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tv   [untitled]    February 20, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EET

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volodknyaz, who is suspected of receiving almost 3 million dollars in bribes, received almost 2 million hryvnias of salary while being in the pre-trial detention center and not performing his duties. knyazum was recently released from sizo on bail, and although the supreme council of justice suspended him from the administration of justice, he will continue to receive a salary. for now, maybe with your permission, i will not elaborate, but later i will give answers to all questions. almost uah 400 was received by another servant of themis under investigation, according to the judge. makarivsky district oleksiy tandyr of the kyiv oblast court. last year , on may 26, he drove a lexus and ran over national guard soldier vadym bondarenko, who was on duty at the checkpoint at the entrance to kyiv. the military serviceman, who was originally from cherkasy and raised three children, died. according to the investigation, at the time of the accident, the driver was traveling at a speed of 100 km/h, tandyr himself was intoxicated. public indignation, yes, that they are in a state of chaos.
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receive his judge's reward, and it is large. and most amazingly, almost 2.5 million hryvnias was received by a judge who fled to russia, vitaly snigerov. he was a judge of bryankiv city court of luhansk region. after the occupation of bryankiv district in 2016, snegyryev was temporarily attached to rubidzhan city court. in 2017 , by presidential decree, he was seconded for six months to the novozavodsk district court of chernihiv. however, snigiryov is not the president's decree . what the judge did for the next three years is unknown, but in july 2020 he left for russia, where he received citizenship. after acquiring the citizenship of another country, snegyryev automatically lost the authority of a ukrainian judge, but he did not inform ukraine about it. as a result, the state judicial administration in the luhansk region was paid a mountain salary for more than two years until september 2022. in total, he illegally received almost uah 2 million. let vitaliy snegerev know.
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on suspicion of fraudulent acquisition of funds in particularly large amounts, he faces up to 12 years in prison with confiscation of property, he was transferred to various courts, sent on business trips, but he did not appear there, only once the head of the court, when he was transferred , reported this to the council of judges of ukraine, then the council of judges turned to the vrp with a proposal to bring him to justice, and as we know... due to formal circumstances , they refused, refused to accept and returned the statement because it was signed by an unauthorized person person, then in fact there was a failure to perform the functions of their bodies. in december 2017 , large-scale changes took place in ukraine, the higher economic court of ukraine, the higher administrative court and the higher specialized court were liquidated court of ukraine for consideration of civil and criminal cases. their powers have passed to the newly created supreme court, and although the procedure is liquidated. was launched more
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than five years ago, the process has not yet been completed , the judges are still on the staff, they do absolutely nothing, however, they receive a salary, only for the first incomplete year and a half of the war, for 45 servants of themis, there are insufficient judges, ukraine spent more than 55 million uah a lot of money, millions of hryvnias, of taxpayers is being paid now as a judge's fee persons who are in sesus. or are suspects at all, and or do not carry out justice due to some circumstances, this is a large amount, of course, and the state must react, and the authorities that can react must do it quickly and efficiently, that is, to provide a mechanism for prosecution in the event that it violation to responsibility and dismissal. we should not forget about the infamous judges of the liquidated district administrative court of kyiv. only for their maintenance. in the first six months after the liquidation
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of the court, more than uah 40 million were spent. today, this amount can already reach about 100 million. those that the state could have spent on the army, and not given to those involved in the criminal case of corruption and seizure of power, supporters of yanukovych and the owner of the golden porsche. there is a huge problem in the fact that the judges of oasku, even after the liquidation of the court, they continue to be judges and receive a considerable salary. today , the most odious judges in the country. from the scandalous oask not only receive millions of salaries, when they do not work, they sue and demand to pay tens of millions of allegedly moral and material compensation, for example , the deputy chairman of oask yevhen ablov, a figure in the case of the attempted seizure of state power and interference in the work of judicial bodies, who continues to receive a salary, demands that the state compensate him another 67 million, and is going to retire retirement with lifelong payments of about uah 100,000 per month. but is it possible to stop such a waste of
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budget funds? currently, depriving a judge of a judge's remuneration is, of course , illegal, but there are other tools that can... affect the preservation of state budget funds, this is, for example , bringing judges to disciplinary responsibility, and bringing them to justice in a timely manner, the first priority consideration of such cases, yes, this also applies to judges of undue advantage, cases that appear and are on temporarily occupied territory, and there are facts of cooperation, for example from the russian federation, here are all these cases, that is, there is a mechanism, all these cases can... be considered by the supreme council of justice, judges can be brought to justice in a timely manner, and of course, then it will save money. hopefully, the state will find mechanisms to stop throwing money to the winds in the midst of a full-scale war, when the biggest beneficiaries of budget payments are
