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tv   [untitled]    February 19, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EET

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they already say that it's another question. we will pass the floor to anna eva melnyk, who managed to prepare fresh and relevant information for you with the news editor. annoyeva, we congratulate you, we are glad to see you, and we pass on the word, tell us what will be discussed in this issue. good afternoon, colleagues, armenia is not an ally of russia in the war. how did the kremlin react to such a statement by prime minister pashinyan, how and to whom you can write a letter as part of the campaign. letters to a free crimea, well, i will start this issue with the president's trip to the kupinsky area. be with us. in hot spots, president zelenskyi visited our advanced positions. troops in
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the kupinsky direction. during the trip, the head of state visited the battalion command post of the 14th separate mechanized brigade. i talked with the commander about the situation on this part of the front and the provision of units with equipment and ammunition. volodymyr zelenskyi also presented awards to the soldiers, the order of the golden star and the title of hero of ukraine were awarded to colonel oleg apostol. and the award is the cross of military merit colonel oleksandr luce explosions occurred in kropyvnytskyi during the last air raid, according to the head of the regional military administration andrii raykovych, there were no casualties or damage. he did not provide more details. the su-35 pilot drifts face down into the water in the sea of ​​azov. this is exactly what the russian rescuers wrote about the results of the work of the ukrainian air force during their summer. according to
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the information of commander mykola oleschuk. ours continue to work. one of the enemy fighters fell into the sea, the other is still being sought. i will note today, the ukrainian defenders of the sky shot down the su-34 and su-35 of the muscovites. and in general, the putinists have already lost six aircraft in recent days. habitsu d-30 armored car and four, three trucks. so many enemy targets were destroyed just in the past. a week in kherson region. also , our defense forces continue to eliminate the occupiers and inflicted fire damage on their shelters, the state border service reported. espresso tv channel continues the collection of fpv drones for a separate platoon of unmanned air systems of the state falconry special transport service. these courageous soldiers are actively fighting in the donetsk direction, restraining and attacking the enemy.
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thanks to drones, they successfully destroy a lot of russian equipment, fortifications and manpower . so we have a goal - to collect uah 1 million for flying weapons. the best investment in our freedom is a donation to the armed forces. well, i really wanted to leave ukraine. at one of the checkpoints with slovakia. the man tried to bribe the border guard, showed them documents on accompanying a person with disabilities and a deposit. 1000 € in the passport, so that 100% will be released. after checking, law enforcement officers found that this person is not the first time trying to cross the border and using fake documents. border guards warned of criminal liability and called the police. just let go, i'll come. i am purely human. if so , what do you want to agree on? that you just close your eyes to it now and leave. well, do you understand what it is? provide for
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criminal liability, well, i don't know these processes, i'm sorry, it's as if giving an undue advantage. saldo blessed the fake referendum of the enemy, the ex-abbot kherson diocese received suspicion from the sbu. a supporter of moscow hid on the temporarily occupied left bank and supported the russian invaders, according to the investigation, he entered gauleiter saldo's inner circle. becoming his spiritual mentor. during the sermons, he blessed the illegal referendum on the accession of the kherson region to the aggressor country, for switching to the side of the occupiers, the property of the ukrtelecom company and local businessmen captured there was transferred to him. currently, measures are being taken to find the perpetrator and bring him to justice responsibility armenia is not an ally of russia in the war with ukraine. the statement was made by
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the prime minister of the country, nikol pashinyan. according to him , armenia recognizes the almaty convention, which stated the independence of the republic with certain conditions. after the collapse of the soviet union. also, the people of armenia support the ukrainians in their struggle - added pashinyan. the kremlin has already reacted to these words. putin's press secretary dmitry piskov noted that pashinyan's position is not a secret for them, and they do not agree with it and will persistently explain their rightness. the harbinger of the oscar, the film 20 days in mariupol won the film award. bafta in the category of the best documentary film. the award was presented to director mystislav chernov, as well as to photojournalist yevhen maloletka and producer vasylisa stepanenko. they worked together in a city surrounded by russians in 2022 . the award ceremony took place in
