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tv   [untitled]    February 20, 2024 6:30am-6:59am EET

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they sent moscow curators to the fsbshniks in crimea, and apparently the fsb there has paid off so well since the 14th year, and in principle, why is this, yes, that is, all the faithful people put a lot of ukrainians, crimeans in prisons, what is the matter can be related in your opinion, as a former employee of the sbu? didn't manage? when they come from moscow to the regions, they come there not just to drink tea and coffee, they come there for serious showdowns, which means that in moscow they are dissatisfied with what is happening in crimea, dissatisfied with the work of the local station, it is clear that there are ukrainians , well, there are traitors left, probably there are several units, maybe dozens, everyone who could be sent to murmansk, to arkhangelsk, as far away as possible, because traitors are not trusted, or they were transferred, there were such cases. set up, they began to transport
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drugs, and they were detained, and then it turned out that the fsb officer, well , the courier was detained, he had an fsb certificate, and then it turned out that he was also a ukrainian sbushman who escaped, well, rather , remained on the territory of russia and switched sides there. i think that the sinking of ships and the hitting of the black sea fleet, the headquarters of the black sea fleet, they all showed in moscow that there is a large, well... small, there are some people in the territory of crimea who give coordinates, there are traitors, collaborators, of these varangians, military movements, and ukraine has the ability to strike there, that is , the local fsb cannot cope with this threat, so they were sent to reinforce some kind of inspection, ah, which must now check how the local fsb worked. if detected shortcomings, then there will be personnel decisions and someone will come. head of the fsb. and finally, mr.
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ivan, we see what dramatic events are currently developing in general in the south, in the southeast of our country. this applies to usuftavria in general. from avdiivka. a rather ticklish situation may unfold in the soledar area. there are reports that the russians have concentrated on the tokmat direction and will try to take the height of the robot. we are not saying anything about krynka yet. because well, it's a very, very, very delicate situation, how does it affect everything and will affect the situation in crimea in the future, because we understand that without liberation and without processes in these territories of metric ukraine, it will be premature to talk about crimea. you are right in saying that until there is an advance of our troops in the direction of skadovsk, the armenians will not have to talk about the change in the situation in crimea. the only thing is that there are options for point damage. i don’t know, there
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is some kind of train there, yes, with these, with rockets of some kind or with fuel, a group of russian troops arrived there, there are no commanders, for example, at the teplinsky headquarters the commander of the airborne forces also constantly goes to the crimea there for meetings, it is possible to fly there , that is, the black sea fleet can be decided point by point, you can continue to rape the black sea fleet in this way, this way, yes, the genocide of the black sea fleet in this way, especially their headquarters, there is a new commander. serhiy pinchuk was drawn , a native of sevastopol, by the way, but he has no special ties with crimea and sevastopol or with ukraine, he built a military career there in the russian federation, oh this man, now sokolova, the russians themselves call that man, which will come instead of the predecessor to this position by suicide, because the previous one did not cope, there was also a person before him who did not cope, but... literally this person, who
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was just removed from the position, then there is a general question whether he was alive or not , i asked, by the way, i don’t remember the last name , it doesn’t matter in principle, no one knew, yes oro sokolov, sokol telov, no one knows if he was alive after the last hit in the summer at the base, at the headquarters of the black sea fleet, no one knows what condition he was in, whether alive or half-alive, well, as they joke in the network, he was finally released in connection with the disbandment of the black sea fleet. good, thank you for your jokes, mr. ivan, and for the information. yes, and let's remind you that ivan stupak, a military expert, ex-employee of the security service of ukraine, was on the call from the studio. we will now take a short break, after which we will remind you that the russian federation, and this is not a joke, will sue ukraine in international courts for the blockade, the energy blockade of crimea in 2015, and ayder muzhdabayev.
