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tv   [untitled]    February 20, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EET

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greetings, it's news time on espresso tv channel, kateryna shirokopol works in the studio. at night , ukraine was attacked by russian shaheds. an air alert was announced in several areas at once. explosions were heard in zaporizhzhia, kremenchuk and the suburbs of dnipro. the consequences of enemy strikes are currently not reported. and in odesa , a car belonging to the ukrainian volunteer army was blown up. there were two people in the cabin. according to the press service of the uda. these are albert and natalya kruchyniny. they are wounded, they were taken to the hospital with many others. law enforcement officers injured
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the circumstances of the car explosion are being established, the case is being investigated under articles of attempted murder, the regional police said. at the same time, the command of the ukrainian volunteer army regards the crime as a terrorist act, and the priority version is the activity of enemy drgs. the solomyansky district court of kyiv remanded the ex-president of the motorsich company vyacheslav boguslaev in custody for another two months. the corresponding verdict was passed the day before. according to lawyer ruslan volynets, the preventive measure has been extended until the 18th april the defense will file an appeal. he says that boguslaev's health is rapidly deteriorating. among the risks mentioned by the prosecutor during the meeting were the possibility of the suspect hiding, obstructing the investigation and influencing witnesses, as well as the destruction and concealment of evidence. at night
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, russia was again attacked by drones. the air defense forces of refiya worked in the bryansk region. the local government writes about it. a cage-type drone was allegedly destroyed on the territory of the pogar district. they assure that the victims and there is no damage, but emergency services are on the scene. and now in ukraine, the day of commemoration of the heroes of the heavenly hundred and the tenth anniversary of the beginning of the russian armed invasion of the territory. of ukraine. during the revolution of dignity, ukrainians rose up against the usurpation of power by viktor yanukovych and the change in foreign policy from european integration to pro-russian. after the executions of the participants of the revolution of dignity and the escape of the ex-president, the kremlin decided to take advantage of the situation and seize our territories. in february, there are no green men identification marks entered the crimea, a regime of military occupation was established on the peninsula. at the same time, russia started to destabilize
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the situation in the east, and its mercenaries seized state buildings and proclaimed so-called people's republics. to relive this struggle once again, the film "euromaidan, draft editing" was shown and discussed before the day of the heroes of the heavenly hundred. the audience felt and saw the revolution through the eyes of the authors of the film, this is the first documentary made about the events of the revolution of dignity, and it combined the works of many ukrainian documentarians who filmed daily life, the hottest moments of the ukrainian process. the screening took place in kyiv at the house of trade unions. all this chaotic anthill, which was the maidan, actually had some kind of higher organization. and this higher organization turned out to be more successful than the government, which had its own verticals, orders, and so on. that's why the authorities poured in and there is one of the heroes of this film.
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he says very well, he said that the one who loses his nerves for the first time loses, and despite how difficult it was for all of us on the maidan, that our nerves did not fail us, our nerves did, that is, there were people in in the literal meaning of this word , there were hysterics, but nevertheless, again the maidan as a whole, the maidan as such, like this anthill, he turned out to be better, he turned out to be worse, he endured all this, and actually, that's why he won. ihor serdyuk, one of the hundred of the heavenly... army, a hero of ukraine , the standard-bearer of the 9th hundred of maidan self-defense on february 18, 2014, a 44-year-old man was killed by a sniper shot during a confrontation in a fortress alley in the oryada quarter. my colleague iryna skrypachova met with the hero's daughter oleksandra of the heavenly hundred and found out the last words she heard from her father.
