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tv   [untitled]    February 18, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EET

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about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. it's 6 p.m. in ukraine, i greet all the viewers of the tv channel, iryna koval is in the studio, and just now about the most important events, we remain worthy of our heroes. 10 years ago, on this day, february 18, 2014, security forces announced the beginning of cleaning the square and began an assault on the tent city. in these minutes in
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in the center of kyiv, a memorial procession is held in honor of those who died on february 18 during the revolution of dignity. our correspondent kateryna galko is there. katya, i congratulate you. tell me, please, what celebrations have already taken place and what is happening now? i congratulate iro, i congratulate the viewers of the tv channel, so it was really 10 years ago, on february 18, 2014. the storming of the town of navetovo began late in the evening , and the building of the right-wing trade unions caught fire that day on independence square and its surroundings , 17 rally participants were killed, 14 more were fatally wounded and injured, and later died in hospitals the next day, or later, so all day today we pay tribute to all those ukrainian men and women who showed extraordinary bravery and gave their lives so that ukraine would remain... an independent and
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sovereign state, so this morning their memory they remembered umarinsk, and today a memorial service was held in st. michael's cathedral, a memorial procession was also held, it was attended by relatives of those killed on the maidan, as well as participants of the revolution of dignity, let's hear them now, i remember everything, and i could to tell a lot about our... terrible pikemen, those who directed the executions , those who directed them were released, they escaped, and today they are releasing the last ones, because already today, tomorrow, the cases that were finally brought against those leaders of terrible murders, i was on the maidan a lot, my girls were on the maidan, it hurts a lot, it hurts so much that... the route of the memory march consisted of
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iconic places, mykhailo square, european square, khreshchaty, alley of heroes of the heavenly hundred, during this march on khreshchatyk stopped for a minute, honoring everyone's memory those victims, those terrible times, so at least a hundred kyiv residents and guests of the city gathered here today, i believe. flowers, lighting lamps, honoring the memory of ukrainian women and men. i would like to point out that the day of heroes of the heavenly hundred is celebrated annually on february 20, on that day and in the previous days at least a hundred desperate ukrainian men and women died who gave their lives to protect our independence, our subjectivity, to protect our right to choose our own destiny, so with the memory of all our compatriots who give and still give. life continues this
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struggle for the independence of ukraine. that's all the information as of now. iro, i will pass the odder on to you. thank you, katya. it was our correspondent kateryna galko, who was currently at the commemoration march on independence square. it was there that on february 18, 2014 , the security forces announced the start of the sweep and began an assault on the tent city. we move on, and the russian snipers shot. of captured ukrainian soldiers at the position of the museum of the former, former zenit military unit in avdiivka, as informs the analytical public deep state, the brothers recognized the fighters from the video that moskali recently shared on the network. on february 14, the withdrawal of small groups from the zenit military unit, which was surrounded by rashists, began, and the severely wounded were to be evacuated on the 15th. there were four non-walking boys injured and two more walking ones who had no chance.
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to break through without evacuation. the next day, around 12 o'clock, the russians came and shot the fighters. three of the dead soldiers were recognized by their relatives. and this morning, russian executioners shot unarmed ukrainian prisoners of war in the line of responsibility of the operational-strategic grouping of khortyts troops. the group's press service noted that the aggressors committed another war crime and once again showed their attitude to international humanitarian law. the event took place in the lane of the 10th separate mountain assault brigade in the area northeast of the settlement of vesele. release the defenders of azovstal. a large-scale action by the relatives of the defenders of mariupol took place in the capital. their relatives went to the maidan in kyiv to remind that our fighters have been in russian torture chambers for almost two years. similar actions take place every sunday in different
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cities of our country. i am here every sunday, because i have a husband, he is a maritime border officer, he has been in... captivity for 21 months, waiting for him, i, my wife, have a little son waiting for him. we want the entire mariupol garrison to return, because they have not had a normal life for two years. the ukrainian military will definitely return to the cities captured by the enemy and liberate the occupied territories, said the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine oleksandr syrskyi. he is with the minister defense and chief of the general staff at skoldova mogilivsha. memory of the fallen soldiers near debaltseve in 2015. military chaplains offered a prayer. in the winter of 2015, syrskyi was one of the commanders of the anti-terrorist operation. one of his tasks was to coordinate the withdrawal of ukrainian units from
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debaltsevo. therefore, for him, it is not only a term from history, but also a part of his personal life, sirsky noted. passed preliminary inspection. ukrainian drones, analogues of lancets are preparing for the first combat tests. about this was announced by the deputy prime minister of digital transformation mykhailo fedorov. according to him , two of the four drones were successfully tested. in the future, in a few months, it is possible to produce about 100 similar devices per month. the advantage of lancets is that, unlike large quadcopters, which can only work under the cover of night due to their size, they can also work during the day. in addition... in addition, the impression distance of the technique is 30-40 km, while fpv drones only work at 10-20 km, there really needs to be an investment, there and in software, and there the camera is not cheap, and well, that is, it is already quite a technological product,
