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tv   [untitled]    February 20, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EET

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she will also have security there, whether there is an unlimited card or a limited one, it doesn't matter that in practice, what you can do in practice, you see, a man was killed, the word people in her is not connected with ukraine, you see, that is putin's russia here, and the beautiful russia of the future is somewhere over there, we will definitely return, although there is a chance... for these people to return to russia, they are only in the event of the success of our army , it is for a second, but they, like alexei , avoided this question, there i am already talking about sandwich, it's banal, and there's no point in mentioning it, he has about international borders, thoughts started appearing shortly before he died , actually, he had already written such a pretty cool script, but wait , you know why i feel so sorry and disgusted with them
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really, because in 14, when the war started, they ignored the main thing is the war, you see, the war, they wanted to integrate themselves into the political system there , to get to some kind of election, to go somewhere in the russia of volodymyr the maniac putin, and about ukraine they... concluded that this is a different issue , it does not concern us, but as it turned out, everything is connected, and now they are they pretend that these issues are not related, well, to me, well, someone must have done it, and maybe it is more profitable for them, it is their business in fact, it does not concern us, well, by the way, after the murder of navalny in the united states of america began to talk... about
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putin's wing in the republican party, former, former representative of the republicans lizchenyi warned against this putin's wing. let's listen to what she said. we need to get serious about the extent to which we now have a putin wing in the republican party. i believe that the problem this election cycle is that the pudin wing of the republican party. did not capture the west wing of the white house. roman, why doesn’t the world say, well , it’s tougher that there is no putin, and in principle, or medvedev, but somehow they won’t happen at a certain moment, something will happen to him, and maybe, then events will unfold in a completely different way in russia? well, yes , it is, there are a million factors, russia will collapse, nuclear weapons. will fall apart, and if it does not
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fall apart, putin will have these nuclear weapons, and he can bang on us, and here he altarega, dmytro alkoholivych, medvedev says , yes, yes, we, we are smacking berlin, washington, and kiev, well, if all this affects them, well, they are not waging war, directly themselves, they can afford such a long game, but you see, here is putin's wing, listen, so during the war between russia and ukraine, and they say that they ... fight with the states first, the united states denied ukraine arms, weapons were refused, then what else do you need evidence of in the available part putin's wing, if you follow this logic, the fact that navalny was killed, well, excuse me, with all due respect to the deceased, his influence on russian politics. and the situation in russia
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was equal to zero, whether someone likes it or not , but it is true, harsh and terrible, because he chose this path, we will fly to russia, boy , we will bring vodka home, we will fly, what’s next, that ’s it, the movie is over, that’s why i ... well, you know, it's somehow so strange, everyone seems to understand everything, the munich conference, everyone says generally wonderful things, the right things, everyone understands the danger, but when it comes down to business, the most intelligent people come out and people of action, well , among such countries of western europe, not our neighbors, here poles are a question mark for you. well, these
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are tasks that say, damn it, we have weapons, why do we, we have weapons, and we are not using them now, so let's take them to ukraine, and we want to. er, ask everyone a question, don’t you care, don’t care, you see these statements there, we will prepare for war with putin, no, well, i understand, here are technologies to increase defense budgets and spin defense complex, but in fact, something tells me that countries like france, well, nothing is in danger, but they can really give all their ammunition, they support us, they really support us, and so on. a lot, it's all standing, gathering dust , well, let's hope that vladimir putin will convince everyone, only he will convince not only with navalny's blood, ours in
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the first place, and not only with the weapons he is using now, because we many of you talked on the air about medvedev, his pro... and in fact, if only someone out there was not ironic about what he was saying, but we somehow came to the conclusion that what dmitriy medvidev articulates, as in the show with the sober on the mind, is on the tongue of the drunk, well, we can assume that medvedev is a drunkard who has putin on his tongue and in his mind, and what he said yesterday, that if they push us to the borders of 1991. then we, we have enough of a nuclear triad for kyiv, and for london, and for berlin, and for washington, that is, they are already openly loading all nuclear weapons, and i, to be honest, watching their actions, i don't even have a doubt that they
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can press the button, that is, what can stop them, determination, decisive actions, and alkogolevich's words must be considered... seriously, why ? because it is called another trusted mouthpiece of vladimir putin announces such a thing: this is the glory of putin, why does he not announce it himself, because , firstly, he demonstrates that i am more or less normal compared to my friends, and secondly , he emphasizes, he has opportunities to take steps to the left, to the right, there are some others steps, that is, for this situation. somehow , well, it gives room for maneuver for the russian kiromanovych, because no one knows what the turn will be after the elections in the same states, even if trump returns, for example, i am not sure that america will
