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tv   [untitled]    February 18, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EET

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understand the issues in which we need to move in relation to the reb, so here it would not be sad, but here we understand better than many other manufacturers, many other countries in the world, you can say so, mr. oleksiy, thank you very much for your time, for your work of your company for the security and defense forces, i hope that after some time we will once again return to the examples of your company, which provides reliable protection for our soldiers on the field... and i will remind our viewers that my interlocutor was oleksiy cherniuk, deputy director of the company kwertus, which manufactures reb. what is the conclusion from the conversation with our directors? first of all, it is that now we are at such a stage of confrontation with the russian federation, where we are simply obliged to bet on domestic technological solutions. which
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compensate for the enemy's advantage in the number of personnel and its iron, this direction is now extremely relevant, extremely necessary, we must support our enterprises as much as possible, understanding that sometimes our partners, when we talk about the united states, it happens, get carried away by their own political games, and this significantly affects the situation on the front line. stay tuned to the spresso channel, there will be a lot more interesting things to come. there are 10% discounts on citramon darnytsia at psarysnyk, ban and oskad pharmacies, there are 15% discounts on penger and gervir at psyasnyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. weekly. meets with the head
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of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm, the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine, pawel koval. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like. in the project "close to politics, close to the world" with maria gurska. every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in collaboration with sestria au. exclusively on our air. channel congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine. the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of changing processes. and
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each of us, the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project, we are bored, because there is nothing to quarrel about, let 's invent, they help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. project for those who care and think politclub. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. events events that are happening right now and affect our lives, of course, news the tape reports on them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, you need to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess events, analyze them, modeling our future, every saturday at 1:10 p.m., with a repeat on sunday at 10:10 a.m. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. vasyl zema's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl
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zamaye, we are starting two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, we will discuss many important topics with you today, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhiy zgurets is with us, and how the world lives, now yuriy fizar will talk in more detail about what happened in the world, yuriy, good evening, please give me the floor, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchyvka is with us, oleksandr, congratulations, please and sports news, review of sports events from yevgeny postukov. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on advent day, as well as the studio's distinguished guests, andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, who was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. canal espresso and ukrainian pen. and western intellectuals
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who interpret and comment on the most relevant social discussions, what news will there be? to analyze the guests of the project this week and actually who will be the guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday, clearly, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special, their own names with myroslava barchuk, sunday 17:10 at espresso. 10 years of war, war for freedom, from revolution of dignity to today's battles. if something happens to me, if it doesn't happen to me, then i know that i died for the truth. 10 years of war, the war for our existence, this is the path that changed us. in the conditions of occupied territories, de-occupied territories, we have losses of the order of potential 7 million hectares of land, which have not been cultivated for two years. 10 years of war, war for the future, what price do we pay for
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it? 200 of our citizens were taken to russia. depopulation is an inevitable thing. intellectuals, experts, patriots, about threats. and our future in a special project for the 10th anniversary of the beginning of russia's armed aggression against ukraine 10 years of the war for independence from february 18 on espresso. greetings, dear tv viewers, the studio zahid program is on the air of the tv channel. we will analyze the most important events of this week and we will predict how events will develop in the near future. our guests today are roman bezsmertny and glen grant. now, roman bezsmertny, an iconic ukrainian politician and diplomat, will work on espresso tv channel. glory to ukraine, mr. roman, congratulations you. glory to the heroes, mr. antin. greetings to you and
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your viewers. well, extremely important messages. maybe they are lying, maybe they are fake, putin sent with the help of the so -called journalist carlson. we understand that later all these things. were reinforced by some or other messages that came, for example, from the russian goebbels lavrov. we understand that putin is making a certain offer, we understand that this offer is in our interests, and the key task, as far as i understand, is the maximum raising of the degree and hysteria with the help of russian propaganda, with the aim of stabilization or freezing, and as far as i understand, these are all the messages that putin sent to the west through kasya, they were aimed at exactly this, and here, accordingly , the so-called russian nuclear weapons in space fit very well into such a scenario , i pay attention to a folder with documents in quotation marks of bohdan khmelnytskyi, if you