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that is why it did not appear there immediately, so it was necessary to launch the market, to give money to manufacturers for rnd so that they could reinvest in this direction, and here we... there are the first results, but we will now test on the polyba and well, that is, i already have all this for myself there, i made sure that this is an irreversible story. china will continue to play the role of mediator and peacemaker in the conflict between ukraine and russia. this was stated by the minister of foreign affairs of the heavenly kingdom wang. during meeting with ukrainian colleague dmytro kuleba. the negotiations took place on the sidelines of the munich security forum. no matter how the change between. china hopes that relations with ukraine will develop in a normal way and will benefit both peoples - said wang ye. now from the railway. polish farmers are blocking railway transportation of ukrainian
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agricultural products. they blocked the movement of freight trains with posters and flags. roughly , this protest will last until march 9, the state border service reported. on in some border territories, the participants of the action are not allowed by civilian buses. drivers have to maneuver and go around the area in order not to be delayed due to the strike. the day before, polish farmers on social networks appealed to those willing to completely block traffic from ukraine, including buses and humanitarian aid. poland's blockade of the ukrainian border will end when... ukraine will have full access to the black sea, foreign minister radoslav sikorskyi said. during the joint speech with the vice-prime minister of ukraine for european integration, olga stefanishyna, in munich, at the munich security conference. according to
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sikorski, warsaw is a strong supporter of ukraine, but he does not want polish farmers to bear the brunt of this dispute. which pays the biggest price for pan-european solidarity, which in general i support, and the two specific polish professions that pay the main burden are farmers and truckers, and we need to... solve this in a way that does not overshadow the general pictures of wielkopolska solidarity with ukraine, and on the horizon there is a solution for both, it is the victory of ukraine on the black sea. the reason why freight transport is so vital is that ukraine could not export its goods by sea. such was the news at that time, our team is working so that you will see an updated news release already at 8 p.m., and you can read more on our website espresso tv. this is a summary of the highlights of our social networks and watch us on youtube, literally in a moment
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meet my colleague, who will continue the broadcast of espresso tv channel, it will be mykola veresen. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, until 20:00 we will work together with you, we will observe what is happening at the front, we will observe what is happening in munich at the security conference in china, but the question of connected with china, we will think about ukrainian sociology, about the south caucasus region and, by the way, we will talk about avdiiv with the general director of the avdiiv coke plant. factory with 12 to 19 years musa magamedov, but now
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we will start, as always, from the front, oleksiy hetman, reserve major of the national guard, veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, good health, mr. oleksiy, thank you for finding time for us, i have an evening, my first question is this, maybe it's half-joking, but i'd just like to draw the attention of the public and you to... about this 30 km long train, so we already know that there is a king, a cannon that never fired in russia, there is a bell king who never rang, and now the king-train appeared, he, i just have a hard time imagining whether something weighing 30 km can move, i just wonder how much effort is needed to somehow move it, then what kind of train is it, why... it is needed and and is this not a repetition of the king of the cannon that never fired, maybe he
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will never go anywhere, this train is beautiful, there are 2100 cars, well, he was not going to go anywhere, this is a fortification structure that will be used for defense during our offensive actions , well , why do it with wagons, well, those wagons that they squeezed from us, i understand that why... they didn't want to use them inside the russian federation, that's why they decided to just take them out somewhere in this way, sort of dispose of them in this way, put them up and make a fortification out of them, well, it will be difficult, but it gives something precisely in the form of fortification, it really this is not something that cannot be overcome, and the ukrainian armed forces will simply stop, because i don't have that impression, well, i think that one projectile will penetrate one. wagon, which means that 200 shells are needed to break through two 2000 wagons, and
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this is the end of the fate of this supercar train, well, i think that no one will blow up all 200 trains, a passage must be made there, two or three cars, five can be removed there and it will be possible to pass there already, well , why did they do that, that they want to show everyone , well, this can be considered in the big picture, if they covered it with sand or soil with... then it can be considered as, well, as a fortification, as the rampart is built , it will be difficult to move it, you just don’t move to tanks, it will get bogged down in these wheels, but it's not something like that, it's more psychological, more advertising, most likely, like the king of the cannon, the king of the bell, well, the king of the train, well, they like that, tsar putin, well, they have it so normal for them, this is fortification in a big way, but well... this better than nothing from the point of view of fortification, but well, compared to the same lines of surovykin,
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those fortifications were much more powerful, maybe they just didn’t have time to build them, they decided like this, well, you know, with the rest, well, that’s it, let’s go let's imagine how they put them there, that is, they stretched there for 10-15, then more, well it's a slipper, but i'm just trying to imagine how they 2100 there... put, how many such movements of the shoulders were there, well, it's funny, to say the least. okay, history will tell us later what happened after the victory of ukraine. but now we hear such and such a phrase for the second day, yevdiivka has fulfilled the mission of draining the reserve of the russian federation, and we can roughly imagine how much needs to be drained, well, because there is a lot of population there, we understand that not all the population knows how to fight, but in principle, well, we spent 10, 20 thousand, 30,000, well