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london. the film about mariupol was also nominated for the award as the best film in a foreign language. however, in this category, the tape "zona of interest." jonathan. i would like to note that this is the first bafta in the history of ukrainian cinema. it is not about us, it is about ukraine, about the people of mariupol. the day before yesterday , russia occupied avdiyivka, like many cities before it. therefore, the history of mariupol is a symbol of everything that happened, a symbol of struggle and faith. thank you for amplifying our voice and let's continue the struggle. letters to
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a free crimea. an action in support of crimean political prisoners has started in ukraine today. activists have counted 208 people who will be illegally detained by russia for the time being occupied crimea. most of them are crimean tatars, there are also residents of kherson and zaporizhzhia regions. anyone can write a letter to them. to do this, you only need to go to the website of the crimean platform and choose the person to whom you want to express words of support. the promotion will last until may 19. well, we understand that there is prison censorship, so unfortunately, it must be written in russian. well, such are the conditions, and of course less to touch on some political points, but you can talk there about what you saw today, about what you want to share with the person, there are some, well, you can even send felt-tip pens, drawings, well, anything you
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like to somehow support this person, these letters, they are a very powerful support for them, because even when he flew the children are in difficult conditions. stay in places where there is no freedom, both in the occupied crimea and on the territory of russia, but when they receive letters, they understand that the public and society in general remembers them, that they, the resistance they made before imprisonment, it was useless kyiv-2014 return, with such with the name, a street was opened in the capital. exhibition for the tenth anniversary of the revolution of dignity, our correspondent tetyana golunova managed to see it, she is in touch with us. tanya, good afternoon, and tell me and our viewers what works you liked and who is the author of the photos. i congratulate anna
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eva, and i also congratulate our viewers of the espresso tv channel. the author of the exhibition is a photographer from belgium, jim sumkai. 10 years ago, he captured the revolution of dignity in the capital of ukraine, absolutely everyone liked his works, they are special, they were created in black and white palette, and this is symbolic of the events that took place on the maidan, because the symbols of the maidan were black smoke from burnt tires, black figures of protesters against a background of white snow, and the lens of the belgian... photographer captured the very protesters, a tent city, as well as tragic stories of farewells to fallen heroes. i will say that the organizers of the photo exhibition were the mayor's office of the belgian city of liège, the ukrainian institute of national remembrance, as well as
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the national museum of the revolution of dignity. so i i suggest now to hear the comments of the organizers of such a photo exhibition. and he just captured these moments of light and shadow, black-and-white photos, that’s for sure this picture was in those days, in the days after february 20. the surrounding space looked black and white, on the one hand the joy of this first victory, and on the other hand , sadness for the dead protesters and the unknown that awaited ukraine ahead. this exhibition is important because the photographer is belgian and ukrainian-belgian relations are very important, especially now that belgium presides over the european union, and also wanted to emphasize that the exhibition is not only in ukraine, it will also be in brussels, it will be seen by belgians and europeans. guests of the european parliament, because that is where it will also be located. well, i will say that
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an expanded version of such an exhibition is planned in the protest art gallery of the maidan museum in kyiv. and the street exhibition is open to everyone and will last until april 21. i have all the information now, so anna eve, i'm handing the ether over to you. thank you. thank you for the work information, tetyana golunova from the capital, about the start of the kyiv 2014 exhibition, returning to the 10th anniversary of the revolution of dignity. on this i tell you, see you at 4 p.m., you can always read more about important things on our website esreso tv, also subscribe to our channels on social networks, stay close. well, our fighters were able to stabilize the situation
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in the avdiiv direction, the fighting there has somewhat reduced the level of intensity, although the enemy is trying to advance, said the press officer of the third separate assault brigade oleksandr borodin. according to the press officer of the third separate assault brigade, it is on the defensive in a stable defense, but the russian invaders are trying to advance, but it is not possible. can be compared to what happened in the city, the front has stabilized, we are in our area of ​​responsibility, in the meantime, we will add andrii veselovsky, ukrainian diplomat, extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador, adviser to the director of the national institute of strategic studies, to our broadcast. mr. andriy, welcome to the espresso airwaves, glory to ukraine, glory to mutual heroes. so, we understand that just now, literally, my colleague antin read that the situation near avdiivka has stabilized, but we understand that in general... what happened in avdiivka might not have happened if our western partners had not delayed their help.