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criminals, state traitors and judges of liquidated judges. we will continue to monitor this topic and will definitely tell you more in future programs. as of today, i have everything, you watched judicial control, i am tetyana shustrova. tell us about the facts of corruption in the judicial system that you know. write to the email you see on the screen or me on facebook see you in exactly one week. good bye! events, events that... are happening right now and affect our lives, of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess events, analyze them, modeling our future, every saturday at
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1:10 p.m., with a repeat on sunday at 10:10 a.m. studio zahid with anton borkovsky, at espresso. watch this week in the collaborators program with olena kononenko. who led the rashis organizations in the occupied territories? under the protection of our friends, russian soldiers. but to whom did united russia entrust the fake mandates? the words of volodymyr volodymyrovych always resonate. greetings, i'm olena kononenko and this is a collaborator program about traitors who, following the call of their heart and conscience, went to serve the rashi occupiers. it will be rainy today. new faces of treason, who are asking to be defamed throughout the country, but let's start with the well-known seller of music producer yuriy bardash. after a full-scale invasion, he fled the country and first hid in georgia. there, on the pages of his social networks, he compared
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ukraine with nazi germany, and called himself a russian. after that, bardash allegedly began to receive threats from the georgian legion, so the traitor decided to scratch while he was alive. i came here, roughly speaking, with a backpack. yes, i have been to moscow before, but this time with the knowledge that i am here forever. in his telegram channel, a great expert and traitor, bardash writes that it was the armed forces of ukraine that blew up kakhovskaya hes and believes that the descendants of russia will study how a great state, standing on its knees, ruled the history of the whole world. i think i will study it. to no one, because such a sub-empire must simply disappear. in addition to everything, bardash boasted that he would soon receive a russian passport and change his name, and he called the glimpses of ukrainian patriotism that appeared in him a few years ago a coincidence. the phrase "putin took away ours" is a phrase that
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reassured ukrainians. they wanted me to tell them. and so the traitor's dream finally came true. on january 23, he received a treasured chicken passport. nothing to be happy about, because it's ukrainian he will soon lose his citizenship. now even piven in the ukrainian village has more rights and freedoms than bardash, for whom the door to the civilized world will finally close. well, then about those who are also trying with all their might to be useful for russia, to serve nofuro faithfully, such as, for example, 34-year-old alina shamrai, who from july 2022 heads the russian public organization the union of mothers of kherson. of the kherson region was finally able to get out of the backyard of ukraine and choose his own future. after watching this video, there are a lot of doubts about adequacy of a person and his presence of common sense. although what am i talking about, what a healthy stupidity the collaborators have? until february 24
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, almost no one had heard of alina shamrai, but when the kherson region was occupied, the scumbags of the russian media began to write laudatory odes about her en masse. of the union of matters of kherson and its head. as it turned out, this organization cooperates with local gauleiters and promotes russian propaganda under the guise of the interests of children. as you ask, everything is fine. simply by manipulation and lies. shamrai begins to sing a song about desire on camera little ones sleep peacefully in cribs, not in basements, go to kindergarten and walk in parks under a peaceful sky without shelling, but at the same time forgets one important detail: to say who exactly took away childhood from our children, thanks to whom the little ones hear explosions, and must hide in shelters at night. already now we feel safe under protection. our friends, russian soldiers. the shamray organization is financed at the expense of the occupation
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military-civilian administration of the kherson region, and its members receive a salary of rubles i don't even know how much you need to earn to say such frank vomiting on camera, although alina doesn't seem to need a lot, the main thing is that it's enough for the little girl. as a deputy head of the organization , shamrai distributes leaflets kherson region будущество вместе с росия. active participation in political events, calls to open educational institutions in order to integrate children into life under the tricolor cloth. previously, as we did, we signed up, there was an electronic queue, but now i came for free, the child is satisfied in a group of 15 people, why not, sit at home and wait, or better go, study and teach our children. in may last year , a report appeared on the website of the prosecutor general's office. based on shamrai's suspicion, she faces up to 12 years in prison with confiscation of property. and while
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in ukraine this traitor is awaiting a court sentence and a cell, she herself is grasping for the last opportunity to descend even further to the social bottom. alina is also trying to build a political career in the occupied territories. we found her name in the list of candidates from of the united russia party in the past fake elections of deputies of the kherson region, but to receive the covenant mandate of treason. could not. we see that in the conditions of the svo, the kherson region and other new regions demonstrate an impressive unity with russia. journalists of trc tavria heroically perform their work every day. well , someone take the bottle away from her, bring her to her senses and inform her that drastic changes in her life will soon be waiting for her. you will have to enjoy chefer, not syvukha. from a masseuse to an official's chair, this is kuzmenko evgenia mykolaivna in 1989, the village of novotroitske
