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tv   [untitled]    February 18, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EET

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it is the anniversary of these events, also the 10th anniversary of the beginning of russia's war against ukraine and the second anniversary, the second anniversary, i would say, of the full-scale invasion just a few days ago, to remember all this, how it all began and to tell the stories of heroic ukrainian men and women , thanks to which our state survived, our editors, the editors of the tv channel prepared a special project of 10 years of war for. addiction, and in a moment we offer to watch the story about one of the heroes of the heavenly hundred, ihor serdyuk, hero of ukraine, flag bearer of the ninth hundred of self-defense maidan on february 18, 2014, 10 years ago, his life was cut short by a sniper shot during a confrontation in the serfdom, in the serfdom lane in the government quarter. and our colleague, iryna skrypachova, met the hero's daughter.
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of this hero, the hero of the heavenly hundred, alexandra learned the last words her daughter heard from her father, a camera, alexandra and i met at the memorial to the heroes of the heavenly hundred in kremenchuk, igor serdyuk's photo is the first on the ceiling among the photos of fallen heroes, a free-spirited rebel in mazepinka with a trident . and a red scarf. oleksandra said that this photo was taken on the maidan, the daughter of her father's cousin. it reflects, perhaps, the last six months of his life, when he was so staid, some kind of recovery, he was the complete opposite, he was cheerful, smiling, he laughed a lot, joked, well, but the last six months, yes, and his voice changed. and he visually changed, he
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aged a lot. ihor serdyuk is the only kremenchug resident who was awarded the title of hero of ukraine during the revolution of dignity. from in 2016, one of the city's central streets bears his name. a memorial plaque was installed on the facade of the building where he lived, and in 2020 , a bas-relief to hero of ukraine igor was unveiled at the corner of igor serdyuk and heroes of the heavenly hundred streets. this is such a reminder that such events happened and, unfortunately, everything continues, the war continues, people die, people have, people who are here, they should remember that every day someone pays a price for their freedom, for their relatively carefree lives. 10 years have passed already, and that tragic february 18 the girl remembers it like it was yesterday. i didn't feel
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any trouble and you can't be ready for the news about my dad's death, - says oleksandra, but she will remember his last words for the rest of her life. it was a little strange that he said it, but he said it, if anything happens to me, if i don't, then i know that i died for the truth. iryna skrypachova, mykyta litskevich for the espresso tv channel from kremenchuk. 10 years of the war for independence, our special project will continue, and in the meantime we will continue to collect the opinions of our sunday guests, interlocutors andrii dobryanskyi, director of communications of the ukrainian congress committee, will be with us now. mr. andriy, we congratulate you. greetings, have a good day. about communications across the ocean, yes. and our
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communications with the ocean and inside the country , we will ask you, the white house promises to continue working with the congress and actually get them to pass the package of aid to ukraine that we need, probably also in fact , because communication is so difficult there on the ground, they are waiting for putin's election , i find it difficult that... the whole calendar is confused specifically, when we changed the speaker of the house of representatives and all the procedures became free, everything is a little slower, the most important thing is because there is no belief between the parties, you must have read the articles, how americans attack this congress, which does nothing, that there is no belief to have.. agreements on various co-projects,
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we see what happened in the senate, this is another matter, but we also knew already in december, what is our congressional calendar? and knew that they promised to be on vacation, that is, we, as activists here, have already organized for weeks in order to have as many meetings with congressmen as possible during those vacations, and we see that not only they have already started to meet with the ukrainian community, but also during the vacations, not only some went to munich, but also plan to go to ukraine , uh, well, you're talking about... the right wing of congress ruled, but look how, if you take the quotes from john johnson there last fall and what he's saying now, you can tell that a small handful of trumpists run a whole big republican party, tail
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wagging the dog, well, a classic of american cinema, now a whole head, four congressmen and one three congressmen. not one congresswoman , they are united, like the leadership of the house of representatives, all the republicans, that they will not vote for this package from the senate, so before we could talk about some radicals, but now it is the very leadership of this and that chamber representatives, and whether they are personal radicals or not, this can be discussed, but the main thing is for ukraine. and for those working with congress, there is a problem again, that there is no belief, no big bills, they have not passed in the house of representatives since johnson's time, and this is a problem not only for ukraine, but for the whole world, that america is now so
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frozen. yes, but if we finalize it simply from the point of view of even the ukrainian community, well, you and i even tried to figure it out once, maybe now it has become more clear. according to, i can’t, i don’t know sociology, but according to personal contacts with ukrainians of american origin, well, that is , americans of ukrainian origin, they they always said, we always voted for the republicans, but what do you think, what kind of democracies are these, we are always for the republicans, and that's when all this catavasia with the trumpists began, and then more widely, and that's when this option came, when the republicans got more than they dreamed of , after the third bottle of bourbon, they could never have dreamed that they would have so much... to decide their wishes on migration legislation, on the mexican border, they got more than they should. so now the ukrainians, the ukrainian community, how does it look at the party for which it is from did the grandfather and great-grandfather vote? well, i would like
