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tv   [untitled]    February 19, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EET

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marathon today we are approaching the 80th morning, which means that at 8 o'clock in the morning we look at what has happened there in ukraine and the world in the last hour, kateryna shirokopoyas already has a fresh selection of news, katya, congratulations, you have a word, congratulations, colleagues, in a moment i will tell you about the consequences of the night attack on ukraine and the situation at the front. greetings, it's news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. in the morning , explosions rang out in kherson, the enemy attacked the coastal areas of the city. this was reported by the head of the city military administration roman mruchko. in general, during the day, the enemy attacked the settlements of the kherson community 12 times, fired 26 shells that hit
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kherson, antonivka, sadovoy and zelenivka. at night, the russians attacked ukraine with mortars, launched four drones from the belgorod region in the direction of the kharkiv region. this was reported in the air force. all the drones destroyed our air defense forces. and to the situation at the front. 80 combat clashes took place during the day. on the mariana direction, the russians are supported. aviation tried to break through ours 18 times defense the enemy unsuccessfully attacked the positions of the ukrainian military 10 times in the robotyn region of the zaporizhzhia region. this was reported to the general staff. on the left bank of the kherson region, the occupiers do not stop trying to knock our units out of their positions. defense forces repelled 16 assaults. our aircraft struck four areas of enemy concentration, and the anti-aircraft defense destroyed the fighters. su-34 bomber and
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one reconnaissance uav. the missile forces struck three control points, two ammunition depots and enemy concentration area. the espresso tv channel invites you to join the collection of fpv drones for a separate platoon of the sapsan unmanned aerial systems of the state special transport service. gypsy warriors are active. are conducting combat operations in the donetsk direction, attacking and restraining the enemy. thanks to fpv drones, our defenders have already destroyed a lot of russian equipment, fortifications and manpower of the aggressor. so we have a goal to collect uah 1 million for flying weapons. remember, each of your donations is important, so get involved, you can see all the details on their screens. partners at the munich conference supported. the ukrainian view
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of the world order, president volodymyr zelenskyy noted in his video address. he assures that he held productive talks with the leaders of denmark, the netherlands, the czech republic and azerbaijan. american partners separately. the conversation with president biden, very important points, and in particular about avdiivka, and the need to continue principled and sufficient support for ukraine. negotiations with the vice president of the usa, very substantive meetings with congressmen, representatives of both parties, both houses of the american congress, and each such conversation confirmed the key meaning as clearly as possible. it is ukraine that can stop putin and create such conditions that he will be punished for all the evil he has done. ukrainian media were attacked by russian hackers, the communication states reported that
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the accounts of ukrainian pravda on twitter and the ligant website were hacked the previous evening. fake information about avdiivka was posted on the pages. it was promptly removed, and the apostrophe and telegraph were also attacked. specialists already investigation of the incident is being conducted. ukraine and japan will conclude an agreement on the elimination of double taxation. i would also like to start negotiations on revising the investment agreement. allow japanese companies to join reconstruction projects in ukraine. the japanese-ukrainian conference on economic development and reconstruction began in tokyo today. prime minister of japan fumio kishida, prime minister of ukraine denys shmehal, as well as representatives of more than 100 japanese and ukrainian companies are participating in the conference. in general, japan and ukraine intends to sign fifty documents on cooperation in infrastructure projects. this is an investment in the future, we
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will support ukraine so that they can move towards the reconstruction of their economy, the transition to the phase of industrial development and development. foundations for sustainable recovery and reconstruction to restore their livelihoods. more than 400 people were detained during the commemoration of alexei navalny in russia. the participants carried flowers and lamps to the monuments to the victims of repression. however, security forces removed the flowers almost immediately. actions took place in more than 30 cities. in moscow , law enforcement officers threw snow at people and broke their hands. russian courts detained participants. shares were ordered from one to 15 days of arrest. commemorative actions for alexei navalny began in russia on february 16, after the russian authorities announced that the politician had died in a prison. the hungarian government refused to accept
