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tv   [untitled]    February 19, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm EET

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this zone, into which the enemy cannot enter and carry out any operations there without losses to their own forces, which is actually happening now. at the same time, what exactly destroys these russian planes is such a definite mystery, and that's good, there are various assumptions, there are many who say that the most likely option remains, the so-called blocking patriot, is an american anti-aircraft missile that is working. on these enemy targets from an ambush and moves quite mobile, which is actually not quite easy with petript. note that the range the destruction of these high-altitude aerodynamic targets for gmt missiles of the patriot complex is about 150 km, and in fact, these capabilities allow the destruction of russian aircraft that want or seek to use these dominant bombs for. according to our positions
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, in particular, let me remind you that just a few of these planes were shot down in the area where the fighting around avdiyivka is taking place, because it was precisely the use of these planning bombs that was one of the components where the enemy tried to add to his advantage, including the number of personnel and artillery. and we we understand that it was precisely this advantage that in a certain way influenced the fact that our units moved away from avdiyivka. and now let's talk about avdiivka itself, in order to understand what exactly is happening on this part of the front. let me remind you that in order to capture avdiivka , the enemy, during these four months, raised forces, in fact, concentrated two armies here and here... the first army corps,
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if you take it together, it will be about 12 brigades together, even more than 12 brigades, if we add special operations forces there of russia, game units operating here , army units there , veteran company units, all of them, in principle, were involved in putting pressure on our defenses, and in fact the city, if there is a suburban area of ​​10 by 10 km, stormed actually two '. the army corps has more than 40,000 personnel there, and if we see the losses, in fact, we feel how much the enemy was destroyed, in fact, according to tavriy’s condemnations, 47 thousand were destroyed during this time, during the four months of the russians’ desire to seize avdiivka of russian soldiers, including the dead and wounded, and up to 1,100 tanks and bmps, that is, these indicators, well, are extremely colossal. when we
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talk about enemy losses, avdiivka was defended from various directions by a number of our brigades and units of the security and defense forces, but of course they were fewer than the enemy forces. first of all, let's remember the 110th brigade, which was in this area for two years, defending avdiivka, we will also remember the 47th and 53rd brigades, which defended the lake from different directions, as well as other units, which held back for a long time russian attack, and we will remind you that the maximum critical situation first occurred on february 14, when the enemy there began to actively advance in the direction of kokhsokhim, and on february 15 it was already clear that the enemy had crossed the main base road, along which the logistics of our group and our garrison in avdiivka were provided , first of all in the east, the situation was extremely difficult, and on the same day, units
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of the third separate assault brigade arrived in the city, which during this time provided colossal work, first of all, they provided stabilization the situation in certain directions, they introduced hostilities in the city, then they provided the prerequisites for our troops to be able to withdraw from the east from the south and... provided just the stage, which is quite difficult, this is the actual provision of withdrawal in conditions when the enemy is advancing, and all military personnel now say that the withdrawal of troops took place quite discreetly, correctly, rationally, the management system was preserved, the troops would maintain readiness, and now, relatively speaking, those units that are now located were in avdiivka, now they are receiving... on other lines
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of defense, as well as holding back the enemy's onslaught, and in fact the combat effectiveness of the garrison was preserved, the enemy suffered in the battles for avdiivka. as i already said, colossal huge losses, but now the enemy is still trying to do certain such local tactical actions in this direction, so the occupiers continue their attacks, and what is happening around in dzhevka now, we will be able to talk in more detail with our guest, we are joined the commander of the unit that operates as part of the third separate assault brigade, this is mykola volokhov with his husband abdula, mr. mykola, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear, i congratulate you on... a loan, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes. first of all, i would like to say that your unit is currently collecting money for you to increase your mobility and security, that is, to get an armored hummer, i call on all our viewers to support this initiative of the unit, in particular, i also
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took a step in this direction before the program, in you mr. mykola, i would like to ask about the fact that all your comrades from the third separate assault brigade said that combatants the actions... the people of avdi were significantly different from what happened even in bakhmut, where we considered that the fighting was intense, that is , the intensity was much higher, the number of the enemy was higher, from the very beginning , fighting took place in the urban area, and that's how did this intensity, the extremely different qualitative parameters of the battle affect the work of your unit, was there something like that for you, well, what was not flattering? there, well, first of all, thank you personally for donating us an armored car, thank you all to the ukrainians who donated, we have almost finished the collection, there are 300,000 left, for me, in addition to the fact that this is an opportunity to purchase armor for their fighters, that they moved safely and performed combat
