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tv   [untitled]    February 18, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm EET

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operations on the border with poland, with lithuania, and it is obvious that anxiety is felt there, regarding how much danger there is in the current situation, well, here we have to turn to the interview with carlson, putin. please note that in his historical excursion, which almost repeated 2/3 of the excursion two years ago before the operation of the offensive against ukraine. well in february 20 february 4, 1922, he added poland, ah, telling there about the history around danzig gdańsk, which from my point of view is an absolutely clear indication, if and there will be this operation, then where it will be held, well, in the year when there will be elections in two/thirds of the world, where 2/3 of the voters in the world.
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will go to the ballot boxes, where there will be a rather controversial election campaign in the united states of america, in the year when the olympics will be held in paris, well, these are such provocative conditions for führer moskovsky not to use them, how will he use them and will it be a threat to european countries, well, we again go to the thesis that already sounds... in 1014 , you and i will not get into the head of this idiot and for he, how he will act, is known only to himself, but the fact that the führer cannot live without war is already obvious, in which direction he will strike, well, he will make the decision, but the europeans should be afraid, obviously, because thesis that the führer of moscow will not carry or fight or inflict. on nato states
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, nato members, this is a completely false thesis, i do not know on what basis it is based, i think, on the basis of fear of a nuclear conflict in the kremlin as well, this is the main thesis, and if you look around this issue, even the situation at the munich conference showed that the european leaders, the leaders of the european countries, they are wandering in the nets. uh, the situation around the washington shield, the british shield, europe's ability to do something independently, i'm not talking about the fact that the fifth article of the nato treaty is being mentioned less and less, so the situation here, especially since china guarantees that moscow will not use nuclear weapons, from here, ah, it is clear that the theses of two years ago, as we remember,... from paris,
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london, slightly cut off the führer, but this is not means that he will not act with conventional weapons, especially since the situation for him is quite, i will emphasize this again, provocative. and to what extent do you think that the conventional weapons of russian women can be compared with the conventional weapons of nato countries, which by and large have been helping us throughout this war with their not-so-best arsenals, well... if we take internal documents, let's say, internal french, internal german documents , then in them it is written in black and white that the intensity, at the intensity of such a war that is being waged russia in ukraine, the french army will be enough for seven days. i don't want to quote these documents further, but if it was clear that the industrial potential of all these countries is agreeable and ready to provide. the current current
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necessity of the needs of the armies of nato countries, then i would be calm. today, the situation shows, and it can be seen from the statements of the management of key manufacturers of armored vehicles and ammunition, and european countries, and the united states of america, that there are considerable problems. i'm not talking about when they got together. the current needs of the ukrainian army on the battlefield conditions, they themselves admit that the european potential today is not enough to cover all these needs, so it is not by chance that three five-year programs of growth, building up the industrial potential of defense for the production of armored vehicles have been developed, i understand that it is important here...
