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tv   [untitled]    February 19, 2024 12:30am-1:00am EET

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from the point of view of the creation of some kind of security umbrella around ukraine, well, they are nothing to us yet, not that they do not guarantee, this word may be wrong, even the commitments that are made there, they are, after all, already are carried out today, they are simply more structured, and if this is already the implementation of the g7 statement and those 25 countries that will also join. joined this statement, that is, we will have these 30 documents, but there will not be any, well, to be honest, no alliance agreement where the country is ready to fight together with us, and in in this regard, i don't have any big questions regarding diplomacy, this is ongoing ongoing work, but as for our joint position of such a state, can we ensure in the near future the key... goals, that is, there
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is no answer yet, because the question of accession are moving towards nato, there was a question , it seems, from people's deputy oleksiy goncharenko, the possible successor of gen. stoltenburg , the prime minister acting in the netherlands and rutte is being considered there, a direct question: the washington summit, can there be an invitation, he said, what will happen in his opinion, since with the european union, a gradual, again such a piecemeal, chopped process, that is , unfortunately, we do not have an answer now, how we will protect ourselves, from russia in the system of collective defense, the defense itself, which we have today, it does not correspond, and i say this not only to ukrainians, but i also say this constantly in communication with partners, it does not correspond to the level of threats, and actually threats, then russia made them.
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and attacks against nato, against european countries, but only entered ukraine, as it were, from their point of view vision, maybe more, and it's true, more realistic goals at the time, but i think that in europe the understanding that they can face russia much faster directly is growing, and finally they will produce more weapons, only now the question is really , which i did not hear the answer to. where will they stop russia, there is already a consensus that with this russian regime, well, it will not be possible to talk about anything, but where to stop on their eastern borders, how are they now concentrating it, or after all, on a more profitable one from my point of view eastern borders of ukraine, but together, there are no answers to these yet, and this conference has not yet given them, but the dynamics are obvious, that is, to put it briefly... there was
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a very obvious challenge to china, which was voiced by the head of foreign policy, well, not the ministry of foreign affairs, but the department of the party, in the group that deals with foreign policy onee, said that china claims control in its part of the world, that is, it is the first, the second, he said that china does not consider the budapest memorandum as a commitment ... he is in relation to ukraine, he said that china undertook not to launch a nuclear attack on ukraine, well , actually, as well as on other countries, and it sounds , you know, so in these conditions, on the one hand, it can be confirmed once again that any russian nuclear blackmail is impossible, i think , well, you can only play with it there in the information space, the answer has already been given, but everything else, unfortunately,... the issue
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of collective actions has not been resolved, at the same time there are countries that still hope that somehow it will be a pause, and after this pause there will be no further development of military operations, until things, in europe there are much less such illusions, and i would say that this is a cardinal suf that took place in the nato countries, the european part, but by the way, mr. valery, what you describe from the point of view of the situation with nato with answers regarding . that joining is possible, this is the same concept of the gray zone that viktor orban spoke about recently, that if we want ukraine to remain as a state, it should not be in nato or the european union, it should be a buffer between us and the west, that we were late in 2008 for its acceptance to nato. well, in principle, this is precisely the statement of prime minister orbán that will be negatively perceived by us, but nevertheless it should really be discussed, because it is very easy to answer. well, many of us
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argued that it is precisely such a gray buffer zone that can become such an invitation for putin to enter there, and in fact putin... perceived this as a weakness, that is, it is exactly such a buffer zone, it is at the time of a large-scale invasion, even earlier in in the 14th year, it provoked the actions of the russian leader, that is, that is why it does not save from war. moreover, i will tell you, even er, even now, we can expect that a front line that is simply territorially moved away from the borders of the european union or nato can be saved on the territory of ukraine. well, there is a border, well, there mr. gorman says that there is no hungary, yes, such a direct threat, and why does he then abandon, well, his allies, well , he abandons them in quotation marks, but this is unfair to estonia, which has a border with suhaldol,
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latvia, or, for example, even the same poland, which with kaliningrad has a border with russia and through the suval crossing and is quite unstable. belarus can also be struck, i am not talking about the fact that you can talk as much as you want about the threats that , according to the report of the munich conference , have now been reduced in many countries in relation to russia, well, it is thanks to our heroic actions of our armed forces of ukraine, the defense forces, but they are not they understand one thing, that the very first missile of north korean production, which was launched by the russians, will fly to them with a multiton. and everything, and their all these priorities, climate change, whether weather changes will end, or even there terrorist threats, they will rethink it in a moment, and the people who are engaged in this business, professionally, intelligence, the ministry of defense, already clearly understand this, because the surface-to-air time of the missiles and their