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and in fact, we already heard such similar statements during the days of the munich security conference, when it was said that ukraine now, more than ever , needs support from its partners and allies, who are delaying this, moreover, they are now focused on what will happen if donald trump wins the elections in november and, accordingly, worries about his own... i would like you to evaluate the munich security conference in general by its messages, whether ukraine heard the messages it needed in terms of the fact that the world and western allies are ready to provide us quickly and all the necessary help that we need, and are there any prerequisites to believe that the world has really already understood what threat it is dealing with? the world is a complex issue, the world is diverse. and we will still get to the world, let's start with munich
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conferences, it is a very convenient way for leaders and leading political groups, not only european, but also of the whole world to meet and feel the situation and hear arguments, that is, it is not a place where they come and sign documents or whatnot. some breakthroughs and so on, this is the place where arguments meet and where the contours of future decisions are developed, and now these decisions are being implemented, well, in particular, today there is a message that the united states is considering the issue of providing ukraine with long-range ballistic missiles. well, is it direct result? it is difficult to say about the arguments that were made in munich, but
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we do not rule them out, the rhetoric regarding the provision of taurus missiles by germany has also changed, it has become, let's say, not the same as it once was, now there are other issues, but it became more specific, that's what the munich security conference is, no doubt. president zelenskyi's speech was also important, and yesterday's ukrainian breakfast, at which they expressed their opinions, was also important. today's leaders of the western world, eh, the problem still lies in because the ukrainian conflict, the struggle , the aggression of the russian federation is not the only problem in today's world, but what is happening in the middle east, israel against the gas sector, uh, against hamas, this is not
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just worrying, it is disturbing, eh... tens of millions, hundreds of millions of people, in particular the arab population and muslims all over the world, eh, let's not forget about the problem created by the houthis, actually not the houthis, but their patrons from iran, this is a blow to the world economy, in particular to the fuel economy resources, oil, the red sea is under threat closure, i.e. all this... was discussed together there at the munich security conference, and whether the democratic world, the democratic world has the resources and the political will, i.e. the readiness to act, will be able to deal with this seriously, we do not
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know today, we would very much like that to happen, we are witnessing that the speech of the vice president, vice president, er, of the united states at the munich conference was, to put it mildly, sluggish, generic, er, we see , that some countries clearly articulate not only a realistic vision, but also the measures that must be taken in order to stop... the slide of the world into a nuclear confrontation, for this it is necessary to stop the russian federation today and not give it a chance to advance. the situation near avdiyivka , as you just said, has stabilized, but near zaporizhzhia it has worsened, near kupyansk too,
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so all this is extremely important, because until... uh, those who influence the decision will not hear the arguments and will not draw conclusions , er, there will be no change. well, another very good marker is today's meeting, er, ministers of foreign affairs of the european union. adding fuel to the fire was the recent assassination of alexei navalny, a leading opponent. vladimir putin, and that is why his wife is invited to this meeting, and she will speak there, and from our, from the ukrainian point of view, this is good, it will add realism to the heads of those who still doubt who putin is, and is it possible to watch him in the eyes, can these eyes, i 'm sorry, be removed by some surgical
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method. mr. ambassador, accordingly, ukraine has signed a number of bilateral agreements. safe agreements, so we understand that perhaps they have a little less force than in some stronger treaties, well, but in any case, the process went france, germany, great britain and further down the list, in your opinion, in what configuration will these bilateral security agreements and what we should expect from them, let's call them what they are called, cooperation agreements. in the field of defense, or defense, in the field of defense, actually, this is a kind of ramstein, multiplied in assortment, it is said that each of the states, having thoroughly analyzed its security and defense capabilities, having analyzed
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the depth of support of ukraine by its political community. taking into account that ukraine is gaining membership in the eu, and the process is ongoing, and it will not stop, each of these countries laid out their own, their own vision of those steps, both financial, organizational, and economic, in which way they can strengthen the security of this ukraine , and that of the future ukraine. eh, what does it mean to strengthen security? our market, in general, the ukrainian market, and in particular the defense market was, let's say... yes, a remnant of the soviet defense and industrial complex, as legally, as well as organizationally, in
