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tv   [untitled]    February 19, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm EET

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and armored vehicles, and ammunition, and european countries, and the united states of america, there are considerable problems, ah, i am not talking about the fact that when they compare the needs of the ukrainian army on the battlefield in the current conditions, they themselves admit because today's european potential is not enough to cover all these needs, therefore... it is not by chance that three five-year programs for the growth and development of the defense industrial potential for the production of armored vehicles have been developed. i understand that it is important to take an argument here accuracy, effectiveness, liquidity of these weapons, but one must realize that russia will soon be in its 11th year of waging war, ah...
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it has tested most of its weapons in practice, and one can see how its industrial potential is changing , military-industrial potential. from this it must be understood that the situation that is taking place now is dangerous due to two components, it is the ability, ah, to take the first blow, and the second is the existing industrial potential to ensure the constant conduct of battles, ah, and... and it is not by chance in his analytical paper rend corporation testified at the end of last year that if the current strike is carried out by the forces of russia, and it occupies territory, then the ability to knock it out of these territories is very, very difficult, from the point of view of the presence of the potential of the european army, and there in each country the analysis is given and the fighting is shown... the potential for all absolutely
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components, which is not enough even to strike russia in a joint combination, if we talk about the lack of experience, because today it is available only in ukraine, and as all great understand that staff games, they in no way compensate for the lack of experience, especially the presence of officers, well, actually, they are not mine. chairman, so did mark miley, former chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, and a number of prominent nato officers on the issue. and tell me, mr. roman, what do you really expect from donald trump, if trump manages to gain an advantage in the presidential race, from the point of view of nato, from the point of view of relations with russia, from the point of view of security. can it really be considered that president trump is ready for some sharp turn in foreign policy? i do not see.
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such a threat, mr. vitaly, and i think that the current phraseology of trump, it is dictated to a greater extent, by the tumbleweed, in the state as a split in which he is, because being constantly under the bombardment of the courts and conducting an election campaign, it leads to an outrageous trump is in a state of such er... sometimes psychopathic statements, which are a reflection of this internal moral discomfort, i would say so. and from my point of view, this the quoting there of seven-year-old phrases that he used to say to chancellor merkel, the change of position regarding aid to israel, ukraine, and taiwan, is evidence of only tactics.
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the current situation regarding global changes , firstly, he will not make these decisions alone, and secondly, as bolton wrote in his famous book, well, trump can say one thing, but the system will do something completely different, so in i don't have the kind of warnings that many european leaders are writing about and talking about, firstly, secondly, trump has a complex. in his time he passed very well a serious school, the new york military academy, where a man was carved out of him, as his mother said, because his father simply sent him, forcibly sent him to the academy, after he got into, as written in the biography, met with life's difficulties, that is from here he understands very well, and he even has such a reflection on the military...
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and as you can see from his biographical data, and when we talk about metis or milli, he always gave in in this regard. communicating with representatives of the american generals and so on, that's why once again, i do not see, i say, any such steps of his, which would lead to problems within nato, or a reduction in aid to ukraine, israel, taiwan, because for the united states of america these are their interests, and not just some regional or local ones war when you hear from russian officials that they are ready to end the war, as long as they give back the occupied territories , putin, lavrov, and medveev have already talked about this , by the way, in fact, today he said that no, if not the borders of 91- th year, then a nuclear war. how seriously do you take all these suggestions? vitaliy, well, pay attention,
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even when carlson asked a question about whether the führer would be satisfied with the current situation, he was ... confused by this question, that is , in fact, he is interested, as it is true, i already jumped out of my head, someone from the europeans said, and this is huysden, in my opinion, he said, the restoration of the territorial greatness of the russian empire, and from my point of view , such psychopathic figures as ivan the terrible, joseph stalin have been bothering him for a long, long time, he has been trying them on for a long, long time papahu, it is not by chance that he so falls into historical parallels and historical idiocy, i would say, from the point of view of interpreting many provisions of history, and these theses that
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he is capable of some kind of treaties there, it is very clear how his , who run around him, broadcast it, at least, pay attention to the interview of ne benzi or... the interview of mister lavrov, which is being shown now, these are all people who reveal the possible consequences, the essence of which comes down to that we will not stop there, so the topic that some are talking about is now, what does it mean through karoson was given congratulations on conducting negotiations, and there it was directly stated that let's negotiate, and i think that... that this is only a tactical step, because as svechyn, oleksii andriyovych wrote, war, and no, no, this is lao, according to - to me, that war is first of all the art of lying, thank you, mr. roman,
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roman bezsmertny, politician, diplomat, former ambassador of the ukrainian state to the republic of belarus, we were in touch, we are going to break with you for a few minutes, but please do not switch. there are still many important things to come interesting conversations there are discounts on hepargin of 10% in the psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. and what do you think about lakal fix? fixes reliably, my dentist advised me. yes, and particles of food do not get under the prosthesis, and the price is good, the right choice for my pension. lacalot fix is ​​a new cream for extra strong fixation. prostheses and healthy gums, so your choice is otfix, meet the new product, a bargain package of 70 g. turn on the heart-warming investigation, the new chapter of the hbo series is already on mego, a real detective, find out
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here you get support, advice and real friends. together we support each other, share useful information and learn new things. together, we grow. join us, become part of ours family, enable me ukraine. with the support of national. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other
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cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: us boring because there is nothing to fight about. let's make it up. they help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and us. politclub every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what a world he dreams of, mr. norman, we can imagine. all this in an informational marathon. mykola in september , saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. at espresso.
