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tv   [untitled]    February 19, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EET

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starting from sudan, central africa, there have been military conflicts everywhere, but no one even says anything about it anywhere. the situation on the arabian peninsula , it has already put the entire world economy on a mine for slow hopes, and everyone can see this by the rise in prices, i am not talking about the fact that today 30% of europe depends on liquefied gas, which.. . came through the soviet channel, they are forced to deliver through the cape of good hope, this is plus 10-14 days, this is an increase in tariffs and so on, that is, these things have already receded into the background, and at the same time , it is clear that topics related to assistance to ukraine, strengthening the industrial potential of defense europe, and so on, are not being actively pursued at all. in
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the international information space, from here, i already see and recommend the next one, to leave the thesis, 3/4 goes to the elections, and here the führer of moscow, and all these brothers of useful idiots will use this situation to impose their narrative on the world , this is a very dangerous thing, because it proves again that... information in the current situation is no less dangerous than bullets, mines, shells, rockets and everything else. i completely agree with you, mr. roman, and accordingly , i would ask you to unravel this triangle, that is, on the one hand, the signal from the russian criminal lavrov, who began to spread disinformation, obviously for what purpose, that they are ready for some kind of there would be a truce, but taking into account the realities on the ground. that is,
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they are not going to give the occupied, on the other hand, a coup in the air of the candidate president donald trump, who said that biden surrenders ukraine, here he, trump, on the contrary , will be able to solve everything, and here we have a huge rotation and changes in our general staff, the replacement of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine , general zaluzhnyi, with colonel-general oleksandr syrsky, oh... these are the triangles, i understand that the scenarios are different, but i understand that they can somehow exchange energy. the first thing i would suggest we start with is the interview with the russian ambassador to nebenz, stephen sakura, because everything else, it otherwise, it is loaded with the center, the main, completely , well, a little different content, but this is an interview , it is about... simply, i would suggest everyone who
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wants to understand what journalism is and what journalism is, take it like this watch carlson's interview here and steven sakura's here, well, he is such a talented journalist, he so competently conducted an interview with nebenzia, where he explained everything that he understood, that he did not understand, he was forced to talk about issues that were not at all belonged to his competence, but... he had to to speak, because the journalist simply attacked him, in what you are talking about, not benzya gave a very clear answer to the question that there are no negotiations, there cannot be any negotiations in the near future. there are two more figurative facts that prove, i want to put a point here so that those who listen to us will never return to this topic. the führer of moscow... always
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used global things, global processes, global phenomena to start all kinds of war, military actions, olympics, economic crises and so on, remember, we you said when the epidemic started, i said that he will not give up, on the contrary, he will attack, everyone said that no, the disease will stop the epidemic, no, this year there will be elections and a certain sagging. will be from the transition period in the united states of america, but before bisa this year there will be the olympics in paris, from here, what kind of negotiations can we be talking about, it is immediately obvious that for the führer this is a moment, this is a moment, here he is in an interview to carlson, he says: i will go to the olympics and then i will decide whether to give the poles a break there, or strike, everything was written right there on the forehead, hence the topic with negotiations about... i suggest
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removing it for those who try to spin it, because it is just misinformation that fits very well into the narrative that we talked about with you earlier , and... although of course the moscow fuhrer would very much like to informationally involve trump and biden and ukraine and european leaders in this process, and orban is the marker here. here, as soon as orban started talking, he just croaked something about ukraine, we should forget everything about crimea. me it was a little shocking that duda, the president next door, also sang along, i can't figure out which one. he was planted in the pan, it is obvious that his relationship with tusk makes him so nervous that he is forced to say things that, from the point of view of poland, they are of no use at all, but why did he say it, and this is another, if
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proof of that , that we are, this is a completely disinformation track about the negotiations. now the topic, how does the topic fit in with trump and the united states of america. come on trump, i know this person quite well from the point of view of his psychophysical characteristics , all he says is the election, it is, if you will, an outrage during the concert, but in the united states of america, especially in the understanding of trump, the election is a kind of cultural action, and... he has it was passed on to his mother, but he always tries to take over the entire space. eyewitnesses and witnesses say about his mother that when she appeared for the first time in new york, all socialites disappeared from the radar there, and trump
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repeatedly, even during the election , repeats that this was passed down to him by witches, openness towards people, he even parasites on this topic. and this desire to capture space leads to it, leads it, but changing shoes in the air, you understand? this, mr. antin, and this in principle is of no importance, he will do such somersaults that even you and i cannot think of, now why this moment of reshuffle came precisely and it coincided with the appointment of syrsky. there is a moment in trump's life where official biographies say that when he turned 13. he met with difficulties, these difficulties, well, what could have happened to a young man in the 1950s and 1960s, well, drugs, there were all kinds of gangster fun, and his father was german, and his father sent him to the military academy, he