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order for us to be able to produce our own weapons, either on our territory or temporarily on someone else's, we had to change a lot internally, and then, the countries that sign these defense agreements with us, can fully cooperate with us. this is the first very important point, the second is what i would call the political commitments of the signatory countries, i.e. the entire political body of britain, the entire political body of france and germany, which clearly states that strengthening the defense and security of ukraine is in their interest , is in their direct interest, it really is, we know it and we have been saying it for two years. because ukraine will fall , what will happen to europe, where will putin move next , it is clear to everyone, but from the fact that it is
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clear to everyone, and sometimes it is said, as on television channels, to fixing it on paper is an important step, politicians must oblige to contact, and he obliged, the most difficult question. in the united states, uh, we know it's an election year there, and so how can such a national politician, uh, not be felt or seen, uh, so, uh, there working out such an agreement is more difficult and longer, but we hope that the impression of those senators, congressmen who recently visited kyiv, and those who were at the munich security... conference, and they are now returning home, will be sufficiently measured and concrete in order to change the situation in the congress and in order for aid
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to ukraine to be voted. mr. andriy, i would like to clarify with you about the fact that you yourself have already approached the topic of america, mike johnson, speaker of the house of representatives, as it turned out newsweek wrote that in 18-18 received money from the election campaign from a company that is 88% owned by three russians, and actually this information for some reason, well, let's say this, was not made public for a long time and at least not so much attention was paid to it, but now, when we see a certain sequence of certain actions in the united states, and in fact what is happening in congress, we understand that mike johnson, most likely, if he does not put the issue of support for ukraine to a vote, he can probably lose his position , at least as the procedure exists as you do you think this procedure will be applied in the near future and whether this process of receiving money from the russians can somehow
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speed up this procedure? i'm not a fan of conspiracy theories, but it's hard for me to think that johnson was made speaker knowing he was getting money from this company and that it was such a far-fetched move. alas, american, russian capital is present in the states and it is spread, and we know how many russian spies are not caught, recently, it does not decrease, regarding johnson's position on ukraine, it depends on trump's position on ukraine, if trump needs to continue parasitizing on the topic. russia's war against ukraine and, in particular, on ukraine as a state further on during his election campaign, then he will do it and accordingly johnson will
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obey him. if trump decides to change the topic and move ukraine to the side somewhere, and this is also possible, then johnson's position will change. why trump can change his... position, because he is now very difficult due to the latest lawsuits against him, he owes the american state 350 million dollars according to the decision of the new york court, and he may lose the right to run for the presidency, so he may not be able to do that now. perhaps, in order to divert attention from his legal problems, he will change his position on ukraine a little, and actually.
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the last one, i already said that a large group of american legislators recently visited europe and ukraine, and there are also in the states themselves, those people who have understood more deeply, i still look with some optimism at the adoption of resolution, which would provide ukraine with financial support and weapons, most importantly, it will not happen tomorrow, that is, it will not happen before the middle of march, but it may happen, the amount may be less, but it may happen. thank you, mr. andrii, we have to finish , unfortunately, airtime is running out. andrii vasylovskyi, ukrainian diplomat, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary, adviser, director of the national institute of strategic studies was at eterispress, and
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mr. andrii actually mentioned what will happen today. ministers of foreign affairs of the eu brussels and under the chairmanship of the high representative for foreign affairs and security josep burel at 18 , a press conference of the eu high representative for foreign affairs borel is planned after the meeting with the heads of foreign affairs of the european union . streaming is available. we will now go on a short break and after that we will return to our airwaves literally. in four minutes , petro andryushchenko, adviser to the mayor of mariupol, will be joining us online in our studio, today it was restless near mariupol , there were explosions, what happened there, what consequences did the occupiers suffer, we will talk about all this with mr. peter, so please wait, you want to wake up rested and full of strength, but the old mattress constantly hurts the whole body, on sofas
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