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tv   [untitled]    February 20, 2024 1:00am-1:30am EET

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about ge, who wrote about ukrainians, but even now we are talking specifically about these ethnographic moments, so about kramsky, whose painting the mermaid by gogol, also ukrainians in ukrainian embroidered dresses, it showed the identity of the ukrainian people, it showed that it cannot be reduced to one comb over the alleged population of the russian empire not without recognizing these clear national differences, and this was already a danger. territory, that is , it must be understood, it was possible to ban the ukrainian language, it was possible to ban it there to impose restrictions on the theater , a lot could be done, but how do you forbid an artist to paint a still life, how can you forbid an artist to paint a person in an embroidered dress, but look how the empire used it, how the empire used gogol's presentation, as here about the ukrainians, as this tribe sings and... and dances, this is pushkin, in
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pushkin’s interpretation it was, and yes, but this is such a gogol image, yes, a gogol image, he said about gogol, and here, and here, this same stumbling block , it's actually, it's actually what, it's this picture home about which you say, there a woman is waiting for a drunk, a man walks drunk, stumbles, and a woman with a horn or a stick, like that, with a stick, and she hides this stick behind her. eh, and from this they made such cute, cute khahls, where actually, and in this, it seems to me that it is actually in this place and this culture was allowed, look, we can treat it differently, i i agree that there can be such an interpretation, of course, but this is the interpretation of us, the people of the 21st century, to whom everything is allowed, we can package it in any way, we can, i don't know, just in any range within reasonable limits about...
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i'm talking about what the empire took out of it, i 'm not saying that the artists are to blame for this, it's a banal narrative, that is, it's banal what art critics, literary critics, film artists did later, everyone who, let's say, worked on the narrative of the empire, in order to interpret all these moments in their own way, it does not mean that we put such a meaning in them, it does not mean at all, i would say it differently, that is, in in this context, we mentioned kramsky, and i focused more on creaking, let's remember kramsky, because it's still... it's a very interesting and very revealing artist in this context, why? because it so happened that it is interesting that kramskyi was supposedly born on the territory of even modern russia, but it was the city of ostrogodsk, in the city of ostrogodsk and in the ostrogotsky uyezd , er, voronishchyna, that’s right, 90% of ukrainians lived, it was an ancient cossack city, i will say moreover, kramskyi was born in the village, or
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was it some kind of village, nova sotnia. yeah, well, what is it, well, excuse me, well, what can i say after that? he is a russian artist, he admitted himself that he is of ukrainian origin, he is ripen, i apologize, now you can bake, he wrote to ripen in a letter, after ripen started writing french stories, you write russian ones with your khahlyat blood, you write french jokes instead of doing national art, well, that is how he... wrote, it is obvious that, well, it would be an insult if velikoros wrote to him, yes, you understand, it is obvious that they are fellow tribesmen yes but they are being teased, absolutely clearly, because they were friends, they, well, that is, they did not quarrel after this address, they were friends as well, and it is obvious that, in terms of kramsky's contribution to the deconstruction of this entire history with the russian empire, kramsky was, he raised a rebellion in the academy of arts against...
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image of an academic, well, purely academic interpretation of painting, they asked the students to write a pir in valgal, he said: i don’t want to write all these given things and staged moments in order to show that he led this but 14, it was he who led, this kramsky led, and this once again proves that it was the ukrainians who were the triggers who organized all these riots, all this resistance that was there, all these moments, that is, he... but even more interesting is another, who founded the empire, the empire , excuse me, the academy, who founded the st. petersburg academy, who were the most influential people? well , one of the most influential first people was anton losenko or antin losenko, you obviously understand that this is hardly a russian, judging by the surname, he is this is an amazing story, because in ukraine there was a singer, well, she is so talented for selection.
