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tv   [untitled]    February 18, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm EET

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and now for your attention, a new weekly project with maria gurska about politics about the world is starting literally right now , watch politics about politics about the world, as always we summarize the events of the week with pawel kowal, the head of the committee on international affairs of the polish diet, the polish government's representative on the reconstruction of ukraine. we're going to start this conversation with heavy topics. on february 20 , as part of a strike, polish farmers will once again block all checkpoints on the border with ukraine. i will ask you directly, why the polish authorities allow this, despite the fact that the situation threatens the security of both our countries, primarily poland.
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in my opinion, we are entering an interesting new period, when ukraine will conduct negotiations on joining the european union, and in fact it is already a partial member of the eu, because the free trade agreement is, in the economic sense, almost membership in the european union. what comes out of this? we can approach it in such a way that we will make a sensation out of every protest, or we can look at it in such a way that in the coming years, when negotiations with the european union, with the european commission, regarding the full membership of ukraine, protests. will be something natural, i would prefer that these protests do not happen, it is also very important for me that polish farmers do not feel that they are losing something, i would like to build such tools, and the polish government is working on this right now, this is also true , that here we need a little patience, because we know that negotiations are underway with the european commission, it cannot be said that no one is dealing with this issue, on the contrary, we are working on so that in the case of grain, corn and other products, there are certain guarantees for polish farmers that they will not lose money, so first of all... this is happening, and
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polish farmers are also important here, because the issue must be resolved in such a way that they generally supported our policy of supporting ukraine. the second point, you have to get used to it, and this is also my role, to explain. when negotiations begin, when they are already underway, problems will not disappear, they will constantly arise. let's solve these problems instead of turning every question into drama, as if: oops, polish-ukrainian relations have collapsed. i am very unhappy with the fact that there are protests at the border. i know it's important, but i also know. i will tell you honestly, the photos and videos of scattered grain on the border broke the hearts of many ukrainians, because we know how difficult it is to get our grain now, farmers are dying under russian shelling, fighting to collect it and send it to countries with which ukraine has relevant agreements. 3 tons of grain thrown away, scattered on the border, this is a picture that is simple cuts our hearts. that they feel
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the same way in poland, that is, no one in poland applauded this, and i myself, both publicly and privately, tell the farmers that i know that grain is often scattered in the west, because it is simply the case that people look at how it happens in france or somewhere else and they do the same thing, it is known that in spain they do this with tomatoes, in france with grain and so on, in poland they also look at it in ukraine and repeat it, that is, grain has a special meaning, it is grain , bread, i come from subcarpathian region. very close to ukraine, i know how it was in my life since childhood, and how much my grandparents, everyone in the family cared about each individual grain, because they remembered these times at the beginning of the 20th century, because it is important, because that every work is difficult , because the land is difficult, sometimes not as good as in ukraine , sometimes more clayey, difficult to cultivate, therefore, and ukraine, which has survived several famines, respects its bread all the more, in this sense we are from the east. to say this
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respect, because it is hard work, because it is the memory of the famine, because and so on and so on, so i think that in poland also there will be no joy in anyone and there was no applause in this story, but now, since i know that many people in ukraine us look, i would also like to say that does anyone really think that the picture of scattered grain shows the whole essence of polish-ukrainian relations, i would like us not to get into such a trap, we need to respond to problems and solve them, i say it is for ukrainian flights. not all these problems can be predicted, you can try a little had detailed conversations to predict, and we are trying to do it. the government in poland works very intensively, i have just been with people who are engaged in exactly this at the level of relations between poland and the eu, the european commission and ukraine. i also know that there are certain solutions prepared, although there are none at the moment.
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and this is one of the main, one of the main channels of any transit, it seems obvious, the prime minister of poland understands this, polish members of the government and deputies understand this, the intensity of these protests will probably
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decrease soon, i mean, i personally i think yes, i know it may sound like that, i recently spoke to one of the very famous german politicians, i won't say who, i asked him... about the opposition, that is, what is the position of the afd in german politics right now, you know apparently, this is such an extreme right-wing party , he calmly answered, you know, this is such a trend, you just have to go through it, sometimes in politics you also need to learn to be wiser, you understand, i personally say this to those who watch this program of ours in ukraine, in poland there are indeed protests, and some industries agriculture is actually losing money now, we really have to make up for what the previous government didn't do, we need to have time for negotiations.
