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tv   [untitled]    February 20, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EET

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the truth is china and so on, but now the main threat is russia and it must be stopped. gentlemen, we now have a moment of silence for this, traditionally, we remember all those who died in this war. we will observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war. that it was unleashed by russia.
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greetings to all viewers of radio svoboda, this is svoboda ranok, my name is kateryna nekrecha, and in this stream we talk about... such topics. president zelenskyy declares the extremely difficult situation in several parts of the front. forces of the russian federation for taking advantage of delays in aid to ukraine, he says. cnn, citing sources, claim that russian forces are transferring a large number of troops to the zaporozhye direction. we are talking about 50,000 military personnel. is russia preparing a major offensive on this part of the front? the russian military promised to evacuate the wounded ukrainians from the zenit base, but they violated these obligations. this was reported in the 10th separate mechanized
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brigade. the execution of prisoners of war is a war crime, said the obtuseman dmytro lubinets. we are talking about the circumstances of the tragedy. we learn the details of the withdrawal of ukrainian fighters from avdiivka. the situation is not in grain, but rather in politics. yes, zelensky reacted to the polish blockade. today, farmers have to block railway checkpoints as well. the parliament has already calculated that by the end of the month, the country's budget will lose almost uah 8 billion because of this. what is the situation at the border, are they really stuck there? including trucks with equipment for the military, we will learn. important news, statements, exclusive comments, all this is on our morning broadcast, join on weekdays from 9:00. svoboda mornings on radio svoboda's youtube channel and espresso-tv. the ukrainian defense forces foiled the assault of the russian army on the village of robotyne and destroyed military equipment, the southern operational command reports. russian troops on armored vehicles tried to deliver the infantry. closer to the trenches of the ukrainian forces, the armed forces of ukraine
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pelted them with ammunition from drones. the day before, the analysts of the deepstate portal wrote about the assaults near the robot, and that allegedly separate russian military forces managed to break into the village. the american cnn, too sometimes with reference to unnamed sources, writes that.
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viktor burlyk, a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, joins our broadcast. viktor, welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining. congratulations to the studio, congratulations to ukraine. what is the current situation in the zaporozhye region, is there a large concentration of russian troops there, and has their number or activity increased recently? the situation is quite complicated, since... the enemy has really withdrawn large reserves, and in recent days has also begun to actively advance in the direction of the robot, as well we are carrying out assaults in the direction of gulyai field, in the direction of malynyvka, this is already more east of orikhov, the assaults are taking place from the occupied novoprokopivka in the direction of robotine, the enemy even had an advance of inter-verobovian robots at certain heights, the enemy captured them, heavy battles, since the enemy with ... in a lot of manpower, a lot of equipment,
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a lot of ammunition, the enemy launches attacks every two yards, they heroically repulse these attacks . that due to the fact that the enemy feels a shortage of the same ammunition there, he feels free and can carry out such measures. it is also known that quite a lot of equipment has arrived in the occupied territories, in whole columns, quite new equipment, military personnel who are just off rotation, or some reserves that have not yet been fired upon, they too. to take part in these stormy actions, therefore ukrainian society must prepare, prepare for mobilization , not be afraid not to run away from the central committee, because understand that soon it may happen that there will be no one to hold this defense, and it will be necessary to start some counteroffensive actions anew, therefore
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, ukrainian society must mature to that we are fighting for our country, for our families, and we need to fight not once, but now. victor. is russia preparing for a major offensive in the zaporozhye direction, yes, or has it already begun, because the same analysts are recording the advance of russian forces? anything can happen, it may be that if the enemy feels or feels the areas of the front line , they could be easily taken, of course, the enemy will very quickly concentrate an even greater part of their armed forces here and they will develop this success to the maximum. will try to occupy the territories, because zaporizhia is in their doctrine region, it is a part, a subject of the russian federation, therefore they have no plans to hide the occupation of the entire zaporizhzhia region, as well as donetsk and
