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tv   [untitled]    February 19, 2024 8:30am-9:00am EET

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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00 verdict with serhii rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics , even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and the reverse connection, you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey, turn on and tune in, verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. at espresso. according to
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the results of january, the espresso tv channel continues to hold the first position among information broadcasting channels. for the 10th month in a row, we are the first. greetings, it's news time on the tv channel. this november we turned 10 years old. we have updated the design and sound. we continue the saturday political club of khrystyna yatskiv and vitaly portnikov. our values ​​and ukrainian views remain unchanged. anyway , that's about the espresso update and thank you for your trust. 10 years of war, war for freedom, from revolution of dignity to today's battles. if something happens to me, if it doesn't happen to me, then i know that i died for the truth. 10 years of war, the war for our existence, this is the path that changed us. in the conditions of the occupied territories, the occupied territories, we have losses of the order of a potential 7 million hectares of land, which have not...
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been done for two years. 10 years of war, war for the future, what price do we pay for it? 200 of our citizens were taken to russia. depopulation is not an inevitable thing. intellectuals, specialists, patriots about the challenges of the threat and ours future in a special project for the 10th anniversary of the beginning of russia's armed aggression against ukraine 10 years of the war for independence from february 18 on espresso. the war created many challenges for us ukrainians, and even more so for ukrainians with disabilities. but we know that only together, united, we can be stronger. friends, welcome. friendly online community enable my ukrain. it. the first
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platform in ukraine for people with disabilities to communicate. here you get all the information about disability, medical services and relocation. free consultations a lawyer, a psychologist, a doctor, a specialist in the employment of volunteers from all over europe. here you get support, advice and real friends. together we support each other, share useful information and educate. new, together we grow! join us, become part of our family, enable me ukraine. with the support of the national assembly of persons with disabilities of ukraine, enable me ukraine. listen, we were just talking about the fact that the bafta award for the best documentary was won by a ukrainian film. we can already show you
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in fact, there is already a video of mr. mstislav's very short speech during the presentation of this award in english, but there are subtitles, that's right, there are english subtitles, well, but we will try to translate it quickly, it is very difficult.
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the day before that, another ukrainian city fell, russia occupied avdiivka, like many places before that, and so on with stories. 20 days in mariupol, to be honest, i haven't seen this tape and i don't know if i will find the strength to watch it again, but such a voice about ukraine in the world is very important, to remind about the fact that the war continues, because the world is gradually forgetting about this war, and sometimes in the world they ask each other, they say, that
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russia is still shelling you there, that something is really happening, something is really happening, and russia is recapturing our cities, takes the lives of both civilians and military, and as we can see, it is not... not going to stop, last week, actually, the week before last, i said that i had a conversation, not last week, with roman kechur , a well-known ukrainian psychologist, psychotherapist, and he said such an opinion that in some way, to some extent, this war, in relation to stress, conditionally speaking, it is even more difficult than the war was for the inhabitants of the countries where hostilities took place during the second world war, on the one hand, of course, that war was larger, scarier, more terrible things happened, absolutely genocidal and so on, but at the same time, at least people were not there all the time, that is, you could somehow try, if only at that moment your house was not bombed, you could somehow try to abstract yourself from this war. now it's much more difficult, because this war is happening live, and rightly so
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noticed that this is a war that is constantly in my smartphone, so that's what i'm saying, that this this movie, it's not for us in the first place, because we see... this story every day, because we see it is in social networks , in the news, broadcasts, on television and so on, but for the western viewer, this particular film may become a living, exposed nerve, where he can connect and experience that empathy, you will understand why now , as mr. mstislav actually said, ukraine is fighting now and that we need help. dear friends, now we will talk. of the armed forces of ukraine, he joins us by phone. mr. yevgeny, we congratulate you. i wish health to the studio, i wish health to the audience and glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. mr. yevgeny, if you can tell me where you are, tell me, tell me what your situation is. we
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are still maintaining a defensive line in the direction of horliv. the situation is somewhat familiar to all of you, that our military has withdrawn from avdiyivka to more profitable areas. and in our country, as before, we... we are in maximum combat readiness waiting for what the enemy can do to turn all the tightened equipment on us, as far as we can reach the used equipment, personnel with drones (fpv), kamikaze drones, no movement in our direction can be seen yet, but our intelligence is constantly monitoring the situation around the clock, thanks to our birds, that's why i say, we have maximum combat readiness, because we are still waiting for the equipment that was pulled up, pulled up... the enemy can turn around and attack us at any time, do you have enough manpower and weapons? i won't tell you that everything is perfect, there are some issues with it, but not so much critical, to say that there is nothing for us to fight back and so on, because you understand,
