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tv   [untitled]    February 20, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EET

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150-millimeter guns, they have as many as six 122-millimeter guns, they will also give us 20 mortar systems, which are not quite clear, and 12 mlrs, and that makes 62 pieces of equipment, well, that’s also not bad, plus half a million shells, that’s also not bad, that is , you see, europe wanted us and didn't want us, they were looking for a million more of the promised shells, well , they looked for a long time and found them. and will continue to promise, and when it got scary, it found 1,300 shells at once, and it is very pleasant, what exactly, well, not exactly what denmark did, but what denmark just did, well , the kingdom, after all, it is a tradition, did such a step, as she transferred everything necessary for , that is, everything they had, she transferred all the artillery to us, because i understand that we need it more now, and two words about the united states, we understand that people who are even supporters to trump among the republicans,
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although let's not all republicans are bad, ronald rayton is also a republican, john mccain is also a republican and even schrossenegger is also a republican, it does not mean that republicans are somehow bad and that they do not understand something. but this group of trumpists, what they did, especially the speaker of the house representatives, this is the gentle house of the parliament of the united states, the faithful senate and the gentle house of representatives, he did, maybe he wanted to, as they say, sorry for... tabloid slime will bow before trump, he did a very bad thing for the united states, first of all , it is surprising that these vacations, which he proposed for deputies, although they were there, there was a majority, since in the senate, in the lower house, there was also a majority of people who would have voted for help, he alone made the decision to go on vacation, that is, alone a person, alone a person, what it is, can make a decision to be during. from the war to three countries, two of which
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are in the stage of war and one in preparation for war, taiwan, israel and ukraine, to stop, to leave them without e, the supply of money and weapons for waging war, one person, how can this be, it is unacceptable, and why two words , and why two words, 30 seconds, and why is it bad for the united states, because it is now seen by the europeans and the whole world as not a very reliable partner, and it has spoiled the image of the united states, i think not on years even for ten years, so i think that the americans will not have to be grateful to this speaker, haim the greek. thank you, mr. oleksiy, it was oleksiy hetman, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, a retired major of the national guard of ukraine, or in reserve, please. and let me remind you, friends, that we are conducting a survey during this broadcast, we are asking you today whether you trust the information of the united telethon, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube. yes, no or
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write your comment below this video if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone and vote, if you trust information, information, information, donate to the only telethon, 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, and at the end of the program we will summarize of this vote, we will be in touch with yehor cherniev, people's deputy of ukraine, deputy chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on national security, defense and intelligence. mr. yehor, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. good evening. you were a participant in the munich security conference, the largest forum that took place not only in europe, but in this, the whole world, and where people discussed the future, the present and the future. on the first day of this conference, it became known about navalny's assassination in russia. how did this story... and did it affect
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the discussion of what is happening in ukraine now, and what the world needs to do to get russia out of ukraine and for russia to be defeated? undoubtedly, it had an effect, but i think it did not have an effect in the way that was intended putin, that is, in principle, to block the topic of aid to ukraine, this did not happen, but... well, let's say this, it increased the degree of communication and the need for the russian federation to respond and to restrain the russian federation, but not so much that, for example, the same kanster scholz in his speech, quite a powerful speech, let's be honest, especially for chancellor scholz, still this fact did not allow him, for example, to say or announce the transfer of long-range, long-range taurus missiles to ukraine, although. even
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i talked to his members of the bundestag, they said that it was a blog-like escalation on the part of putin, and a response from the west. but education, in particular on the part of germany, that is , i cannot say that somehow it blocked the agenda, but for sure everyone talked about the murdered, yesterday, i understand that you also in munich had the opportunity to observe the reaction of our western partners, yesterday dmitry medvedev, deputy head of the security council of the russian federation, said that if... that russia is pushed to the borders of 1991, then russia can use nuclear weapons, well, judging by the post he made, it was possible to draw the following conclusion, i quote what medvedev said: the collapse of russia will have much more terrible consequences than the results of an ordinary,
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even protracted war, because attempts to return russia to the borders of 1991 will lead to , not only to one. to a global war with western countries with the use of the entire strategic arsenal of our state in kiev, berlin, london, washington, in all our beautiful, other beautiful historical places, long ago entered into the canvas goals of our nuclear triad, we see how putin actually used two elements of threats and two signals to the world, the first is information about the assassination of navalny and the second is whether we can expect such a development from russia, because with navalny we see that they have their did the dirty work come to an end? you know, delirium
