received, well, after the exchange , medical aid for 45 kg, i was in captivity, now i have already recovered a little, but i decided to continue serving, now i am serving in one of the volyn units of the national guard of ukraine. i am serving now in my specialty, i am a sanitary instructor of the company, having combat experience, i can say that the success of the task depends not only on how to conduct combat operations, but also on how timely medical aid is provided to the wounded , their evacuation, a combat medic must have great training and physical strength, because sometimes it happens that...
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it is very difficult to push a much bigger person than yourself, especially when a person is wounded, he is weakened, he is simply like a log, but there are very stressful situations in which... it is very difficult to make such decisions, because combat is a non-standard situation, it is not at all what you are taught in a unit, or in educational institutions that generally teach civilian medicine, or even military our battle is not over yet, it continues, we have to hold on, learn and do everything for our victory. the war created many challenges for us ukrainians, and even more so for ukrainians with disabilities. but we know that only together, united, we can be stronger. friends, welcome. friendly online community enable me ukraine. this is
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the first platform in ukraine for people with disabilities to communicate. here you can get any information about disability, services and relocation, free consultations lawyer, psychologist, doctor, employment specialist, volunteers from all over europe. here you get support, advice and real friends. together we support each other, share useful information and learn new things. together, we grow. join us, become part of our family and... with the support of the national assembly of persons with disabilities of ukraine and enable me ukraine. exclusively on the air of our channel. greetings, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week.
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russia's war against ukraine, close-quarters war in the east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. cause a resonance in our society, drone attacks on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's invent, help understand the present and predict the future. second presidency for the world. will be a terrible project for those who care and think politclub every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. an unusual look at the news. hello ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say,
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let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what kind of world mr. orman dreams of, we can... imagine it. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15. espresso. according to the results of january, the tv channel espresso continues to hold the first position among information broadcasting channels. for the 10th month in a row, we are the first. congratulations. news time on the air of the tv channel. this november we turned 10 years old. we have updated the design and sound. we continue the saturday political club of khrystyna yatskiv and vitaly portnikov. our values ​​remain unchanged. and ukrainian perspective, stay tuned for espresso updates and thank you for your trust.
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watch this week in the collaborators program with olena kononenko. who headed the rashist organizations in the occupied territories? under protection of our friends, russian soldiers.
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but to whom did united russia entrust the fake mandates? the words of volodymyr volodymyrovych always resonate. greetings, i'm olena kononenko and this is the collaborator program. about the traitors who, at the call of their hearts and harbors, went to serve the rishi occupiers. today there will be many new faces of treason, who are asking to be defamed throughout the country, but let's start... let's start with the well-known seller, music producer yuriy bardash. after a full-scale invasion, he fled the country and hastily hid in georgia. there , on his social media pages, he compared ukraine with nazi germany, and called himself a russian. after that, bardash allegedly began to receive threats from the georgian legion, so the traitor decided to scratch his way to russia. i came here, roughly speaking, with a backpack. yes, i have been to moscow before, but this time with the knowledge that i am here
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forever. in his telegram channel, a great expert and traitor, bardash writes that it was the armed forces of ukraine that blew up kakhovskaya hes and believes that the descendants of russia will study how great the state, standing on its knees, ruled the history of the whole world. i think that no one will study it, because such an empire must simply disappear. in addition to the whole bard. boasted that he would soon receive a russian passport and change his name, and called the glimpses of ukrainian patriotism that appeared in him a few years ago a coincidence. the phrase "putin will fill us up." this is a phrase that reassured ukrainians. they wanted me to tell them. and so the traitor's dream finally came true. on january 23, he received a cherished passport with a chicken. rejoice nothing, because he will soon lose his ukrainian citizenship. now even half... in the ukrainian village has more rights and freedoms than bardash, for whom the door to the civilized world will finally
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close. well, let's talk about those who are also trying with all their might to be useful for russia, to serve the neo-führer faithfully, such as 34-year-old alina shamrai, who from july 2022 heads the russian public organization the union of mothers of kherson. the people of the kherson region were finally able to get out of the backyards of ukraine and independently... choose their future. after watching this video raises a lot of doubts about the adequacy of a person and whether he has common sense. although what am i talking about, what common sense do collaborators have? until february 24, almost no one had heard of alina shamrai. but when the kherson region was occupied, the scumbags of russian media began to mass write laudatory odes about the union of the subjects of kherson and its head. as it turned out, this organization cooperates with the local. and promotes russian propaganda under the guise of the interests of children.