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the vital force is not even that we have losses, but the vital force is that it is winter, it is a change of weather, there are guys who are sick so much strong, that they cannot simply stand on the lookouts and so on, but in relation to the military... science in relation to the state, if we have a critical minimum that can withstand, and besides that we will not give everything to the enemy, but we were preparing for the fact that they can turn the equipment on us more than one day and more than one month, that's why we are us are prepared, there is a certain area that they will have to pass and lay down, there is a lot of personnel equipment there, so i say, if you just look at the map, it will be as logical as possible that after the cover, the enemy will gradually start squeezing our appendicitis. er, because they also need to level the front line. you say that many soldiers are sick now, what is the weather like in your direction? you know, the trouble is that the weather is not completely cool, that it changes, because a week ago it was +12, and tonight
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it was -6, and this is the snow, the snow that melts, that is, it constantly floods the dugouts , even though they have drainage holes, despite the fact that we have sump pumps, when there is a lot of snow on... it’s lying there tonight -6, and tomorrow +8, it’s breaking up at such a rate that even the pumps don’t cope, it all flows into the dugout, i’m telling you, it’s water and the temperature is constantly changing... you can’t provoke it guys whose bodies are already exhausted, because, for example, my profession, what i do, is under me, he understands that i am there in the dugout in the trench there for three days, then there are some days of rest, and there are guys who sit for 20 or 30 days at a time, first of all imagine how exhausted their bodies are, and the weather is a plus here , that's why i say, it's a little bit, let's say, negatively affects the number of personnel who are located and hold positions. tell me, please, mr. yevgeny, what is the situation with the shells, that is, everyone says
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that there may be a problem with the shells, and this is one of the reasons that the russians still succeeded to advance in avdiivka, do you not think so, let me express my personal opinion here under my own responsibility, i do not think that they managed to advance due to the number of shells, because frankly speaking, the last days... all over the territory of the region were for avdiivka you can hear the thunder and thunder of our artillery coming out, since it has not been heard for quite a long time, probably even in recent weeks, i will tell you that the artillery really, really works in conditions of a shortage of bc, there is no secret here, it is a known fact that we do not have so much as an enemy, but it is there, and i am already talking about it reported to your colleagues, i will say that, despite the fact that sometimes there are disputes in the mass media about whether or not they gave us shells today, experienced commanders on the ground, based on what they have in their hands, they are more or less they are planning
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it in the event that, for example , there will be a draft tomorrow the day after tomorrow, so since february we have been keeping the defense smog, since february i will tell you, the artillery has been working approximately stably, equally, because the teams, those who are engaged in this, they understand , how many can we shoot as much as we can, there is no such thing as a thousand shells arrived there and a thousand were fired in a week, so... no, everyone understands what i am saying, they can give tomorrow, the day after tomorrow there will be a drawdown, so everything is used very, very cautiously, that well, mr. yevgeny, thank you very much for being able to join us at eyter and tell us about the situation and what is happening in your area, we hope that the enemy will be stopped and will not even dare to attack in the end, ivhan yevliv was with us, a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, from the donetsk direction and... we are talking about whether it will try to develop its success
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in avdiivka, if it can be called a success, the huge losses suffered by the russian army, nevertheless, after pushing the ukrainian armed forces out of avdiivka, we will talk about it and immediately after a short break with serhiy zvorets, military expert, director of the defense express company. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from rozpaku tv is just for you. with it you can easily cut trees and bushes. its so comfortable can also be used for carpentry. it is the perfect tool for your home or garden. and the price is only from uah 1,499. a reliable battery is also included. just call now and order. free delivery is possible. check with consultants. cut branches, cut timber, chop firewood, that's it. do this in one movement with the strong saw. just look how quickly she copes, even with thick branches.
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happens to me, if nothing happens to me, then i know that i died for the truth, 10 years of war. war for our existence, this is the path that changed us. in the conditions of occupied territories, de-occupied territories, we have losses of the order of potential 7 million hectares of land, which have not been cultivated for 2 years. 10 years of war, war for the future, what price do we pay for it? 200 million of our citizens were deported to russia. depopulation is not inevitable. intellectuals, specialists, patriots about challenges, threats and ours the future in a special project for the 10th anniversary of the beginning of russia's armed aggression against ukraine - 10 years of the war for independence from february 18 on espresso.