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is a terrible thing, it seems to me that it is no longer taken into account by our partners when medvedev betrays again... because we understand that he is , well, in fact, a jester who can say whatever he wants under the kremlin, he already repeatedly scared our western world with some red lines, and in principle nothing happened, so i think that our partners will not take it seriously, but this does not exclude the fact that i absolutely do not appreciate our partners. the risks of a direct collision with the russian federation and do not assess the risks, a very small percentage of the use of nuclear weapons by russia wants it, more in the section on nuclear weapons it was said about the possible use in space against
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satellites, but in other aspects i did not hear that it was really discussed as a real threat. in parallel with this, ukraine concludes agreements with germany and france, in munich zelensky held a number of bilateral negotiations, in particular with the leaders of denmark, the netherlands, the czech republic, and azerbaijan. let's listen to what zelensky said. american partners separately. a conversation with president biden, very important points, and in particular about avdiivka. and the need to continue basic and sufficient support to ukraine. talks with the vice president of the usa, very substantive meetings with congressmen, representatives of both parties, both chambers american congress. and each such conversation
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confirmed the key meaning as clearly as possible. it is ukraine that can stop putin and create such conditions that he will be punished for all evil. made, sir, mr. yehor , do our western partners understand that their future and the future of the world now depends on the situation in ukraine, and that ukraine is exactly the point where their efforts should be directed, both financial, including gunsmiths, well, let's be honest, but in fact the majority in the house of representatives and in... the senate supports ukraine and among those who came to munich, our parliamentary delegation also had a bilateral meeting with parliamentarians from the congress, and both republicans and democrats, and they absolutely clearly said that they heard
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the message with which he came to them, zelensky came to them, but together with so were senators like vance, who... is absolutely consistently opposed to aid to ukraine, to the general reduction of the participation of the united states in the security of europe, all this is happening now and, unfortunately, affects internal decisions in the congress, conscious congressmen absolutely clearly understand what consequences such steps to delay aid will have for ukraine and for the united states itself, that indeed this is what europe, other democratic countries, and the global south are watching, who see that now... there is , the united states ceases to be a leader, and that is why
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germany, for example, takes over this leadership in europe. mr. yehor, is there any unity among the western partners themselves, what is the victory of ukraine, what is the defeat of russia, or is there a vision of one picture when putin loses and ukraine wins, that is, what should it be, where is putin... one without the other, and these are all the questions that we are not here to prove that it is impossible without
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wanting to provoke putin through the provision of ballistic missiles or through the provision of some kind of greater assistance, it simply leads to a dead end, and we will discuss this with our partners, and i will tell you that the more eastern our partners are, the closer they are to ukraine, the more radical they are, the more clearly they understand and share our position, the more... well, unfortunately, they still don't understand what it is puzzles, part of one puzzle, our victory and russia's loss, according to the results of this security conference, what can you say that ukraine got, and whether ukraine is even a center, was the central event of the munich conference, as we expected, because in the. .. at the last three international security conferences, we hear, well, about
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the same rhetoric, and this conference was held on the eve of the invasion, then already in the 23rd year, a year ago, president zelensky spoke before the munich security conference, does the world still have other problems ? europe has other problems that they are facing, and it seems to us that the whole... world should be thinking about ukraine, and they are thinking about israel or about other potential hot spots, which can be in the world. if you look at the program of this conference, you can really fall into pessimism and see that several events, some side events, and a couple of panels are dedicated to ukraine. and to be honest, the first day disappointed me a bit. because he was quite so lean, you know, and i even allowed myself to do it
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assessment of the united states' performance, which was in principle formal enough: this is how we will support, this is how we will support, this is how we are with ukraine, but to be honest , i did not hear any, any breakthrough there, ah, and this one, you know, passion for help, as it was , for example, last year, i didn’t see either, but the second day changed everything, after president zelensky’s speech, which was simply sold out, he was greeted and sent off with applause in the main hall, ukraine really returned to agenda, after which the performance was quite powerful scholz, who, again, taking into account his personality as quite such a... dove of peace, let's say so, and he articulated quite clearly that what europe, and in particular
