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tv   [untitled]    February 18, 2024 5:30am-6:00am EET

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let's put it this way, these are undeclared volumes, there, we were talking about supplies, yes, such volumes, including supplies, for example, mintzen. that is, you can do much more, right? in general, we, private enterprises of the ukrainian defense-industrial complex, with proper, long-term planning, can do more than they produce. now, without attracting financial resources for the organization of production from the state, i mean under fixed assets, within the framework of the implementation of existing contracts, it is possible to do this, but planning is needed, i gave and said last year and at the beginning of this year that this year we are entering a much better situation from the point of view of planning, most manufacturers ... contracted in advance
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understand their production plans, unfortunately, now a situation has arisen with financing of this process, which is related to the delay in the allocation of financial aid from the european union and the united states of america, and we hope that this situation will be resolved, and after that we will talk about further increasing production volumes and expanding actions. sir vladyslav, then i still have a number of questions , let's go to such an afterburner mode so that everything can be completed in time, regarding the issue of your infantry fighting vehicle, more precisely, about your project from the european land system with the project for the armed forces, this was said last year , then the ministry of defense seemed to be preparing requirements for this one. and then there is
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information that the ministry of defense is negotiating with the swedes, with the bmp cv90 machine, and it seems that it is planned to purchase and then create a joint production, does this mean that your project is out of bounds competition, in fact the ministry of defense does not announce a tender, but makes certain voluntary decisions in this area, this should probably be asked of the ministry of defense, er... the question is what they make, what decisions they make, but for our part, we always try to give a choice, i'll digress a bit here, look, the company carried out research and development of bmpv back in 2018 and was on the shortlist of three companies that were to produce samples for the ministry of defense as part of the development of a new bmp for the armed forces of ukraine. that is, the company gained some
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experience in 2018-19, now during the war we do not have time to develop and produce bmp, so as the best such example, we chose cooperation with proven, reliable and, according to our information, the lowest-cost equipment, we it was presented, some work was done with the general. based on the tests of this system, from visiting production facilities and so on, i would like to say that we do not have all the information about who the ministry of defense offers, we as a company try to offer there the best solution in our opinion, the customer has to choose, but within the limits of assistance, within the limits of financial resources and, let's say so. upon reaching the necessary technical
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parameters, yes, it is necessary to choose the one that is probably more affordable financially, that is, we, we are not so rich as to pay more than the market level for the purchase of any equipment, so here the customer must consider which there will be financial offers from various manufacturers, and based on this to accept decision and from the technical characteristics and of course from the... the technical characteristics, i think that any of the samples that you mentioned will match compared to the soviet samples that we have here. financial possibilities, the possibility of receiving help is important, this must also be taken into account, yes , because we can receive e, and help from governments, and what is important is that we all understand correctly, yes, because the military does not always understand this, we will receive help not from companies, not from private companies that produce armored vehicles, we help...
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we get from governments, maybe where these companies are located, but not from companies. that is, we need to continue to carefully monitor this issue, which you have related to bmp, so that we really have a technological project related to... expanding our own capabilities, and not purchasing capabilities provided by another country. bmp projects are foreign with a transition to ukrainian, and there are purely ukrainian top projects, in particular sao bohdan. last year, the president of ukraine spoke about the fact that the rate of production of these machines is six per cent month. your company provides the component and the associated landing gear with the booking, is this...pace maintained, so to speak, and there was a video just yesterday where, relatively speaking, sao bohdana will withstand an enemy lancet there, are there any details on this story? well, i'll start from the end, apparently
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there are details, the crew was injured, but everyone survived, and therefore this is the main reason for which the passive is created. with regard to passive defense from the experience of the first armenia-azerbaijan war, i mean this previous one, when only passive defense in in principle helped in the protection of equipment and against small attack drones that had just appeared at that time and really well... what systems need to be protected and armored, as far as i know, now this is such a concept, it is the maximum equipment that is used at the front to armour, and we see that there are injuries, there are serious injuries, but everyone is alive,
