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tv   [untitled]    February 19, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EET

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and we know that verification is when there is a photo or video confirmation of a destroyed unit of equipment, besides that there are other indicators, that is , what is not verified, but they are available, that is, it is also a factor that allows us to talk about up to a thousand units destroyed equipment just for the sake of audio, so it was a very difficult defense for us, but the result allowed us to significantly deplete the resource. this bog and he, he was forced to use even units from other groups of troops and other directions, for example from the lymansky direction, from the bakhmut district, these the units were constantly moved there and were actually shackled precisely in the avdiivka area. now we have left it, we have now left it and are on three lines of defense, which immediately begin behind the action.
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in the near future, the following type of events may occur: the russians will try to create a security buffer for the city itself, i.e. push our units back approximately to push our forces away from samoyivka to such a distance that they can manage to be more or less safe, i.e. it is about 3.5 km, this is the creation of a buffer. this they can draw a safety buffer for themselves along the swallow line on the steppe, even , let's say, water, northern, swallow steppe, and they can cover the northern thin eagle seed kaberdichi line along the line, the variations may be different, it all depends on what resource they have it is good to spend now in field conditions, because i notice that when the russians entered the city itself, they began to suffer
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losses approximately one to two, one to three, and until they received an order to speed up the process itself, then they had increased losses, ugh therefore, something to significantly speed up offensive actions, but when they were in the field and carried out offensive actions in the field, even the russians themselves. kokoris and the russian talking heads, they said that it is impossible to advance like this, we are losing 1:10, we will not have enough for so long, and therefore it is precisely in the field conditions for them that the moment may come when they, first of all, start with fixing positions, and they will not spend a lot of resources on creating a safety buffer, and they can switch to other directions, other directions, it may not be the eye, no... some
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directions near the avdiivka itself, it is not some kind of entrance gate, for example there to pokrovsk or konstantinivsky and so on, no, they are on the contrary, they are re-rented in a completely different direction along the bridgehead, that is, it can be kupyansk, it can be liman, it can be the bakhmut area, the direction of the yar times, and kupyansk and yar times are the main ones. plans for offensive actions in the future, and they can also resume activity in the south, this there may be a direction of carbon, where they have been accumulating resources for a long time, and it may be the zaporizhzhia region of district labor. mr. oleksandr, you said that the russians may face difficulties when it comes to the field, we may also face the same difficulties, because we understand that fortified positions have been strengthened for years. avdiivka's position cannot
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be compared with the situation when you are in an open space. on the other hand, what prevents the russians from continuing to use the tactics of throwing cabs, because it is cabs that are now called, in principle, one of the russian forces on avdiivka from our enemy, i.e. the active work of aviation. today we have great news about the elimination of three russian su fighters, but... well, this is still not about some kind of parity in the sky, no, it is not parity and this news, it really made me happy on the one hand, but on the other hand, well a little yes, let's say so, it became sad, because two su-34x were destroyed, they are front-line front-line bombers, fighters and the main carriers of kabs and one su-35, and the su-35 was the one that accompanied them. i guard it
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a security plane, a multipurpose fighter, its main function is protection for front-line bombers, and in this case it is precisely in this... let's call them that, but here it is necessary to understand that against the background of this joyful news, from february 16 to 17, according to avdiivka, there was 94 cable descents were carried out, only in avdiivka, this is a record number of used cables, and in general, from february 16 to 17 , an absolute record was set throughout the entire combat zone of application. 151 cabs, that is, today we do not have parity, we there is nothing we can do against russia in the airspace of the temporarily occupied territories, they have complete dominance, the absolute dominance of tactical aviation in particular, in relation to
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the field, here is another point, it is much more difficult for them in the field than in the city, that is the point, the conduct of hostilities in city a... it is accompanied by a decrease in losses, a significant decrease in losses, greater success in promotion, why? and because in the city you can grab onto every building, every building is a point of fire, it is a cover, it is a shelter, that is, it is possible to advance along streets by quarter and so on, in the field it is so impossible, the most vivid example, they have been trying to capture a small steppe village for four months, which is in the field? and they are trying to capture a small village, the northern one, the exit from the water river, north of the water river, the northern one, in the northwest direction from the northern one,
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it is thin, they cannot do it , they have not been able to capture this village for four months, why? because they have to advance on the field, there is nothing for them to cling to. they are under or artillery fire, or under the fire of drones and so on, although now one cannot talk about artillery at all, because we are actually fighting now without artillery, ah, today i was motivated and encouraged enough by the statement of peter pavl, ah , who stated that somewhere they found 500,000 rounds of... 55 caliber and 300.122 caliber, well i guess where they found them, that was expected, but the question here is when they will be here and if will be, you can share with us the information, where did khrystyna and i hang out? all the time before the broadcast it was discussed where general pavel found the shells, well, he did