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luhansk regions, that is, kherson region, so it is completely possible. president zelenskyi, analysts believe that russia seeks to take advantage of the delay in aid. to ukraine, what do you associate the activity of russian forces in the zaporozhye region with? i think it is also read, it was read during the avdiiv offensive, and now it is read that they understand that these are all the situation in the american congress, the situation is banal on the polish border, it definitely does not support ukraine, in its defense capability, also while the society calmed down and... heard the illusion of some kind of security, that everything is under control, that the war is already so far away , it is not as if it is not close, you can walk freely in free cities, the enemy at that time was also taking measures to recruit the same military personnel as much as possible, as well as building up
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military potential, equipment, and ammunition , and is now using it right on the battlefield. viktor, if, to speak of some... it is the russian military that is fighting in this direction, whether they are recruits, or professional soldiers, or those who already have experience, now the enemy is actively using contract workers, because he raised there honestly how many contract signings from 70 thousand dollars, and the entire depressed hinterland of russia actively joins the councils of the armed forces of the russian federation, and they are more than ready, as they say, to do any work, and in this... just the enemy felt its advantages, that is, there is no need for a society there scare mobilisations, they simply have as much as possible, having emphasized the resource of petro-dollars and he directly concentrated precisely on the fact that large payments compared to other
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works in russia, precisely the armed forces receive more and a certain whole, how to say stratum of the population exactly. entered and signed a contract with the armed forces of the russian federation, that is, in this sense, according to your words, people know where they are going and are motivated precisely by finances, also do not forget that this is russia, such an autocratic country, that is, there is no powerful censorship there, and they disciplinary measures of some kind take place quite harshly there, or refuseniks or whatever , they punish it quite harshly. and this is, on the one hand, slavery, and on the other, discipline. viktor, thank you for joining in and telling us about the situation in the zaporozhye region. viktor burlyk, a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, was a guest of svoboda ranok. during the withdrawal from
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avdiyivka, the ukrainian side agreed with the russian side to evacuate wounded soldiers from the fortified zenit area, but the latter did not fulfill the agreements and the prisoners shot this was reported in the 110th division. an organized brigade of the zsu, whose fighters actually could not get out of the zenith. the brigade says that the exit of the personnel took place in the conditions of continuous air bombardment, artillery shelling, constant fpv attacks. attacks on evacuation vehicles and shelling of evacuation routes, so there were no chances for repeated attempts to evacuate wounded and dead soldiers. the enemy informed the coordinators of this process that he agrees to evacuate our wounded and provide help them, exchange in the future. our servicemen were ordered to save their lives, what happened later, we learned from enemy resources. the brigade confirmed that... in the video published in the russian public, relatives recognized the bodies of three soldiers, also there they gave
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the names of two more soldiers who were probably shot, the information about the sixth soldier has not yet been confirmed, so they say in the brigade, most likely he was from another division earlier , the journalists of the project told the story of the soldiers who remained at the zenith, they talked with the relatives of four fighters who recognized their relatives as the dead on the video in russian public. one of them , django, while still alive , told through a video link. in his sister, that he was wounded and that the command allegedly agreed that they should be taken by the russian side, because it was no longer possible for the ukrainian military to reach them. i would like to point out that the donetsk regional prosecutor's office the day before started an investigation into the shooting of prisoners of war in avdiivka, as well as in vesely in the bakhmut direction. two were also shot there prisoners of war commissioner for human rights dmytro lubinets said that the russian military deliberately kills ukrainians, not wanting to leave prisoners alive. execution of military service. tsiv is a gross violation of the norms of international humanitarian law and the geneva convention. the russian side
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did not comment on this situation. viktor bilyak, a senior soldier of the 110th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, who fought in avdiivka and was close to the soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine, who we talked about, joins our broadcast before. mr. viktor, thank you for joining, you are injured after leaving avdiyivka, and i want to ask you from the beginning how you are, whether you will have time to recover, and thank you, i am fine, how you see, i have a small scar on my face, and this is all my injury, which does not affect my functionality in any way, that is, if you continue, there will be no rest, well, in general, after leaving the car, exactly in your situation, will there be any pause, are you further in positions? we all hope for it, at least a little bit will be released in two years. tell us what you can,