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along with our next guest like no other knows what it is about, let's talk, there is such a thing. there are discounts on ururolysan of 15% in pharmacies psyllanyk, pam and oskad. there are discounts on helpex - 20% in travel, fam and savings pharmacies. according to the results of january, the espresso tv channel continues to hold the first position among information broadcasting channels. for the 10th month in a row, we are the first. greetings, it's news time on the tv channel. this november we turned 10 years old. we. new design, sound, we continue the saturday political club khrystyna yatskiv and vitaly portnikov. our values ​​and ukrainian point of view remain unchanged. watch out for espresso update and thank you for your trust. separately, the group of unmanned aircraft complexes
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sapsan of the state special service of transport. the viewers of the tv channel are asked to participate in the collection of crowns and technical equipment. thank you, glory to ukraine! to the heroes! glory! vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is a big ether, my name is vasyl zima and we are starting. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. serhiy is with us, but what does the world live on? and now yuriy fizar will talk more about what... happened to the world, yuriy, good evening, please speak to you. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr, money, during the war, oleksandr morchavka with us, oleksandr, congratulations, please and sports news. a review of sports events from yevhen postahov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenna for
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the information about cultural news. leading that to many people, they have become similar. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day i will come, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. biy, a people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. estoy poco bien.
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and we continue the beraber program together, a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the atr tv channel, in which we talk about everything that... concerns our ukrainian crimea, and the russian federation itself will continue to consider herself the rightful owner of our peninsula, moreover, she believes that already in the distant now, as it seems, in 2015
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, we should not do anything in relation to crimea, but ayder muzhdabayev remembers the events of those days very well, i will only say , that... russia plans to file a lawsuit against ukraine by the end of february, and this lawsuit is about, sorry, gentlemen, i am taking power blockades in crimea, said the speaker of the crimean parliament, volodymyr konstantinov, the so-called speaker, of course, and here ayder, i give you my word, well , i remember it, the blockade of crimea has begun on the 20th, it seems, in september, yes, on the 15th, before that trading flourished there. about 700 truckloads crossed the demarcation line in chongar for a day, three checkpoints were working there, and the crimeans, at the call of the mejlis and led by
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lenur slyamomov, the general director of the tv channel and now the commander of 48 oshb, they announced the blockade, there was a press conference, then the blockade physically began. many people, including the domestic oligarchs, did not believe, offered money, hinted at various methods, how they would fight with us. with blockade, but in the end nothing succeeded , and then there was an explosion of a power supply line somewhere not far from chaplinka, it was quite far from the headquarters of the blockade, but when it became known, lenur slyamov and other public activists went there - and the activists there also held defense against why not... it will now sound from the ukrainian special forces
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of the ministry of internal affairs, and this is not surprising, led by ilya kiyeva, who has already received his award for all his services in quotation marks to ukraine, but this story is not i'm not the only one who forgot, and you probably and the russians have not forgotten either, they have already, it seems, it is necessary to ask lenur. the case against him is over, the case is over, and there is also a sentence there, i don't remember, it's been there for many years, more than 10 for sure, precisely for the blockade that took place entirely on the territory of ukraine, but russia doesn't care about it, it's actually, i think , that this is such trolling of world justice, they are simply delaying time, they draw attention, well, they create fake fake cases in order to somehow kill the ukrainian one. a summons, well, in courts, then in organizations international, right? but why this is so, why