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this is the main thing, it is created for this, for this protection is created, as for the pace of production, then, as we understand, the pace will be... samples of your company passed whether, in particular, the new model of the machine innovator was tested according to a simplified procedure, for example, whether this process has already been completed, whether there are any solutions for passing these tests, whether there is an understanding of the volumes of orders, whether there are firm orders for this type of equipment by the armed forces or other forces defense and yes, it is, yes, it passed according to the new procedure, according to the simplified procedure, there are already orders, there are already reviews, there are already, let's say, when it passed
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tests, commission tests, factory representatives, we engaged institutes, and customers, and they gave a not so... not an informal assessment that really the car is two heads higher than the first innovator from the point of view of passing all the necessary tests, and this is very, let's say , pleasant, for me, as for the manager , it is nice for the employees who were involved in the development and production of this car, so we really worked on its... creation of this car, and we, and our partners, contractors, in order to fulfill the requirements of customers, in order to provide them with high-quality and reliable equipment for fighting actions, and now we are expanding the capabilities of these
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vehicles with combat modules, and combat units and turrets, which were developed for... mounting several types of universal machine guns and equipping them with means of radio-electronic warfare and so on, that is, the car is like a base, and more it can be used in different ways and different payloads can be used on it, and in addition to that, we are still developing another new guard replacement vehicle that i hope to introduce soon. can't help but ask about the situation which has now developed around the head of the national association of defense industry enterprises of ukraine, which includes the ukrainian armored vehicle company, against
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serhiy pashynskyi, the security service has raised such a new suspicion in an old criminal case, which concerns a completely different component, but in fact serhiy pashynskyi himself. .. says that this is a consequence of the fact that the companies included in naudi supplied the armed forces with equipment and ammunition at the lowest prices. and this is actually an echo of such or foreign or internal things, which, to be honest, have a negative impact on the activities of enterprises today. i would like to hear your assessment of this situation, how the directors who are part of naudi feel about this story, whether it will affect the efficiency of the enterprises themselves in the execution of already concluded or prospective orders for the armed forces, what will be the price of... the order and how can this whole situation be characterized in general? well, first of all, there is
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the nabu case, which has been under investigation since 2014, as far as we know and from open sources, that's why i can't comment on it from the point of view of its objectivity, let's say suspicions, and what we can say is that serhiy... volodymyrovych became actively involved in the work of the association in march 22 of the year with the beginning of the full-scale invasion and helps cooperation of the coordination of the work of enterprises having a certain political background, having experience of working in the committee of the verkhovna rada on issues of national security, that is, already understanding the production capacity of the capacity. industrial complex of ukraine, both public and private sector, therefore,
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using this experience, the enterprises are trying to interact with each other and with the authorities, using his knowledge and experience, how it will affect the work of the enterprises, well, in the short term, i don't know, but in general it is so-so. a negative point that can level the interaction of enterprises there and so on, that is, of course we would like, well, first of all, the higher anti-corruption court and nabu should dispassionately investigate this case from one side, that is, we do not want to influence it in any way , and on the other hand... side a is, let's say, there are a lot of ways, whether it's a personal
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commitment or something else , not to limit the association's work, there are a lot of tools, so all this can be done without harming the current processes of organizing the production of armed military equipment. mr. vladyslav, thank you very much. for the time for our program, for what your company does for our security and defense, and i would like to remind our viewers that it was vladyslav belbas, the general director of the company ukrainian armored vehicles, which supplies our army with a number of current samples of weapons technology, primarily ammunition. and then we will talk about one more important component about the means of radio-electronic warfare, how they are used. on the battlefield and what promising models are created by our domestic companies at the request of the ukrainian
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army about all this after the advertising and information block.