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of course, what you can on the air about the release of zavdiivka, how it happened, how difficult was this release? well, as there was complete encirclement and complete dominance in the air and in the enemy's artillery, our road to retreat can be called the road of death or the road of life. we all knew that if someone was injured on the way, he would stay there , no one would give him help, since help is immediately a crowding, it is a slowdown, and the enemy knows it and expects it, whether the russian forces made it possible to leave the armed forces or after all, they were pressing during this exit, well, they were already during the previous days, they are already visible, they did not come to us... they were already climbing hard, they were just waiting for us to leave, but they were waiting for the moment of the exit so that
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we were to break up our groups, how many wounded people left avdiivka and whether their exit, their evacuation from the city was complicated , in general, i left ardiivka on the 16th, and we took out seven lightly wounded, and there were no others there. then the road was very dangerous, then it was difficult, then everyone was there stayed and died. what can you tell us about the zenit stronghold, you already said on the air that the bmp was supposed to come and take away the wounded soldiers from your brigade, but this did not happen, tell us as much detail as you can? well, they promised, everyone was waiting. given the evacuation, well, the wounded to the last, even when someone was the last of the group to leave, they
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were like that, sit down, everything is fine, now they will come for us to the last, they believed , but it didn’t happen like that, we were all waiting for the type, where is that car, there they thought, where is it, where is it, its it didn’t happen, purely in theory according to the situation that existed then, there was fog in the morning, in theory it was possible, well, it’s not... safe, but it was possible to slip through, especially on armor, but i don’t know what’s there it went wrong, they say, they beat it. no one, i don't know, you said that you left avdiivka on the 16th, right, yes, do you know the fighters there who were at the zenith, for example, were you there next to the zenith, or are they different locations? well, i am from the position
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of zenith, in general, we are all our company there, and well , most people, i am like... well, not by name, then visually saw. at some point, well, as the 110th brigade also said, the russian military promised to evacuate wounded ukrainian soldiers from the airspace, and the last hope was just that, is there any, well, maybe information, any versions of what happened yes, but it went wrong, that side cannot be trusted. that's it, that's all, that is, despite the promise , in the past, in the past, they agreed , i remember, they talked about a day of truce, which would allow us to take our bodies from them, so they refused, so they continued to pour from above, that is, it is not the first time when there was
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an agreement, but the russian side did not take it into account. viktor, i thank you for joining the broadcast, for tuning in and telling what you can about the exit from avdiivka. viktor bilyak, a senior soldier of the 110th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, was a guest. freedom morning. and i encourage you in the comments, of course, to write your feedback on what you heard on our air, your thoughts, exchange arguments, politely, please, and in fact, i also encourage you to subscribe at radio svoboda, we are on all social networks in order to have information about what is happening, and from the latest news, russian mi-8 pilot maxim kuzminov was found dead in spain, who flew a helicopter from russia to ukraine as part of a special operation of the main administration intelligence this information, in particular, was confirmed by the spokesman of the gur ministry of defense, yuriy andriy yusov, a representative of the gur.
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he only confirmed the fact of kuzminov's death, he did not give the details and reasons for yusov's death, but earlier. the death was reported by several spanish publications. kuzminov in august last year overtook a russian mi-8 helicopter with a crew on the territory of ukraine, took off from the kursk airfield and flew in the direction of kharkiv region. kuzminov's family was also transported to ukraine, he was promised a financial reward. secretary of the national security and defense council, oleksiy danilov, says that he was offered to stay in ukraine, where, they say, he would be safe. after this event and public disclosure of the details. special operations , russian state tv channels showed a video plot in which allegedly employees of the main intelligence department of the ministry defense of the russian federation, they say that they are looking for pilot maksym kuzminov and will punish him for treason - i quote. another man in the video says, i think he will not live to see the trial. these are quotes. the plot was broadcast on russia-1 in october last year. people's faces were covered.
