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tv   [untitled]    February 20, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EET

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russia has an echeloned approach to everything. that's how it is in my language, they don't hit targets there, they hit squares. it's the same story here. and here is the previous court, which was the un court, where ukraine, in principle, did not appear in a better world. and we are actually a part of those measures that we had, we did not get the result we expected. the same story can happen here, if you don't take it very seriously. what about my court, they first gave 19 years, it was because of the blockade, then 18 years, they removed some years, they changed something there, they gave 18 years, and confiscated part of the property, which... ukraine
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should now take very seriously those things that are happening in international courtrooms. and you can't set it to some mode, there are no solutions, you have to take it very seriously. if it concerns the judicial of these things. it is clear that the moral side of the issue is exactly what... the activists at the civil blockade did, they were citizens of ukraine, people from crimea, citizens of ukraine did all this in order to wash away this shame in terms of trade, with the occupation of the territory of crimea, it was everything was stopped, it was stopped at all, so this shame was on all ukrainian citizens who lived, wherever they lived, to trade in blood with the occupied crimea, when so many captured territories and so many lost lives had no moral right. nobody, especially the politicians
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who were at that time, what i said about the court, about the blockade, there is a lot to talk about, in principle, we did not even exhaust a tenth of what we said during all this time , now you show that rustem was on the set, some people are no longer there, they died, here you show the soldier, he is now fighting in the armed forces.
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of course, we lost some people, but the main skeleton remained in the 48th oab, it is very , very significant that we are now able to return to these frames again and we are able to get your comment about the fate of the people who are in these frames, because sometimes, sometimes dominates. some strange stereotype that people who are residents of crimea, who left the territory of crimea after 2014 or later, everyone has a different fate, they are somehow minimally involved in the defense forces of ukraine, now, well, it is obvious that the words of lenur slyamov refute this thesis and it must be refuted simply on a regular basis. i would like to remind you that i do not imagine how russia is.
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russian federation can generally seek its right in any international court, given that under international law , the provision of everything necessary, in particular, as we understand, both in the energy sector and in the humanitarian sector, is a tiger of revenge, yes, it must to carry out the occupiers, it is prescribed by the relevant conventions, so i simply have no idea what for they calculate, but they emphasize exactly the power outage, which bothered them the most. both ayder and you, mr. lenoure, talk there mainly about trade, and about the trucks that continued to run and so on. and if we are talking about energy and the events related to the power transmission line, which have it was the last, the last point just in history, because there it was the last step, in terms of ending any economic relations with the occupiers, right? and this was the blockade of crimea, it was... public, it was
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political, it was ideological, and as it were not the blockade, but lenour won’t say that, because he is directly the leader of the blockade, and i can say that i saw all this, if uh... this shameful barter and trade with crimea had not stopped, i don’t know what country we would be in now lived, and would we now have such solidarity and would ukrainians go together with the crimeans, with others, with citizens of even other countries, until now the 48th separate assault battalion named after noman chilibedjakhan, the commander of which and actually created by lenur islyamov , i want to thank him for this, firstly, and secondly ask about the battalion's urgent needs. here the qr code hangs from the beginning of the program, and we collect on fpv drones night with thermal imaging cameras, i have already said everything about it, about something else that can be said about this unit, it is really big enough and the unit, which
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is created as crimean, for the crimean direction, well, the predominant one in the first place, what can i say, there is not often such an opportunity to see mr. commander.
