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tv   [untitled]    February 19, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm EET

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important and very encouraging things, this is what is happening in our country now, you have delayed the poles, this really scares me, because i am horrified to watch, i understand why this is happening in poland, local elections in poland and in the districts bordering ukraine, there is a good chance that these right-wing, ultra-right anti-ukrainian forces that are there... can significantly gain votes if the polish authorities start to taunt them a little at the border, but what is happening now well, this is terrible, and there is a threat that the straw will start burning from the ukrainian side, u we already have enough of our own, well , well, well, how to say obsessed or extreme right-wingers, we also remember our history of relations with poland, and this despite the fact that poland is such a great partner, but... that, what
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is happening now is just a disaster, and i understand that from the polish side it will not be particularly popular there until the elections, it will be somewhere before march, but from the ukrainian side you are right, so no one wants to do it , well, no one cares it is not necessary, it does not give any dividends, well, except to criticize or to remove someone, but no matter how many people you can remove, there are no people willing to sit on these pillars, and there is no doubt that the russians are sitting up to their ears there and they understand their interest in work. this is called counter-intelligence, and it is not something else that we are becoming, mr. oleg, thank you very much for the conversation, oleg rybachuk was with us, the head of the analytical and advocacy organization center for joint actions. well, we will now take a short break, and then we will have vira egeeva, professor of the kyiv-myhylya academy of literary studies, literary criticism and laureate of the shevchenko prize, let's talk a little about russian culture in particular and... well, about
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ukrainian culture, how they can live together or not. problems with the joints limit movement, it is unpleasant and painful. strengthen them with the help of long joints. these are bags with collagen and vitamin c to restore articular cartilage. dolgit joints contributes to the normal functioning of the joints. and has a positive effect on bone health. dolgit joints facilitate motor functions. stretch your joints, move freely. there are discounts on afida max 10% in pharmacies plantain, memory and savings. damn you stepladders. my legs can't walk anymore. wait, i'm choking. what, there is no health? but what kind of health is there in the sixth decade. and i thought so until i tried herovital. gerovital+ is a phytovitamin complex that cares for the heart and strengthens the body. gerovital+ is good. well-being, active life. the
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herovital energy novelty is even more iron for good causes. herovital energy - reception once a day. see this week in the collaborators program. fake ministers. as a journalist , he headed the propaganda department at kherson oblast? russia of ukrainian children? we will continue our work. on tuesday , february 20, at 5:45 p.m., watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep abreast of... economic news
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and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become a native language to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl's big broadcast in winter, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening with an espresso. 10 years of war, the war for freedom, from the revolution of dignity. until today's battles, if something happens to me, if nothing happens to me, then i know that i died for the truth, 10 years of war, war for our existence, this is the path that changed us, in the conditions of occupied territories, de-occupied territories, we have losses about 7 million hectares of land that have not been cultivated for two years. 10 years of war, war for the future, what price do we pay for it? 200 of our
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citizens were taken to russia, depopulation is that not an inevitable thing. intellectuals, specialists, patriots, about the challenges of the threat and our future in a special project for the 10th anniversary. the beginning of russia's armed aggression against ukraine 10 years of the war for independence from february 18 on espresso. according to the results of january , the espresso tv channel continues to hold the first position among information broadcasting channels. for the 10th month in a row, we are the first. welcome to the time of news on the air of the tv channel. this november we turned 10 years old. we have updated the design and sound. we continue the saturday political club of khrystyna yatskiv and vitaly portnikov. our values ​​and ukrainian point of view remain. stay tuned for espresso updates and thank you for your trust. a separate set of unmanned aircraft complexes sapsan of the state special service of transport. viewers of the espresso tv channel