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these borders of solidarity with ukraine , which allow the functioning of the arteries through which blood flows to the body of ukraine fighting in the war, blood in the sense of weapons, finances, technologies, the basis, if someone asked me what is today, if we managed to compare politics with a human body, what is the nerve of polish politics today? then i would answer as follows: the nerve of polish politics, if that is the case about foreign policy, there is a search for support for ukraine, because we cannot, should not, in the end say that the story about today's attitude of poland to ukraine is a story about a protest at the border, because it should still be a story about the prime minister the minister of poland, who wherever he goes, talks only about ukraine , he puts pressure on everyone he can, this is the story... certainly also about minister sikorsky, my colleague, whom i have known for a long time, and i see how personally involved he is in the matter of military support to ukraine. after all, about this is what we are talking about with americans. in the end, an unprecedented, humane, extremely sharp reaction to the statement of donald trump, who may become the president of the united states, came from the polish prime minister. the real picture
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is this: our general plan is a super support for ukraine. no political elite in any country in europe today is as focused on this topic as poland. as for other matters, yes. there are problems, and in fact some sectors of agriculture in poland are experiencing problems, i would be lying if i did not say that difficulties, although in general other industries also make money, according to the words of donald trump, we will talk about these words of donald trump a little later, in the meantime, another rather difficult topic concerns the continuation of assistance to refugees from ukraine, temporary military migrants who ended up, in particular, on the territory of poland and get here. shelter and help. i'll tell you a personal story, a little funny, but also a little not so good. not really, because it also applies, absolutely, applies to hundreds of thousands of my countrymen. women with children who came here after the start of this war. so,
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i bought a used car. this happened at the beginning of february and i have to legally register this car within one month of purchase. after purchasing this. i'm sorry, i found out that in order to re-register it, i must have a registration, and i have a car, which, to be honest, i already need to register, or rather, i can't register, because the resolution voted in the diet to extend aid to refugees must be signed by the president of poland andrzej duda, and when it happens, no one will knows, so i wake up and fall asleep with a polish government courier, a legal jinn. it will happen soon, because i already thought that you need help with registration. all my friends who live in poland write to me every day: maria, how are you? has he signed yet? i feel like a spokeswoman for president duda, but no joke, i check it almost every hour, monitor when it happens, but to no avail. and
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to be honest, this situation, which on the one hand relates to this particular story, and probably soon the president of poland andrzej duda will sign this resolution, and i will sign and register the car, but why does everything have to be? it is so difficult in communication, why these deadlines are constantly being postponed, this is a normal procedure, it is simply about additional opportunities from our side, it is more than just basic support from the eu. in poland, this happens through the draft law, that is , it must pass through the sejm, the sejm in the legislative process has the president's signature at the end, that is, the president must sign it one way or another, i predict that he will sign it. why do we change the rules every time half year? this is because the situation changes every six months. and how to look at it? maybe that's why we're having this conversation now, to talk about such things. on the one hand , there are those in poland who say: why pay ukrainians, it is better to pay only poles, but in germany, for example, they say that this is great, because we are ready to pay ukrainians even more.
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we want to pay ukrainians so that, after staying here for two years, they can stay in poland and work, because we need people on the labor market who already know poland, have already spent two years here, and currently do not plan to return to ukraine, so what is the point of them going to germany or the netherlands now, and i also sometimes hear a different approach from ukrainian politicians, but do not make it so that our people, our ukrainian women, children ... what remained with you forever, because then they will not return to ukraine, and everyone has their own approach to this topic, in my opinion, it is in our interests to maintain support for ukrainian women, ukrainians, ukrainian children who live here now as long as possible, because they are already here two years, the war does not end, they are used to our way of life, they are with us, they have organized their companies, their businesses, so it is better for them to stay with us, because it is good for us, but i also understand that reason, for example, a ukrainian politician may have a slightly different opinion, but a german one? a dutch politician will say: maybe it would be beneficial for us if they came to us now, if they are not
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quite refugees anymore, they have already strengthened a little, are not under such stress, they are already in a better situation, they already know that here in there are us and how and to what, so everyone here has their own approach and a decision is made as a result of taking into account all factors, now a decision has been made to continue supporting ukrainians in poland. of course, but on the other hand, this constant uncertainty about the future. the union votes on the extension of aid until 2025, in poland it is reviewed in a new way every six months. because this polish aid is a plus to what the eu gives. that is, what the eu provides is the basis, but we still have these additional things, for example, the 500+ program.