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not find them in europe, i will say this, he found humanitarian, non-lethal weapons among those countries that have been helping us for a long time. that is where he found it, and we will have hope that these ammunition will be sent to us very quickly, because we need them, we need them as much as possible, i would even say so, if we had a proportional distribution of ammunition for the artillery in full, and not a complete lack of them , well, let's for the battery, when the battery has the ability for days a day to fire artillery battery 2 30 shots is nothing, it is nothing at all, it can be said, we are fighting without artillery, and a lot depended on it, i will say this, if the supply continued proportional supply of ammunition, artillery, then we
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would not be talking to you now that the defense forces of ukraine would be forced to leave avdiyivka, avdiyivka would continue to be kept in defense and effective enough, the russians would not now arrange their dances with... we are exactly, well, celebrating, relatively speaking, i can't call it that victory, but delight itself avdiyivka, but tell me, mr. oleksandr, after all, avdiivka is primarily a political decision for putin, or does it pave the way for the further capture of populated areas in donetsk region? any settlement, any city, village, it... opens up some more opportunities for further advancement and the capture of new territories, but here the question is different: avdiivka is not as important as some kind of entrance gate in one direction or another ,
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which would allow a-a to seize much larger territories, no, it is just closing, let's say so, on our defense lines. and what they started on october 10 continues, the meat grinder in the field, actually along the borders, eh, this is not the same option as with cities, agglomerations. or something else, that's why it's primarily political, it was a political trap, and they will use it as much as possible in propaganda. i don't even rule out that instead of taking a rational step, taking an operational pause, ah, and restoring potential, er, to hold so-called elections, so that something doesn't happen according to the plan, they don't... they can start another wave of offensive actions on this corrugation, for example, during the yar period or in the zaporizhzhya region
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in the robotyne verbove region, in order to return control over the territories that we liberated in the summer of 2023. but then there is a risk that everything may not go according to plan, and it is already starting to go according to plan. yesterday they tried to conduct reconnaissance by combat in the verbovov area, and this reconnaissance by combat ended in the complete destruction of the column, and this is what we call not planned. october 10 they should have had a successful first wave of the offensive on avdiyishka, and the first echelon should have gone to the main points, the points along the inter -steppe taberdichi tanotonenky, they... they didn’t even do it, and it already didn’t go according to plan, if putin gets it before the elections
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, and especially at the end of february , before the speech, before the federal meeting, well , to put it mildly, he will be a kind of slap, mr. oleksandr, finally, what will happen next, at least options for the development of events, very briefly, well , we understand that the war - it's a story when to play you can go both ways. and although the russians are freeing themselves by liberating avdiivka certain resources for pressure in another direction, we are also liberating, and in fact a large number, a large group of us were able to leave avdiivka, although today there was an alarming report that something went wrong in the last stages, maybe not according to the plan, and part of our military was captured, options for what to do next, total defense. defense and maximum pressure on our partners so that we are provided with everything in this defense. now
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it is important for us to keep it just like that tactic, and it will continue for some time. i think that for the first half of the year, it will be only defense in almost all our main directions, where we are along the entire line of neutralization on all the main bridgeheads, with the exception, well... it does not exclude one thing, this is livoberezhna khersonshchyna, there may be some others of a tactical level of action, but mostly self-defense. that is, it is about what general syrskyi says, who says that the ukrainian army should now move to such a planned strategic defense? exactly right now thank you, mr. oleksandr, oleksandr kovalenko, the military-political commentator of the information resistance group, was on the air, we are with... now we will take a break for a few minutes, but stay with us, we still have a lot of interesting
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conversations. there are 15% discounts on glicised and glicised max at podorozhnyk pam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on petal one plus, 10% in psyllium pam and oskad pharmacies. there are 20% discounts on tezin bio and tezinc strength in pharmacies, plantain baam touch. vasyl zima's big ether, this is the big ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we are we are starting two hours of airtime , two hours of your time, we will discuss many important topics with you today, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhii zgurets with us, and what the world is doing, now about , what happened in the world in more detail. yuriy fizar will speak, yuriy, good evening, please, you have the floor, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk
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about money during the time oleksandr morchyvka is with us, oleksandr, congratulations, please, and news sports, a review of sports events from yevhen pastukhov for two hours in the company of favorite presenters. thank you very much, linia chechenna, for the information about cultural news, presenters that have become familiar to many. natalka didenko is already ready to tell us about the weather on the day i will come, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio, andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also there... according to the results of january, the espresso tv channel continues to hold the first position among information broadcasting channels. for the 10th month in a row, we are the first. greetings, it's news time on the air tv channel this november we turned 10 years old, we updated the design, the sound, we continue the saturday political club of khrystyna yatskiv and vitaly portnikov.