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without a leg, he was one of the first to arrive and brought with him six people who were patriots there in zaporozhye, with ukrainian with the flag, he said, here you crimeans have started, and we will be together with you, i say, how can it be without a leg, everything is very difficult there , he answers, you don’t worry about us, we will be with you and the crimeans until the end,
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these are citizens of ukraine from crimea, these are crimean tatars, not only crimean tatars, but also ukrainians from crimea, they are also at the core
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of the battalion, and then we were joined by a lot of citizens of ukraine who, trusting us as crimean tatars, i am about he said more than once that we are the key to the crimea. there will be, there cannot be a state of ukraine without crimea, therefore, we set up the blockade without weapons for a patriotic purpose, the battalion is now doing it with weapons in hand. thank you, lenure, lenure slyamov, the commander of the 48th named after noman
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chilibikhan, joined the live broadcast of the razom beraber program, this is a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the atp tv channel, and i would like to make a short announcement on ours. next program, this is extremely important. lenour began his speech with the fact that it is very important for ukraine to follow the various court proceedings that take place, in particular, on international platforms, and we will... to do for you with ayder muzhdabaev already next saturday, especially since on february 20 we are waiting for consideration in great britain of the case against the ex-leader of the already occupied sevastopol dmytro ovsyannikov. we will remind that he was detained in great britain for violating sanctions legislation, but in 2022, and this is just some nonsense, the eu court actually removed him from sanctions. the case law is so strange, i hope it will come back to common sense. i thank
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everyone who watches this program on saturdays, i thank christ and the entire press team and of the atr tv channel, the director of which is now the commander of the 48th о shb, i appeal to you sincerely and as much as possible to donate to the armed forces of ukraine, in particular to the 48th separate assault battalion named after noman chelbijakh. thank you, black voice. that's all, see you next saturday. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program. my name is serhiy rudenko, i greet everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours we talk about the war, about the world. about our victory and about what is happening outside
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of ukraine. today in the program. the most dangerous situation since the beginning of the war. after the capture of avdiyivka, the occupiers launched an offensive in five directions. analysis of the operational situation. an alternative to nato. the eu is discussing backup plans in case trump wins the us elections. what can lead to the termination of the american. aid, putin raises the stakes, the demonstrative assassination of navalny and new nuclear threats to the west, how to eliminate the kremlin threat. we will talk about this and other things for the next hour with ukrainian-russian war veteran oleksiy hedman, people's deputy of ukraine yehor cherniv, as well as journalist roman tsimbalyuk. in the second part of our program, which will start in exactly one hour, we will have political scientists. maksym rozumny, vitaly kulyk and ihor reiterovych. however, before starting our big conversation,
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let's watch a video of how the armed forces of ukraine stopped a powerful offensive of the russians in the zaporizhzhia direction, destroying 18 units of armored vehicles. let's see.
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hetman, military analyst, reserve major of the national guard of ukraine, veteran of the russian-ukrainian war. mr. major, i welcome you, thank you for being with us today. i congratulate you. mr. major, let's start our conversation with the situation in avdiivka. on february 17 , commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine syrsky announced that ukrainian troops had entered avdiivka in order to prevent unnecessary losses. oleksandr tarnavskyi of the operational-strategic grouping of tavri troops assures that after the departure from avdiivka. the ukrainian military has established itself on new lines of defense. the 47th separate mechanized brigade reported that the fighters of their 25th separate assault battalion were the last to leave the avdiiv coke plant without casualties. how would you describe the current situation in avdiivka, and what
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has the enemy gained as a result of the loss of avdiivka? first won a tactical victory, because it is a clear height with which we could to control the artillery of the city of donetsk, we did not fire at the city of donetsk, but the russians perfectly understood that from this distance, from this height, we can shoot with our guns, simply put, and they did not build any powerful military hubs there, did not build warehouses, did not build centers communication or something, well, everything that is necessary for... to be able to actively organize or lead troops, they would really like it, because donetsk is a city, well, where communications are connected, that is, there is no need to look for electricity, where there is heat, where there is gas, well, you can go there it would be something so serious to build a military one, that's why we don't have this possibility anymore, well
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, not completely, we can use other systems to impress the fire. this is a city, if there is something there, well, not a city, but a military object that can be built there, so what other advantage do they have - it is a political advantage, for them a political advantage is not an advantage over us, it is internal russian showdowns, they needed some positive positive information from the front that there were some victories, and here is avdiyivka, it was planned, on capture, elections will be held in russia. well, the voting is already direct, they even set several deadlines, on december 14 last year , putin spoke at a press conference where he officially announced that he was running for president, they wanted to do it by december 14, there was the first deadline, then, well, many people remember it was until january 1, that is, until the end of the year, they said, and the next deadline was the beginning of march, to