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a bipartisan delegation of american senators. they came on a visit to budapest, they wanted to convince and approve sweden's application to join nato. as the publication writes. according to the washington post, the senators are disappointed and worried about rejection. hungary is the only nato country that has not ratified sweden's application. in wetsuits with inflatable circles and children's armbands. this is how men of conscription age try to escape from ukraine to romania across the tisza river. how border guards detain violators and why you should refrain from such a deadly act. our correspondents will tell. transcarpathia attracts ukrainians not only with tourist locations, but also with the border across the tisza river. in november 2023 , border guards detained two men of conscription age, with a full circle and children's armbands. the violators were just
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about to cross the river when they were seen by military officer yuriy. za noticed the movement of two people towards the state border. therefore, he decided to disguise himself, to wait for the persons to leave. closer, and when the persons began to overcome the barrier fence, together with the young police officers, they detained these persons. another extremes wanted to reach romania on inflatable donuts. have you seen what the tisza river looks like? no i don't see i didn't see do you know how many lives she has already taken? well before that did not know the border guards of the hrushevo branch say that they are literally... attacked by men who are trying to escape from ukraine to romania from the other bank of the tisza, here about 40 m. neither the depth of the river nor its rapid current stops the violators. it has more large, large stones with some sharp
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elements at its bottom, and getting into the water in such conditions, especially if it is a dark time of day, a person does not have much. chances to stay alive there. for effective observation from a bird's eye view border guards use drones. at night , a thermal imaging camera helps to detect trespassers. as soon as we observe a person who looks like a trespasser, we immediately report to the tsus line. then the recovery team is called, leaves and detains her. border patrols also rescue fugitives who have already drowned in the river and need help. in the last two months. the emergency department is called, we are already watching this person up to the waist, then the staff of the outfit can get the given
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person, if there is no such possibility, by the person, after which the emergency department helps, after the detained men are taken to the department of inspectors of the state border service. there are various excuses for detention , some say that it's just... the whole thing, but it's very difficult to get lost here near the tisza river, well, most of them have their own good reasons, which they are guided by at those moments, someone has a family there, someone has to money to earn, someone flees from the war. the law does not provide for criminal responsibility for trying to escape from ukraine, but the organizers of illegal crossings are threatened with prison. and it is more important for us not only to prevent illegal border crossing. but to go after the organizer of such illegal transfers, because if we were to kill an entire network, in 2023, our operatives eliminated 56 such channels, and this work continues. since the beginning
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of the full-scale invasion of transcarpathia , 25 deaths of conscripted men who tried to illegally cross the border have been recorded, 19 of them drowned. while crossing the yew, another six died, blowing the snow-covered highlands. kateryna oliynyk oleg palyamar espresso tv channel. for now, this is all the news for this hour, more interesting. and up-to-date information can be found on our website, as well as on our social networks. join, put your preferences. my colleagues lesya vakulyuk and andriy seichuk are waiting for you on the air. don't switch. dear friends, we are coming back, continuing our marathon. lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, we are working with these... studios for you for the next few hours until 12 o'clock, to be exact, at
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this hour we traditionally remind you that we have a collection going on at espresso, which we do together with the charitable foundation of iryna koval, this is our presenter and part-time volunteer , and we invite you to join this collection, and we are collecting funds for defenders from the 141st brigade, who are now... they are working in the orichiv region and this is the zaporizhzhia region. i remind you that now you see card numbers and qr codes on your screens. on the left - if facing the screen, this is a monobank, it can be scanned simply using the phone's camera, or write down the card number. 53 75 401 12 14 06 69 09. this. mono card number, on the right, if you are facing the screen, this is the qr code
