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tv   [untitled]    February 18, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EET

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for a month, she clearly asked, but the tactical tools that president reagan used with the soy defense strategic initiative did not go anywhere . you see, there is literally an explosion. did not remain silent, because sullivan, jack sullivan , adviser to the president, said it correctly, i do not understand at all why he said this, he received closed documents, why they could, should have been disclosed, there was no sense, because more that in private, as it is in any parliament, it is possible to read the closed documents to every congressman, but it was deliberately inflated to make it so sensational until ... that biden gave the order to enter
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into the negotiations, and now imagine, there is a thesis that the negotiations were conducted in ukraine, here is a thesis that he gave instructions about the negotiations, how all this is going, and this is a floodgate, informational, he begins to be very seriously nervous and enter into a state of depression societies, especially european ones, because actually i look at... the sporadic reactions of both ursula funderlein and the leaders of germany, and the maneuvers of macron, who now appoints visits and then cancels them, this is not the first visit that has been scheduled and canceled, this is another one, and i i'm not talking about this flurry of strikes that has covered europe, spring is coming, farmers need to go to the fields, but they are not preparing for the spring ones, roman, spring is coming, spring is coming.
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military campaign and the replacement of a large part of what is called our rate, in particular the replacement of the commander-in-chief, the replacement of the chief of the general staff, in what way it was done, well, this is another topic of a separate conversation, but the huge challenges, in your opinion, why right now, what is the plan of the challenges and how can you interpret a certain signal of the new commander-in-chief, colonel general sirsky, that we should prepare now.. .to a powerful defensive campaign, this means in passing that the enemy could muster sufficient resources for some sort of thrust. this interview, which is being talked about now, which i also happened to watch, it was given before the appointment of syrskyi, and in fact the topic defense campaign, it has been talked about since november of last year, actually after zaluzhnyi's scientific article, already then it became
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clear that ukraine is informationally preparing for a change in tactics, a change in tactics, as current statistics show, i do not undertake to analyze the whole situation, because i is not a military one, but as current statistics show, it is this approach, which was declared useful even then, it is absolutely correct. now the replacement. in this situation, what is very telling is not what has already been done, but what has not been done. and pay attention to the fact that released a number of very experienced officers, senior officers, who, in fact, from captain to general, since 2014, have gone through this war, that is, this is a unique experience, this is a unique knowledge, this is a profession of high-class professionals, but i have not seen any decree about their appointment to some other
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work, i already told one of your colleagues , mr. antin, that even the dictator stalin exchanged malinovsky for zhukov, zhukov for tymoshenko, tymoshenko for rukosovsky, and so on, that is, he understood how invaluable experience these people carry. obviously, there is another thing in these personnel changes that is not being disclosed. i won't reveal my thoughts, because this is just speculation, but i have my own understanding of what actually happened, and until i see the presidential decree, which would make it possible to see that this unique, colossal potential of this the galaxy of senior officers will serve ukraine in the future.
