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tv   [untitled]    February 19, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EET

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portages from the hottest points of the front. svoboda live frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society. and feedback. you can. express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. perhaps a message from the spokesman of the state border service of ukraine andrii demchenko. as of now, russia does not have sufficient forces to re-invade from the north. demchenko's direct speech is verbatim. russia does not currently have sufficient forces there to carry out a second war. russia withdrew all its units from
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belarus, which were on training grounds, and no new ones were established. at the same time, the spokesperson of the border service reminded that one should be ready for reconnaissance of any situations and added that the situation on the border with russia is similar to belarus. well, we add to ours on the air of askad shurbekov, a deputy of the zaporizhzhia regional council, and we will talk with him about the difficult situation in the zaporizhia region, in fact, it is about the fact that the russians are now trying to advance. in the zaporozhye direction, and oleksandr tarnavskyi, the commander of the tavria operational-strategic grouping of troops, says that our armed forces are destroying the occupiers on the outskirts of robotyny, that is, they are working against the enemy. mr. askade, welcome to our airwaves, we would like to ask you about the operational situation, what is known from about the russian offensive on zaporozhye? congratulations, yes indeed, the last few.
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the situation is becoming quite tense, i think that the key messages on this topic should of course be given by the military, but we can have, we have information from the point of view of a general increase in the intensity of hostilities, what we can record as representatives of the local government, in the last few days the number of shelling of the front -line territories of the zaporizhzhya region has actually increased several times, the enemy is trying, well, actually around the clock to break through as a front line, but it should be noted that, in fact , there are no... significant breakthroughs on the left side of the conflict, practically our soldiers are in the positions they are in, they continue to defend the territory of the zaporizhzhia region, but again, i want to note that that this is a russian offensive in quotation marks, it only leads to an increase in the number of attacks on civilian infrastructure, on the target infrastructure of territorial communities, and according to the latest reports, on the 12th in primorsky it is the stritnohirsk community, after one of shelling to kill a 57-year-old man, that is, in fact, they cause destruction every day. mr.
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askade, look, we understand that the enemy has now become more active in three directions, at least in three directions, yes, it is the kupyan-limansk region, in donetsk region, the enemy is extremely active and the works that marta mentioned just now, you also spoke about, a matter of intuition , you know, not all information can be made public, but certain things, so to speak, for understanding the enemy's intentions in the south. there is already a feeling, whether they, for example, can try to increase the pressure, fire pressure, pressure with the help of its land units, not only in the direction of the robot, but in the zaporizhia direction, well, in general , the zaporizhia front line is quite large, but there are specifics of the landscape and the features of the steppe territories along which the front lines pass, probably that it is not simple... let's say they attack
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the robot on the fact that this is one of those areas of the front where the landjav allows to attack, but on the other hand our military has strong enough positions to receive them. in any case, it is certain that at this hour, yes, on this day we only have a large concentration in the robotina area and more or less activation in this area, that is, we do not have information not from the military, not in general, not from representatives of local self-government, that there are other areas of the front , where the situation is similar, because it should be noted that the combat zone in the western region is 16 communities and in fact everywhere there is a line of contact and there is a concentration of russian troops, but the largest so far the most such section is precisely the direction of porichov robotin, but again after all, this is not the first time the russians are trying to advance, i want to remind you that a few months ago they actually also announced their big offensive, which also actually happened, they tried to do it, but again, and not a single position was worked out there, not in the area of ​​verbovoy, novoprokopivka, they could not advance. along the zaporizhia section of the front.