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of privatbank, and you need to scan it with the appropriate qr scanner, which you can find in the privat-24 application, only if you have this application, or if there is no application, then you can write down card number 5168, 74, 50, 22, 26, 24, 94, i remind you that we are collecting a considerable amount of uah 1 million, and we already have more than half of this amount, uah 537,264 and 5 kopecks, if we resort to starlinks, on binoculars, rangefinders, scopes, drone detection detectors and much more no less important thing at the front, dear friends, right now i 'm just the same now... i'm going to scan a private card and tell you a short
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story, i was at my parents' in a small town in the lviv region, where i come from, and i'm walking through the bazaar, and here he approaches me the woman says: you know, i constantly watch your ater with andrii, i will give you 200 hryvnias, and you can already throw them at the fundraiser you are conducting, because it is easier for me, i was so excited. it wasn't the first time it happened, and maybe, maybe it's the same woman, because the town is small, i'm so i was surprised that i didn't even ask what that woman's name was, and i'm actually going to make a transfer now, i'll add my own 200 uah to those 200 uah, and i'll transfer it, i'm incredibly grateful to you, i promise that next time i'll ask for your name i will tell you my name and surname, i will announce it on the air, thank you for joining in this way. both online and in person , the payment was successfully made, thank you, to this
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woman who gave me such paper money, thank you to all those people who are now watching us and joining our gathering, thank you all to those people who join our fund, even when our ether is running out, i see money still coming to the account that is listed, thank you everyone. for every hryvnia and for every penny, it is very important, because it actually brings us closer to our goal of 1 million hryvnias. dear friends, well, we are moving on and now we will talk with halyna kuts, deputy of the kharkiv regional council, about how things are going in the kharkiv region. mrs. halyna, good morning. did kharkiv region and kharkiv sleep peacefully that night, and did it happen again hear air alarms? no, air alarms are even a joy for us. after the explosions, well, we are a specific territory , we are not alarmed here, we do not react to them anymore
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and are happy, the issue is that this night we are very grateful to our armed forces, because the martyrs who flew that night to kharkiv, they were all shot down and this is very good news, and the weekend itself, they were difficult, because the enemy was constantly shelling the border of kharkiv oblast, constantly, and on february 17... the village of svetlichne was also shelled, it is about 40 km from kharkiv, but we even heard these explosions in kharkiv, 40 blows were struck right there on... the most interesting thing is that the enemy destroyed a monument to soviet soldiers there, this is the most interesting thing, because the enemy is carrying out decommunization with its rockets, well, not bad, let them try, in principle, yes, yes, besides , again, there were strikes on, well, on the border, the town of borov, the hospital, on the hospital, that is, on such civilian
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objects, on objects where people are treated, and you know, civilians die, and most of all... if the tragedy is that for each a person's name is fate, and for us , for example, i teach at the skovoroda pedagogical university, and for us it is a tragedy that our student , 17-year-old sofia zayets, chorne village, died a couple of days ago with her parents i was in a car and an enemy shell survived there and the child died on the spot, she is a freshman at the faculty of history, and now we are all just shocked. her classmates are shocked, they remember her as a cheerful, wonderful child, and the girl was born in 2006, that is, she went with her parents on a harki, they were taking something from that village and this is how it happened, i.e. these shellings are constant, for each shelling there are casualties, there are human destinies, parallel to kupian region, the fighting of assault attacks in
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the area of ​​kupian region subsided a little while there were big problems with avdiivka and now. there are such alarming signals that the assault attacks on kupinsk are being renewed, again the enemy needs to capture kupyansk, this is the part of kupyansk that lies on the left side of the oskil river, and on that left side a little further in the dvoryuchansk community, the occupied territories have been occupied for almost two years, and the enemy all one thing is heading towards kupynsk, and we understand why, because it is the largest... such railway branch after kharkov, the largest railway station, the enemy cannot move further until he has a constant supply of resources, ammunition, fuel, food, etc. , and they need this nodal railway station, although kupyansk is further from the front line than other villages there, but they need this particular kupyansk, and we understand that the fighting there will