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brothers an argument for the accuracy, effectiveness, and liquidity of these weapons, but one must realize that russia will soon be the 11th. year of waging war, ah, she has tested most of her weapons in practice, and you can see how her industrial potential, military-industrial potential, from here it is necessary to understand that the situation that is developing now is dangerous from two components, it is the ability to take the first blow, and the second is to provide the existing industrial potential permanently. for fighting, ah, and it's no coincidence that rend corporation, in its analytical document, at the end of last year testified that when the current strike is launched by the forces of russia, it occupies territory, then the ability to knock it out of
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these territories is very, very difficult , from the point view of the presence of the potential of european armies, and there an analysis is given for each country... and the combat potential of all absolutely components is shown, which is not enough even to strike russia in a joint combination, if we talk about the lack of experience, because on today it is available only in ukraine, and as everyone perfectly understands that staff games, they in no way compensate for the lack of experience, especially the presence. composition, well, actually, these are not my words, mark miley also said that, the former chairman of the chiefs of staff committee and a number of well-known nato officers about this problem. and tell me, mr. roman, what do you really expect from donald trump, if
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trump manages to gain an advantage in the presidential race? from the point of view of nato, from the point of view of relations with russia, from the point of view of security. can it really be considered that president trump is ready for something drastic. turn of the foreign policy, i do not see such a threat, mr. vitaly, but i think that the current phraseology of trump, it is dictated to a greater extent, because of the tumbling state in which he is, because he is constantly under the bombardment of courts and conducting an election campaign, it leads to an outrageous trump. in the state of such sometimes psychopathic statements, which are a reflection of this internal moral discomfort, i would say yes, and from my point of view, this is the quoting
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there of seven-year-old phrases that he said to chancellor merkel, the change of positions regarding aid to israel, ukraine and taiwan. evidence only of the current tactical situation, which in relation to global changes, then, first of all, no he will make these decisions alone, and secondly, as bolton wrote in his famous book, well, trump can say one thing, and the system will do something completely different, so i have such cautions, which are now being written about, which are being talked about by many european there are no leaders , first of all... second, trump has a complex, at one time he went through a very serious school at the new york military academy, where a man was carved out of him, as his mother said, because his father simply gave him, forcibly gave him to academy, after he got as
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written in the biography, met with life's difficulties, but from here he understands very well and it exists in him. even such a reflection on the military, and as you can see from his biographical data, and when we are talking about metis or milli, in this regard, he always gave the back, communicating with representatives of the american generals and so on, so once again i do not i see, i'm saying here and there some such steps of his, which led to problems within nato or. reducing aid to ukraine, israel, taiwan, because for the united states of america, these are interests their interests, and not just any regional or local wars there. when you hear from russian officials that they are ready
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to end the war, as long as they give back the occupied territories, putin, lavrov, and medvedev have already talked about this, by the way, he actually said that today, no, if not the borders 91- th year, then a nuclear war. how serious are you? all these proposals, vitaliy, well , pay attention, even when carlson asked the question, uh, about whether he would satisfy, uh, the führer now. situation, he left from this question, that is, in fact, and he is interested, as it is true, i already jumped out of my head, one of the europeans said, and it was huysden, in my opinion, said, the restoration of the territorial greatness of the russian empire, and from my point of view, it has been worried for a long time such psychopathic figures as ivan the terrible. and joseph stalin, he already tried on their hat a long, long time ago, it is no accident that he falls into
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historical parallels and historical idiocy, i would say, from the point of view of interpreting many provisions of history, and these theses about the fact that he is capable of any contracts there, or it is very clear how his maggots running around him broadcast it, if only from... these are all people who reveal the possible consequences, the essence of which comes down to the fact that we let's not stop there, that's why the topic that some people are talking about now, which means that through karoson, congratulations on conducting negotiations were conveyed, and there it was directly said that let's agree... and i think that this is only a tactical step, because as svechin wrote , oleksiy
