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tv   [untitled]    February 18, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EET

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after all, i cannot answer you on this question, from my point of view, it is obvious from the very beginning, and when it was all over, even this volodymyr solovyov, he said to himself on the air, there, thank you, mr. nadezhden, you should be awarded an order there for the fact that you sent 200,000 opposition-minded russians to us there, well, what can be added to... they even talk about it themselves, and by the way, if we talk about abroad, this is what is happening now russian diplomats hunt for russian actors, emigrants, disrupt their concerts, even try to arrest them, to extradite them to russia, what is it in general , is this kind of schizophrenia starting, is it an attempt to intimidate everyone and everywhere, that's exactly how to intimidate, i believe that they did not count on the fact that they would be able to capture there... b2 musicians and even if
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they captured someone, well, it would be their drummer, someone else, but not singers, but how to make sure that others did not go there with tours and thereby did not communicate with the russians, did not tell them about their anti-war position, well, they will work on it, i believe that even... the b2 themselves will be much more now more careful from the point of view of touring, well, when they go there to the united states, everything will be fine, but the number of russians in the united states is much less than in turkey or in thailand or in some indonesia, which is where they are dangerous, well, that is, they actually cut off communication zones, as it used to be in soviet times, so that white emigrants would not communicate with them. by our people, just like that
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, just like that, it’s just a way of isolation, and the logic behind navalny’s murder is the same, you also said that there how long has it been it lasted, well, because every time this reminder that it is dangerous, that it should not be done, there, do not go to rallies, do not write in social networks, sits quietly on the ass. thank you. thank you, mr. ilya, ilya panemar, a russian oppositionist, a former member of the state duma of the russian federation, was on air with us, but we are not ending our program, we are only going to break now for a couple of minutes, please stay with us and we will continue there are still many serious and interesting conversations ahead. joint problems restrict movement, it is unpleasant and painful. strengthen them with the help of long joints. these are bags of collagen. and vitamin c to
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a separate platoon of unmanned aerial systems sapsan. of the state special service of transport, appeal to the viewers of the espresso tv channel with a request to join the collection of funds, crowns and technical equipment for our unit. thank you, glory to ukraine, heroes. big broadcast, basil of winter, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to find out. about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep abreast of economic and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent
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and caring, in the evening for espresso. we continue our program. denis kolesnyk, a political commentator from france, is in touch with us. congratulations mr. denis. good evening. so, let's talk about what is happening now between ukraine and france. the signed security agreement, by the way, was believed to be hers will be signed when emmanuel macron arrives in the ukrainian capital. the opposite happened, the president of ukraine arrived in the capital of france. in your opinion, how important is this agreement for ukrainian-french cooperation? at the moment, well , look, here it is worth noting what this agreement is called in general, it is called, literally , cooperation, which in ukrainian is translated as an agreement on cooperation in the field of security between
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france and ukraine, and here, in my opinion, it is worth rejecting all manipulation, because we know that in ukraine they sometimes like to present such agreements as some kind of security guarantees about guarantors. these agreements do not mention any security guarantees. the agreement was signed for 10 years, where the priority points of cooperation between france and ukraine are specified. of them, it is worth noting from a positive point of view, personally, that the words that ukraine will join nato, and this will be a significant contribution to the security and defense of europe, to peace and stability, seems to have been written there verbatim. there is also talk of cooperation in... in the production of weapons between france and ukraine, as well as in helping ukraine to join the european union and nato. it was also stated there that france will allocate 3 billion euros in military aid to ukraine this year, which is also a certain
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increase, according to the figures that were in 2022 and 2023. this is cooperation between intelligence agencies from a positive point of view as well as from an interesting point of view. and counter-counter-intelligence of france and ukraine, but it's quite written like that, you know, not very clearly, so i don't know how to comment on it, but it's positive, and also the fight against the manipulation of information, or disinformation, as well as assistance to ukraine in the sense of cyber security. and to what extent do you think the president of france is really thinking about increasing the role of his country from the point of view. possible changes in the political life of the united states? well, look , first of all, france and emmanuel macron, although i personally do not consider the president of the republic to be a strong leader, but he is an ambitious leader, and nothing can be added here, and it often happens that ambitious is more important than strong, you know,
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yes , but that's the point, and it seems to me that these ambitions, in some sense , encourage france to provide more solid aid to ukraine, even to increase it. her, if possible, not yet a leading role, but still a strengthened role in helping ukraine, in military assistance to ukraine. but there is also another situation here, which is that ah, russia allowed itself a lot, let's say, against france, in the same africa, right? we saw, let's say, how russia literally squeezed france out of the sense of cooperation from the former colonies, and i think that was also perceived by paris as a kind. certain and enough anti-french actions of the russian federation, therefore , it is possible that this also affects in a certain sense the seriousness of assistance to ukraine. by the way, we said that we were squeezing, or we could say that we were squeezing, that france's position is really seriously undermined, or is france still fighting with