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probably be renewed, because the shelling has started very, very hard, so i understand what... they use those cabs and drop several of these huge destructive bombs on the city every day, yes ms. galina, i wanted to ask you, my classmate, she lives in kharkiv, and i watch how her mood changes, and she quite you know, despite the fact that she herself is not from the kharkiv region, not even from the east of ukraine, but from the west of ukraine, she is quite such a patriot of kharkiv. was, is and still is, but lately i see that she has less and less of these forces, some kind of despair appears, she is in principle everyone in the country appears, especially now it's february , for all of us it's a very difficult month, not only because it's difficult, because there's not much sun, the holidays are already over, because it's a month for us when
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we go through, the trauma that was caused us russians, and not for the first time, not those... in the 22nd year, but also in the 14th year, starting the war against ukraine. and now i read in the news about the kharkiv cat stepan, who is known throughout ukraine, that he got out of kharkiv and went to some safe place in europe. well, on the one hand, it is clear that you want to, that both the cat and his mistress are in a safe place, feel good, because the cat... began to deteriorate, as far as i know, after the shelling, and probably his mistress, but well , it's also sad to read such news as you now you are observing the residents of kharkiv , what is their mood, do they all feel like stepan the cat, or are there a large number of them who would also act like stepan the cat and go somewhere further to a safe
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place. thank you for your question. i'll say right away that i don't see such ... mass despondency, neither do i the only thing i see is that such despair is being sown by the pro-russian public, unfortunately, and people of a pro-russian, pro-russian type of setting are transferring it to the card, i would say so, er, regarding the animals, it is harder for them to survive shelling, but it is harder, the animals are still us we even watch a video when a cat is eating somewhere and hears gunfire, the cat gets scared, so maybe the animals need to be taken out. but they don't have the same attitude towards people as people do, but on saturday we heard shelling in the suburbs of kharkiv, quite so strong, near the subway, people just turned their heads and did it. your business, because then the air alarm already goes off, people are used to it, those with small children, of course, i understand them, they have to do something somehow, those with animals, yes, but
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kharkiv residents already have stress resistance, kharkiv residents know that in this case, to do, and here we need such a cluster, the general population, which will support the military, help them, inspire them, they should be thanked, because it inspires them a lot. and there is no despair. there are a lot of russian publics who call themselves kharikov there, they have exactly this despondency now. yes, two years have passed. so, this is such a sad period, but we know that the kharkiv miracle happened. so yesterday i was in the church in sviatodmitryivskyi. and next week, on february 24, first there will be a memorial service for the dead, and then there will be something like this. an interesting meeting , called the miracle of kharkiv, when kharkiv still put up, when we were attacked from all the district roads on february 24, 2022, but
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kharkiv put up, this is a miracle, this is a great miracle , no matter what they do, no despair, we still we stand i also read the news that the kharkiv regional council wants to grant the title of honorary citizen to such oleg karotumanov, one of the... founders of the opposition bloc, ms. alyna, what kind of person is this and what is your position here, in particular, you know, here some god is just laughing at this situation, because exactly one year ago, in february, he was already given an honorary citizen , we were categorically against it then, i opposed it, i demanded that the procedures be followed and not given in a package. this rank, because there were also worthy people there, there were seven, seven people were given to vote separately, but still this faction to which
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he belongs, the faction of the successful kharkiv bloc kermes, anyway they voted to give in a package and passed it in a package, of course i did not vote for it then, although i wanted to vote for worthy people, the trials started in parallel and again from their faction, a person who left their faction those trials organized and showed that there are problems there , it turns out that the organization that applied for the honorary one did not actually apply , in parallel to all the deputies, a group of participants in the hostilities sent out an appeal that the people, well, look, it is not enough that he is that karataman the founder of the opzh branch in the kharkiv region, he was once a deputy, a people's deputy , but he still has some fortunes in crimea, and it is not known whether he has any profits from them, or whether those profits work for russia , that is, we need