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a whole organization of children , who were then brought to st. petersburg, well, young, small ukrainians with wonderful voices, trained first, it seems that there was this school in glukhiv, and then purposefully sent to... st. petersburg and they sang accordingly, the question is, did they become in st. petersburg automatically russian, but they lived in a ukrainian environment, the same singers as them, the same teachers as them, well and so on and so on, that is, obviously, well, then his voice broke in anton losenko, he became an artist, he was sent to europe to study, and he is the author of the first ukrainian historical painting, which russians call the first russian historical painting, volodymyr irognida, well , accordingly, a ukrainian wrote on a ukrainian theme that took place in kyiv. and he became one of the first directors of the academy of arts, he wrote theoretical works that were studied there, that is, he is one of the founders of the academy of arts. levitsky, borovykovsky, martos and all other people who made a fundamental contribution to the development of the art academy in the development of the genres of classicism, sentimentalism, and
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so on, were ethnic ukrainians, with a ukrainian, well, absolutely ukrainian background, and moreover, for example, the same borovikovsky, he lived in ukraine for a very long time, respectively. but only later, having moved to moscow and there again communicating in an obviously ukrainian environment, levytskyi painted st. andrew's church together with his father and other artists, once again distinguished himself as a super cool artist, they took away the court, how can you refuse money, fame , being the glory of the main artist of the empire, the opportunity to do what you want, to enter history, after all, he would live conditionally in his myrhorod, conditionally speaking, well, you understand the difference between writing centurions. carrying the ukrainian baroque tradition, being brought up in a ukrainian, well, in a ukrainian artistic environment, they already had teachers in
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ukrainian culture, well, that is, these are obvious things, borovikovsky's first paintings are baroque, levitskyi st. andrew's church, these are obviously also influences of baroque rocako, of these styles, that is, well, that is part of it. of ukrainian culture, after a person moves to another country, to another, even within the borders of one state, this russian empire, does he automatically become a representative of another culture, it seems ridiculous to me to think like that even in this direction, whether he became french, picasso became a frenchman, maybe they remained, it must be said that at that time the move to st. petersburg did not mean the same as the move of our artists to moscow and leningrad already in soviet times or during... about burlyuk and about malevich , malevich is a colossal topic, and we will talk separately
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in a week with tatiana filevska about malevich, because malevich is 145 years old, here is david burlyuk. a great example, i really love the story with burlyuk, because he is a person with an absolute ukrainian, cossack identity, he mentioned, accordingly, he absolutely never gave up on it, he was a real cultural trailblazer of his time, he is a person who launched the futurist movement in empire, but even before that, long before that, he was an impressionist, and he essentially worked with by one artist from kherson province, from teraspol, mykhailo larionov. and another one, which is appropriated by the russians, although i consider it to be absolutely part of ukrainian culture, because of, well, and even because of the fight with burlyuk, it was in the kherson province, they had a whole community of people who were interested in archaic culture, was interested in primitives, and primitives were
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the folk culture that surrounded them, it was ukrainian folk culture, and they knew that they were interested in primitives, they also they adopted them, and burliuk is one of the first brave artists... in the world, which even in the 1900s, until 1910, he imitated folk paintings, well, he imitated, he was inspired by folk cult paintings and even made certain collages , he has several interesting paintings, there are ukrainians, for example, or cossack mamai, these are paintings that can be viewed both horizontally and vertically, let's say, that is, they again play with national icons, ukrainians are ukrainian. it has nothing to do with russian culture at all no small amount, it must be clearly understood, and burlyuk, accordingly, yes, he had a certain period in the territory of modern russia, let's say, in those capitals, but i will repeat myself once again, these were centers, there was a very powerful ukrainian community there, it's funny,
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for example, to claim that ripen has no relation to ukraine, at least from the banal fact that he went to the first of all, he loved shevchenko very much, he knew his work very well, the haydamaks inspired him. on the consecration of knives, ripen painted a picture: haydamak is consecrated by knives, it is very little known a fact, but it is a fact, and in fact, it was the same way during the time of the futurists, the futurists drove... a night thing that shows liveliness, that is , mayakovsky was a poet of life, but
