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tv   [untitled]    February 19, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EET

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life was cut short by russian aggression. next , we will broadcast the radio svoboda project svoboda ranok from our colleagues. and then at 9:45 andrii and i will return and continue our marathon. now is actually a moment of silence. we will honor the memory of ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine with a moment of silence. who died in the war started by russia.
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greetings, this is svoboda ranok, my name is kateryna nekrecha, and in this morning stream we talk about important topics. the armed forces of ukraine completed the withdrawal from avdiivka, head sirskyi noted. that he made this decision to avoid encirclement and preserve the life and health of servicemen. how did the departure take place, was it prepared. the russian military probably shot ukrainian prisoners in avdiivka and veselmo near bakhmut. the footage was distributed by russian media. on the video , the relatives recognized the soldiers with whom they had been in contact a few hours before. the donetsk regional prosecutor's office has started an investigation. we will tell and discuss all the details. after
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the end of the fighting for avdiivka, the russian army decides where to transfer the main forces next, yes write deep state analysts. assaults have already begun on zaporizhzhia near robotino, and russian forces managed to break through the defenses there. is this true and what is the plan of the russian army. let's discuss. every weekday morning from 9:00 a.m. we talk about events in ukraine and the situation at the front. stay with us to stay updated. russian the army is trying to advance further in the avdiiv direction. the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine reports that russian forces carried out three attacks near the settlements of lastochkyny and pervomaisky, to the west and southwest of the city. in general, according to the report of the general staff, 20 settlements of this district were subjected to artillery and mortar shelling. meanwhile, the russian ministry of defense reports an advance of 8.6 km after taking control of avdiivka. the troops of the russian federation can follow the armed forces after them.
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leaving the city, says roman kostenko, secretary of the committee of the verkhovna rada of ukraine on national security, he said this on the air of radio nv and adds that it is important that the rear reserves of the armed forces of ukraine become defensive and let the retreating troops pass through them, and those russian forces that would follow the retreating forces would be left behind by a percentage of those on these defensive lines. the third separate assault brigade of the armed forces also reports on the efforts of the russian army to advance further. avdiivka, although they add, the situation at the new positions is stable and the ukrainian units are successfully holding the defense in the prepared positions near avdiivka. after the end of the fighting for avdiivka itself, the russian army decides where to transfer the main forces next, analysts of the military portal deepstate write. there they report the beginning of assaults in the zaporizhzhia direction near robotino. here , russian forces allegedly advanced near ivanivskyi and verbovoy and allegedly pushed through the defense of the armed forces of ukraine. part. the russian federation broke into the robots, but they
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managed to be stopped, so writes deep state. the fighting to the south and west of the work continues. but the new york times newspaper writes that the forces of the russian federation are now advancing from five directions on the front. avdiyivskyi, marinskyi, robotynskyi, kreminskyi and bakhmutskyi. in this way , the russian army is trying to return the territories that the zsu was released during the counteroffensive in 22 and 23 years. about how the forces of the russian federation act after the capture of avdiyivka, whether there is a threat to the surrounding settlements, as well as whether the forces of the russian federation are advancing in the direction of zaporozhye. i asked dmytro lykhovy, head of the public relations department of the tavriy operational-strategic group of troops. let's hear what he had to say. the defense forces of ukraine maneuvered to the second line of defense, these positions were established properly. equipped, these are several lines
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of defense, they are fortified, and that's it in the direction of the enemy, it is already obvious that it will not be possible to develop an offensive and... as they say, sometimes in such cases they can enter the next lines on their shoulders, because the defense there is strong, and in the past day in the area of ​​​​responsibility of the operational-strategic group tavriy's troops in the avdiyiv direction, our defenders repelled five enemy attacks in the areas of novobakhmutivka and lastochkino, as well as... vomaisky, that is, these three settlements are the next ones to which the enemy directs his assault actions, but there he is waiting worthy rebuff. the exit from avdiivka was one of the options for the development of events, it took place according to
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the plan that was prepared at this stage of the avdiivka defensive operation. and its defensive line was foreseen there in advance, i cannot tell you the details, i can say that in the other two directions in the osukh tavria operational zone, the enemy uses the forces that were already there, and at the same time, in the marin direction, the forces defenses continue to hold back the enemy in the areas of settlements of novomykhaivka, hivka and victory, which concerns the zaporizhzhia direction in total, which is extended to a considerable distance, then last day the muscovites there unsuccessfully tried 10 times to attack the positions of our troops in the area of ​​the village of robotyne itself, but with regard to
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specific events and results, to the extent that their offensive there was unsuccessful, this... i need today from to clarify, i will say about yesterday, well, as of the middle of, let's say, yesterday, there was no loss of positions there for such a time, and their significant grouping was defeated there with the loss of armored vehicles and personnel. armed forces of ukraine finally left avdiivka, which is in donetsk region, the withdrawal of troops from the city was just as successful. as far as the circumstances allowed and in accordance with one of the plans for one of the options for the development of events, this was stated by dmytro lykhova, whom we also heard earlier. the commander-in-chief of the ukrainian armed forces, oleksandr syrsky , justified the withdrawal from avdiyivka by preserving the lives and health of servicemen and decided to withdraw units from the city.