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open the library of congress of the united states of america right now, you will find these documents, but not the ones that i handed over, but those that are there. and there is no need in the united states of america for the presence of documents bohdan khmelnytskyi and many other documents, which are very often used by the moscow führer in disinformation attacks , are not in ukraine, these documents are in abundance there in sufficient quantity in copies, partly in originals and so on, because america has always taken care of this and will take care of it. what was in this folder, as you understand, an american journalist is always accompanied by cameramen, assistants, especially the person of carlson, so there was no need to hand over a certain document, because it was a danger, so it is obvious that we have
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a message in this case, which does not need to be deciphered, it is clear, because in the conversations trump not only promised carlson the position of vice... president, and much more. now for other things. remember that during any aggressions, whether in georgia or ukraine, ah, it was preceded by certain historical excursions. and this means that russia is preparing to attack. moreover, the component of this attack was now not only ukraine, but also poland, as well as the baltic countries. this means that the topic of war, global war on... the european continent is not just on the agenda, which we talked about with you, but it is already the essence of further plans, worked out plans from the point of view of russia's tactical steps for the coming months, not years, european experts are mistaken when
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they talk about two , three, five years, if someone thinks that this is a coincidence , carlson and the next strikes there in europe for... they are very well practiced by the fsb, or we take the middle east, this is a silly game . do we take the left or the right extreme radical forces of european states, everywhere there are these useful idiots like the kgb, the fsb, the moscow führer, and it began to work very actively, it is clear that against the background of this, two rails immediately emerged, the first rail is a thesis about negotiations, some of which were allegedly held, where none negotiations, no one even made any proposals, and
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the second is that ukraine is already broken, and you understand, all this, but if you look at the table like this, the informational menu is on the menu, it simply closed all other issues, all other points , which are super relevant in the world, well by the way, the food program in african countries is still not... solved , yes, ukraine has broken a corridor, but this corridor is not enough to solve the problems, but pay attention , it is as if there is no problem, further, africa, now in fact central africa is all ablaze with war, after prigozhin was expelled from there, in general with his death, and wars between his factions began there, and in fact... starting from sudan, central africa, military conflicts arose everywhere, but even about that
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no one says anything anywhere at all. the situation on the arabian peninsula has already, ah, put the whole world economy on a mine for a slow nodia. and everyone can see this from the rise in prices, i am not talking about the fact that today 30% of europe's dependence on liquefied gas, which came through the soviet channel, is forced to deliver through the cape of good hope, this is a plus 10-14 days, this is an increase in tariffs and so on, that is, these things have already taken a back seat, and at the same time it is clear that topics related to aid of ukraine, from the strengthening of the industrial potential of defense europe and so on, and they are not actively being followed at all now, but... in the international information space, from here, i already see and recommend the following
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departure from the thesis: 3/4 goes to the elections, and here the führer of moscow and all these brothers of useful idiots will use this situation to impose their narrative on the world. this is a very dangerous thing, because it shows once again that information... in the current situation, it is no less dangerous than bullets, mines, shells, rockets and everything else. i completely agree with you, mr. roman, and accordingly i would ask you to unravel this triangle, that is, on the one hand, the signal from the russian criminal lavrov, who began to spread disinformation, obviously for what purpose, that they are ready to do something there would be a truce, but taking into account the realities on the ground, i.e.... they are not going to give up the occupied, on the other hand, the coup in the air by
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presidential candidate donald trump, who said that biden surrenders ukraine, here he, trump, is the opposite will be able to solve everything, and here we have a huge rotation and changes in our general staff, the replacement of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine , general zaluzhnyi, with colonel-general oleksandr syrskyi. that's it... triangles, i understand that the scenarios are different, but i understand that they can somehow exchange energy. the first thing i would suggest is that we start with the interview of the russian ambassador vaughan, not benzie, steven sakura, because everything else, it is somehow loaded with the center of the main, completely, well, a little bit of a different content, but this interview, this it's just... i would suggest to everyone who wants to understand what journalism is and what
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journalism is, to take a look at an interview with carlson and here with steven sakura, well, he is such a talented journalist, he conducted the interview so competently with nebenzia, where he explained everything he understood, what he didn't understand, he was forced to speak on issues that did not belong to his competence at all, but he... spoke because the journalist simply attacked him. in what you are talking about, it was not bendzia who very clearly answered the question, that there are none there are no negotiations. there can be no negotiations in the near future, there are two more figurative facts that prove it, i want to put a big point here so that those who listen to us will never return to this topic. furen moskovskii always used global things, global processes, global phenomena to start all