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camera and oleksandra, we met near the memorial to the heroes of the heavenly hundred in kremenchuk. photo by ihor serdyuk. the first ceiling among the photos of fallen heroes, a free-spirited rebel in a mask with a trident and a red scarf. oleksandra said that this photo was taken on the maidan, the daughter of her father's cousin. it reflects, perhaps , the last six months of his life, when he was so staid, like that in life, he was the complete opposite, he was cheerful, smiling, he laughed a lot, joked, well, but for the last six months yes, and his voice has changed, and he has visually changed, he has aged a lot. ihor serdyuk is the only resident of kremenchuk who was awarded the title of hero of ukraine during the revolution of dignity. since
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2016, one of the city's central streets bears his name. a memorial plaque was installed on the facade of the building where he lived, and in 2020... a bas-relief to hero of ukraine ihor serdyuk was opened at the corner of ihor serdyuk and heroes of the heavenly hundred streets. this is such a reminder that such events took place, and, unfortunately, everything continues, the war continues, people die. and people have, people who are here, they have to remember that every day someone pays a price for their freedom, for their relatively carefree life. 10 years have passed already, and the girl remembers that tragic february 18th day as if it were yesterday, nothing foreshadowed trouble, and one cannot be ready for the news of her father's death, - says oleksandra, but she will remember his last words whole life it was a little strange
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that he said that, but he said that if something happens to me, if nothing happens to me, then i know that i died for the truth. iryna skrypachok. nikita litskevich for the espresso tv channel from kremenchuk. and in order for the losses of the enemy to only increase, the espressu tv channel is calling to join the collection of fpv drones for a separate platoon of unmanned aerial complexes sapsan of the state special service of transport. these courageous soldiers are actively fighting in the donetsk direction. attacking and restraining the enemy, thanks to fividrons, our defenders have already destroyed a lot of russian equipment, fortifications and manpower of the aggressor, so we have the goal of collecting 1 million uah per flying weapons, there are already more than 550 hryvnias on the accounts. remember, each of your donations is important, so
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get involved, you can now see all the details on your screens. for now, this is all the news for this hour. you will find more interesting and up-to-date information on our website, as well as on our social networks. join, put your preferences. my colleague andriy saichuk is waiting for you on the air. don't switch, stay with espresso. well, gentlemen, we continue the relay that the news conveys to us, and i officially announce that 727 days of russian large-scale invasion is already
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underway from today, and our telethon on the spresso tv channel continues, andriy seychuk works for you, he will be with you until 12 o'clock, today, february 20, which means, in particular, that today... is the 10th anniversary of the children anniversary of the beginning of the actual russian armed invasion of ukraine, since it was on this day that weapons were used for the first time against euromaidan participants on the institutional and now alley of the heavenly hundred, and this is actually the day of the heroes of the heavenly hundred, we honor them as the first victims of this war, which actually began 10 years ago, began... actions that marked the future annexation of crimea, russian troops began to move in crimea, administrative buildings began to be captured, in short, everything began exactly 10 years ago, 10 years ago, could we have known that this will be the end of the euromaidan
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, that these are the stakes, we will talk about this today, we will remember this day, you know, it is not a stranger to me either, since this very morning at this hour 10. 10 and 10 years ago i just met on the maidan independence and that's it i experienced this unknown. then very, very acutely, and how i feel, probably , now together with all of us, you, since we all do not know now at what point we are in the war, but we know one thing that this path, which we set out on 10 years ago, we will not get out of it and ahead of us is what ukrainians have been striving for in their struggle for the past 100 years, namely the acquisition of an independent, free, democratic ukraine, which will become a member of the european family. well, gentlemen, we are starting our etr, and viktor dudukalov,
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deputy chairman of the berdyansk district council to joins us. mr. victor, good morning. congratulations, congratulations. do you remember the events of ten years ago? yes, and i, too, you know, one of those who, at one time , watched most of the streams from the maidan, and we used to go to the maidan in our city. berdyansk and in a few weeks, or rather in a few days, from the very same february 20 and from, it seems, on the 22-23 yanukovych fled, we had incredible pro-russian mimetic rallies with the tricolor in berdyansk already on march 5-6 10 years ago in early march , and it was then that we showed that berdyansk is ukraine, and it was then that our resistance began, which continues to this day. listen, here are the people who went out with the russian tricolor 10 years
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ago, what is their further fate, where are they now in berdyansk, well, the vast majority, their fate is unknown, because they were not local at all, they were brought back then, and even then we saw in the yards, well, in the yards around the center of the city, where there was a maidan, and accordingly an anti-maidan, buses, it seems, with license plates... of the ilhorod region and the kharkiv region, that is, they brought aunts, there were several locals who left, i will tell about them now, and there were several local alcoholics who really believed in russia. this, well, it is real, as it is, stupid drunkards there, russia, it looked so harmonious, but as for those who were stitched, their fate, well, in the context of the realities of the occupation, was more developed. of those who remained alive, several of them are now in positions, in certain positions, one of them is
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even one of the top officials, the pseudo- head of the berdyan district, the occupying district, one of them was multiplied by zero by the occupiers, he they didn’t give him a single position, he languished there, walked around the fields of berdyansk, and now i don’t know where he is, but at one time he was one of the luhansk kizyaks, those famous ones there that 200... of them were packed from the 14th year, well and in general, i will not say that there was any such result from that anti-maidan, that some community emerged there, well, it is clear that it was artificial, but a community emerged from the maidan, which still gives a lot of media coverage, and not only to the occupiers, but also on the front our people are still fighting, and no matter what they say about our russian-speaking people, like that they say the southeast, nevertheless we showed our real patriotic position, i am proud of it. and people, when the occupiers came with weapons, again went to the maidan
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at the end of february 2022, we were not afraid of anyone and we will not be afraid, so the maidan is ours, you know, it is our permanent state of our society in general . as a matter of fact, for many, in fact, this 14th year, it immediately turned into a confrontation already in the east of the country, into a war, and many... yes , even among my acquaintances from the 14th year and they are fighting, they continue to fight , they were in some kind of maidan guard, they were in some of these units, hundreds of self-defense units of the maidan, and since then many of my friends are still fighting, i don’t know oleksiy byk, for example, who recently wrote, that he was transferred to avdiivka, he actually helped with the withdrawal of our units that were there, but less about that, let's... find out what is happening now in berdyansk, what news from your hometown, and what we have in