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as you ask, everything is very simple, by the way manipulations and lies. shamrai begins to play a song on camera about the desire of children to sleep peacefully in cribs, not in basements, to go to kindergarten and walk in parks under a peaceful sky without shelling, but at the same time he forgets one important detail: to say who exactly took away childhood from our children. thanks to whom the little one hears howls, and has to hide in shelters at night. we already feel safe under the protection of our friends, the russian soldiers. the organization shamray is financed at the expense of the occupation military-civilian administration of kherson oblast, and its members receive salaries in rubles. i don't even know how much you need to earn to say such frank vomiting on camera, although alina doesn't seem to need a lot, the main thing is that it's enough for the little girl. as a deputy head of the shamrai organization, she distributes leaflets kherson region future together with russia and
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actively participates in political events, calls for the opening of educational institutions to integrate children into life under the tricolor cloth. before, as we did, we signed up, there was an electronic queue, but now i have come free of charge, the child is satisfied in a group of 15 people. well, why not, sit at home and wait, or better... go, study and teach our children. in may of that year , a notice about the suspicion of shamrai appeared on the page of the prosecutor general's office. she faces up to 12 years in prison with confiscation of property. and while in ukraine this traitor is awaiting a court sentence and a cell, she herself is grasping for the last opportunities to descend even further to the social bottom. alina is also trying to build a political career in the occupied territories. we found her name in the list of candidates from of the united russia party in the past fake elections of deputies of the kherson region, but
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the traitor was never able to get the promised mandate. we see that in the conditions of the svo, the kherson region and other new regions demonstrate an impressive unity with russia. journalists of trc tavria heroically perform their work every day. well , someone take the bottle away from her, bring her to her senses and inform her that... at the bar, drastic changes in her life are waiting for her, she will have to enjoy chefer, not syvukha. from the masseuse to the chair officials, this is kuzmenko evgenia mykolaivna 1980. born in the 79th year of the village of novotroitske, kherson region. her father , mykola kuzmenko, is the archpriest of the novokakhov diocese of the uoc mp. kuzmenko graduated from kherson state university and until february 24 was engaged in cosmetology and worked as a massage therapist. when the great war began, she moved to her parents in the village of novotroitske. there she went to the occupiers and
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began to beg for positions. at first, the invaders placed kuzmenko in a local employment center. she served there with faith and truth, so the rashists decided to push it further. last year , kusmenko was included in the list of candidates for deputies of the occupying regional duma from the united russia party in the pseudo-elections that took place from september 1 to 10. on propaganda channels , yevgenia demonstrated true popular love and support for the russian federation. in local public places , the collaborator urged locals to repaint the ukrainian symbols in the tricolor. elections are a mechanism of checks and balances of power. citizens have the opportunity to evaluate their elected representatives and if necessary replace them with new ones. this traitor won the election. the occupiers solemnly handed her the mandate of deputy of the fake kherson duma from the united russia party. when there is motivation, i think it doesn't matter what age you are. you are young, old, you don't care. what do you work for
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and when there is some kind of incentive, it motivates people. this traitor. knows exactly what he is talking about, because he went through it himself. the occupiers encourage her with positions, so working for the bunker grandfather is an inexplicable joy for kuzmenko. the words of volodymyr volodymyrovych, they always sound solemn and penetrate deeply into the heart and soul of everyone. and kuzmenko's appetites are growing. for a short time, she was an ordinary deputy, already in october 2023, the occupying authorities of the kherson region appointed a traitor to the post of leader. novotroitsk community. during her appointment, she read the oath of allegiance to the russian federation. now, in a new status, this traitor travels to forums in the russian countryside and glorifies the terrorist country. people meet in general from different regions, that is, from different points of ours a large country that offers many opportunities. people have more experience, so i try