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kinds of war, military actions, olympics, economic crises. and so on, remember, we talked with you when the epidemic began, i said that he would not give up, on the contrary, he would attack, everyone said that no, the disease, the epidemic will stop, no, this year there will be elections and a certain sag from the transition period in the united states of america, but to hell with the olympics in paris this year, from here, what kind of negotiations can we talk about, it is immediately obvious that for the führer is a moment. this is the moment, here he is in an interview with carson, he says: i will go to the olympics and then i will make a decision whether to give the poles a break there or to strike, everything was already written in the lobby. hence the topic with negotiations, i suggest removing it for those who try to spin it, because this is just misinformation that fits very well
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into the narrative that you and i talked about earlier, and at least... of course, the moscow fuhrer would very much like to informationally involve trump, biden, ukraine, and european leaders in this process, and here the marker is orban, here, as soon as orban started speaking, he just croaked something about ukraine, we should forget everything about crimea, i was a little shocked by the fact that duda, the neighboring president, also sang along, i i can't understand why. he was imprisoned, obviously relations with tusk make him so nervous that he is forced to say things that, from the point of view of, well, poland, they are of no use at all, but why did he say it, and this is another, if proof that we are this, this totally misinformative track about
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the negotiations, now the topic, how does this topic fit in with trump and the united states of america, well ... come on trump, i know this person pretty well in terms of his psychophysical characteristics, all he talks about is the election , this is, if you like, a scene during a concert, that is in the united states of america, especially in trump's understanding, elections are a kind of cultural action, and he... it was passed down from his mother, but he always tries to capture the entire space. eyewitnesses and witnesses say about his mother that when she appeared for the first time in new york, all socialites disappeared from the radar there, and trump repeatedly, even during the election , repeats that this was passed on to him from his mother,
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openness towards people , he is even a parasite on this topic, and here... this is the desire to seize space leads to him, leads him, but changing shoes in the air, you know? this, mr. antin, it does not matter in principle, he will do such somersaults that even you and i cannot come up with, now why this moment of reshuffle came exactly and it coincided with the appointment of syrskyi. there is a moment in trump's life where the official biographies say that when he turned 13, he... met with difficulties, these difficulties, well, what could happen to a young man in the 50s and 60s, well, drugs, there all these gangster fun, and the father is german, and the father sent him to the military academy, he became an exemplary student of the military academy within a year,
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and as soon as budanov, a syrian, speaks, he very well... understands what he is saying, when a military man speaks, and when they put a table of characteristics on him, who is speaking today on behalf of ukraine, he immediately began to spin the roach, especially since it coincided with his love in quotes for joseph biden, for the democrats and so on. i am convinced that these tumbleweeds will continue, they will spin in the other direction as well, now it is holding. i put two messages that trump will save ukraine in quotation marks, and the second that trump will force ukraine to surrender. the fact is that for such a type. like trump , don't give it a better situation, he will say whatever he wants, but pay attention, even on a personal level, because the haley and
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trump families were on very good terms, and who but trump appointed nikki haley as the united states ambassador to the un america, look at what he's saying now, that her husband left her, that he's just such an inveterate sexist and it is very. quickly flew into space, and this is visible both in personal relations and in global, regional, interstate relations, and so on, so i would suggest that in this case, and if you can't decipher trump right away, then you have to see what was there in the details of that day and so on, what was happening, as soon as he heard about the replacement of the military in ukraine, he realized that... something would be there, and this memory of the military academy immediately turned on, he will be at the academy in new york a year later , already received
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diplomas, he even received a coaching scholarship from the football coach, because he is a poor man, forgive me, huge, he is now 77 years old, and he has such curls that he does not know what to do with them, and then a handsome, young man, everything with him and so on. and this is the situation here, a flight at the age of 13, forgive slang. it is clear that he was put in place there very quickly, because i think that many of those who will watch us, or watch, listen, know the saying, let's hand him over to the army, maybe there will be more intelligence, and for the germans this one this prussian approach, drills, it has always been relevant, especially since the trump family, only on her mother's side, is from scotland. they are all germans, and such germans are avid, because his grandfather even escaped from germany because of this german drill, from this it must be understood that