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capabilities, we can see from what distance they are launched on the territory of ukraine, so i i agree with you, so far it looks like this is thinking in the concept... if you put aside all the statements so beautiful, everything is fine, well , at least, as they say, until the end of the war, but in fact we remain in this buffer zone, and this at least unfair, and at most, i think, threatening, because many people thought before that it could save, now they will think so less and less, and the next actions of russia, we know, russia, as a rule, acts absolutely ... illogically, senselessly, and they will show it to them, i think that the rethinking will happen very quickly, that ukraine should be inside the alliance and europe, and the ukrainian border, precisely the eastern one, is absolutely natural, and it can be better protected, well, in principle,
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it will be cheaper for the taxpayers of the same european countries in the future, moreover, i will tell you, well, i said all this and ask them, do they realize that a million people , motivated, ready to die for their country, for european security, they will not raise like that in france or in germany, that is, as it happened in ukraine, this is another factor that they still have not encountered this, so everything is logical, yes, but, unfortunately, political thinking, it goes much later than those experts, intelligence and even the ministry of defense, which sees these threats much better. thank you. mr. valery, valery chalilei, diplomat, former ambassador of ukraine to the united states of america, we continue an important international discussion with serhiy vovko, director of the center for transport strategies. congratulations, mr. serhiy. good evening. well, there is a complete blockade of the border between poland and ukraine from february 20. despite the change of government, despite optimistic statements
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about the stabilization of the situation, everything continues, continues and even intensifies. well, if it does happen, i still hope there will be a sane fool. this will primarily be a shot in the foot, not even so much to ukrainian as to european business, for the simple reason that imports from europe to ukraine are in two times bigger, about two times bigger than what we export to europe, so first of all it will be significant problems for european and polish businessmen, that's the number one issue, the number two issue, is that at the moment the dependence. .. countries from the export routes of europe is decreasing, and this is also a fact, since we have ports, the main export of ours now goes to the ports, because it is simply banal cheaper and logistically more profitable. the third aspect, and it is definitely
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very important, is what we need very much to clearly distinguish and separate our own legal right to protest, which i'm sure we all respect, as uh... people who are in a democratic value system, and breaking the law, that is, where the breaking of the law begins, that's where the right to protest ends, so i i think that the primary task for today... is actually to highlight these corridors of solidarity, which are used to ensure the security of ukraine, and to a large extent, the security of europe, i will certainly not talk much about this in a separate category, and accordingly , any encroachments on these channels, they have be considered as a violation of the law, and in the end, first of all, it is again in the interests of the polish side, because, well , i do not have any information there, but one cannot help but think about... that this may also be some element of a hybrid war, and in this way, the reaction
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of society is simply pumped up and, in general, just a simple possibility of blocking transport communications, which perform a number of functions, including military ones, including ensuring security. please tell me, mr. serhiu, considering that donald tusk met with denys shmygal and there were attempts to draw some kind of road map for settling the situation in general, at the same time... donald tusk emphasizes that it is difficult to find a greater sympathizer of ukraine than himself, but there is still food security. ukraine poses a logical question: what can we do, what can we do in response and how long can we tolerate this? on february 20, if all border crossings between poland and ukraine will be blocked from the polish side, then in response ukrainian carriers plan to block the crossing point on the border with poland, yagodyn dorogusk, for example. many ideas on the topic of what we should do with polish goods on our shelves, whether it is worth
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investing in it, if they allow themselves to treat our grain at the border, and so on and so forth. my question is the following: not only are we interested in the fact that the transport connection between our countries is preserved, and the matter here is not only in grain, how much is poland interested in us now? ukraine is among the top ten for the first time most. other export markets of polish business, for example, we exceed even such large countries as china or even the united states of america, so for a number of product categories, in particular, it is the export of poultry to ukraine, which is very large, despite the fact that europe speaks precisely about the fact that ukrainian poultry poses some threat to european business, it is the export of cheeses from poland, it is the export of fruit and other products, certainly for a number of product categories. it will be a very painful blow, it is the loss of the large ukrainian market that will be suffer if the poles really block it.
