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tv   [untitled]    February 19, 2024 1:30am-2:00am EET

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you are the same as everyone else, and i am ready for it at the moment when this person says that he likes what i do, always psychologically, and for some reason people who are involved in politics do not want to see this, they do not understand, what do they have, well , i'm just a journalist, i can have more distance, in politics it's a very short period of love, and then you 're left with some small sect that loves you, as a rule, and they... move on to a new one falling in love, and this is expected by everyone, because this is the ukrainian political character, if it were my will, here the presidents would be elected for two years, they would resign at the center of their popularity and be considered the fathers of the nation, well, or like in switzerland, it changes every year, and every time you could would like to love, here it turns out, a person appears, he has a huge rating of love and trust, even prime ministers have such a thing, then... a year later,
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whoever he is, we voted for him, we like him , where did you get that from, what do you do, look at me, but i love it, me i don’t like it, such an amazing moment, but it was always in ukrainian history, the hetmanship, dear, they didn’t have time to elect a hetman, the cossacks don’t like him, but you chose love affairs, what a wonderful uncle, he will do everything for us, and now , now is such a moment. and i'm not even talking about valery zaluzhnyi, he became a symbol of the armed forces of ukraine, and when he was seen as a living person, but he as a symbol met expectations, well, that's what happens when a person matches the expectations of an institution, and it can be a long period, a long period of waiting, let's say hopes, if you imagine some further political processes there. that one
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day valery zaluzhnyi will want to be involved in politics in some future, and he will still be elected president of ukraine, in two years, a large number of people will say: no, well , after all, it is necessary that not a military man be the president, but some kind of economist, and so on that, well, this is how the political process develops, but i’m not talking about that, i’m saying, i don’t understand why there is a need to compete here, uh, why is it necessary in such a situation, we are discussing with you the ratings have been around for a long time, why is there competition between the political... and military leadership of the country and to understand what will happen, when everything is clear anyway, i don’t write all the ratings for 10 years ahead, i don’t need to go around people, i can just sit down you and write all the ratings, what they will be, this is any person who at all understands what country he is in, can make it, you can dissolve all sociological centers, save money, well, because it is clear how people in our country think, if they would think differently, we would would be in a different situation, that's why this struggle, this is such a struggle... you with windmills,
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to be honest, that's all, that is, you can, again, you can overcome your opponent in an authoritarian state, as putin does, if you live in relative to a democratic state, you are one way or another a hostage of the political process and the process of public thinking, and even if you somehow overcome this opponent of yours by means of some propaganda company there, removing him from office, the fact that he will not be shown there in some media there , will appear and... they will love another, a heart, a ukrainian heart that wants to love, that longs for love, that lives solely in the hope that someone will appear, who will be loved, and he will do everything and save, it must have all this for itself will find, it is in all ukrainian novels, operas, poems, written by great leaders, here and there this heart beats in the russian language. we will love, and
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the previous king will tell to love the next king. at the time of putin's election, yeltsin had a 5% popularity rating, and he said: "i want this, not the one you want, but the one i want to, well, since tsar batyushka wants such a thing, then what can we do, we will go, choose, huh. the tsar's will is the law, but in our country they would have spat on it and crushed it, well, by the way, when leonid danilovich kuchma tried to say something to us that he wanted yanukovych, well , what you want, these are different worlds, as if close, but so different, look, mr. vitaly, while ukraine is waiting and also looking for something with which we can oppose the russian federation, and with which we can shoot at it, we have a situation where the head of the association of defense enterprises, ex-nard serhiy pashin. in fact, he
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is under investigation for the case as early as 2014-14, yes, in the 14th year, we are talking about the confiscation of fuel for the benefit of the state, in particular, for which we discussed, it seems to me, 10 years ago in this studio, yes, yes, and in the end , according to pashinsky himself, at the end in the summer of 2023, the russian federation organized a special operation to block the supply of ammunition to ukraine, and we understand that it was written about in one way or another, in the foreign press, by the way, now we can, when we talk about pashinsky's role is to finally cite the new york times, rather than his own sources, and that's an important thing, what's going on? around this person and whether certain important, very important moments for us are not at risk , i think we are not talking about the person of pashynskyi as such, but we are talking about the fact that we cannot understand what we need, relatively speaking , checkers or go, what do we need, control over defense enterprises, or to