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, kherson region, was born. her father, mykola kuzmenko, is the archpriest of the novokokhov diocese of the uoc mp. kuzmenko graduated from kherson state university and until february 24 was engaged in cosmetology and worked as a massage therapist. when the great war began, she moved to her parents in the village of novotroitske, there she went to the occupiers and began to beg. at first, the invaders placed kuzmenko in a local employment center, she served there faithfully, so the rashists decided to promote her further. tori kusmenko was included in the list of candidates for deputies of the occupying regional duma from the united russia party in the pseudo-elections that took place from september 1 to 10. on propaganda channels , yevgenia demonstrated true popular love and support for the russian federation. in local pubs , the collaborator urged locals to repaint ukrainian. tricolor symbols, elections are a mechanism of control and balance of power, citizens have the opportunity to evaluate
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their elected representatives and, if necessary , replace them with new ones. in the elections, this traitor won the occupiers solemnly handed her the mandate of deputy of the fake kherson duma from the united russia party. when there's motivation , i think it doesn't matter what age you are, you're young, old, you don't care what you're working for, and when there's what... this traitor knows exactly what she's talking about, because she went through it herself. the occupiers encourage her with positions, so working for the bunker grandfather is an inexplicable joy for kuzmenko. the words of volodymyr volodymyrovych always sound solemn and penetrate deeply into the heart and soul of everyone. and kuzmenko's appetites are growing she was a simple deputy for a short time, already in october... 2023, the occupying authorities of the kherson region appointed a traitor to the post of the head of the novotroitska community. during
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her appointment, she read the oath of allegiance to the russian federation. now, in a new status, this traitor travels to forums in the russian countryside and glorifies the terrorist country. people meet in general from different regions, that is, from different points of our great country, which offers many opportunities. people have more experience, so i try to... this get suspicions from our law enforcement agencies and then sit down. true, there is another alternative, but it is less pleasant - it is to lie down in our holy land. experience shows that the careers of all traitors end in the same way. so, before it's too late, it's better to choose the first scenario. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you have information about the kremlin sellers, write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook.
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together we will send all the traitors after the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine. another minus two russian fighter jets were hunted by the armed forces of ukraine for winged birds that sent bombs and missiles. according to our positions , volodymyr zelenskyi in kupyansk, which the president spoke about after visiting the position of the armed forces of ukraine, and the pilots. drove the mig-8 from russia to ukraine, found dead in spain, and with regard to aid for ukraine, which countries will allocate the next billions for our state. we will talk about this and other things today during the next hour and 45 minutes in the big ether program, which is starting. let me remind you that my name is vasyl zema and we will start with the announcement of the collection. to move quickly and perform combat
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tasks. the 25th separate airborne syacheslav brigade needs. car, she is constantly under the gun, the occupiers try to storm every day, but despite everything, our defenders firmly hold their formation in the eastern direction. we ask everyone who cares to join the fundraiser for cars, don't stay away, every hryvnia brings victory closer and distances it for the enemy. our goal is uah 3,000. we have 100,000 left to raise, i think we will close this issue in the coming days. please report the details you see on our screens. and one more announcement, which... i didn't have time to make, at night the enemy attacked us in the direction of zaporozhye. the armed forces of ukraine managed to stop this breakthrough, and now they are taking prisoners in the robotyny region, my colleague serhii zgurets will talk more about this. well, i will invite a guest to the conversation, and we will talk about the situation in zaporizhzhia, and there, you know, there is a lot to talk about about the humanitarian situation, but here not only
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humanitarian, because when 80 km away, that is how many kilometers apart. robotine and zaporizhzhia, when 80 km from the place where today the enemy is trying to break through or penetrate the ukrainian defense redoubts, it is difficult to talk only about humanitarianism, we will try to understand the mood of local residents in zaporizhzhia, and what they should say, how should they react to those threats that the aggressor country is trying to create again, which not only wants to return what was lost during the summer counteroffensive of 20, the third year, but also wants advance further and really create a threat to the city of zaporozhye. alisa sesoeva, journalist, deputy of the zaporizhia district council, is in touch with us. mrs. alice, i congratulate you. i congratulate you, mr. vasyl. glad to see and hear. let's start, probably, with such a question, which is connected with a military, military