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i will have a very inner anxiety with these decisions, i will not talk about syrsky, not about those appointed, this is a taboo for me, i do not want to touch these people. and if these are higher officers will still end up somewhere in the nato structures, for me it will be not only an understanding that what we are being told and told now is not true, but also a very serious anxiety about the further development of events. i have no doubt that oleksandr syrsky and the entire galaxy of those who came are just as prepared. the same men and officers who went through the great slaughter, the battles, the tactical steps, the strategic steps of this war, but when i look at the picture where they are together next to the president, i want everyone
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to know that these people already know what's up with them will do as they have done with the industrious and other officers, which means that... they will understand how they should work. the one who pushed the commander-in-chief to take similar actions without answering the question of where zelensky will work next, how will his potential be used, where will shaptala work, and how will his potential be used, where will naiv work and how will he be used , his potential will be used, he... actually did well, very much a dangerous step for the supreme commander-in-chief. in history, such cases have happened, but napoleon never in his life pushed away ney,
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nimirat and so on so easily. and people like chankaysh , brilliant, unique officers of the highest order, leaders of the state, they... they simply guarded, like gold, guarded such personnel potential, because they perfectly understood that such things in classrooms, at training, which this constellation of ukrainians now possess officers, you will not learn, i will be pleased if i make a mistake in mine forecasts, but here are my guesses, about which i will remain silent for the time being, which indicate that not everything is as it is said by the president, as it is presented in the information, and i even partially think about that it is obvious that zelensky was misinformed, as the supreme commander-in-chief about many things,
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and if it is still suppressed by his political preferences and his political reflections, regarding the support of zaluzhnyi in the political arena, then i can say that he should understand, like all ukrainians, that we will enter the the era of the ukrainian eisenhowers, which means whether someone wants it or not, we will still have at the head of the state those who led the ukrainian army during the war years. whether it will take place there or last a few more years or decades, it is not so important from the point of view of how the electoral mood of society fluctuates, but it is obvious that this scenario is the arrival of the ukrainian heisenhowers
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, followed by the ukrainian kennedys, who, by the way, also fought , it is already drawn for the next decades for ukraine. and from here the least, i would like it to be clarified over time that these are just decisions motivated by certain political zeal, regarding the support or non-support of this or that candidacy. thank you very much, mr. roman, for this extremely interesting conversation on the air of the tv channel to our tv viewers. let me remind you that now roman besmetny, a famous ukrainian politician and diplomat, worked for them. glen grant, military expert, retired colonel of the british army, glory to ukraine, dear mr. colonel, god save the kin. an extremely serious situation,
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a bad situation on the big front of the russian-ukrainian war, in particular when... we are talking about the kupyan-lyman direction and about avdiivka, and there is a feeling that the enemy has prepared a fairly large number of relevant resources in order to plan one or the other . spring combat activities, spring combat actions, perhaps it is also about the preparation of an additional russian offensive. in my opinion, this is definitely a difficult and disturbing situation, i believe that it causes great concern for the top military leadership and the president as they carefully consider what action to take. there is a risk, for example, that an ongoing conflict may deplete resources that may be needed elsewhere in the near future. future, so i think we need to seriously evaluate whether we try to maintain
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control over everything, or whether we recognize that we are in a situation where we need to make compromises in order to ensure that we win a larger battle later. avdiivka, how to properly prepare for the situation in avdiivka, and we understand that the enemy may try to develop certain offensive activities in other additional areas. front, the commander will not be able to simply do nothing, except to throw more people and weapons there, this is the only option: there are no secret equipment or magical solutions, everything depends on manpower and the use of available resources. the challenge is how many lives are you willing to sacrifice to maintain control of a place as important as avdiyivka considering that these people may be needed for future operations in a month or two to attack. etaki in another city. resources are limited and the country must prioritize saving as
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many people as possible for future needs. if we talk about certain signals from the new commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine , colonel-general syrskyi. how were they read at the event, in particular among military experts? i believe that most people around the world understand that general syrskyi's position makes sense given the need to... have a defensive posture until ukraine faces the inevitable big attack, especially in view of russia's aggressive actions, so i believe that people understand the position of general syrskyi and realize that he is acting within limited possibilities. a more difficult aspect is the soldiers' reaction to the new commander and his strategies. general syrsky is not always the most popular figure in the armed forces, so it will be interesting to see how he will be perceived and... interpreted by his subordinates. in addition, it is first of all important to determine how much
