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tv   [untitled]    February 20, 2024 7:30am-8:00am EET

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code, but these are the moments when people see him directly in the hospital, directly at the awarding ceremony, no matter how he relates to the president, some political moments, but this is his job, and in this case he is doing it, i will remind you that he also visited kupyansk, ah, this is the 14th brigade at the strongholds, where exactly he was, it is not reported, but you saw these general shots, that he visited... look, this too, quite important moments for the unity of the country, because the president is still a symbol of the state and that must take place on a permanent, let's say, basis, this is the support of our fighters, who are now, let's say, not that it's not easy, but also morally a little difficult, and of course, the work itself at the front is extremely difficult now, because the enemy is attacking, i still , i can't help but wonder why you think that... the president
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does not perform his function well enough as a representative of the country's chief diplomat abroad, well, there were several failures this year, let's say, last year already and this year international, let's say, well, you can say about lithuania vilnius, there were questions when there, let's say, such statements from him were not very positive and there was such a cool response from the european. a member of the european union , this is a trip to the united states, this is a ban on the departure of our deputies there, petro poroshenko and others to various international meetings, this is already politics, when you know it, it is mixed with international affairs, it always gets out of hand for the country, so we must be here , i simply cannot imagine that petro poroshenko, when he was president, would have banned someone from the opposition there yatsenyuk, for example, or someone else , yulia tymoshenko. goes abroad because
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she said something wrong there, or she didn't agree with me, well, it's kind of nonsense, so i think that after all, he doesn't finish there, uh, well, actually we have a result, ukraine, for example , was in 91st place in terms of the level of democracy and democratic institutions in this year's actual rating by the economist, i.e. as a hybrid democracy, i.e. it is worse in terms of these indicators... in this, in our region, except for bosnia with a slight by a margin, so this is not a very, not a very good indicator, since bosnia itself, we know that, well, i will not say anything here, and everything is basically clear, but, well, this is already the reality, well, i think you will remember hungary , but bosnia, let it be bosnia, well , i will give you a little example of your channel, you know everything very well, for almost two years now
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, ukrainian citizens and western, let's say politicians, have been referring to it for almost two years, regarding the banning of channels, yes, but there is no result, again, politics, elections, there are oppositionists, we will be with them to fight on another front, there is only one front in the east, let's fight inside, mr. bohdan, the fact is that when we talk, for example, about hungary, we very often do not understand what is happening there, as is often the case with people, for example, they say, what about romania... there is still such misery there, but it is worse than us, well, i, for example, often heard such expressions before the war, but as a rule, people have never even been to romania, they they do not see how romania developed dynamically, for example, those 30 years, how much it is in what was actually ahead of us, well, this is an absolute fact, and the fact that romania, for example, is in the european union, and we are not, it is not an absolute coincidence, well, i meant the media in particular, if we are talking about hungary , which is monopolized there.
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the same applies to the media, that is, when, for example, not so long ago , peace, politics, law and justice were in power, and they effectively took over the state media, and they became to some extent the mouthpiece of this party's propaganda, we witnessed this, yes , but - with all this the level of freedom of speech, because it is a complex concept, in poland was many times higher and more perfect than in ukraine, it is also necessary to understand that... in fact, when we talk about the problems of democracy in ukraine, hungary, or, for example, poland, these are three completely different cases, and ukraine is a country that is moving towards democracy, and hungary and poland are countries where democracy has taken place, it exists, and there it is about democracy that has problems, but these are completely different things, democracy , which has problems, and a country that is just moving towards democracy, it's not the same thing, you know, i'm telling you i can say a compliment in this regard, because a... this is the format in which we
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are now, when you give live broadcasts to the citizens of ukraine from different corners, who report or tell what is happening in their region, and we communicate directly. you know, without preparation , without anything, we, you have a lot of speakers, you know, it’s great, all of ukraine sees them, this format, it’s simple, let’s put it this way, knocks out the usual telethon there, or some other channels that do not use this format they use, because the trust is according to there, well, not to me let's say, to those speakers who perform at your place, to you, it simply increases, because people see that it is true, that it really happens in the regions in a non-stop mode, right... now and that's why the channel is supported, and that is why the cossacks are climbing into your airwaves , they are trying to insert some videos there, well, this is, accordingly, only a plus of this format and democracy, which, let's say this, right here on this, on this, let's say moment, it is present, we are its see, thanks, i also wanted
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to ask you about this story i heard about that kharkiv women turned out to have three adult children in the gas sector. and they, this is 20-year-old jamal, 19-year-old ahmed and 14-16-year-old samira, and they, their father allegedly tricked them into the gas sector more than 10 years ago, and now she is trying to get them out of there, in a word literally some kind of detective story, maybe you 've heard about it, well, i haven't heard about this very story, but there were many others, because both kharkiv residents, and well, many other citizens, communities. ukrainians got married, moved to many countries, be it lebanon or the gaza strip, and from there already, well, there were stories that even lived for several years, clarified issues , let's say, of life and national characteristics, let's say, family circumstances, and tried