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already in june, because as far as i understand, the aid has been extended until june, so we will again find ourselves in a situation when something changes, we don't know what exactly at the moment, but my friends, primarily mothers who remain in ukraine, are working, but sent. .. their children to study in poland, and they became university students, so these women, mothers, they ask, is there a risk that some ukrainians will lose their pesel-ukr in june? i don't think so, i promise i'll find out more about it because i'm doing it, we're in a bit in a situation where we get some things from the old government, that's why this method was used here, we continue what was, meanwhile we find out what can be taken away and what can be added? i understand that this is simply a situation where minister duschyk, the deputy minister of internal affairs, who is dealing with this, is simply analyzing and
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looking closely at the situation, he is actually known for pursuing a very wise migration policy, he is an outstanding specialist, and he will definitely not make a mistake and he will not make, no, he will not recommend any bad decision to the government, and i will to you i promise that we will come back to this topic next time, i will meet with him, we will discuss it with him, and i will still talk to him, he will still discuss with him, and we will discuss the topic with him, too. probably the only leader of the level, the only head of the government, who sharply criticized trump, and his reaction was expressive, some did not even
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like his words, some assessed the statement of donald tusk as excessively harsh, but in my opinion, it is absolutely accurate, it was obvious that many senators also reacted in a similar way, republicans, because it is not unheard of. i i mean, if you read what trump said literally one by one, it means that he is completely abandoning the political tradition of ronald reagan, and that is certainly a tragedy for the republicans. there is a republican, my favorite republican commentator associated with the international republican institute of erie, mark tison, who writes about this interestingly and argues interestingly, showing that he is even a little close to trump. but he shows the arguments to be used here, because first of all he tells the americans, in including republican supporters, but look, it's cheap now, i mean, it's a lot of money, but it's still cheaper than fighting putin in 3-4 years when he's going full blast, that's one thing, and secondly, because most of the american money that is put here on knu, because on knu money, ammunition and
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weapons are spent in the united states, these posts by tisan, which he writes, for example, to republican voters, are fantastic. or kharkiv, odesa, or other ukrainian cities, and someone buys ammunition there, in fact there no one now produces enough ammunition for the front. so the situation that exists today, i look at it first of all as a politician, and not as a commentator. this task is that, for example, it would be good if these arguments. to reach out to constituents, to specific senators and to specific members of the house of representatives in their districts, to show them that this is not good for the united states, both politically and economically. furthermore, trump's arguments are weak, populist, misdirecting america, and the world is in the wrong direction, and yet he is one of the leading candidates for the presidency of the united states, although i am not sure that he
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will win, that he will really be the president of the united states, but today he is one of the leading candidates, and therefore our what is society doing so, i would say, indifferent to those basic values ​​on which the democratic world is built? we will return to this topic later. the times this week ran a stunning report on how the baltic states are preparing for a possible attack by russia, as they will they build a line of bunkers, as modern maginot lines are built, or whether russia and poland are preparing for a possible attack. tell me what it looks like. i would say that some people
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in the world have already lost interest in the war, because they are somewhere far away, they are not so closely related to it. but just a few days ago i had an interesting meeting. "the foreign minister of estonia came to poland and came to a meeting of the foreign affairs committee, which i head, you know, i saw how this minister of a small country, because we we have to state this, and we will not pretend that estonia is large and very densely populated, but at the same time, listen to how brave he is, how brave they are, how far-sighted they are, how they see it, how they should prepare for the attack, i also have close and frequent relations with the finns, the same story." finland is also preparing. if we talk about poland, in our country, first of all, if we talk about military expenses, they are one of the highest at the moment, when it comes to nato and the european union. we got deeply involved in this one coalition, this pro-ammunition coalition, which deals with the issue of ammunition production. we do not have much space to create the maginot line, because we hardly border russia,
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but on the side of krulevets, as poland calls it, the so -called kaliningrad, we border it, but it is a russian ssklab. in addition, there is only belarus and ukraine, so we should not make a majino line along the bug line, but help ukraine, and we do it, the stoppage there is worse, because they have a regular large border with russia, and finland is generally a shock, i was there in the summer on vacation, i took my son with me and slyly pretended that we were going on vacation, i really wanted to see what the border guard looked like in them, and what it looks like, i was incredibly impressed by the big ones. huge, i would even say uncontrollable spaces, but they have organized a wonderful system in which the police, the army, all the forest services are involved, and they can control the entire border electronically . big, bigger than poland, but has a much smaller population, probably less than 5 there million, as far as i remember, so