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president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, speaking at the munich security conference, called this decision, i quote, logical and professional. we will remind you how it was, it was officially announced on saturday , february 17, the day before the commander of the armed forces of ukraine, the command of the armed forces of ukraine reported the decision to withdraw people from the anti-aircraft positions in the south of the city, to strengthen the defense units , a third assault brigade was urgently sent to avdiyivka, the day before the withdrawal from avdiivka, the military published a video from the basements of the avdiivka coke plant, where the defense forces were stationed. how many on the position? damn, sports. andrii beletskyi, the commander of the third assault group, said that the military in the city made a quote: everything and even more in the conditions of the total superiority of the forces of the russian federation in people, equipment and shells. oleksandr borodin, the spokesman of the third assault brigade
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, stated as early as yesterday morning that the exit from zavdiivka was ongoing and noted the controlled withdrawal of the third assault brigade. borodin emphasized that being captured is at the level of revenge. there were no detachments, platoons and units, until the moment of withdrawal, the fighters of the third assault division did not allow the enemy to complete the encirclement of the positions, the brigade's report says. mykola volokhov joins our broadcast, call sign abdula, commander of a unit in the third separate assault brigade. welcome, thank you for joining. i congratulate you, glory to ukraine. glory as a hero. after leaving su from avdiivka, does your brigade continue to fight in the avdiivka direction? continue, they retreated to pre-prepared positions, i can personally share my impression, personally i am very glad that our command gave us such an order, as a participant in the events near ilovaisk, as a person who was near
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shirokyna, when the debaltsiv skirmish took place tragedy, and i remember these events, so what decisions were made then, i am very... i am glad that our military administration drew conclusions from those events, it is difficult to say which, exactly how the higher command is motivated, it is in general, let's say so , they have more information. always than civil society, and we are here on the ground, in the fields , but, but, human lives have been saved, and the third separate assault brigade has not lost its combat capability and is able to continue combat operations, that is, the third assault brigade in the avdiiv direction will be together with 110 i am mechanized brigade, can you clarify that? and let's just say, this question is a little at my level of competence, so i won't be able to give you a correct answer to it. which settlements are now under threat in this direction, what plans does the russian
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army probably have? again, i want, i want to tell you more, but i will be concise, because if i say too much, i can harm our common cause, including yours, and the enemy continues to try to advance, my subjective impression is that he has. .. let's say, there is a little loss in the offensive potential, this is due to the fact that during his stay here we inflicted extremely large losses on him, and the losses were not only in quantitative terms, during the period of his stay here, up to 4 thousand personnel (200 people) were destroyed, i did not i will tell you for sure, you have to look at the statistics today, but i think that today we already have to overrun a hundred units of armored vehicles, because... we continue to destroy the enemy's infantry and equipment, there are quite a lot of them here, they are quite
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active, which gives us the opportunity to implement our means and destroy their means, i think that they will try, and whether they will succeed or not , here you already know how the future is, it is not determined, it depends on what we will do specifically today, i believe that they will not advance further, tell me what is the purpose of your the brigade was transferred to avdiivka, that is, it was in order to... ensure the retreat, or was the task to hold the city? again, i can only comment on what i know at my level, in general i try to speak to my fighters and in communication with the press only about those things in which i am confident, in which i am competent. my unit had the task of destroying enemy manpower, we are engaged in aerial reconnaissance, strike drones, adjusting artillery fire, my unit was tasked with the maximum possible. protect the enemy 's manpower, destroy the equipment as much as possible, it is difficult to say