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andriyovych, war, no, no, it is laodzy, in my opinion, war is primarily mastery of lying thank you, mr. roman , roman the immortal, politician, diplomat , former ambassador of the ukrainian state to the republic of belarus, we were in touch, we are literally with you now... we will break for a few minutes, but please do not switch, there are still many important and interesting conversations ahead. tingling, numbness or crawling of ants in the limbs arise spontaneously and disturb you. a special complex of active substances of dolgita antineuralgia helps to normalize the functioning of the nervous system. dolgit anti-neuralgia helps to return to usual activities without subjugation and numbness in the limbs. capsules dolgiit. neuralgia - help to your nervous system. there are 10% discounts on citramondarnitsa in pharmacies psylsnyk, bam and oskad. oh, and
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a while since we've known about the death in... the colony of to the yamalonets autonomous district about the large-scale murder in this colony of the russian oppositionist oleksii navalny, but no one has seen navalny's body yet, and this is also another such a strange moment in this tragic story that you wonder why there is no evidence at all of the information that was reported russian official bodies? well, look, of course, from the very beginning i called it a political murder, because in any way... well, the original source of this was poison, the police, then there were already 27 cases when he was imprisoned in schizo, he was starving, and in the end he was transferred to this colony behind the arctic circle, and of course, precisely because of that, well,
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of course it's murder, but i still thought that it was medically justified. story and well, the body simply did not recover, but now because of everything that is happening to the body, well, there are more and more reasons to think that it was actually a full-fledged murder, and there are already witnesses who say that the day before his death, more precisely on the night before his death, there were certain people who came to the column. and that it was not unusual for those who sat there, well, i think that now the fact that the targets are not giving out, well, they are probably trying to hide something, and what is the point of destroying alexei navalny before the presidential elections in russia, you can explain to me the logic of the regime, and no logic at all does not exist here, that is, probably, if such
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a decision was received in the kremlin, then it was received there some time ago, and it was said, well, let’s do it there, and well, when they could, then they could, that is, i had there there was one source in russia who said more when he was being transferred to the yamalenen district, that this was being done precisely in order to kill him, and one person even said that he had already been killed and that in this way it was just... well, but we know that the lawyers said that they he was seen, seen alive , well, that's how it happened, why do you think the russian regime needed such a multi-year marathon, i would say, the crackdown on navalny, and the arrests, then with permits to leave prison, and with conditional sentences,
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then with permits to engage in some social activity, then with... with the opportunity to run for mayor of moscow, then without permission to run for office, then with poisoning, then with permission to be treated , what was it all about, well here it is actually all clear, because first the russian regime always tries to buy a person, only then to kill, and somehow put under his control, well, navalny cooperated there with igor sechin... regarding the information he made public, there regarding medvedev, there chaika, and even regarding this palace he was talking about, which is on the black sea, well that the source of everything was igor sechin's entourage, and there is such a well-known general of fiactists there, well, i think that probably, at first
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the kremlin thought that, well, it was a certain... uh , a means of controlling him, then they realized that no, he they gave him the opportunity to stay in the west, because they believe that if he is in the west, then it is not so dangerous inside, but he refused, and maybe they put pressure on him there, the same sechan, to return, they probably even gave him there certain guarantees about his return, well, but then he... more existed as such hostage, now, when the talks are starting, in the international environment, that it is necessary to change mr. then, of course, any alternatives need to be destroyed, and please explain to me why igor sechyn needed to provide navalny with such critical
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information for the regime, including about the corruption of putin himself? well, this mode has a lot of towers, and they are always fighting with each other, one after another, and there is a struggle. it is very, very strict there, and if you look at these people, about whom mr. navalny wrote, they are all enemies of igor sechin, that is, everything is enough here sure, actually. if we talk about the opposition potential in russia, have you seen these actions, i don’t even know if you can call them protest actions or commemoration actions after the death of oleksii navalny, don’t you think that... now people are simply mostly massed frightened by the regime under which they live, and only a few can express at least some semblance
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of civil protest, well, look, first of all navalny's electorate and his supporters, they look at what the fbk tells them, and the fbk always told them: let's go there with flashlights, let's go there with white balls , uh, let's go with something else, but there is no armed protest there, no such real struggle, and of course, that's how they feel about it now, and eh the fbk did not say anything, he did not call for any protest actions there, which also, uh... i really don't like it, i suggested to the fbk from the very beginning, let's do something, as a joint action , a joint opposition action, that we support,