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are asked to contribute to the collection of crowns and technical equipment for our division. thank you. glory to ukraine! glory to the heroes, well, gentlemen, let's get back to us, the last one, you can say so, let's say, the quadrant is a little bigger, but we still have ours part of the telethon that i, andriy saichuk, will conduct for you, and i already welcome our guest to the studio, with us is vira geyeva, ukrainian literature, and a professor at the kyvomyllan academy, mrs. professor, i congratulate you, have a good day. mrs. vera, i know that you came to lviv for two presentations, in particular maksym rylskyi and, but, but i, but i, if we talk about these two years, i see a lot of your interviews, and they were somehow related to maybe not so, even ukrainian culture, as russian culture, you had
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to talk a lot about russian culture and commenting on it a lot, whether it is uncomfortable for you, and whether you really still have time to talk about russian. you see, we have to talk about russian culture, i would rather talk about ukrainian culture, about ukrainian literature, but the fact is that we are in a state of hybrid war, and russian narratives now, like all previous decades, are spreading around the world with incredible power , of a great empire that is falling apart, but it is falling apart for a long time, bloody and hard, and how much more blood will we shed no... so understanding russian narratives means having your own position, and it means that we have to interpret these narratives in some way , which is primarily what they are talking about,
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they want to hear ukraine now, but they are ready to hear ukraine at a very high price, but they are ready to listen to us about our culture, there in the museums they rename, say... the name of the painting by the famous french impressionist dig from russian dancers to ukrainian dancers, that's all, it's all someone's work, it's someone's need to talk about it, so we have to, of course, in system, i have already said this many times, we must have russian studies in our state security system, as a science that interprets russian narratives, because russian studies is actually russian studies... almost all western, special american slavic studies, and to prove to the world, to prove to those who ultimately depends on decision-making, decision-making , to prove why russian culture is not humanistic, and actually we have to ask
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a very important question, how the culture, which everyone calls great humanistic, gave birth to the atrocities that are happening today in to ukraine, that is, how... i support the thesis that without pushkin there would be no putin. and just the other day i had the opportunity to interview matviychuk in oleksandr lesa, and she just said that when she is asked what you do, she says: i work with russian culture, or rather its consequences. that is, you say now. about the same thing, in fact, that there is a direct connection between russian culture, the great russian culture, as they call it, and that specific one, where you can read it, where, where we see what, what, what there are i don't know what to call it
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deviations in the russian worldview, in their moral one, you have to read the whole russian cult, all the russian classical literature, which was read in a strange way, in... so, don't say that we weren't warned, i apologize for the russian language now, but i i will read a few lines in the original , one of the most outstanding russian poets , alexander blok, whom they are proud of, so, therefore, he threatens europe, the west, threatens the scythians, the scythians, with slanting eyes and greedy eyes, both they and these scythians will come to europe and watch yours crack spine in our bear's paws, and don't say that you weren't warned, i.e. dehumanism in these lines, dehumanism in those threats of pushkin there, say, about... before the polish uprising, i.e. this is all about the adoption
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of russian literature as literature empire , a threat, expansion, threats , it must be read, it must be explained, because western russian studies simply did not want to see it, and the phenomenon of the great russian culture, as they call it, was such a measure, well, for export, a phenomenon that they made an image for themselves. and then we were nazis and barbarians, we were anti-semites, they were such humanists, so on the one hand we have to expose their narratives, we have to see in all their classic novels, without exception, we will see anti-western, anti-european tendencies, russia russian culture, the russian narrative has always been anti-western, anti-european, e. in ukraine, the windows to europe have never been cut; here, my favorite poet mykola
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zerov once said, we have sprouts of european culture sprouted through thousands of crevices , through millions of crevices all the time, we are that one, how should i say it, the landing party from the professors of the kyiv-maghyla academy, who went at the call of peter the great at the beginning of the 18th century to cut down... to europe, here they actually are created this european image under the russian empire, and now we have to work with it, we created it, we have to debunk it, without this we will never be understood as a player in the political field, this is on the one hand, on the other hand, so russia threatened us , russia threatened you, i say once again, pushkin, lermontov, dostoevsky, block. these are the first names of russian literature, and all of them are simply filled with hatred for the west and europe, we