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mr. askade, please make a small note about the geography and topography of this part of the front. look, there are features that this is styma. a section of the front, in fact, which is interspersed with small ones rivers, that is why there are peculiarities in the overall placement of our armed forces and the armed forces of russia, where they at one time built defensive defenses, where they should be able to attack there, that is why i say that it is not for nothing that there are active combat operations in this section of the orihiv direction , because there is , let's say, a more complex landscape landscape area, this is the vasyliv direction, again where there are hills and small elevations. where in fact our military could not significantly advance there during our counteroffensive, the russians in fact cannot now, because this area does not allow it, that is why the very natural feature and including defensive restrictions, including from our side, they also, let's say, lead to the fact that so far
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this window is precisely the orichov direction and the direction of the robot, but again well, so far the russians haven't managed to make any advances there, can we ask you what 's going on with regard to... the tification facilities, we know that there are certain orders from, actually from the authorities to provide several lines of defense, let's not talk about any specifics, so as not to reveal how that is they say, all the maps, but can you guide us how intensively the construction of these or other fortifications is now, and how we understand that the third line should actually be under the control of civil administrations, how actively this process is now from... happening, i do i understand, the military, for their part, is doing their job, and the civil administrations, for their part, should do their job as well. well, in fact, this process has been going on for several months, i mean the intensification of the construction of defense structures, well probably such a key point was the president's visit to
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zaporizhzhia a few months ago, where the role of military administrations, local administrations and the military was also discussed, which consolidation is needed for the construction of fortifications . this work is ongoing and continues. only to increase its activity, the cabinet of ministers recently allocated more than a billion hryvnias to the zaporizhia regional military administration, this money will go precisely to the construction of fortifications, to all costs associated with strengthening the defense line. what we see today is only an increase in work and consolidation, including from the local budget. today, there is an initiative of the regional military administration to increase expenditures to 17.5% of local budgets, and these funds will also go to... drones and other military needs. well, in fact, what we are seeing now is the generally consolidated work of local self-government and the regional military administration headed by ivan fedorov, it brings sufficient results, we see that the amount of resources for military needs, it is growing today in the zaporizhzhia
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region. and how, for example, with the mobilization of equipment and what is the situation, for example, with the purchase of equipment, yes, at the expense of, i do not know, regional or city budgets, we understand that well... we are talking about excavators in a rather large number, well, look, the regional administration, it is today renamed to the regional military administration with the corresponding orders, which means that the priority tasks for it are military issues, i.e. all the equipment that is of strategic importance, today it works directly in matters of military defense, it concerns regional utility companies, we also have several large utility companies, of course, and their first task is to provide... . life activities in general strategic, i mean the water supply and so on, the second task is precisely to help the military in the construction of educational facilities, all this work, it is carried out in cooperation with the military and is coordinated by the regional the military administration , what concerns the level of poverty, i mean the territorial communities that are closer to the front line, there is already
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a question of communication, there is a general line, let's say, this is full cooperation, let's say help to the armed forces of ukraine, if there are any isolated cases, when there is equipment... conditionally it is not transferred there, because it is involved in the liquidation of the consequences of something there, the military needs it, these specific things are solved due to the intervention of the military regional administration, well, let's say, in zaporizhzhia it is not the same the situation is that the local self-government or even commercial firms there, if they do not have strategic equipment, that they somehow oppose the work with the military there, because we understand that every day of some kind of downtime can cost us real losses to a real offensive of the russians, abe dear... mr. askade concrete, concrete purchases, cooperation with certain concrete plants in zaporizhia, in zaporizhia? look, everybody, all these things that have to do with concrete engineering are actually civilian purchases that are made structural subdivisions of the regional military administration, there are appropriate tender procedures, we can simply
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see these processes transparently even in online format, how certain things are purchased at competitive prices, that is, relatively speaking, these procedures are underway and launched, if some... questions may arise, here are the questions of mass media and law enforcement agencies regarding certain procedures, i emphasize that most of the procedures that are related to construction things are completely public, so that people can... there will be taxes. thank you for the detailed information. askata shurbekov, a deputy of the zaporizhia regional council, was in the meeting, they talked about the difficult situation in the zaporizhia region and how the military administration and the military are now preparing for a possible active attack by the enemy. now , according to the plan, we have a short break, a pause, it will be a few minutes, and after that we will add anna gubko to our team, we will talk with her about geopolitical news, that 's it. the beginning of this week, the end of next week, so be with us, a few minutes, and we we return why am i here i have sensitive
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of land, which have not been cultivated for two years. 10 years of war, war for the future, what price do we pay for it? 200 of our citizens were taken to russia. depopulation is not an inevitable thing. intellectuals, specialists, patriots about the challenges of the threat and our future in a special projects for the 10th anniversary of the beginning of the armory. aggression of russia against ukraine 10 years of the war for independence from february 18 on espresso. separate consents of the sapsan unmanned aircraft complexes of the state special service of transport. the viewers of the espresso channel are asked to join the collection of defense funds and technical equipment for our unit. thank you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes,