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our values ​​and ukrainian point of view remain unchanged. stay tuned for espresso updates and thank you for your trust. i congratulate you. this is svoboda live. on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics. objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. frankly and impartially. make your own conclusions in... we continue our saturday political club, khrystyna yatskiv. vitaly portnikov, and we are adding to our conversation valery chaly, diplomat, ambassador of ukraine to the united states from 2015 to 2019. congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. congratulations, mr. valery. so, the president's speech at the munich
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conference, what do you think are the main signals to our allies? you know, to be honest, i wasn't paying more attention to the performance president zelenskyi, to all the speeches of our partners, because in principle what the president will say is obvious, and we support it, it is necessary to get more shells, more rep, more air defense, and in fact, it is obvious that these signals have already sounded repeatedly . well, in addition, i actually saw the press conference after the meeting with the vice president of the united states, kamalo hares, where president zelenskyi spoke about the fact that we understand that the usa has its own internal issues, but nevertheless we believe that there is no alternative and we count on the support of the united states, and here
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i would like to say that i just saw an alternative and i emphasize that ... the words of the minister of defense boris pistorius, this is the minister of defense of germany that the united states should not be counted on, because regardless of the results campaign, whoever is in the usa, the focus of attention will shift from europe to the indo-pacific, that is , the indo-pacific region, to the middle east, i absolutely agree with him on this, because the complexity of the origin of funds in the usa now shows. about what we need now to cement positions in europe, and in this regard there are both positive signals and some, let's say, sensitive issues that will still need to be resolved with our european partners. mr. valery, well, when
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we talk about the joint speech of president zelenskyi and vice president of the united states kamala harris, she emphasized that... the united states only has plan a, and it is about funding for ukraine, but the ministry of justice of the united states just today demonstrates for the first time that there really is a plan b, and it can work too. we are talking about the first 500,000 dollars of confiscated russian funds for ukraine, for ukraine, which were transferred to estonia in order for it to support us accordingly. and this is actually the first one, if i'm not mistaken. this is a precedent that says that everything is possible if you really want to, i have talked about it more than once, there are a lot of tools in the administration of joseph biden and there were, by the way, which they are partially using now, i want to say that assistance to ukraine doesn't stop because there is still the supply of those appropriations that
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were previously, what to allocate funds and put a political check mark there. this is not enough for the plan , we need weapons that are needed at the front , so all these weapons have not yet arrived from the previous promises, in addition, there is, for example, such a tool as eda, these are excess defense articles, they are called those that have already come out of of their terms, for example, it can fall under attack missiles, and the price of these very weapons that are being replaced by more recent ones. and in fact can be either sold somewhere or destroyed, establish also, you know, not at their basic cost, that's why the ceiling of 500 million under the eda program allows acting. without the congress to solve these issues even now, it is clear that the package, which will be further considered for one week, would be a very good and powerful signal
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to all allies, and most importantly to putin, but the usa has various means to in order to further support, including the military-technical plan of ukraine. the only thing i will say is that money, as it turns out, is necessary, but not enough. tool, you need a real weapon, well, for example, the united states they wanted to take in ecuador, precisely the remaining weapons there from soviet times, to supply them with newer ones, instead it turned out that after the beginning of ecuador, now that russia has blocked their bananas, they said, no, we will not supply them, and then the bananas went further equatorial to russia, so you see, here we still have to look for how to do it, and europe... is talking about absolutely specific things now, and we have not heard this before, i liked the statement of defense minister boris pestorius that ukraine should help ukraine and it and
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we have to win even more, you said no talk about some kind of fatigue or some incomprehensible development of events. ukraine must win, and we must think about how to make maximum efforts for this. so, in principle , the mood has already changed. and i feel that europe has woken up and is taking the lead , at least it seemed so to me, frankly , i am not very pleased, as a person who has worked a lot in the american direction and not only as an ambassador, that european statements, i hope actions, eh, look now more ambitious than the united states, that is, there in fact, there will be a certain pause even if we receive the package, so... we need to shift our views now from the constant monitoring of what is happening on the capitalist hills on a daily basis, to such
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capitals as oslo, as well as the countries of norway, denmark, japan . poland, however, now we have certain problems, but i hope that we will also return the level of cooperation with poland, especially since the minister of legal affairs sikorski, whom you see on the screen, recently held meetings in the format of the weimar triangle, and there they jointly expressed that it is necessary to strengthen as much european participation in help ukraine. tell me, mr. valery. so, if we return to the capitalist hills, how did you understand for yourself the statement that was made just yesterday by the speaker of the house of representatives of the american congress, mike johnson, after it became known about
