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tv   [untitled]    February 20, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EET

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greetings, time of news on the spresso tv channel, kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, together with his wife, olena, honored the memory of heroes no. of the heavenly hundred, they placed lamps near the memorial stele on the alley of heroes of the heavenly hundred in kyiv. in his telegram channel, the head of state wrote: 10 years ago, ukrainians were tried to be killed in their own country, in their own capital, just for the peaceful choice to be themselves and be free. at the scene of the terrible events on the maidan in kyiv. and now our correspondent
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kateryna halko. katya, congratulations, what is happening now and how many people have gathered. i congratulate katya, i congratulate the viewers of the tv channel. therefore , the commemoration of our heroes, heroes of the heavenly hundred, participants in the revolution of dignity continues. here on the alley of heroes of the heavenly hundred, people gather, lay flowers, and light lamps, here too. the participants of the revolution of dignity or their relatives tell about how they remember these days, there are also people's deputies and men of power, they all tell about how we should honor our heroes, so let me remind you that exactly 10 years ago there were bloody bloody days in these places , people were killed here, at least hundreds of desperate ukrainians died, we celebrate this day already with... independent and had the right to do its own thing
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a choice, to choose our future, so we continue to work here, katya, i pass it on to you, thank you katya, let me remind you, it was our journalist kateryna galko, she told what is currently happening on the maidan in kyiv. meanwhile, a candidate arrived in kyiv. to the post of general secretary of the council of europe, alen burse he is also a former president of switzerland. the main topic of discussion during the visit was the role of the council of europe in supporting ukraine against russian aggression. they will also discuss ensuring responsibility and justice - the swiss embassy in ukraine noted. and at night over dnipropetrovsk region, our defenders shot down two shaheds in dnipro. in the region
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, three country houses and two cars were damaged due to falling debris - reported the head of the region, serhiy lysak. the russians hit the marganets community in the nikopol region with artillery. on fortunately there were no casualties or injuries. at night, explosions rang out in the kremenchutsky district of poltava oblast. an industrial facility was hit, and a fire broke out. this was announced by the head of the region, philip pronin. fortunately for the dead and wounded. they are not there. two people died as a result of russian shelling of sumy region. in the morning, the enemy carried out an air and artillery attack on the novoslobitsk community of the konotop district. a fire broke out in a residential building. the fire has already been contained. the rescuers found the bodies of two dead people in the fire. sorting of debris continues, reported the regional military administration. more. 1,230 occupiers were killed in
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our land, so many russians were eliminated in a day by our military. so, in total, the russian armies lost almost 405,000 invaders since the beginning of the full-scale invasion. also, the defenders turned five tanks, 36 armored fighting vehicles, 40 artillery systems and two mlrs into scrap metal. the ukrainian military destroyed one air defense system, 38 units of automobile equipment and tankers, and more. six units of special equipment. the data are indicative - they are emphasized in the general staff. and in order for the losses of the enemy to only increase, the espresso tv channel calls to join the collection of fpv drones for a separate platoon of unmanned air systems sapsan of the state special service of transport. cypriot soldiers are actively fighting in the donetsk direction, attacking and restraining the enemy, and thanks to ffrons, our defenders are already there. destroyed
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a lot of russian equipment, fortifications and manpower of the aggressor, so we have a goal to collect uah 1 million for flying weapons, we already have more than 550 00 uah, memory. hey, every donation you make is important, so get involved, you can see all the necessary details on your screens now. he wanted to become a wagnerian and spied for the air defense forces. in the kirovohrad region, the security service detained an enemy informer. at the beginning of the full-scale war, he wanted to join the wagnerites and fight against ukraine, and then he tried to find out the coordinates of warehouses with weapons and ammunition. covertly fixed objects. infrastructure sent information to several russian telegram channels coordinated by special services. sbu thwarted her husband's data transfer plans, the whistleblower is behind bars and faces up to eight years in prison. the council of the eu extended