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well, but the initiative should have been theirs, well, in the end, we need to understand that the only true opposition is the opposition that holds weapons and now there are the legion of freedom of russia and other russian units. this is a partisan movement, and they were always criticized by navalny and his people , according to your opinion, navalny was basically a political figure, maybe it would be more accurate to classify him as such civil activists, fighters against her corruption, fighters against abuses of the regime, but not people who were engaged in such classic political activities, then it will be easier to analyze all this, well, for me he was not a journalist. an investigator who tried to become a politician, well, but for the vast majority of opposition-minded citizens, he was a politician, but well, as for
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me, well, a politician is a person who not only suffers and emphasizes his suffering, who fights for power , and again, for power, someone who is now fighting, only those who hold weapons. well, on the one hand, navalny was the heir to this tradition of telling stories about corrupt abuses of power, which he engaged in before his death, boris nimtsov published several reports about what was happening with the corrupt state of the russian government, and this was also considered serious political activity. well, i think it's the other way around, boris nimtsov has always been a politician, and he tried. even there to become the president of the russian federation, after boris yeltsin, he began to engage in this anti-corruption fight after navalny,
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because everyone saw how popular it was and how people listened to it, and then everyone and boris nimtsov, and mikhail khodorkovsky, and many who else started to publicize something like that, but they were, well, secondary. compared to navalny, well, in this direction, do you generally think that the situation will develop after the presidential elections in russia, how important is this stage for putin in general, well, i believe that this is such a formality, because the sources of putin's legitimacy are already the so-called elections , they do not appear, the question here is what will happen about it. international society to think, i believe that it was very important today when president zelenskyi addressed the munich conference
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international leaders and said: let 's stop calling putin the president, let's deny him legitimacy after march, let's not be afraid of regime change in russia, and this is very important, this is what needs to be done externally in the russian federation, and of course to support these people , armed people again, who can actually... change this government, to what extent is the west ready to not recognize putin as a legitimate leader, let's say, a week ago it was not ready, that is, there was a call from pare, this call we have made many times already discussed with the executive power there with the ministry of foreign affairs of poland, the baltic countries there.
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several more countries, but even these first, primary allies of ours, even they hesitated, and there were so many others, well, they were quite far from it, but now after the death of navalny, well, who knows, maybe they will such a step, that is, navalny's death, can be such a rubicon precisely from the point of view of understanding legitimacy. authorities in russia? well, i believe that it is likely, and it should be used in this sense. i i think the hesitation has started. and tell me, please, how do you see this story with zanadezhdin's signatures, do you see some social resonance in it, or is it just such a case? well, look, well, of course there is a resonance,
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because many people actually. i signed up, but it’s a vain hope, it’s just people, they ’re afraid to actually do something there, and they think it’s relatively dangerous, but in my opinion, it’s even more dangerous if you throw a molotov cocktail there, because from a cocktail molotov you can run away, here you are signed it, it is seen by the fsb, then... you have already voluntarily shown that you are opposed to this government, well, i believe that it was a mistake from the very beginning, we talked about it as a congress of people's deputies, well, but navalny khodarkovsky and many others, for them it was a safer method of struggle, well, maybe people just don't realize how global, i would say, the federal system is now.
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security services in the russian federation, to the extent that these people are not going to give anyone even the slightest opposition position, even such, i would say , a civil opposition position, when you just sign somewhere there, well, they just don't think about it, look, when sociologists call russians now, they are afraid even then, but for some reason they believe that when a sociologist called them on their phone number, that's when you have to think about what they do. identified, and when they signed this call to register navalny, navalny, they hope that it is somehow safer, they just simply do not understand it, unfortunately, and why, in russia there is already experience, i said, of this observation of everyone by everyone, i cannot answer you on
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this question from my point of view. this is obvious from the very beginning, and when it was all over , even these uh, volodymyr solovyov, he said to himself on the air, there, thank you, mr. nadezhden, there you should be awarded an order for the fact that 200,000 were sent to us there opposition-minded russians, well, what can be added to this, they even talk about it themselves, and by the way, if we talk about abroad, this is what russian diplomats are now hunting for... russian actors, emigrants, disrupt their concerts, even try to arrest them so that they will be extradited to russia, what is this, is this schizophrenia starting, or an attempt to intimidate everyone and everywhere? that's right, scare me, i think they didn't expect to be captured there.


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