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greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the serpent himself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live drone attacks, kamikaze. political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest spots. front shot freedom life frankly and impartially, you draw your own conclusions. we continue the politclub program on the espresso tv channel, with you vitaly portnikov, our interlocutor kilya ponomarov, a russian oppositionist, former deputy of the state duma of the russian federation. congratulations, mr. elya. good evening. well, it's been a while. we know about the death in the colony in the yamalonets autonomous district, about
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the murder, with a large score in this colony , of the russian oppositionist alexei navalny, but no one has seen navalny's body until now, and this is also another such a strange moment in this tragic story, what do you think, why there is absolutely no evidence of the information reported by the russian authorities? well , look, of course, i called it a political assassination from the very beginning. uh, because in any way, well, the primary source of this was the poisoning of the police, then there were already 27 cases when he was put in schizo, he starved, and in the end he was transferred to this colony behind the arctic circle, and of course, precisely because of this, well, of course it's murder, but i still believed that it was... from a medical point of view , it was an accident and, well, the body just didn't
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recovered, but now because of everything that is happening to the body, well, there are more and more reasons to think that it is actually a full-fledged murder, and there are already witnesses who say that the day before his death, or rather the night before his death, there certain people were there. who came to the colony, and that it was very unusual for those who sat there, well, i believe that now the fact that the bodies are being released... they are probably trying to hide something, and what is the point of destroying them before the presidential elections in russia oleksiy navalny, can you explain to me the logic of regime, and there is no logic here, that is, probably, if such a decision was received in the kremlin, then it was received there some time ago, and it was said, well, let’s
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do it there, and well, when they could, then they were able . that is, i had one source in russia who said even when he was being transferred to the yumaline district that this was done precisely in order to kill him, and one person even said that he had already been killed and that they were simply hiding it in this way , but we know that the lawyers said that they were his seen, seen alive, well, that's how it happened, why? in general, do you think that the russian regime needed such a multi-year marathon, i would say, the crackdown on navalny, and arrests, then with permits to leave prison, and with conditional sentences, then with permits to engage in some public activities, then with the opportunity to run for mayor of moscow, then with a disallowance
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to run for office, then with poisoning, then with permission to be treated, what was it all about? well, here it is actually all clear, because at first the russian regime always tries buy a person, only then kill him, and somehow put him under control, well , navalny cooperated there with igor sechin regarding the information he made public, there regarding medvedev, there seagulls, and even regarding this palace. about which he spoke, which is on the black sea, uh, well, the source of all this was igor sechin's entourage, and that is where such a very famous general of fiactists is located. well, i think that probably, at first the kremlin thought that it was a certain means of controlling him,
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then they realized that it was not, they gave him the opportunity stay in... the west, because they believe that if you are in the west, then it is not so dangerous inside, but he refused, and maybe they put pressure on him there, the same sechan, to return, probably even gave him there are certain guarantees regarding his return, well, but then he existed more as such a hostage, now, when talks are already starting in the international environment that... it is necessary to change mr. putin, then of course any alternatives need to be destroyed. and explain to me, please, why ihor sechyn was there is it necessary to provide navalny with information of such critical importance to the regime, even regarding the corruption of putin himself? well, this mode has a lot of towers and they all fight
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with each other, one with the other. and the struggle there is very, very severe, and if you look at these people, about whom mr. navalny wrote, they are all enemies of igor sechin, that is, everything here is quite clear, actually. if we talk about the opposition potential in russia, you saw these actions, i don't even know if you can call them protests or actions perpetuation after the death of oleksiy navalny, don't you think that now people are simply massively frightened by the regime under which they live, and only a few can express, well, at least some semblance of civil protest? well, look, first of all navalny's electorate, his
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supporters, they look at what fbk tells them. er, and fbk always told them: "let's go there with flashlights, let's go there with white balls, let's go there with something else, but there is no armed protest there, no such real struggle, and of course, they now they are treating this, and fbk did not say anything, he did not call for any protest actions, which..." also, i don't like it very much, i suggested to fbk from the very beginning, let's do something, as a joint action, together, the opposition action that we support , well, but the initiative should have been theirs , well, in the end, we need to understand that the only, well, real opposition, is the opposition
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that holds weapons, and now there is a legion of freedom of russia and others russian units, this is a partisan movement, and theirs is navalny and his people have always criticized, in your opinion, navalnyi was, in principle... a political figure, it could be more accurately classified as such civil activists, corruption fighters, abusers of the regime, but not as people who were engaged in such classic political activity, then it will be easier to analyze all this, well, for me he was not a journalist, an investigator who tried to become a politician, but for the vast majority of opinionated citizens. he was a politician, but well, as far as i'm concerned, well, a politician, this is a person who not only suffers and emphasizes his own suffering, who fights