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sanctions against russia for the occupation of part of ukraine. the sanctions will remain in effect for another year. according to the publication in the official journal of the eu, the european council reaffirmed. that russia's aggressive war against ukraine is a clear violation of the un charter. they also emphasized the unshakable support of ukraine's independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders. i would like to note that the eu has started introducing sanctions against russia back in 2014, after the occupation of crimea and part of donbas. currently , the 13th package of restrictions is being prepared. great britain closed one of the programs for ukrainian refugees, under which ukrainians could enter on the condition that they had relatives in the country. this visa allowed to study, work and receive assistance for three years. now its participants are offered to apply for the homes for ukraine program,
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within which the british host ukrainians in exchange for state support. the validity period of the visa under this program ends in march 2025. since the start of the full-scale invasion, more than 283,000 ukrainians have received or extended their permission to stay in great britain. bulgaria will delay the delivery of 100 armored personnel carriers to the ukrainian army, as the ministry of defense asked nato to cover the transport costs. the decision to send the cars was made more than three months ago. in the parliament, and the ministry of internal affairs of bulgaria and the ministry of defense of ukraine signed an agreement on their supply, however, the delay is due to the complexity of the processes of the ministry of defense, - international publications report. transporting armored vehicles is a difficult process, a lot of trains and warehouses need to be used,
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the bulgarian defense minister said. for now, this is all the news for this hour, you will find more interesting and relevant information on our website and also in our social networks, join, put your preferences. in a moment, watch the interview of the special project 10 years of the war for independence. my colleague, yuriy fizar, talked with vadym prystayk, a famous diplomat, ex-minister of foreign affairs of ukraine and former ukrainian scrap metal in great britain. laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt. feminost
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vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company. favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. greetings, my name is yuriy fizar, this is an exclusive on
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espresso. my guest today is a very respectable and interesting person. ambassador of ukraine to canada, 2012-2014, head of the mission of ukraine to nato, 2017-2019, from 2019 to 2020 managed to work at the ministry of foreign affairs as minister of foreign affairs. and also in the government, and the ambassador of ukraine in great britain, vadym prystayko, mr. vadym, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, heroes of glory, thank you very much, glad to have you, thank you for coming to our studio, very interesting, very waiting for this conversation, because i have questions, well, sometimes, maybe even provocative, but you know, some people like to put blitzes in interviews, some don't, some put them at the beginning, some put it at the end, let's start with blitzes first, short words... to which you should also react with one in three words , no more: the world is in danger, the future, foggy,
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war, for a long time, putin, a dinosaur, i was thinking whether you would say this word or not, zelensky, a very heavy burden, a landing, a compressed spring, it is interesting, well well, let's start, sir... you know, i want to start, since you were the ambassador of ukraine to velika britain, i, as well as our viewers , are probably very interested in this, this period before the start of a full-scale invasion, there , for example, january 22nd, december 21st, november 21st, please tell me at what point you, as an ambassador ukrainians in great britain understood, or perhaps at least knew, that this invasion... was inevitable and what did you do? unlike many colleagues, those who worked in the government under me, later, or as an ambassador,
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it was a little easier for me to a certain level: firstly, i was really a minister and i was aware of the complexity of the situation in general around us, and i also led ukraine's negotiations on the minsk process, and these years of negotiations with russia, which helped us, were not helped by our partners from germany and france, because of the complexity, we all knew that it was going to war. i was surprised by many. from those people who believed that somehow everything would dissolve and everything would be normal, it was clear that we were trying to buy ourselves time to become stronger, to become, i don't know, to arm ourselves, the society had to become stronger, to try to be a part of nato and the eu in order to defend themselves under this umbrella of security, but given that it dragged on and on and these decisions we needed were not made and russia became more brazen, more aggressive, i personally do not see how it can end differently. but in addition, well, obviously, working in london, the information that came from intelligence, first of all mishist, as one of