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to deal with this, that is, our european solidarity faction did not vote for it, will not vote for it, and is asking for it in the afternoon, we will have a session on february 20 , on the tenth anniversary of the rokovyn maidan, on the tenth anniversary of the start of russia's war against ukraine, and on this day is the order of the day. that's it shameful question, that is, well, this is a little shocking, i really hope that it will be removed from consideration, but by the way, we showed karatumanov together with his colleague, a dobkin on the left, if anyone is, a dobkin with a beard, they are from instagram together, they they like to go on trips abroad to relax, and what about dobkin, the last time he conducted some services in moscow churches in kharkiv, both, karatumanov was there and... in that moscow church, yes, there is such a very interesting photo, dobkin, well, periodical photos appear, somewhere he is, i understand, he is also an honorary
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citizen, we have so many interesting honorary citizens, and all last summer i sought, wrote an appeal, how much money is spent on this, i was interested, because in the 22nd year, how much i remember, from the regional budget, about 12 million was spent on... a scholarship for eligible citizens, now i wonder if karatuman will return that scholarship, if it is found that he was not really an honorable citizen for a whole year, will he return the scholarship , because the scholarship of an honorary citizen kharkiv region 16,500 uah per month, an honorary citizen of the city of kharkiv 33, the dokin of the city of kharkiv also has money there, that is, the question here is whether, in general, during the war, it is advisable... to spend such money on such a fund, when you know, well, for example, here, here, for example, kindergartens for children with disabilities for health
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and with disabilities of vision, hearing, speech. no way they will allocate funding for them, we fight for it all the time, ugh, and they say that we need 25 million a year for this, and the problem is with money, well, there is somewhere to find money, it’s true, if you try, after all, that’s why the situation is like this, and by the way, in dobkin, everything is actually normal in the family, for example, his nebizh got married, well, last year, and the party was held, at least the hen party, or bachelor party, as it is called , in cannes and at... the bride, she is some kind of miss ukraine of a certain year, so the 23rd year of cannes, this is how everything happened, she is in the center, but she left for a safe place, so who can say so the war, and to whom, so to speak, life goes on, you know, you can't postpone it for later, you want kane, so kane, you want and it is possible, it is wanted and it is possible, so that for a scholarship, dobkino lives well, but
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we are not envious, we... just say that as an honorary citizen, then an honorable one, and you know who lives well, kharkiv mayor terikhov, it turns out, that he has the highest salary of all the mayors of ukrainian regional centers, at least, if you believe it, if you believe it, deed, word and deed, they made such a salary ranking, and it shows that ihor terikhov has the largest. salary officially from all mayors, officially, i emphasize, 1,714, almost 715 hryvnias, he earned last year, this is twice as much as, for example , andriy the gardener, the mayor of lviv, and simply obscenely several times more than the poorest mayor of ukraine, hennadiy trukhanov, well, to be honest, i doubt that hennadiy trukhanov those unfortunate 300,000 hryvnias per year are very different, well...
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but the fact remains, well, gentlemen, on that note, i also wanted to say about one more kharkiv resident, i think, just right, just right for him should have found a place among the honorable citizens of kharkiv, this is mstislav chernov, his the documentary film 20 minutes in mariupol was awarded at the prestigious award, in the nomination documentary film, 20 days in mariupol. please, this is the british film award bafta film awards, and it was recognized as the best in the documentary category, mstislav chernov, actually this is the surname of the kharkiv people, you should pay attention to him, and not how he is, what is the punishment, how is he, how his friend dobkin, he is so honorable that it is impossible to remember his last name,
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dear friends, let's go now. for a short break, we return, continue, now we will to speak with a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine yevhen ievliv about the situation at the front and report to you about the situation with our collection, another 500 was added to our account, thank you for throwing in your hryvnias, keep throwing in, after a break we will come back and keep an eye on how our a qr code will appear in the lower left corner, that's the corner behind andrii. marcel shakhtar exclusively on mego sudak company will arrange a show of france to reach the 1/8 of the europa league. watch the match on february 22 at 22:00, turn on football on megogo. there are discounts on power pairs, 20% in psyllium, pam and oskad pharmacies.
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. the other day at 9:00 a.m. the verdict with serhii rudenko will now be in a new two-hour format, even more analytics , even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and more feedback, you can express your opinion on the malice of the day for with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko,
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every weekday from 20


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