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whether we destroyed enough or whether we are destroying, because it all continues, we destroy enough, but at least from my experience, this is a record, how much we did not destroy in kherson region, how much we did not destroy in in the bakhmut direction, tera's unit set its record for destroying the enemy in a day, they know that in the third assault brigade also had such a record and a hundred. how the enemy behaves , trying to get beyond the borders of the already, unfortunately , destroyed city, i did not find this city in a complete state, but if in bakhmut, when we entered, there was still something to cling to, and we led for quite a long period of time there was an active defense there, there were whole buildings and the city in general, because in principle that is what has value, even people in bakhmut lived there when we entered, at the beginning, it turns out that it was already last year, i am a little confused about the time . then here, when we entered, what i saw through the optics of his reconnaissance
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drones, the city was already completely destroyed, and what our neighbors told us, that it would be extremely difficult, extremely difficult to do anything here, because there were no bricks left on bricks. mykola, tell me what you can about how the withdrawal took place, whether the russian forces put pressure on the armed forces during the withdrawal, whether this withdrawal was planned or chaotic, whether it was prepared, because some, well, experts, analysts... that the line of defense , for which i had to leave, was not quite ready, i must say according to my calculations, all my calculations are currently in prepared positions, something happened, something was prepared by ourselves, but it is actually within the norm, and if we talk about the pressure of the enemy, of course the enemy tried to inflict losses on us during any maneuver, i will say more, whether it's a flanking maneuver, a withdrawal, an attack, you always have increased casualties because... you're out of position, and the logistics are always the point where which is the riskiest actually, the movement or
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the maneuver, yes, because you you have to come out of hiding to realize, to realize a certain vision, but, but, i believe that the enemy has not achieved its goal, even in this war i have seen when they cause much greater losses during maneuvers, i personally evaluate it as realization. this maneuver as very, very successful , to be honest, i will say, i really, i will repeat, mentioning ilavaisk, i really like that decisions are made based more on logic, yes, because you have to fight logically. and not on the emotional component, and not on the media, and not on the political, on the military, what is needed in the war, in the war it is necessary to win in order to win, we need to have a resource, if we speak even in such a more practical military language, we need a resource, if we do not have it, then what kind of victory can we talk about, victory is not standing in some point of space, for a while,
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victory means liberating our entire territory and restoring a normal state here, and if we want to build a normal state here. successful country, we already need people who will do it, the goal is not to win, you know, to get such a pyrrhic victory, when all ukrainians, all the most worthy who went to the front lines will die, and there will simply be no one here, the goal is to win and build the country normally, mykola, i thank you for joining and telling what you can about the situation in avdiivka, about the withdrawal, it is important that here we are communicating on the air with the military, including those who share their position, mykola volokhov, abdula's claimant, commander of the unit in the third separate unit. the vovo brigade was a guest of the freedom morning. the donetsk regional prosecutor's office has begun an investigation into the shooting of ukrainian prisoners of war. this is reported on the official pages of the department. we are talking about two different cases in donetsk region. one of them happened the day before near the village of vesele, in the bakhmut district, in the area of ​​responsibility
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of the khortytsia operational-strategic group of troops. russian soldiers allegedly shot two prisoners at close range. this was announced by the ground forces of ukraine. and published a video taken from a drone. in another case, according to the prosecutor general's office, it is about the shooting in avdiivka of six prisoners of the mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. they were seriously injured military personnel who could not move on their own and were waiting for evacuation. it is obviously about the prisoners, whose story was told by the info investigation after talking with the relatives of these fighters. investigative journalists report that three of the six dead prisoners of war were even recognized by their relatives. one of them, django , told his sister via video link that he was wounded and that there were five other fighters with him, four of whom were also wounded. the material states that the prisoners were in the territory of the fortified zenit district in the south of avdiyivka. spokesman dmytro lykhovii of the tavrya region says that the circumstances of the death of these soldiers are being investigated about the six wounded who remained in