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russia for its influence in africa? well, look, we can remember, there are mali, burkina faso, maybe chad, niger, a lot of countries where france basically lost. so to speak, the attacks provoked by the russians on french embassies, in those countries were involved, this, by the way, is a known fact that... the french campaigns that called on france to withdraw from those countries, let's say, to get out of those countries, they were financed or co-financed by the russian federation, where the russian embassies were also involved to these actions, and these are the same, you know, rallies that we once saw in 2014, where it was about anti-ukrainian rallies in the same luhansk or donetsk, so as of now , we can say that russia has, after all, outwitted france, but there is also... the queen, let's say, of the information war, and in 2021
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france published the lei doctrine , it is called, if you translate it, probably some kind of information, information war of influence, somehow, probably, this was the most correct translation, and it was the first moment when france actually declared that it was also conducting an information war abroad, of course talking about africa. and there were certain information operations, both russian and french in those countries, directed against each other, and here it is still difficult to say who is winning, but still the fact that, say, russia managed to add fire and the russians managed to incite these anti-french, let's say, sentiments in those countries based on the same colonialism, where france was the metropolis in those colonies . let's say so, to achieve your own goals. and tell me, denitsa,
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but we just talked with aley ponovaryov about the death of alexei navalny, about his murder, and it has a very big resonance in the west now, and how has french public opinion reacted to this, how much has the attitude towards moscow changed, to russia in connection with such events? well, me, if honestly, i was quite surprised, because there were declarations precisely about navalny's death, murder or... i won't say what happened there, i don't know, but the kremlin is probably still responsible for it, but i was surprised that there were such statements from emmanuel macron are quite powerful towards russia, and i apologize, russia has been waging a war against a sovereign country for two years, and the murder of, let's say, one of the politicians, even an opposition politician, causes such powerful reactions to the declaration, to me, more than the war. yes, yes, that's the point, so me it was very surprising, but you know
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, unfortunately, france has, let’s say this, certain, although i wouldn’t say rose-colored glasses, because she took them off a long time ago, but still those decades and even centuries of russian influence, infusions of money into france, cultural activities of all kinds, on which tsarist russia, then the soviet union, spent millions and, probably even billions, it is still not, it was given in signs, and, unfortunately... very few people, let's say, know that navalny, he was the same, say, russian chauvinist, perhaps to a greater or lesser extent than the same kremlin, but, although he already changed his position at the end, but we all remember his statements there about crimea, not a sandwich, yes in 2014, so it is a little sad, well, on the other hand, it leads to that in france the attitude towards russia as such is being reassessed, i understand, as a result of... of course, but on the other hand it cannot play a greater role in the reassessment of this attitude than the war against ukraine or
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russian aggressive actions in the information space against of the french republic, as well as eyelashes in, for example, in the same african countries. what is happening to french policy in the middle east? president macron has now met with the president of egypt assisi, they talked about joint actions, the french president does not rule out the possibility of recognizing a palestinian state, what is it? for a new turn in french foreign policy? well, this is, as my friend says, this is politics, this is the regatta politics of france, but i won't quote his name, of course, look, it's very interesting too, it's true, macron, even at the meeting, it seems like two or three days therefore, he declared with the king of jordan that france, let's say, there is no taboo, so literally it was said that there is no taboo in the sense of talking about the recognition of palestine, but... it is also worth remembering that france as a country that did not recognize, for example, ukraine recognizes palestine, france does not recognize palestine at the official
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level as an independent state, and here i would like to make a little correction, let's say move from politics to domestic politics, and it is in the context of this that we consider these statements, since we we know that there are millions in france people who practice islam, who are from , who are french, who are from the countries of the rooster. of africa and the middle east, and we know that literally six months from now in june there will be elections to the european parliament, and we know that, for example, the lupin party, samleva national yes. the national assembly, according to the latest data, will gain 30-32% in these european elections, while, say, the pro-macron renaissance party fell from 20% to 16.5, so here we can also see these statements as an increase in the search for support among among the muslim
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population and population of immigrants from these countries. well, in fact, it is about wanting to... capture the sympathy of the voters, in the near east, did france want to be a player at all? well, look, there were certain ambitions in lebanon, but it seems to me that france is moving away from these ambitions now. there were, er, also france, france had its contingent, for example, in the same, in the same syria, when the syrian war began, when the russians entered there, but we remember that these actions, and then , by the way, there was a president uh er... er, er, hollande, yes, president hollande, and he still had a tougher stance in my opinion, but then the united states had barack obama with his red lines and france couldn't play much into that region with your muscles. of course there are certain, shall we say, strategic issues that france