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they mentioned it now and how in general that blockade affected ukraine, on the further course of events, we will directly ask the commander of the 48th, 48th separate namanachikhan battalion, the only large crimean unit in of the armed forces of ukraine. actually lenur islyamov. salam aleikum. aleikum salam. it is very interesting to see your broadcast. interesting. thank you for your time, commander. the question is this. well, you remember those events the best way. i i was there, i wasn't there, but you were there all the time. and it was at this time that he was at this time, when the assault, under the command of the kiva. happened, i still can’t call him kiva, kiva, i want to call him kiwi, i apologize, so why now
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, first of all, what sentence did russia give you for this, i just forgot, and he is in absentia, of course, yes , it is clear that in absentia, and why did they now remember these events in the middle of a great war, when seven years had passed there, more than eight years, what, what happened to them? they beat, and they beat on the squares, the same story and that's how it is in my language, they are not there for the purposes here and here is the previous court, which was the un court, where ukraine, in principle, did not appear in the best light. and we are actually a part of those measures that we had, we did not get the result
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we expected. the same story can happen here, if you don't take it very seriously. as for my court, at first they gave 19 years, this is because of the blockade, then 18 years, they removed some years, they changed something there, they gave 18 years, and confiscated part of the property. which i have enough of in crimea, it is basically with me more or less of course, i will return to crimea and i will take everything back. ukraine now has to take very seriously those things that are happening in international courtrooms, and it cannot impose some kind of solution on some regime there, there are no solutions, it must be taken very seriously. if it concerns the judicial of these things, it is clear that the moral side of the question is. what the activists did at the civil blockade, they were citizens of ukraine, natives of crimea, citizens of ukraine did all
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this in order to wash away this shame, in terms of trade, with the occupation of the territory of crimea, it was everything was stopped, it was stopped in general, so this shame was on all the citizens of ukraine who lived, wherever they lived, to trade in blood with the occupied crimea, when so many captured territories and so many ruined lives were not morally right.
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it is very significant that we are now able to return to this footage again and we are able to get your comment regarding the fate of the people who are in these footage, because sometimes, sometimes there is some strange stereotype that people who are
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residents of crimea, who left the territory of crimea after 2014 or later. or in everyone's fate was different, they are somehow minimally involved in the defense forces of ukraine, now, well, it is obvious that the words of lenur and slyamov refute this thesis, and it must be refuted simply on a regular basis. i would like to remind you that i have no idea how the russian federation can seek to be justified in any international court, given that under international law the provision of everything necessary, in particular, as we ... understand, also in the energy sector , and in humanitarian, the occupier, this is the tigar of the occupier, yes, it has to carry out the occupiers, it is spelled out in the relevant conventions, so i just have no idea what they are counting on, but they emphasize the energy blockade, that is what bothered them the most, and ayder and you, mr. lynure, are talking there mainly about trade, yes, about trucks , which
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continued to run and so on, and if we are talking about energy and those events. in relation to the power line, which was the last, the last point simply in history, because there it was the last step, in terms of the termination of any economic relations with the occupiers, yes, it was the blockade of crimea, it was public, it was political, it was ideological, and whatever the blockade, elinur won't say that, because he is directly the leader of the blockade, and i can say that i saw all this, if only then. .. had this shameful trade with crimea not stopped, i don’t know in which country we would live now, and whether we would have such solidarity now, and whether ukrainians would go together with crimeans, with others, with citizens of even others countries, now in the ranks of the 48th separate assault battalion named after noman chilibijahan, the commander of which and which was actually created by lenur islyamov, i want to
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thank him for it, firstly, and secondly , ask about urgent needs. or battalion here, the qr code hangs from the beginning of the program and we collect fpv night drones with thermal imaging cameras, i have already said everything about it, about something else that can be said about this unit, it is really big enough and the unit, which is created as the crimean , for the crimean direction, well the predominant one in the first place, what can i say, there is not often such an opportunity to see...