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exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the border crisis. between ukraine and poland, topics causing resonance in our society: drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attack on moscow. and other cities of russia, analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us, the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project, we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent, they help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care
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and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 on espresso. we are continuing our "war and weapons" program and will continue to talk about electronic warfare systems, but before that i will quote one quote that sounds like this: anyone in ukraine who can produce effective real electronic warfare systems deserves full state support at all levels and at the central from the government and in every region where there is such potential, this is... volodymyr zelenskyy's quote this week in an address to local authorities and to central authorities precisely in order to speed up creation and scaling of means of electronic warfare. do the manufacturers themselves know about this, what problems they have and to what extent these aspirations of the president coincide with the capabilities of the enterprises and
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local authorities themselves, if they order such systems. now we are joined by oleksiy. he is the deputy general director of the kvertus company. i congratulate you, mr. oleksiy. congratulations, mr. serhiy. i will tell our viewers that, actually, your products are in great demand among consumers. and they say this: kvertus products are expensive, but they always work. so i think these specs are probably, well, good signs that you're making a really quality product, but i'd like our... even more broadly to know what your company is offering to the defense security forces right now, for in which directions is your creative industrial team moving now? eh, let me tell you, you can say that, before our flagship product was an anti-drone gun, eh, this is a tool that neutralizes the work
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of eh, so to speak, reconnaissance drones, these are commercial drones, mavics, autels and so on similar, it is light and comfortable. a portable device powered by a rechargeable battery, it can be carried with you from position to position, er, then, according to the needs, the needs of the front, new drones appeared, fpv drones, and the most popular in our country now are countermeasures against fpv drones , these are our kvertus adpv and kvertus ad con fpv backpacks, they are essentially the same devices in two different form factors, one standing or on a tripod. or is attached to armored vehicles, the other is carried in a backpack, it is more convenient to use when going out on reconnaissance or evacuating the wounded, for example, we also have large stationary systems, they are called veper, this is a radio electronic warfare system that covers, so to speak, some large objects from drones
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, for example, objects of critical infrastructure, we currently have a tool in the series, and we are also developing a complex solution for radio-electronic and radio-electronic intelligence and a radio-electronic warfare tool, this is our azimut, which , together with our other tool, will automatically detect identify drone and then suppress its operation, well this is the latest development by the way, it is extremely promising, so i think that this ... as i understand it, will make it easier to protect our positions from enemy fpv drones and other drones, because this is a large part of the work will be executed in automatic mode, that's how i understand it, yes, absolutely yes, the information that will be received by one product, which we already have an azimuth, will be transmitted to a second device, for example,
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to our veper, a pro-electronic warfare tool, and veper will turn on at the signal from azimuth and... a drone drone that has already been detected. and what types of drones are we talking about from the point of view of suppression, that is, is it only about the fpv segment, or is it about a much larger range of enemy drones ? it can be a much wider spectrum, it can be not only fpv drones, it can be and there are ordinary drones, there are civilian ones, which we call scouts, maviks, mavik three, which are the most at the front, autels , others similar to these drones, it can be... any drones, so to speak, a wing, not just quadcopters, wings, they too are controlled at certain frequencies that we can also suppress with our devices, that is, in general, it can be any... any drone that is controlled at those frequencies that are suppressed by our device. and it seems that you did not mention among the list of products of this system,
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the dome type, that is, the creation of a protective dome field over armored vehicles, armored objects that move, that is , to protect vehicles, or tanks, or bmps. this is also, i know, one of those promising areas, and you have good examples of what exactly. in this segment it is so there are also such examples, first of all, this is exactly the product that i was talking about, which is on the counter fpv screen, it is called, it is a dome-type product that covers either the position or the armored vehicles from fpv drones, er, it currently covers more, more , more types of fpv drones, but not 100%, we now have a solution that we are testing, there are already positive feedbacks, it will go into series, a larger dome-type device that will close to drones by almost 100 %, and these drones that i control there, which are now on our front, he will close the position or
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tank from them. mr. oleksiy, how to perceive this threat now, that there are risks that fpv drones on the final part of the trajectory will be guided with the help of machine vision, that is, in fact , the entire capture will take place, or is this the approach? with the use of fp2s does not level the actual protective rap systems, at the moment we do not see this problem in a large-scale expression , there is more talk about it at the moment than there are actually such drones, of course, as in everything rap follows drones, some new drones appear, then reb decides how to solve this problem to decide, that's why we will be here, we will go here. absolutely in this way, currently there is not enough information about how to deal with this problem, because it has not yet acquired a large-scale nature, but as soon as it