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the murder of the russian opposition leader oleksiy navalny and he said that this is such a crime at a time when the congress is looking for the best opportunities to help ukraine, and this is being said by a person who constantly emphasizes that she is not ready to put a bill on helping ukraine to a vote of the house of representatives, how to understand? well, the statement itself pleasantly surprised me, it seems logical that this statement should not be a vacation, there is a recess of the house of representatives, but a quick decision. i will tell you that the senate met at night, even there were two the senators used a filibuster, well , delaying the vote , but nevertheless the senate voted, and even there, as strange as it will sound to us, they had a ... super bowl game, and they usually just stop there on such days work in the evening, here no , here they did, and the house of representatives
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somehow calmly left it all, so i don’t look at the statements anymore, mike johnson could take more independent steps, and not constantly consult with donald trump, and there is a statement from donald trump like this some unusual he already... once said at one of his meetings with the voters that we are not against helping ukraine there, moreover, well, he said in his own style that it is jose biden who will surrender ukraine, and i, on the contrary, defend ukraine, well, in his rhetoric , but then he said, let's maybe allocate a loan to ukraine, and not direct money, well, that is already some kind of situation, you are really right, some statements, they show that we have gone too far, just this group of maga and this group of republicans. who joined her in blocking questions, but i, unfortunately, cannot to say already now that this already indicates that the issue will be resolved in the next few days,
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this will not happen, and it is a shame. well, i would say so until the struggle for the plan ends, well, the president of ukraine also said that he expects the package to be accepted, but look, the same package can also undergo certain serious changes, it has already undergone changes, so we need think about where to produce now. shells, where to get shells now, the statement of the president of the czech republic, the czech republic, mr. pawel, is more encouraging to me, there he is said that there is a possibility of several million that the czech republic has found these opportunities, 800 thousand only 155-caliber, only money is needed, but if there are such statements, only money is really needed there, it is necessary to concentrate as much as possible now on these moments, where to get the money, well, they are in principle in... partners
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who can help at this critical moment, this is japan, this is norway, by the way, we still need to be there, despite the work actively, let's say, performing duties or sharge de farus is ours, but an ambassador is needed in norway, and the military atsh is still needed in norway. therefore, by the way, the activists of our program advocates there also talked about this. there are things that need to be done immediately. ugh. mr. valery, in context. as a result of the munich security conference and what happened around it, two security agreements were signed between ukraine and france, and ukraine and germany. i understand that these are similar framework projects, in fact, to what we already have with great britain, and when we talked about this with you at the saturday political club a little earlier, you noted that you did not have much hope on similar, i emphasize once again, precisely frames.
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documents that do not require ratification in parliaments, which in many ways reduce future dangers to ukraine to additional consultations and so on and so forth, and do you still think so, or is it still the case that such documents and agreements, previous agreements, however it becomes more, it means that in general we are strengthening our position in relations with partners, a key plan, in terms of diplomatic work. this is normal work, when the relationship deepens, it is consolidated to some new level, indeed already in two years of such partnership relations, those documents that were before, they are definitely outdated, and therefore now it is correct to call them security agreements, they really make it possible to somehow record the level of relations and what is actually being done, and look forward there, somehow set some
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benchmarks. well, in fact, in their form, these documents are similar to agreements, well, they are agreements, but i confirm once again, they are not as long-term as 10 years is written there, because if the agreement is not ratified and it is possible to break six months before the stop at any time, by any party, what is actually written in them, even more, it is written in the german agreement that everything depends on the bundestag, the parliament, what amount of... funds it will allocate, there are a lot of wordings that are inherent, for example, in the joint ukraine-usa statement, when president zelenskyi was in washington and signed a statement with president biden, it is not much different from these agreements, that is, in fact, i understand that in the long term, they play its role, but in the short term, from the point of view of creating some kind
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of security umbrella around ukraine, well, they are nothing to us yet, not that they do not guarantee, this word may be wrong, even the commitments that are made there , they are still the ones that are already being carried out today, they are just more structured, and if this is already the implementation of the g7 statement and those 25 countries that will also join, have joined this statement, that is, we will have these 30 documents, but none , well, to be honest, none... there will be no alliance agreement, where the country is ready to fight together with us, and in this regard, i do not have any major issues with diplomacy, this is ongoing ongoing work, but as for our joint position of such a state, can we ensure in the near future period key goals, that is, there is no answer yet, because the question of joining nato from...


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