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glory, vasyl zima's big broadcast, this is a big broadcast, my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting two hours of air time, two hours of your time , we will discuss many important topics with you today, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhii zgurets is with us, and what the world is like, now about what happened in the world will be more detailed . two hours, to talk about money during the war, to be aware of economic news, time for oleksandr morchyvka with us, oleksandr, congratulations, and sports news, a review of sports events by yevhen postukhov, two hours. in the company of favorite presenters, thank you very much elina chechen for information about cultural news, presenters, which have become familiar to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day of the new year, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andrii parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and
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caring people. espresso in the evening. the information day of the tv channel is gradually turning into an information evening, there are a lot of events, so the message from oleksandr borodin, the press officer of the third channel, is important separate assault brigade. he told about the losses of the enemy in the vdiiv direction. he did this on the air of the tv channel literally a couple of hours ago. literally, i quote, a fighter. third assault. in avdiivka, two russian brigades were brought to a state of incapacity. approximately 1,500 russian invaders became 200 and 3,500. at that time, the occupiers had concentrated a large number of reserves in avdiivka. the battalions entered one after the other, there was a so-called line of battalions. the number of their forces and means, which was calculated before
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to enter avdiivka was clearly insufficient, so the russians regrouped. hopefully, the losses will ... an opportunity to reduce their offensive potential. at the same time, the pressure of the enemy did not decrease, but in general in this direction it gave the opportunity for the ukrainian military to make such an impact that the occupiers had to regroup their forces. we are adding hanna gubko, head of the board of the go network for the protection of national interests, to our broadcast. mrs. hanna, congratulations. we talked with you literally on friday, when you were there at munich security. conference, the security conference is over, but actually we would like to understand what are the consequences and what are the results of this münchen security conference, we understand and know that this is not an event where one or other papers are signed, but rather serious one or other sentiments of our allies are heard there and not only our allies, but today i personally read some analysis about
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the munich security conference this year, and there is no such, you know, unequivocal answer to the fact that... everyone was focused on the issue of the war in ukraine, many politicians are now thinking about what will happen in the future, if donald trump comes to power in november, the elections will be held precisely in his favor. you, as a person who was there, what are your impressions after everything heard and after everything said? well , first of all, it is very good that europe finally understands that russian aggression against ukraine is a war in... europe and that the collision of the russian federation with nato countries is inevitable, they call it different there two years, three, five, here, but there is no preparation for the fact that this could be a surprise, an attack on nato member states, just as there is no preparation, as before, when russian missiles were seen on the territory of poland
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or romania, there was no adequate reaction, so now it is very ... it is important, in particular, if we sum up munich, that is, in the camp of those who believe in the victory of ukraine and understand how much more needs to be done to provide ammunition, what the military strategy should be, you saw, for example, the prime minister of denmark , who are ready to give their last so that only ukraine continues to have everything is possible and to carry out military operations, also in this camp, which are on the bot. there are those of ukraine who understand the threat from russia, china, north korea, and iran and say that belarus has been de-sovereignized, but they are alarmed and say that we cannot give everything to ukraine in case the russian threat affects us, and we we also have to protect ourselves. also, the key problem
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is time, because now money is not a problem, as it was before, although the prices of various types of weapons have increased, but nevertheless, there is no those capabilities, it is not possible to physically produce as much as we need, and this is also one of the problems of how to transfer the war to the technological side, according to the nato summit, taking into account the fact that now the whole of munich was devoted to the fact that the europeans were actively meeting with the congress delegation, especially with the republicans, and convinced that... that the united states of america should demonstrate that they are reliable partners, that they are responsible partners, because first of all, this is a blow to their leadership, and that's why everyone was convinced. that america has to vote, and regardless of what will happen. in kulary, various options were discussed , in particular, linzi graham voiced this, what trump says,
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we cannot simply give ukraine military or financial aid, but ukraine must take loans, and only for loans, and now you see this story with hints that ukraine has a lot of resources, and therefore, if ukraine is to be helped in the future, then in exchange for access. to various resources, this is from the camp that those in the camp that called for ukraine enough conferences, enough statements, let's think how to look for weapons in third countries, how to build up production and not just build up for yourself , but transfer it to ukraine, how to make joint productions, how to transfer technologies, you know that within the framework of ramstein there are already something like seven coalitions, a coalition of drones, a naval coalition.. . coalition, tank coalition, fighter coalition, that is, the process has started, at the same time, the process has started, well, but we understand that it was at the munich conference
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at one time that putin announced his de facto ultimatum to the collective action, so it was more than 10 years ago, well, or now the collective event at this century-long munich conference announced something fundamentally new, did you feel this... atmosphere that the european union may have to enter the immediate phase of war, we understand that it is possible to create many diverse, diverse associations, diverse ramsteins , well, but the issue with aviation is still dragging, denmark, only denmark agreed to give the most important thing that it has, yes, well, the germans continue to play the game, we are not against handing over taur missiles to ukraine. but we are them, yes so to speak, we will transfer it somewhere sometime and so on, well, there is, so to speak, a europe of two speeds, what you heard, there is some sense of momentum, well, in fact, there was a lot of