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tasks more safely, this is another marker that the ukrainians are still they support us, as they did at the beginning of the war, if we talk about the specifics of this direction, in fact, when we were in vagmatskyi, i often said that... this is the hottest place where i have been and in that period of time it was the hottest place in the russian-ukrainian war and in principle in world, at the moment this scale has shifted for me, and i understand that it can be even more intense, an even greater concentration of will, concentration of enemy artillery, in this direction the enemy has shown us what he is capable of when he massively uses guided aerial bombs , it was on... of course a big problem, and again, the first, the first stage of the approach of the third cream assault brigade near bakhmut was extremely difficult, as in principle for any unit the stage of approach to new positions is always very, very difficult , when we went under bakhmet it was not easy, but when we went near avdiivka,
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the situation here was probably many times more complicated, because there were many more enemy means, they were much more concentrated, i think that this is a reaction ... of the enemy to what happened near bakhmut, that is they realized that the concentration of forces and means that was there was not enough to achieve the result, so they decided to collect more, again, from information from various, so to speak, intelligence sources that we possess, and from their own observations it is clear that the enemy has turned away the elite, elite regular troops , special forces were brought here, including the sinners, who carried out night... assaults on the enemy both day and night, used a lot of artillery, and quite accurately, which indicates that their component of unmanned reconnaissance worked well, and these unmanned intelligence units were of high quality, they used a lot of drones, probably more
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than a dozen, they only used dozens a day, this is what we have according to our intelligence data, we did not neglect, did not despise, you know? to use prohibited ammunition , phosphorous ammunition for bm-21grad, for 120 mortars, but if we talk about my unit, first of all, extremely difficult logistics, where we used to manage with the help of ordinary pickups and jeeps, using a certain, i will not specify what deployment tactics, we found a certain key to the enemy's defense, how it can be done more or less safely, and for two years the unit managed... to do without 22x and 3x, and for the entire bakhmov campaign, two companies, one shock, the other reconnaissance, as part of the third separate of the assault brigade did not suffer any losses , neither 200 nor 300, the situation here is somewhat different, it is already
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impossible to ensure the safety of fighters without armored vehicles, and this is from such, let's say negative, i will repeat it again for the third time, enemy guided air bombs, a very scary thing, 250- 500 kg. there is absolutely no way to react to explosives that arrive unexpectedly, they hit quite accurately, not as accurately as russian propaganda says, but this is a very dangerous thing. er, and from such, you know, positive, they set a personal record for the destruction of enemy manpower and of armored vehicles per day, here the russians gave us, so to speak, their friendly shoulder of help, and today it didn’t stop all day, let’s say, and it continues, the russians are trying to move on, but they can’t do anything, we destroy an incredible amount of infantry , especially since we can say that we have almost finished the adaptation period. i will repeat the opinion that entering new positions is always associated with big problems, stress for the unit, we need
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to figure out what is there and how, although we entered extremely competently, and our management gave us be able to enter as it should be with the previous, let’s say, element of preliminary intelligence, and despite all this , we can already destroy the enemies, the infantry, well, if for the entire period, according to our data, for the time when for... vasyl’s big ether winters two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to
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mykola zharevny, in the past a law enforcement officer and the father of volodymyr, the hero of the heavenly hundred. zherebny, his son died on february 20, 2014 in kyiv during the revolution of dignity. a man has been fighting for the just punishment of his son's killers for 10 years. the person who took part in the shootings on the maidan, today decides the fate of those who should have been responsible for that, who were then under his leadership. well, how can it be, some fair faith. a place that is sacred for me due to the fact that there is a photo of my child who
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died on february 20, 2014 on the maidan. in kyiv, when the events on the maidan began with that the students were beaten up caused him great displeasure and agitation, because, well, the police were beating children at that time, and he packed a backpack and went to kyiv, i told him: "volodya, don't go, well, maybe we don't know what's there yet." to what, and his first words to me were: dad, children are being beaten there, he told me that he was going first as if on reconnaissance, he knows what it's like there, what, and this one too, and that reconnaissance ended in 3 months, because he was not
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a random person in the square, he stayed there in... it is reported that he, seeing what the situation there, he called, he called home and said: dad, i have to stay here, here is a photo of what clothes he was wearing, well , during the maidan, it was cold then, it was up to 20 degrees below zero, there is even somewhere here , well , those from the maidan too. his belongings, and there are passes that were given to them there, that photo is very dear to me, in that photo he is purely in the clothes in which he died, when i
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was told that, to this day i repeat somewhere what my ears heard. and the mind and heart to this day cannot perceive why? because the child in fact, he did not go to the maidan to be hooligans , not to create something there, that he went, he had a higher education, he was generally a cultured, educated child, and for me personally it was a shock, in fact, how could it happen that a person , who did not have any bad intentions, could fall under the bullets. when a criminal case had already been opened and... the relatives of the deceased went to the prosecutor general's office in kyiv to review the case materials, i discovered that there were a lot of such various