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became an exemplary student of the military academy in a year, and as soon as budanov, syrskyi will speak... he understands very well what he is saying when a military man speaks, and when he was put on the table to describe who is speaking on behalf of ukraine today, he immediately began to spin the roach, especially since it coincided with his love in in quotation marks to joseph biden, to the democrats and so on, i am convinced that these tumbleweeds will continue, they will spin in the other direction as well, and now... there are two reports that trump will save ukraine, i put in quotation marks, and the second that trump will force ukraine to surrender. the fact is that for a type like trump, well, this does not give a better situation, he will say whatever he wants, pay attention, even on
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a personal level, because the haley and trump families were on very good terms, and who . trump appointed nikki haley ambassador to the united states of america, look at what he is saying now that his husband left her, that he is just such an avid sexist, and this very quickly flew into space, and this is visible both in personal relationships and in global relations , regional, interstate and so on, so i would suggest that in this case, and if not... you can decipher trump right away, then you need to see what is there in the details of that day and so on, what happened as soon as he heard about the replacement of the military in ukraine, he i realized that something would happen there, and this memory of the military
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academy immediately came to mind, a year later he was already receiving diplomas at the new york academy, he even received a coaching scholarship from the football coach, because... well, he is a poor man, he is huge, it is now he is 77 years old, and his curls are such that he does not know what to do with them, and then he is handsome, a young man, everything is like that with him. further, and here is the situation, a flight at the age of 13, forgive me for slang. it is clear that he was put in place there very quickly, because i think that many of those who will watch us, or he watches, listens, knows how to say, let 's hand him over to the army, maybe he will be more intelligent there, and for the germans this prussian approach, drills, it has always been relevant, especially since the trump family, it is only on the mother's side from... scotland, they are all germans, and such germans are avid, because his grandfather even escaped from germany because of this german drill,
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from this it must be understood that there are things here that overlap informationally, but what are you right about? in the fact that, well, who will dig into these things, they will look at the headlines, and look at the headlines, this is a very dangerous contagion, it is clear from here that theses about negotiations, trump's position. it begins to play in the information field and , imposing certain information flows on people, puts them in a state of psychological depression, because there is clearly a depressive content here, the essence of which is all lost there, nothing will happen, there will be no help, against the background of this similar actions there michael johnson, the united states of america, they are very dangerous, why, because... well, it's not for me to talk about, a little fact that supports this big lie, well, he this
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turns a lie into something life-giving, just a solid foundation for development, the development of events. from here, it is obvious that the situation in terms of information needs to be monitored, especially on this russian track, but i say once again, the first thesis here is that the elections are global. second, the danger for europe is enormous. in fact, the situation has now come down to the thesis of 2014-2022, everything is in putin's head, he will decide whether to take this step during the paris olympics, or possibly, somehow, take other tactical actions there. now the theme with space and the theme removal nuclear weapons into space, well, what is the space industry of russia in the current situation,
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i think that everyone understood, after the launch for a month, it clearly asked, but the tactical tools that president reagan used with his strategic defense initiative, the soya program, did not go anywhere soy , yes, yes, yes, and from here , in the current situation for... rightly said sullivan, jack sullivan, adviser to the president, i do not understand at all why he said this, he received closed documents, why should they be disclosed, there was no sense, especially since in private, as it is in any parliament, you can read the ... classified documents to every congressman, but it was deliberately inflated to
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make it so hyped up to the point that biden gave the order to enter into negotiations, and now imagine, there's a thesis that here negotiations were held in ukraine, here the thesis that he gave the instructions about the negotiations, how is all this going, and this information swindler, forgive me, he is starting to get very... seriously nervous and put societies, especially european ones, into a state of depression, because in fact, i look at the sporadic reactions of both ursolla funderlein and the leaders germany, and the maneuvers of macron, who sometimes appoints and then cancels visits, this is not the first visit that has been scheduled and canceled, this is another one, and i am not talking about the flurry of strikes that covered europe. spring is coming, farmers need to go to the field, and they are not preparing for the spring romances,