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again, he, like many ukrainians, was oppressed and destroyed the metropolis, where, unfortunately, they disappeared without a trace, but we, you and i , just have to be aware of this and not do such stupid things in the future and that our children do not allow this, and two more artists, aivazovsky, about whom we an armenian was mentioned. and kuinji, kuinji archive, museum, which, by the way, was completely destroyed by the bavarians in mariupol, this is another great metaphor for what the russians actually do even with the sculpture that they recognize as theirs, because they recognize the archipoquinjes as theirs, and this is where i read the liberal russian media, for them especially it hurts that kuindzhia is in azov, kuindzhia is greek, and how can it be, what is it, what does it do? to what extent is it correct to consider kuindzhi, what,
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what speaks in favor of the fact that kuindzhi is a ukrainian marksman, literally everything, literally everything, and nothing speaks in favor of the fact that kuindzhi is a russian magician, i will explain from the beginning so that you understand the sequence of this logic, first of all, kuindzhi was born in mariupol. mariupol, as you know, was largely populated by greeks, who are the greeks from where did they come from on the territory of mariupol? suvorov drove them out of crimea, in fact it was a kind of genocidal operation, when the orthodox, all those who were not crimean tatars and so on, obviously forcibly, who would specifically go to live in a new territory, if they have lived there for centuries in the territory crimea, that is this is obviously a man who had a memory of how he was genocidated by the empire, how his ancestors were genocidated by the empire. and so on, that is, obviously, he was an ethnic greek, but again, was he, was he
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somehow connected with greece, with the country of greece, in no way was he connected with it, that is, it can be said , he was a ukrainian with the same rights as ukrainians, jews who have lived on the territory of ukraine for centuries, armenians who, by the way, have also lived on the territory of ukraine for centuries, because aivazovsky is one too, he did not come to crimea from armenia , he came to crimea from galicia, yes, but for example, if burlyuk... he always said, emphasized that i am from ukrainian cossacks, my father is from ukrainian, we, my father wrote poems in ukrainian russian, we are there , my father is me talked about ukrainian culture, then kuindzhi did not say that he was ukrainian, he did not identify himself, yes, i think that talking about the fact that he is ukrainian here, with an emphasis on the fact that he is ukrainian, is somewhat possible the question is wrongly phrased, i absolutely admit that he is greek, of course. well, let's say a crimean greek, so resettled in mariupol , that is, it is one of its kind, you just need to understand that
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a sociologist, for example, does not believe that all people who belong to a certain nationality, a greek, for example, is a person who is completely of greek culture and that there in thessaloniki , that is, conventionally speaking, in mariupol, they are the same greeks, nothing like that, it is obvious that the greek kuindzhi was in close contact with the ukrainian culture that prevailed in that region, and this is obvious, he is the main thing . that he studied, well, in ukraine he actually studied craft, retouching photography, which in many ways built him, let's say, as an artist, as an excellent draftsman, and what is very important, he is always the same, i was talking about values, he always emphasized the difference of ukrainians, he never called ukrainians russians, you see, he did not think that they were russian people, no, he wrote, he... has a very small number of works where the main people appear,
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and he has these works dedicated to ukrainians, he has a ukrainian woman at sunset, there is a work, which is attributed as a portrait of a ukrainian man in straw hat and yes, that is, he emphasized that these are ukrainians, not just russian women there, as in the gogula they criticize so that it is a textbook thing, that he is describing some men there... he emphasizes that these are russian men standing, yes this is a quote that happens often, because he is ukrainian, and he obviously perceived these peasants as russian, other peasants, but in kuindzh there was a similar story, that is, he... preferred the depiction of ukrainian nature, this is the lion's share of his best works, ukrainian people, this is a small amount of work, but for some reason it so happened that these were ukrainians, among his students were a huge number of ukrainians, outstanding artists, kryzhitskyi, the capital, and led a large, large number of others, that is, he also bequeathed,
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living in st. petersburg, in moscow there or in other in other cities, living even in the crimea, he still ... let's say, walked this way, and therefore an obvious thing, and also an important thing, he was also in, well, that is, he was in the midst of nomads, well, a very influential, influential person, and there are many stories that kuinji, like before, recently, mykola g. was banished by the higher world... of fitterburg and so on, for many years he did not show his works to anyone, except for the closest people there, students and so on, that is, he banished all of this to this entire community, he was a rich man, he invested money very successfully, and he bought himself a huge plot of land in the crimea, he lived very well there, from time to time he went to teach, of course , because he had to pass on his knowledge, you know, well, there won’t be a person who is really