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inaccuracies, the forensic medical expert was his wound was described, and the wound was in his neck, in the carotid artery, the bullet went through the exit and the entrance hole was... indicated as a large wound, and the exit hole as a small wound, which does not exist in nature, guys, need help guys. and since then , i have been trying for 10 years, well, the 10th year already, i am trying to prove myself right. i
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disagreed with that description to the employees of the general prosecutor's office of ukraine. for a very long time i tried to re-examine the scene, finally. i don't remember in which year i proved her in court during the court session about the fact that those wounds are incorrectly described , for which reason, it was very important to me , for which reason, because, judging by the fact that the exit hole was very small, and the entrance hole was large, the position of his body, which was directly recorded before operators during well, the very moment of the bullet hit is not missing, but he was standing on his knee and being in a bush in a metal fairy tale, he could not
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turn, and it actually depended on the entrance and exit holes from which side they were fired. for six years i sought a re- examination of the scene. in 2019 it was a repeated investigative experiment was conducted and it turned out that after all, the shooting was not from the hotel ukraine, but from the upper barricade, where employees of the berkut special forces were sitting, the court listened to all this, and later the investigator of the prosecutor general's office mozyk, well, apparently ... the materials of the re-investigative experiment were sent to the court, and when the final court verdict was issued, one of their commanders, i don't remember their names now, was
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sentenced to life in absentia for 15 years each, and those who returned, one was acquitted by the court altogether, and the other was sentenced to 5 years, but since he had already served them in prison, he was released from the courtroom. here is the verdict on paper, the verdict of the court on the maidan cases, which was considered in the svyatoshyn district court of the city of kyiv, for nine years, and actually here i did not read, did not reread all the materials of the case, but i reread the episode that was directly related my child and it was here that i found out that the court took into account all the testimonies
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of the berkut family, their lawyers, who at that time were in the court session and were the accused, and what i proved in the course of seven years old, the court recognized that they were far-fetched, it hurts me to watch, of course, but i am... just compelled by a sense of justice to protect that child at least, at least morally, you know, because uh, if you don't do it , then in time it will turn out that they were extremists and this one, please , you see, well, it’s painful to look at, of course for me, as a father, because it’s called the entrance, the big one, and the tiny one... which is called the exit through the hole, you see, it's not even visible, o. the protocol of the investigative experiment from
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uh, on june 4, 2019, where it was conducted, as i said, with video recording, with the involvement of specialists, a forensic medical expert, a ballistics expert, with witnesses, with lawyers, and with the use of a laser target pointer, and where it was. it has been proven that all the signatures are here, and where it was officially proven that they shot from the upper barricade, where berkut employees were at that time, and after i received the verdict of the court session, i discovered that those materials there is no court verdict, then i
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wrote a complaint to the general prosecutor about the actions the senior investigator of music, why are there no records of the re-investigative experiment in the materials of the trial, and i received a reply from the prosecutor general's office about what is being revealed. the senior music investigator submitted those materials to the court , but the court, having consulted on the spot, without even going to the conference room, did not accept those materials for trial, i filed an appeal, filed an appeal, now the session of the appeals court has been canceled twice, again after all, the judge recused
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herself for the first time. the second time the people gathered, eh they announced that the court was mined , i don't know how it will end, but in my opinion , you know, you say what you want, victims, and we will do what we think is necessary, or what is predestined for us to do, it cannot be, i wonder why? did people die on the maidan or for such a country? and this sentence is absolutely not, i personally and not only me, but we the victims, many of us, we consider it unfair,
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unjust. i consciously understand that, but time drags on, you see, and more and more witnesses are being lost, more and more are being lost, because people, many parents died, many direct witnesses of those events died at the front, protecting the country from an external enemy, and i cannot call those people who make these decisions anything other than internal enemies. "of course, i would like a fair trial, fair evidence, so that my soul can rest, you understand a little, what i could do, i am at such an age that i can no longer go somewhere there and look for those bastards myself, but at least do not spit in the court session their honor and dignity, do not insult us as relatives.
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i congratulate you, this is the freedom of live, my name is vlasta lazur, now we are completely and completely. we are talking about avdiivka, a city in donetsk region, where from 2014 until last weekend, the line of defense of the armed forces of ukraine did not change. currently, ukrainian troops have left avdiivka. what is the significance of this and why did it become possible to surround the city and the military in it. after.


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