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the strongest information, this information was conveyed to you, or as you simply heard from someone, absolutely officially we were conveyed information also about , that war is inevitable, but not here only i, you see, your colleagues saw on television when they began to leak this information, the intelligence, who understood that we could not hear them, yes, but still, we probably did not have such contacts as you in britain, but... this is one of the first, let's say, the first country, i'll call it that, the first country that lent us a helping hand to demonstrate, it's enough to ask that boris johnson came, i came with him to ukraine, to kyiv on the eighth, if no... in february, that is, two weeks after the war, boris johnson arrived and had a meeting with the president zelenskyi, there was a discussion of all issues, and at this meeting it was clear to all of us that war is not inevitable, and this is what boris johnson told his ukrainian partners, and at the same time decisions were made to provide weapons, which arrived literally in 5-6 days before the start of the war. and a few months before the start
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of the full-scale communication with the government of great britain, which you had, that is, you tried to tell them that people, we are now like this. situations when we need these weapons urgently and very quickly? communication was rather on on two levels, there was communication with society in general, and this is probably even more important than with the government, because we understand that in democratic countries, the government listens to the people, not the other way around, and i probably gave with your colleagues, well, a couple of hundred interviews, it’s even difficult count how many, and from the usual small media, newspapers to such monsters as the bbc, sky news, channel four and all, and basically by this point people will realize. the only thing we had to convince was that we should be given weapons, because you and i are not we will lose it, as it happened in afghanistan. the experience of britain and the united states withdrawing from afghanistan was very painful, when everything they protected, built, helped, everything disappeared, everything was sold off, scattered, the entire government disappeared, well, in short, it was a very unpleasant experience, and my task was to convince , that
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ukraine is different, i constantly told them, ukraine will fight to the end, it will not be a walk in the park. in british english what about not working a park i mean we tried to explain it people believed some definitely looked at us with a certain suspicion , you know, that, well, let's be realistic, you only have a couple of weeks left to live there, and soon you will be gone, why are we going to give you weapons, money and everything else, but in the end they believed and they themselves became the first ones to provide us with weapons, support and moral intelligence and everything, everything, that is, the general temperature of the british government was support, that is, in this ... until the month before the invasion, they were clearly aware that the war will, they bothered that ukraine is not preparing for this war, because it seemed to them that we do not hear them, they understood our argument that if the war does not happen, but there is hysteria, it is every economy, well, not you, maybe it was the task of the russians is to falsify our
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economy in this way, you understand, and not even to arm ourselves with these threats, but the facts that were present. intelligence judges testified that a full-scale aggression was being prepared, not only for display at the borders. when you say that they reported this to us and communicated this information to us, we wanted to hear it. we are they didn't hear it, well, that is, we can say that we didn't hear it, i'm talking about the party. you know, i understand your question, and until now ukrainians are asking how correct the decisions were made, it is clear that what was put on the back burner, how was it two years ago, or is it necessary to talk about something completely different now, but... each a democratic country is going through one very painful test, how to explain to its people that, to our great regret, instead of building roads, hospitals, schools, increasing the pension, reducing the payment for electricity, how to transfer this money because we think that we will be attacked soon, maybe not, but governments survive very well when
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they give subsidies, pay for gas, i don't know, something improves the parks, there are sports competitions, concerts. but when they are taken to safety, of course it leads to in any government, and you and i are a democratic government, so that no one tells about us there, and at this moment everyone understood, and in britain too, that at some stage very unpopular decisions it is necessary to accept, dig trenches, purchase tanks, to arm soldiers, and some governments helped us, if we are now talking about what our soldiers were trained in britain, it should be remembered that since 14th year britain, canada and the united states trained our... soldiers , officers on the territory of ukraine, by the way , near lviv as well, we created our sergeant corps, which had never existed in the soviet army, and we are proud of these sergeant goals, which is not present in russia until now, the initiative, intelligence, creativity of young, young officers has opened , young commanders, it was all thanks to that we moved with our partners, and this is a very big thanks to you and of course thanks to the partners,