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to correct the way i represent our community that we are bipartisan or nonpartisan here, but the bottom line is that there is a long summer. dition, because we have organized since 1915 to have active clubs of republicans and democrats, and even that during the 80s, when reagan himself welcomed ukrainians to the white house to have meetings, and this slightly increased his support in the republican party, has been around all along, and that's why we were very effective as activists, we had access to both parties at the time. in the 14th year i would like to set an example that those who voted as democrats should have attacked president obama, his circle, and for this bill to pass, which exists to
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this day, that america supports the return of ukrainian lands to ukraine, it is that, but it was under control. and it was only so that the democrats would have the most influence and say that to them, that they will no longer remain as democrats, we will leave the party, if you do not support it, in the same way, now there is a request from our republicans to turn to our native republicans the same and to say, we can no longer support you, since you left ukraine, then i don't know if they feel how much support there is, but i think that not only you will see, not only. the congress will hear directly from the american republicans, but they will also see the whole of america as a whole, because to this day more than 100 events have been organized to mark this difference, and they will see the republicans, the republican states, how they support
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ukraine. mr. andrii, well, this is another new bill, proposed a few days ago representatives from both parties, congressmen from both parties, to help ukraine. won't it hurt now, when all these initiatives are simply multiplying, maybe they have good intentions, so that at least something will go and that at least something will be transferred to ukraine, but... in fact, maybe it distracts attention, yes, because here they are agreeing on one thing, now on friday a new document was presented, and it also unites aid to ukraine, israel, taiwan, and the migration legislation must also be regulated there, there is never a pleasant procedure here, it is not it's simple, since bills are drafted in the congress, there are problems, we can work on other laws all year round. projects and everything will be lost because of matters that are not united with ukraine, in the same way here the republicans
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are mixing the matters of the border, together with israel, together with ukraine, and this congressman, who heads this new initiative, cooperates very closely with the ukrainian community, knows very well ukraine and has been visiting ukraine for years, not only as a congressman, but before, and any way, whether it will be this chican way. from the senate we will need somehow to get something passed, so now we are not arguing with anyone, we are not anywhere , not to continue working on the projects, only that the most important thing is to have some kind of vote, because we are one hundred percent sure that if this package from the senate, the leadership of the house of representatives i wanted to emphasize that as some are telling us in the congress by... 300 votes, it would pass without a problem, but that does not mean that it is such a simple matter, because
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how, if the leadership of the house of representatives was transferred, we know that those radicals, they would destroy the leadership of the house of representatives, and we would again turn to such a situation as in the fall, when there was a lack of a speaker and there would be no, there would be no agreement until the elections, of course, mr. andriy. one more point in conclusion, because , despite the fact that the documentaries from america did very good investigations, told how brexit was done, how cambridge analytics and big data worked, how they were manipulated, this did not prevent them from absolutely applying all this to the americans themselves, how many would not have been warned in the movie, in the series black mirror black mirror, or no matter how many don't look up movies are made, don't look up, still 75 million is the minimum number who watched this two-hour crunch performed by carlson tucker
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and adolf putin, oh, vladimir putin, i'm sorry, so and so and all this means that the number of useful idiots is incredible, and this is a very large number for the american viewer, and the question is, how the ukrainian community, well... the ukrainian community has, the american ukrainian community reacted to another batch of all these, no ukrainians there was, is not, and cannot be in the performance of this neo-stalin, because, for example, in poland, to this information that treacherous poles attacked a small, tiny hitler's germany, there was a loud response, will we hear a loud response from ukraine, from american ukrainians , and we are very actively against people like that... when he had a big voice on the big tv channels, he is now much
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less influential, we would not like to see what he is doing now on the internet, but his influence has fallen a lot since when we activated so much, the eyes stood opposite the tv channel, as it happened, the number of subscribers has increased, yes, but subscribers are not people, we are not, we cannot, since you are talking about cambridge. i would like to draw attention to when this package passed in the senate, the comments were repeated in detail, the copy- paste, copy-paste that attacked them, how could you support ukraine when we need such money, and this is all online bots, on every social network against them, but this, but, but this, but this is against personal people, and i confirm again that... republican states you will see that they will be proclamations have about ukraine, they will have quarrels with