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write in the comments what you think about this . and then on the air. there will be a morning with news of iryna ostrovska. greetings, this is news in a minute, here is a short story of interest. ukrainian director antonio lukich won the berlineare co-production market prize. this initiative is part of an international festival berlinare cinema. lukkic and his team received €20,000 to make the film. now we are obliged to make a good film - wrote the director on his instagram. he noted that antonio lukich is the director of the films "my thoughts". and luxembourg-luxembourg, which became one of the leaders in terms of the amount of box office receipts in ukraine in 2020 and 20, respectively. artem vusyk, the director and founder of the nafta independent theater, became the laureate of the ukrainian theater award named after lets kurbas. the state agency for arts and art education awarded him for the message,
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for the performance "rainbow on saltivka". this is a surreal tragicomedy about the life of an artist during of a large-scale war in kharkiv's saltivka district, which, as you know, is constantly shelled by the russian military. oleshki instead of chelyabinsk and not orenburg, but feodosia. the ukrainian-danube shipping company changed the names of 23 vessels. they removed the names of communist figures and the names of russian cities, instead they gave them the names of ukrainian cities, including those that are occupied. this is the first decommunization in 30 years. they say in the danube shipping industry and a new batch of ships is being prepared for renaming. that's all for today, look for more interesting things on radio liberty's social networks. and then, i see, you are already commenting on the news from the polish-ukrainian border. we will talk about the blockade. polish farmers strengthen
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the blockade of the border with ukraine. a new wave of protests is being announced for today, throughout ukraine, protesters promise to block, in addition to six checkpoints, roads, ports and transshipment stations. volodymyr zelenskyi spoke about the blockade the day before. president says, this is a political matter. and what is happening on our western border, the border with poland, cannot be perceived as something normal or ordinary. a simple and clear justice is needed: only 5% of our agricultural exports pass through the polish border, so in fact the situation is not in zernya, but rather in politics. and near kupyansk, not far from the border with russia, where the enemy artillery does not stop, news from the border. with poland they look simply mocking. according to the minister of infrastructure kurbakov, these protests are a direct threat to national security
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of ukraine. the most critical situation is at the yagodin dorgutsk crossing point, where freight traffic has stopped altogether, humanitarian, perishable goods and fuel are not allowed through. polish minister of agriculture czeslaw sekerski published an open letter to farmers the day before. there he writes that the ministry seeks to resolve the situation, but it is complete. the closure of the border may lead to the suspension of polish exports of agricultural goods to ukraine, which may lead to the elimination of many workers places in poland. our correspondent halyna tereshchuk is currently at the ukrainian-polish border. medicyshegyny. hall, congratulations, tell me what is happening there, what is the situation at the border, did the polish farmers tighten the blockade today. greetings to the viewers of radio svoboda. if so... very briefly, here we can say that it is simply quiet on the ukrainian side. there are no cars in front of the checkpoint, nor are there any passenger buses yet, and we practically saw two or three trucks
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waiting in uzbich to come to checkpoint by the way, we also saw that this truck, which was carrying military aid for the front, had already crossed the ukrainian-polish border. if our viewers actually followed the message of volunteer nazar smik yesterday, then we already met this... car on the ukrainian side, but i just couldn't wake up the driver, because the car was completely locked, this is actually the situation that it looks like at the moment, the ukrainian border guards currently do not know whether, let 's say, all points will be blocked, and their there are eight in total , six checkpoints were blocked by polish farmers until today, two are currently being added, now i see what i see from the polish side, and you can also see in the frame that three cars, one passenger car , passed literally before my eyes and two or two such
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small cargo trucks, large trucks are not allowed to pass, and we did not see them during the hour that we were actually here, they are simply not allowed from one side or the other, and it is obvious that people who wanted cars to cross the border by transport, they also decided today let's take a closer look at what will happen next... events will develop and unfold on the ukrainian-polish border itself, now there are several passenger cars here, there are several buses that are passing control and will drive towards poland, for now we see that everything is calm there and nothing is happening it can be seen that the two trucks that are standing have not yet crossed the ukrainian border , there are no more buses, no passenger transport of any other kind at the border, that is, at the moment, at the moment... it is not known at the moment whether all types of transport will be blocked at all. like say yesterday, the polish farmers promised that starting from february 20 , within a month, there would be such a complete blockade