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have never had this narrative, therefore, on the one hand, to demonstrate, deconstruct, show this anti-western, actual hatred of the west, this is the easiest thing to say, on the other hand on the other hand, we have to show our literature, our culture, we are talking now with the professor of literary studies. but i want to touch very briefly, perhaps, but touch on the topic of navalny's death, in this way context, which may be interesting to you, i read that the nobel laureate is different, i was just mentioning ours, oleksandr matviychuk, and the belarusian nobel laureate, svitlana alexievich, gave an interview to the nasha niva publication, i don't know what it is, where she said that navalny's assassination revealed. opened the abyss of the dictator's permissiveness
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to the whole world, and now the world will understand that putin, like hitler, is capable of bringing a world war to the world, that is, once again, two years of war, 800 mines, at least died only in mariupol of the civilian population, raped women , murdered and shot children's writers, and yesterday's death, where did the death of navalny suddenly come from... the position of svitlana oleksievich, well , is often incomprehensible to me, she could speak much more with her authority as a nobel laureate, but i now it’s not about that, i’m also terribly outraged, well, not even what outrages, but this is such, you know, such a painful shame for all of them, if you like, shame for european intellectuals as such, so why navalny’s death is something unbelievable, it's just another murder. in today's russia, in the end, we must not forget that navalny was a supporter of this war,
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navalny spoke out, supported this war, what we are talking about, we are talking about the fact that this murder is more important than the dead ukrainian children, this murder is more important than the death of our defenseless prisoners , it's like this - you see, speaking very globally, we see how this... liberal democracy is not able to accept challenges, it can be seen on the example of the un, it can be seen on the example of many european and international organizations. liberal democracy is not capable of accepting the challenge of war. they can't get out of this warm bath in which they are used to being, and it's all very tragic, because after all , there is nothing to talk about here, for svitlana oleksievich , i just have words, well, not that i'm ashamed, i'm not i accept this, this is her fault, this is her view, but this is savagery, if you like,
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but this is also evidence that a russian thought or a russian word. we can ask one more thing: svitlana oleksievich, who writes in russian, svitlana oleksievich, who does not stands now, i did not hear her voices in our defense, especially, she just left belarus and that's all, so belarusians are not players on this field at all, we are not belarusians, but the voices of our writers are also heard, and we have to talk about our values, we have to... talk about ours, our losses, it's all very tragic, i don't know how it will be, i understand, i understand that in the 21st century the empire must fall apart, but what is a short cut for history in a few decades, for our lives, this is our life, therefore, therefore yes to speak, so to ring the bells, so to speak about
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our victims, but to speak not from the position of the victim, but from the position of the country that... protects european women, believe me, well, there is an opinion that is quite widespread, in fact, that russian culture is quite secondary , that one way or another there pushkin is somewhere there an imitation of byron there, for example and so on, that is, and well, the well-known opinion of chagadayev, a russian writer, a publicist there, about this, but, but what then is the phenomenon of russian culture for the west and why they secondary culture i... culture, they perceive it as some kind of sudden discovery for themselves, russian culture, to a certain extent, is an ape of their own high russian literature does not have a baroque era, it began, well, by and large, it began with classicism from the 18th century, all the so-called ancient russian the literature that they present to the world is our kyiv literature, it is ukrainian literature, that is, in
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my education there is a course of ancient ukrainian literature and a course of ancient russian... literature, these courses had identical texts for consideration, they do not have their own ancient of literature, and then the question is why the president of russia now so persistently, so relentlessly lectures us on our history and talks about the fact that kyiv is theirs, well, kyivan rus is their territory, it is their heritage, they do not have their own the basis of ancient culture , sometimes one gets the impression that they are fighting not only for space, they are fighting for... for history, for that imperial greatness, which, without our culture, they simply do not have, they do not have the endurance that is, let's say there in the british empire, they don't have that leverage, and so they, they cling to our history, and our duty is to explain our history, our duty to mark our culture, our heritage as our own, well, what
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relationship does volodymyr monomakh have to moscow history, and... very good, it has been going on for many years , she is a little bit already a little bit comical, in fact, the russian president comes to france and tells his french colleague that anna of kyiv is what a monument is there, that this is evidence of the durability of russian-french friendship, what a relationship has a daughter of yaroslav the wise to the russian state, which was not then was in... in general, so we have to say this, we have to explain this, russian culture, russian literature, and russian culture in general, has several big names in the second half of the 19th century, this is the period, this is the period of the development of great novels, the novel is related to the empire as a genre, and so, i agree that war and peace is
