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tv   [untitled]    February 19, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EET

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collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests - foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express yours opinion on the evil of the day by means of a telephone survey. turn on and turn on. the verdict from every day on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso. well, petro andryushchenko, adviser to the mayor of mariupol, is in touch with us. glory to ukraine, mr. peter. we welcome you. well, you read, or rather, heard the cry, the cry of your sick soul, in particular, when it comes to the need to build additional fortifications, dig in, concrete.
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which are concrete, concrete and tractors. this is an extremely important formula that you voiced. why do i say you voiced her? because our military also shouted, people who understand what, so to speak, scenarios are possible in certain areas of the russian-ukrainian front. yes, and the second and third lines of defense, after all, will never hurt. what exactly led you to this extremely tough post, so to speak, and in general, in what way do you think there would be... a way to reinvigorate the construction of really serious, extremely serious lines of defense? you know, let's get straight from the scripts, yes, not from that, and let's get to what, it's because we we have to really dig, and what should we do, well , first of all , our deputy corps should do their homework here, no matter how cool it is, that is , there is a certain number of issues, they are known since mariupol, starting first from the 14th year, and then a year after year, i can call them.
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with which the local administration also struggled , first of all the military, when they start, these are my fields, this is my land, i will not allow digging here, and even today it will be very difficult to explain, relatively speaking, to some farmer in the dnipropetrovsk region or in the poltava region or in the volyn region about the fact that it is necessary to dig a dugout on the ground, for example, for this there should be a toolkit that should be in the hands of the military and the military civilian leadership, which should... be responsible for the construction of these defense structures, this firstly, secondly, again, let's remember who should build and how should build, and especially against the background of all this history surrounding the mobilization, which for some reason is rising in our country, was not understood long before the victory, then someone has again, to dig is to cover the physical, it is also a language it's about specialists, that is, i can , for example, dig with a shovel, yes, but it's definitely not efficient, there must be excavators, there must be... a certain set of specialties
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who have to do it, relatively speaking, for years and who has to do with it lead, and are we sure if they are ready, and our engineering troops are in a state of readiness to cover this entire line of defense that we have to build, that is , this is already a question, well, relatively speaking, for our country's leadership, for the military political, in order to realize these goals and how where to get this equipment, how to get this equipment, well, for example, at enterprises, yes, how is it? or take there for a certain period of time, there should be or take leasing, maybe somehow there , i don’t know, adjust our legislation regarding the import of heavy equipment, excavators, bulldozers and so on, in particular, why not, and this would be a normal decision in that number, yes , that is, when we understand what challenges we face, well, it immediately becomes clear how to solve them, of course, there the president should not talk about excavators, but about systems air defense, but someone should... ask for excavators,
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if we don't have enough of them, relatively speaking, and why exactly? well, let's look at avvidka, let's look at marinka , let's look at the risks, i just know how... we were hiding in the donetsk region and fortunately it turned out that we can leave, but we have, well, relatively speaking, an operational space opens up there a little further, and from avdiivka, and after marinka, we do not understand where they will go and where they are going to reach, and here it is not a matter of raising some well a panicky mood or something else around this, but these are reasonable things, on the other hand, we look at what the russians are doing around mariupol, here and there they are sure that... russia is here forever, and they are digging, almost today, but they recorded a very an interesting thing, they were once again transporting their motlakh there by military transport, and together with motlakh , this concrete mixer was driving behind them, yes, this concrete mixer, relatively speaking, that is, once again they are digging somewhere, they do not stop, and while