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in my opinion, here, of course, there is definitely a business component here, we need to grow up, we are entering a big market, the big eu market, where very often no one is waiting for us, which is already largely structured and divided, and therefore very often indeed, we need to look for opportunities for cooperation in this market, opportunities to ... legally defend our interests with reason, and this is very important, for example, in the segment of the same road transport and road carriers in which polish business sees a certain threat to itself, it's just more clear to me, since i'm a person with a transport business, this also applies to farmers, but this is the logic, you block us, we'll block you, she understood, but she is first of all will be profitable, we ourselves understand to whom, it will be in the first place. in russia, which, by the way, has increased its supplies to europe
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10 times this year, that is , russian supplies to europe of the same grain have increased 10 times, of course, these are quite scarce category for europe, for europe it is primarily hard grain, grain of hard grades, but nevertheless it is a fact, that is, it is also an export of russian companies that are carried out through the baltic countries and other countries, that is what should be addressed... the attention of europe, and this really contains a certain threat for the european market as a whole, and in the end we perfectly understand that the money they receive from these exports, where they go, they go to finance the war in ukraine, a logical continuation what war can be in europe, so here is where it is needed to understand and this is where the difference needs to be drawn , and artificially, excuse me, to estrange, well, to estrange in such positions... two consumers, that is , according to the situation, you don’t take ours, we don’t take yours, it’s still a road to nowhere, and
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it seems to me that this story should be depoliticized as much as possible, in some cases when there is a direct violation of the law, as was the case, for example, with scattered grain, other blockages, it is necessary to act through law enforcement officers, not through politicians and market dialogue, and separately bring out really ways of solidarity in a separate category. infrastructure, encroachment on which is considered, well, as a crime, i have no other words, let's ask a very simple, very simple question, why in hungary, which, let's say, is not the most friendly, probably, they say mildly to ukraine, there is no such country , because there is a different legislative regime, here is my simple answer, well, maybe it is also a question of the political nature of the pre-election period, you see, in hungary nobody is, nobody cares much about elections, to be honest, in poland all the time there is a pre-election period, parliamentary elections are local, there will be elections to the european parliament, then presidential elections, they live in such a regime all the time, and of course
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they can envy viktor orbana, who, well , sometimes he is shaken, but not so much that he thinks about his political ambitions there. in this form, of course, in this form. yes, i absolutely agree with you, but it seems to me that it is very illogical that they have at the moment there, i don't remember what their positions are in the confederation, but it is, if i say marginal, not the main one the party, i probably don't have much in the way of opposition, you are more of an expert in politics, it cannot take the bilateral trade relations of two countries hostage, and it is obvious that the emphasis on blocking the border is made precisely from... a party that cannot take risks by the voices of the peasants, well, of course, this is the case here, i agree with you that there is a political component here, but the political component cannot step on the throat of the same polish business, which, i will repeat once again, exports to ukraine much more than it imports from ukraine , and in the end
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indeed, there is a large component of polish business , including agricultural business. what kind of cooperation with ukraine, it is beneficial, if you guys have problems in poland with the import of grain from ukraine, you have some questions there about pesticides, about other things, let's solve it, but let's solve it through normal trade, depoliticized negotiations, and it can be done, we have quite worthy negotiators for this and a fairly sufficient level of control and other things, but if you speak the language of blackmail, well, just two sides lose. ugh, maybe we 'll lose more today, ah, but tomorrow poland will lose from this, that, that's obvious, and that, well, excuse me, not bino mouton, it's very easy to calculate, it's very obvious, we understand, that not only polish goods go to ukraine, through the ukrainian-polish border, can
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other countries that are interested in having na... goods end up on their markets and in selling their goods to us, how much is it worth rely on this moment at all? well, on mine in my opinion, this is a very correct statement of the question, i.e. we have roughly 30 billion dollars worth of imports to ukraine, which are transported by road transport, i.e., de facto , to a large extent, they go through poland, because these are imports that come from countries such as poland itself, germany and other countries of the center of europe, where industry is more developed. and very often they stimulate our agricultural sector there to a large extent, because we understand that even the grain that grows in ukraine, or grows in ukraine, it has a significant import component, in order to grow it, you need fertilizers that are not produced in ukraine, you need other agrochemicals that are not produced in ukraine, that are produced
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by leading, for example, german concerns, there such as baschier or others, i don’t want to name them here, it seems to me that what ukraine should do now is to highlight these priority trade, trade categories that form the basis of exports to ukraine and work with them, and work with them so that they also put pressure on poland and on the polish government to prevent this particular blocking, because at the end of the day this is a problem not only of ukraine, it is a problem of basf and it is a problem of bayer and other companies that are... significant, that have many customers in ukraine that they certainly did not want to lose such an attractive market, so you need to work with it, but again, this is a matter of professional dialogue and professional conversation, and when you, excuse me, play football, you get kicked on the feet in the form of spilled grain, i think we understand there, we understand his
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allegory, well, here, of course, under such conditions the only thing we get as a result is artificially, well, a polish farmer, i mean. when they artificially inflate this ukrainian component, these grain deliveries, which , by the way, are illegal, which, by the way, have not yet been proven as a fact, they are simply trying to hit the corn that will have the maximum public publicity and the maximum political publicity, but again, to whom it benefits, we all also perfectly understand, so of course we have to deal with this, well, in the end, this is really about the russian trace in these the events have been talked about for a long time, a lot, but we are still , well, for some reason... i think that the polish law enforcement officers are here, they are, well, somewhat passive, especially in cases where it is of the nature of, well, just an outright violation of the law. ugh. thank you, mr. sergey. security of the building must be seriously strengthened, although i am not a supporter of police methods of combating such conflicts, but here it is obvious, but it is an important emphasis, thank you for
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ending our conversation with you on this, serhii vovk, director of the center for transport strategies about the a situation that is now occurring once again on polish-ukrainian border, we will break for a few minutes, but you stay with us. there are discounts on gepargin of 10% in psylshynyk, pam and ochsad pharmacies, there are discounts on sinus hot and sinus cap with 15% at psylshynik, pam and ochsad pharmacies. according to the results of january , the espresso tv channel continues to hold the first position among information broadcasting channels. for the 10th month in a row, we are the first. greetings, it's news time on the espresso tv channel. this november we turned 10 years old, we updated. we continue the sound design on saturday the political club of khrystyna yatskiv and vitaly portnikov. our values ​​and ukrainian point of view remain unchanged. stay tuned for the updated espresso and thank you for your trust.