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would like to close, but there is also a growing dissatisfaction with the actions of israel in e.g. in onshore operations in the gas sector, and here again there is pressure from the other side, which is, which is happening on the french authorities, after all, with a part of society that we saw these pro-palestinian protests , even the protests were about hamas, which is in principle a problem, but this is another debate, another discussion, so of course france would like to play a bigger role, but to what extent does france have the power to play these. .. roles now in the middle east, that's another matter. in principle, how afraid is president macron of political change in the united states? we know that he had, to put it mildly, a controversial relationship with donald trump. he sometimes tried to find a common language with him, sometimes refused this common language, well, that is, they were in such a difficult relationship, i would say, such a complicated family. yes
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, of course, well, you understand, there are certain, let’s say, the opinion, probably of the president of the republic, there are also... certain such, let’s say, french is a cougaun in the sense of the views of society, views of the intellectual classes, and we know that trump had had enough of such a trump tower of france, everyone was afraid of his arrival, everyone did not like his statements about the 2% allocation of funds according to nato for defense and so further and so on. of course, let's say you want to deal with less. the unpredictable president of the united states, because trump , we can talk a lot about him, some like him, some don't, but this is an unpredictable person who is quite difficult to predict, he has different declarations according to such and such issues, and in my opinion, this in principle, it is, let's say, trump's strategy, but on the other hand, of course, there is a problem, there is a fear that, after all, on the one
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hand, you understand, the problem here is that france has ambitions in europe and would like to have there were talks about the european army, there about... its role, but on the other hand there are also fears of, say, the withdrawal of america from europe, and this is such a story, this is such a situation where with one side would like a reduction in the weight of america in europe, but on the other side there is a fear of a reduction of this weight, because as of today, let's say, there is nothing to replace this weight of america, which it plays. according to the latest sociological polls, for an increase in military aid to ukraine. 21% of the french are in favor of continuing the supply of arms at current levels 41% are in favor and this is 10% less overall than the number of supporters of the supply of military aid compared to june 2023, these are still bad numbers or on the contrary one-sided when
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such a large level of support remains, well, not as much as it was, but still not small, to put it mildly. well, look, the fact that the numbers and in principle the support is falling, it is quite logical, it was logical back in 2022, that over the years, the longer this conflict continues, it the russian-ukrainian war, then, let's say, there will be less opportunity to keep the population's attention to this conflict and by itself to maintain the strong support of the population towards ukraine, yes, that is why it is in some sense logical, but the figure is still 40% to support the same on the same this is also a pretty good number, which, taking into account the efforts of, for example, the russian federation, after all, and their certain, let's say, french allies. which, unfortunately, also exist in our country, in relation to, say, undermining, yes aid to ukraine, they were from from the very beginning of the russian aggression deployed on the territory of france, there are certain
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experts, or people who call themselves experts, who openly advocated , let's say, the russian federation, for there were certain narratives promoted by russia, that is, for example, that peace is needed, so , peace at any price, and of course the price is, let ukraine pay, so after all, the numbers in my opinion are quite positive, and by the way, about russian disinformation, you are talking about promoting a narrative there, but recently there was in general , information about the fact that some were found in france a whole network of ukrainian anti-ukrainian propaganda sites, which should be engaged in disinformation to the population in france, germany and other european countries, just before the second anniversary of the great russian invasion of ukraine, how is the west fighting this in general, can it really oppose it? well , look, france, unfortunately, it's too late. understood and very late began to take seriously the issues of information security and, let's say, information warfare, only a few years ago, it seems in the 21st year, was
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created, it was created under the auspices of the structure of the french equivalent of the ukrainian national security and defense council, it is called zhdsn, and it works to identify, say , companies that manipulate information or carry out disinfection. information in the french information space, and so there was a report, i ’ll even say the name now, it’s called the combat portal, that’s how they named this ecosystem of these sites, which russia deployed, this is part of the sites, they work purely for ukraine, the russian language is there, the russian-speaking space , but there are also sites like pravda, pravdafr, net somehow, they are already there narratives that precisely work against france. against, for example, french interests in africa, in the middle east, the question of palestine itself, by the way, but, let's say
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, it is impossible to say that this is something very strange and such an unknown phenomenon, because russia is constantly working in the information space, it works in the social network twitter, which is now called x, it works very powerfully in telegram channels, for example, in ukraine there are also russian telegram channels, yes, which france has now discovered a civna. discovered the ecosystem these, uh, it’s true, there’s something there, yes, there are also some there in zaporozhye, or there in donetsk , there is also a certain system that was also discovered, the truth is no no no not by a french traveler, so these are standard things, we live in the conditions of this information war, it is not the first year, and at least i am glad that france finally, let's say from the age of 18-19, began to treat it somehow more adequately, and... with the so -called russian-speaking population, russians too conduct work in such countries as france, they also focus on them, on these people, not necessarily, on citizens of russia, by the way, on citizens of ukraine, too.