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develops, then our engineers will find a solution to this issue as well, a solution to this issue, and then i would like to hear your vision of the development of the president's thesis that everyone who produces reb systems in ukraine deserves full state support. at all levels, does your company experience it, or are there any are the components related to the development, production, testing, procurement, reb systems , where the state's help is really needed? at the moment, i think we need the help of the state in two aspects: the first aspect is financial, and recently we have seen a shift in this aspect at the state level. we already fulfill state orders for some of our devices, for some series of devices, and therefore we see, we see the interest of the state, currently we are
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still going through bureaucratic circles for our other devices, of course, this funding, which is available at the moment, is absolutely insufficient, the need for troops is much greater in the reb systems, which are currently under state orders, but here the ice is definitely over and the state is starting. to finance manufacturers, and the second aspect is informational, here i mean in terms of informational support and coverage of the rebu issue, as we can see, on all tv channels, in all public places, in social networks, messengers, everyone is talking about drones, about , that we need millions of drones, we have an army of drones, now on base ramstein, they are talking about a coalition of drones. eh, and here is the state, well, it may be late, but it is systematically involved in the solution of this problem and is moving in the right direction, and at the same time we are talking about the fact that such
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a powerful enemy that we have must be defeated by some non-linear approaches, it is necessary do everything not in a pattern and fight including, uh, we receive daily feedback from the front that our product can land a couple of dozens of enemy enemy drones, so here we are... talking about it there is an example non-linear approach, if the war of drones began, and it began precisely in our country, then it is necessary not only to produce millions of drones, not only to supply millions of drones to the army, but also to manufacture and start production of drones, at least in the hundreds of thousands, for that , in order not to win in this war of drones, it is necessary not only to increase the production of drones, but also to increase the production of neutralization of hydrogen, so this is what i am talking about, that it is necessary from the state... and also informational support, well that is it is about what needs to be understood the meaning of rep, i think that the vast majority of people already understand this, and the second component
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is the scaling of production, and while on the example of your company, over the last two years, how much has the production of reb means increased at your enterprise, to what extent these indicators can be scaled even more, do you have enough people for this in order to carry out such and such a multiple increase in the production of certain samples? well, over the past two years, we can say that our company has grown. but it grew somewhere eight times, somewhere ten times, if we take our production capacity, then we grew, i think seven-eight times over the last period, we also grew, we grew in terms of staff, in quantities, we also grew, well, in general, in everything that concerns the products of units over a certain period of time, we have grown tenfold, but here we are scaling completely by our own forces, we are scaling according to the needs of the front,
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we see what is needed, we see who needs it and in which quantities, that is, if it is worth it the question of scaling up according to the needs of the state at the state level, then we can also do it, we can do it multiple times, in one year we can still grow several times, for this we need a clear systematic approach of the state to the needs of the slave, because at the moment we don't have this clear system approach in our understanding, we have some number of government orders, but these are... not such orders to plan scaling for at least a year, well, that is, you, relatively speaking, i wanted to ask about three-year order, that is, to have a perspective for three years based on a certain number of samples, then it is possible to scale up, i see that we are still trying within a year, at best , to form some perspectives, well, for three , we definitely cannot talk about three years now.
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tell me, can you hear me? yes, you can already hear it, yes, yes. yes, we definitely cannot talk about three years now. currently, we do not have such orders. we can't even talk about planning for the year yet, well, according to government orders. expansion of production we are already carrying out, we, we are carrying out production expansion, and we are recruiting full-time staff and purchasing equipment, we are growing in everything and the component base and suppliers. we are looking for them, but this is all in accordance with the needs of the front , which we ourselves see and for which they turn to us, but it is not yet at the state level, and mr. oleksiu, just for one minute, i would like you to share your impressions after that , how did your company visit this exhibition in saudi arabia, the world defense show, where samples of various manufacturers, not only armored vehicles, as we can now
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see in the video, but in reb's means, i am sure that representatives of other companies, european, american, approached, and i must have asked you something that they were interested in, how they evaluate us, our level, and how do we evaluate their developments? we can definitely say that due to the circumstances that have developed in our country, the general level of our developments, it is quite high, the great development of drones, and , accordingly, the rebu, it began in our war. quite a small number of manufacturers, they were tested by war, we were one of those manufacturers, including at this exhibition , which has been tested by war, and the world in general, and manufacturers from other countries, they still do not 100% understand the problems that arise due to drones, neither do they they don't understand the problems in which we need to move forward, that's why it wouldn't be sad here, but here
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we... understand each other better than many other manufacturers, many other countries in the world, you could say so. mr. oleksiy, thank you very much for your time, for the work of your company for the forces security and defense, i hope that in due time we will once again return to the examples of your company, which provides reliable protection for our warriors on the battlefield. and i will remind our viewers that my interlocutor was oleksiy cherniuk, deputy director of the company. kwertus, which manufactures reb. what is the conclusion from the conversation with our directors. first of all, it is that now we are at such a stage of confrontation with the russian federation, where we are simply obliged to bet on domestic technological solutions,


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