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i repeat, they do not expect a quick offensive from us today, and we have to expect that it can happen anywhere else, and we have to push back from something, our military at ground zero must know that they always have a place to retreat to in order to gain a foothold there and then to go forward, you can’t push yourself away from the abyss, we all understand that, mr. peter, look, and this is the so-called russian model of building fortifications, yes, that is, what resources did they use, maybe, well, somehow there, if it is not a secret part , it is about the analysis of the enemy activities, well, what human and technical resources were used? financial and so on , well, because they built quite quickly in the south and not only in the south, well, let's look at the construction of defense structures last year, so they entered the city first, and where did it come from, today
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there are four working in the city concrete factories, but they mostly do not supply the needs of the front , they work for civilians, one line that produced dragon's teeth, we disabled it with the guerrillas and it was stopped, but... they brought at least, if you take it that way, 10 judges who brought concrete structures for the arrangement of defense structures, this is one ship, it was about 200 tons of these defense structures, if you count it in production, in production capacity, it means that on such the front line that they are building from nikolsky there, relatively speaking berdyansk, it will be about 30 km today, we need one mini-concrete plant, which... will work 24x7 ensuring the very construction of this sites at such a distance. as for the strength of the means that they involved, these are engineering troops and partly they took equipment from agricultural enterprises, well, so they left ours and agrarians, conditionally
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speaking, it is not possible, well, i will not say that it is a very large resource, conditionally speaking, the same line they were digging there, well, i don't know five or seven excavators, it's just that again they were digging 24x7, and well... were people working at the same time, well, again , with what to compare, yes, that is, the resource is needed, that's a clear thing, it's necessary evaluate the risks and from something well start, well at least, but well don't play this game that it can't be, that it can't be, you know, because anything can happen and we have to be ready for any scenario, that can develop, yes, mr. peter, we agree with you, but we would also like to ask you about today's situation, we know that... in the upole region , the air force of our armed forces of ukraine today landed su-35 and su-34 - about the su-34, we do not know for sure what is happening there, but with the su-35, we most likely do not everything is so good. at least from the footage you published on your official telegram
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channel, we can see that the drying vessel ended up in the sea and the russians somehow tried to get this drying vessel out of there. what happened this morning with this su-35, do you know how much. did they manage to successfully extract it and how many russian pilots in this su-35 together with this su-35 drowned in the sea? well, they are still looking, by the way, our turrets were still flying, well, i can see there from afar, there are not just pilots there anymore, i understand that there was something else there, well, they are trying to get something out of constantly, but we will see how successful it is, as far as the air force reports, then there is at least one canvas already feeding fish. of ours in the sea of ​​azov , then we will see what will happen next, in general , a wonderful thing happened, that is, these planes, they came from primorye, akhtarsk, judging by everything, well, that is, from that direction, from the direction of yetska, they reached the lines in the direction donetsk, they launched, apparently they were returning on the reverse course, at least
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one plane was shot down, and they saw it , they saw it fall, fall in our area village of rybatske, as i understand it, there was such news that little... he even believed, if it were not for our eyes, which we all trust, absolutely, which are actually engaged in observing what is happening in the air with the air forces of the russian federation, then i probably wouldn't have believed it myself, but this is good news for everyone, i.e. minus 35 degrees celsius, minus the pilots, i think that no one survived there, but, well, you already told the russians that everything is fine there , still looking for, well, the search operation is in progress, and well, there are a few more things related to this that we can talk about, yes there discredited, it is a whole series, in particular propaganda channels, which immediately began to say that we are lying, that there is nothing more, it is just a successful work of the russian air defense forces, and yes, we also have crosses there. in pluses on small victories, which are, well, tangential
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, besides, believe me, today we receive so much information about the location of the occupiers in mariupol and around the mariupol district, it always happens like this, after every cotton field, after every successful operation, that our armed forces will have something to work on, and the air force, and defense forces, and there will be a place to fly there, so this is absolutely great news, this is the second plane, by the way, confirmed, which has already been shot down... near mariupol, the russians are constantly trying to tell that it is friendly fire, that they themselves shot down their plane with the second one in a row, well, it sounds strange even now, if the first such thing could still happen, then the second, well, excuse me, it means that our air force has something and found a way to neutralize such enemy aircraft at such a distance from the front line, on the last, for the last, mr. peter, i would like to ask you what is happening now in the ughledar direction and near maryanka, right? we understand that all the attention was focused on avdiyivka, on kupinsk and lyman, but