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germany, should take over, take on more responsibility, and in fact between the lines it was heard that he should take over the leadership in aid, in aid to ukraine, well, i already saw that ukraine was present in one way or another at every panel, and despite the fact that i will repeat myself, that is in the program. the west was the near east, and the climate was different problems, and migration problems and problems of africa, that is, he was. the program was really so blurred, on the first day, the second, third day were absolutely focused and concentrated, and there was a lot about. and , according to bloomberg, mr. yehor, at the munich security conference , representatives of nato member states in private conversations discussed the need to prepare for a possible war between russia and nato, in connection with
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trump's latest statements and doubts about the role of the united states in the defense of europe. according to the washington post in the european union are already looking for back-up plans in case donald trump comes to power in the united states of america, who will stop supporting ukraine and actually allow the dictator putin to destabilize the european region. european officials privately discussed the creation of a pan-continental nato unit that would work in harmony with american security guarantees. but it will also be able to serve as a reliable alternative in case of refusal of american guarantees, writes the washington post. mr. yehor, are they waiting at the world for the arrival of donald trump and is this concern that bloomberg and the washington post convey? you know,
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it's really not that there's tension in the air, but... the need for european countries to come together and the sense that the united states is still putting foreign policy on the back burner because of its domestic political turbulence right now, and i think the closest , which will continue in the coming months until the presidential elections, and may continue depending on what the results will be, therefore... and indeed there were conversations on the sidelines, i was present at one of the at one of those closed dinners attended by stoltenberg and bauer, ah, the head of the nato military cabinet. unfortunately, i can't talk about it, it was chaos in the chat, but, let's say, everyone understands that in
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europe it is necessary to take more responsibility, to sort things out. in fact, a leading role both in protecting themselves and in helping ukraine. well, the question is whether europe is ready for this, and whether europe and the countries that are part of the north atlantic have the capabilities alliance now allow to do this? you know, economically, i think that yes, we see that the gdp of the countries of europe, the countries of the western world, it... it exceeds the gdp of the russian federation by several times. powers, in principle, also exist and there is an opportunity to increase them. i was literally at the factories of the taurus missile manufacturer today and talked to the management of this factory. and they
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say that there is no problem to launch now a line for the production of these missiles in order to provide... all the necessary missiles, not only for ukraine, but also for for germany or for other countries that will be needed, whether it is a problem or a plus, i don’t know how to say it correctly, in these countries there is a market economy, and not an administrative command economy, where everything is turned on at full capacity with a circuit breaker for the country’s necessary needs, here you really need go through the process smoothly. for example, the bundestag, the allocation of new funds, the conclusion of contracts, the start of production, and this takes time, and we tried to tell our partners that you don't have that time anymore, the war is on your doorstep , and you need to move very quickly in order to to build up all these capacities, and it is better
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to do it for ukraine, to stop the war here in ukraine, and not... wait for it to come to your homes. thank you, mr. yehor, it was yehor cherniev, a people's deputy of ukraine, who participated in the munich security conference, we learned first-hand about what was actually said on the sidelines and what representatives of world leaders and world powers, who, from on which our future depends. friends, i would like to remind you that we work simultaneously live, as well as on our platforms in youtube and facebook, please. if you watch us there live, please vote in our poll, today we ask you this, do you trust the information of the only telethon, yes, no, if you have your own opinion, write. please comment below this youtube video, if you watch us on tv, take a print out of your phone and vote if you trust the information of the only telethon 0800 211381, no 08021382, all calls to these
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numbers are free, call us, we are interested to know your opinion , at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next , we will be in touch with my colleague, journalist roman tsimbalyuk, former vlasko runyan in moscow. mr. roman, i am you... congratulations and thank you for being with us, hello serhiy, greetings to everyone, and i encourage you to subscribe to the youtube channel of roman tsymbalyuk, a person who has more than a million subscribers on youtube, trust roman tsymbalyuk , watch him and listen to his operative commentary as i do myself. so, mr. roman, let's start with what happened in russia. putin killed navalny which, in principle, probably should have happened , according to logic, another two years, or how many, three years, four years ago in 2020, when
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alexei was poisoned in russia, the first time it did not work, but now, during the munich security conference , putin decided to demonstrate to the whole world that he can kill not only ukrainians, but also oppositionists, for whom he was threatened. once the biden administration and biden personally, do you think that the absence of navalny or the removal of navalny will change this whole story at all, will it change nothing will change russia, or russia, except a merciless riot of some kind, which can be provoked by expensive vodka, expensive bread, or something else. somehow, well, in fact , russia is changing, every day it is changing, and currently they are changing in the direction of such