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the kriprayn zanit, military officer viktor bilyak also wrote on his instagram earlier, according to him , the commander said that there would be no evacuation of the wounded and actually ordered the wounded to leave . he noted that the commander of the tavria direction, oleksandr tarnavskyi , stated that a number of ukrainian soldiers were captured when leaving avdiivka. ilya yevlash, head of the press service of khortytsia, joins our broadcast. i you congratulations, ilya, thank you for joining our broadcast, for a difficult conversation. good morning, glory to ukraine studio. glory to the heroes, tell us what is known about this one. moment about the shooting of ukrainian prisoners of war, is it known where it happened, what details can you tell? yesterday, exactly one day ago , near the settlement of vesele, to the north-east, the enemy, the enemy, right now investigative actions are being taken to establish who exactly it was, which units committed this
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war crime, shot two ukrainian prisoners of war who remained unarmed, who no longer did anything. close resistance, who simply carried out another act of genocide of the ukrainian people, i will not be afraid of this word, which they are already constantly demonstrating, repeatedly, which they have already carried out with their units in tavria, at the zenith object, and before, we know that it is no longer isolated cases, and you already know this, such an act is repeated, which shows that the enemy does not care about any international norms, rules, international humanitarian law. right, and this is another statement that we need more guns to to defend ourselves in order to beat the enemies, because the enemy will be offended by any rules, traditions and customs of warfare, and we need more of our weapons to defend ourselves in this cruel, unjustified bloody war. yulia , i will clarify that this is about and you are responsible for
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that direction about the bakhmut direction in the vesely district, so about this case, and... i also want to ask you, what is the current situation on the kupinsky and bakhmut directions? and as for the kupyan direction, the enemy continues to advance in the area kupyansk continues to use its artillery there, drones, this is now a very common type of weaponry, mostly fpv drones, in addition, it also uses various types of kamikaze drones, including even shaheids, shelling our positions, in particular, over the past day they have decreased a little. the number of shelling in the lemano-kupyan direction, if, for example, there were about 800 the day before yesterday, then 489 as of the past day, mostly mortar shelling. that is, such melee artillery of various calibers, sub during which 22 more combat clashes took place, our defenders managed to eliminate
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264 occupiers killed and wounded and another 26 units of weapons and military equipment, including six tanks, five armored combat vehicles, mostly infantry fighting vehicles of various types, and five more of d-30 guns, as well as automotive equipment, various types of shelters and ammunition depots. this is what concerns the lemano-kupiv direction. in general, now the main attack of the enemy is also concentrated in the black stallion river district, there in the terni district, there the enemy is trying to occupy a bridgehead, the so-called tor ledge, and focuses all the main efforts in that direction as well, since the river itself is a barrier line and they are trying to gain a foothold near this one. is there a risk that after the capture of avdiivka , the russian forces will transfer their units there to these two directions in order to further storm the ukrainian forces, or do the russian
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forces even have the strength to advance in several directions at the same time, meaning kupyanskyi, zaporozhye and avdiivskyi ? unfortunately, yes, unfortunately, yes, they can to take advantage of, having won locally their settlement of avdiivka, they can further. can transfer their forces to the north, closer to kupyansk, or to any other direction that they consider necessary, since, as we know, near avdiyivka, the force of selenians in various brigades, the gru, and their sso units, artillery, landing, motorized rifle units, that is, of course, we will now actively monitor how they will regroup, usually. they need some time somewhere from last week to to regroup, move their units, then we will follow where they
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will press further. thank you, ilya, for joining in. ilya yevlash, head of the press service of the khortytsia operational-strategic group of troops, was a guest of svoboda ranok. this is svoboda ranok, my name is kateryna nekrecha, and later in this morning stream we will talk about important topics. the annual security conference ended in munich, this year the ukrainian president personally visited it. the ukrainian delegation managed to agree with several countries about new military aid packages, whether the eu is worried about the change of power in the usa and whether they are ready to support ukraine in the war. a new inclusive travel show "legs off" or all inclusiv has started on ukrainian youtube. the presenter, a prosthetic military man, travels through ukraine together with invited guests. oleksand teren will go around the corner of ukraine to check the inclusiveness of each city. if you haven't heard about the project yet, we'll tell you, and we'll also talk about whether it's easy to move around the country for people with disabilities.