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to use and apply useful and successful practices. the bridges that russia provides for collaborators is to get suspicions from our law enforcement agencies and then sit down. true, there is another alternative, but it is less pleasant - it is to lie down in our holy land. experience shows that the careers of all traitors end in the same way. so before it's too late, it's better to choose the first scenario. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you have information about crimean sellers, write to us at this email address or simply on facebook. together we will send all the traitors in pursuit of the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. welcome to the espresso channel. today, the topic of
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our program will be the following, weapons made in ukraine, tested by war, and we will talk about creation and output. production of domestic weapons and equipment for the security and defense forces in the most relevant directions, i.e. ammunition, armored vehicles, artillery, means of reb. on the examples of serial and new products and projects from two leading and well-known domestic companies, the directors of which will be interviewed in this issue of the "war and weapons" program. my name is serhii zgurets, i am the director of the information and consulting company defense express, which... together with the spresso channel , strives to highlight the most current trends in the field of security and defense. and now vladyslav belbas is joining us, he is the general director of the ukrainian armored vehicle company. mr. vladyslav, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you, thank you for finding time for ours viewers good afternoon, thank you for the invitation. i have prepared a series of questions here, there are quite
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a lot of them, but as a warm-up, i would like us to, after all, for you to share your impressions... of how the world treats ukrainian weapons, i know that you are literally just about returned from the exhibition in saudi arabia, where our samples were presented, there were european, american, south korean, chinese, even russian, and i am sure that representatives of various companies approached our stand and asked about the war and ukrainian weapons, what are the impressions, what, at what level are we now... are we in relation to other countries and are they ready to buy our weapons? unequivocally, its partners are ready to buy our weapons, but... uh, let's put it this way, it's not the right time, now, therefore , to be honest, such negotiations are not actively conducted during such international events, by us, representatives of our company or
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participants associations at the events with which we took part in this exhibition, we usually talk more about the organization of cooperative relations, more we talk about the component base, about... production capacity and so on, and because we are multiplying production volumes, and this requires certain, certain production capabilities, in addition to this, in terms of comparison and in terms of perception in the world, ah, very, let’s say, a positive perception of that experience there, which we have, but it has not yet been fully disclosed on... the possibilities in terms of the fact that the products that we use at the forefront of ukrainian production are not yet available for delivery, yes they are not, we
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do not present them, and not pass the test in various foreign customers, so let's say yes, from the point of view of the media, yes, we are known, from the point of view of actual deliveries there, i think it is still ahead of us, and this... probably the topic will be raised after the victory regarding the participation of the russians, i would like it to be important, because this is one of the exhibitions in which russia took part, uh, unfortunately, uh, and because most of the countries where some such, international, large, traditional exhibition events are held, do not allow russia to participate, with, i would like to say what conclusions, first of all, that... russians in general nothing new there were not presented, there was no such lively interest in their products there, everyone understands
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the limitation or impossibility of supply from there, therefore , there were no new products or anything else that would attract attention from the words of our saudi partners, this is good news for us, i.e. . because you probably know that yesterday and today the financial times released, as well as politicians, the information that the russians are unexpectedly producing about 4 million artillery ammunition, that they are unexpectedly quickly restoring their lost combat capabilities, so really, well, we have , we we have to know the enemy, we have to rely on... on the real situation, not the one made up in our heads. well then, let's go back to your products, because we understand that now the ukrainian armored vehicles supply