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests. every day, this is the shipping district of kherson, the inclusion is live , we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we tell the main thing, on weekdays at 9:00, vasyl zima’s big broadcast, two hours of air time , two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives, two hours to keep up with economic news and of sports news, two hours in the company of favorite... presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. dear friends, we are returning to tr, continuing our marathon, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, we are working in this studio for you until 12
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noon. well, in the meantime, we will be waiting for serhiy zorets to join us. military expert, director of the defense express company, let's talk about what's going on now, in particular near avdiyivka , will the russians manage to advance, what are their next goals, after they managed to dislodge the ukrainian armed forces, we will also talk about whether, in principle, we will evaluate the very operation with the withdrawal of troops, they said that maybe it was necessary and earlier to leave avdiivka, there were also such conversations, here ... also gentlemen, there is information that the russians are trying to go to work in the zaporizhzhia region, which actually managed to be taken during our summer counteroffensive, here is various information, it is reported, in particular in twitter
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public osint defense, about the fact that the russian... troops may be able to get to the outskirts of the city and it is even reported that the ukrainian troops are leaving work, so, really, yes, it is still too early to give estimates, here, but there are already we are actually serhiy zorets, mr. serhiy, good morning, good morning, i greet you, i greet our viewers, mr. serhiy, well, let 's start right away with the story from the part-time job, well, have you also heard that the scientists of the city may have already come out there russian troops will have to leave. on saturday sunday enemy began to attack there in the direction of the bathed robots navrbove, ee near the robot there, fighting continued there on saturday and sunday, that is , the enemy attacked from the western part of the populated place of robotine, you probably all saw the video, where the enemy used
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at least 30 units of armored vehicles, even including these old t-55 tanks, er... about 18 armored vehicles were hit, including three tanks, there is information that the hostilities there are actually, well, ongoing, there are both attacking and counter-attacking actions, there are separate reports, that there, the enemy advanced a certain number of meters to the west of the work station, and the fighting continued a little further from the work station, but in the shelter just to the west of verbovoy, the enemy also used it there. accumulated strength and equipment in order to press our units, there is a certain advance in the direction of our defense. but we understand that the dynamics there will continue to be quite difficult, first of all, for the enemy, because the enemy is now trying to advance on open areas, which makes it significantly more difficult for him
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advancement, there is a video where our military uses cluster munitions, which indicates that there are ammunition reserves in this direction, but we understand that now the enemy is trying to take advantage of a certain concentration of our reserves there, in particular around avdiyivka, and i want this short period of time ... to use the window of opportunity to advance in those areas where we had success in previous periods of hostilities. as for avdiyivka, in the end, already evaluating what happened after the fact, uh, wasn't this decision made too late about the departure and how, well, that is, i have now read the interview of the deputy leader of the commander of the third assault brigade, maksym zhorin, who says that in fact... they abandoned the third brigade, which did not even have time to assemble and abandoned, as far as i know i understand, just in urban battles, what could this be related to and the question of timely or untimely,
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frankly speaking, this is one of the most difficult questions, yes, because relatively speaking, the closer to the line of contact or to which point of reporting from enemy, then the information is absolute different and only the commander tries to consolidate all the different data, having yes... information about what is happening with these or that units in other directions, and i think that the withdrawal of our troops was dictated, of course, primarily by the tactical situation, when really the enemy , making his way to the south of kokhsohim created, created conditions for cutting the logistical path, and actually created a threat to the fact that these ticks in... from kokhsohim there and from the experienced could well create threats to clamp down on our group, which was is located east of avdiivka, and in fact
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, i think that this influenced the acceleration of actions regarding the decision to withdraw, because it is possible that if it was possible to contain the enemy with less losses, less risks, then i do not include that the defensive operation of avdiivka continued , but in view of... such tactical changes, the third assault unit actually left in order to keep, relatively speaking, the door open for our units to attack first from the eastern part, then from the south, but the withdrawal from the south, when we talk about the situation around the zanit stronghold, we see, well , difficult stories related to the fact that the wounded were left behind, who were later killed by the russian aggressor. and of course, for now we are still analyzing the situation related to the course of hostilities around avdiyivka and in evdiyivka itself, but in any case, the withdrawal of the military