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sing russian anthems there and so on, everything can be completely different, and it's all understandable and... you see, it's strange that, well, the western world, it's actually, it's not afraid of the russian federation, that's because they think that this it can't be, because it can't be, but i would after our events i wouldn't take it lightly, well , with help, you see, it's still somehow... it will be solved with the american one, i see that biden wants to meet with johnson, the debate, well, that is, work is being done there, but what does this demonstrate? in general, this dispute, it demonstrates the following thing, that is, all the russians think, yes, the americans trembled, not now
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so later, no somehow, somehow it, somehow we will squeeze them, squeeze these pindos and so on. and if the will of the american state and the west were absolutely like this, you know, without, without don't delay, the situation was different , thank you, we have to go off the air, sorry, roman, it was roman tsymbalyuk, my fellow journalist, friends, during the air, we are conducting broadcasts, we ask whether you trust the information of the united telethon, our survey will continue in the second part of our program, where we will have political scientists, vitaly kulikiv. maxim is smart, exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war
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against ukraine, the war in the middle east, crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that cause resonance in our. in society, drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia, analysis of processes that change the country and each of us, the country. should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's have a good time, they help us understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and thinking. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we are already came to the very snake, the following shots may shock you, live news from the scene of events, drone attacks, kamikaze,
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political analysis, objective and meaningful, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front, liberating openly and not biased, you draw your own conclusions. greetings, friends, the verdict program is live on the tv channel, my name is serhii rudenko, i greet everyone, and before starting our broadcast, i want to announce information from the press service of the espresso tv channel. today, february 19, around 19:30, unknown hackers gained access to the broadcast signal. tv channel, attackers posted a short clip with footage of destroyed
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ukrainian cities, a video with joseph biden and a call to stop, alluding to the alleged involvement of the united states of america in the war in ukraine. we regret that our viewers could see this provocative video on air. he is responsible for the war in ukraine only russia. this is an obvious fact that the authors of the video tried to twist. it gives to understand that the russians were involved in the attack on espresso, as the press service of our tv channel commented, and the espresso team has already taken all necessary security measures and is preparing an appeal to the law enforcement authorities, this is the message, if you saw this video today, please excuse me , it was hacked by russian hackers who stuck this clip to the advertising block. today we are in the second part. in our program we will talk about the following.
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the fate of the russian railway, radical deputization or the search for compromises. why is there no unity among western partners regarding the future of russia? anger and rage. navalny's wife called on the russians to destroy the dictatorial regime. who and how can put an end to the existence of fascist russia? request to change the trust format. of ukrainians to the telethon edyni novyni continues to fall. why does the information policy of the state fail ? in the course of today's program, we conduct a survey. friends, we ask you about this, do you trust the information of the one telethon if you watch us on youtube, please vote yes or no or write your opinion below this video. if you are sitting in front of the tv and watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone and vote. if you trust the information. of the single telethon 0800-211-381 no 0800 211382 all calls to these
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numbers are free, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. i would like to introduce the guests of today's studio, they are vitaly kulyk, director of the center for the study of civil society problems, ihor reiterovych, political scientist, head of political and legal programs of the ukrainian center for social development. gentlemen, i welcome you, thank you for joining our broadcast. maksym rozumny, a political expert, doctor of political sciences, also joined our broadcast, mr. maksym, i also congratulate and thank you for being with us today, well, since we are asking about trust in information, come to a single telethon, then let’s do it in the format of a blitz poll, you gentlemen, you have an answer to this question, do you trust the information of the single telethon, let's start with vitaly. well actually, how can you not trust if it is an official? this is the official position, it