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personal determination he will be able to bring to effectively confront russia in this war. very many of the newly appointed generals are colonels, they have their own combat path, and many of them have paid with blood on one or another part of the front, that is, people know what a new phase can be. the russian -ukrainian war, and so to speak, i don’t know, an attempt to make a military futurology, what can we expect in the current situation, the challenges that will be faced, in particular, it is about rethinking certain old experience and attracting new experience and possibly new technical opportunities, and at the same time what should we expect from enemy? on the part of russia, we can expect purposeful efforts aimed at collecting and mobilizing as much as possible. more resources in this battle. putin believes that he is currently in a winning position, which simplifies his
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strategy. all this is due to the fact that there are delays in the congress with funding and the provision of weapons, and the european union has not yet fully decided on its reaction. in addition, the production of the necessary ammunition is slow, which creates certain problems. putin now probably perceives ukraine as extremely vulnerable, regardless from how he became. to individual leaders like zaluzhny or sirsky i don't think it matters because he sees the system as a whole, the system is weak on the ground and he 's going to throw everything he has now to break it. ukraine should increase its capabilities in the field of drones, attracting more drones of various types from the population and as many volunteers as possible for their production, procurement, etc. drones will be critical, especially in places like avdiyivka where supplies are. passes are limited until insufficient ammunition for
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artillery will arrive, drones will be the main weapon, both offensively and defensively. i hope that ukrainian engineers will work tirelessly on the continuous improvement of drone technology. it is critical that the department of defense quickly commits funds to bolster this effort once the drones are manufactured. on the other hand, we understand that they are constantly increasing their resources. yes, but there is also a certain ceiling, russian resourcefulness rests against the ceiling of their capabilities, but if we talk, for example, about the seriousness of the assessment of the situation, whether the enemy is now preparing for perhaps ... some larger offensive, that is an important question, and i believe the answer is yes. it is obvious that they are planning something big. the real question is the scale and nature of these future actions. russia has significant military resources, including tanks, armored vehicles, and a seemingly endless supply of personnel. what they do with these
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people basically boils down to the fact that they are simply thrown into the battle of death like meat. but there are many of them, and the management does not care if they are will die it is important for the russians to just keep moving forward and forward. i think we will soon see russia attack in a big way somewhere. i really hope that it is not in the area of ​​sumy or kharkiv. however, it is important to remember russia's penchant for unconventional tactics that always keep opponents guessing. we must be prepared for the unexpected and have enough reserves ready to deploy. contrary to popular opinion, we have human reserves scattered in different cities, in kyiv, in lviv. and very important. them effectively to train and mobilize, because a lot of them will be needed before the end of this war. it is important that everyone is aware of the potential need to be involved, even if they are currently in non-military roles. now the key story, the key strategy of the russian general staff is not in some high-tech developments,
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some wonderwaffes and so on and so forth. they're in the business of deploying the meat grinder, which is... infantry assaults, large numbers, and trying to raise additional forces to try to develop one or another offensive actions , they do not use anything particularly cunning , their technique has proven itself, but there is a question of quantity, there is a question of quantitative measurement and , accordingly, the so-called offensive momentum, russia is definitely not playing a double game, it begins the offensive with what she has, and as she... acquires more resources, continues her offensive. russia knows that the ukrainian front line is stretched, so they are always looking for vulnerable places where ukraine is not strong enough to break through. it is interesting to report from america that russia may be considering the possibility of launching nuclear weapons into space. if they do it, and they are guided by the goal of disrupting communications, disrupting the gps, that is, actually
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reducing not only the ukrainian side, but also the west to their level of hostilities. in other words, trying to... take technology out of the equation will force both ukraine and the west to move to a more primitive style of warfare that matches the tactics favored by russia. i think it is quite perhaps because with the development of technology in the west and in ukraine, it becomes increasingly difficult for russia to achieve its goals, and it is more likely to lose. therefore, we can witness how russia will take measures to level the technological capabilities, disrupting the work of gps and satellite. communication, so don't be surprised if such actions occur. well, in general, they strengthened the equipment of the land component of their offensive actions. on the other hand , we understand that their aviation is there, but it did not play a decisive role. we understand that in they have colossal problems with the black sea, they did not expect that they could literally