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the more comments and likes you have, the more viewers can potentially see this video. support us with these simple actions. thank you. agreements on defense packages for the supply of ammunition and the production of weapons in munich have ended annually. security conference, this year the ukrainian president personally visited it. the delegation from kyiv managed to agree with several countries on new military aid packages, including artillery and supplies for it. radio liberty correspondent zoryana stepanenko worked on the sidelines of the conference. later, she will tell all the details in the report. the bavarian capital welcomes distinguished guests with rain, no less gloomy circumstances under which political and business elites from around the world gather in munich. madam president, madam president, last time zelensky was seen here in a different, already forgotten image, in a suit and tie, refusing non-public offers not to return home, promising
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to protect ukraine from 150,000 russian soldiers standing on its border, with or without the help of the west . a few days later, the russian army launched a large-scale attack. today, zelensky reminds here about the successes demonstrated by the armed forces of ukraine and the reasons why not everything succeeds. our actions are limited only by the sufficiency and range of the means of destruction, but this does not depend on us, and the situation in avdiivka confirms this. unfortunately, keeping ukraine in conditions of an artificial shortage of weapons, in particular in the shortage of artillery and long-range, allows putin to adapt to the current intensity of the war. ukraine now has to fight not only against russian aggression, but also for international support. the lower house of the us congress went to at the end of february for the holidays, without approving the allocation of 60 billion dollars for the military. of ukraine, and zelenskyi called this decision of the american legislators key. us vice president kamala harris assured: "the white house will work to provide
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ukraine with weapons and resources." we want ukraine to emerge from this war as a nation that is free, democratic and independent, president zelensky, as president joe biden and i have made it clear, we will be with you as long as it takes. the death of russian oppositionist oleksii navalny, which the world community learned about in munich, another testimony: ukraine should be helped as much as possible so that it overcomes russia's aggression, which manifests itself both within and beyond the borders. its borders, a number of conference participants spoke about it, including the russian opposition in emigration. more and more often , officials in europe say out loud that it is worth preparing for an attack by russia themselves. two years of war made europeans realize that the russian threat is real, and it is approaching the borders of the eu. closer, official reports that the ukrainian military are leaving avdiivka, ukraine's partners were caught in munich. i
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called volodymyr zelensky, who was here. us president joe biden called russia's first noticeable successes in recent months the result of congress's inaction, which led to the ukrainian military saving ammunition, the stocks of which are many times greater than russia's. the eu is increasing production capacity, and the prime minister of denmark, in particular, urged not to hide only behind technical problems. we, denmark, have decided to transfer all our artillery to ukraine. sorry, but europe still has ammunition, he asks. not only in production, they must be transferred to ukraine, it doesn't matter what they come to in the usa, but we, europeans, have to protect ourselves. at the same time, europe still looks back not only to russia, but also to the united states and its internal processes. the situation looks alarming for europe from another geographical point of view. they are seriously concerned about a possible change of power in the united states, and therefore the risks of being left alone with potential russian aggression against them.
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the umbrella of collective defense of nato is digging over in europe, if donald trump crosses the threshold of the white house again, the prime minister of the netherlands proposes to put an end to these conversations. we need to stop moaning, whining and berating trump. we don't spend more on defense or ramp up munitions because trump might come back. we have to do it because it is in our interests. russia does not want peace either with ukraine or with europe - emphasized the participants of the conference. the delegation urged them to remember: fewer weapons in the armed forces, closer to european homes, the russian army. this is svoboda morning, to our broadcast pavlo lekichuk, head of security programs at the strategy 21 center for global studies, joins in. i welcome you to our broadcast, thank you for joining. good morning, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, the new york times defines the situation at the front today as the most tense at the front since the beginning of the war, and this is
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what russia is trying to do... in five directions at once, we are talking about avdiivsky, bakhmutsky, robotynsky, kreminy and marinsky . do you agree that the situation at the front is the most tense now, and what could happen next? well, a few weeks ago months, our western partners characterized the situation on the front of the russian-ukrainian war as a dead end. we did not agree with this then and said that in reality. the corner only looks like this from the outside , because the confrontation is very fierce, and depending on that, at any moment, one of the parties can gain an advantage, and then this clinch can turn into very dynamic actions, well, actually speaking , what we got in the avdiyivka area, when the tension point
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exceeded. breaking point, yes, in the end, the enemy was able to capture the city, but the main thing they could not break through the defenses in this area, the point was not to translate tactical success into an operational one, to break through the defenses and enter the operational space, the armed forces of ukraine coped with this task and stabilized the front in this area. but the avdiiv direction at this time is a small relative section, i will say that of the bakhmutsky mardiiv-marian section of the front, there the enemy continues to try to break through the defenses, at least in two more sections, this is to the south of bakhmut and...


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