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how much should the reserve be drained? so that in the end these reserves become significantly less, i think that here it is necessary to mechanically calculate how much it is necessary to kill the enemy so that he cannot continue offensive actions, it seems to me that yes, if you ask questions, you can get into a dead end, but not to the dead end that the previous commander spoke of, to a real dead end. the fact is that the russians are trying to involve more people from countries, well, from the so-called third. third world countries, and as many people as they can involve, well, it is generally not limited, they offer these people, well, for people from africa or some not very wealthy countries, a salary of several thousand dollars is very good, they may
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not earn that much in a year there, besides they can get official russian citizenship almost. in fact, it is also very good for them, these are people who would like to move from poor countries to russia in order to find a job there, something else, well there in any case it is better than a day somewhere in africa, well, we are that well, we are we also understand, so if we approach it this way, their human resources are by and large not limited, besides, their relations with the middle kingdom, with china, which are very dangerous for us, once in kyiv already during... since the so- called civil war, we have already we saw , well, not in kyiv, in ukraine, we saw the chinese, and if they still attract it, then it can be assumed that their human resource will be really unlimited, more than half of the population of the earth, well, not in russia, but it can be added, so here it is necessary to approach from the other side, it is necessary to do, after all, we must agree with
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our partners, to make more modern, get more modern weapons, technologically more... good, well, better than the russians, then these people can simply be stopped, well, so that they do not go beyond some conditional red line into our territory, but there, let them do what they want among themselves, especially since by adding additional people from poor countries to the russian army, they can still improve their demographic situation so much that i think they have two plans in one, mr. oleksiy, look, it's so fucked up... closer to the philosophy for which i am criticized here in the editorial office, but we know about nepal that there are thousands of nepalese from african countries, but does this mean that there is a lack of people in the russian federation, because if there are full of people, with what did i start, then why do they attract nepalese and why do they
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attract africans, if they had everything in order, then no, no, there would be no need to blame these people for being darker-skinned than russians? no, you’re not here, it’s a normal question, why is it philosophical, i didn’t understand where philosophy is here, well, that’s it, they everything that was on the periphery, well, almost everything that could be extracted from the periphery, the russians , i mean, they have already extracted, and the losses they bear, 400 thousand, more than 400 thousand, are people from those peripheries, and for... russia it is not noticeable, well , something may be noticeable if there are a large number of dead in large cities, first of all, it is moscow, st. petersburg, yekaterinburg, well, something big, there, when there will be the same ones losses, as well as on the periphery, it will be felt, and mothers or wives may go out to some protest movements, well in general, it can start with some movements inside
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russia, in large places, and it will be noticeable , they do not want to allow this, so they... pull people from the temporarily occupied territories, they pull people from the so-called lpr-dpr, they will now pull from from these countries , from nepal, from, well, from kabila, i don't know where they will recruit from there, that at least they will do it until at least the month of april, until all these elections are settled, the results will seem to be counted for a long time, although we know , which voted approximately 90%, and putin scored approx. by 85%, that is, we have already calculated, they may not exert themselves, that 's approximately how it will be, we can make a rush, and then, after that, they will try to try to do something big. mobilization , but these people from big cities, i am sure that they will be sent to the first line in a limited way, because, well, in the army, you have to be on the first, second and third lines, only
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so that these crazy losses, so that these strong assaults are not made by russian people from big cities, i think that this is definitely such an attitude, and they will stick to it, well, i could be wrong, but judging by how it was before, how they are doing it now, most likely they will be very limited to people from big cities, especially from... well, it seems to me , that is, in russia there are citizens of the first category, there is a second, there is a third, that is , the first category is the big cities, which have more privileges, the second category is the smaller cities, and the third category is the periphery and foreigners and africans, these are , as it were, homos of the third category, that's it it has always been, they even. these are categories, they belong to us, they, here is the latency, where are they, what, what do they have, what do they want, they are trying to impose or blame it on others, remember, we have
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the first, second, third category , the voters in ukraine shared the russian narrative , which we never had, in russia there is such a thing, they really have people who are divided by types, and there are even certain disputes between the types, people who, for example, i know this for sure, well, everyone already has acquaintances, even relatives in russia. at least there were, well, for example yekaterinburg and moscow, and other cities there , well, they really don’t like monotony, well , at least, i don’t know who muscovites don’t like, but muscovites, muscovites don’t like everyone, and even, well, what i liked so much once was not so a long time ago, well before the beginning full-scale yekaterinburg people, when they called them russians, they insulted them, said that russians are in moscow, we are not russians, we are sebiryaks, that is, it is so different. but there are disputes between them, yes, i really like how russians call yekaterinburg, they call it yoburg, i like it a little, something
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this reminds me, but the next question, look , lately, what has it been, recently , very ukrainians shoot down many russian planes, at least in the last day and a half, i counted four of them, some say that there are even five of them, why this... so why did it suddenly happen like that, maybe it's not all of a sudden that the number of planes really began to fall like this with the help of ukrainian weapons? well , i would like to believe that we have additional means of air defense, or maybe even f-16s, which we do not officially recognize yet, but most likely here everything is not so good, everything is more banal, they simply went crazy, especially near avdiivka, in other cities, their fathers are front-line light bombers who are trying...