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achieve this goal at least in a week or two, so that it could be talked about, well, on their professional channels, well strategic sense, they did not achieve a strategic advantage, no domino principle , as they say, will happen there , no one is going to fall to the front there, we passed the most, well, the most convenient position in this case, of course avdiivka was a very convenient position, but after it was surrounded on three sides, it was already difficult to conduct military operations there, well, about the fact that this would not be some kind of strategic advantage for the russians from... the war until october 10, when last year, when such massive offensive actions of the russians had already begun, so still after all, there is a military component here, but the political basis still prevails, and the officer of the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade named after yakov handziuk serhiy tsehotsky, who fought in avdiivka, considers the decision
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of the military command to leave the city to be correct. let's listen to what serhii tsekho said. military personnel, after the command was given to leave avdiyivka, that means, in principle, understanding the situation that has developed, the mood has risen, despite the fact that this is our territory, our city and so on, that is, the front and the troops are aligned get into a more advantageous situation. are now located, that is, the front line has aligned, and now we will be able, so to speak, to feel the elbow of our neighbors on the right, on the left more specifically and more confidently, eh , as for me, and not only for me, but for many military personnel who are here today on on the battlefield, then it was the right decision and
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avdiyivka fulfilled its task, mr. major, by going... to avdiyivka, are other opportunities opening up for the russians, because the western press writes that the russians will have at least five directions there, for what they are can start an offensive, well, literally in a few days, well, they are doing these offensive actions in several directions, oh, starting from the left bank of the dnipro river, there, cossack camps, krynks, where they are trying to trick our e. marines, special forces operations, from the bridgehead that we are preparing, and it is possible to walk until midnight to kupinsk, so they will try to attack in three to five directions. avdiivka does not directly give them the opportunity to attack in other places, they intended to do it that way, and that's a big deal account, well, it was only influenced by the fact that
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the troops they transferred from kupinsk to avdiivka will now return to kupinsk, and there the offensive actions of the russians will intensify again, because they have quieted down a little in the last few weeks, well, somewhere around the time, they in the liman direction. continued, if we take the northern part as the eastern front, on kupinsky they reduced it a little, well , now they will return the part that was left of them there and i think it will also strengthen there, so i will level the front lines, well, that’s it a little so, well, that’s right, the front line should be even, so that you can lean on the right, lean on the left, but the army usually takes positions from units, well, especially if it is a large section of the front, not along the line, no one is in the line there , it is this drawn line may not be very straight, but on the terrain , focusing on advantageous positions on the line, but this does not mean that someone could not
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align, well, how the mountains go, how the hills go, simply put, mountain ranges, so on the mountain ridges and it is necessary, of course, to build fortifications, they can be uneven, they maybe there somehow, as the letters zu say , yes, well, but that does not mean that it is wrong, it is a properly constructed defense, why in... those places the enemy tries to attack, well , here you know, they also most likely follow leading western magazines, there is the new york times, the institute for the study of war, and they remember that they wrote these publications, sometime in april, may of last year, when our offensive operations were being prepared, they then advised our troops to attack in several places, not in one place to focus on... joint actions, in two, better in three, they even wrote what they could be, the melitopol direction, well, different forecasts were given there,
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now, so as not to go too deep, and at that time they thought, well, these publications, these experts, that then the enemy, that is, it will be difficult for the russians to get the entire line, because they will scatter here and there, because if they are in many places at once, then it will not be possible to hold the force through the defense. well, they listened to it and are now trying to implement it in their offensive actions, retaliating not from three but from five places, thinking that our line will crumble, i don't think so, because we were preparing for it, we know it, well, our partners who make such forecasts and analyze the situation are sometimes very interesting to read, but if you open what they wrote six months ago, a couple of months ago, then we will see that many of their... positions were inappropriate, as it turned out, and many of their conclusions were wrong, well, you can forgive them for that, they are still her people, well, not military, they