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was carried out in a sufficiently organized manner, because if there were any panic actions from the ukrainian side, there would be equipment and the like, there i was sure that all russian publics would now hyped up about the fact that you see how much equipment the ukrainian army left behind , so many captured prisoners, there is no such thing... about the fact that the evacuation was carried out in an organized manner, and by the way, the evacuation is one of the most difficult elements of military operations, because in addition to the usually complex lack of information , an element of tension is added to the commanders, sometimes there really are fears, panics and so on, but at these moments we see that in difficult circumstances the bringing of our brigades was sufficiently organized, we will see what will happen next, which will be... the conclusions drawn by the ukrainian leadership, because here it should be understood that the enemy used certain new tactical techniques, first of all, with the use of
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kabs, because the number of kabs, it was one of the decisive factors that affected the maintenance of the defense line , there were too many or too many kabs, and they just somewhat influenced the tactics of the enemy, who, in fact, at the expense of the kabs, tried to block... the area of ​​hostilities, he partially succeeded at certain stages, and that's why when we started to shoot down five planes for the first time, this indicates that the ukrainian military leadership managed to take such difficult, as i understand, risky actions, when the air defense complexes were pulled up somewhere in the avdiyivka zone, or in that direction, in order to to shoot down russian bombers, because we see as many as five planes destroyed, and these planes usually use cockpits there from a long ... inlet starting from 40 km, and the planes were destroyed at a distance of about 70 km, so we 're talking about that ukraine is looking for antidote, against the action of aviation, but sometimes i
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understand that the search. there is an antidote extremely difficult, so in any case we will see if the enemy will now use cab tactics, in particular there and around work, well , what we mentioned in other directions, where the enemy is now trying to take advantage of a certain window of opportunity. well, we see that already at least in kupinsk , the russians are working quite well, absolutely, but the question is how to deprive the enemy of this opportunity, because now a number of russian publics there will start talking, we stumbled upon a new tactic of closing cabs there. on the ukrainian defense structures , and then we localize the place there , we use anti-aircraft artillery in order to then clear the areas, which are protected by ukrainian troops, so they think, now they are starting to rejoice too early, it is important that now we find ways to antidote against the kabs, who are now well, they are starting to have a significant impact on the battlefield. some people believe that the stock of these kabs of the russians is almost inexhaustible, is it true, yes it is, but now we have to
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do it. bet rather on how to fight with by russian aviation, there are two components here, these are strikes on airfields, this is an expansion of the possibilities of using long-range systems, an increase in the number from our foreign partners, the lifting of restrictions on the use of western means of influence on russian territory, in particular where russian fighter jets are based, and the second is the use new tactics, the use of air defense systems, as it was in particular. near avdiivka, because i repeat, shooting down five planes in a short period of time is just a search answers to kaby, but we understand that now and then the enemy will hunt for those nomadic air defense complexes that the ukrainian military leadership decided to use precisely for such responsible, but not simple operations. well , i will ask at the end, about whether the russians have accumulated a large number of troops, several brigades, and equipment in
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the avdiiv direction after. is there any breakthrough possible, or will they continue to try to build on their success? when we talk about the audio player, i will say that from the point of view of defense avdiivka fulfilled its mission perfectly, when we talk about the number of losses of 47 thousand personnel, of which i think 16, 17, 17 are killed, the rest are wounded, a significant amount of destroyed equipment, and let me remind you that avdiivka is 10 on 10 km, usually such an area is defended by one... brigade there according to the old tactical regulations, so in order to seize this area, the enemy concentrated about 12 mechanized motorized infantry brigades there, plus special forces brigades, game brigades, which were operating around avdiyivka and were one of elements of the confrontation between our special forces and the russians, because the south of kusohimo was an extremely important area,
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relatively speaking, the enemy concentrated more than 40,000 personnel in order to take the area that we have there, well, relatively speaking, was defended by several brigades and the main burden was borne by the 110th brigade, we remember that this brigade was formed in the 22nd year, it actually defended avdiyivka for two years and honor and respect to the fighters of this brigade, because understanding the importance of helping separate assault or separate battalions... we remember in language that for two years this brigade defended avdiivka in the most difficult periods, so i think that the integral interaction of these brigades is extremely important. thank you mr. serhiy, thank you. serhiy zurets, military expert director of the defense express company, was with us. dear friends, we are slowly getting closer to 9 o'clock in the morning, at 9 o'clock in the morning, let me remind you, all of ukraine observes a minute of silence in memory of those ukrainians whose lives were cut short by russian aggression. next , the radio liberty project svoboda ranok will be on our airwaves
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from our colleagues. well, then at 9:45 andrii and i will return and continue our marathon, right now there will be a moment of silence. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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