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a genius and realizes it, well and wants to pass on his knowledge, to refuse... from this, because you are offered to do this in russia, and not , for example, in ukraine, where there is no such possibility, we have literally four minutes left, and i want us to make a certain summary at malevich, in the way we return to culture, the lost, kidnapped artists, yes, this is very clearly visible in malevich, malevich, who was born in kyiv, in a polish family, but... who recognized himself as a ukrainian, even under torture, he recognized that, he said that he was a ukrainian, a person, who wrote to the ukrainian peasants, our colors, our fields, the famine, that means all this and we remember perfectly, he is buried, he has a colossally tragic story of
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how he was buried near moscow in the village of ramashkava, he wanted... to be buried in a certain way, we do not have time to tell about it, but the fact that on his grave now has an entrance to the parking lot, and this is actually the whole cynicism, that is, he lies there under a layer of concrete, this is for a person who wanted a telescope on the column, on his grave, and you could see jupiter, and the whole person lives under the park, very russian, very, but... here's my question about malevich , how do you think we return these people, we couldn't even rename boryspil malevich airport, yes, and that would be a colossal thing, yes in return, this is how we return all together, this name , frankly speaking, i believe that if russia had not
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unleashed this full-scale war, perhaps a huge number of ukrainians would still be here. what were the norms and what was the difference, would not have thought about these issues of postcolonial studies, which have been going on in the academic community for decades, this well, not yesterday the question arose that malevich is ours , and it has been really relevant for a long time and everyone understood it perfectly, you just know, it was, well , how are we, how are we going to get along with russia, what do you think, we will name boryspil after malevich, and putin will say that it's not good, well, it wasn't because of that, it's because of the people there, and the decisions. i believe that they made decisions in this context, realizing that it might offend someone there, you see, and now no one wants to offend anyone, now we can finally talk and to do, my god, well, i would like to do it for a long time, it’s just that the authorities have finally matured to the point that if we are at war with someone, then we have no right to give them our culture, right, well, that is, how can we, what is our
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identity built on , if malevich called himself a ukrainian, how can we somehow not give him credit at the state level, i believe that this still... has to happen, i believe that all those who sabotaged such changes have at least reputational losses bear, and of course sikorsky has much less reason to be a part of ukrainian heritage, ukrainian culture, than malevich, and the obvious thing is that sikorsky, despite all the respect for his technical abilities and everything else, had specific political views, so let's be honest, if there is a renaming of this airport to malevich airport, everyone will only support it, thanks, it was a conversation about stolen culture and how we will eventually get it back. thank you, bohdan oleg horobchuk, sociologist of culture. was a guest of the program own names, see you in a week, thank you, there are discounts
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talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. review of sporting events by yevhen postukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenii for the information about cultural news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather for the day. raideshnyi, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, andrii parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. 10 years of war, the war for freedom, from the revolution of dignity to today's battles. if it happens to me... what happens if it doesn't happen to me, then i know that i died for the truth. 10 years of war, the war for our existence, this is the path that changed us. in the conditions of the occupied territories,
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de-occupied territories, we have losses of the order of potential 7 million hectares of land, which have not been cultivated for two years. 10 years of war war for the future, what price do we pay for it? 200 of our citizens were taken to russia. population is not an inevitable thing. intellectuals, specialists, patriots talk about challenges, threats and our future in a special project for the 10th anniversary of the beginning of russia's armed aggression against ukraine, 10 years of the war for independence, from february 18 on espresso. according to the results of january , the espresso tv channel continues to receive the first position among information broadcasting channels. for the 10th month in a row, we are the first. greetings, news time. for the tv channel. this november we turned 10 years old, we updated the design, sound, we continue the saturday political club, khrystyna yatskiv and vitaly portnikov. our
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values ​​and ukrainian point of view remain unchanged. stay tuned for espresso updates and thank you for your trust. a separate platoon of the sapsan unmanned aerial systems of the state special transport service. the viewers of the espresso tv channel are asked to join. to the collection of crown funds and technical equipment for our unit, thank you, glory to ukraine, to the heroes, glory,