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berdyansk, in preparations for the so-called elections are in full swing there, so well that circus constitution, which they call the election of the president of russia, and this is actually such a separate topic, if i have to dwell in more detail, then that our occupiers today admit that with medicine in general, well, it is just being hacked in medicine in berdyansk, because they are luring . and specialists from russia, i promise that their salaries are from 5,500 to 2,000,000 wooden ones, this is generally some kind of fantasy, and besides, there is such a... trend that recently collaborators are trying to resign from various structures units that they went to work for the occupiers, but, considering the current situation with the control of the fsb, they are simply not released from the occupied territory, and they remain there, well, as they say, they will die together with the occupiers and with other collaborators, and
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the repression continues, which has not stopped for a single day, due to... duty officers find caches, officers are detained, well, supposedly partisan caches, patriots are detained on duty, it is not clear why, raids, searches, and so on, well, it does not stop, unfortunately, the occupiers continue to be afraid, the ukrainians continue to be afraid, our opposition literally yesterday, you know, i was driving with a taxi driver, who himself turned out to be from the left bank of the kherson region, and he said that everyone he knows is different, there is different, there is not the same , not a completely different situation, of course, but it is also about the fact that people who are not they made it... the first hours sometimes just leave and move the city, they found themselves in a trap on the left bank, and many remained, and they really hope that the left bank will be liberated after all, kherson oblast will be liberated, and but he says that in principle, who did not agree to take a russian passport, in fact it is dangerous for them to even leave the house, because
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any inspection and a person gets what is called a basement, so they say, yes, the same situation exists in berdyansk, yes. well, it’s just that, it’s just an absolute randomness, what will happen to you without a passport at all, because you can get away with a slight fright and just say the next one there for the 55th time to say that yes, yes, yes, i will get it, but the occupiers are very angry and you can actually go to the basement, in certain villages of the berdyansk district i was told that families without passports were simply kicked out of buildings, kicked out of their own apartments because they didn't get a passport, they ransacked more apartments and left people in the open, and this happens, so it's really dangerous, but today the occupiers say that it turns out it's possible to vote without a russian passport, so there 's this cynicism , i just don't even know how to evaluate him, i can't do it without humor, but
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imagine that you really can't call without an ambulance without a passport, you can't walk down the street freely, and i won't vote to come. you can go to the elections, well, they just manually regulate who they will be with this passport today to be a nightmare, who will be a nightmare tomorrow, who will not be touched at all, and again, a passport does not provide complete security for people, because with a passport you can get into the basement, and with a passport you can be left without a home, and with a passport you can have to suppress anything, because there's a banana republic, a terrorist group, whatever you want to call it, there's modern somalia, just what not... in a territory where there are no laws, no rules, nothing at all, so you know, here and the passport is huge the question is, does he give any guarantees, because people know that no one has any rights there at all, and this video, which was made public on russian ant today, about what seems to be a recruit of the sbu, a saboteur, as
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they put it, from berdyansk or where he tried to detonate the car of some... representatives of the occupation authorities, political figures, as mentioned, of the zaporizhzhia region, here , and then, it means that he was detained somewhere in some village, you probably saw this video, what do you say about it, and that i will say that they will tell the country in which the leadership from the media community it turned out, well , what we are talking about is actually, it seems, the security service of ukraine. i suggested that the occupiers better look for actors, i fully support them, and this is really such a show, that's just what i hear from people, that's what they show directly one to one, that's what people say, that there, like partisans, they change cars, and they they actually showed a partisan who changes a car, they didn't show a partisan who is there, i don't know,
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who somehow gets out there, or rather has some separate means of communication, they didn't show a partisan who has... means for making explosives, which is also not a very simple process and procedure in general, they showed a partisan who is already climbing under the car, well simply, just really physically climbing under the car, and they are in all seriousness saying that yes, they took him there and detained him and so on, well, i'm sorry, but this is this, in general, of course, it's funny, but we understand that such are human destinies, unfortunately, in absolute ruin tomorrow they will be delayed. call anyone a partisan and they will subject him to torture, that's how it is in our country so-called trials of people who have not committed anything, but some kind of sabotage is being hanged on them. then the detonation of the track, then the fact that they killed someone there and so on, and these are innocent people, people suffer from this, they are in constant agony there, and they
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constantly need some kind of picture, some media excuse, as if they are there everything is being investigated as if they control everything there, in fact they control nothing, they are just there creating a total constant 24x7 nightmare for the local population, this footage really looks very staged, well thank you very much, mr. viktor, for this... viktor dudukalov was with us, the deputy chairman of the berdyansk district council, thank you and wish you a good day, we will now take a very short break and continue to talk about what happened last night and yesterday afternoon in kharkiv marcel shakhtar exclusively on mego. the zander company will put on a show in france to reach the 1/8 of the europa league. see matcha. on february 22 at 10:00 p.m., turn on football on megogo, there are discounts on acc long 15% in pharmacies psyllium pam and
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oskad. hello, this is svoboda ranok, informative radio liberty project. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and
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be included, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every day on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso. see this week in the program. collaborators. fake ministers. how did the journalist head the propaganda agency in the kherson region? we are again fighting for the right to be russians. but how did the pseudo-minister of labor deport ukrainian children to russia? we will continue our work. on tuesday, february 20, at 5:45 p.m., watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time. two hours of your time, two hours to learn about war and what the world is like, two hours to be up to date with economic news and sports news , two hours in the company of favorite presenters,
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presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso.