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is broadcast through a single, single information channel, so there is no point in not trusting here. the question is what kind of emphasis is placed, how they interpret the news that they present. this is simply a different situation. and the fact that they don't do it in a balanced way, there are no different points of view, different political groups that exist. there are different points of view in general in society, which are present, but there is only one dominant point of view, but i don’t trust this, but everything else, well actually saying, it's an official, it's a voice, a voice. state thank you. mr. igor. well, of course, i trust all the official information that appears there. there are quite a lot of inclusions from representatives of local self-government bodies and state authorities. and, well, it is the right position to listen to them in general, since they are usually familiar with the situation on the ground and can more or less adequately comment on what is happening. the only thing is that there are indeed certain
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questions regarding certain evaluation judgments, and some ukrainian organizations, there the same child. in the media, they conduct a fairly serious analysis of all broadcasts that take place there and point out that there is indeed a bias in some political positions, some political statements, or the representation or non-representation of various groups of society, which in turn are represented there by factions or deputy groups in the parliament, this skew must exist, and it must be taken into account, it must be corrected, or in general to some extent change the format that currently exists in... the marathon, but its task, at least for a significant part of the time, it performed, performed very well, from the point of view of countering, including russian disinformation, and as a source of official information to date, well, it does not raise any particular questions. thank you, mr. maxim, do you trust the information of the united telethon? actually, the very idea of ​​the unified
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telethon was to have a single source of information that you can definitely trust. that is, in this sense, the telethon played its important role and obviously continues to fulfill this role to some extent, but of course, in the dimension of some social communication, it is, in my opinion, already a certain kind of anachronism, since the information space of ukraine, despite the war, is polyphonic, a lot. spectacular and contains many interpretations, in this sense , so to speak, the monopoly position of a single telethon, it already looks somewhat artificial, and in this sense it obviously needs to be transformed in some way, that is, it is possible to change the tonality, it is possible to make it more
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balanced the interpretation he gives to current events, well... to take his rightful place in the information field of ukraine. actually, why do we ask tv viewers and our experts about trust, because kmis conducted a survey and found out that single news, rating and trust in single news continues to fall, according to the results of a social survey of the kyiv international institute of sociology as of february 24 only. 36% of respondents trust the information from the telethon. it is worth noting that in may 22nd of the year, the trust in the united news was 69%, in december of the 23rd year - 43% . about trust or not trust, and sociologists also
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measure the rating of trust in news and in... the way a single telethon works, it is obvious, obviously, changes must take place, here you can agree with maxim the smart, what needs to be worked on, and if he there is this telethon, which means that it somehow needs to be made available to all political forces, and all political forces, including those who must comment on the events taking place in the state, and after all, since we are on the air of the espresso tv channel, the tv channel espresso, and the fifth... and straight have after all, to return to t2, where we were simply illegally kicked out of digital broadcasting, and we are not present on many sites and on many tvs that our viewers watch, but friends, let's talk about russia, because the latest events that took place
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in russia , they testify that putin and his entire team, they... are ready to go to the last and are not going to give up their plans for ukraine, for the destruction of ukraine, for the destruction of ukrainians, and the latest events surrounding the murder of oleksiy navalny and that is enough such a calm, i would say generally calm reaction in russia and a restless reaction in the west, it shows that putin continues to be feared in the west, putin is trying to intimidate the west and together with medvedev, because medvedev announced yesterday about... it is possible the use of nuclear weapons again, but the more they talk about it, the more there is a feeling that they can do it, or at least demonstrate how it
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will be. why, gentlemen, do you think the west does not take tougher measures against russia and does not discuss the issue of the future of russia without putin, without medvedev, well, to put it simply, why... western partners do not talk about deputization, demilitarization and de-nazification of russia. vitaliy, to say that it exists, that this discourse is absent in the west, i would not say that, as well as sending out our post-russia map, and communicating with colleagues in the united states, britain, european capitals, in expert offices. kola shows that there are people, in particular those of the political class, who are aware of the need to despotize, de-raschize, and
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dismantle the russian empire, this awareness there are equalistic developments, positions, there are whole groups of lobbyists who are advocating the actualization of this position, that it has become menstrimomic, but... a significant part of the political class of the west, especially the european one, as if from a terrible dream , is trying to get rid of the idea of ​​fragmentation of the russian empire, for them something is so not just unrealistic, so threatening the idea that russia can be saved, and how a single state can not exist, what is it worth saying, one of the desired, they start... about the unpredictability of consequences, about chaos the situation in russian space, about the threat of nuclear proliferation, but sorry, this is already