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have our own weapons, we don't have many effective managers, effective enterprises that produce their own weapons, without own weapons, that we did not talk about aid, money... foreign weapons, but if we do not establish the production of our own weapons, well, if we cannot create effective tools of our own confrontation with russia, we will have big problems in the future, this the first moment, the second moment , any acquisition of weapons at such moments, these are always delicate situations, and this too must be understood, i read this story in the new york times about how in the first months of the war with bulgaria, it seems . all of these were obtained by pashynskyi and his employees projectiles, which were so and all the other weapons that we needed so much to withstand the most difficult weeks and months of the existence of the ukrainian state in 2022. i won't deal with these matters, because i'm not an investigator, but i'm absolutely sure that if
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you want to do everything exactly this way at this moment, check all the contracts, so that everything is written there letter by letter, so that no one can dig into you , so that nothing like that happened, then in the end, you would be all white. all laws are fulfilled, everything is done correctly, all contracts are checked, only the countries already no, this is the russian federation, you are all so honest in emigration, but it is not about that at all, if our law enforcement officers were at least engaged in all these new cases, we could analyze it, say, maybe something was not done there , but really, when a person is approached for a case, for a ten-year-old case, then we can say that a political process is being launched, true, because... the question arises, what has happened to this case since 10 years, how will it all turn out to look, why she was being investigated just now, when society is now interested in the fact that our right, let's say, corruption-investigative structures deal with the current corruption in the supply of
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necessary things for the armed forces, so that they dispel these stereotypes that exist in society about the total corruption of the system. it may not be true, then let them say, let them conduct an investigation and say about it, this is a very important thing, and it seems to me that the very fact that we are talking about not what happened now, but about what happened in 2014 year, on this occasion already a million times different explanations were given, it reminds me of history, this whole eternal scandal with yanukovych's money, remember, pashinsky was also at the center of this whole story, and everyone said, well, how can it be illegal to take yanukovych's money, well, how can it be illegal to take yanukovych's money ? and also there was all this hysteria all the time, and we all the time understood who needed it, and i'll even tell you honestly, well, of course, for the russians , it would be necessary for us to have as few people as possible who could oppose them in this situation, for me it is an obvious thing, and an obvious thing for me, is the infiltration of ukrainian structures
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by any people who feel this way, because we have to remember that the russians have been actively working here for years, if not decades, next to us, a lot.. . who were here with us literally in the parliament, in various ministries, anywhere, took their suitcases one fine day, first in the 14th year, and then in the 24th, 22nd, i apologize, and everyone went somewhere, not somewhere, in a known direction, and the question arises, these went once, these went, who, all went, sure, no one is left, you know that this is also a huge question that i always ask myself, how many come. agents of the russian special services, specially created in order to reveal themselves at a certain critical moment that exists next to us, this is not a conspiracy, this is just the usual work of professionals, so this should be taken seriously so that we are not left, you know, with
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nothing, well, a little near east, where would we go without it, literally today, no, it happened yesterday, emmanuel macron said that the recognition of a palestinian state is not a taboo for paris. he noted that france can make unilateral decisions if efforts aimed at solving the problem based on the two- state principle do not move forward due to israel's opposition. now a politician is speaking with such a publication. and in general , it would seem, emmanuel macron did not say anything special, because the creation of a palestinian state is something that was agreed upon in the middle of the 20th century, in the year 48, yes, but the format was somehow never formatted, sorry for taftology, and palestinian the state remained to exist only on paper? the whole thing is that now many western politicians, not only macron, first of all the president of the united states...joseph biden, have serious complaints about the way israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu
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is generally waging war, er, on in the middle east , they think he should be more careful, they think he should think more about the release of the hostages about the end of the war, netanyahu has a very clear view of what israel has to destroy hamas that they can no longer coexist with hamas, and this is a contradiction not only between netanyahu and biden, not netanyahu and macron. you can say between israeli society and the west, it exists, objectively, this is a contradiction, and by the way, it reminds us to a certain extent, because we want to achieve a maximalist result, we want to go to the border of 1991, we consider it a victory, i consider it a victory, you consider it a victory, everyone considers it a victory, how easy can it be, that's right and what's next, we the war will end, russia will collapse, but this is our wish, we do not know what will happen next if our army goes to the border in 1991 . it's true, we just talked with mr. chal, it doesn't look so simple, from the point of view of our participation in security