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to go back, someone, of course, that children were born there, and now that there is such a a threatening situation, a war is going on, at all these moments they start... appear, let 's return them, and these names are so unusual for us, yes, what kind of names do these children have, they are so slightly deafening, but after all, they are citizens of ukraine , and how this situation will develop there, it is not alone, we are we remember how many of them were taken out through moldova, it seems that planes used to go there , we remember all this history, and we have to do it, because we are ukrainians, we help with yours here in a different way, children, children, i see these pictures, so fair-haired, i would... say that they are some, well, i'm even, sorry, i'm talking about such things, our ukrainians, well, what about our, our ukrainian children, but even if they were and , i do not know, and dark-haired, and do not look like ukrainians, what it is to be ukrainian, and what it means to look like a ukrainian, this is today
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very, very much such a question, so to speak , blurred to a certain extent, because we see that people of ethnic russian origin are currently armed in the ranks of the forces of ukraine in various positions from to from the highest to the lowest and are fighting for ukraine and so on the contrary, people of absolutely ethnic ukrainian origin are fighting against ukraine, oh my god, the same oleksiy navalny, one should not follow the example, an ethnic ukrainian who became a martyr, in fact an icon of liberal russia now, having given his life for the future of this country, so that it does not mean, because as yaroslav says hrytsak, that this is the shortest joke in the world, this is the future of russia. oh yeah. it sounds, well , you know, the opposition, i will interrupt you once again, the opposition is the one that is currently fighting at the front or in the ranks of the armed forces, it is really the one that can be the basis of the opposition, the same belarus, in our country there are units that are fighting in, say, belarus, i personally know some
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who are now in kharkiv, who hate the regime because they were seen there, or they escaped from the kgb, we understand that this is the basis on which the opposition should be, and not the one who sits somewhere there telling, commenting, it's stormy. our armed forces tell us how to live here as ukrainians, you don't need to tell us, sign up for a brigade and go to the front somewhere there and then it will be the opposition, a direct struggle with putin and his posypak, my opinion, there are such options in the russian position , not a very large selection, thank you, mr. bohdan, bohdan tkachuk, a member of the kharkiv district council was with us, in the meantime we will move to chernihiv and i hope oleksiy maslov, a journalist, will join us. let's talk about what happened, how the night passed in chernihiv oblast, what is happening there, what news, here , in the meantime, i will remind for those who missed it that , yesterday, our ter was hacked, as we suspect
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the russians, and some footage of bombed-out ukrainian cities was pasted into it, i don’t know, probably showed off what they were able to do. in ukraine, in particular in avdiivka, avdiivka was actually destroyed, you probably saw this footage, another city that was literally destroyed completely and involved in this way. drechi, i read that the occupation authorities. already went to avdiivka and said: well, we don't know whether let's just rebuild the city, it is so badly destroyed, maybe someday, the war is not to that point yet, and we also learned that all those zhduns, about whom we talked for two whole years, what those thousand or so people, who do not want to go under shelling, even from near avdiyivka, but now they are being shown on russian television, and they are terribly happy, as if they were freed by russia. that is, there were probably pro-russians left from the city of 35,000, but a thousand of them remained and
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waited. well, oleksiy maslav is already with us joins, a journalist from chernihiv. mr. oleksiu, good morning. good morning, i greet you. tell me, please, how the night went in chernihiv oblast, what news? actually, every night passes anxiously in chernihiv oblast, and first of all we mean the shelling of the border, which is taking place in the vicinity. several times, if we talk about the previous days before our inclusion, then in a week there were approximately, as the military reports, about two or three shellings per day of border communities, border villages, about 160 explosions, if all, well, currently, and well, we don't often mention it, but we need to think about it. to celebrate and pay tribute to how
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air defense forces and mobile fire groups work on the territory of chernihiv oblast, including, as in the whole of ukraine, because they constantly watch the sky every minute of the day and shoot down a part, at least what is possible, that , which we can manage for objective reasons, shoot down part of the ammunition that flies in... including the capital and in general on the territory of ukraine, for example, for the previous week they officially say that they killed two drones, but here exactly over chernivtsi there are drones of the shaket type, but here the important thing is that it is important to understand that the biggest ones, the biggest moments, the most important ones, when the biggest ones go down , well, for example, enemy missiles, then about this the military simply do not report. it is understandable, it should be so, but, but i’m just saying, you have to somehow mentally note about yourself that this
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happens all the time, why if one of such strategic areas is precisely air defense, and our military is constantly working here, which now basically happens on the borders, how active are subversive groups and in general how many russians are currently standing on the borders in the chernihiv region, is there a threat of any offensives? from time to time, the military, the military, comment on this moment and emphasize what is not observed, this is very important to know, because we also from time to time, we see, observe, read, hear, such surges, observe information that can lead if to them yes, well, that is, it is painful to react to them, that they can be just, well, information. attacks to pump up some kind of panic, although, let's emphasize