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of the border that it would result in a real disaster, there is a pedestrian crossing nearby, and i saw that people with suitcases were going to the pedestrian crossing, it is obvious that it will be free and it will be able to to actually get to poland or from poland to ukraine, this is the most recent information that we managed to gather here literally bit by bit, because it seems that as of yesterday evening, the ukrainian side did not even know what this protest would look like in poland. again anyway, i managed to talk to the driver on the way, who managed to cross the border before 9 a.m., then he said that actually a larger number of protesters with flags were gathering on the polish side, and actually their protest was more active, it was supposed to start at 9 a.m. , there is still absolutely nothing... tangible. actually, i would like to remind you that the demands mostly concern the european commission, as in general not only polish farmers are demanding, but also throughout europe. the biggest
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problem is that... the european union has reduced subsidies for farmers, and this is what infuriates them the most, again, the rules have been changed, the so-called green deal, and this means that farmers in the european union will have to invest more money in, say, the products they grow in view of on climate and environmental issues, and they are actually most outraged by the fact that, as they say, there is a more meticulous attitude towards our products, and the ukrainians for the time being. wars can carry agricultural products, let's say, without such control of a more powerful and strong, and like you already reported that only 5% of all agricultural products from ukraine pass through the ukrainian-polish border, this is information katya, maybe there are some questions, i will be able to answer them, galya, thank you for including, for following the situation at the border , halyna tereshchuk, our correspondent currently on
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the ukrainian-polish border, shega doctors. told about the situation there, we will watch and observe how the events unfold, and then we will discuss this topic with an expert on the air. galyu, thank you. at the same checkpoint medical assistance for the military is stuck, volunteer nazar smyk, who helps organize this assistance, wrote about it yesterday, and the day before, the man published photos from and actually wrote that the trucks with trucks for quick unloading of ammunition, which he drives for the artillerymen , have been standing at the border for three days . because the polish side does not let them through. the volunteer wrote that despite the statement from the side, from the polish side, that humanitarian cargo will not be blocked, humanitarian aid is still standing in queues and there are delays. well, just from ours correspondent halyna teryshchuk, we heard that these trucks, this person, this volunteer who wrote about it, have now already crossed the border. ukraine is considering the possibility of banning
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the import of polish goods, in response to the border crossing , forbes writes about this with reference to sources in the government, the minister of agricultural policy mykola solsky confirmed such ideas, he says that the government is constructive, but will be ready to respond. it was a quote. forbes writes that the decision depends on the situation with the polish protests can be adopted within two weeks. so far , the authorities have not decided what the bans will be, either a partial restriction or a complete ban on the import of polish dairy products and fruits into ukraine, and... while negotiations are underway with the polish side. earlier , the office of polish prime minister donald tusk reported that the official intends to solve the so-called problem of ukrainian grain at the level of the european union. we will analyze the situation further, oleg penzyn, executive director of the economic discussion club, joins our broadcast. olezhe, welcome to ours ether thank you for joining. i also sincerely congratulate you. good day. minister of infrastructure kurbakov says that these protests are a direct
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threat to national security. of ukraine, decipher what exactly these threats are, what the consequences are already, what they could be, well, in the worst case scenario? no , look, we are not talking about the sale of agricultural products of ukraine to the european union, no more than 5% of the total volume of agricultural products goes through poland, as the president actually said about it, we are talking about the fact that this blockade makes it impossible for humanitarian goods to cross the border , military and technical sphere to goods. and you and i saw that yesterday there was an attempt to block the railway, it is true that it was quickly enough, let's say, stopped by the polish policemen, but the fact itself is quite indicative, that is, the actual level of severity of these protests is clearly increasing, and , let's be honest, among those demands expressed by the polish. 30, which
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concerns ukraine. the latest demands, purely political demands to the european union. it is about the fact that the european union is reducing the total volume of agricultural subsidies year by year, in primarily for animal husbandry. it is about the fact that the european union has introduced new regulations on environmental sustainability and environmental protection. there is a certain directive that obliges farmers to keep a certain amount of land unsown in order to preserve ecological diversity, that is, those things that do not apply to ukraine at all, nevertheless, from the general list of requirements there is exactly that, and today polish farmers use border blocking with ukraine as


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