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organizations and so on, and now the next question, and israel knows israel, what will happen, if you mean, what kind of forces are needed in order to really destroy hamas, despite the fact that hamas has a huge electoral base, well, in the gas sector - it is a support base for terrorist organizations of violence, and not just something like that, and this is a huge question, of course, and... the fact that macron recognizes the palestinian state will not change anything, significantly, russia recognizes the palestinian state, there is an embassy of the palestinian state in moscow, china recognizes the palestinian state, there is an embassy of the palestinian state in beijing, ukraine recognizes the palestinian state, there is an embassy of the palestinian state in kyiv, and that the state is real control over the territory, and not recognition by other states, a large number countries there recognizes the sahrawi arab democratic republic, and the united states considers it part of morocco and so what, that is, what matters is where the real government is, what it controls on... in fact, if it controls the embassy in other countries of the world, it is only his problems therefore
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, it is really very important to reach the moment when we will see how the middle east issue will be resolved. and i will tell you honestly, i believe that every such excess that we see does not bring the creation of a palestinian state closer, but rather makes its existence almost unreal. i generally believe that every decade that the inhabitants of the palestinian authority spend. on the struggle, and not on the creation of their own state and not establishing an institution on the territory they have, in principle turns the palestinian state into a political fiction, because the mood in israeli society is changing, and the mood is changing in the arab world, and israel is looking for some agreements with the arab world, and the palestinians are not very interested in the arab world, the elites certainly are not interested, 10, 15, 20 years will pass, and the palestinian state will remain only in its embassies in other countries of the world, and this is also an absolute reality that must be... one way or another accepted by those people who today believe that violence is the best way to create such a state, i think that
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this is the most obvious way to the fact that it remained exclusively in the analogue, not even in history, because there has never been a palestinian state in history, in the analogue of the international organizations that advocated its creation, there is nothing new in this, but i just would like to be close in the east there was a model of two states for two peoples who would recognize each other and did not want to. it's a pity that it doesn't work with russia, because according to the judge, they are thinking of capturing and killing, of course, because for hamas , the palestinian state should be on the territory of israel, and for russia, the russian state should be on the territory of ukraine. it's yes, it's the same approach. and if someone doesn't agree with that, then we'll kill them, yes, rape them, rob them, we can't have
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a political dialogue about it, because it actually took all these decades if return to the middle east, conduct a political dialogue, this is how we recognize your jewish state, this is how we believe that the fact that we are not in this territory is a disaster for us, that we left the places where we were, and the jews from arab countries were resettled by our arab compatriots to... israel, but we want , we want to have a state, we want to receive compensation for the damaged and taken property, we want you to allow us to visit the territories where we were, without any problems, wants... coexistence of two states, we want and want that, and we want this, and this is a political conversation, and when we say, we want you , we want joint investments, we want to kill you, throw you into the sea, then the armies of the arab states will come and cut you all, well , excuse me, then it will be a completely different story, there will be another conversation with you, a conversation in the language of force , which only you understand, and then we will see who is stronger, and this is how this confrontation has been since 1948, and of course, i repeat for
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this side, which still does not understand, that the logic of force does not lead to anything, it is absolutely hopeless. and it is in principle makes an absolutely fantastic fulfillment of all those goals set by both terrorist organizations such as hamas and previous organizations such as the palestine liberation organization, which never realized the futility of this effort, and when it did, it was already late, because already a huge number of palestinian youth have already stopped thinking in a realistic way, and this is the same, by the way, what is happening with the russians, it is true, very unfortunately, and i ... that's why i say that i see a solution to all these questions only when it comes to political dialogue, after all, when putin told carlson that we ukrainians are fictional and one people, and any carlson could ask him why he is killing this people, if you think , that kharkiv is russia , why are you destroying kharkiv, if you think that