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on the evening of monday, february 19, and anyone who watched our marathon knows about it, unknown attackers hacked our system that is responsible for broadcasting from the press, and a signal broadcast by these attackers appeared on the air, in particular, they placed a short video, it was around 7:30 p.m., in the evening, where there were shots of destroyed ukrainian cities and joseph biden with a call to stop, saying... is involved in the us war in ukraine, and our official statement is that we are sorry that our viewers could see this provocative
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video on the air, the responsibility for the war in ukraine is solely borne by them. on russia is an obvious fact that the authors of the video tried to distort, it makes it clear that the russians are involved in the attack on espresso. this is the official position of the channel, the channel also appealed to the law enforcement officers, in connection with this, in a word, we experienced a hacker attack yesterday, the espresso tv channel. well, you don't know, to a certain extent this is also a recognition of our, our influence, the influence of our audience, that is, our viewers, those people who are currently watching the espressu tv channel. and well, that is, we are dangerous for the russians and this is how they react to it , by the way, there are already comments on what happened, in particular, the ukrainian writer andriy kokotyukha wrote literally 5 minutes ago: i read in the news that the russians hacked the espresso channel and threw some crap on the air , i don't see in the news that the russians have broken the only marathon, the point of invincibility, well, you see
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something like that. in other words, we will monitor what actually happened, and you have heard our official position. bohdan tkachuk , deputy of the kharkiv district council, joins us. mr. bohdan, good morning. good morning. well, ask, of course, how was the night in kharkiv, what news? well, the night passed more or less normally, alarms sounded several times, but the city itself was shelled. and there were no suburban areas, therefore the people of kharkiv are asleep, let's say that as for everything else, the battles are going on at the front, the enemy is attacking the border settlements, the aviation is working, the anti-aircraft missile system is working, well, you can list a lot of settlements that came under fire, there were also different ones in the kupyansk region milkuwatka
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yesterday evening with two kaba... suffered, that is , it is constantly going, let's say a robot in quotation marks, it can be called that, of the russian invaders in the northern and eastern parts of kharkiv region. in a word, kaba - this has literally become such a common thing, unfortunately, for the kharkiv region the russian side, well, i hope that we will have the same thing as with these six airplanes, and they... the pilots will arrive sooner or later and they will be put on our land a little bit. we really hope for that, after all, six planes in literally three days, that’s half a squadron, in fact, i also imagine, the russians, who those cabs deliver in quotation marks to peaceful settlements, they lost half and all their planes there, for example, it can be said that it is
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also 200 million dollars plus training. most of the pilots i hope are already flying never will be. a fantastic operation by our air defense fighters, i hope we will learn the details of this operation one day. in the meantime, volodymyr zelenskyi visited kharkiv, where he visited the ukrainian soldiers who are currently there recovering from injuries in the military hospital, visited the intensive care unit and presented awards. by the way, he also awarded the military medics who received the order of king danylo for courage of the third degree, the very soldiers who are there, well, in a word , there was such a whole event, well, you know, this is what has the president, including, not only international politics, which he does not, well , i think, does not conduct clearly enough, but at these
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moments when... people see him directly in the hospital, directly at the awarding ceremony, no matter how one relates to the president, there are some political points, but this is his job, and in this case he is doing it. i will remind you that he also visited kupyansk, it is the 14th brigade at the strongholds, where exactly he was, it is not reported, but you saw these general shots, that he visited the front line, that is also enough... important moments for the unification of the country, because the president is, after all, a symbol of the state, and this should happen on a permanent, let's say, basis, this is the support of our fighters, who are now , let's say, not that it's not easy, but also morally a little difficult, and of course, the work at the front itself is extremely difficult now, because the enemy is attacking, i still can't help but wonder why you think that the president...


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