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saturday political club khrystyna yatskiv and vitaly portnikov, and the most important events that received a reaction in ukraine, in the world, and in the russian federation, probably received something. let's talk now, with your permission, mr. vitaly, about... the death of oleksii navalny , he died in the colony, the official one is now, as i understand it, the intermediate or final version of sudden death syndrome. actually, were you surprised
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to learn that navalny was actually killed, or brought to death, or killed, we do not know exactly what happened there, i was not surprised, what happened around navalny was the last, i would said, for months, when he was transferred to this terrible colony in the north and every time he was put in an isolation cell, imagine the climatic conditions in this place in general, i imagine he sat there for days, well close, yes, but he was not so many times in the penitentiary like navalny once, and then sentsov was not poisoned as a rookie before that, can you imagine the health of a person who was already taken from the other world after such poisoning, ugh, and after that he was put in prison once, twice, transferred to the north and are constantly being held in isolation, that is, by the way, i am not saying that oleg i couldn't... i could have died too, but this is a matter of, you know, health and strength, so all this, for me, it was like a planned murder,
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by the way, i believe that they wanted to kill oleg there in a planned manner. they just didn't have time, uh, well, they managed to do it with navalny, they managed, there was information that in a few months he could be exchanged for one of the kgb killers, who is actually sitting in europe now, but that won't happen anymore, obviously, well i don’t really believe that someone wanted to change the russian leadership en masse, they don’t give up their enemies like that, the question arises here, how this is how it is at all. it happened, you understand, ukrainians have a rather ambiguous attitude towards navalny, i will not trace his political evolution here again, although you and i understand that this evolution took place, it developed for many years, navalny always had such contradictory positions in the russian political movement, from flirting with right-wing extremists, from this phrase about a sandwich, to condemning putin's war, to recognizing the territorial integrity
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of ukraine, all this was... i think navalny first of all, not so much a politician as an anti-corruption activist, you know, the kind of person we should like, because she was for justice, not for political changes, but for justice . navalny always seemed more like a ukrainian politician than a russian politician from the point of view of social processes, because instead of changing political institutions, he always spoke first of all about corruption, and the russians really liked that, as you remember, we have a lot of people too. .. did career on this, we just don't have such , i would say, rigid relations between the government and society, as in russia, yeah, but it is clear that such and such an attitude towards political reality, it was useful for the russian authorities up to a certain point , because it did not undermine the very essence of statehood, well, yes, well, such a state here, it means that they are stealing, but the state is correct, and at
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some point, when on... he did not start saying that they are not stealing, but putin steals, by and large he took over the baton of boris nimtsov, who was killed in 2015, who was talking about putin's corruption, of course, this was quite seriously reflected in the attitude towards him and by and large turned him into such a target of the regime number one, well, besides, he was much more charismatic than most of the russian opposition, this must also be admitted, he was a man , which could bring a large number of people to the streets to defend themselves. no one else could do it, by and large, remember all those repressions against the russian opposition that took place for years, and not a single person was perceived as it was perceived by the average russian, first of all in moscow, because once again people perceived navalny as a person fighting for justice, why navalny returned after the poisoning, this is also an interesting story.
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we may not underestimate this, some may consider it stupidity, some may consider it courage, but one way or another, the man was not afraid to challenge the regime that actually wanted to destroy him, because the poisoning of a newcomer was not a joke, huh, i think that on the one hand there was an underestimation of the regime, on the other hand there was self-confidence popularity is exaggerated, perhaps, than it really was, it is difficult to understand. to the end of this whole story, i think that realistically, only when we see the open archives of the russian special services, we will understand the essence of this story, you know, i very often think about a person who, by and large, also became a hostage of this whole history of his of political popularity, who, by the way,
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was also a person with... ukrainian roots in russian history, this is the priest george gapon, ugh, do you remember this person?


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