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a nazi ultra-dictatorship, and the main changer of the russian federation is not the so-called russian oppositionists, but us and the armed forces of ukraine, who, no matter what, continue to fight with the invader, because of the reaction. of the world, another concern, threats to putin, there, you know, the funniest thing was the idea of ​​introducing sanctions against russia for the fact that they soaked navalny, well, it causes such a new , not even a smile, to a certain extent disgust, and this disgust, it comes from moscow, in what way, because he is, that is, a russian dictator directly shows everyone that he doesn't care, you understand that you won't do anything to me, you and the west can't even provide ukraine with shells,
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we already have, as they say, a real hot real war with you, tens of thousands killed, and in in this regard, you know to somehow pay attention to russian so-called liberal commentators, who are so upset about something, and what is happening, for example, and what is happening to them, their potential beautiful russia of the future, they are not interested in, neither mariupol interests them, nor bucha, nor avdiivka, why did he do it, well, he really has, after such torture that he endured by mikitor, to break off, but in fact they destroyed him, who will tell them... that this cannot be done, well, no stupas are visible today , plus america, which can't even to agree to financial assistance, it is still
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inspiring, it is all connected, it seems that our grandfather joseph biden understood, because when he spoke about biden, oh, excuse me, about navalny, he immediately associated it with ukraine, the point of boris nimtsova, zhanna understood everything , she also urged that for this it is necessary... not to talk about sanctions, but to hand over planes to ukraine, if you want changes in russia, well, help ukraine, at least not to die from this nazi onslaught, that is, everything is clear, but you see these well, what do you know, i look at them like these people with candles, with flashlights, but, you know, on the one hand, they cause such sympathy and... it's nice that there are people who are against the war, but they behave like suicides, you know, such a mass suicide, oleksii actually committed suicide,
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in fact, i don't know. what he was counting on, and these people are the same, here they are either silent, or they send trains under someone, or go to ukraine and fight against the nazis, there are simply no other options, and these are all the things, i especially like the rallies there against putin in new york, in tbilisi, well, behave, it's... it's a bit strange, strange, i would say, but today , look, the wife of oleksiy navalny, yulia , recorded an appeal, said that she would continue the cause of her husband and called on the russians to achieve the destruction of the dictatorial regime of vladimir putin, according to her conviction, it was the head of the kremlin who gave the order to kill her husband, let's listen to yulia navalna.
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we know exactly why putin killed oleksiy three days ago, we will tell you about it soon, we will definitely find out who exactly and how exactly committed this crime, we will name names and show faces, i i will continue the case of oleksiy navalny, i will continue to fight for our country, and i urge you to stand by me, to divide not only... i am asking you to divide people with me. i think that we, roman, and you could tell yulia navalny to already show the portrait of the person who killed her husband, and this is the portrait of vladimir putin. well, here, in principle, there is no need to conduct an investigation in a few days, because putin and his team together with this clique, they are demonstrating. to the whole world,
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why kill navalny, why kill ukrainians, for them, there is no special difference at all, they are murderers, and it is necessary to talk about it, and the reaction of the world should probably be appropriate, as to murderers, that is, murderers deserve something, either for a long time, or according to russian law, there already have they reinstated the death penalty or not, they haven't reinstated it yet, well, i think that... by the time when it is necessary to punish putin, there will already be the death penalty, well, i 'm talking about what, well, when navalny says that we have to come out with something else and it is sitting somewhere across the ocean, well, this also raises the question, well, what next, well, first of all serhii, i have to correct you, she didn't say that they had to go out somewhere,
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she said that she would continue the case. alexei, and before i say it, i sincerely sympathize with her, and i have no joy over navalny's death, because any changes in russia, well, they at least give a minimal chance to end the war, that 's all clear, but when she says: i will continue navalny's case, a natural question arises, what is the case, sitting in prison, fighting russian corruption. to go to the armed forces of the russian federation everything is very new, very modern, well, russia and yes , the state is as rich as possible, there is just a bunch of old people, you see, she says, people, people, divide the people, how to divide them, well, we see the appearance of just another tykhanovskaya, maybe, you know, the western the world, after all, they always count on soft power and... in
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the future, it is possible that she will also have security there, there is an unlimited card or a limited one , it doesn't matter what in practice, what you can do in practice, you see, the man was killed , and the word people in it is not connected with ukraine, you see, that is, putin's russia is here, and the beautiful russia of the future is somewhere over there, we... will definitely return, although the chances of these people returning to russia are only in the case of the success of our army, it’s just for a second, but they are like the alexei of this issue avoided, i'm already talking about the sandwich, it's banal, and there's no point in mentioning it, he's talking about international borders, thoughts began to appear shortly before his death, in fact, he's already written quite a lot of them.


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