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mariupol is russia, why are you destroying mariupol, if you think that odessa is a beautiful russian city, why are you shelling odessa, well, there are other examples there : bulgarians consider macedonians as their bulgarian brothers, but they do not fire at ohrid and try destroy macedonia, they conduct a political historical dialogue. poles want to talk with us about historical memory, but they don't want to destroy lviv or ternopil, because they don't like that ukrainians live there, civilized peoples talk even on topics they don't like. and barbarians, they kill, shoot, rape, and this is exactly what we started our today with. a dialogue that begins with killing strangers, and then there is a huge desire to kill your own, who do not agree with you, because this is the only opportunity to prove one's political opportunity and one's power, it is simply to kill wherever one can kill, but we are dealing with such a situation, khrystyna, thank you, thank you infinitely, vitaly portnikov,
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the saturday political club were with you and we hope that by support arms next saturday. the strength of ukraine, think critically, this is extremely important in our time, good luck, there are discounts on acc long, 15% in psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on lactiale - 10% in pharmacies, plantain, bam and savings. there are discounts on rezi tables - 15% in pharmacies plantain to you and savings. there are 15% discounts on uurolessan in pharmacies plantain for you and save. according to the results of january, the spresso tv channel
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continues to hold the first position among information broadcasting channels. for the 10th month in a row, we are the first. greetings, time of news on espresso tv channel. this november we turned 10 years old, we updated the design, sound, we continue the saturday political club of khrystyna yatskiv and vitaly portnikov. our values ​​and ukrainian point of view remain unchanged. stay tuned for espresso updates and thank you for your trust. congratulations, this svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analysis objectively and meaningfully, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. svobodalai, frankly and unbiased. you draw your own conclusions. vasyl
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winter's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we are about to begin. two hours of airtime, two hours of yours. time, many important topics we will discuss with you today, two hours to learn about the war, now we will talk more about the war. serhiy zgurets is with us, but what does the world live on? and now , yuriy fizar, yuriy dobryvecher, will speak in more detail about what happened in the world . two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. review of sporting events by yevhen pastukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much elina checheny for information about... the news of the presenters' culture, which has become familiar to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on prydeshnaya day, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the head of the supreme council. council of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. verdict with
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serhiy rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics. even more top ones guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a phone survey turn on and turn on the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. in kyiv , tetiana worked as a teacher of junior classes and was already thinking about her own business, but a full-scale war broke out. a woman with two children moved to warsaw, started learning polish and preparing to find a job. however, at one of the events, she realized her true desires. and during that meeting. organizational moment, where you are taught how to position yourself for the polish market, how to present yourself to an employer, uh, i was asked where do you want
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to go to work, from the whole group, i said, i don't want to work for anyone , i want to create my own. tatyana immediately received an offer to apply for a grant for ukrainian women who want to start their own business. and i took part, i literally submitted, rewrote my project. deleted three times, rewrote again, and literally two hours before the end of this project, i submitted my application for a grant, and i won, out of 1525 women were chosen 80, and i was in this 80s. in this way, the woman received $400 to start an agency for children's holidays in warsaw. winning the grant inspired tatiana, she organized the tailoring of costumes, bought the necessary props, found a place, however, since it was the first... business in another country, mistakes also happened, the woman admits. it was necessary to choose the right tax system unfortunately, at the moment i will change it, because it was chosen
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incorrectly, although at that time i had five or six accounting consultations from different accountants, and i was also choosing an accountant for my company. finding employees is also not an easy task, says tatiana. currently, both poles and ukrainians work in her team. after dismissing one employee, the company... faced unforeseen consequences, there were even threats from her side, so i even had to turn to a lawyer in some moment. so now tatyana is scrupulous about cooperation agreements and has her own lawyer. the company has been working for a year and gives a holiday to both ukrainians and poles. natalya, a woman from kharkiv, ventured into her own business in poland and remembers with horror what she had to go through in the first weeks of the full-scale invasion. they lived for 10 days. in the basement, how it all started, well, we couldn't stay there anymore, two children, all in the basement, and we decided to go to warsaw, because we had friends here.