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, but, but, little by little, they are starting to press, it cannot be said that they are pressuring there like, for example, yesterday they tried on the robot, but to advance there , but they are starting to tighten up, they pulled up resources over the weekend, we can also see it, so we are sure that now they, well, if they don’t go, they will try , they will try in all areas of the front, it is clear where they will try where they will succeed, there... maximum efforts will be made in addition to that, but with the uglydar it is really a nuance, because now they can attack from the south and from the north at the same time, these are certain threats for the uglydar, but then again , i am sure that our defense strength - firstly , they see, secondly, i am sure that ours and you , who have to dig, yes, the military, civil administration of the region, and i just know it from the first day of the war, they started digging there, in particular, so i hope that with the coal-fired we'll be fine because uglodar... it's not even a widow, it's really a key point, which is the key, at least the russians
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look at it as the key to solving logistical issues, both in the donetsk region and in the zaporizhia region, also, first of all, something related to the railway, so let's hope that nothing happens to them there it will succeed, if you remember, they have already tried, suffered great losses, rolled back, now they are trying so point by point, but mostly our little ones are advancing there, each time so far. vave this wave, while the widow was walking, and we really didn’t keep a close eye on the coal-burner, every big attempt by the russians there progress led to the fact that, well , at least the gray zone increased a little in our favor, so we hope that it will continue to be so. thank you, mr. peter, petro andryushchenko, adviser to the mayor of mariupol, was on the air of espresso and informed us about the situation that is happening now at the front, also what happened near mariupol this morning, the successful work of our anti-aircraft. defense of our air forces and we thank them for such good news, but now we
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have a small break planned and after it we will add akhtem cheygoz to our air, people's deputy of ukraine and deputy chairman of the mejlis of the crimean tatar people, so wait for it to turn on on the espresso tv channel, a few minutes and we 'll be back. tired of heavy and bulky saws. then pilka strong from razpak tv is just for you. with it you can easily cut trees and bushes. it is so convenient to use it for carpentry. it is the perfect tool for your home or garden. and the price is only from uah 1,499. a reliable battery is also included. just call now and order. there is a possibility free delivery. check with consultants, cut branches, cut timber, chop firewood. you will do all this in one movement. from pollen. just look at how quickly it handles even thick branches once it's ready, and unlike standard saws,
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socialist republic. so. well, tomorrow we bypass the tragic date, the beginning of the invasion. of the russian military to our sovereign territory in crimea, respectively, the dates are quite symbolic and make us think in general about what happened in 2014, how much the enemy was preparing to carry out his operation to seize crimea. your word, akhtemaga. and by on the first date, i generally think that someone in khrushchev's entourage... reminded him of the story that the crimean khanate and ukraine have very rich historical ties, and that's why, when this... the russian empire destroyed our two states, as independents, yes, ours was completely destroyed, then it broke that connection, this
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is my conviction, because, due to the circumstances , we did not study our history from russian cripples, but... we were looking for our identity and our historical, our, our consequences, yes, historical, that's why i'm sure, there are many documents, and that's why i think it's not accidental, yes, there are economic, personal reasons, and something else, but this was natural, as far as the second date is concerned, then... this is another attempt to destroy already, let's say this, completely off the map ukrainian independence,
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and crimea is the beginning was, and i was surprised at the time, some of today's speakers and advisers, some of them in op, well, i'm talking about kunitsyn, for example, yes, that on the 20th... and we couldn't shout to them about the situation in crimea. very, very, very bad, i'm not talking about before, yes, that we didn't find the central government at all until the 14th year, no found her such an understanding of what we