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governors, with mayors, this is all over america, and this is a dissonance to arouse people, what you read on the internet, these are not people, so how can this be the entire american citizenry, how everyone stands together in support of ukraine with proclamations, with actions, to note that something. what is happening in ukraine, yes, mr. andriy, just before you we spoke with specialists about russian bot farms and their game globally, in and in europe and america, so... what, absolutely explains this cheating figure, mr. andriy , thank you for participating in our program, andriy doblyanskyi, director of communications of the ukrainian congress committee, well, as americans, let's move on, let's move on to ukraine, political scientist serhiy taran is already in touch with us, mr. serhiy , welcome, welcome, thank you for joining, and
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let's munich security conference is coming to an end, and let's try to sum up, two security agreements have been signed one after the other, probably two more on the nose , we are working on others too, but it looks like money, large sums of money are prescribed in these agreements, this is very good for ukraine, but everything else in the documents is actually what already works, it was simply not prescribed, or it was verbally agreed somewhere in separate documents, but that's all this is cooperation and good intentions in the future, that's all... there is , they want us so easily, well, not to quit, but not to promise too much, well, let's go in order, first, if we are talking about security guarantees, then in any case -what agreements should be about joint defense in the event of a new war, especially when it comes to relations between
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ukraine and the west, because the ukrainian armed forces protect not only the security of ukraine, they protect the european border. therefore, it should be clearly stated in the security agreements that both sides undertake to jointly defend this european border in the event of a new war. and this would then be a guarantee. well, unfortunately, in no version of the security guarantee, neither in the german, nor in the british, nor in the french, well, it is not visible, it is not there. which is true, you can, in principle, more or less it is... to say so, of course, in the midst of hostilities, it is very difficult for us to expect from our western partners that they will publicly agree to sign that they will fight side by side with the ukrainians against the russian invasion, it is possible, but i wanted to in this case, see the security guarantees with maximum specifics, specifics, well, for example, what exactly should be the actions of the signatories in the event
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of a new war, well, in the british version , there is only one specific in general, which can be consulted within 24 hours, then they give, well, for example, there in the german version, there is some reference to money, to money that will be allocated this year and was allocated last year, and this amount is about 7.1 billion dollars, this is good, but for example, it is not clear from of this deal or will it only be released in year 24? or every year, because the security guarantee is mentioned there, the agreement is signed for 10 years, so 7 billion will be allocated every, every year or, only now within the framework of these agreements that already exist, it is difficult to talk about the french option at all about the specifics, because president zelenskyi said that there is a very ambitious agreement, but not everything written in it can be discussed publicly, so i
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hope that the closed part contains the maximum specifics in terms of time, money, well as an example of such specifics, so that it is not such a general criticism, one can name, for example, the security agreement signed between the united states and israel, according to this security agreement, the united states publicly undertakes, in case of peace, not in case of war , support the defense of israel in the amount of 38 billion dollars, starting from the 19th year to the 28th year. this is the specifics i 'm talking about. and by the way, even, even now , washington does not always adhere to this open agreement, because we see there, the political problems inside the united states are happening, but, but this again emphasizes that there must be specific things in the security guarantees that will be expressed in money, in actions, in sums, and it is best, of course, if it were about
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specifics in which both parties will be interested, because in general international agreements only work when both parties are interested in this, therefore, the creation of a joint defense, joint, i emphasize, defense infrastructure between the west and ukraine, this is what would be needed in these security guarantees. but, but, he doesn't hear us, due to the fact that we have to sign some more agreements, so i hope that what we will talk about now will help to sign more effective agreements with other partners, especially since now it is about signing agreements with the united states, it will essentially. major agreements in the field of security, mr. serhiy, can you hear me, because i actually wanted to push you away from this point and further finish the schedule, because there are agreements and there are agreements, here is the budapest memorandum, a classic... example, of an agreement that has no mechanism, no force , especially since russian is there, it is the guarantor of territorial integrity, it is written there, the agreement to which
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you refer, the usa, israel is a specific agreement, the agreement to which we signed, in principle, is a continuation of the collection of toasts that were formulated under called the peace plan of ukraine, with which yermak spent a lot of money budget to organize big parties that raised toasts to world peace. and they did not provide any mechanism for resolving the conflict, if the aggressor is not forced by that point to make any changes. and in this case, is there any point, i take your conclusions as a starting point, is there any point in spending so much effort, so much time on signing such things, if there is a different mechanism than collective defense within the framework of the fifth point of the nato charter doesn't exist, meaning an attack on one member is tantamount to declaring war on... everything to the members of the nato bloc, another mechanism, no matter how much i tried to find it, i can't find it, can you tell me then, why spend so much time, effort, both of us and of our partners?