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spring is coming, the spring military campaign and the replacement of a large part of what is called our rate, in particular the replacement of the chief of staff, the replacement of the chief of the general staff, in what way this was done, well, this is another topic of a separate conversation, but huge challenges , in your opinion, why right now, what plan... challenges, how can one interpret a certain signal of the new commander-in-chief, colonel general syrsky, that it is necessary to prepare now for a powerful defensive campaign, this... usually means that the enemy could gather sufficient the amount of resources for a certain burst. this interview, which is being talked about now, which i also happened to watch, it was given before the appointment of syrskyi, and in fact the topic of the campaign is defense, it has been discussed since november last year, actually after the scientific article of zaluzhny, already then it became
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clear that ukraine is informationally... preparing for a change in tactics, a change in tactics, as the current statistics show, i do not undertake to analyze the entire situation, because i am not a military person, but as the current statistics show, this is the approach announced yet then meritorious, he is absolutely correct , now the replacement, in this situation what is very telling is not what has already been done, but what has not been done, but note that a number of... very experienced officers, senior officers who actually from captain to general, since 2014, have gone through this war, that is, this is a unique experience, this is unique knowledge, these are top -class professionals, but i have not seen any decree
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about their appointment to some other job, i already told someone from.. ... your colleagues, mr. antin, about the fact that even the dictator stalin changed malinovskyi for zhukov, zhukov for tymoshenko, tymoshenko for rukosovskyi and so on, that is, he understood how invaluable experience these people carry. obviously, there is another thing that is not being disclosed about these personnel changes, i will not reveal my thoughts. because this is only speculation, but i have my own understanding of what actually happened, and until i see the presidential decree, which would give an opportunity to see that this unique, colossal potential of this galaxy of senior
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officers will serve and further to ukraine, in i will have a very internal anxiety with this... decision, i will not talk about syrsky, not about those who are appointed, this is a taboo for me, i do not want to touch these people, and if these senior officers still end up somewhere in nato structures, for me, it will be not only an understanding that what we are being told and told now is not true, but also a very serious anxiety about further development. events, i have no doubt that alexander of syrsky and the whole galaxy of those who came are the same prepared men and officers who went through great battles, the battles, the tactical moves, the strategic moves of this war, but when i look at the picture of them
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together next to the president, i want everyone to know that these people already...know now that they will be dealt with as they are with zaluzhny and other officers, which means that they will understand how they should work. the one who pushed the commander-in-chief to such actions, without an answer to the question of where zelenskyi will work next, how will his potential be used, where shaptala will work. and how it will be his potential will be used, where naiv will work and how will he be used, his potential will be used, he actually made a very, very dangerous for supreme commander kroc. such cases have happened in history, but
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no napoleon ever in his life pushed either ney or the emirate away from him so easily. and so on, and people like the changkais, brilliant, unique officers of the highest order, leaders of the state, they, they simply guarded such personnel potential as gold, because they perfectly understood that such things in in the classrooms, at the trainings that we have now, this galaxy of ukrainian officers, you will not learn, i will be pleased if i... in my forecasts, here, but there are here, here, here are my guesses, about which i will remain silent for the time being, which testify to the fact that, well, not everything. the way it is said by the president, the way it is presented in terms of information, and i even partially think that it is obvious that zelensky was misinformed
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as the supreme commander about many things, well, if it is still suppressed by his political preferences and his political reflections on zaluzhnyi's support. in the political arena, i can say that he must understand, like all ukrainians, that we will enter the era of the ukrainian eisenhowers, which means whether someone wants it or not, we will still have at the head of the state those who led the ukrainian army during the war, will it take place there or not? to last a few more years or decades, it is not so important from the point of view of how the electoral mood of the society fluctuates, but
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it is obvious that this scenario of the arrival of the ukrainian heisenhowers, following it of the ukrainian kennedys, who , by the way, also fought, it is already drawn up for the next ten years for ukraine, and from here, the least i would like... to be clarified over time that these are just decisions motivated by certain political jealousy, regarding support or non-support of this or that candidacy. thank you very much, mr. roman, for this extremely interesting conversation on the air of the tv channel to our tv viewers. let me remind you that roman bezsmertny, an iconic ukrainian politician and diplomat, was currently working for them. big. broadcast of vasyl zima. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with
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economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like relatives to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. glen grant, military expert, retired colonel of the british army, glory to ukraine, honorable mr. colonel, god save the king. an extremely serious situation, a bad situation on the big front of the russian-ukrainian war, in particular, when we are talking about the kupyansk-lyman direction and... about avdiivka, and there is a feeling that the enemy has prepared quite a large number of relevant resources in order to plan those or other spring combat activities, spring