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natalya is a professional massage therapist with a medical education, she first started doing massages herself at home, both poles and ukrainians came, mostly on the recommendation of friends, and so the year went on. now we are conducting this interview with natalya in the middle of her beauty and health studio, the size of which is 100 m2. by. opened a few months ago, the woman searched for a place in warsaw carefully and for a long time. i drove around the districts, and then i really liked this district, and i decided to look for it, i took an electric scooter and just went around the whole district on a scooter, looking at where i rent premises. then it took three months to agree the details of the contract with the owner rent natalya spent all her savings on the first payments. as soon as i took it, then to the salon, then i immediately thought, probably not, hard, hard, it was very hard, financially it was very
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hard, i also put my car up for sale in order to somehow remove the salon, well, then it happened, it happened that i collected these funds such as i had. gave the last funds, and for the second month i thought, my god, what should i do, i also had to do the repairs in the premises on my own, there were completely green walls on 100 square meters, since it was very difficult to hire dear someone, i just bought paint, bought everything necessary, and just repainted these 100 squares myself. now three people work in natalia's salon. women from ukraine and she is satisfied with the dynamics of development. both ukrainians and poles visit the institution. neither natalya nor tatyana
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complains about the language barrier with the poles, because they already speak polish, so in... in general, the women see a perspective and are satisfied with the results of implementing their ideas. maria chernyakhivska, ihor antonyuk for spresso tv channel from poland. good evening, my name is myroslava barchuk and this is a self-titled program - a joint project of ukrainian foam and the espresso tv channel. today we will talk about the classic, about the one stolen by the russians. culture, sometimes it seems to me that the russian aggression to a large extent actually happens because the russians want to appropriate what they could not kill, our culture, our history, our origin, our, our heritage of the kyiv movement and so on, this is what we will talk about with my guest today, i have bohdan oleg horobchuk, sociologist of culture and the author of two youtube
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channels. so, i will start with the good news, in fact, those ukrainian artists who for years and decades were listed in world museums as russians, and their works, as works on russian themes, are now being actively decolonized, it is called reattribution, not as many people are doing it as we would like... but there are first results. for example, we have already talked about the fact that the metropolitan museum of art changed the caption to the title in the painting by edgar degas from the russian dancer to the dancer in ukrainian costumes. arkhipakuinji, ivan ivazovsky, ilya ripen, that's the way to say it, ripin, and we'll explain why. they stopped signing as russian artists. in addition, not so long ago the city museum of amsterdam now classifies. e artist
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kazimir malevich as a ukrainian, not a russian, as before, and here is the latest, literally in recent weeks, another great news: the largest art museum in finland, athenaeum, changed the signature of the artist ilya ripen from russian to ukrainian. of course, this story is evocative terrible aggression in the russians, i'm not even talking about propagandists, but even such liberal, good movements. they say , well, what about you, well, it’s some kind of inferiority complex among ukrainians, it’s absolutely incorrect to include these people in ukrainian culture, they graduated from the st. petersburg art academy, they were part of the great russian culture, and so on, how do you actually answer, well, not in good russian, but in general, how do you determine for yourself where it is correct to attribute a person to...
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ukrainian culture, i believe that this is a question in fact, it is fundamental, and it, like any fundamental question, concerns values, we can claim that there are values ​​that are inherent to the ukrainian people, and this is noted in our deep culture, in various manifestations of this culture, we are talking about love for freedom, democracy, respect for women, and similar, similar values, they can be listed for a long time, they are reflected to one degree or another. in the same way, we can talk about the fact that there are certain sets of values ​​related to the culture of russia, great russia, as the center of the empire, and this culture is primarily quite chauvinistic and hierarchical, it is inherently anti-democratic, and if we impose on this matrix the work of artists who worked in the russian empire, we will clearly
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understand that there are... . well, there is such a quite tangible division, some artists adhere to imperial values, and above all, it is the uvarov troika known, orthodox to the autocracy, narodnost, that is , the artist should explain that uvarov is such a well-known monarchist, he is the minister of education, that's right, national education, yes, which formed this triad of orthodoxy, autocracy , narodnost in... in the first third of the 19th century , the 1830s, the beginning of the 30s, in fact, it was the moment when viktor kochubey, it seems, viktor kochubey lost, well that is, he died, the year 1834 kochubey dies, a ukrainian, born in the dean's house, it is fantastic that few people pay attention, dinners on a farm near the dean's house were written and published in that year.


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