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look, if we talk about france, the russian-speaking population in france is small, so it makes no sense, here it is more interesting for the russians, and this is what they are doing, by the way, to work on the arabic-speaking population, on the population, mainly from north africa, and here to maintain certain moods. to manipulate opinion, to introduce certain narratives, say, to promote that certain groups of the population take part in some attacks or in demonstrations where fighting with the police and so on, we have already seen it, for example, here, and as for the russian-speaking population, of course russia is working, but here we would rather talk about estonia, about ukraine itself, yes, where there is a large part of the population , who either speaks russian, or who very... understands russian, well, if you see the russian cultural center in paris, as well as all these objects of the russian orthodox church, it might seem that russia is actively interested in russians, right? well, here we have to
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thank the former president sarkozy for this is this miracle, which, unfortunately, we have in paris, but already as it is, as it is. well, by the way, if we talk about such people as nicolas sarkazzi, i can say that now they are representatives of the french political elite, who have always tried to support especially. such close relations with the kremlin, and sarkozy himself, and many other representatives of the french political elites, that now they still try to distance themselves, that there is no longer such a french schröder. yes, of course, by the way, it is an interesting fact that it is war, it is, let's say, people who are really now in the information space, let's say some experts or former politicians who openly support russia, i really don't want it. all people who had some sympathy for russia, even those who still have them, who think that maybe there is no need to take ukraine into nato, into the european union, let it be a part
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of russia, they no longer... speak out, and a certain change took place, that it became uncomilf to speak openly pro-russian, on the one hand it masked certain people, because they conduct a more balanced, measured discourse, but on the other hand , it has reduced this pro-russian discourse very much in the french information space, if we talk about the possibilities of france to supply weapons to ukraine, now we have seen, it seems to me, even today, information that the minister of defense of the french republic said: that ukraine receives kamikaze drones of the latest development from france, this was from sebastien lecornu, he said this in dymansh magazine, as far as it can be considered that can france really transfer not only some of the weapons known there, but some of the latest technologies that are being developed right now in the french military-industrial complex? this is very positive for france, because there is an opportunity to use in real
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combat and see how... this or that military product is effective or not, so it's positive, it's positive for ukraine, and it's positive for france, well that is, it can be assumed that all this will continue, but i don't know, it is positive for france, because it is positive for ukraine to be a legion, this training ground for french weapons is also a question, well, yes, this is another question, but at least it is obtaining, let's say, even experimental weapons of some kind, and after all, this is taking into account the projectile hunger, which... for example , now exists in ukraine, which is probably partly to blame for what happened, for example, in avdiivka, sorry, yes, in avdiivka, in avdiivka, yes , uh, after all, these drones, they can replace in some sense limited ability to produce projectiles, because you understand that again, france, if i am not mistaken, produces the possibility of 3-400 shells per month in total, if we are talking, for example, about the same caesars, howitzers, yes,
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which france. transmitted to ukraine, it seems that the facilities now work at three or four warheads per month, there is no such scalability, there is no scalability of this military-industrial complex, so this is the problem that there are good weapons, but there is no way to mass-produce them quickly , and it will take a long time to create these opportunities thank you, mr. denys, denys kolesnyk, a political commentator from france was there. we're on this air, we 'll be back on the air in a few minutes, stay with us, we 're going to have a big conversation with the leader of the opposition in the israeli knesset, the head of the yot party and the former prime minister and foreign minister of the state of israel, yair lapid, so please stay with us, and the last part of our program will be devoted to ukrainian-israeli relations, the situation in the middle east and other important problems of today. before meeting! there are discounts
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