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criticism of president biden, because there are atakamsa in the warehouses that are ready to write off , but they are not transferred to ukraine, despite the fact that there are many claims to the republican party, and the key thing is that there is no strategy for victory, because someone is still counting on the fact that... there will be some peace agreements, because the two sides are equally exhausted, such voices also sounded and they tried to add to this arguments that in ukraine there is now no readiness to continue mobilization, but we see that after the resignation of the military officer or the removal of the military officer , it is unclear what will happen, whether there will be synergy and coordinated work between the military and political leadership at all, this was also heard, but the key... and also the accusation that , that there are parallel tracks on which negotiations are being conducted with the russian side, that's what is important, but at the same time, those voices were heard
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who said, especially when the news about navalny's death, and that this event is also partly to blame, that he did not take putin's intentions announced in munich seriously in 2007, but thought that it was just rhetoric. and that is why we now called not to recognize the results of putin's election as legitimate, because considering the fact that the international criminal court announced his arrest and many other reasons, that the elections will be unfree, undemocratic, will take place on the territory of the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine, therefore there is no readiness now to make a breakthrough, in particular in... ukraine, everything is necessary to destroy the crimean bridge. that is, everyone admire the creativity of zsu and gur. as we , not having a fleet, a poor fleet, but this,
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unfortunately, a breakthrough, we lined up various options that could convince scholz, but in scholz's team there are those people who still think that when there are negotiations, germany will sit as there mediator, there are still those who believe that crimea is already russia, and it is better for them not to ... the only chance to prevent war on the territory of nato member countries is to help us win, and for this, the president and our military leadership should articulate the military strategy more clearly, because many also asked about these security agreements, whether they are being conducted, why we are in a hurry to leave the summit. global peace summit in switzerland, when russia shows no signs that it is ready for any negotiations. ms. anna, i would like to clarify with you
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, look, we understand that all these events that are currently taking place at the front, we also mean the breakthrough in avdiivka, this is all a consequence of the artificial deficit that was created for us the western allies, not giving us in time, and time, as you have already said, is now the main argument in fact in everything, this is what, unfortunately, allowed the russians to advance, and they continue their offensive operation now not only in one direction, at least on several, and we understand that, well, in fact, this allowed putin to adapt to... this situation, and when we talked with military experts about the fact that they will try to make a big offensive in the spring, they already started this offensive today, is there any understanding in our western allies, and don't you think that somewhere, well, i don't want to believe in any kind of conspiracy, but wasn't this deficit created artificially and deliberately so that it would be possible to sit us down at the table of changes? well, in fact, delays in supplies.
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weapons and when the key decisions on the hymars , then the key decisions on the leopard tanks , look at the delay on the f-16, not just training, that is, it is clear that some of our western partners had hopes that they would force russia to sit down at the table transition, but they did not understand, that is, this is one of the main conclusions that many in the west still do not understand the nature of russian imperialism, that the more you show weakness... in particular, like the failed sanctions, what about the fact that their 13 packages , if they did not lead to the collapse of the russian economy, so this is the key, they are scared, you understand, there is a major problem in the west - fear, they don't want to, and they said that , i just can't, these were closed meetings of the shatam house, where minister of defense pistorius, secretary general of nato stoltenberg, and ministers of defense were also present sweden, others, that is, there is still this feeling
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that they do not want. enter into an open confrontation or war with the russian federation, but they did not understand that there is already a war, and therefore there is some hope, the fact that we began to explain that if you think that you will sacrifice ukraine by forcing us to sit down at the negotiating table, then you will only whet your appetite, and there is one now too, if what i have already said is that some of our countries are hoarding for themselves, understanding those weapons, not giving them to us. although it is not right from the point of view that we need it already, and we carry incredible and human losses, so we see how the course of the war can continue to unfold, that is, in munich we were divided between those who said very realistic things, that look at the battlefield, these are the consequences of our indecision and lack of a strategy for victory and fear of what will happen, like russia will lose, because there is still china, you saw.
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the behavior in china, which everyone was discussing in silence, when he waved his hands and said that taiwan is their territory, and he almost threatened, so it is necessary to explain what china and russia are, together, against the free world, which did not show the ability to not just retaliate, and as the nato secretary general put it nicely, the very fact that we are not playing for preemption, that... we are not making war impossible, this already says that we as nato do not perform the function of deterrence, that is true, thank you hanna, hanna gobko , head of the board of the public organization, the network for the protection of national interests ans, a former people's deputy of ukraine, shared her observations from the munich security conference, which ended without a breakthrough, unfortunately, marto, we finish, that's how we finish for today,
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tomorrow we will continue. talking to you about everything is the most important thing, annaeva melnyk will be here in a few moments with news, and antin borkovskyi and i say goodbye to you, see you tomorrow. greetings to everyone from espresso, it's time to learn about the most relevant events at the moment, and i'll start with this: a 57-year-old man died as a result of russian shelling in zaporozhye. this was announced by the head of the regional military administration, ivan fedorov. at noon, the occupiers hailed the village of primorske. consequences attacks are specified.


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