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compared to poland or ukraine, it is not much, but they can, despite such a long border, monitor such a large country with help. any pressure on the border, most often simply through border crossings, because in other areas there are lakes, expanses, swamps, forests, it is impossible to cross these natural obstacles so easily, even for someone who would like, for example, to violate the border line right there , but they are super trained, they also have a lot of experience and are in a very difficult situation, we everyone should help them. to put an end to our conversation today, let's talk about... polish foreign minister radoslaw sikorski and his british counterpart david cameron appealed to the us congress to pass a bill with funding for ukraine. what exactly am i waiting for? that he will accept this proposal and that the representatives will understand that they must try to achieve this and that not even out of love for ukraine,
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not out of love for poland, not out of love for peace in europe, but at least because of the fact that if the rest for they don't care, they still have to deal with their voters in individual constituencies, i think that we can really appeal to the ukrainian and polish communities in the united states as well, they are mostly citizens of the united states, let them also put pressure on their own.
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part of our family. with the support of the national assembly of persons with disabilities of ukraine enablem. we continue our ether and further a large part of our conversation will be devoted to various fakes on the one hand, and on the other hand to how the russians are trying to prevent ukrainians from receiving true information, information from ukrainian sources. i am now talking about the temporarily occupied territories of the ukrainian east, the ukrainian south, that is, for example, in the kherson region, what are they doing, they are simply planting their russian peace because they block access to ukrainian television, instead they force people to connect to russian satellite television, they say there are already 18,00 such devices, that is, they have connected such a number families, households.
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what are they doing in donetsk region? they went further there to their own software, transfer various administrations, various government bodies and so on, just so that people do not have access to information, as if in there is another way, there is no way around it, yes , this is what they came up with, let's remind you, a few days ago in the kherson region, our defenders in the temporarily occupied territories damaged a telecommunications tower, and actually this kind of struggle... goes against this propaganda, as we remember , as the people of kherson were not afraid to protest even against the machinery and machine guns, when kherson was occupied, they, the russians, shouted: "we are here forever, ours went out and it is much more difficult to explain otherwise, when young people have a lot of freedom free time, i watched from the sidelines, whether in kyiv or in lviv, you can see it,
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and which ones are completely voluntary. no one forces them to sign up for russian satellite communication together with a russian passport , they distribute and consume cringe-worthy russian content from all kinds of tiktoks , first of all, on youtube, and secondly, and no one forces them , and this is the capital or, for example, the galician capital of lviv, and this is another story seriously, i found something interesting about the pro-russians here, and it will also be interesting for our viewers. look, first the investigative committee, the fsb and everyone else in russia refuses to do what the rest of the world has done, recognize hamas, and at least the militant wing of that party, as a terrorist organization, and especially after what they did on that bloody saturday in israel, which is a classic example of sadists and her terrorists, that's the representative of comrade putin. in
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the middle east and in the countries of north africa , mikhail bohdanov confirms now that they will meet in moscow, there will be such a meeting that it is called an inter-hamas meeting, an inter-hamas meeting, they will come there the hamas group, which was not recognized as a terrorist organization in russia, and the islamic jihad, for some reason i still lack the taliban here, but maybe they are gathering max, so that's it... the history of a terrorist, terrorist, this area is called where they collect other terrorists and receive them directly in the kremlin, because theirs is theirs. well, now it's time for fact-checking from france-24, namely about a new disinformation method known as operation matryoshka. he was exposed by an organization bot-blocker collectives, they track trolls, track bots, everyone
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those related to... russia, let's watch together. and now it's time for our daily fact-checking column. true or false with emerald maxwell. emerald, you researched a new disinformation method known as operation matryoshka that was exposed by the botblocker collective. they track trolls and bots linked to russia. what exactly is this operation. yes, johnny, operation matryoshka goes beyond simply creating or spreading fake news. they are now using a new disinformation tactic that the antibots have researched navalny and the afp fact-checking site. here is an example of this tactic. we have a post on the social network.


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