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will they receive some medicine or something before the flight to overcome fear, or orders , which they cannot fail to fulfill, and they simply fly into the impression zone, they began to peer and fly, well, of course, we just flew. a minute is enough for us to seize the target, even less and destroy it, it hardly makes sense for us to expect that we have any additional means against more powerful anti-aircraft means, i would like to believe it, but most likely it is still connected with the carelessness of the russians, than with the fact that we have something very good and the f-16, i would like to believe it, come on god, i want to be wrong, i really want to be wrong. the question, now you have touched it, i want you to expand it, so that the answer is more detailed, while we know that these
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meat assaults are under duress, there are ordinary soldiers who are not trained, only yesterday, maybe they were in the rear, and today they were already sent to zero and that's it further, we understand everything, pilots can be forced to do so, because a pilot is the value of a co-pilot... you can get at least a minimum wage in 5 years, or even in seven or eight years, as our experts explain to us here, and when we say , that i understand that the russians, who consider the generals of all soldiers to be cattle, will line up and move forward, and they went forward and the ukrainians destroy them, well, pilot, you can’t order him like that, so that he, you saw how he carried out the order, he flew to the left or to the right. 30 km away, you can't see him and he flew somewhere there, he said that i completed the task, but it’s easy to send him somewhere, well, how are you going to send the second one,
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the second one you won’t leave quickly... you leave, if there are five planes a day to lose, i'm not talking about airplanes, airplanes can be restored, or somehow repaired, or eventually, but you can train pilots in at least five years, that is, minus five pilots, what will you do next, these are my thoughts, well if deploy, then you can try to put yourself in the place of the squadron commander or the commander of the regiment there, and if he is given an order to bomb something there, and he does not... carry it out, well, he understands that it will be very unpleasant for him, the order comes from the kremlin, in the same place, unfortunately, well, unfortunately, fortunately for us, on unfortunately, we sometimes have such cases when people begin to interfere, not exactly military, in military affairs, i am sure that putin is definitely not a military person, i am, just like sheigu, he never served in the army, but wore big epaulettes, and they received a political task to do something there,
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to bomb something, to capture the audi in a very... a lot of bombs were dropped precisely on avdiivka, and he can’t disobey the order, what can he do, well, you have to send a pilot, you know, you can just lie to the pilot, say that there are no anti-aircraft defenses there, even if it is assumed that they are there, they would, they would have, and on the other hand, well, we still want to believe that we have a wandering patriot, that we can unexpectedly put our launchers closer to the line for them. front and they don't expect it and you know, i think that there are two in one or several in one, the same anti-aircraft missile complexes that we use, the launchers can be located at a long distance from the radar station, and they may not know that there is a launcher and even a radar station, if it is the so-called vizga ground air defense system, it is
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a small complex, it could be a kubov one. bukov complexes, it can be, well, even the s-300, and it can be standing, well, let’s say, disguised and not turn on the station until the planes enter its zone, into the likely impression zone , that is, it is easier, thank you very much, excuse me, mr. oleksiy, excuse me, please oleksiy, it’s just that, i’m sorry, i said expanded, and now i want to collapse, so excuse me, oleksiy hetman, reserve major of the national guard, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, was in touch with us. thank you very much, mr. major, now there will be an advertisement for three minutes, and then taras gorodny, political technologist, managing partner of the national anti-crisis group, we will talk about crises, there are enough crises in the world today, but first we will see all for commercials on espresso tv. laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even under such
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