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happening, we are already seeing how north korea receives space technology from russia, how regimes such as iran are rapidly building their own nuclear bomb, like missiles, and the latest technology and drones appear in various... groups in venezuela or bolivia, we see how russia is rapidly trying to transfer state-of-the-art weaponry to various tribal regimes in the sahel in africa, that is, it is already happening and hiding head in the sand, ignoring the obvious facts that already exist on the west side no longer makes any sense, the only thing is that so far, why... it does not change the discourse, in my opinion, it is that europe by and large did not answer the question, but how will it militarize itself, how will it
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respond to russian aggression on the territory of the european union, is it capable of an adequate response to russian aggression? europeans themselves have not given an answer to this question, as for me, but in accordance with this they do not have a picture of what to do with russia without putin or russia without... the russian federation as a state, when they answer this question, what, what, what is military europe, is it ready to give an answer, is nato ready to change, which will be the model of a new nato, a new european response , is it possible at all to have a european military response without the united states, without the role to which it is accustomed, europe has not yet answered these questions for itself, and then, if it answers, accordingly it will be possible to ask what to do, and we let's hear the answer. what to do with post-strain. mr. maxim, when europe will give answers to these questions, what to do, and in the event that
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the united states of america refuses to participate in the north atlantic alliance, and this will be a problem exclusively of european countries, western european countries, conditionally speaking, the problem of russia, or not it is late, because of the rapidity with which events develop. eh in europe, in particular in ukraine and in general in eh that part of europe called muscovy, a simple logical question arises whether move towards somehow formulating the question and formulating their position, that is, whether putin and medvedev will press the button they promise to press, well, there is really a lot here, when, how and if, but actually this is
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if, it to me. it seems today that it is key both for the understanding of the european political elites and for the understanding of the american political elites, in fact, the understanding of such ee excesses as the latest statement of, uh, not yet registered, but presidential candidate, very likely donald trump for the presidency of america, that he will, they say, encourage putin to attack the... his allies of the united states in europe, uh, why is this happening, i think, because in reality, despite all the rhetoric that we sometimes we hear, uh, the feeling of threat, the feeling of threat is not really there, that is, america, which is watching all this from across the ocean, it is not only donald trump, it is his, so to speak, voters, they are watching that two two. years,
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a huge, terrible, russian army storms, avdiivka, storms bakhmut, well, with some kind of overexertion of all forces, losing there a third of the black sea fleet, losing planes and so on, and the face, in fact, before the world community, well, it achieves some small successes, that is, to washington, to berlin, to the lama. our russian army is still very far away, and it seems to me that these european and american elites have not yet entered the zone of turbulence that would force them to give the kind of reactions we hope for. of course, the mood is completely different in lithuania or latvia or estonia or poland
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or even finland. but it is not yet the general opinion of europe, the general opinion of the european elites. actually, today, the reaction of the west looks like it was during the cold war. actually, uh, navalny, uh, the reaction to his death in prison, all this reminds me of the times of the cold war, when some dissidents tried to say something against... the regime, but the regime either ignored them, so to speak, or simply destroyed, as happened with navalny, and europe, america, they do not see, on the one hand, they do not see a great threat to themselves, real, and on the other hand, they do not see the chances and tools to change the situation inside russia, so your question about when, it seems to me... it is precisely
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related to this inertia, in fact, the evolution of the european elites, european and western opinions, because even two years ago it was believed that it was possible to negotiate with putin, it was necessary to agree that russia should be integrated into the free world and so on, there are problems, there is putin's resentment towards the west, but with this one can somehow... solve the issue , to date, all they see that it will not be possible to decide, there is no one to negotiate with, but there is such an acute threat and the need to act immediately , it seems to me that there is no such awareness in europe and america yet, they are waiting, especially since russia is rapidly losing its positions, in fact, nuclear blackmail is the last
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thing she has left. and uh, that's why they 're in such a hurry, medvedev, patrushev, that's exactly why they're in a hurry to somehow remind and maybe use this blackmail in some way, but i think that the western elites have some data on this from their special services and evaluate these threats and these threats quite realistically, and we can judge this from their reactions. mr. igor, we witnessed how the munich security conference began with information about the murder of alexei navalny, the wife of alexei navalny spoke there, today she already announced that she will continue the case of the russian oppositionist, and accordingly, a large part of the munich security conference came .


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