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operate on the information that they provide the military, well, sometimes they make not very professional conclusions, so you can listen to them like that, but to take to heart, as they say, to worry, well, of course you don’t need to, it’s better to listen to our military, especially people... who have a lot of information about large areas of the front, because a battalion commander, or even a brigade commander, he is, after all, this man, he sees what is happening on the battlefield, but still he saw fragmentarily, well, only that area for which he is responsible, so we still have to rely on information from our general staff before the first full-scale invasion of today's of the day and the information is official information. not someone from some high echelons of the government, namely the official information from our general staff , once it did not need correction,
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that is, it always corresponded to reality, if we wrote something there, then that is how they commented, officially commented , that's how it was, people, even high officials are different, they could and sometimes do their own vision. they can comment on something, and then it, well, they are a little bit does not correspond to reality, one must not be confused here, there is a private opinion, even a person in a general’s epaulettes or in some high position, this is his personal private opinion, but official information comes only from the general staff, and i want to repeat once again, with since the 22nd, 2402.22, there has never been a time when it was necessary to correct or apologize for a mistake, so let's trust it officially. information i absolutely agree with you. the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine reports that the russians have become more active on the mariyansk and kherson directions. in the last day
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, the armed forces of ukraine fought back. there were 18 and 16 enemy attacks, respectively, and today president zelenskyi visited the battalion command post of the 14th separate mechanized brigade named after prince roman the great, which performs combat tasks in the defense of kupyansk , and discussed the provision of units with equipment and ammunition. what effect does the lack of aid from the united states of america have, mr. major? lack of weapons, lack of funding from our partners, the americans, myself, how it will be and how it is will influence in the future whether the russians are now taking advantage of this pause that has arisen, that is, the two-month pause in making a decision regarding 61 billion dollars for the ukrainian army, well, they are taking advantage , this is a window of opportunity for them now and they are taking advantage of it,
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this... window capability consists of three components, the largest component is, of course, not supplying us with the appropriate amount, especially shells, this greatly affects our ability to conduct offensive and active defensive actions, the second component is solid ground, which now the weather is a little conducive to the fact that it is possible to move with heavy equipment, the third component is the newest command of our armed forces, not because these people are bad, the people there are very kind, we know all these generals, well, almost all of them... there one, we know them all and trust them all, we have seen them in battle, but any position, especially a position , requires a certain time to master it, in the armed forces there is even such a rule that a person who transferred to a higher position, half a year, and it is not even imposed an official penalty for any mistakes, well, if it is not fatal or some kind of criminal violation, a person does not become untouchable, but reprimands are not made in
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person. remarks are made in order for a person to take responsibility, after that six months have already passed, if you make a mistake, you do something wrong, you will be reprimanded, we understand that we do not have six months to accept these cases, senior generals, well, those generals who received the newest position, but still they have to spend some time to figure out how in detail to figure it out, they understand it that way, it’s great, but in the details, in the nuances, they, well , it takes a certain amount of time, and these three components, the lack of shells, solid ground and the top command, the top command created a certain window of opportunity for the russians, of course it still prevails here, you can’t divide this 33% into thirds, that every component has the same weight, and the most negative weight is precisely the lack of shells, but these two components also had an impact,
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regarding the united states and aid , well... you see how the decembrists woke up there hertsin, then mike johnson woke up the europeans, because they immediately, when they saw what was happening on the battlefield, we began to lose certain positions, as the enemy began to actively press, they also found 500 shells in denmark, well, hamlet's father's trick worked there , peter pavel, unexpectedly found 800 thousand shells somewhere. and where he didn't know they were there before, well, that's it , that means they were scared, well, god forbid, britain, oh, britain, denmark is almost planning to sell us all their artillery, it 's not much, and it, well, don't expect it there will be something big, what they have, according to official sources, they have 24, 24 units of m9, m109 self-propelled guns - that's
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150mm, they even have them. 122-millimeter guns, they will also give us 20 mortar systems, which are not entirely clear, and 12 mlrs, and that makes 62 pieces of equipment, well, that’s also not bad, plus half a million shells, that’s also not bad, that is, you see, europe wanted us i didn't want to, they were looking for millions of the promised shells, well , they looked for a long time, found such 524 thousand and will continue. to promise, and when it became scary, it found it 1,300 shells at once, and it is very nice that exactly, well, not exactly what denmark did, but what denmark just did, well, the kingdom, it is still a tradition, took such a step as transferred everything that is needed for, that is, everything that they have was, gave all the artillery to us, because i understand that we need it more now, and two words about the united states, we understand that people who are even supporters of trump, among
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the republicans, although let's not all republicans are bad e.


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