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, on the one hand, of course, that this danger is always there, it should be remembered that the enemy is always by virtue of its insidiousness and also by virtue of simply objective, objective location of chernihiv oblast, then he can transfer some forces here, we must be ready for this, the military is constantly preparing for this, but on the other hand, there is currently no such activity that would indicate... any possibilities, serious possibilities on the part of the enemy, to resume some kind of offensive from this side , that is, it is necessary to simply follow the situation and be ready for anything, in fact, vadym gitmantsev, vadym, it seems so, no, danylo hetmansov, hetmansov, yes, recently reported that the number of millionaires in ukraine increased by 16%, according to the declaration, as i understand it, what... among those millionaires there are also three deputies from opzzh of the former city council, and these are pavlo
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vovk, viktor sekhin and vitaly golets. now they are non-factional, and after a full-scale invasion, they have good dividends and all kinds of new cars, in a word, they are doing well. how exes generally feel factions in opzh now, how far are they? are these people still influential in chernihiv region, and in the city council, and in the life of the city? well, actually, they, they don't have any serious influence, if we talk about the city council. then in the city council, in principle , the most influential of the deputies remains, it is a faction that is based on the party of the former suspended on the current one, troshenko, this is the native house, we remember that they, they concluded a memorandum at one time, it was still before a full-scale
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russian invasion, a memorandum of klitschko's political power, the coup and, accordingly , clearly had the intention of unification and some joint actions, but this is already such a story that has, maybe it will start again somewhere, well, these political forces will be activated, when elections are possible, maybe already after the war, maybe we will see, but what concerns opz, on the one hand, these deputies are really... now non-factional and do not have such a significant influence on the affairs of the city council and the city as a whole, but on the other hand, on the other hand, well, as you said, it illustrates it is evidenced by the fact that what they keep , they keep wealth, they keep some
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of their business opportunities there, and well, that is, that is already, this is already... to the country as a whole, to our society as a whole, and possibly to the law enforcement officers , that is, the fact that they took advantage of the opportunities of their time when they were in power is simply a fact that must be recognized, how exactly they took advantage and whether there were any possible offenses in this, of course, this requires research, investigation, thank you , mr. oleksii, oleksii maslov, a journalist from chernihiv to us. turned on, well , you and i will go for a short break now and then we will visit sumy oblast, stay with us, if you are tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from rozpakuy tv is just for you, with it you can easily cut trees and bushes, it is so
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ochda pharmacies. 10 years of war, the war for freedom, from the revolution of dignity to today's battles. if something happens to me, if it doesn't happen to me, then i know that i died for the truth. 10 years of war, the war for our existence, this is the path that changed us. in the conditions of the occupied territories, de-occupied territories, we have losses of the order of potential 7 million hectares of land, which have not been cultivated for 2 years. years of war, war for the future, what price do we pay for it? 200 of our citizens exported to russia, depopulation is not an inevitable thing. intellectuals, specialists, patriots about challenges, threats and our future in a special project for the 10th anniversary of the beginning of russia's armed aggression against ukraine, 10 years of the war for independence, from
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february 18 on espresso. the war created many challenges for us ukrainians, and even more so for ukrainians. with disabilities, but we know that only together, united, we can be stronger. friends, welcome. friendly online community enable my ukraine. this is the first in ukraine is a platform for people with disabilities to communicate. here you get all the information about disability, medical services and relocation. free consultations of a lawyer, a psychologist, an employment specialist, volunteers from all over europe. here you get support, advice and real friends. together we support
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each other, share useful information and learn new things. together we grow. join us, become part of our family and na. with the support of the national assembly of persons with disabilities of ukraine. enable me ukraine. well, we are coming back, and just now we are joined by ms. andriana kostenko, doctor of political sciences, head of the social research center and member of the board of the ngo intellect of the sumy region. ms. andriano, welcome. greetings, good morning. actually , let's start traditionally with a request to tell what happened in sumy oblast over the past day. well, the night passed relatively peacefully. we need to get some sleep, regain our strength, but the past day has traditionally, unfortunately, already every time i turn it on, i 'm talking about it, fired from the side of the enemy, from
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on the part of the terrorist's country, and for example, in our novoslobitsk community, yesterday due to shelling, four people, civilians, were injured, there were also cases of mines being dropped by the sky military on esmansk community, other communities were also affected by shelling and mortars mortar shelling, that is, well , in fact, the official official statistics, there were about 50 such attacks on our region during the past past day. i also ask. the beginning of the actual russian armed invasion, namely february 20, it is the day of the heroes of the heavenly hundred, it all
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started with this, what is this day for you , how do you remember it, could you have predicted then what the events in kyiv would lead to, well, i think it 's not only for me, it's for all of ukraine , for all ukrainians, today... is the day of memory of the heroes who for the first time fought back not only the regime that tried to establish itself in our country, not only repelled such attempts to build a totalitarian, authoritarian regime, to move away from the european foreign policy vector, i would say that this is still the first, the first symbol, when we they gave... in the jaw to the russian federation, that is, to this aggressor country, which, well, wanted to establish its own rules of the game, in ukraine.