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with the ukrainian flag, he said, here you are the crimeans have started, and we will be with you , i say, how come without a leg, everything is very difficult
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there, he answers, don’t worry about us, we will be with you and the crimeans until the end, unfortunately, he died later, he had the name of the church , and these people gave me strength, they gave all the crimeans, we are not many, so it turns out that we are not many,
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and then a lot of citizens of ukraine joined us, who, trusting us as crimean tatars, i said about it more than once, that we are like the key to crimea. and this is really like the divine role of the ukrainian tatars, as an indigenous people, rights to our land. if we go in the lead, if we go there, then
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thank you, lenure. lenure slyamov, the commander of the 48th named after noman chilibikhan, joined the live broadcast of the together beraber program, which is a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the atr tv channel. and i would like to make a short announcement about our next program, it is extremely important. lenour began his speech with the fact that it is very important for ukraine to follow the various court proceedings that take place, in particular, on international platforms. and we will do it for you with ayder muzhdabaev already next saturday, especially since on february 20 we are waiting for consideration
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of the case in great britain against the ex-leader of sevastopol, already occupied dmytro ovsyannikov, we will remind you that he was detained in great britain for violating sanctions legislation, but in 2022 this is just some nonsense , the eu court actually removed it from sanctions. unfortunately for the court, judicial practice is so strange, i hope it will return to common sense. i thank everyone who watches this program on saturdays, thank christ and the entire team from the press and of the atr tv channel, the director of which is now the commander of the 48th shb, i sincerely urge you to donate as much as you can to the armed forces of ukraine, in particular to the 48th separate assault battalion named after noman. chilibikhan. thank you. chorsa's voice. that's all, see you next saturday.
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congratulations. we are asking for your help in the search for two children who disappeared in the temporarily occupied territory. this girl's name is niyolya doglya. she is 12 years old and disappeared in november 2023 in temporarily occupied donetsk. what's wrong with her? happened and where she is now is unknown. also, at the end of last year , 13-year-old renat tuptarov went missing in temporarily occupied donetsk. i ask everyone who sees this video to look carefully at the faces of miyol and renat. if you know about these children any time back in the early days of the full-scale invasion and for a long time about... nothing was known about their fate. we suspected that sasha and nastya were no longer in ukraine and ended up in russia, and this version was confirmed during the autumn investigation. i managed to find out that...
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the girls are really in russia. before the war , the sisters studied in one of the boarding schools in mariupol. after a full-scale invasion , they ended up in donetsk. here is a photo from social networks, in which sasha and nastya are actually in the temporarily occupied donetsk. this is most likely the spring of 2022. and already in the summer of 2022, they were taken to nizhny novgorod. again, there is a corresponding photo in social networks, and here... the sisters are still together, but after that , sasha and nastya did not appear together anymore. we found out that sasha liponova lives in the city of lukhovitsa, moscow region, and on september 1, 2022 , she even entered a local technical school. and here, for example, is a photo of sasha with a diploma for an award in a poetry contest, here the girl is reading poems in one of the city squares. there is also information that sasha lives in a foster
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family or in a local one. life as for her sister nastya, thanks to the autumn search , we learned that she most likely lives in the city of kasli, in the chelyabinsk region. and here, for example, is her photo, which nastya posted may 30, 2023 on his page in the social network. and this photo was published earlier, on july 24, 2022 . one thing is clear: everything we found out about the girls we immediately passed on to the police, but until this data is officially... confirmed, sasha and nastya will be considered missing, and the most important thing is that the received information inspires hope that the girls are alive. healthy and everything is fine with them. currently , we do not know under what circumstances sasha and nastya lipunova ended up in russia and whether they became direct victims of deportation. in general, the deportation of children is a component of the crime of genocide, so i want to note that if you personally know about any crime
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against a child, in particular about you. or deportation, do not remain indifferent and immediately report it to the police, or report it to our website you can even do it anonymously. and the very end, please go to the website of the child tracing service. all these boys and girls are missing, so if you recognize any of them, please let us know on the hotline at the short number 11630. calls from all mobile phones. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child, in any city, at any time, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal.
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greetings, it's news time on the spresso tv channel, kateryna shirokopoyas works in the studio. at night. ukraine was attacked by russian shaheds. an air alert was announced in several areas at once. explosions were heard in zaporizhzhia, kremenchuk and the suburbs of dnipro. the consequences of enemy strikes are not yet known are reported and in odesa , a car belonging to the ukrainian volunteer army was blown up. there were two people in the cabin. according to the press service of uda, this is albert.


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