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estoy polítique. see this week in the judicial program control with tatyana shustrova. money in the wind. as figure judges in criminal cases and state councilors, they received a salary of half a billion hryvnias. while staying but why are the judges of the liquidated judges still at the receiving end of the state? the judges of oask, even after the liquidation of the court, receive a considerable salary. greetings,
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you are watching judicial control, i am tatiana. shustrova. a full-scale war is going on in ukraine. millions of men and women stood up to defend our country. on various fronts, they hold the defense and destroy the enemy. thanks to them, we can work and keep the economy going countries, raise children, believe in the future. ukrainians are driving cars in droves, buying drones and donating their last money to help the army. meanwhile, ukraine continues to spend hundreds of millions of hryvnias on salary payments. judges, persons involved in criminal cases, judges of liquidated judges who do not fulfill their duties, and even more so, judges of state traitors who have gone over to the side of the enemy. why, we will tell today, but first to the news. for almost three months, the higher qualification commission of judges conducted a qualification assessment meeting of 99 judges and considered the cases of 36 servants of themis, who had negative
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public conclusions. council of integrity. 15 of them were dismissed, but 17 remain in office. as reported by the diyure foundation, in particular, the vkks ignores judges' reprimands of drunken drivers. thus , judge alina goncharova remained in office, closing almost half of all considered cases for drunken driving due to expiration of the time limits. judge pedenko, who was also found relevant by the supreme court of appeals, delayed 21 cases of such drivers until the deadline expired. however, he will find out. the reasons for the decision of the supreme court of justice on judges is impossible, of all the decisions made on unfitness for the position of a judge, none has been published so far. the specialized anti-corruption prosecutor's office sent an indictment to the court against the intermediary of the judge of the kropyvnytskyi court of appeal, volodymyr honchar, who is suspected of receiving a $10,500 bribe. according to the case materials, for this money, the judge promised to review the verdict of the court of first instance and
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change the punishment for... committing a traffic accident with fatal consequences from three years of imprisonment to a suspended sentence. get and save the bribe the judge entrusted to his mediator. detectives of the national anti-corruption bureau and the specialized anti-corruption prosecutor's office informed judge gonchar about the suspicion in october of last year. the prosecutor's office of the autonomous republic of crimea has completed the investigation into high treason against another former ukrainian judge. the ex-debtor faces up to 15 years in prison on appeal. court of crimea igor radionov, who after the occupation of the peninsula betrayed his oath, transferred to russia and assumed the position of the head of the occupying supreme court republic of crimea. a full-scale war is going on in ukraine. russia continues its massive rocket attacks on cities, killing civilians and destroying infrastructure. millions of ukrainians donate to the armed forces every day, volunteer, drive cars from abroad
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for the military and organize meetings. for the purchase of drones. meanwhile, the state continues to spend hundreds of millions getting judges who don't do their jobs. from 2021 to the middle of 2023, ukraine paid more than 430 million hryvnias to the servants of themis, who did not carry out justice. of the 374 judges who received a salary, for reasons beyond their control only 110 did not work. some of them are mobilized, some are waiting for transfer. but there are other cases. we are conducting an audit of the state judicial administration, during which we discovered shocking facts. for example, some judges continue to receive salaries without exercising their powers. even more, judges who are in custody or have become citizens of the russian federation also receive remuneration from the budget. alla basalayeva - head of the state audit service. former chairman of the supreme court of ukraine vsevolod knyazum, whose suspected of receiving nearly $3 million in bribes while in pretrial detention and
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not complying. responsibilities received almost uah 2 million salary. recently, knyazum was released from sizo on bail, and although the supreme council of justice suspended him from the administration of justice , he will continue to receive a salary. i won't elaborate for now with your permission, but i will answer all questions later. almost uah 400,00 was received by another employee of themis under investigation, oleksiy tandyr, judge of the makariv district court of the kyiv region. last year on may 26 at the wheel of a lexus made a collision with. national guard serviceman vadym bondarenko, who was on duty at the checkpoint upon entering kyiv. the military serviceman, who was originally from cherkasy and raised three children, died. according to the investigation, at the time of the accident, the driver's car was traveling at a speed of 100 km/h, tandyr himself was intoxicated . the indignation of society, yes, that they are in a state of...


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