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but all the same, it's a pity, but the roads continued to be asphalted and subsidies for... things that were then eaten away by the cold winter temperatures, continued, but say whatever please, mr. vadim, if you can say it, and i really hope you can, did the ambassador of ukraine in great britain , vadym prystaiko, receive instructions, or maybe even recommendations, from the ukrainian leadership in the last months before the full-scale not to escalate the situation with an invasion, especially ambassador prystaiko did not receive such, but the entire diplomatic system worked, it always does. works for all governments, and there is strategic communication, who but you should know it, and this strategic communication should not only be relevant, that is, the one that corresponds to today, but it should... conditionally speaking, bet on the future , it should be comprehensive, that's how the whole state received the same signal that we are aware of the danger, but we still
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we believe that there will be no attack , we got the embassy about the same, and our task was to explain to the governments that the hysteria is definitely not helping our economy, but at this point you, as a professional, have an opportunity, seeing, seeing what is happening on the ground , to adapt. let's say it is to adapt the signal to each country, we are counting on it, we have embassies in 94 countries of the world, having a general canvas, each embassy according to the needs of the partner, explains to them what we see, and if there is a partner who is ready to help with weapons, training, safety money, a special signal is being prepared for him, the signal meant that we are aware of the danger, and you are probably right, there will definitely be a war, because the russians have been preparing for it for a long time , let's do it in such a way that we can not about... them, get the necessary weapons, to get everything we need, but still to believe, to keep somewhere in the head, the belief that maybe we will manage to avoid these terrible
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sacrifices and that this whole war is over. you see, britain never believed that the russians were negotiating honestly, and they weren't part of the minsk agreement, they always knew that this was a screen behind which russia would attack all the same. and how can this be explained, that britain itself, they did not believe, is a country that fortunately does not know what it is. there is the second world war, well, he knows what the second world war is, but it was not under occupation, this is a country that is far from ukraine, and nevertheless, this is what you say, that they do not believe in russia, plus the fact that that they were the first to extend a helping hand to us, what can be explained, well, this is a phenomenon for me, well, if we are with you, you know, already very critical, pragmatic, it must be admitted that only 2% of molecules in the gas transportation system of great britain are of russian origin, this is not the whole explanation. but this is a very interesting explanation and this country has always known that it cannot allow its economy to depend on russian gas because it is a needle and they have always warned us that it is dangerous for
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you. germany, unfortunately, with all due respect to our german friends, realized this very late, like many other countries, this is the economic part of economic security, there are traditional problems, well, obviously, that britain has interests all over the world, so it is great britain, and obviously the black sea is a... a special interest to them, you know that the victoria cross, the highest military award, is still being cast from those guns that britain took away after russia's victory in the crimean war, and we once even joked that when these cannons are finished to cast new orders, contact us, we have many russian cannons now that can easily be melted down into future medals for your soldiers and for our also, heroes there will also be a lot of us, maybe it's a good idea to take a couple of russian bast cannons. to give awards to these heroes, to all those who participated, that 's what constitutes for britain, you know, awareness, and besides, well, don't forget, they poisoned people on their territory even in
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peacetime, with military substances that only applied, never applied, they were always preparing for a great war, and all this com the world, intelligence, agents everywhere, it's all british. to make informed and political decisions is very interesting, but please tell me this support that we continue to receive from great britain, it will not change, even if in the event that a general election is held in this country, labor comes to power , because the prime minister decided that these elections could happen, they will definitely happen, and many experts agree that this time the government will change and there will be a different one. as for each
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a democratic country, great britain , it is complicated by the fact that they do not have a coalition, whoever got a little more votes, literally one more vote in the parliament, becomes, forms the government, they do not need to form coalitions, and therefore this change is very quick and easy is actually happening, but the labor leader i know very well is keir starmer. he told me more than once that we do not agree with the current one on any issue, except for ukraine, and ukraine is outside, outside our discussion, so are the ministers, they have a government and are very respected, they are so interesting is called the system, governmentally it consists of the crown, i.e. the monarchy, the government acting in opposition to his majesty, it is called the opposition of his majesty, that is, it is respected and perceived as the opposition part of the government, and they have their own minister of defense, minister of foreign affairs. every time we spoke, they kept saying that in our party planning, when we come to power, resources, financial and human, have already been laid down to help ukraine as much as is needed. well, that's