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threat. i have an acquaintance in zaporizhzhia, she asks me, she says, should i pack things already, or is it still necessary, she says. well, in principle, i say there is no need, although again i say no, i don't know, i know that you don't know either, that's the question to the military, well, well, but in any case , the enemy is trying to advance somewhere on the approach to zaporizhzhia, i say once again, it is 80 km from the working area to zaporizhzhia, it is not close in principle, but you know, some publications write like this, the enemy is trying to break through ukrainian defense redoubts in the works near zaporizhzhia, well, it's not exactly the same, but it sounds like that, and already, as they say... it's worrying, what are the moods in the city, related to this, has there been an increase in some kind of anxiety, threat, please, yes, mr. vasyl, you know, well, first of all, here is this alarming news of what has been done, and moreover, in the last few days in the zaporizhia region real anti-records for shelling have been recorded, if earlier we had about 200 to 200 per day, then today we
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had 402 shellings per day, yesterday morning they recorded that... this is really a very large number and it was not certain from the very beginning of a full -scale invasion, so in principle the anxious mood of the people can be understood, there were also more attempts by the enemy to recapture their lost positions , well, if earlier in the reports they said about two or three attempts per day, then in these two days was 13 the day before yesterday, 10 today, of course we all understand that the situation at the front is the same. in principle, it was very predictable, the military said that this would probably be the course of the war, when our troops withdraw from avdiyka, then the whole situation, all the attention. it will be transferred to the zaporizhzhia direction, and official sources in the military administration also report that the enemy is getting stronger there in the zaporizhzhia direction, that they
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are strengthening, that they are taking personnel there , so in principle, your concern familiarity, one can understand that the situation is alarming , but the war is going on, and it has been going on for 10 years, not two years, so in principle, i think that the decision to go or not to go, well... that's it, it lies on the personal responsibility of each family, of each family, unfortunately, we cannot know now what will happen to us, and of course, no one can give any guarantees, but we live very close to the front line, and the fact that the situation in the zaporizhzhia region is becoming tense, that is already a well-known fact. yes, indeed, the enemy knocks at the threshold constantly, to which he too, so it's a little further from the work, but in any case, the enemy wants to ... move there, i know that there are already such initiatives among local residents, in zaporizhzhia, first of all, maybe even in the region, well, there south
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, or north of the front line, south of the regional center, that people themselves are trying to make some fortifications or are looking for someone who could help them to dig these fortifications, well, how it was done in the days of friendship war, not only in ukraine there, but also in other countries, local residents joined when from... it was clear that the enemy had accumulated large resources, and of course, the armed forces of ukraine will give a dignified life, or now they are even cleaning up what has broken through to the robot, they are taking prisoners, but we understand that the situation is dynamic, so whether in the future, there may be some organization of people, well, those who are physically fit for such work, again, i understand that this and secrets cannot be given out, where those fortifications are being built, well, and to the question about these dragon teeth, whether did they finally find the money for them or not and is this a question somehow will it be resolved? hedgehogs to make, say, anti-tank? you know, mr. vasyl, you have repeatedly raised this issue in your broadcasts in recent days, and in recent
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days we finally heard an official answer from our military administration, in particular our new head of the region, he said that the fact that there is no money that fortifications and fortifications are not being built, that this is a fake, that there is money and that all this will be built, and as for... personal initiatives, well, after two years of a full-scale invasion, already everything has probably moved to a more professional level, well, if we saw earlier that there at the beginning of a full-scale riot , people didn't know what to do, they gathered, even we had molotov cocktails there , people tried there, well, people were confused, now, after all, all this is moving to a more professional level, and in the mass media they reassure us, they say that the work is being done, but the secrets are not revealed, well, we will wait only for the official summaries, because they say that this in principle, so secret
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information, but everyone was reassured that work is being done, that money and fortifications, all this will be done, well, let's see, well, this is the main thing, that our ethers are not wasted, if it somehow influenced your words in these ethers, then it is of course a big plus, and here it is alarming. don't worry, we already talked about this with you last time, last week, in my opinion, if i'm not mistaken, about the fact that the enemy creates these pseudo-patriotic, military groups, where he drives children, they are called differently, - in my opinion, or that vimpil or something, well, in one word, some such, moronic soviet word, well, such a soviet woman, as they say, is resurrected in zaporizhzhia, and teenagers are involved, the question here is not that they will march, they march, then where. .. territory, everything will fall into place, but the question is that these teenagers, who can be used there in the war against