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there are things here that are superimposed informationally, but what are you right about? in the fact that no one will dig into these things, they will look at the headlines, and they will look at the headlines, this is a very dangerous infection, so it is clear from here that theses about negotiations, trump's position. and it begins to play in the information field and by imposing certain information flows on people, puts them in a state of psychological depression , because there is clearly a depressive content here, the essence of which is all lost there, nothing will happen, there will be no help, against the background of this similar actions there is michael johnson, the united states of america, they are very dangerous, why, because well... i don't want to talk about it, a small fact that confirms this big lie, well , he turns this lie into a life-giving,
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just a thorough foundation of development, development of events, and from here it is obvious that the situation in terms of information, it needs to be tracked, especially on this russian track, but i say once again, here the first thesis is that the elections are global. second, the danger for europe is enormous. in fact , the situation has now come down to the thesis of 2014-2022, everything is in putin's head, he will decide whether to take this step during the paris olympics, or if it is possible to somehow take other tactical actions there. now the topic of space and the topic of taking nuclear weapons into space, well, what is the space industry of russia in the current situation, i think that everyone understood after the launch for a month,
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she clearly asked, but the tactical tools used by president reagan with the strategic initiative of defense soybeans, remember, so and so and from here to here in the current situation for america, did not go anywhere. here's that's that's that's the information for the cartoons, well, it would be there , you see, there's literally an explosion, turner didn't keep silent, because sullivan, jack sullivan, the adviser to the president, said it right , i don't understand at all why he said this, he received closed documents, what can they be used for had to be disclosed , there was no sense, especially since in private, as it is in any parliament, you can familiarize yourself with the closed... documents to every congressman, but it was deliberately inflated so that it gained such hype character, up to the point that biden
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gave an instruction to enter into... in negotiations, and now imagine, there is a thesis that the negotiations were conducted over ukraine, here is a thesis that he gave an instruction about the negotiations, how does all this work, and this one, give the gate valve an informational one, it starts very seriously to make society nervous and depressed, especially european ones, because in fact i look at the sporadic reactions of both ursula funderlein and the leaders of germany, and the maneuvers of macron, who sometimes appoints visits, then cancels them, this is not the first visit that has been scheduled and canceled, it is already another one, and i'm not talking about this flurry of strikes that has covered europe, spring is coming, farmers need to go to the fields, but they are not preparing for the spring manes, spring is coming, the spring campaign is military and
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replacement. a large part of what is called our stake, in particular, the replacement of the chief of staff, the replacement of the chief of the general staff, how this was done, well, this is another topic of a separate conversation, but huge challenges, in your opinion, why right now, what is the plan of the challenge and how can one interpret a certain signal of the new commander-in-chief, general colonel syrsky that we should now prepare for a powerful defensive campaign, this is fleeting. means that the enemy could gather enough resources for some kind of rush. this interview, which is being talked about now, which i also happened to watch, it was given before sirsky's appointment, and in fact the theme of the defense campaign, it has been discussed since november last year, actually after zaluzhnyi's scientific article, already then it became clear that ukraine is informationally...
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preparing for a change of tactics, a change of tactics, as current statistics show, i do not take to analyze the whole situation, because i am not a military person, but as the current statistics show, this approach, which was declared useful even then, is absolutely correct, now the replacement, in this situation it is very revealing not what has already been done, but what has not been done , a notice that a number of... very experienced officers, senior officers, who actually from captain to general, starting in 2014, have been through this war, that is, this is a unique experience, this is a unique knowledge, these are professionals of the highest caliber, but i didn't see any decree about their assignment to some other job, i already told one of your colleagues,
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mr. antin, that even the dictator stalin changed malinovsky to zhukov, zhukov to tymoshenko, tymoshenko to rukosovsky, and so on further, that is, he understood how much these people carry invaluable experience. obviously, there's another thing in this personnel change that's not being disclosed, i'm not going to reveal my thoughts because it's... just speculation, but i have my understanding of what actually happened, and until i if i don't see the presidential decree, which would give an opportunity to see that this unique, colossal potential of this constellation of senior officers will serve ukraine in the future, i will have a very inner anxiety with these
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decisions. i will not talk about syrsky now, not about those who are appointed, this is a taboo for me, i don't want to touch these people, and if these senior officers still end up somewhere in nato structures, for me it will be not only an understanding that what we are being told and told now is not true, but also a very serious anxiety about further development events i have no doubt that alexander the syrian and the entire galaxy of those who came are the same prepared, the same kind of people and officers who went through great battles, battles, tactical steps, strategic steps of this war, but when i look at the photo where they are together next to the president, then i want to be everyone knew that these people already now... they know that
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they will be treated as they have been treated.


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