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combat actions, perhaps it is also about the preparation of an additional russian offensive. in my opinion, this is definitely a difficult and disturbing situation, i believe that it causes a great deal concern among the top military leadership and the president as they carefully consider what action to take? there is a risk, for example, that an ongoing conflict may deplete resources that may be needed elsewhere in the near future. therefore, i think we need to seriously evaluate whether we are trying to maintain control over everything, or whether we recognize that we are in a situation where we need to make compromises in order to ensure victory in a larger battle later. avdiivka, how to properly prepare for the situation in... vdeivtsi, we understand that the enemy may try to develop certain offensive activities in other additional areas of the front. it will not be possible to simply
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do nothing with avdiivka, except to throw more people and weapons there - this is the only option. there are no secret devices or magic solutions, it all depends on human power and the use of available resources. the challenge is how many lives are you willing to sacrifice to gain ... future operations in a month or two for the next attack elsewhere. resources are limited and the country must prioritize saving as many people as possible for future needs. if we talk about certain signals from the new commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, colonel-general syrskyi. how they were read at the event, in particular. had an environment of military experts. i believe that most people around the world understand that general syrsky's position makes sense. considering the need to take a defensive
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position until the moment when ukraine... will face an inevitable major attack, especially given russia's aggressive actions. therefore, i believe that people understand the position of general syrskyi and realize that he acts within the framework of limited possibilities. a more complex aspect is the reaction of the brand new commander and his strategy. general syrsky is not always the most popular figure in the armed forces, so it will be interesting to see how he will be perceived and interpreted by his subordinates. besides, first of all. it is important to determine how much personal determination he can bring to effectively confront russia in this war. there are a lot of newly appointed generals and colonels, they have their own combat path and many of them have paid in blood on one or another part of the front. that is, people know what a new phase of the russian-ukrainian war can be. and so
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to speak. i don’t know, an attempt to make a military futurology, what can we expect in the current situation, the challenges that will be faced, in particular, it is about rethinking certain old experience and attracting new experience and possibly new technical opportunities, and at the same time what should we expect from the enemy? on the part of russia, we can expect purposeful efforts aimed at gathering and mobilizing as many resources as possible in this battle. putin believes that on... currently, he is in a winning position, which simplifies his strategy. all this is due to the fact that there are delays in the congress with funding and the provision of weapons, and the european union has not yet fully decided on its reaction. in addition, the production of the necessary ammunition is slow, which creates certain problems. putin now probably perceives ukraine as extremely vulnerable, regardless of how he feels about individual leaders such as
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zaluzhny or syrskyi. and i don't think it matters because he sees the system as a whole, the system is weak in places, and he 's going to throw everything he has right now to break it. ukraine should increase its capabilities in the field of drones, attracting more drones of various types from the population and as many volunteers as possible for their production, procurement, etc. drones will be crucial, especially in places like like avdiivka, where ammunition stocks are limited. until sufficient artillery ammunition arrives, drones will be the primary weapon, both offensively and defensively. i hope that ukrainian engineers will work tirelessly on the continuous improvement of drone technology. it is critical that the department of defense quickly commits funds to bolster this effort once the drones are manufactured. on the other hand, we understand that they are constantly increasing their resources, yes, but there is also a certain ceiling.
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russian resourcefulness rests on the ceiling their capabilities, but, if we talk, for example, about the seriousness of the situation assessment, is the enemy currently preparing for a possible larger-scale offensive? that's an important question, and i think the answer is yes. it is obvious that they are planning something big. the real question is the scale and nature of these future actions. russia has significant military resources, including tanks, armored vehicles, and a seemingly endless supply of personnel. what they do with these people basically boils down to the fact that they are simple they throw death into battle like meat, but there are many of them, and the leadership does not care if they die. it is important for the russians to just keep moving forward and forward. i think we will soon see russia attack in a big way somewhere. i really hope that it is not in the area of ​​sumy or kharkiv. however, it is important to remember russia's penchant for unconventional tactics that always keep opponents guessing. we must be
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prepared for the unexpected. sufficient reserves ready for deployment. contrary to popular belief, we have human resources scattered around in different cities in kyiv, in lviv, and it is very important to effectively train and mobilize them, because they will be needed in large numbers before the end of this war. it is important that everyone is aware of the potential need to be involved, even if they are currently in non-military roles. now the key story, the key strategy of the russian general staff is not in some... high-tech developments of this or that, some wonderwaffes and so on and so forth, they are engaged in deploying a meat grinder, that is, infantry assaults, large numbers and trying to raise additional forces in order to try to develop certain offensive actions, they do not use anything particularly cunning, their technique has shown itself, but there is a question of quantity, there is a question...


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