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interesting. see i heard you got on let's go back now to from labour, to the conservatives, i hear that you have a very good relationship with former british prime minister boris johnson, how trusting yes, but how close they are, that is, can, for example, boris johnson to call vadym prystayk one day and say hi vadym, hawaii, he does it when he was prime minister, and now, when he is not prime minister, i am angry. i really appreciate the relationship with boris johnson, i also call him, but there are other ministers, with with whom we also maintain friendly relations, for example, the minister of defense ben wallace, who we, well, i don't know, a little earlier , it's very good that you also know about him, because ukrainians forget the people that we have such power, we forget sometimes the merits of those people we should be sincere, today we will talk about it, even we will have a direct speech, i was just interested that you said exactly about boris johnson, because it is interesting,
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if you have such ... yemenis with a person who was the prime minister, so this person could tell you very interesting things about ukraine, i hope that i also told him very interesting things that changed the attitude, you know, britain, as they joke, you know, did not have ukraine on the radar, did not see it on the radar of ukraine, and boris johnson's predecessor was in ukraine, well, somewhere in 1996, if the last time, if you can imagine what ukraine was like for great britain, boris johnson came as many as three or four times only as prime minister to... of this he was the minister of foreign affairs twice in ukraine, and he realized what it is, why this country needs help, and probably he had some personal inclination towards ukraine even before the war started. and president zelensky came to visit and we signed a strategic partnership agreement, which became the basis for all subsequent steps, including the security guarantees that we have now received from great britain. and mr. johnson never told you, for example, that something
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is wrong in your country, just in this one. moment maybe before the invasion, maybe after the invasion, it’s like that, you know, that’s the fate of the ambassador, listening to the majority about what ’s happening at home is not right, and here there is a fork, you either tell and annoy those people who are sitting at home and they have already heard 100 times that you have corruption there, you have something else there, and they are tired of hearing it, they know it all, and you explain it to them one more time, or you try to be kind and a useful ambassador, sitting to yourself and quietly accept, nod your head. and you don't tear people down, judging by everything, we will talk about it further, you have not been such an ambassador, but continue what you said, and in principle, definitely said and said, and the only thing that distinguishes great britain from many other countries is that they do not associate our you have problems that they understand that this is for a young democracy, unfortunately, it is normal, you have to fight it, but you cannot turn a blind eye, but let's hope that it will not be the same corruption, inefficiency, bureaucracy,
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misunderstanding of many . basic things, because they understand that if they are in parliament, the last parliament there is 780 years old, so you and i have 30 of them there at most, and we cannot expect that we will be as wonderful, liberal, democratic as they all are with their own problems, the only thing that in britain was clearly aware that this is not an obstacle in the way of assistance from this state, it cannot be implied that we will give you assistance if you do not have corruption, it is unrealistic and similar, you know, sorry. latku why not give help? well, this is the right approach, i would really like to see it in other countries as well this is exactly the approach, because some countries, after all, tie it very often and tie exactly the money that we need and that they could give us, they tie it exactly to this, and now let's talk about the minister that you we mentioned the minister, the former defense minister of great britain, ben wallace, who also helped us a lot, visited ukraine many times, publicly expressed his support many times.
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in ukraine and said how much, that we need a lot of money and equipment in order to overcome the influx that we faced 24 february 2022, and here is the 23rd year, july, a very serious, well, i would say a controversy, to put it mildly, a controversy, ben wallace comes out with such a statement, i 'm laying him off now, whether we like it or not , but people want to see at least a little thanks, sometimes you ask the country. not to give up their own stockpile of weapons, sometimes you have to convince the legislators on the capitalist hill in america, you know, we are not amazon, to this the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi answered what exactly, let's listen in direct language, it just seems to me that we were always very grateful and the united kingdom, always grateful to the prime minister, or rather , to the prime ministers, and... and
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to the minister of defense, mr.


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