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the ukrainian army, is the worst thing, that they can die and or in some other actions, how large-scale it is, large-scale movement, if it is possible to learn something about it, and with for what purpose do you think the enemy is trying to russify in the bad sense of the word ukrainian... teenagers, young men, young women, indeed, here in the occupied territories, the first thing they set out to do was for the minds of our children, you know periodically there are videos and photos about what is happening in these schools during the so-called lessons of courage, well, this does not fit any logic at all, this week we saw how in one of the schools of melitopol, high school students were dressed in the uniform of russian soldiers, they were conducting some kind of a patriotic lesson, and you you know, this situation in melitopol. which became terrible, this is a real terrorist act, when a, when it happened at school, from now on the news appeared that children will be
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taught to design and assemble in the classrooms. drones, we all of course understand that our children are future conscripts for them, and to understand what is happening, you can look at what happened in the occupied territories and in the luhansk and donetsk regions, where the occupation has been going on for 10 years, if and when the occupiers came there, for example, the child was 10 years old, nine, then now she is already a full-fledged adult, who for 10 years was trained in these schools, in which they could completely change her mind. and we understand that it is possible that among those who have come to kill us now during these two years of full-scale invasion, there could well be those people who joined the army, who are, well, for example, now 20 years old or 21 or 19, who at the time of the occupation, they were also the same children, so of course it is possible, well, my personal opinion is that they want to make the children the future conscripts, the future
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cannon fodder. there is no purpose in them for children, i think there are none, this is a typical for them replenishment of their russian army, these are future soldiers, you can even see them, they train them to the uniform from a very young age, from the school desk, so indeed, if there are elementary school kids who we saw at the beginning of this video in the assembly hall, they still understand something, they don't understand something , they drove them, as if in the soviet jaundice, those... cheats, and those guys, well, teenagers, young men, it's obvious that i've been there for some time and it is not even necessary to wait several years, the situation in them will be, for example, critical somewhere, they they can absolutely easily put under the tanks, under the fire of the ukrainian armed forces, these same ukrainian citizens who are not even brainwashed there, the question is that no one will ask them, right away for the worst , that's fine , we're not sure we'll end it, i was thinking
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of developing the topic, but it's already the next one ... and the parents also stayed, well, it's clear that not everyone could leave, but well, in any case, understanding the situation, probably it was possible to save the children from this somewhere, well, it's not easy situation, thank you very much for joining us, i wish you a good evening and take care of yourself, alisa sasoeva was with us, she is a deputy of the zaporozhye district council, and now we will talk about another topic, we will not have a region, we will there will be a global problem, well, a global ukrainian problem, volodymyr balin, vice-president of asmap, mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, good evening. well , actually, we will talk about blocking the border, which was started by the poles, and in principle they have been doing it for the longest time, because other countries have also got involved, somewhere they refused, somewhere somehow it burned out, there was a renegotiation, in poland this story has been going on for quite a long time, at what stage is this problem now, and did the negotiations led by
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denis shmyhal, in particular, yield any results. and dmytro kuleba at his level, is there any enlightenment in this problem? well, to be honest, i don’t see it, indeed, the negotiations were at different levels, now the agrarians are on strike, as far as i know, the ministers of agriculture also had negotiations among themselves, they nominated the following demands that are unacceptable for the ukrainian side, and i believe that today there will only be escalation. conflict , especially since sunday they joined these protest actions in agriculture, germany, the netherlands, other countries, that is, in fact, tomorrow we are waiting, well , at least it was announced, i understand that they will try to implement, block railway junctions, entrances to ports, that is, the situation is now heating up and in fact, i do not see the world from the point of view of changes, moreover, i will remind you
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against it. which you said is the longest after all it was done by polish carriers, now they have suspended it until march 1, and no one can guarantee that from march 1 , polish carriers will also join this strike, most of them already actively support this strike and even cars were delivered to the road yesterday , here let's talk about the economic losses suffered by ukraine, i understand that the ukrainian side is also trying to block... and prevent polish trucks from entering the territory of our state, or do it in a dosed way, well , such countermeasures, as they say mirrors, mirror actions are being committed by the ukrainian side, which are now losses for the ukrainian economy, plus they don’t let them in right away, i also saw passenger buses, or at least they pass with a delay, and the goods are intended for the ukrainian army, in particular suvs, cars for the army, which as is it possible
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to calculate these losses there? in a week, how critical it is now and for which...


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