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actually, for me this is the beginning, the beginning of big changes in our country. of course, it was very difficult to imagine that for a certain part of society that in a difficult period, when we are dealing with our political, political... cohort of such leaders who tried to strengthen their regime, a part of people did not even think that during this period, that russia could commit such aggression, both in relation to crimea and in relation to donetsk and luhansk regions , well, the beginning of the heroic struggle of ukrainians, actually , it was difficult then... to predict what would happen, although there were people who predicted that, in fact , putin would not allow ukraine to expel yanukovych just like that and take a decisive course on. ..
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grace with the european union, there were such forecasts, it was discussed that putin's plans include at least the annexation of crimea, and this is what we saw literally in those days, that some movement of russian military equipment, transfer from military bases closer to ukrainian ones already administrative centers in the autonomous republic of crimea, they started literally for the first time on the 20th of february, and this war. after all, it has been going on for 10 years, and it continues, it continues as it is going on, sumyshchyna , for example, is holding on, but sumyshchyna will surely, for a long time, forever remain a border region with aggressive russia, and it probably means something to the people of sumy, probably have somehow also changed in this sense, are there still a lot of pro-russian sentiments in the sums,
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can we say that? i read you what for example, a local deputy was detained because the village council is suspected of spreading pro-russian narratives, this is the novoslobitsk village council of the konotop district, that's the story, well, i wouldn't say that there are very strong pro-russian sentiments in sumy oblast, because if you look at the elections and which political forces actually come to the local councils, then... in particular, for example, in the regional center, throughout the entire history of independent ukraine, the majority was held by pro-european, pro-ukrainian political forces, that is, those political forces that oriented and our region, and the entire state on the european vector. yes, after the full -scale invasion, the vision, the vision of the region , of course, we are such a fordpost of the whole
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of ukraine, we really don’t want to turn into just such and such a wall, such and such a region, which holds the enemy, i really want here the economy also developed so that it would be possible to ensure a quality life, and this is precisely what our activities, our organization, is aimed at, i want to note that we have been very active since the first months of the full-scale invasion began to study economics. trends, yes , what is the situation in the field of the employer, the employer , the economy, yes, what is the situation of employers, what are migration attitudes, trends, and so on, and based on the results of this , the strategy of our region was developed, and we are positioning ourselves, positioning ourselves as a region with on the one hand, which can and is capable of doing so, restrains the enemy at the border, on the other. on the other hand
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, we say that there is a very serious potential here, the agro-industrial, private sector, civil society is very developed, that is, well, despite these cases, and collaborationism, and cases are isolated, so there is no system, because certain first months of a full-scale invasion showed that no community surrendered voluntarily. their own territory, people also fought underground, people removed enemy equipment, cooperated with the services, today a large part of the residents of the region are returning and want to develop their communities on the ground. absolutely, thank you very much, ms. andriana, andriana kostenko, doctor of political science, was with us, they talked about what is happening in sumy oblast, well, just
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it's time for news. and it will be presented to you by kateryna sharkopoyas. kateryna, i will give you the floor. in a moment i will tell you about the help of canada-ukraine and the details of the crime against the ukrainian volunteer army in odesa. greetings, it's news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. at night , the russians attacked ukraine with two s-300 anti-aircraft guided missiles, an kh-31 guided air missile, and also launched more than two dozen shahed missiles.


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