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feel, what happened, what was and who is to blame , ahtem, yes, in your opinion, what forces, perhaps, which sat in kyiv could accompany the process of preparation for the russian... repetition in crimea, you know , this is the period of yanukovych, it was already such a clearly expressed vector of what was done there all those 20 5-26 years from the beginning of ukraine's independence, yes, that's why we are all looking for the last one, yes, who said something there. gave the order or did not give the order and we do not want to take responsibility for the fact that since 1991, e.e. to crimea in general
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there was an attitude towards such a territory , where the dangers were heard and seen more from the side of the crimean tatars than in all this pro-russian nonsense and the formation of it... or not, the strengthening and glorification of this fifth column, which was called the moscow patriarchate, yes , those pro-russian movements that were headed by, and, in principle, were naturally pro-russian, all kinds of veteran, afghan organizations, and in crimea, who headed... and was proud of this kunitz, and these are puppets who became heroes of ukraine, such as deitch, yes,
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that is, all this, all this was so oversight, it is obvious, demonstrative that crimea is moving, the fairways of russia, you don't see it, not even kuchmi. kravchuk couldn't help but see it and was playing as if not to annoy this beast , today for us it turned out to be rich in blood, that's why i wouldn't single out only yanukovych, let's say the last creature that did it. what should i have done, and what to do, we are doing, for me the liberation of crimea
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has begun, i... i have been emphasizing this since april 22 , now it has a little, this process has a little different appearance, more of such a remote, distant character, but it, in my opinion, is more tangible, yes , and more real today, and the fact that we are there... we are hitting on symbols, and this is very important, on this rotten symbol of russia, which lives, which feeds its population , here is this one, there are no brains, here is under that skull box, here is what they built there, yes, or how it was born during these several generations,
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yes, here. we hit symbols, and it is very tangible for them. akten, yes, i would like to clarify with you, it’s just that you tuned in to us on the air on february 1, when luzhny was still the head of the in his position, you and i also talked about what you talked about with zaluzhny, he said that we would liberate crimea, and now, for example, kyrylo budanov, the head of gurmo, he also says that crimea it will be easier to release than, for example, donbas. we understand that the leadership, the leadership of the armed forces has changed, yes, that is , zaluzhnyi is no longer the head, but syrskyi is, do you believe and do you think that syrskyi will continue zaluzhnyi's case regarding the return of our peninsula? well, firstly, remember, i said that zaluzhny was very cold-blooded, yes, he answered some questions, and the father now, i think, is clear to everyone, and
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uh... as for budanov, well, i think in general, this is not his parish come out every day and tell us something about strategic plans, i do not understand at all what podalyak is doing there, yes, the second aristovych, he is for me, yes, what aristovych ended up with, we can already see, and it is a shame for the authorities, and how they and the same budanov, who crushed this aristoyuch, as will come out of this, i am already. and some of their own in his opinion, he said that it was his responsibility to take this bitch and bring her to the country by the skin, yes, because it is already too much, let's say, even for budanov, and what he says there , it seems to me that one foot is already too far also on that path, but no, i would say that he is already on his way, yes, that is. there are people who
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are responsible for speaking about intentions. zaluzhny was that kind of person, a syrian, he is more like that, in my opinion, uh, a technician, a practitioner, and i don’t think he will say anything strategically, but i know the opinion and the statement of the minister of defense, i know that if someone in the op or in the circle of the president... had not spoken about crimea, it had already become such an obviously strategic opinion, because crimea is the beginning of the destruction of that, well, as they say now, the needle is there where in the egg, yes, this is in crimea, so this is the way, it will not change.
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and this is clear, and our partners clearly understand, and we all already have a consensus on this, yes, but to expect that it will be such a breakthrough as we saw at the beginning of a full-scale full-scale war, april, may, summer on the 22nd, i don't think so, but for... thank you, unfortunately we have to let you go, akhtem chaygos, people's deputy of ukraine, deputy chairman of mychlis of the crimean tatar people, it's already time for news on espresso, so we'll pass the floor to anna eva melnyk. congratulations and pass on the word. tell us what this issue will be about. thank you, colleagues, the news team will tell about the most important thing in this issue.


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