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well, in principle, there is a sense, at least that these words of yours, with which i completely agree, in terms of the fact that only nato is the only reliable international guarantor of ukrainian security, are actually written in all variants of guarantees, and the frenchman. and british and german, well , what is positive is that the signatories, and in particular the western side, clearly see that these agreements, these security guarantees, so-called, they are temporary, the real guarantor of security for ukraine is only nato, and this, there are signatures under it, this is good, for the sake of it it is already worth saying it, but i would really like it, of course our partners specified very clear terms for these guarantees, because how the security guarantee agreement is concluded, that means... terms, for example, germany concluded it for 10 years, so let germany and the united states publicly say when they see ukraine a full member of nato, then
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this will be a logical continuation of these security agreements, so it is definitely necessary to talk about it, in general, international agreements never work at all, if it is at least not beneficial to someone, because unlike domestic law, in international law there are no, no judges, no executive services which would force someone to do something, therefore international agreements work only when it is beneficial for both parties, and the ukrainian position should be that we insist on creating a common defense infrastructure with our partners, joint defense system, in which, i emphasize , both parties are interested, and if the west is interested in the ukrainian defense system being strong, because it protects their borders, then such an agreement will work, and if not... there is no mutual interest in that , for this agreement to work, then it will not work, but it seems to me that now that we understand, we can understand it, well
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, let's say frankly that today ukraine cannot join nato, then at least then we must insist on maximum specificity, on the maximum concrete money embedded in the agreement and on the creation of a common defense infrastructure with the western north atlantic alliance, then it has a chance of working, if it does. just words, promote, help reforms and so on and so on, well, of course, these will be beautiful words, but they will not give a real result. mr. sergey, we really have one minute and just wanted you to reflect, just before that we spoke with the representatives of the congressional committee of america about this whole catastrophe in america, and they explained, and we can already explain a lot about the johnsons, the trumps, the elon musks and their party system that has crumbled. that's all... they blocked at least this option of 50-60 billion for three countries, that is, they will look for something else, that's all, it's just nice words now, and the game is lost, no, it's not lost,
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but it's not won, just ukraine became a hostage of the election campaign in the united states, and the topic of ukraine will still dominate there, now we have lost, but it will still be a part of the election, and the election will be until the very fall, so this issue... will be discussed every day, especially since, in general, if you look at public opinion polls, in general, americans are in favor of supporting ukraine, so this issue does not disappear from the agenda, although of course it is very sad, that due to the populism and irresponsibility of certain american politicians , we have the help we need, but the elections are building for a long time, we need a lot of patience, mr. serhiy, thank you for the analysis of the situation, serhiy taran, a political scientist was with us, well... yes, that's what we've done, now we say goodbye, have a peaceful and safe day, take care of yourself and be sure to stay away from espresso, because literally in a moment iryna koval will tell you with the latest selection of news.
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the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv. and to other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's make it up. they help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think.
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political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. it's 5 p.m. in ukraine and a news release on the espressu tv channel is coming to your attention. i congratulate everyone audience in the iryna koval studio. this morning, russian executioners shot unarmed ukrainian prisoners of war in the zone of responsibility of the khortyts operational-strategic group of troops. the group's press service noted that the aggressors committed another war crime and showed it again.


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