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the armed forces and the defense forces with products based on three main components, these are armored vehicles, ammunition, artillery systems, mortars, this is exactly what allows to destroy the russian potential, but from your point of view, as the director of the company, which of these... three directions is for you, on the one hand, the most complex, and on the other hand, well, the most massive in terms of workload for your enterprise and those enterprises that will provide cooperation in the production of certain samples? a very difficult question, unfortunately, we simply do not have a simple direction for some reason, this is probably the merit of our soviet heritage. well, any production of any military equipment is a rather complicated process, and in most cases it is complicated because
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we make it complicated, we as a state, and not because it is difficult to produce and develop something there and so on, and we can see on the example of drones, if we reduce the pressure on these businesses to make it possible to earn on this money, then the opportunities multiply in a fairly short period of time, unfortunately, we are talking about drones, i absolutely support this, but i would make such an experience to all manufacturers, that is, it is impossible to say that we need drones and not artillery ammunition, this is not, well , not wrong, therefore , unfortunately, we have simple equipment, unfortunately, we have simple projects no, armored vehicles, they require your attention, details for development, and uh, you need to,
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you know. it is necessary to take into account the experience of the enterprise , which we have had since the 15th year, and now on video the tests of the guards were passed, and the development of the innovator, which took into account precisely the experience of developing the car, is worth, ah, passing all the tests, that is, now we do all this , having previous experience, having, let's say, already some ten-year background, by the way, and... so, let's say, we are going through the process of developing equipment, as for mortars, the company is also already in 2018-2019 put into service lighter mortars from 2022 in january, right before the war , the tests that continued for more than two years on the 120 mm mortar were finished, this is the only mortar that was, which
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passed the state tests in full. volume, successfully fired more than 500 shots, the full resource of the mortar, without losing its technical characteristics, and as for the development of ammunition, it must be said that the company is the only company that put artillery ammunition into service before a full-scale invasion, it was 60 mm mine, we developed mines and... conducted research and development work on 82 mm and 120 mm mines, and it must be said that we made an elongated nato-type mine for 82 mm, which was developed at the time, and 120 mm was made as an analogue of -36, this is an increased power mine, ah, let's say this, a new, new mine, although it is of the soviet type, but it is a new mine, increased power, an increased amount of explosive, so eh... even before
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a full-scale invasion, these topics that the company prioritized before itself and had a certain experience of just such developments , now with a full-scale invasion, some processes are simplified, uh, and, let's say, taking this into account, and taking into account the availability of production capabilities in ukraine, we are just conducting such cooperation with partners on... uh, in these directions and we are increasing production volumes, increasing production volumes, you spoke with abc news, after that certain indicators of the capacities of your enterprise appeared, it was said that you can produce 20,000 mines per month and about 100 mortars of various calibers, and just two follow-up questions, is all of this currently being purchased by the security and defense forces, and
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secondly, how much... do you plan to increase the volume , at least in percentage terms, of the component related to ammunition and the component related to mortars? well, we didn't want to, and we still don't want to reveal the production volumes in detail, because these are large-scale military operations in our country, and now we have a situation where we have been trying to reach them for a year. the authorities slightly limit access to information about the enterprise, about management , location, production plans, financial indicators of enterprises of the defense-industrial , defense-industrial complex, because in our opinion this, in my personal opinion, this should not happen during a full-scale war, ah, in relation to a... production volumes
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they are, let's say so , these are not the declared volumes, there, we were talking about the supply, yes, in such volumes, including the supply of, for example, mints, that is, you can do much more , right, ah, we, in general, are private ukrainian enterprises defense industrial complex, during planning correct longitudinal to do more than they are producing now, without attracting financial resources for the organization of production from the state, i mean sub-basic means, within the framework of the implementation of existing contracts it is possible to do, but planning is needed, i gave and spoke last year and at the beginning of this year, that this year we are entering a much better situation.


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