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be knocked out of the black sea basin, so with the help of drones, and drones are a technology. on the other hand, we understand that this is a mutual technology. ukraine can develop its fleet of drones at the same time as the russians will either purchase or try to develop certain drone installations. and here the key story is for our defense system to turn into a single integrated mechanism. and, as far as i can tell, time for this is not very much. the primary task is to create a coordinated army, that is, not numerous separate units. them everywhere, namely to organize the battlefield, clearly and harmoniously, determining who is responsible for which area. this will greatly reduce the likelihood of friendly fire incidents and ensure a clear understanding of responsibilities across the front line. currently, if we look at the maps, we will see that people are scattered throughout the territory, it is not always clear who is responsible for what. regarding the responsibility of the 110th
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we have clarity about the brigade in avdiivka, but there is no such clarity about the units behind it. this coordination is critical and a top priority. the second priority is efforts to improve the health care system. despite some improvements that have already been made, the quality of the medical system still does not meet the requirements of an army fighting a war of this magnitude. more harnesses, the right harnesses, proper medical equipment, and constant training are needed to meet the demands of the battlefield. third the priority is to focus on control. defense, which directly supports soldiers, especially infantry. the infantryman is on the front line and needs adequate support. you cannot support a soldier with an f-16. it doesn't work. such support includes... basic essentials such as infrared sights, assault rifles and ammunition, mortars, mortar ammunition, grenade launchers, grenades, and other necessary equipment. this is a real basis for
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conducting infantry combat. adequate infantry support is critical to victory in this war, but if you don't support the infantry, a lot of them will die and you'll just give russia more of a chance to break through. it's not about big things, it's about people being properly equipped and trained. this is the main challenge for asyrsky, which consists in professionalizing the entire system, not just the front. this means improving the processes from recruiting to sending soldiers, officers and senior commanders to the front. at all levels of leadership, there needs to be a better understanding of how to fight this battle effectively. we we understand, glen, that wars are won not only by commanders-in-chief, but primarily by personnel and sergeants. so we also understand that it is very important... it is the middle link, the middle link of logistics, the middle link of provision, development and support of certain operations and, in general, certain changes.
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the middle echelon, on the other hand, we understand that in order to train the middle echelon, whether it is logisticians, whether it is communications workers and so on, it must take a certain amount of time. i believe the first step is to focus on recruiting people from logistics expertise to strengthen our logistics support. we need specialists who have many years of experience in logistics and can contribute to the improvement of this industry. such people can be found in various companies such as silpo. i mean people who know logistics inside out and have been doing it for a long time. some of them work on an international level with shipping companies on a daily basis. it is important to bring these professionals into the system so that they can help improve logistics capabilities. when it comes to the selection of sergeants, giving priority to combat. experience becomes very important, starting from the military rank of soldier, candidates must first demonstrate their effectiveness on the battlefield and can then be promoted
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according to their achievements. after gaining sufficient combat experience, they can undergo short but intensive training courses lasting up to four days to improve their leadership skills and general knowledge before returning to combat. you can't just recruit sergeants without understanding the realities of combat. therefore, it is important that they first acquire adequate combat experience, so it is necessary to ensure that they are capable of carrying out the duties of sergeants. this approach ensures that there are competent sergeants who understand the situation on the battlefield and are able to effectively lead their units. for officers, it may also be appropriate to take this approach, they should also have direct combat experience before further training, provided they demonstrate their professionalism. here it's important to strike a balance between battlefield experience, life experience, and simple systems that facilitate quick decision-making and action. we need non-bureaucratic systems that
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waste a lot of time waiting for someone's decision. our systems must be flexible, able to respond to challenges within days, not weeks or months, to reflect changes in approaches and thinking. unfortunately, i have to end our conversation, i am sincerely grateful, mr. colonel, for this detailed one. analysis of the situation, i want to remind our viewers, that glen grant, a retired colonel of the british army, was currently working on espresso. well, the time of our program is over, stay with the espresso tv channel. my colleagues will inform you about all the most important events of this day. take care of yourself and your loved ones. see you on air. there are discounts on acc long 15% in drugstores, plantain, memory and savings. there are discounts on icelandic pastilles, 15% in
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charger. call and order a reliable and convenient tool from only uah 1,499 with the possibility of free delivery. check with consultants. a powerful strong saw is what you need. call news on the air espresso. i am khrystyna parubiy. i will talk about the most relevant at the moment. in slovyansk, rescuers retrieved the body of a man from under the rubble of a school. a 65-year-old security guard of an educational institution died, the mayor of the city, vadym lyakh, informed. a part of a three-story building collapsed due to a rocket impact. the bodies of two more people 23-year-old man.


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