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a good novel, but on these two or three names, in fact, only tolstoy and dostoevsky are two names. they did it with great efforts, great propaganda efforts and incredible money, they did on this self-image. besides, on the one hand , this is funding from moscow, this russistics all over the world, on the other hand, when russia was, when the soviet union was in a state of cold war with the west, well, russian studios were financed from the american budget, because they were , they studied the enemy, we in us. we have no other way but to go to international forums and talk, talk and talk, well , there is no other way, we have to represent our culture for... the ukrainian institute, in my opinion, does very little for this, between teams, publishing texts, translations , and this is not so much about money, of course, no, we
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cannot invest money in this right now, we are investing in weapons, but there are people, there are our friends, with whom we need to work, well, there are in slavic countries, not only in slavic countries, they need moral help so that we do this, that, after all, my book behind the scenes of the empire, a book about essays on ukrainian-russian-cultural relations, was published a few months before the beginning of this full-scale invasion, i am now being asked, are you cassandra? no i'm not cassandra it's just that i'm a historian and i understand what happened , well, this book has already been published in a polish translation, it's being published in german, an english version is being prepared, that is, what we are ready to accept now, and we must not miss this chance, we have little time left , we talk all the time about some kind of communication with the outside world. about the promotion of our culture, about affirmations and on some world arena, but what can be said about the internal situation, the same even, even
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again, the situation now with the polish border, it opened up a whole layer of problems, when people, for example, have some idea about the lyakhs, poles from a couple of lines of shevchenko's anti-polish and there is old man bulba, and it just concretely comes out somewhere in the comments on facebook. but with all this, for example , everyone knows pushkin for sure, everyone , at least in lukomorya, has a green oak growing in their head, but at the same time, none of them, well , very few ukrainians have read it, for example, zady, very few, this is our huge problem , again, we don't understand poles, we don't know poles, we have, by the way, we have a big one, here i today, i came to lviv, here is one example, we have a long and very good history of cultural relations with poland, poland within the last century... in the soviet years, well, the 60s, 70s, poland was for our intellectuals , for the people of bazhan, for the people of rila, it was a cultural bridge, everyone
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read the polish translations of western intellectuals there, because the poles translated, and neither we nor the russians translated, and this is our big fault, it is our fault that we do not care about , to promote it, i don't know where they all are prisoners of war who were educated by our universities , why do we have, believe me , we have written many, well, whole libraries, of books about ukrainian-russian cultural relations, we talk very little about ukrainian-polish relations, so today i will present them here in lviv, write your book about maxim rylskyi, the art of rivnovaga, just the rylskyi family, here is a brilliant example of our very good-neighborly connection with poland, because maxim rylskyi's father, tadeus rylskyi... one of the founders of our old community, one of those who brought up the generation of the ukrainian people's republic, he is the closest friend of volodymyr antonovych, hence
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the rila ukrainian, noble, right-bank family, which was polonized and then converted back to ukraine. mrs. vera, please tell me where to hear more about this book and how to get to its presentation for those who today, the presentation today will be at the ukrainian catholic university in the center. shiptytskyi at 19:00, well, everyone, please come to the presentation, who is interested, and we are very grateful to ms. vera ageeva for this conversation, and we thank everyone, in fact, who watched our segment of the telethon with us today, but i always remind you that in fact it continues, it does not end and it will be like this until the victory of ukraine, so stay tuned with the espresso tv channel, thank you for being with us. tired of heavy and bulky saws,
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12:00 pm
greetings, it's news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. our the air force shot down two russian planes at once. fighter, bomber. 34 and the su 35 fighter were eliminated in the eastern direction. these planes struck the positions of our military with guided air bombs, - noted the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine oleksandr syrskyi. meanwhile, explosions rang out in the area of ​​temporarily occupied makiivka in donetsk region.


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