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for power, and again for power, someone who is now fighting, only those who hold weapons, well, on the one hand, navalny was the heir to this tradition, stories about the corrupt abuse of power by boris nimtsov. after the presidential elections in russia, how important is this stage for putin? well, i think that this is a formality, because the so-called elections are not the source of putin's legitimacy, the question here is what will the international community think about it, i believe that it was very important today when president zelenskyy addressed the international leaders at the munich conference and said that let's stop calling putin the president, let's deny him legitimacy after march, let's not
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be afraid regime change in russia, and this is very important, this is now what needs to be done externally in the russian federation, and of course , support these people who are armed again. people who can actually change this government, to what extent is the west ready to not recognize putin as a legitimate leader, let's say a week ago it was not ready, well, that is, there was a call from pare, we have already discussed this call many times from the executive power there with the ministry of foreign affairs of poland. the baltic countries, there are several other countries, but even these our first, first-rate allies, even they
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hesitated, and there were united outfits, all others, well, they were quite far from it, but now after the death of navalny, well, who knows, i guess they will take such a step, that is, the death of navalny can be such a... con precisely from the point of view of understanding the legitimacy of power in russia? well, i believe that it is likely, and it should be used in this sense. i believe the hesitation has begun. and tell me, please, how do you evaluate this whole story with zanodezhdin's signatures, do you see some social resonance in it, or is it just such a case. well, look, there is certainly a resonance. well, because a lot of people actually signed up, but it's a vain hope, it's just people, they 're afraid to actually do something there, and they
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think that it's relatively dangerous, but in my opinion it is even more dangerous if you throw a molotov cocktail there, because you can run away with a molotov cocktail, here you put your signature and... the fsb sees it, that is, you have already voluntarily shown that you are opposed to this government, well, i i believe that it was a mistake from the very beginning, we, as a group of people's deputies, talked about it, but navalny, khadarkovskiy, many others, for them it was a safer method of struggle, well, maybe people just don't realize that as far as i would say, well... the federal system is now global security services in the russian federation, to the extent that these people are not going to give anyone even the slightest oppositional position, even such, i would say,
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a civil oppositional position. you just sign somewhere there, well, they just don't think about it, look, when sociologists call russians now, they are afraid even then, but for some reason they think that when a sociologist called them on their phone number, that's when you have to think about what they are identified, and when they signed this call to register en masse navalny's hope. what is it, that it is somehow safer, they simply, simply do not understand it, unfortunately, and why? in russia there is already experience, i said, of this surveillance of everyone by everyone, i cannot answer you on this question, from my point of view, it is obvious from the very beginning, and when all this was over, even this volodymyr solovyov, he ka...
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on the air, there, thank you, mr. nadezhdin, there, you should be awarded an order for the fact that you sent 200 thousand opposition-minded russians to us there, well, well, what can be added to that, they even talk about it themselves, and by the way , if we talk about abroad, here is the fact that now russian diplomats are hunting for russian actors, emigrants, disrupting their concerts, even trying to arrest them so that they will be extradited to russia, what is it at all, it is so schizophrenia begins, or an attempt to scare everyone? and everywhere, that's how to scare, i think they didn't count on the fact that they would be able to capture b2 musicians there, and even if they did capture someone, well, it would be their drummer there, or someone else, but no no not singers but how to make sure that others do not go there with
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tours and... thus do not communicate with the russians, do not tell them about their anti-war position, well, they will be pressed for this, i believe that even the b2 themselves will now be much more cautious from the point of view tours, when they go there to the united states, everything will be fine, but the number of russians in the united states is much less than there at the time. whether in thailand or somewhere in indonesia, and it is dangerous there, that is, they actually cut off communication zones, as it used to be in the soviet times so that white emigrants do not communicate with good people, ours, just like that, just like that, it’s just a way of isolation, and the logic behind navalny’s murder is the same, you also said that how long did it last, well, because every time it is a reminder that it is
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a danger. we had the state duma of the russian federation on the air, but we are not finishing our program, we will only take a break now for a couple of minutes, please stay with us, and we will continue with a lot of serious and interesting conversations ahead. tired of heavy and of bulky saws. the strong saw from razpak tv is just for you. with it, you can easily cut trees and bushes. it is so convenient to use it for carpentry work - it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from 1499 uah a reliable battery is also included. just call now and order. there is an opportunity
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